stages development

Post on 17-Feb-2017






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Stages of development

Dayanara Loján

Test development

It is better when it’s done by a team. The desirable qualities for the developers:native or near native command of the language, intelligence and imagination.


1.Stating the problemWhat kind of test would it be?

What is its precise purpose?

What abilities are to be tested?

How detailed/accurate must the results be?

How important is backwash?

You can take information from tests that have been designed for simmilar situations. This isn't wrong.

2. Writing specifications for the test

These must be written at the outset.


a)content: The entire potential content of any number of versions of a test. The fuller the information of the content the less arbitrary should be the subsequent decisions.

i.Aspects specified in the content:1. Operations: scan, skim2. Types of text: write letters, articles...3. Addresses of the text4. Length of texts5. Topics6. Structural range: that occur/ should be excluded/ a

general indication7. Vocabulary range8. Dialect, accent, style9. Speed of processing

ii. Structure, timing, medium/channel and techniques

Test structure→ sections

Number of items→ in the sections

Medium/ channel→ paper, pencil, online...etc.

Timing→ section and the entire test


iii. Criteria levels of performance.


Appropriacy→ Language appropriate to the function?

Range→ vocabulary

Flexibility→ adapt

Size→ more than short- form answers

3. Writing and moderating items.

i. Sampling: Choose wisely from the whole area of content.ii. Writing items: with specifications in mind/ think like the test taker/ give a key item. iii. Moderating items: at least two colleagues.

4. Informal trialling of items on native speakers.

5. Trialling of the test on a group of non-native speakers similar to those for whom the test is intended

6. Analysis of results of the trial: making of any necessary changes.

Were any misinterpretations? Any faulty items?

7.Calibration of scales

8. Validation: if bigger…9. Writing handbooks for test takers, test users and staff.10. Training staff.


Making a test is a very complex process. It is in fact a “construction” more than just a simple step.

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