stai e news news letter vol5 issue 14.pdfindustries need to shift their...

Post on 31-Jul-2020






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Inside this issue:

Highlights : Seminar at



Highlights : Seminar at Pune 4-5

Highlights: Upcoming 77th

Annual Convention 2019


Highlights :Upcoming ISSCT

Congress 2019


Member’s Corner 7

77th STAI Annual Convention and International

Sugar Expo 2019, 17-19 July 2019 at the Biswa

Bangla Convention Centre, Kolkata (West Bengal)

Dear Member, Greetings! The Indian Sugar Industry would close the current sugar season 2018-19 with a record sugar production for the sec-ond successive year. As per revised ISMA estimates the country would produce around 32.5 MT of sugar against earlier estimates of 30.7 MT and anticipated con-sumption of 26 MT. With an opening stock of 10.7 MT the country would have sufficient stocks to cater for 7 months of domestic consumption at the start of next sugar season. It has been challenging times for the global sugar industry, with a period of low prices and mounting surplus. During the year 2018-19, the Indian sugar industry has gone through following trans-formations: India became the largest sug-ar producing country in the world surpassing Brazil.

UP while maintaining its status as the largest sugar

producing state is set to achieve highest average sugar recovery of 11.27% cane surpassing 11.14% estimated for Maharashtra.

The country is also at the thresh-

old of achieving 10% ethanol blending target probably next year. With continued Govt. support and sustainable ethanol prices, it will be an opportunity for the sugar-cane farmers to see renewable en-ergy feedstock as an alternative to the traditional sugar market.

STAI organized two seminars during the quarter, on following topics: Recent Advances in Sugar Drying, Grading and Packaging Technolo-gies” on 14 Feb 2019 at Dehradun

“Bio-Enzymes for Sugar Mills, Re-fineries and Distilleries to enhance Product quality and Yield” on 5 April 2019 at Pune

The seminars were not only well attended but were also widely ap-preciated by the delegates. STAI’s most awaited event, the 77th Annual Convention and Sugar Expo 2019 is scheduled from 17-19 July 2019 at the state-of-the-art Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, Kolkata.

This will be the first time that STAI will be holding its Annual Convention in West Bengal.

The STAI Council is working out a good programme which shall be of interest to all the participants. The detailed brochure of the An-nual Convention 2019 is under preparation and will be sent to you shortly. I look forward to your valued support and participation in STAI’s activities With regards, SANJAY AWASTHI

STAI e News Letter

From the Desk of President

Mr Sanjay Awasthi , President, STAI

Q ua r te r l y Ne w s Le t te r V o l u m e 5 , I s s ue 1 4

1 6 Apr i l 2 0 1 9

All India One Day Seminar on

“Recent Advances in Sugar Drying,

Grading and Packaging Technolo-

gies” was organized by The Sugar

Technologists’ Association of India

(STAI) on 14 February 2019 at


This was the first time that STAI

organized any event in Uttarak-

hand, where the industry is growing

gradually. The seminar was

organized to encourage sugar mills

to produce quality sugar that meets

food & safety standards/grades and

is also acceptable to bulk consum-

ers, confectionaries, beverages and

export markets.

The seminar was attended by

around 100 delegates from across

the country.

Following dignitaries graced the

occasion and addressed the dele-

gates during the Inaugural Session:

Chief Guest-Mr Sigurd Schuetz,

MD, RHEWUM GmbH, Germany

Mr. Sanjay Awasthi, President,

STAI and Business Head, Isgec

Heavy Engineering Ltd.

Mr. D.K. Goel, Hon. Editor, STAI

Mr. D.M. Raskar, Council Member,

STAI and CEO Shreenath Mhasko-

ba Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.

Dr. V.P. Sidnale, Council Member

STAI and Sr. Sugar Technologist,

VSI, Pune

Speaking on the occasion Mr. Sanjay

Awasthi said “The sugar industry

has always adhered to food safety

standards and continues to improve

its processes and quality manage-

ment systems in order to satisfy

consumers’ increasingly high

expectations and demands” .

Mr. Awasthi, further added that

India is one of the largest producer of

refined sugar in the world and has

around 100 sugar factories having

attached refineries. The surplus

white/refined sugar production

needs to be stored for a much longer

period . To improve its shelf life, the

sugar needs to be dried and packed


Mr. Sigurd Schuetz, Chief Guest.

Managing Director, Rhewum GmbH,

Germany said that “the innovative

grading technology developed by

Rhewum is used extensively in

fertilizer industry; despite higher

investment costs in sugar industry

this technology has shown signifi-

cant savings in operating costs.”

Mr D. K. Goel , Hon. Editor, STAI

highlighted the engineering perspec-

tive and dwelt upon the need of zero

maintenance and zero breakdown in

application of any new technology.

He further added that the innova-

tive drying and grading technologies

reduce the energy consumption

with improvement in sugar quality.

Dr V P Sidnale gave an overview of

the current sugar scenario in India

and globally. He also outlined the

key opportunities arising out where

the industry may focus for future

growth and development.

STAI Publication “Year Book and

Technical Data Directory of

Indian Sugar Factories for the

year 2017-18 and 2016-17” was

also released during the occasion.

Mr D M Raskar proposed a Vote of

Thanks and thanked all the dele-

gates, speakers and sponsors for

their active participation in the


Highlights :All India One Day Seminar on “Recent Advances in

Sugar Drying, Grading and Packaging Technologies” held on 14

February 2019, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

STAI e News Letter Page 2

Left to Right : Mr D M Raskar ,Mr Sanjay Awasthi, Mr Sigurd Schuetz, Mr D K Goel, Dr V P Sidnale seated on the dais dur-ing the inaugural session of the seminar

among delegates who took turns to

give the correct answer. As a token

of recognition, prizes were distribut-

ed to the winning delegates. It is

hoped that similar initiatives would

be taken in future seminars also.

The Technical Session of the programme was Chaired by Mr Dilip Jain and Co-Chaired by Mr H.I Tailor, Chief Chemist, Shree Khedut Sahakari Khand Udyog Mandli Ltd.,

Pandvai, Gujarat . Following papers were presented & discussed during the seminar :

Basic Principles of Sugar Grading

and available Technologies by

Joerg Bungartz, Thorsten

Middelhof, RHEWUM GmbH

Case studies of domestic and international references in sugar grading by Nitish Patil, Thorsten Middelhof, RHEWUM GmbH

Grading requirement of Planta-tion and Refined Sugar as per IS 498: 2018 and Triveni experience

with Sugar Dryers by Rajesh Singh, AGM (QC), Triveni Engi-neering & Industries Ltd.

Optimise your product output – monitoring and analysing tools for sugar production by Thorsten Middelhof, Sigurd Schuetz, RHEWUM GmbH

Sugar Drying Technologies-Rotary Drum Dryer and FBD by M.Pandu Ranga Rao, Shrijee Process Engineering Works Ltd.

Bagging Solutions for Sugar Industry by Chronos Richardson India Pvt. Ltd.

Different Drying Techniques – Comparison by Ashwin Dubey and Dilip Jain, V S Projects Ltd.

Live Demonstration

Rhewum India Pvt Ltd., one of the

leading German equipment manu-

facturer in the world, arranged a

live demonstration to the delegates

of a full scale model of an energy

efficient state-of-the-art sugar

grader which plays an important

role in maintaining the desired

sugar quality. The equipment is

also very energy efficient vis-à-vis

conventional equipments currently

deployed in the Indian sugar


A Quiz Competition was organized

during the seminar by M/s Shrijee

Process Engineering Works Pvt. Ltd.

It comprised of a set of 10 questions

on sugar industry, each with 4

options. It generated a lot of interest

Highlights :All India One Day Seminar on “Recent Advances in

Sugar Drying, Grading and Packaging Technologies held on 14

February 2019, Dehradun, Uttarakhand (Contd.)

Page 3 STAI e News Letter

Technical Session Speakers: Top (Left to Right ) :Mr Rajesh Singh & Mr Dilip Jain; Mr Joerg Bungartzh ;

Mr AVDK Prasad Bottom (Left to Right ): Mr Rajendra Sulakhe; Mr Thorsten Middlehof; Mr Nitish Patil

Top: Delegates during the seminar

Bottom: Delegates interacting during Live Demonstration of Sugar Grader

Mr P A Raut, Chairman, Shreenath

Mhaskoba S.K. ltd. said his sugar

factory has entered into a agree-

ment for a pilot project with a

leading technology provider compa-

ny to explore possibilities of produc-

tion of ethanol from baggasse.

Mr Munish Madan, Managing

Director, Catalyst Biotechnologies

Ltd. said that the usage of enzyme

has a very large role in sugar

industry. From increasing yield of

sugarcane, tackling problems of

polysaccharides, dextran & starch

during sugarcane processing, waste

water recycling, bio-composting,

production of ethanol from bag-

gasse; enzymes have their role

everywhere to increase the efficiency

of a particular process.

Mr P K Belsare, Vice President,

STAI proposed a Vote of Thanks and

thanked all the delegates, speakers

and sponsors for their active

participation in the seminar.

All India One Day Seminar on “Bio-

Enzymes for Sugar Mills, Refiner-

ies and Distilleries to enhance

Product Quality and Yield” was

successfully organized by The Sugar

Technologists' Association of India on

5th April 2019 at Pune, Maharash-

tra. The seminar was attended by

nearly 140 delegates from across the


The following dignitaries graced the

occasion and addressed the delegates

during the Inaugural Session:

Chief Guest-Mr. Shivajirao

Deshmukh, Director General, VSI,


Mr P A Raut, Chairman,

Shreenath Mhaskoba S.K. Ltd.

Mr. Sanjay Awasthi, President,


Mr Munish Madan, Managing

Director, Catalysts Bio Technolo-


Mr P K Belsare, Vice President,

STAI and MD, Indiana Sucrotech

Speaking on the occasion Mr.

Sanjay Awasthi said that “the

association is now focusing on

organizing seminars on new oppor-

tunities and technologies that are

arising in Sugar Industry”. He said

that the usage of Bagassse will

become a huge problem for sugar

industry in another five years. As

the states are becoming power

surplus the power purchase

agreements between sugar mills

and state governments are losing

their shine. Hence Industry need to

focus on finding out alternate

means to consume the baggasse.

Mr. Shivajirao Deshmukh, Chief

Guest, Director General, VSI said

that “Energy Sector Scenario now a

days is changing globally, power

generation from alternative sources

such as Solar, Hydro is gaining

more prominence than the conven-

tional sources.” In such case sugar

industries need to shift their focus

from using bagasse for power

generation to ethanol production.

Highlights :All India Seminar on “Bio-Enzymes for Sugar Mills,

Refineries and Distilleries to enhance Product Quality and Yield”

held on 5 April 2019 at Pune, Maharashtra

Page 4 STAI e News Letter

(Left to Right ) Mr Munish Madan, Mr P K Belsare, Mr Shivajirao Deshmukh, Mr Sanjay Awasthi, Mr P A Raut, Mr Amit Khatter during Inaugural Session of the seminar

Scheme by Anup Kesarwani,

S.K Mittal

Condensate Treatment and

Recycling in Distilleries and

Sugar Mills by Catalysts Biotech-

nologies Pvt. Ltd.

Methods to Control Dextran:

Limitations and Realities by V M

Kulkarni, V M Biotech

Enzymatic Composting by

Utilization of Bio-Enzyme

Ecofarm-Cn for Producing Bio-

Compost at Pandvai Sugar

Factory by R.K. Sharma, H.I.

Tailor & D.B. Patel

Following papers were presented &

discussed during the seminar :

Fermentation of High Sucrose

Feed such as Secondary Juice and

BH-Molasses : Solutions by Dilip S

Jain, Catalyst Bio Technologies

Pvt. Ltd.

Application of Enzymes in Sugar

Mills and Distillery: A case study

of Shreenath Mhaskoba S.K. Ltd

by R. S. Shewale, R. N. Yadav &


Preservative for BH-Molasses, C

Molasses and Syrup by Gautam

Kapoor & Dharmender Pathak,

Catalysts Biotechnologies Pvt.


Recycle of MEE condensate

using Suchem Bio-additive for

Fermentation Process by V.

Sriram & Srikanteshwara,

Suzalkem Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Influence of Dextran & Starch in

Sugar Industry Process and

Solutions by Gautam Kapoor &

Dharmender Pathak, Catalysts

Biotechnologies Pvt. Ltd.

Successful experience in produc-

tion of VHP Sugar for export :

Chemical Systems Technologies’

Highlights :All India Seminar on “Bio-Enzymes for Sugar Mills,

Refineries and Distilleries to enhance Product Quality and Yield”

held on 5 April 2019 at Pune, Maharashtra (Contd.)

Page 5 STAI e News Letter

Technical Session Speakers : Top (Left to Right): Mr R N Yadav; Dr V P Sidnale & Mr Dilip Jain; Mr Srikanteshwara

Middle (Left to Right): Mr S K Mittal; Mr Dharmender Pathak; Mr V M Kulkarni

Bottom (Left to Right): Dr Chandrashekhar; Dr R K Sharma ; delegates during the seminar

The 77th STAI Annual Convention and International

Sugar Expo 2019 will be held from 17-19 July 2019 at

the Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, Kolkata ,W.B.

Convention Highlights

Focus on Emerging technologies

Opportunity to interface with technology providers and

who’s who of the Indian sugar industry.

SN Gundurao & Mangal Singh Memorial Lectures by

renowned Indian and International experts

Over the last few years the convention has emerged as the

most potent forum for showcasing of new technologies,

exchange of ideas and a bellwether for the Indian Sugar

Industry .

About Kolkata Kolkata, India's second biggest city, a vibrant 350-year-old

metropolis located on India's Eastern Coast, the capital of

West Bengal. Famously known as the City of Joy, Kolkata

is, in every sense, the artistic, cultural and intellectual

capital of the country. Kolkata is home to many industrial

units, of large Indian corporations, whose product range is

varied and includes - engineering products, electronics,

electrical equipment, cables, steel, leather, textiles,

jewellery, frigates, automobiles, railway coaches and


Call for Papers

STAI invites good quality research papers in following four


Sugarcane Agriculture

Factory Processing

Factory Engineering


Only soft copies of the papers are to be submitted which

should be e-mailed to The last

date for receipt of papers is 29th April 2019. The guide-

lines for writing the papers have already been sent to the

members vide our circular dated 27 Feb 2019 and can also

be downloaded from STAI website .


STAI recognizes the contribution of its members in advancing

the cause of the sugar and allied industries. The following

awards are offered annually with the aim to encourage them:

Life Time Achievement Awards

Industry Excellence Awards

Dr Bansi Dhar Gold Medal for Energy Efficiency

ISGEC Gold Medal– Engineering for excellence

JP Mukherjee Gold Medal for Best Engineer of the Year

Dr P J Manohar Rao Gold Medal for excellence in


Noel Deerr Gold Medal and STAI Silver Medals for the best

research papers in the respective categories.

Exhibit at Sugar Expo 2019

In conjunction with the Convention, Sugar Expo 2019 is

being organized in which nearly 80 exhibitors from India and

abroad ranging from turn-key sugar plant manufacturers to

small and medium enterprises would participate and display

their products, processes and services. The exhibit area will

be prime networking space for nearly 800-1000 attendees

during luncheons, dinner and other convention programmes.

Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities

This mega event attracts top sugar industry professionals

from all over India and abroad. It offers a good platform to

build a brand value, launch/propagate new products &

services, forging/renewing tie-ups, networking etc. Interested

members or organizations looking for advertising/

sponsorship opportunities can reach out to STAI Secretariat

77th STAI Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo 2019

STAI e News Letter Page 6

Tourist Attractions in Kolkata Top (Left to Right)

Victoria Memorial , Dakshineswar Kali Temple

Bottom (Left to Right)

Indian Museum , Kalighat Kali Temple

XXX ISSCT Congress, 2-5 September 2019, Tucumán, Argentina

Published by:

The Sugar Technologists’ Association of India

Plot No. 15, 301, Aggarwal Okhla Plaza, Community Centre, Okhla

Phase 1 New Delhi-110020, Phone: 011- 45960930-32

E-mail ,

Hon. Editor : Mr D K Goel

Secretary General : Mr Amit Khatter

Page 7

Upcoming International


Australian Society of Sugar Cane

Technologists Conference, 30 April –

0 3 M a y , 2 0 1 9 , To o w o o m b a

(Queensland), Australia

78th Sugar Industry Technologist

Conference, 5–8 May 2019, Dur-

ban, South Africa

13th ISO DATAGRO Conference,

15 May 2019, 583 Park Avenue,

New York, USA

ESST/VDZ Conference, 26-29 May

2019, Poznaen, Poland

Tiger Symposium on Sugar Crops in

Foods, 6 June 2019, LA, USA

49th Annual Joint Meeting Ameri-

can Society of Sugar Cane Technolo-

gists, 26-28 June 2019, Point Clear,

AL, United States

Members Corner

The 2nd meeting of the STAI Council was held on 14th February 2019 at Dehradun. The Council discussed & finalized programme for Annual Convention & various seminars for the year 2019. Nominations for members of Advisory committee on publications, Research & Investiga-tion committee and ICUMSA national committee were also finalized.

The association has started its official Facebook page and You Tube

Channel. The Facebook page has already been liked by more than 1000 persons. Members may like to follow the STAI’s Facebook page and sub-scribe the You Tube channel to stay updated with our activities. The link of the page and channel are:

Papers and Posters for the XXX

ISSCT Congress

Full manuscripts must be sent to

the Editor by 30th April 2019–

instructions for preparation are on

the ISSCT website.

The ISSCT Commissioners in

collaboration with the Section

Chairs and the Editor will arrange

for all papers and posters to be

peer reviewed.

Trade Exhibition

The 8 Hectares Congress venue will

offer a special layout of about 6000

sqm having nearly 100 stands, to

showcase big machinery and

equipment in the exhibition.

For more details members may log

on to following websites :

The XXX Congress of ISSCT is being

organized by SATCA (Argentine

Society of Sugar Cane Technicians)

in Tucuman, located in northwest

Argentina from 2-5 Sept. 2019. Congress Programme The programme includes plenary

sessions and presentations of

research papers during the day from

2nd Sept. to 5th Sept, 2019.It shall

also include the following social


Welcome Cocktail : Sunday, 1


Gala dinner : Tuesday, 3 Sept.

Farewell Dinner :Thursday 5 Sept Registration fees for the Congress

Standard Rate (up to 31 July

2019) :USD 1500

Late Rate (up to 2 September

2019) :USD 1700

In case any assistance or for

any further details, please send

an email to registration@issct-

Pre Congress Tour

The Pre-Congress tour will be held

in Tucuman from 31 August 2019

to 1 September 2019. It includes

visit to institutions, mills and

fields related to Sugarcane Indus-


The Pre-Congress Tour will cost an

additional USD 200 per attendee.

Post Congress Tour

The Post congress tour will be

held in Salta and Jujuy from 6 to

8 September 2019.

The Post-Congress Tour will cost

an additional USD 500 per


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