stalin’s five year plan

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Stalin’s Five Year Plan. Collectivisation. Stalin’s Great Turn – Why?. NEP not Communist enough for rank and file communists (who Stalin depended upon) Peasantry becoming too powerful vis-à-vis Urban Proletariat Conspicuous consumption by Nepmen Unemployment rising in the Worker’s Paradise - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Stalin’s Five Stalin’s Five Year PlanYear Plan


Stalin’s Great Turn – Why?Stalin’s Great Turn – Why? NEP not Communist enough for rank and file NEP not Communist enough for rank and file

communists (who Stalin depended upon)communists (who Stalin depended upon) Peasantry becoming too powerful vis-à-vis Urban Peasantry becoming too powerful vis-à-vis Urban

ProletariatProletariat Conspicuous consumption by NepmenConspicuous consumption by Nepmen Unemployment rising in the Worker’s ParadiseUnemployment rising in the Worker’s Paradise Speculative HoardingSpeculative Hoarding 1928 War Scare – Not enough strategic materials1928 War Scare – Not enough strategic materials Allows Stalin to isolate Rightist rivalsAllows Stalin to isolate Rightist rivals 1515thth Party Congress - Stalin Declares Party Congress - Stalin Declares

– CollectivisationCollectivisation– First Five Year PlanFirst Five Year Plan– The 5YP depended upon the success of CollectivisationThe 5YP depended upon the success of Collectivisation

The Five Year Plans

Stalin believed that industry could only develop through state control. Under GOSPLAN, three Five Year Plans set targets between 1928-1941 to increase production.

Russian industry changed enormously. New towns such as Magnitogorsk grew up and large projects such as the Dnieper hydroelectric dam were developed. The USSR became a major industrial country.

The human cost was high. Forced labour killed millions, working conditions were poor and hours of work were long.

We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must make up this gap in ten years. Either we do it or they crush us.

Stalin 1931

Throughout history Russia has been beaten again and again because she was backward… to slow down industrialisation would mean falling behind and getting beaten. Russia was beaten by British and French capitalists and the Japanese too. Lenin has said: ‘Either die or overtake and outstrip the advanced capitalist countries’. We are 50 to 100 years behind them. Either we make good the difference or they crush us.”

Stalin speaking in 1931

How does this source help you to understand why the Five-Year Plans were introduced in 1928?


Why agriculture?Why agriculture?

Cash CrisisCash Crisis

For 5YP Money was requiredFor 5YP Money was required– To invest in or purchase:To invest in or purchase:

Factories/PlantFactories/Plant MachinesMachines Workers/WagesWorkers/Wages Raw MaterialsRaw Materials

Possible sources of moneyPossible sources of money

Tax Soviet citizensTax Soviet citizens– Not a rich society – hit by war, Civil war, Not a rich society – hit by war, Civil war,

exile, confiscations, war communism, hiding exile, confiscations, war communism, hiding of assets from Communistsof assets from Communists

Borrow money from abroadBorrow money from abroad– Reneged on Tsarist loans Reneged on Tsarist loans – Capitalists unlikely to lend to nationalising Capitalists unlikely to lend to nationalising

communistscommunists Encourage greater grain productionEncourage greater grain production

– How?How?

Grain converted into Hard CashGrain converted into Hard Cash

– Encourage greater grain productionEncourage greater grain production Sell grain on open marketSell grain on open market

– Collectives would allow:Collectives would allow: Access to expensive new machinery to improve Access to expensive new machinery to improve

efficiencyefficiency Mechanisation would allow surplus workforce to Mechanisation would allow surplus workforce to

migrate to townsmigrate to towns Update farming techniques by learning from expertsUpdate farming techniques by learning from experts Economies of ScaleEconomies of Scale

– larger units of production brought efficiencieslarger units of production brought efficiencies– Easier for State to collectEasier for State to collect

Socialist answer to USSR’s problemSocialist answer to USSR’s problem Easier political control of hostile peasant classesEasier political control of hostile peasant classes


In the late 1920s, Russia suffered a In the late 1920s, Russia suffered a food crisis. To feed starving workers, food crisis. To feed starving workers, Stalin ordered the seizure of grain from Stalin ordered the seizure of grain from the farmers.the farmers.

The peasants hid food or produced The peasants hid food or produced less. less.

Reasons for CollectivisationReasons for Collectivisation

Agriculture is developing slowly, comrades. This is Agriculture is developing slowly, comrades. This is because we have about 25because we have about 25 million individually million individually owned farms. They are the most primitive and owned farms. They are the most primitive and undeveloped form of economy. undeveloped form of economy.

We must do our utmost to develop large farms and We must do our utmost to develop large farms and to convert them into grain factories for the country to convert them into grain factories for the country organised on a modem scientific basis.organised on a modem scientific basis.

Stalin in 1928Stalin in 1928


In 1929 Stalin announced the In 1929 Stalin announced the collectivisation of farms. collectivisation of farms.

The most common was the Kolkhoz in The most common was the Kolkhoz in which land was joined together and the which land was joined together and the former owners worked together and former owners worked together and shared everything. Stalin persuaded shared everything. Stalin persuaded peasants to join by attacking the peasants to join by attacking the Kulaks, peasants that had grown as a Kulaks, peasants that had grown as a result of the NEP.result of the NEP.

The KolkhozThe Kolkhoz

No wagesNo wages– Holidays, board and lodging in return for labourHolidays, board and lodging in return for labour– The collective’s profit would be shared out The collective’s profit would be shared out

equitably at the end of the yearequitably at the end of the year Quotas Prices set by StateQuotas Prices set by State

– State would sell in cities as slight profitState would sell in cities as slight profit State SupportState Support

– Machine and Tractor StationsMachine and Tractor Stations– Had to pay 20% of produce to access Had to pay 20% of produce to access

machinerymachinery Private PlotsPrivate Plots

– Once collective duties completedOnce collective duties completed


How is this close to the How is this close to the concept/idea of communism?concept/idea of communism?

Collectives Anyone?Collectives Anyone?

Few Peasants willing to move into Few Peasants willing to move into collectivescollectives

Conservative Peasants:Conservative Peasants:– The NEP seemed to be working fine for themThe NEP seemed to be working fine for them– Unfamiliar working practicesUnfamiliar working practices– Suspicious of new machinery and techniquesSuspicious of new machinery and techniques– Memories of War Communism and forced Memories of War Communism and forced

requisitioningrequisitioning– Little sympathy for plight of urban poorLittle sympathy for plight of urban poor

The Pressure BuildsThe Pressure Builds

1928/9 Grain Procurement Crisis1928/9 Grain Procurement Crisis– Not enough grain to allow 5YP to proceedNot enough grain to allow 5YP to proceed– Food shortages in CitiesFood shortages in Cities– Price rises – inflationPrice rises – inflation

Stalin’s PressuresStalin’s Pressures– Credibility attached to success of 5YPCredibility attached to success of 5YP– Urban workers support base for StalinUrban workers support base for Stalin– Power struggle not yet completePower struggle not yet complete– Urals –Siberian experimentUrals –Siberian experiment– Long term goal of Industrialisation of AgricultureLong term goal of Industrialisation of Agriculture– Ideological distrust of peasant classIdeological distrust of peasant class

Stalin’s SolutionStalin’s Solution– RequisitioningRequisitioning– Forced CollectivisationForced Collectivisation

Forced Forced CollectivisationCollectivisation

Rural Communist parties resisted collectivisation Rural Communist parties resisted collectivisation quotasquotas– Too unpopularToo unpopular

Special Urban party activist task force createdSpecial Urban party activist task force created– 25,000 attended special Two Week courses25,000 attended special Two Week courses– TacticsTactics

Root out Kulaks?Root out Kulaks?– Confiscate goodsConfiscate goods

Would become basis of new communeWould become basis of new commune ‘‘Persuade’ remaining peasants to volunteer to join a collectivePersuade’ remaining peasants to volunteer to join a collective

– Tools usedTools used PropagandaPropaganda

– Controlled all sources of informationControlled all sources of information ForceForce

– OGPU, Police, MilitaryOGPU, Police, Military TerrorTerror

– Denunciations, Executions of Kulaks, ‘Necessary Measures’Denunciations, Executions of Kulaks, ‘Necessary Measures’– 10 Million deported Siberia and Labour camps10 Million deported Siberia and Labour camps

– QuotasQuotas

Collectivisation - PropagandaCollectivisation - Propaganda

Collectivisation - PropagandaCollectivisation - Propaganda


Class warfare declared on KulaksClass warfare declared on Kulaks Communist classification of peasants:Communist classification of peasants:

– Kulaks – better off Peasants –hired helpKulaks – better off Peasants –hired help– Middle Peasants – moderate incomesMiddle Peasants – moderate incomes– Poor Peasants - landlessPoor Peasants - landless

““We will hit the Kulaks so hard that the middle We will hit the Kulaks so hard that the middle peasants will snap to attention before us”peasants will snap to attention before us”

Ukraine targeted for being less reliable than Ukraine targeted for being less reliable than Russian areasRussian areas– Ukrainian nationalismUkrainian nationalism

Anti Kulak PosterAnti Kulak Poster

Kulak DispersalKulak Dispersal

Stalin’s agricultural collectivisation

“Look at the Kulak farms: their barns and sheds are crammed with grain. They are waiting for prices to rise. So long as there are Kulaks there will be sabotage of our grain needs. The effect will be that our towns and industrial centres, as well as the Red Army, will be threatened with hunger. We cannot allow that. We must break the resistance of this class and deprive it of its existence.”

Stalin speaking to Siberian party officials after the grain crisis of 1927

How does this source help you to understand why collectivisation was introduced in 1928?

Peasant ResistancePeasant Resistance

RiotsRiots Armed ResistanceArmed Resistance Peasants destroyed own goods Peasants destroyed own goods

rather than hand them over to the rather than hand them over to the StateState– Mass slaughter of livestockMass slaughter of livestock

Raids on Collectives to liberate Raids on Collectives to liberate goods and livestockgoods and livestock

All women raids made troops All women raids made troops reluctant to shoot to killreluctant to shoot to kill

Results of Results of CollectivisationCollectivisation

23 Million tonnes of grain seized in 193123 Million tonnes of grain seized in 1931– Enough to feed urban areasEnough to feed urban areas– 5 million tonnes of grain sold overseas5 million tonnes of grain sold overseas

HoweverHowever– Desolated rural areasDesolated rural areas– Famine 1932 – 1934Famine 1932 – 1934

Millions died of starvation in rural areasMillions died of starvation in rural areas– 7 Million according to Robert Conquest7 Million according to Robert Conquest

Ukraine particularly hard hitUkraine particularly hard hit

Results of Results of CollectivisationCollectivisation

– Fall in production 1930 - 1934Fall in production 1930 - 1934 Not enough livestock to do workNot enough livestock to do work Best farmers annihilated as KulaksBest farmers annihilated as Kulaks Russia was producing the same amount of food Russia was producing the same amount of food

as it had in 1928as it had in 1928 Pre-collective era grain production not reached Pre-collective era grain production not reached

until 1937until 1937


1928 = 73.3 million tons

1934 = 67.6 million tons


1929 = 70.5 million

1934 = 42.4 million


1928 = 26 million

1934 = 22.6 million

Sheep and goats

1928 = 146.7 million

1934 = 51.9 million

Results of Results of CollectivisationCollectivisation

ButBut– Stalin content to see the end of the ‘accursed Stalin content to see the end of the ‘accursed

problem’ of the peasant classproblem’ of the peasant class– Demonstrates power of Communist PartyDemonstrates power of Communist Party– Confirms Stalin’s control of Communist PartyConfirms Stalin’s control of Communist Party– Gulag Labour increased massivelyGulag Labour increased massively– Migration of peasants to citiesMigration of peasants to cities

By 1939, Collectivisation was clearly a disaster By 1939, Collectivisation was clearly a disaster and the problem was even worse as its population and the problem was even worse as its population had increased by 20 million - all of whom needed had increased by 20 million - all of whom needed feeding.feeding.

At the same time, he carefully cultivated a At the same time, he carefully cultivated a fatherly image, to assure the people he was fatherly image, to assure the people he was there to protect them.there to protect them.

Results of Results of CollectivisationCollectivisation

““Dizzy with Success” temporary Dizzy with Success” temporary climb down by Stalin 1930climb down by Stalin 1930– Claims over eager officials getting Claims over eager officials getting

carried awaycarried away

‘‘Sacking Grain’, an oil painting by Sacking Grain’, an oil painting by the Soviet artist Tatyana the Soviet artist Tatyana YablonskayaYablonskaya

At roughly what date, and for what purpose At roughly what date, and for what purpose would this picture have been painted?would this picture have been painted?

Choose a sentence-starter and make the most Choose a sentence-starter and make the most complex statement you can about collectivisation.complex statement you can about collectivisation.

Cause and effect:Cause and effect:– ““The main reason …..”The main reason …..”

Pattern:Pattern:– ““Throughout Stalin’s rule in Russia, people kept ….”Throughout Stalin’s rule in Russia, people kept ….”

Turning point:Turning point:– ““Everything changed when …..”Everything changed when …..”

Simple judgementSimple judgement::– ““The smartest choice was ……..”The smartest choice was ……..”

Say Something SignificantSay Something Significant


Ways in which Ways in which collectivisation was collectivisation was economically economically successful for the successful for the government?government?

Ways in which Ways in which collectivisation was collectivisation was politically successful politically successful for the governmentfor the government

Ways in which Ways in which collectivisation was an collectivisation was an economic failureeconomic failure

The human cost of The human cost of collectivisationcollectivisation

Use the sources and information to complete the table.


Collectivisation was a political success but an Collectivisation was a political success but an economic failure and a human disaster. economic failure and a human disaster. Discuss.Discuss.

How convincing is the argument that How convincing is the argument that collectivisation was an ‘ideological triumph collectivisation was an ‘ideological triumph but an economic disaster’?but an economic disaster’?

In what ways did the living conditions of the In what ways did the living conditions of the peasants change as a result of peasants change as a result of collectivisation?collectivisation?

Collectivisation was ‘all very bad and difficult Collectivisation was ‘all very bad and difficult – but necessary.’ Is this a fair assessment?– but necessary.’ Is this a fair assessment?

Choose a sentence-starter and make the most complex Choose a sentence-starter and make the most complex statement you can about collectivisation.statement you can about collectivisation.

Cause and effect:Cause and effect:– ““The main reason …..”The main reason …..”

Pattern:Pattern:– ““Throughout Stalin’s rule in Russia, people kept ….”Throughout Stalin’s rule in Russia, people kept ….”

Turning point:Turning point:– ““Everything changed when …..”Everything changed when …..”

Simple judgementSimple judgement::– ““The smartest choice was ……..”The smartest choice was ……..”

Say Something SignificantSay Something Significant


Collectivisation was only a means to Collectivisation was only a means to an endan end– The food grown could be sold on the The food grown could be sold on the

world market to allow investment in world market to allow investment in industryindustry

– Soviet Industry was designed to provide Soviet Industry was designed to provide for the State (not the consumer)for the State (not the consumer)

Hence, very little produced that would be Hence, very little produced that would be wanted by world marketwanted by world market

What’s the significance here?What’s the significance here?

Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, 1936

The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

When Germany attacked the USSR in 1941, Stalin used the same ruthlessness to defend his country.

The defence of the USSR was the bloodiest war in history and cost the lives of millions of people and the destruction of thousands of villages, towns and cities.

The final victory in 1945 was, like everything else, put down to the personal leadership of Stalin by the Soviet propaganda machine.

After the war, Stalin built up the USSR as a superpower, in opposition to the USA. This conflict was known as the Cold War. Stalin died in 1953.

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