staff handbook - handbook 2011-2012...

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Anchorage School District

Educating All Students for Success in Life


ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS PROGRAM (ELLP) Anchorage School District Education Center

5530 East Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99504 Tel. # (907) 742-4452 Fax # (907) 742-4460

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012 Table of Contents

Staff Handbook 2011-2012 Table of Contents Page 2

I. PLAN OF SERVICE …………………………………………………………….. 5 ASD School Board Memorandum #246 (2006-2007) April 2007

Attachment A: Bilingual/Bicultural Plan of Service for Limited English Proficient Students Certification/Assurances Component I: The District’s Educational Goals for LEP Students Component II: Procedure for Identifying Students with Limited English Proficiency Component III: Procedures for Notifying Parents of Service Component IV: Program of Service for LEP Students Component V: Annual Assessment of Limited English Proficient Students Component VI: Professional Development Component VII: Equal Access for LEP Students Component VIII: Program Evaluation Component IX: Parent-Community Involvement Component X: Program Staff

Appendix A: Parent Language Questionnaire (Home Language Survey) Language Observation Checklist, Part A Language Observation Checklist, Part B Identification Procedures for Limited English Proficient Students (Updated Guidance as of September 12, 2006):

Pre-Screening for Identification of Potential LEP Students for all grades, entering Kindergarteners, entering first graders and entering 2nd -12th graders.

Appendix B: Parent/Guardian Notification Form: New-to-District Students Parent/Guardian Acceptance or Refusal of Service Form Parent Notification of Services – Continuing Students (English) Program Brochure – ASD Bilingual/Multicultural Education Program Appendix C: Limited English Proficient Accommodations Accommodation Team Participation Form, FORM 1 Accommodation Team Participation Form, FORM 2 Exited-Due-to-Progress Monitoring Form Appendix D: English as a Second Language (ESL) Appendix E: BMEP Certificated Staff BMEP Bilingual Tutors 2006-2007

Attachment B: BMEP Student Enrollment: 03/16/07 BMEP Language List

Job Description

MODIFICATION ASD School Board Memorandum #302 (2007-2008) May 2008

Attachment A: Component XII: AMAOs - Alaska Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives Component XIII: Failure to Meet AMAOs for Two consecutive Years

Attachment B: LEP Monitoring/Re-entry – 2011-2012 - PENDING Procedures for Re-Entry and Reclassification of LEP Student 2011-2012


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012 Table of Contents

Staff Handbook 2011-12 Table of Contents Page 3

Alaska’s Flowchart for Kindergarten and Grades 1-12 LEP Identification Revised August, 2011 II. INITIAL IDENTIFICATION & ASSESSMENT OF NEW-TO-DISTRICT

STUDENTS…………………………………………………………………………………6 1. ASD K-12 Enrollment Form (ZANGLE SIS) & Translations ...................... 7-18 2. Parent Questionnaire Letter, Survey (PQ) & Translations........................ 19-30 3. Language Observation Checklist, LOC Part A & B .................................... 31-32 4. Parent Notification of Services (PNS) New/Translations........................ 33-37 5. Parent Acceptance/Refusal of Service/New-to-District/Translations ....38-42

III. LETTERS, FORMS…………………………………………………………………… 43

1. Parent Notification of Services (PNS)-Continuing/Translations ..........44-49 2. Parent Acceptance/Refusal of Service-Continuing................................50-65 3. Procedures & Request for Re-Entry into ELLP .........................................66-75 4. ELLP Monitoring Student for Optional Programs ......................................... 76

IV. RECORD KEEPING.......................................................................... 77

1. ELLP/ESL Tutor Duties .............................................................................78-79 2. Staff/Student Elementary Schedule Instructions (Zangle)...................... 80-83 3. Staff/Student Middle/High Schedule Instructions (Zangle) ................... 84-86 4. ELLP/ESL Staff School Building Schedule..................................................... 87 5. Resource Teacher Monthly Log ......................................................................88 6. Student Support Planning Sheet..................................................................... 89

V. ATTENDANCE BOOK...................................................................... 90

1. Guidelines for Attendance Book Record Keeping ...........................................91 2. Glossary of Codes for Attendance Book.......................................................... 92

VI. DISTRICT-WIDE ASSESSMENTS ....................................................93

1. LEP Suggested Accommodation Plan (Pending) ........................................... 94 2. Students Refused Assessment ........................................................................ 95 3. Students Not Taking ELPA ............................................................................. 96

VII. ELLP LIBRARY................................................................................97 1. Library Schedule and User Guide (2 pages) ............................................. 98-99 2. Library Materials Checkout .......................................................................... 100 3. School Inventory of ELLP Library Materials (2 pages)..........................101-102 4. Requisition Order Form................................................................................ 103


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012 Table of Contents

Staff Handbook 2011-12 Table of Contents Page 4 VIII. PROCEDURES FOR LEAVE REQUEST AND OTHER ACTIVITIES..104

1. Totem/AEA Employee Procedures ........................................................ 105-106 2. ASD Leave Request Form ..............................................................................107 3. Field Trip Request Form ............................................................................... 108 4. In-District Mileage Reimbursement Form............................................. 109-111 5. Interpreter Service Request Process Form.................................................... 112


1. ASD School List 2011-2012 – ASD Website ........................................ 114-115 2. ASD Departmental List 2011-2012 – ASD Website ............................116-117 3. ASD 2011-2012 School Year Calendar – ASD Website ............................. 118

X. Participation Guidelines for Alaska Students in State Academic Assessments June 2011 – EED Website……………………………………………………..119 XI. English Language Development Standards - WIDA.US Website……….….120 XII. Alaska Content and Performance Standards – EED Website……………….…121

XIII. AK + ASD Grade Level Expectations for Grades K-12 – EED Website………122 XIV. ELL/RTI Problem Solving Framework – Revised May 2011…………………123 (For use with Elementary Grade Levels) XV. Screening, Interventions and Pre-referral Procedures for ELLs…………………142 (For use with Secondary grade levels)



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ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012






ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Office Only School Name/Code:____________________________________________________School Entry date: _______/_______/______ Student Name:___________________________________Student District ID:_________________Student State ID (SSID):_________________ Grade:________ School Year:____________________________ Homeroom Teacher:_________________________________Rm# _________


Parent/Guardian to complete Sections I-V. Please print legibly using black or blue pen I. STUDENT INFORMATION 1. Student Last name (LEGAL NAME ONLY) Student First name (LEGAL NAME ONLY) Student Middle name Suffix Other name student uses.

2. Student date of birth:MM/DD/YY ____/____/_____

3. Grade level: 4. Gender: Male Female

5. Is student Hispanic or Latino? Yes No 5a. Regardless of response to #5, select one or more of the race categories: White Asian Black AK Native American Indian Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

6. Student home language: 7. Student primary language:

8. Student home phone: ( )

9. Complete residence address of student: City, State: ZIP + 4:

10. Daytime emergency phone: (For automated emergency calls – direct lines only; required) ( ) 8a. Unlisted 8b. Message Only 11. Additional notification phone: (For automated emergency and informational calls; not required) ( )

City, State: ZIP + 4: 12. Student mailing address if other than residence:

13. Student email address(Required if HS student is taking on-line courses)

14. Birth place:

15. Student lives with (check one): Both parents Mother only Father only Mother/Stepfather Father/Stepmother Agency _______________________________________________________ Other: ________________________________________________________

16. AM Bus Number: (If known) AM bus pick-up address – if other than student home address: AM bus pick-up contact phone number: ( )

17. PM Bus Number: (If known) PM bus drop-off address – if other than student home address: PM bus drop-off contact phone number: ( )

II. QUESTIONS FOR PARENT/GUARDIAN Please complete Questions18-27. 18. Previously enrolled in the Anchorage School District? Yes* No *If yes, school name__________________________Last year attended______________ 19. Please list previous out of Anchorage School District history: (If additional space is needed, please see the registrar.) School name:_____________________________ Address:____________________________________City:__________________St_________Zip______________ School phone number_(_________)__________________Date last attended:____/____/____ Years Attended:___________________________________________ 20. Is student currently enrolled in ELL (English Language Learner)? Yes No 22. Is a language other than English spoken at home? Yes No

21. Has student participated in any other Special Education Services (OT/PT,DPT,Speech) YesNo

23. Does student have a current or past IEP? Yes No 24. Does student have a current 504 plan? YesNo 25. Has student ever repeated a grade? If yes, list grade_________ Yes No 26. Has student been double promoted? If yes,list grade skipped___ Yes No 27. Is there a court order in effect for the student? Yes No If yes, please furnish a copy of the legal documentation to the school office.

CONTINUE COMPLETING PARENT/GUARDIAN SECTIONS III – V ON REVERSE SIDE The information provided in Sections I-V is true to the best of my knowledge

X Parent/Guardian signature (required) Date (required) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Address/Boundary Information 1. Home address verified: Yes* No *If yes: Date:____/____/____ Address verification document:_____________________________________________ 2. Birth verification basis: Birth Certificate Affidavit (3 required) ______________________, _________________________, __________________________ 3. School of residence:____________________________________________________4. District of residence:____________________________________________ 5. Boundary exception: Transfer Type: In-District Out-of-District Reason: Continuing Current Exemption Educational Program Grandfathered Medical/Extenuating NCLB School Choice NCLB Victim Open Enrollment Special Education Entry Information 6. Entry reason (check one): Track Transfer within ASD….………..…(TT) Entry from a private school…………………….….…......(05E) Initial entry for school year…… (09E) Entry from another AK dist…………..…(02E) Entry from an institution with an educational program...(06E) Returning student………………..(10E) Entry from other state/country………….(03E) Re-entry/Voluntary withdrawal same school……….…..(07E) Grade level change………………(G) Entry from home schooling……………..(04E) Re-entry/Involuntary withdrawal same school……........(08E) Dual Enrollment………….……...(DE) Records Acquisition Information 7. Records requested: Date:___/___/___ From(In-district)_______________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ From (Out-of-district)___________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ 8. Copy of court order legal documentation was provided by parent/guardian (see #27). YesNo Received Date:____/____/____

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


III. PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION CONTACT 1 28. PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTACT 2 29. OTHER PARENT/GUARDIAN Title (check one): Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Contact full name (last, first):

Type of contact: Check only one: Parent Guardian Check only one: Parent Guardian Relationship to student:

Check only one: Mother Father Stepmother Stepfather Foster mother Foster father Grandmother Grandfather Aunt Uncle Sibling Court appt. guardian Agency Rep Other relative________________________________________ Other relationship______________________________________

Check only one: Mother Father Stepmother Stepfather Foster mother Foster father Grandmother Grandfather Aunt Uncle Sibling Court appt. guardian Agency Representative Other relative____________________________________________________ Other relationship_________________________________________________

Contact lives with student: (No. & Street name) (City, State, Zip + 4)

Yes No* *If no, print complete residence address here: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Yes No* *If no, print complete residence address here: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Contact employer name:

Contact exact work address:

Contact work phone#: ( ) ( )

Contact home phone#: ( ) ( )

Contact cell phone#: ( ) ( )

Contact primary language:

Contact email address:

Contact receives school mail and needs access to the following student records:

Yes No If yes, check all that apply: Report Card Test Results Behavior Health School Communications Release Contact Web Access (ParentConnect)

Yes No If yes, check all that apply: Report Card Test Results Behavior Health School Communications Release Contact Web Access (ParentConnect) (Do not check boxes in this column if student lives w/both contacts)

Active Military: Yes No If yes, print: Rank:____________________________________ Branch of Service:__________________________

Yes No If yes, print: Rank:_________________________________________________ Branch of Service:______________________________________

Name of Federal Property / Military Installation

Please provide additional contact information below. We will use this if we are unable to reach Primary Contact(s).

IV. SECONDARY CONTACT INFORMATION 30. CONTACT 3 CONTACT 4 CONTACT 5 Contact full name: Contact address (No. & Street name) (City, State, Zip + 4)

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Type of contact: Check only one: Parent Guardian Other Check only one: Parent Guardian Other Check only one: Parent Guardian Other Relationship to Student: Check only one: Mother Father

Stepmother Stepfather Foster mother Foster father Gmother Gfather Aunt Uncle Sibling Court appt. guardian Caregiver Doctor Family Friend Host Parent Neighbor Agency Representative Other relative__________________________ Other relationship______________________

Check only one: Mother Father Stepmother Stepfather Foster mother Foster father Gmother Gfather Aunt Uncle Sibling Court appt. guardian Caregiver Doctor Family Friend Host Parent Neighbor Agency Representative Other relative_________________________ Other relationship_____________________

Check only one: Mother Father Stepmother Stepfather Foster mother Foster father Gmother Gfather Aunt Uncle Sibling Court appt. guardian Caregiver Doctor Family Friend Host Parent Neighbor Agency Representative Other relative____________________________ Other relationship_________________________

Contact home phone#: ( ) ( ) ( )

Contact cell phone# ( ) ( ) ( )

Contact: work phone#: ( ) ( ) ( )

Contact receives school mail and needs access to the following student records:

Yes No If yes, check all that apply: Report Card Test Results Behavior Health School Communications Release Contact WebAccess(ParentConnect)

Yes No If yes, check all that apply: Report Card Test Results Behavior Health School Communications Release Contact Web Access (ParentConnect)

Yes No If yes, check all that apply: Report Card Test Results Behavior Health School Communications Release Contact Web Access (ParentConnect)

V. SIBLING INFORMATION (ADDITIONAL SHEET AVAILABLE) 31. Complete this section only if applicable. Include only siblings who are currently enrolled in Grades K-12 in the Anchorage School District. Sibling 1 full name: Grade: School name:

Sibling 2 full name: Grade: School name:

Sibling 3 full name: Grade: School name:


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Office Only School Name/Code:____________________________________________________School Entry date: _______/_______/______ Student Name:___________________________________Student District ID:_________________Student State ID (SSID):_________________ Grade:________ School Year:____________________________ Homeroom Teacher:_________________________________Rm# _________


El padre/tutor debe completar las secciones I-V. Por favor utilice letra de imprenta legible con lapicera negra o azul I. INFORMACIÓN DEL ESTUDIANTE 1. Apellido del estudiante (SÓLO NOMBRE LEGAL)

Primer nombre del estudiante (SÓLO NOMBRE LEGAL)

Segundo nombre del estudiante

Sufijo Otro nombre que utilice el estudiante.

2. Fecha de nacimi-ento del estudiante: MM/DD/AA ____/____/_____

3. Nivel de grado: 4. Género: Masculino Femenino

5. ¿El estudiante es hispánico o latino? Sí No 5a. Independientemente de la respuesta #5, seleccione una o más de las siguientes categorías de raza: Blanca Asiática Negra Nativo de Alaska Indo americano Nativo de Hawai o de una isla del Pacífico

6. Idioma del hogar del estudiante : 7. Idioma materno del estudiante:

8. Teléfono del hogar del estudiante: ( )

9. Dirección completa de residencia del estudiante: Ciudad, estado: CÓD. POST.:

10. Número telefónico para emergencias durante el día: (Para llamadas de emergencia automatizadas – sólo líneas directas; obligatorio) ( ) 8a. No registrado 8b. Sólo mensajes 11. Teléfono adicional para notificaciones: (Para llamadas automatizadas de emergencia e información; no obligatorio) ( )

Ciudad, estado: CÓD. POST.: 12. Dirección postal del estudiante si difiere de la dirección de residencia:

13. Dirección de correo electrónico del estudiante:

14. Lugar de nacimiento:

15. El estudiante vive con (marcar uno): Ambos padres Sólo la madre Sólo el padre Madre/Padrastro Padre/Madrastra Agencia _______________________________________________________ Otro: ________________________________________________________

16. Número de ómnibus de la mañana: (Si se conoce)

Dirección de recolección del ómnibus de la mañana – si es diferente a la dirección de residencia del estudiante:

Número telefónico de contacto de recolección del ómnibus de la mañana: ( )

17. Número de ómnibus de la tarde: (Si se conoce)

Dirección de destino del ómnibus de la tarde - si es diferente a la dirección de residencia del estudiante:

Número telefónico de contacto de destino del ómnibus de la tarde: ( )

II. PREGUNTAS PARA EL PADRE/TUTOR Por favor complete las preguntas 18-27. 18. ¿Ha estado inscripto anteriormente en el Distrito Escolar de Anchorage? Sí* No *En caso afirmativo, nombre de la escuela__________________________Último año cursado______________ 19. Por favor mencione los antecedentes en el distrito Escolar de Anchorage: (Si se necesita espacio adicional, consulte al encargado del registro.) Nombre de la escuela:________________________ Dirección:_______________________________Ciudad:_______________Estado_______Cód. Post.____________ Número telefónico de la escuela_(_______)________________última fecha de concurrencia:____/____/____ Años concurridos:__________________________________ 20. ¿El estudiante esta actualmente inscripto en ELL (del inglés, “English Language

Learner”, estudiante de idioma inglés)? Sí No 22. ¿En el hogar se habla otro idioma que no sea inglés? Sí No

21. ¿El estudiante ha participado en algún otro servicio de educación especial (OT/PT,DPT,Terapia del Habla) SíNo

23. ¿El estudiante tiene un plan de educación individualizada (IEP) actual o pasado? Sí No 24. ¿El estudiante posee un plan 504 en vigencia? SíNo 25. ¿el estudiante alguna vez ha repetido un grado? En caso afirmativo, mencionar el

grado________ Sí No 26. ¿el estudiante ha recibido doble promoción? En caso afirmativo,

mencione el grado omitido___ SíNo 27. ¿El estudiante tiene una orden judicial en vigencia? Sí No En caso afirmativo, por favor entregue una copia de los documentos legales a la oficina de la escuela.


La información incluida en las Secciones I-V es verdadera a mi leal saber y entender

X Firma del Padre/Tutor (obligatorio) Fecha (obligatorio)

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Address/Boundary Information 1. Home address verified: Yes* No *If yes: Date:____/____/____ Address verification document:_____________________________________________ 2. Birth verification basis: Birth Certificate Affidavit (3 required) ______________________, _________________________, __________________________ 3. School of residence:____________________________________________________4. District of residence:____________________________________________ 5. Boundary exception: Transfer Type: In-District Out-of-District Reason: Continuing Current Exemption Educational Program Grandfathered Medical/Extenuating NCLB School Choice NCLB Victim Open Enrollment Special Education Entry Information 6. Entry reason (check one): Track Transfer within ASD….………..…(TT) Entry from a private school…………………….….…......(05E) Initial entry for school year…… (09E) Entry from another AK dist…………..…(02E) Entry from an institution with an educational program...(06E) Returning student………………..(10E) Entry from other state/country………….(03E) Re-entry/Voluntary withdrawal same school……….…..(07E) Grade level change………………(G) Entry from home schooling……………..(04E) Re-entry/Involuntary withdrawal same school……........(08E) Dual Enrollment………….……...(DE) Records Acquisition Information 7. Records requested: Date:___/___/___ From(In-district)_______________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ From (Out-of-district)___________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ 8. Copy of court order legal documentation was provided by parent/guardian (see #27). YesNo Received Date:____/____/____

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Título (marcar uno): Sr. Sra. Srta. Sr. Sra. Srta. Nombre completo del contacto (apellido, nombre):

Tipo de contacto: Marcar sólo uno: Padre Tutor Marcar sólo uno: Padre Tutor

Relación con el estudiante:

Marcar sólo uno: Madre Padre Madrastra Padrastro Madre adoptiva Padre adoptivo Abuela Abuelo Tía Tío Hermano Tutor designado por el tribunal Representante de agencia Otro pariente________________________________________ Otra relación__________________________________________

Marcar sólo uno: Madre Padre Madrastra Padrastro Madre adoptiva Padre adoptivo Abuela Abuelo Tía Tío Hermano Tutor designado por el tribunal Representante de agencia Otro pariente______________________________________________________ Otra relación______________________________________________________

El contacto vive con el estudiante: (Calle y número) (Ciudad, estado, Cód. Post.)

Sí No* *En caso negativo, indicar la residencia completa en letra de imprenta: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Sí No* *En caso negativo, indicar la residencia completa en letra de imprenta: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Nombre del empleador del contacto:

Dirección laboral exacta del contacto:

Número telefónico laboral del contacto:

( ) ( ) Número telefónico particular del contacto:

( ) ( )

Número de teléfono celular del contacto:

( ) ( )

Idioma principal del contacto:

Dirección de correo electrónico del contacto:

El contacto recibe la corres-pondencia de la escuela y nece-sita acceso a los siguientes registros del estudiante:

Sí No En caso afirmativo, marque todas las opciones que correspondan: Libreta de calificaciones Resultados de exámenes Conducta Salud Comunicaciones de la escuela Puede recoger al estudiante Acceso a la página Web (ParentConnect)

Sí No En caso afirmativo, marque todas las opciones que correspondan: Lib-reta de calificaciones Resultados de exámenes Conducta Salud Comunicaciones de la escuela Puede recoger al estudiante Acceso a la página Web (ParentConnect) (No marque las casillas en esta columna si el estudiante vive con ambos contactos)

Militar activo: Sí No En caso afirmativo, indicar en letra de imprenta: Rango:___________________________________ Rama del Servicio:_________________________

Sí No En caso afirmativo, indicar en letra de imprenta: Rango:_________________________________________________ Rama del Servicio:_______________________________________

Nombre de la Propiedad Federal / Instalación Militar

Por favor indique a continuación la información adicional de contacto. La utilizaremos si no podemos contactar al (los) Contacto(s) Principal(es).

IV. INFORMACIÓN DE CONTACTOS SECUNDARIOS 30. CONTACTO 3 CONTACTO 4 CONTACTO 5 Nombre completo del contacto: Dirección del contacto (Calle y número) (Ciudad, estado, Cód. Post.)

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Tipo de contacto: Marcar sólo uno: Padre Tutor Otro Marcar sólo uno: Padre Tutor Otro Marcar sólo uno: Padre Tutor Otro Relación con el estudiante: Marcar sólo uno: Madre Padre

Madrastra Padrastro Madre adoptiva Padre adoptivo Abuela Abuelo Tía Tío Hermano Tutor designado por el tribunal Asistente Médico Amigo de la familia Padre encargado Vecino Representante de agencia Otro familiar__________________________ Otra relación______________________

Marcar sólo uno: Madre Padre Madrastra Padrastro Madre adoptiva Padre adoptivo Abuela Abuelo Tía Tío Hermano Tutor designado por el tribunal Asistente Médico Amigo de la familia Padre encargado Vecino Representante de agencia Otro familiar__________________________ Otra relación_____________________

Marcar sólo uno: Madre Padre Madrastra Padrastro Madre adoptiva Padre adoptivo Abuela Abuelo Tía Tío Hermano Tutor designado por el tribunal Asistente Médico Amigo de la familia Padre encargado Vecino Representante de agencia Otro familiar__________________________ Otra relación_________________________

Número telefónico particular del contacto:

( ) ( ) ( )

Número de teléfono celular del contacto:

( ) ( ) ( )

Número telefónico laboral del contacto:

( ) ( ) ( )

El contacto recibe la correspondencia de la escuela y necesita acceso a los siguientes registros del estudiante:

Sí No En caso afirmativo, marque todas las opciones que correspondan: Libreta de calificaciones Resultados de exámenes Conducta Salud Comunicaciones de la escuela Puede recoger al estudiante Acceso a la página Web (ParentConnect)

Sí No En caso afirmativo, marque todas las opciones que correspondan: Libreta de calificaciones Resultados de exámenes Conducta Salud Comunicaciones de la escuela Puede recoger al estudiante Acceso a la página Web (ParentConnect

Sí No En caso afirmativo, marque todas las opciones que correspondan: Libreta de calificaciones Resultados de exámenes Conducta Salud Comunicaciones de la escuela Puede recoger al estudiante Acceso a la página Web (ParentConnect

V. INFORMACIÓN SOBRE HERMANOS (HOJA ADICIONAL DISPONIBLE) 31. Complete esta sección solamente si corresponde. Incluya a todos los hermanos que actualmente están inscriptos en los grados K-12 en el Distrito Escolar de Anchorage. Hermano 1 nombre completo: Grado: Nombre de la escuela:

Hermano 2 nombre completo: Grado: Nombre de la escuela:

Hermano 3 nombre completo: Grado: Nombre de la escuela:



Office Only School Name/Code:____________________________________________________School Entry date: _______/_______/______ Student Name:___________________________________Student District ID:_________________Student State ID (SSID):_________________ Grade:________ School Year:____________________________ Homeroom Teacher:_________________________________Rm# _________


Niam Txiv/Tus Saib Xyuas teb Theem I-V. Thov sau kom nyeem tau nrog tus cwjmem xim dub lossis xim xiav. I. TEJ YAM UAS QHIA TXOG TUS NEEG KAWM NTAWV 1. Tus neeg kawm ntawv lub Xeem (LUB NPE UAS SIV RAWS CAI XWB)

Tus neeg kawm ntawv lub Npe (LUB NPE UAS SIV RAWS CAI XWB)

Tus neeg kawm ntawv lub npe Nrab

Ob Tug Ntawv Lawv Qab Lub Npe (Suffix)

Lwm lub npe uas tus neeg kawm ntawv siv.

2. Tus Neeg Kawm Ntawv hnub yug: HLI/HNUB/XYOO: ____/____/_____

3. Nyob Qib Li Cas: 4. Poj Niam/Txiv Neej: Txiv Neej Poj Niam

5. Tus neeg kawm ntawv puas yog haiv neeg Hispanic (Haiv Neeg Mev Hispasniv) lossis Latino (Haiv Neeg Mev Lastinaum)? Yog Tsis Yog 5a. Yog tau teb #5 lawm los tsis ua li cas, xaiv ib qho lossis ntau tshaj ib qho uas haum koj haiv neeg: Neeg Dawb Neeg Esxias Neeg Dub Neeg Yug AK Neeg Khab Asmesliskas Neeg Yug Hawaii (Hasvaisis) lossis Neeg Nyob Koog Povtxwv Pacific (Phasxisfiv)

6. Tus neeg kawm ntawv hom lus tom tsev: 7. Tus neeg kawm ntawv thawj hom lus: 8. Tus neeg kawm ntawv tus xovtooj tom tsev: ( )

9. Qhov chaw nyob kom txhij rau tus neeg kawm ntawv: Nroog, Xeev: ZIP (XIJ KHAUJ) + 4:

10. Tus xovtooj thaum nruab hnub rau xwm ceev: (Rau cov xovtooj uas lub tshuab hu tau thaum muaj xwm ceev – cov xovtooj uas hu tau ncaj qha rau xwb; yuav tsum muaj) ( )

8a. Tsis pom tshwm nrog lwm cov xovtooj (Unlisted) 8b. Tso Lus Xwb 11. Lwm tus xovtooj uas qhia tau lus rau: (Rau cov xovtooj uas lub tshuab hu tau thaum muaj xwm ceev thiab hu qhia lus rau; tsis muaj los tau) ( )

Nroog, Xeev: ZIP + 4: 12. Tus neeg kawm ntawv qhov chaw xa ntawv yog tias nws txawv qhov chaw nyob:

13. Tus neeg kawm ntawv qhov email (qhov chaw nyob xa ntawv fais fab):

14. Qhov chaw yug:

15. Tus neeg kawm ntawv nyob nrog (kos ib qho): Niam thiab txiv ob leeg Niam Xwb Txiv Xwb Niam/Txiv Tshiab Txiv/Niam Tshiab Lub chaw hauj lwm _________________________________________________ Lwm Qhov: _______________________________________________________

16. Tus Lej Rau Lub Tsheb Npav thaum AM: (Yog tias paub)

Qhov chaw nyob rau lub tsheb npav tuaj tos thaum AM – yog tias txawv tus neeg kawm ntawv qhov chaw nyob ntawm tsev:

Lub tsheb npav uas tuaj tos thaum AM tus xov tooj: ( )

17. Tus Lej Rau Lub Tsheb Npav thaum PM: (Yog tias paub)

Qhov chaw nyob rau lub tsheb npav tuaj tos thaum PM – yog tias txawv tus neeg kawm ntawv qhov chaw nyob ntawm tsev:

Lub tsheb npav uas xa los thaum PM tus xov tooj: ( )

II. COV LUS NUG RAU NIAM TXIV/TUS SAIB XYUAS Thov teb Cov Lus Nug 18-27. 18. Puas tau cuv npe rau hauv Lub Cheeb Tsam Tsev Kawm Ntawv Anchorage yav tas los? Tau* Tsis Tau *Yog tias tau, tsev kawm ntawv lub npe______________Xyoo uas tau mus zaum kawg________ 19. Thov sau cov keeb kwm txog lwm cov uas sab nraum Lub Cheeb Tsam Tsev Kawm Ntawv Anchorage yav tas los: (Yog tias xav tau qhov chaw sau ntxiv, thov mus ntsib tus kws khaws ntaub ntawv.) Tsev kawm ntawv lub npe:_______________________________ Chaw nyob:____________________________________Nroog:___________________Xeev___________ Zip_________________ Lub tsev kawm ntawv tus xov tooj_(_________)__________________ Hnub tim uas tau mus zaum kawg:____/____/____ Mus Tau Puas Tsawg Xyoo:_____________________________________ 20. Tus neeg kawm ntawv no puas muaj npe rau huav ELL (English Language Learner [Kev Kawm Lus Askiv])? Muaj Tsis muaj 22. Puas muaj lwm hom lus siv tom tsev uas tsis yog lus Askiv? Muaj Tsis muaj

21. Tus neeg kawm ntawv puas tau koom nrog lwm yam uas yog Special Education Services (Kev Pab Rau Cov Kawm Ntawv Qeeb Zog) (OT/PT,DPT,Kev hais lus) TauTsis Tau

23. Tus neeg kawm ntawv puas muaj qhov IEP tam sim no lossis yav tas los? Muaj Tsis muaj 24. Tus neeg kawm ntawv puas muaj txoj kev npaj siab 504 tamsim no? MuajTsis muaj 25. Tus neeg kawm ntawv puas tau rov qab kawm ib qib dua? Yog tias tau, sau qib_____ Tau Tsis tau 26. Tus neeg kawm ntawv puas tau nce qib? Yog tias tau, sau qib uas nws tau hla___ Tau Tsis tau 27. Tus neeg kawm ntawv puas muaj ntawv khoo los ntawm lub tsev txiav txim plaub ntug tamsim no? Muaj Tsis muaj Yog tias muaj, thov muab cov ntaub ntawv raws cai luam ib daig rau lub chaw haujlwm tom tsev kawm ntawv.


Tej yam uas tau teb rau Theem I-V yeej tseeb raws li qhov kuv paub

X Niam Txiv/Tus Saib Xyuas kos npe (yuav tsum muaj) Hnub Tim (yuav tsum muaj) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Address/Boundary Information 1. Home address verified: Yes* No *If yes: Date:____/____/____ Address verification document:_____________________________________________ 2. Birth verification basis: Birth Certificate Affidavit (3 required) ______________________, _________________________, __________________________ 3. School of residence:____________________________________________________4. District of residence:____________________________________________ 5. Boundary exception: Transfer Type: In-District Out-of-District Reason: Continuing Current Exemption Educational Program Grandfathered Medical/Extenuating NCLB School Choice NCLB Victim Open Enrollment Special Education Entry Information 6. Entry reason (check one): Track Transfer within ASD….………..…(TT) Entry from a private school…………………….….…......(05E) Initial entry for school year…… (09E) Entry from another AK dist…………..…(02E) Entry from an institution with an educational program...(06E) Returning student………………..(10E) Entry from other state/country………….(03E) Re-entry/Voluntary withdrawal same school……….…..(07E) Grade level change………………(G) Entry from home schooling……………..(04E) Re-entry/Involuntary withdrawal same school……........(08E) Dual Enrollment………….……...(DE) Records Acquisition Information 7. Records requested: Date:___/___/___ From(In-district)_______________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ From (Out-of-district)___________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ 8. Copy of court order legal documentation was provided by parent/guardian (see #27). YesNo Received Date:____/____/____

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


III. TEJ YAM UAS QHIA TXOG THAWJ TUS NEEG UAS YUAV HU RAU TUS NEEG THIB 1 UAS YUAV HU RAU 28. NIAM TXIV/TUS SAIB XYUAS TUS NEEG THIB 2 UAS YUAV HU RAU 29. LWM TUS NIAM TXIV/TUS SAIB XYUAS Lub npe tuav hu (kos ib qho): Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau lub npe tagnrho (lub xeem, lub npe):

Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau yog leejtwg:

Kos ib qho xwb: Niam txiv Tus saib xyuas Kos ib qho xwb: Niam txiv Tus saib xyuas Koj paub tus neeg kawm ntawv li cas:

Kos ib qho xwb: Niam Txiv Niam Tshiab Txiv Tshiab Niam qhuav Txiv qhuav Pog/niam tais Yawg/yawm txiv Phauj/niam tais/niam ntxawm/niam hlob Txiv hlob/txiv ntxawm/dab laug Nus muag Tus saib xyuas uas lub tsev txiav txim plaub ntug pom zoo Tus Sawv Cev Tom Ib Lub Chaw Haujlwm Lwm yam kev txheeb________________________________________ Lwm yam kev sib paub______________________________________

Kos ib qho xwb: Niam Txiv Niam Tshiab Txiv Tshiab Niam qhuav Txiv qhuav Pog/niam tais Yawg/yawm txiv Phauj/niam tais/niam ntxawm/niam hlob Txiv hlob/txiv ntxawm/dab laug Nus muag Tus saib xyuas uas lub tsev txiav txim plaub ntug pom zoo Tus Sawv Cev Tom Ib Lub Chaw Haujlwm Lwm yam kev txheeb________________________________________ Lwm yam kev sib paub___________________________________________________

Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau puas nyob nrog tus neeg kawm ntawv: (Tus lej tsev & Txoj kev) (Nroog, Xeev, Zip+ 4)

Yog Tsis Yog* *Yog tias tsis yog, sau qhov chaw koj nyob kom txhij rau qhov no:

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Yog Tsis Yog* *Yog tias tsis yog, sau qhov chaw koj nyob kom txhij rau qhov no:

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau qhov chaw haujlwm lub npe:

Qhov chaw nyob rau tus neeg uas yuav hu rau lub chaw haujlwm:

Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau tus xov tooj# tom chaw haujlwm:

( ) ( )

Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau tus xov tooj# tom tsev:

( ) ( )

Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau tus xov tooj# ntawm tes:

( ) ( )

Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau thawj hom lus siv:

Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau qhov email (qhov chaw nyob xa ntawv fais fab):

Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau txais tau ntawv xa tuaj tom tsev kawm ntawv thiab xav kom tau cov ntaub ntawv khaws tseg txog tus neeg kawm ntawv li cov tau hais lawv qab ntawm no:

Yog Tsis yog Yog tias yog, kos tagnrho cov xav tau: Daim Ntawv Qhia Txog Kev Kawm Ntawv Keej Npaum Li Cas Cov Ntawv Qhia Txog Cov Kev Xeem Tau Li Cas Cwjpwm Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Cov Lus Sib Tham Tom Tsev Kawm Ntawv Tos Tau Tus Menyuam Kev Nkag Rau Saum Istawsnev (ParentConnect [Qhov Chaw Nkag Rau Saum Istawsnev Mus Saib Xyuas Menyuam Kev Kawm Ntawv])

Yog Tsis yog Yog tias yog, kos tagnrho cov xav tau: Daim Ntawv Qhia Txog Kev Kawm Ntawv Keej Npaum Li Cas Cov Ntawv Qhia Txog Cov Kev Xeem Tau Li Cas Cwjpwm Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Cov Lus Sib Tham Tom Tsev Kawm Ntawv Tos Tau Tus Menyuam Kev Nkag Rau Saum Istawsnev (ParentConnect [Qhov Chaw Nkag Rau Saum Istawsnev Mus Saib Xyuas Menyuam Kev Kawm Ntawv]) (Tsis txhob kos cov npov sab ntawm nov yog tias tus neeg kawm ntawv nyob nrog ob tug neeg uas yuav hu rau)

Puas Yog Tub Rog Tam Sim No: Yog Tsis yog Yog tias yog, sau:

Theem:_______________________________ Ua Tub Rog Rau Ceg Tw_________________

Yog Tsis Yog Yog tias yog, sau: Theem:______________ ___________________________ Ua Tub Rog Rau Ceg Twg:__________________________

Lub Npe Rau Tseem Fwv Thaj Chaw/Chaw Rau Tub Rog Nyob

Thov muab tej yam uas qhia ntxiv txog lwm cov neeg uas yuav hu tau tso rau hauv qab. Peb yuav siv qhov no yog tias peb hu tsis tau rau Tus (cov) Thawj Tus Neeg Uas Yuav Hu Rau.

IV. TEJ YAM UAS QHIA TXOG TUS NEEG THIB OB UAS YUAV HU TAU RAU 30. TUS NEEG THIB 3 UAS YUAV HU TAU RAU TUS NEEG THIB 4 UAS YUAV HU TAU RAU TUS NEEG THIB 5 UAS YUAV HU TAU RAU Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau lub npe tagnrho: Tus neeg uas yuav hu tau rau qhov chaw nyob (Tus lej tsev & Txoj kev) (Nroog, Xeev, Zip + 4)

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau yog leejtwg: Kos ib qho xwb: Niam txiv Tus saib xyuas

Lwm Yam Kos ib qho xwb: Niam txiv Tus saib xyuas Lwm Yam

Kos ib qho xwb: Niam txiv Tus saib xyuas Lwm Yam

Koj paub tus neeg kawm ntawv li cas:

Kos ib qho xwb: Niam Txiv Niam Tshiab Txiv Tshiab Niam qhuav Txiv qhuav Pog/niam tais Yawg/yawm txiv Phauj/niam tais/niam ntxawm/niam hlob Txiv hlob/txiv ntxawm/dab laug Nus muag Tus saib yuas uas lub tsev txiav txim plaub ntug pom zoo Tus muab kev tu xyuas Tus Kws Kho Mob Ib Tug Phooj Ywg Rau Tsev Neeg Tus Sawv Cev Tam Niam Tam Txiv Rau Cov Neeg Tuaj Kawm Ntawv Txawv Tebchaw Tus neeg nyob ze Tus Sawv Cev Tom Ib Lub Chaw Haujlwm Lwm yam kev txheeb________________________ Lwm yam kev sib paub______________________

Kos ib qho xwb: Niam Txiv Niam Tshiab Txiv Tshiab Niam qhuav Txiv qhuav Pog/niam tais Yawg/yawm txiv Phauj/niam tais/niam ntxawm/niam hlob Txiv hlob/txiv ntxawm/dab laug Nus muag Tus saib yuas uas lub tsev txiav txim plaub ntug pom zoo Tus muab kev tu xyuas Tus Kws Kho Mob Ib Tug Phooj Ywg Rau Tsev Neeg Tus Sawv Cev Tam Niam Tam Txiv Rau Cov Neeg Tuaj Kawm Ntawv Txawv Tebchaw Tus neeg nyob ze Tus Sawv Cev Tom Ib Lub Chaw Haujlwm Lwm yam kev txheeb________________________ Lwm yam kev sib paub______________________

Kos ib qho xwb: Niam Txiv Niam Tshiab Txiv Tshiab Niam qhuav Txiv qhuav Pog/niam tais Yawg/yawm txiv Phauj/niam tais/niam ntxawm/niam hlob Txiv hlob/txiv ntxawm/dab laug Nus muag Tus saib yuas uas xam pom lub zoo Tus muab kev tu xyuas Tus Kws Kho Mob Ib Tug Phooj Ywg Rau Tsev Neeg Tus Sawv Cev Tam Niam Tam Txiv Rau Cov Neeg Tuaj Kawm Ntawv Txawv Tebchaw Tus neeg nyob ze Tus Sawv Cev Tom Ib Lub Chaw Haujlwm Lwm yam kev txheeb___________________________ Lwm yam kev sib paub_________________________

Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau tus xov tooj# tom tsev: ( ) ( ) ( ) Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau tus xov tooj# ntawm tes: ( ) ( ) ( ) Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau tus xov tooj# tom chaw haujlwm: ( ) ( ) ( ) Tus neeg uas yuav hu rau txais tau ntawv xa tuaj tom tsev kawm ntawv thiab xav kom tau cov ntaub ntawv khaws tseg txog tus neeg kawm ntawv li cov tau hais lawv qab ntawm no:

Yog Tsis yog Yog tias yog, kos tagnrho cov xav tau: Daim Ntawv Qhia Txog Kev Kawm Ntawv Keej Npaum Li Cas Cov Ntawv Qhia Txog Cov Kev Xeem Tau Li Cas Cwjpwm Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Kev Sib Tham Tom Tsev Kawm Ntawv Tos Tau Tus Menyuam Kev Nkag Rau Saum Istawsnev (ParentConnect [Qhov Chaw Nkag Rau Saum Istawsnev Mus Saib Xyuas Menyuam Kev Kawm Ntawv])

Yog Tsis yog Yog tias yog, kos tagnrho cov xav tau: Daim Ntawv Qhia Txog Kev Kawm Ntawv Keej Npaum Li Cas Cov Ntawv Qhia Txog Cov Kev Xeem Tau Li Cas Cwjpwm Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Kev Sib Tham Tom Tsev Kawm Ntawv Tos Tau Tus Menyuam Kev Nkag Rau Saum Istawsnev (ParentConnect [Qhov Chaw Nkag Rau Saum Istawsnev Mus Saib Xyuas Menyuam Kev Kawm Ntawv])

Yog Tsis yog Yog tias yog, kos tagnrho cov xav tau: Daim Ntawv Qhia Txog Kev Kawm Ntawv Keej Npaum Li Cas Cov Ntawv Qhia Txog Cov Kev Xeem Tau Li Cas Cwjpwm Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Kev Sib Tham Tom Tsev Kawm Ntawv Tos Tau Tus Menyuam Kev Nkag Rau Saum Istawsnev (ParentConnect [Qhov Chaw Nkag Rau Saum Istawsnev Mus Saib Xyuas Menyuam Kev Kawm Ntawv])

V. TEJ YAM UAS QHIA TXOG COV NUS MUAG (MUAJ DAIM NPLOOJ NTXIV YOG XAV TAU) 31. Teb theem no yog tias haum rau koj. Xam cov nus muag uas muaj npe cuv rau Qib K-12 rau hauv Lub Cheeb Tsam Tsev Kawm Ntawv Anchorage xwb. Tus nus muag thib 1 lub npe tagnrho: Qib: Tsev kawm ntawv lub npe: Tus nus muag thib 2 lub npe tagnrho: Qib: Tsev kawm ntawv lub npe: Tus nus muag thib 3 lub npe tagnrho: Qib: Tsev kawm ntawv lub npe:



Office Only School Name/Code:____________________________________________________School Entry date: _______/_______/______ Student Name:___________________________________Student District ID:_________________Student State ID (SSID):_________________ Grade:________ School Year:____________________________ Homeroom Teacher:_________________________________Rm# _________


Matua/Tagata Vaavaaia le Tamaititi Aoga e faatumu Vaega I-V. Faamolemole tusilima manino mai ma faaaoga le peni uliuli poo le lanu moana. I. FAAMATALAGA TAMAITITI AOGA 1. Tamaititi Aoga Faaiu (NA O LE IGOA FAATULAFONOINA)

Tamaititi Aoga Igoa Muamua (NA O LE IGOA FAATULAFONOINA)

Tamaititi Aoga Igoa Ogatotonu

Igoa Mulimuli

Isi Igoa e Faaaoga e le Tamaititi.

2. Tamaititi Aoga aso fanau: M/A/T ____/____/_____

3. Maualuga o le Vasega:

4. Ituaiga Tagata: Alii Tamaitai

5. O le tamaiti o se tagata Latina pe Sipaniolo? Ioe Leai 5a. Tusa pe o le a le tali o le fesili 5 filifili se tali e tasi pe sili atu e fa’atatau i le vaega o ituaiga tagata: Papae Asia Uliuli Tagatanuu AK Initia Amerika Tagatanuu Hawaii poo Tagata Atumotu Pasefika

6. Tamaititi Aoga Gagana i le fale: 7. Tamaititi Aoga Gagana Muamua:

8. Tamaititi Aoga Telefoni fale: ( )

9. Tuatusi atoa o le tamaititi aoga: Aai, Setete: Igoa faanumera o le nuu + 4:

10. Numera mo faalavelave faafuasei i le ao: (Valaau saunia e le masini mo tulaga faafuasei – na o laina tuusao; manaomia) ( ) 8a. Le lisiina 8b. Na o feau e faamauina 11. Telefoni faaopopo mo le logoina o ni faaaliga: (Valaau saunia e le masini mo tulaga faafuasei ma valaau mo faamatalaga; e le manaomia) ( )

Aai, Setete: Igoa faanumera o le nuu + 4:

12. Tamaititi Aoga tuatusi o le pusameli pe afai e ese atu ma le mea o nofo ai:

13. Tamaititi Aoga tuatusi imeli:

14. Nofoaga na Fanau ai:

15. Tamaiti Aoga e nonofo ma (Togi le tasi): Matua uma e lua Na o le tina Na o le tama Tina/Tama fai Tama/Tina fai Matagaluega______________________________________________________________ Isi: _____________________________________________________________________

16. Numera Pasi o le Taeao: (Pe a iloa) Tuatusi e pikiina ai e le pasi o le taeao – pea ese atu nai lo le tuatusi o le mea e nofo ai le tamaititi:

Pikiina e le Pasi o le Taeao numera o le telefoni e faafesootai ai: ( )

17. Numera Pasi o le Afiafi: (Pe a iloa) Tuatusi e pikiina ai e le pasi o le afiafi – pea ese atu nai lo le tuatusi o le mea e nofo ai le tamaititi:

Tolopuina e le Pasi o le Afiafi numera o le telefoni e faafesootai ai: ( )

II. FESILI MO MATUA MA TAGATA O LOO VAAIA LE TAMAITITI AOGA Faamolemole faatumu fesili 18-27. 18. Na aoga muamua i se Aoga Faaitumalo a Anchorage? Ioe* Leai *A ioe, igoa o le aoga _____________________________ Tausaga Mulimuli na aoga ai________________ 19. Faamolemole lisi faasolopito o isi aoga na aoga muamua ai e le o ni Aoga Faaitumalo a Anchorage: (A manaomia se isi avanoa faaopopo faamolemole vaai le resitara.) Igoa o le Aoga: ___________________________ Tuatusi: ______________________________Aai: ______________ Auala ________________Igoa Faanumera o le nuu ___________ Numera o le telefoni a le aoga_(_________)__________________Aso mulimuli na aoga ai:____/____/____ Tausaga na aoga ai: _____________________________________________ 20. O aoga nei le tamaititi i le aoaoina o le Gagana Igilisi (ELL)? Ioe Leai 22. E faaaogaina se isi gagana i le fale e ese mai le Igilisi ? Ioe Leai

21. Na auai le tamaititi aoga i nisi Auaunaga Faapitoa Faaleaoaoga (OT/PT,DPT,Tautala) Ioe Leai

23. E iai se polokalame IEP a le tamaititi i le taimi nei poo le tuanai foi? Ioe Leai 24. E i ai se fuafuaga 504 a le tamaititi o iai i lenei taimi? Ioe Leai 25. E iai se vasega ua ave faalua e le tamaititi? Afai e ioe, lisi mai le vasega Ioe Leai 26. Ua siitia faalua le tamaititi? Afai e ioe, lisi vasega ua sikipi ____________ Ioe Leai 27. E iai se faatonuga faalefaamasinoga o loo aafia ai le tamaititi? Ioe Leai Afai e ioe, faamolemole tauaao mai se kopi o le pepa faatulafonoina i le ofisa o le aoga.

FAAAUAU LE FAATUMUINA O VAEGA III – V A MATUA MA TAGATA O LOO VAAIA LE TAMAITITI AOGA O LOO I LE ISI ITULAU O faamatalaga ua tuuina atu i vaega I-V e moni e tusa ai ma le atoaatoa o lou iloa

X Saini Matua/Tagata o loo vaaia le tamaititi aoga (manaomia) Aso (manaomia) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Address/Boundary Information 1. Home address verified: Yes* No *If yes: Date:____/____/____ Address verification document:_____________________________________________ 2. Birth verification basis: Birth Certificate Affidavit (3 required) ______________________, _________________________, __________________________ 3. School of residence:____________________________________________________4. District of residence:____________________________________________ 5. Boundary exception: Transfer Type: In-District Out-of-District Reason: Continuing Current Exemption Educational Program Grandfathered Medical/Extenuating NCLB School Choice NCLB Victim Open Enrollment Special Education Entry Information 6. Entry reason (check one): Track Transfer within ASD….………..…(TT) Entry from a private school…………………….….…......(05E) Initial entry for school year…… (09E) Entry from another AK dist…………..…(02E) Entry from an institution with an educational program...(06E) Returning student………………..(10E) Entry from other state/country………….(03E) Re-entry/Voluntary withdrawal same school……….…..(07E) Grade level change………………(G) Entry from home schooling……………..(04E) Re-entry/Involuntary withdrawal same school……........(08E) Dual Enrollment………….……...(DE) Records Acquisition Information 7. Records requested: Date:___/___/___ From(In-district)_______________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ From (Out-of-district)___________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ 8. Copy of court order legal documentation was provided by parent/guardian (see #27). YesNo Received Date:____/____/____

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Faasinomaga (Togi le Tasi): Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Tagata fesootai Igoa Atoa

(Faaiu, Igoa Muamua):

Ituaiga tagata fesootai: Togi na o le pusa e tasi: Matua Tagata o loo vaaia le tamaititi Togi na o le pusa e tasi: Matua Tagata o loo vaaia le tamaititi

Sootaga ma le tamaititi aoga:

Togi na o le pusa e tasi: Tina Tama Tina fai Tama fai Tina Tausi Tama Tausi Tina o le Tama/Tina Tama o le Tina/Tama Uso/Tuafafine o le Tina/Tama Tuagane/Uso o le Tina/Tama Tei Tagata ua filifilia e le faamasinoga e vaaia le tamaititi Sui o le Matagaluega Se isi tagata o le aiga ________________________________ Se isi sootaga _______________________________________

Togi na o le pusa e tasi: Tina Tama Tina fai Tama fai Tina Tausi Tama Tausi Tina o le Tama/Tina Tama o le Tina/Tama Uso/Tuafafine o le Tina/Tama Tuagane/Uso o le Tina/Tama Tei Tagata ua filifilia e le faamasinoga e vaaia le tamaititi Sui o le Matagaluega Se isi tagata o le aiga ________________________________ Se isi sootaga______________________________________

Tagata fesootai nonofo ma le tamaititi aoga:

(Numera. & Igoa o le Auala) (Aai, Setete, Numera + 4)

Ioe Leai* *Afai e leai, Tusilima mai le tuatusi atoa i lalo:

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Ioe Leai* *Afai e leai, Tusilima mai le Tuatusi atoa i lalo:

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Tagata Fesootai Igoa o le Pule ole Falefaigaluega:

Tagata Fesootai tuatusi tonu o le falefaigaluega:

Tagata Fesootai Telefoni Falefaigaluega #:

( ) ( )

Tagata Fesootai Telefoni fale#:

( ) ( )

Tagata Fesootai Telefoni feaveai #:

( ) ( )

Tagata Fesootai Gagana Muamua:

Tagata Fesootai tuatusi imeli:

Tagata Fesootai mauaina meli mai le aoga ma manaomia le taulimaina o faamaumauga o le tamaititi e pei ona taua:

Ioe Leai Afai e ioe,togi uma vaega e talafeagai: Pepa Lipoti Iuga o Suega Amio Soifua Fesootaiga a le Aoga E mafai ona pikiina le tamaititi aoga Faaaogaina o le Upega Tafailagi (Tatalaina e Matua)

Ioe Leai Afai e ioe,togi uma vaega e talafeagai: Pepa Lipoti Iuga o Suega Amio Soifua Fesootaiga a le Aoga E mafai ona pikiina le tamaititi aoga Faaaogaina o le Upega Tafailagi (Tatalaina e Matua) (Aua le togiina pusa i lenei laina pe afai o loo nonofo le tamaiti ma tagata fesootai uma e lua)

Auai i le Militeri: Ioe Leai Afai e ioe, tusilima: Tulaga: ________________________________ Lala o le Auaunaga: _____________________

Ioe Leai Afai e ioe, tusilima: Tulaga: ________________________________ Lala o le Auaunaga: _____________________

Igoa o le Lotoa a le Feterale /Igoa o le Nofoaga a le Militeri

Faamolemole tuu mai nisi faamatalaga faaopopo mo nisi tagata fesootai i le pito i lalo. O le a faaaogaina ia faamatalaga pe a le mafai ona mauaina se fesootaiga ma tagata e faafesootai muamua

IV. FAAMATALAGA O TAGATA FESOOTAI LONA LUA 30. TAGATA FESOOTAI 3 TAGATA FESOOTAI 4 TAGATA FESOOTAI 5 Tagata Fesootai Igoa Atoa: Tagata Fesootai tuatusi (Numera. & Igoa o le auala) (Aai, Setete, Numera + 4)

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Ituaiga Tagata Fesootai: Togi na o le pusa e tasi: Matua Tagata Vaaia le Tamaititi Isi

Togi na o le pusa e tasi: Matua Tagata Vaaia le Tamaititi Isi

Togi na o le pusa e tasi: Matua Tagata Vaaia le Tamaititi Isi

Sootaga ma le Tamaititi Aoga:

Togi na o le tasi: Tina Tama Tina fai Tama fai Tina tausi Tama tausi Tina o le tama/tina Tama o le tina/tama Uso/Tuafafine o le tina/tama Tuagane/Uso o le tina/tama Tei Tagata ua filifilia e le tulafono e vaaia le tamaititi Tagata o loo tausia Fomai Uo a le aiga Matua o loo vaaia Tuaoi Sui o le matagaluega Se isi tagata o le aiga __________________ Se isi sootaga ________________________

Togi na o le tasi: Tina Tama Tina fai Tama fai Tina tausi Tama tausi Tina o le tama/tina Tama o le tina/tama Uso/Tuafafine o le tina/tama Tuagane/Uso o le tina/tama Tei Tagata ua filifilia e le tulafono e vaaia le tamaititi Tagata o loo tausia Fomai Uo a le aiga Matua o loo vaaia Tuaoi Sui o le matagaluega Se isi tagata o le aiga _________________ Se isi sootaga _______________________

Togi na o le tasi: Tina Tama Tina fai Tama fai Tina tausi Tama tausi Tina o le tama/tina Tama o le tina/tama Uso/Tuafafine o le tina/tama Tuagane/Uso o le tina/tama Tei Tagata ua filifilia e le tulafono e vaaia le tamaititi Tagata o loo tausia Fomai Uo a le aiga Matua o loo vaaia Tuaoi Sui o le matagaluega Se isi tagata o le aiga ____________________ Se isi sootaga __________________________

Tagata Fesootai Telefoni fale#:

( ) ( ) ( )

Tagata Fesootai Telefoni feaveai #

( ) ( ) ( )

Tagata Fesootai: telefoni o le falefaigaluega #:

( ) ( ) ( )

Tagata Fesootai mauaina meli mai le aoga ma manaomia le taulimaina o faamaumauga o le tamaititi e pei ona taua:

Ioe Leai Afai e ioe, togi uma vaega e talafeagai: Pepa Lipoti Iuga o Suega Amio Soifua Maloloina Fesootaiga a le Aoga E mafai ona pikiina le tamaititi aoga Faaogaina o Upega Tafailagi (Tatalaina e Matua)

Ioe Leai Afai e ioe, togi uma vaega e talafeagai: Pepa Lipoti Iuga o Suega Amio Soifua Maloloina Fesootaiga a le Aoga E mafai ona pikiina le tamaititi aoga Faaogaina o Upega Tafailagi (Tatalaina e Matua)

Ioe Leai Afai e ioe, togi uma vaega e talafeagai: Pepa Lipoti Iuga o Suega Amio Soifua Maloloina Fesootaiga a le Aoga E mafai ona pikiina le tamaititi aoga Faaogaina o Upega Tafailagi (Tatalaina e Matua)

V. FAAMATALAGA I TEI (AVANOA SE PEPA FAAOPOPO) 31. Faatumu lenei vaega pe afai e talafeagai. Aofia ai ma ni tei o loo auai i Vasega Tulagalua (K-12) i Aoga Faaitumalo a Anchorage. Tei 1 Igoa Atoa: Vasega: Igoa o le Aoga: Tei 2 Igoa Atoa: Vasega: Igoa o le Aoga: Tei 3 Igoa Atoa: Vasega: Igoa o le Aoga:



Office Only School Name/Code:____________________________________________________School Entry date: _______/_______/______ Student Name:___________________________________Student District ID:_________________Student State ID (SSID):_________________ Grade:________ School Year:____________________________ Homeroom Teacher:_________________________________Rm# _________


Kompletuhin ng Magulang/Tagapangalaga ang Seksiyon I-V. Pakilimbag nang malinaw gamit ang itim o asul na pluma I. IMPORMASYON UKOL SA ESTUDYANTE 1. Apelyido ng Estudyante (LEGAL NA PANGALAN LANG)

Pangalan ng Estudyante (LEGAL NA PANGALAN LANG)

Panggitnang Apelyido ng Estudyante

Karagdagan (Suffix)

Ibang pangalan na ginagamit ng estudyante.

2. Petsa ng Pagkasilang ng Es-tudyante: BB/AA/TT ____/____/_____

3. Antas ng Grado: 4. Kasarian: Lalaki Babae

5.Ang estudyante ba ay Hispaniko o Latino? Oo Hindi 5a. Kahit ano pa ang sagot sa #5, pumili ng isa o higit pang mga kategorya ng lahi: Puti Asyano Itim Katutubo ng AK Amerikanong Indiyan Katutubong Hawayano o Taga-pulong Pasipiko

6. Wika sa bahay ng estudyante: 7. Pangunahing wika ng estudyante:

8. Telepono sa bahay ng estudyante: ( )

9. Kompletong address ng tirahan ng estudyante: Siyudad, Estado: ZIP + 4:

10. Pang-emerhensiyang telepono sa araw: (Para sa automated na pang-emerhensiyang mga tawag – direktang linya lang; kailangan) ( ) 8a. Di-nakalista 8b. Mensahe Lang 11. Karagdagang telepono na pang-abiso: (Para sa automated na mga pang-emerhensiya at pang-impormasyong mga tawag; Opsiyonal) ( )

Siyudad, Estado: ZIP + 4: 12. Address sa koreo ng estudyante kung iba sa tirahan:

13. Email address ng Estudyante:

14. Lugar na Ipinanganak:

15. Ang estudyante ay nakatira kasama ng (tsekan ang isa): Dalawang magulang Ina lang Ama lang Ina/Madrasto Ama/Madrasta Ahensiya ______________________________________________________________ Iba pa: ________________________________________________________________

16. Numero ng Bus sa Umaga: (Kung alam) Address ng pagsunduan ng bus sa umaga – kung iba sa address ng bahay ng estudyante:

Numero ng teleponong tatawagan ng pagsunduan ng bus sa umaga: ( )

17. Numero ng Bus sa Hapon: (Kung alam) Address na paghahatiran sa hapon – kung iba sa address ng bahay ng estudyante:

Numero ng teleponong tatawagan ng paghahatiran ng bus sa hapon: ( )

II. MGA KATANUNGAN PARA SA MAGULANG/TAGAPANGALAGA Pakikompleto ang Mga Katanungan sa 18-27. 18. Naka-enrol dati sa Paaralang Pampurok ng Anchorage? Oo* Hindi *Kung oo, pangalan ng paaralan ____________________ Huling taon nang pumasok ________________ 19. Pakilista ang kasaysayan dati na labas sa Paaralang Pampurok ng Anchorage: (Kung kailangan ang karagdagang espasyo, makigpakita sa registrar.) Pangalan ng paaralan:_____________________________ Address:____________________________________Siyudad:__________________Kalye_________Zip________________ Numero ng telepono ng paaralan_(_________)_______________Petsa nang huling pumasok:____/____/____ Mga Taon na Pumasok:________________________________________ 20. Kasalukuyan bang naka-enrol ang estudyante sa ELL (English Language Learner)? OoHindi 22. May wika bang ginagamit sa bahay maliban sa Ingles? OoWala

21. Sumali ba ang estudyante sa iba pang Special Education Services (OT/PT, DPT, Speech) OoHindi

23. May kasalukuyan ba o nakaraang IEP? OoWala 24. Kasalukuyan bang may 504 plan ang estudyante? OoHindi 25. Nakabalik ba ang estudyante sa isang grado? Kung oo, ilista ang grado_____ OosHindi 26. Doble bang na-promote ang estudyante? Kung oo, ilista ang gradong nilaktawan OoHindi 27. Ang isang kautusan ba ng korte ay may bisa sa estudyante? Oo Hindi Kung oo, mangyaring magbigay ng kopya ng legal na dokumentasyon sa tanggapan ng paaralan.


Ang impormasyong ibinigay sa Seksiyon I-V ay totoo sa abot ng aking kaalaman

X Pirma ng Magulang/Tagapangalaga (kailangan) Petsa (kailangan) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Address/Boundary Information 1. Home address verified: Yes* No *If yes: Date:____/____/____ Address verification document:_____________________________________________ 2. Birth verification basis: Birth Certificate Affidavit (3 required) ______________________, _________________________, __________________________ 3. School of residence:____________________________________________________4. District of residence:____________________________________________ 5. Boundary exception: Transfer Type: In-District Out-of-District Reason: Continuing Current Exemption Educational Program Grandfathered Medical/Extenuating NCLB School Choice NCLB Victim Open Enrollment Special Education Entry Information 6. Entry reason (check one): Track Transfer within ASD….………..…(TT) Entry from a private school…………………….….…......(05E) Initial entry for school year…… (09E) Entry from another AK dist…………..…(02E) Entry from an institution with an educational program...(06E) Returning student………………..(10E) Entry from other state/country………….(03E) Re-entry/Voluntary withdrawal same school……….…..(07E) Grade level change………………(G) Entry from home schooling……………..(04E) Re-entry/Involuntary withdrawal same school……........(08E) Dual Enrollment………….……...(DE) Records Acquisition Information 7. Records requested: Date:___/___/___ From(In-district)_______________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ From (Out-of-district)___________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ 8. Copy of court order legal documentation was provided by parent/guardian (see #27). YesNo Received Date:____/____/____

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


III. IMPORMASYON UKOL SA PANGUNAHING TAONG KONTAK TAONG KONTAK 1 28. MAGULANG/TAGAPANGALAGA TAONG KONTAK 2 29. KABILANG MAGULANG/TAGAPANGALAGA Titulo (tsekan ang isa): G. Gng. Bb. G. Gng. Bb. Buong pangalan ng taong kontak (apelyido, pangalan):

Uri ng taong kontak: Tsekan ang isa lang: Magulang Tagapangalaga Tsekan ang isa lang: Magulang Tagapangalaga

Kaugnayan sa estudyante:

Tsekan ang isa lang: Ina Ama Madrasta Madrasto Nagpapalaking (foster) ina Nagpapalaking (foster) ama Lola Lolo Tiya Tiyo Kapatid Itinakda ng korte na tagapangalaga Representante ng Ahensiya Iba pang kamag-anak_________________________________ Iba pang kaugnayan___________________________________

Tsekan ang isa lang: Ina Ama Madrasta Madrasto Nagpapalaking (foster) ina Nagpapalaking (foster) ama Lola Lolo Tiya Tiyo Kapatid Itinakda ng korte na tagapangalaga Representante ng Ahensiya Iba pang kamag-anak_______________________________________________ Iba pang kaugnayan_________________________________________________

Nakatira ang taong kontak kasama ng estudyante: (Blg. at Pangalan ng kalye) (Siyudad, Estado, Zip + 4)

Oo Hindi* *Kung hindi, ilimbag ang kompletong address ng tirahan dito:

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Oo Hindi* *Kung hindi, ilimbag ang kompletong address ng tirahan dito: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Pangalan ng employer ng taong kontak:

Eksaktong address ng trabaho ng taong kontak:

Numero ng telepono sa trabaho ng taong kontak:

( ) ( )

Numero ng telepono sa bahay ng taong kontak:

( ) ( )

Numero ng cellphone ng taong kontak:

( ) ( )

Pangunahing wika ng taong kontak:

Email address ng taong kontak:

Ang taong kontak ay tumatanggap ng sulat ng paaralan at nangangailangan ng akses sa sumusunod na mga rekord ng estudyante:

Oo Hindi Kung oo, tsekan ang lahat ng angkop: Report Card Mga Resulta ng Pagsusulit Asal Kalusugan Komunikasyon ng Paaralan Maaring Sunduin ang estudyante Akses sa Internet/Web (ParentConnect)

Oo Hindi Kung oo, tsekan ang lahat ng angkop: Report Card Mga Resulta ng Pagsusulit Asal Kalusugan Komunikasyon ng Paaralan Maaring Sunduin ang estudyante Akses sa Internet/Web (ParentConnect) (Huwag tsekan ang mga kahon sa kolum na ito kung ang estudyante ay nakatira kasama ng dalawang taong kontak)

Aktibong Militar: Oo Hindi Kung oo, ilimbag: Ranggo: _________________________________ Sangay ng Serbisyo: _______________________

Oo Hindi Kung oo, ilimbag: Ranggo: _____________________________________________ Sangay ng Serbisyo: ____________________________________

Pangalan ng Pag-aari ng Fede-ral / Instalasyong Pangmilitar

Mangyaring magbigay ng karagdagang impormasyon ng taong kontak sa ibaba. Gagamitin namin ito kung hindi namin matawagan ang (Mga) Pangunahing Taong Kontak.


Buong pangalan ng taong kontak:

Address ng taong kontak (Blg. at pangalan ng Kalye) (Siyudad, Estado, Zip + 4)

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Uri ng taong kontak: Tsekan ang isa lang: Magulang Tagapangalaga Iba pa

Tsekan ang isa lang: Magulang Tagapangalaga Iba pa

Tsekan ang isa lang: Magulang Tagapangalaga Iba pa

Kaugnayan sa Estudyante: Tsekan ang isa lang: Ina Ama Madrasta Madrasto Nagpapalaking (foster) ina Nagpapalaking (foster) ama Lola Lolo Tiya Tiyo Kapatid Itinakda ng korte na tagapangalaga Caregiver Doktor Kaibigan ng Pamilya Tinutuluyan (Host Parent) Kapitbahay Representante ng Ahensiya Iba pang kamag-anak___________________ Iba pang kaugnayan____________________

Tsekan ang isa lang: Ina Ama Madrasta/ Madrasto Nagpapalaking (foster) ina Nagpapalaking (foster) ama Lola Lolo Tiya Tiyo Kapatid Itinakda ng korte na tagapangalaga Caregiver Doktor Kaibigan ng Pamilya Tinutuluyan (Host Parent) Kapitbahay Representante ng Ahensiya Iba pang kamag-anak___________________ Iba pang kaugnayan____________________

Tsekan ang isa lang: Ina Ama Madrasta Madrasto Nagpapalaking (foster) ina Nagpapalaking (foster) ama Lola Lolo Tiya Tiyo Kapatid Itinakda ng korte na tagapangalaga Doktor Kaibigan ng Pamilya Tinutuluyan (Host Parent) Kapitbahay Representante ng Ahensiya Iba pang kamag-anak______________________ Iba pang kaugnayan_______________________

Numero ng telepono sa bahay ng taong kontak:

( ) ( ) ( )

Numero ng cellphone ng taong kontak:

( ) ( ) ( )

Numero ng telepono sa trabaho ng taong kontak:

( ) ( ) ( )

Ang taong kontak ay tumatanggap ng sulat ng paaralan at nangangailangan ng akses sa sumusunod na mga rekord ng estudyante

Oo Hindi Kung Oo, tsekan ang lahat ng angkop: Report Card Mga Resulta ng Pagsusulit Asal Kalusugan Komunikasyon ng Paaralan Maaring Sunduin ang estudyante Akses sa Internet/Web (ParentConnect)

Oo Hindi Kung Oo, tsekan ang lahat ng angkop: Report Card Mga Resulta ng Pagsusulit Asal Kalusugan Komunikasyon ng Paaralan Maaring Sunduin ang estudyante Akses sa Internet/Web (ParentConnect)

Oo Hindi Kung Oo, tsekan ang lahat ng angkop: Report Card Mga Resulta ng Pagsusulit Asal Kalusugan Komunikasyon ng Paaralan Maaring Sunduin ang estudyante Akses sa Internet/Web (ParentConnect)

V. IMPORMASYON UKOL SA KAPATID (MAY MAGAGAMIT NA KARAGDAGANG PAPEL) 31. Kompletuhin lang ang seksiyong ito kung angkop. Ilakip lang ang mga kapatid na kasalukuyang naka-enrol sa Gradong K-12 saPaaralang Pampurok ng Anchorage. Buong pangalan ng Kapatid 1: Grado: Pangalan ng paaralan:

Buong pangalan ng Kapatid 2: Grado: Pangalan ng paaralan:

Buong pangalan ng Kapatid 3: Grado: Pangalan ng Paaralan:



Office Only School Name/Code:____________________________________________________School Entry date: _______/_______/______ Student Name:___________________________________Student District ID:_________________Student State ID (SSID):_________________ Grade:________ School Year:____________________________ Homeroom Teacher:_________________________________Rm# _________

ANCHORAGE 교육구학교 K-12 전·입학원서

I-V 항까지 부모/보호자가 작성해 주십시오. 흑색 또는 청색 펜으로 알아 보기 쉽게 정자로 기입해 주십시오.

I. 학생 인적사항

1. 성 (姓, 법률상 성) 이름 (名, 법률상 이름) 학생의 중간이름 이름 끝 첨가 학생이 사용하는 다른 이름.

2. 생년월일:월/일/년도

____/____/_____ 3. 학년: 4. 성별:

남 여

5. 학생이 히스패닉이나 라틴계입니까? 예 아니오

5a. 5번 답변과 상관없이 다음의 인종 중 한 범주 이상을 선택하시오: 백인 아시아계 흑인

알라스카 원주민 미국 인디언 하와이 원주민 또는 태평양 제도 주민

6. 학생의 가정에서 사용하는 언어: 7. 학생의 1차 언어:

8. 집전화:

( )

9. 거주지 주소 : 시, 주: 우편번호+ 4:

10. 주간 비상 연락용 전화: (자동 응급 전화용 – 직통 전화만 가능; 필수사항) ( ) 8a. 전화번호부 미등재

8b. 메시지만 수신 11. 추가 연락용 전화: (자동 응급 전화 ; 선택사항) ( )

시, 주: 우편번호+ 4: 12. 우편 발송 주소 (거주지 주소와 다를 경우) :

13. 학생의 이메일 주소 (온라인 강좌를 듣는 고등학생의 경우 필수)

14. 출생지:

15. 학생이 함께 살고 있는 이 (하나만 체크하시오): 양쪽 부모 모두 어머니

아버지 어머니와 새아버지 아버지와 새어머니

에이전시 _______________________________________________________ 기타: ___________________________________________________________

16. 오전 버스 번호 (알고 있을 경우) 오전 버스 승차 주소 (학생의 집주소와 다를 경우): 오전 버스 승차시 연락 전화번호:

( )

17. 오후 버스 번호 (알고 있을 경우) 오후 버스 하 주소 (학생의 집주소와 다를 경우): 오후 버스 하차시 연락 전화번호 :

( )

II. 부모/보호자를 위한 질문

질문18-27에 답해 주십시오.

18. 전에 Anchorage 교육구 관할 학교에 학생을 보낸 적이 있습니까? 예* 아니오 *예라고 대답했다면, 보낸 학교는 어느 학교였습니까?

__________________________그 학교에 보냈던 마지막 년도는 언제입니까?______________ 19. Anchorage 교육구 관할 학교에 보낸 기록을 써 주십시오 (기입할 칸이 더 필요하면, 사무원에게 문의해 주시기 바랍니다)

학교명:_____________________________ 주소 :____________________________________시 :_____________________주 ______우편번호 ______________ 학교 전화 번호 _(_________)__________________마지막으로 출석한 날짜 :____/____/____출석년수 :___________________________________________ 20. 학생이 현재 ELL (English Language Learner)에 참여하고 있습니까?

예 아니오

22. 집에서 영어 이외의 언어를 사용합니까? 예 아니오

21. 학생이 다른 특수 교육 서비스 (Special Education Services, OT/PT, DPT,

Speech) 를 받은 적이 있습니까? 예 아니오

23. 학생이 현재 혹은 과거에 개인별 교육 프로그램 (IEP)을 받은 적이 있습니까?

예 아니오

24. 현재 학생이 504 플랜을 보유하고 있습니까? 예 아니오

25. 학생이 유급학년을 가진 적이 있습니까? 있다면 몇

학년이었습니까?______________________________________________ 예 아니오

26. 학생이 월반을 한 적이 있습니까? 있다면 어느 학년을 건너 뛰었습니까?

_______________________________________________________________ 예 아니오

27. 학생에게 내려진 유효한 법원 명령이 있습니까? 예 아니오 있다면 법적 서류의 복사본을 학교 사무실에 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.

계속해서 학부모/보호자를 위한 질문 III-V 항목을 작성해 주시기 바랍니다.

I-V 까지 기입한 정보는 본인이 알고 있는 한 사실입니다


부모/보호자 서명(필수) 날짜 (필수)


Address/Boundary Information 1. Home address verified: Yes* No *If yes: Date:____/____/____ Address verification document:_____________________________________________ 2. Birth verification basis: Birth Certificate Affidavit (3 required) ______________________, _________________________, __________________________ 3. School of residence:____________________________________________________4. District of residence:____________________________________________ 5. Boundary exception: Transfer Type: In-District Out-of-District Reason: Continuing Current Exemption Educational Program Grandfathered Medical/Extenuating NCLB School Choice NCLB Victim Open Enrollment Special Education Entry Information 6. Entry reason (check one): Track Transfer within ASD….………..…(TT) Entry from a private school…………………….….…......(05E) Initial entry for school year…… (09E) Entry from another AK dist…………..…(02E) Entry from an institution with an educational program...(06E) Returning student………………..(10E) Entry from other state/country………….(03E) Re-entry/Voluntary withdrawal same school……….…..(07E) Grade level change………………(G) Entry from home schooling……………..(04E) Re-entry/Involuntary withdrawal same school……........(08E) Dual Enrollment………….……...(DE) Records Acquisition Information 7. Records requested: Date:___/___/___ From(In-district)_______________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ From (Out-of-district)___________________________________________ Received Date:____/____/____ 8. Copy of court order legal documentation was provided by parent/guardian (see #27). YesNo Received Date:____/____/____

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


III . 주요 연락처 정보

연락처 1 28. 부모/ 보호자 연락처 2 29. 여타 부모/보호자

호칭 (하나만 선택): Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Ms.

연락 인 성명

(성, 이름):

연락인 유형: 하나 만 체크 : 부모 보호자 하나 만 체크 : 부모 보호자

학생과의 관계:

하나 만 체크 : 어머니 아버지 새어머니 새아버지

양어머니 양아버지 할머니 할아버지 숙모/고모/이모

삼촌/이모부/고모부 형제자매 법원 지정 보호자 에이전시 대표

다른 친척________________________________________ 기타 관계 ______________________________________

하나 만 체크 : 어머니 아버지 새어머니 새아버지

양어머니 양아버지 할머니 할아버지 숙모/고모/이모

삼촌/이모부/고모부 형제자매 법원 지정 보호자 에이전시 대표

다른 친척________________________________________ 기타 관계 ______________________________________

연락 인이 학생과 함께


(번지와 거리 이름)

(시, 주, 우편번호 + 4)

예 아니오 * *’아니오’로 답했을 경우 연락인의 주소 전체 기입

요망 ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

예 아니오 * *’아니오’로 답했을 경우 연락인의 주소 전체 기입 요망 ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

연락 인의 고용주 이름:

연락 인의 근무지 주소 :

연락 인의 직장 전화 번호


( ) ( )

연락 인의 집 전화 번호 #: ( ) ( )

연락 인의 휴대전화 번호


( ) ( )

연락 인의 1차 언어:

연락 인의 이메일 주소:

연락 인은 학교 메일을

받고 다음의 학생 기록을

열람하고자 합니까?

예 아니오 예라고 답했 을 경우 해당 되는 기록을 모두

체크 하십 시 오: 리포트 카드 시험결과 행동 건강

학교 통신문 배포자료 연락처 웹 (ParentConnect)

예 아니오 예라고 답했 을 경우 해당 되는 기록을 모두

체크 하십 시 오: 리포트 카드 시험결과 행동 건강 학교 통신문

배포자료 연락처 웹 (ParentConnect)

(만약 학생이 연락인 모두와 함께 거주할 경우 이 해당란은 체크하지 마십시오)

군부대 근무 여부: 예 아니오 예라고 대답했다면, 다음을 기입해 주십시오.

직위:____________________________________ 근무 부대:_______________________________

예 아니오 예라고 대답했다면, 다음을 기입해 주십시오.

직위:____________________________________ 근무 부대:_______________________________

연방 건물/부대 시설의


아래에 추가 연락처 정보 를 작성해 주십시 오. 주요 연락인 에 게 연락이 닿지 않을 경우 아래의 정보 를 이용할 것입니 다.

IV. 추가 연락처 정보

30. 연락처 3 연락처 4 연락처 5

연락 인 성명:

연락인 주소

(번지와 거리 이름)

(시, 주, 우편번호 + 4)

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________

연락인 유형: 하나 만 체크 : 부모 보호자 기타 하나 만 체크 : 부모 보호자 기타 하나 만 체크 : 부모 보호자 기타

학생과의 관계:

하나만 체크 : 어머니 아버지 새어머니

새아버지 양어머니 양아버지 할머니

할아버지 숙모/고모/이모 삼촌/이모부/고모부


법원 지정 보호자 보모 의사 가족 친구 위탁

양육 부모 이웃 에이전시 대표

기타친척________________________ 기타 관계 ______________________

하나 만 체크 : 어머니 아버지 새어머니

새아버지 양어머니 양아버지 할머니

할아버지 숙모/고모/이모 삼촌/이모부/고모부


법원 지정 보호자 보모 의사 가족 친구 위탁

양육 부모 이웃 에이전시 대표

기타 친척 __________________________ 기타 관계 ______________________

하나만 체크 : 어머니 아버지 새어머니

새아버지 양어머니 양아버지 할머니

할아버지 숙모/고모/이모 삼촌/이모부/고모부


법원 지정 보호자 보모 의사 가족 친구

위탁 양육 부모 이웃 에이전시 대표

기타 친척 __________________________ 기타 관계 ______________________

연락인의 집전화 번호 #: ( ) ( ) ( )

연락인의 휴대전화 번호 #: ( ) ( ) ( )

연락인의 직장 전화 번호 #: ( ) ( ) ( )

연락 인은 학교 메일을

받고 다음의 학생

기록 을 열람하고 자

합니 까?

예 아니오예라고 답했을 경우 해당 되는

기록 을 모두 체크하십 시 오: 리포트 카드

시험결과 행동 건강 학교 통신문

배포자료 연락처 웹 (ParentConnect)

예아니오예라 고 답했을 경우 해당 되는

기록 을 모두 체크하십 시 오: 리포트 카드

시험결과 행동 건강 학교 통신문 배포자료

연락처 웹 (ParentConnect)

예 아니오예라고 답했을 경우 해당 되는

기록 을 모두 체크하십 시 오: 리포트 카드

시험결과 행동 건강 학교 통신문

배포자료 연락처 웹 (ParentConnect)

V. 형제자매 정보 (란이 더 필요할 경우 추가 용지 제공 가능)

31. 해당 사항이 있는 경우에 만 이 란을 작성해 주십시 오. Anchorage 교육구 관할 학교 의 K-12 학년에 현재 다니고 있는 형제자매에 대한 정보만 기입해 주십시 오.

형제자매1성명: 학년: 학교:

형제자매2성명: 학년: 학교:

형제자매3성명: 학년: 학교:

ATT-#002 1페이지 의 II항에 부모/보호 자 서명이 있는지 확인해 주십시오 Enrollment V2-5.31.2011 - Korean

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire rev 5/11

Dear Parent or Guardian, Welcome! The Anchorage School District is committed to supporting students who speak or understand languages other than English. English instruction and/or tutoring for other subject areas is provided as needed during regular school hours. Specially trained teachers and tutors who understand, respect and appreciate different languages and cultures will work with eligible students. In order to help us determine which students may qualify for our program, please take a minute to complete the attached form. If a language other than English is indicated, language assessments will be done and families will be notified of the results. If you have questions, or need help with the form, we will be happy to assist you. Sincerely,

Christine Garbe, Supervisor English Language Learners Program

Anchorage School District 5530 E. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99504-3135 (907) 742-4000

Educating All Students for Success in Life

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire rev 5/11


If a language other than English is part of a student’s language background, state and federal law require us to test his/her English proficiency. Student name: __________________________________________ Place of birth: _____________________________________ (last name, first name) Has this student attended school outside of the U.S.? □ no □ yes, in _____________________ (country) Circle grades completed outside U.S.: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Date student first entered a U.S. school _____________ Participating in an exchange student program? □ no □ yes 1. Please list *all languages spoken in this student’s home. □ English □ other _________________________

*Do not include languages that your child is learning/has learned in school. 2. What is the first language this student learned to speak? □ English □ other _________________________ If English is the only language above, please sign and date at the bottom of the form. If a language other than English is listed above, please answer the questions below. 3. What language(s) does this student speak? □ English □ other _________________________ 4. What language(s) does this student understand? □ English □ other _________________________ 5. What was the first language spoken by mother/guardian? □ English □ other _________________________

6. What was the first language spoken by father/guardian? □ English □ other _________________________

7. Is there another adult who influenced this student’s language development? □ no □ yes

relationship to student ______________________ language spoken _____________________________

Parent/Guardian signature _________________________________ Date ____________________

Parent/Guardian printed name __________________________________________

Anchorage School District District ID # __________________________ ________________________________________ grade: ____ Alaska Student ID #: _____________________


A copy of this form should be placed in the student’s cumulative file. Office staff, please initial: _____ Parent was given an ELLP brochure.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire – Spanish rev 5/11

Estimado padre, madre o tutor legal: ¡Bienvenidos! El Distrito Escolar de Anchorage se compromete a apoyar a los estudiantes que hablan o entienden otro idioma distinto al inglés. Durante el horario habitual de clases, se proporciona instrucción o tutelaje en inglés para otras materias según sea necesario. Maestros y tutores especialmente capacitados, que entiendan, respeten y aprecien las diferentes culturas y lenguas, trabajarán junto a los estudiantes que reúnan los requisitos. A fin de ayudarnos a determinar qué estudiantes reúnen los requisitos para nuestro programa, le agradeceremos dedique un momento a completar el formulario adjunto. Si se indica un idioma que no es el inglés, se llevará a cabo una evaluación del idioma y se notificará a las familias de los resultados. Si tiene alguna duda o necesita ayuda para completar el formulario, con gusto lo asistiremos. Atentamente,

Christine Garbe, Supervisora Programa Estudiantes de Lengua Inglesa

Anchorage School District 5530 E. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99504-3135 (907) 742-4000

Educating All Students for Success in Life

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire – Spanish rev 5/11


PARA PADRES (Encuesta sobre idioma hablado en el hogar)

Si el contexto lingüístico de un alumno está compuesto por otro idioma además del inglés, la ley federal y estatal nos exige que examinemos su dominio del idioma inglés. Nombre del alumno: __________________________________________ Lugar de nacimiento__________________________ (Apellido, primer nombre) ¿Este alumno ha asistido a la escuela fuera de EE. UU? □ No □ Sí, en _____________________ (País) Marque con un círculo los grados completados fuera de EE. UU.: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fecha en la que el alumno ingresó por primera vez a una escuela en EE. UU. _____________ ¿Participa en un programa de intercambio estudiantil? □ No □ Sí 1. Indique *todos los idiomas que se hablan en el hogar del alumno. □ Inglés □ Otro __________________

*No incluya idiomas que su hijo esté aprendiendo/haya aprendido en la escuela. 2. ¿Cuál es el primer idioma que este alumno aprendió a hablar? □ Inglés □ Otro __________________ Si el único idioma indicado anteriormente es el inglés, firme y coloque la fecha en la parte inferior de este formulario. Si se indicó un idioma diferente del inglés, responda las siguientes preguntas. 3. ¿Qué idioma/s habla este alumno? □ Inglés □ Otro __________________ 4. ¿Qué idioma/s entiende este alumno? □ Inglés □ Otro __________________ 5. ¿Cuál fue el primer idioma hablado por la madre/tutora? □ Inglés □ Otro __________________ 6. ¿Cuál fue el primer idioma hablado por el padre/tutor? □ Inglés □ Otro___________________

7. ¿Existe otro adulto que haya influido en el desarrollo lingüístico de este alumno? □ No □ Sí

Relación con el alumno ______________________ idioma hablado _____________________________

Firma del padre/tutor _________________________________ Fecha ____________________

Nombre en letra imprenta del padre/tutor ___________________________________________

Distrito escolar de Anchorage N.º de id. de distrito:______________________ ________________________________________ grado: ____ N.º de id. del alumno: _____________________


A copy of this form should be placed in the student’s cumulative file. Office staff, please initial:

_____ Parent was given an ELLP brochure.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire - Hmong rev 5/11

Nyob Zoo Cov Niam-Txiv lossis Tus Saib Xyuas Menyuam, Tsev Kawm Ntawv Ib Cheeb Tsam Anchorage pom zoo Tos Txais! txhua tus menyuam kawm ntawv uas tsis paub lus Askiv zoo, thiab tau cog lus tseg tias yuav pab cuam rau cov menyuam kawm ntawv uas paub hais lossis to taub lwm yam lus uas tsis yog lus Askiv. Lus qhia thiab /lossis kev qhia ua lus Askiv uas ntsig txog lwm yam kawm los yeej muaj tibsi yog xav kom muaj nyob rau thaum lub sijhawm kawm ntawv hauv tsev kawm ntawv. Tshwj xeeb tshaj mas cov xibfwb qhia ntawv thiab cov kws qhia sab nrauv uas to taub txog hom lus ntawd, saib tau thiab tsis thuam lwm yam lus txawv thiab lees paub txog lawv tej kab ke haiv neeg, cov neeg no yuav los qhia ntawv rau cov menyuam kawm ntawv uas tsis paub lus Askiv zoo ntawd. Yog xav kom peb pab tus menyuam kawm ntawv twg kom tau raws li peb txoj kev pab cuam, thov siv sijhawm li ob peb feeb sau daim ntawv foos uas tso nrog uanke no kom tiav. Yog tus menyuam hais lwm yam lus uas tsis yog lus Askiv yuav tsum tau tshuaj ntsuam xyuas tso thiab ceebtoom qhov tshuaj ntsuam tau ntawd qhia rau tsev neeg paub. Yog koj muaj lus nug dabtsi, lossis xav tau kev pab txog qhov sau daim ntawv foos no, peb muaj kev txaus siab yuav pab qhia rau koj. Muaj Lus Zoo Siab,

Christine Garbe, Tus Tswj Kav Haujlwm Qhov Kev Pab Cov Neeg Kawm Lus Askiv

Anchorage School District 5530 E. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99504-3135 (907) 742-4000

Educating All Students for Success in Life

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire - Hmong rev 5/11

LUS NUG TXOG NIAM-TXIV HOM LUS (Kev Tshawb Fawb Hom Lus Hais Hauv Tsev)

Yog ib tug menyuam kawm ntawv hais ib hom lus txawv lus Askiv, lub xeev thiab tsoomfwv txoj cai lij choj yeej muaj tseg tias yuav tsum tau soj ntsuam nws qhov kev paub lus Askiv. Menyuam Kawm Ntawv Lub Npe: ________________________ Qhov Chaw Yug: ______________________________ (lub xeem, lub npe) Tus menyuam puas tau kawm ntawv qhov chaw txawv Tebchaws Meskas? □ Tsis Yog □ yog, nyob _____________________ (tebchaws) Khij ncig qeb kawm tiav uas tsis yog kawm nyob hauv Tebchaws Meskas: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hnub tus menyuam xub nkag tuaj kawm rau tsev kawm ntawv hauv Tebchaws Meskas _____________ Puas yog tus menyuam uas ob tog sib hloov xa tuaj kawm ntawv? □tsis yog □ yog 1. Thov qhia *txhua hom lus uas tus menyuam no siv tom tsev. □ Askiv □ lwm hom lus ______________________

*Tsis suav cov lus uas koj tus menyuam tabtom xyaum/twb xyuam tau tom tsev kawm ntawv lawm 2. Hom lus uas tus menyuam no kawm hais lus xub thawj tshaj yog hom lus dabtis? □ Askiv □ lwm hom lus ________________ Yog siv lus Askiv raws li qhia saud xwb, ces cia li kos npe thiab sau hnub tim rau hauv qab ntawm daim ntawv foos no. Yog siv lwm hom lus txawv lus Askiv raws li qhia saud, ces thov teb cov lus nug hauv qab no.

3. Tus menyuam no hais hom lus dabtsis? □ Askiv □ lwm hom lus _________________________ 4. Tus menyuam no to taub hom lus dabtsis? □ Askiv □ lwm hom lus _________________________ 5. Tus niam/tus saib xyuas menyuam hais thawj-thawj hom lus dabtsi? □ Askiv □ lwm hom lus _________________________

6. Tus txiv/tus saib xyuas menyuam hais thawj-thawj hom lus dabtsi? □ Askiv □ lwm hom lus _________________________

7. Puas muaj lwm tus neeg laus muaj kev pab kom tus menyuam no paub nws hom lus? □ tsis muaj □ muaj

kev txheeb ze rau tus menyuam ______________________ hom lus hais ___________________

Niam-Txiv/Tus Saib Xyuas Menyuam Qauv Tes Npe ________________________________ Hnub Tim ___________ Sau Niam-Txiv/Tus Saib Xyuas Menyuam lub npe ________________________________________________________

Tsev Kawm Ntawv Ib Cheeb Tsam Anchorage Ib Cheeb Tsam Tus ID # _________ ________________________________ Qeb Kawm: ____ Menyuam Kawm Ntawv Tus Alaska ID #: ______ (Tsev Kawm Ntawv)

A copy of this form should be placed in the student’s cumulative file. Office staff, please initial: _____ Parent was given an ELLP brochure.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire – Samoan rev 5/11

Mo Matua poo Tausitama, Faafeiloa’i atu! E sapasapaia e le Aoga Itumalo o Anchorage (Anchorage School District) tamaiti a’oga e gagana pe malamalama i isi gagana e ese mai ile Faaperetania. O le a’oa’oina ole gagana Faaperetania, poo le fesoasoani tu’u tasi (tutoring) mo isi mataupu, e maua pe a mana’omia, ae fai ile taimi a’oga masani. Ua iai faia’oga agava’a ma tiuta e malamalama, fa’aaloalo ma sapasapaia gagana ma aganuu eseese, e mafai ona galulue faatasi ma tamaiti e tatau iai le fesoasoani. Ina ia mafai ona fesoasoani mai iai matou e sa’ili poo ai tamaiti o loo agavaa mo le matou polokalama, faamolemole fa’aavanoa sina minute e faatumu mai ai le pepa o loo avatu faatasi iinei. A iai se gagana e ese mai ile Faaperetania ua ta’ua, o le a iai ni su’esu’ega tau-gagana o le a faia, ma o le a fa’ailoa atu i aiga i’uga. A iai ni ou fesili, pe mana’omia se fesoasoani ile pepa faatumu, e matou te fiafia e fesoasoani atu ia te oe. Ma le Fa’aaloalo Tele,

Christine Garbe, Supavaisa o Polokalama e A’oa’oina ai le Faaperetania (Supervisor, English Language Learners Program)

Anchorage School District 5530 E. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99504-3135 (907) 742-4000

Educating All Students for Success in Life

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire – Samoan rev 5/11

FAAFESILI OLE GAGANA MO MATUA (Su’eina ole Gagana ile Aiga)

A ese le gagana e fa’aogaina e le tamaititi a’oga mai i le Faaperetania, e mana’omia e le tulafono a le setete ma le feterale i matou e su’e poo le ā le agavaa o le tamaititi i le fa’aogaina o le gagana Faaperetania. Igoa o le Tamaititi A’oga: __________________________________________ Nofoaga Fanau: __________________________ (fa’ai’u, igoa muamua ) Na a’oga lenei tamaititi i se isi a’oga e ese mai ile Iunaite Setete? □ leai □ ioe, i _____________________ (nu’u) Tusi fa’ali’o vasega ua mae’a i fafo o le Iunaite Setete: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Aso na muamua ulu ai ise a’oga Amerika _____________ Na ‘auai ise se polokalama e fesuia’i ai tamaititi a’oga (exchange student program)? □ leai □ ioe 1. Faamolemole lisi*uma mai gagana e fa’aogā e le tamaititi ile aiga. □ Faaperetania □ O se isi ________________

*E le aofia ai se gagana o loo a’oa’oina e le tamaititi ile taimi nei poo/se taimi ua mavae i le a‘oga).

2. O le ā le ulua’i gagana na fa’aogā e lenei tamaititi? □ Faaperetania □ O se isi ________________ A faapea o le Faaperetania e na’o le gagana i luga o loo fa’aogaina, faamolemole saini ma tusi mai le aso i lalo ane o lenei pepa. A tusi mai i luga se isi gagana e ese mai i le Faaperetania, faamolemole tali mai fesili o loo i lalo. 3. O ā gagana e fa’aogā e lenei tamaititi? □ Faaperetania □ O se isi _________________ 4. O ā gagana e malamalama ai lenei tamaititi? □ Faaperetania □ O se isi_________________ 5. O le ā le ulua’i gagana na fa’aogā e le tinā/tausitama? □ Faaperetania □ O se isi ________________

6. O le ā le ulua’i gagana na fa’aogā e le tamā/tausitama? □ Faaperetania □ O se isi_________________

7. E iai se tagata matua o iai sona aafiaga ile atina’eina o le gagana a le tamaititi a’oga? □ leai □ ioe

Fesoota’iga ile tamaititi a’oga ______________________ gagana fa’aogā _________________________________

Saini a le Matua/Tausitama _________________________________ Aso __________________

Tusi lolomi le igoa o le Matua/Tausitama_____________________________________________

Anchorage School District #ID a le Itumalo:______________________ __________________________________________ vasega: ____ #ID a le Tamaititi Alaska :_________________


A copy of this form should be placed in the student’s cumulative file.

Office staff, please initial: _____ Parent was given an ELLP brochure.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire – Tagalog rev 5/11

Mahal na Magulang o Tagapangalaga, Maligayang Pagdating! Ang Anchorage School District ay nangangako sa pagsuporta sa mga estudyanteng nagsasalita o nakakaintindi ng ibang mga wika maliban sa Ingles. Ang instruksiyon ng Ingles at/ o pagtuturo para sa ibang mga larangan ng asignatura ay ibinibigay kung kailangan sa panahon ng regular na mga oras ng klase. Ang sadyang sinanay nga mga guro at tutor na nakakaintindi, gumagalang at humahanga sa iba't ibang mga wika at kultura ay makikipagtulungan sa mga kwalipikadong estudyante. Upang makatulong sa amin na mapagpasyahan kung sino-sinong mga estudyante ang maaaring maging kwalipikado sa aming programa, mangyaring maglaan ng isang minuto upang kompletuhin ang nakalakip na form. Kung tinukoy ang isang wika maliban sa Ingles, gagawin ang mga pagsusuring pangwika at aabisuhan ang mga pamilya ukol sa mga resulta. Kung kayo ay may mga katanungan, o nangangailangan ng tulong sa form, ikagagalak namin ang tulungan kayo. Taos-puso,

Christine Garbe, Supervisor English Language Learners Program

Anchorage School District 5530 E. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99504-3135 (907) 742-4000

Educating All Students for Success in Life

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire – Tagalog rev 5/11

TALATANUNGAN UKOL SA WIKA NG MAGULANG (Survey ukol sa Wikang Pambahay)

Kung ang isang wika maliban sa Ingles ay bahagi ng background ng wika ng estudyante, ang pang-estado at pampederal na batas ay nag-uutos sa amin na subukin ang kanyang kahusayan sa Ingles. Pangalan ng estudyante: __________________________________________ Lugar ng Kapanganakan: _____________________ (apelyido, pangalan) Nakapag-aral ba ang estudyanteng ito sa labas ng Estados Unidos? □ hindi □ oo, sa _____________________ (bansa) Bilugan ang mga gradong nakompleto sa labas ng Estados Unidos : K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Petsa nang unang pumasok ang estudyante sa isang paaralan sa Estados Unidos _____________ Lumalahok sa isang exchange student program?

□ hindi □ oo 1. Pakilista ang *lahat ng wikang sinasalita sa bahay ng estudyante. □ Ingles □ iba pa _________________________

*Huwag ilakip ang mga wikang pinag-aaralan/natutunan ng iyong anak sa paaralan. 2. Ano ang unang wikang natutunang salitain ng estudyante? □ Ingles □ iba pa _________________________ Kung Ingles lang ang wika sa taas, pakilagdaan at petsahan ang pinaka-ibaba ng form. Kung nakatala ang isang wika maliban sa Ingles sa taas, pakisagutan ang mga tanong sa ibaba. 3. Anong (mga) wika ang sinasalita ng estudyanteng ito? □ Ingles □ iba pa _________________________ 4. Anong (mga) wika ang naiintindihan ng estudyanteng ito? □ Ingles □ iba pa _________________________ 5. Ano ang unang wika na sinasalita ng ina/tagapangalaga? □ Ingles □ iba pa _________________________

6. Ano ang unang wika na sinasalita ng ama/tagapangalaga? □ Ingles □ iba pa _________________________

7. May ibang nasa hustong gulang na naka-impluwensiya sa pagkatuto ng wika ng estudyanteng ito? □ wala □ oo

relasyon sa estudyante ______________________ wikang sinasalita _____________________________

Lagda ng Magulang/Tagapangalaga _________________________________ Petsa ____________________ Nakalimbag na pangalan ng magulang/tagapangalaga_____________________________________________

Anchorage School District ID # ng Purok (District) __________________________ ____________________________________ grado: ____ ID # ng Estudyante ng Alaska: ___________________


A copy of this form should be placed in the student’s cumulative file. Office staff, please initial: _____ Parent was given an ELLP brochure.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire - Korean rev 5/11


환영합니다! Anchorage 교육구는 영어 이외의 언어를 말하거나 이해하는

학생들을 성심껏 지원합니다.다른 과목을 위한 영어 지도 및/또는

개인수업을 학교 방과 시간 중 제공합니다. 특히 다른 언어와 문화를

존중하며 이해하는 전문적으로 교육받은 교사와 개인강습자들이 해당

학생들을 가르칠 것입니다.

잠깐의 시간을 내어 첨부된 양식을 작성하셔서 해당 프로그램에 참여할

학생의 자격 여부를 결정하는 데 도움을 주셨으면 합니다. 만약 영어

이외의 언어를 사용하는 것으로 표시하면, 언어 평가가 수행되고 그

결과가 가족에게 통보됩니다.

양식 작성과 관련하여 질문이나 도움이 필요하다면, 저희가 기꺼이 도와



크리스틴 가베 (Christine Garbe)

영어 학습자 프로그램 감독

Anchorage School District 5530 E. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99504-3135 (907) 742-4000

Educating All Students for Success in Life

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent Language Questionnaire - Korean rev 5/11

부모 사용언어 질문서 (가정 언어 설문조사)

학생의 언어가 영어 이외의 언어인 경우에, 주와 연방 법은 본 교육구가 학생의 영어 숙달도를 시험하도록 요구하고 있습니다. 학생 이름: __________________________________________ 출생지: _____________________________________ (성, 이름) 학생이 미국외에서 학교에 다녔습니까? □ 아니오 □ 예, ______________에서 (국가) 미국외에서 완료한 학년 표시: 유치원 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 학생의 미국 학교 첫 입학일 _____________ 교환 학생 프로그램에 참여하고 있습니까 ? □ 아니오 □ 예

1. 학생 집에서 사용하는 *모든 언어를 기재하십시오. □ 영어 □ 기타 _________________________ *자녀가 학교에서 배웠거나/배우는 중의 언어는 포함하지 마십시오.

2. 학생이 태어나서 배운 첫 언어는 무엇입니까? □ 영어 □ 기타 _________________________ 상기 언어중 영어가 유일한 언어이면 양식 아래에 서명하고 날짜를 기입하십시오. 상기 언어중 영어 이외의 언어가 있으면 다음 질문에 답해 주십시오. 3. 학생이 사용하는 언어는 무엇입니까? □ 영어 □ 기타 _________________________ 4. 학생이 이해하는 언어는 무엇입니까? □ 영어 □ 기타 _________________________ 5. 학생의 어머니/보호자가 사용한 첫 언어는 무엇입니까? □ 영어 □ 기타 _________________________

6. 학생의 아버지/보호자가 사용한 첫 언어는 무엇입니까? □ 영어 □ 기타 _________________________

7. 학생의 언어 개발에 영향을 준 다른 성인이 있습니까? □ 아니오 □ 예

학생과의 관계 ______________________ 사용 언어 _____________________________

부모/보호자 서명 _________________________________ 날짜 ____________________

부모/보호자 활자체 이름 ____________________________________________________

Anchorage 교육구 교육구 ID # __________________________ ________________________________________ 학년: ____ 알라스카 학생 ID #: _____________________

(학교 )

A copy of this form should be placed in the student’s cumulative file. Office staff, please initial: _____ Parent was given an ELLP brochure.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Form #05-08-035b March, 2008 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development


This form must be completed by English speaking teacher(s) in collaboration with program staff familiar with the student. ASD I.D. #:

Student Name: __________________________________________________Alaska Student I.D. #: (Last Name, First Name)

School: ____________________________________ Grade: _______ Language: (home language other than English)

Compared to Standard English-speaking students of the same age, does the student consistently exhibit any of the following characteristics when listening, speaking, reading or writing?


Non-reader (not reading)

Developing reader (reading below grade level)

Fluent (at or above grade level)





Non-writer (not writing)

Developing writer (writing below grade level)

Fluent (at or above grade level)





Non-speaker (non-English speaker)

Developing speaker (speaks below grade level)

Fluent (at or above grade level)




___________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date (Month/Day/Year) Printed Name Signature Position ______________________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name Signature Position


a. Uses pronouns, genders correctly. b. Uses tenses correctly. c. Uses singular & plural forms correctly. d. Uses prepositions correctly. e. Understands teacher directions. f. Uses appropriate sentence structure. g. Uses developmentally appropriate vocabulary.





ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Form #05-08-035b March, 2008 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development


This form is only required of schools that provide dual language (immersion) or transitional programs in the student’s home language. Use this form to identify the student’s listening, speaking, reading & writing skills in the home language.

Form should be completed and signed by one of the following (check one):

a. School staff member who is proficient in the student’s home language b. Speaker/Parent of the student’s home language

ASD I.D. #

Student Name: ____________________________________________________ Alaska Student I.D. # _____________ (Last Name, First Name)

School: ________________________________________ Grade: __________ Language: ________________________ (home language other than English)


Mostly Non-

English, Some


Both Equally

Mostly English,

Some Non-


English Only

1. Language used by student 4 3 2 1 0

2. Language used by the adults in the home. 4 3 2 1 0

3. Circle the numbers to show how the language is used by the student.

a. Prefers to use this language with friends 4 3 2 1 0

b. Follows simple directions in this language 4 3 2 1 0

c. Understands most things in this language 4 3 2 1 0

d. Speaks in this language 4 3 2 1 0 e. Prefers to use this language in classroom activities 4 3 2 1 0

4. Reading in the home language. Please check one: _____ Non-reader _____Developing reader _____ Fluent reader 5. Writing in the home language. Please check one:

_____ Non-writer _____ Developing writer _____ Fluent writer Signature of Interviewer Printed Name of Interviewer Date

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Appendix B

ANCHORAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Learners Program

Parent/Guardian Notification Form: New-to-District Students

Student: Last Name First Name

Student’s ID# School Grade

ELLP Staff: Signature Print Full Name:

Background Information: Under Title III of the Federal Education Act of 2001, No Child Left Behind, Anchorage School District is required to identify language minority students, to assess progress in English language proficiency, and to provide eligible students with services that would increase their English language proficiency and their academic achievement. To comply with this law, your son/daughter has been identified and assessed. The following are the results of the assessment conducted to determine whether your son/daughter is eligible for service.

Assessment Tool: Domains Assessed Date Overall Proficiency Proficiency Level

Other Considerations: Required State Forms for Identification • Parent Questionnaire/Home Language Survey • Language Observation Checklist – A (Completed by classroom teacher) Eligibility Information: According to the assessment results and additional considerations, your son/daughter is not eligible to receive English Language Learners Program services. According to the assessment results and additional considerations, your son/daughter is eligible to receive services through the program summarized below. Anchorage School District has researched and found the content of the program to increase language abilities and academic achievement. Therefore, our district is highly recommending your son/daughter participate in the services provided by the English Language Learners Program. Refusal: It is important that you notify us as soon as possible if you do not wish your child to participate in this program. You are also invited to visit the program and be actively involved in decisions regarding your child’s education. If you wish to refuse services, please obtain an ELLP Refusal form from your child’s school. Program Information: The English Language Learners Program serves students who are learning English as a second language (ESL). It also serves students whose primary language may be English but who also speak or understand another language, which is used in the home. Instruction is provided in the following areas. I am working with your son/daughter in the area(s) checked below. Specialized English-as-a-second language (ESL) class or classes focusing on instruction in English

language acquisition. (Newcomers’ Center – Grades 6-12) Content-ESL class or classes (i.e., ESL social studies, ESL biology, etc.) – specially designed and

developed ESL classes with emphasis on academic content, vocabulary, and beginning concepts. (Grades 6-12)

Individual and/or small group tutoring and/or instruction English language skills and in other subject areas as needed, for students who currently speak limited English. (Grades K-12)

Extra assistance in mainstream class in reading, language arts and/or subject areas for students who are fluent in English. (Grades K-12)

Dual Language Development – Half the students are native speakers of English and half are English-language learners from the same language group. (Government Hill Elementary, Romig Middle, and West High Schools – Grades K-12)

Exit Requirement: Overall score of proficient or proficient high on the State Standardized English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) administered annually in the spring. Notification of Service/New-to-District Students i 06/2011

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Appendix B

DISTRITO ESCOLAR DE ANCHORAGE Programa de Aprendices del Idioma Inglés

Forma de Notificación para Padre/Tutor: Estudiantes Nuevos en el Distrito Estudiante: Apellido Nombre

# de Id. de Estudiante Escuela Grado

Personal de ELLP: Firma Nombre Completo Impreso:

Antecedentes: Bajo el Título III de la Ley Federal de Educación de 2001, No Child Left Behind (Ningún Niño se Queda Atrás), el Distrito Escolar de Anchorage requiere identificar los estudiantes de idiomas minoritarios, para evaluar el progreso en su habilidad para el idioma inglés, y de proveer a estudiantes elegibles con servicios que incrementan su habilidad para el idioma inglés y su desempeño económico. Para cumplir con esta ley, su hijo(a) ha sido identificado y evaluado. Los siguientes son los resultados de la evaluación llevada a cabo para determinar si su hijo(a) es elegible para los servicios.

Herramienta de Evaluación: Dominios Evaluados Fecha de Evaluación Hablidad General

Nivel de Hablidad

Otras Consideraciones: Formas Requeridas por el Estado para Identificación • Cuestionario del Padre/Estudio del Idioma en Casa • Lista de Revisión de Observación del Idioma – A (Llenada por el maestro del salón de clase) Información de Elegibilidad: De acuerdo con los resultados de la evaluación y consideraciones adicionales, su hijo(a) no es elegible para recibir servicios del Programa de Aprendices del Idioma Inglés. De acuerdo con los resultados de la evaluación y las consideraciones adicionales, su hijo(a) es elegible para recibir servicios mediante el programa resumido a continuación. El Distrito Escolar de Anchorage ha investigado y encontró que el contenido del programa incrementa las habilidades en el idioma y el desempeño académico. Por lo tanto, nuestro distrito recomienda altamente a su hijo(a) a participar en los servicios provistos por el Programa de Aprendices del Idioma Inglés. Rechazo: Es importante que nos notifique tan pronto como sea posible si no desea que su niño participe en este programa. También se le invita a que visite el programa y se involucre activamente en las decisiones respecto a la educación de su niño. Si desea rechazar los servicios, por favor obtenga un formulario de Rechazo de ELLP en la escuela de su niño. Información del Programa: El Programa de Aprendices del Idioma Inglés sirve a estudiantes que aprenden inglés como segundo idioma (ESL; English as a second language). También sirve a estudiantes cuya lengua primaria puede ser ingles pero que también hablan o entienden otro idioma, el cual es usado en casa. Se provee instrucción en las siguientes áreas. Estoy trabajando con su hijo(a) en el(las) área(s) marcada(s) a continuación Clase o clases de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL) especializadas enfocadas en la instrucción en adquisición

del idioma inglés. (Centro de Recién Llegados – Grados 6-12) Clase o clases de contenido-ESL (por ejemplo, estudios sociales con ESL, biología con ESL, etc.) – clases con

ESL especialmente diseñadas y desarrolladas con énfasis en contenido académico, vocabulario y conceptos iniciales. (Grados 6-12)

Tutoría individual y/o en pequeños grupos y/o instrucción de habilidades en el idioma inglés y en otras asignaturas según sea necesario, para estudiantes que actualmente hablan un inglés limitado. (Grades K-12)

Asistencia extra en clases estándar en lectura, artes del lenguaje y/o asignaturas para estudiantes que son fluidos en inglés. (Grades K-12)

Desarrollo de Idioma Doble – La mitad de los estudiantes son parlantes nativos del inglés y la mitad son aprendices del idioma inglés del mismo grupo de idioma. (Primaria Government Hill, Secundaria Romig y Preparatoria – Grados K-12)

Requerimiento de Salida: Calificación general de hábil o altamente hábil (proficient o proficient high) en la Evaluación de la Habilidad en el Idioma Inglés Estatal Estandarizada (ELPA; English Language Proficiency Assessment) aplicada anualmente durante primavera. Notification of Service/New-to-District Students – SPANISH i 06/2009

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Appendix B

Tsev Kawm Ntawm Moos ANCHORAGE Chaw Kawm Lus Askiv

aim Ntawv Qhia Niam thiab Txiv/tus Saib Xyuas tus menyuam: Tus tuaj kawm tshiab Tus Kawm: Lub Xeem Lub Npe

Tus Kawm tus leb ID# Tsev Kawm Qhib Kawm

Tus neeg ua hauj lwm rau ELLP: Nias Tes Sau Npe:

Cov cauj lus paub: Nyob rau hauv tshooj III ntawm tsab cai kev kawm ntawm tsoom fwv xyoo 2001, Tsis Pub Muaj Kev Cais Tshem Ib Tug Menyuam twg, peb tsev kawm Anchorage School District thiaj li yuav tsum tau xaiv xyuas tus menyuam uas tuaj kawm uas nws cov lus tsis yog lus Askiv, tshuaj ntsuam xyuas nws li kev paub zoo sab lus Askiv thiab nrog nrhia kev pab cuam rau tus menyuam kawm kom yuav kawm tau lus Askiv zoo thiab kawm tau ntawv zoo. Ntxhawm rau ua kom tau raws li txoj cai no, peb thiab li tau tshuaj tsuam xyuas koj tus tub/ntxhais. Hau qab no yog lus txias txim qhia txog tias koj tus tub / ntxhais puas yuam cai tau txais kev pab

Kev tshuaj ntsuam ua raws li no: Yam uas peb tshuaj ntsuam Hnub tshuaj ntsuam: Kev txawj tas nrho

Qib ntawm kev txawj

Lwm yam kev txiav txim: Yuav tsum muaj cov Foos ntawm lub Lav coj los pab xaiv • Daiv ntawm lus nug txog niam thiab txiv / lus si nyob rau tom tsev • Cov nqi lus nug txog kev paub lus-A (Sibhwbqhia ntawv ua tus teb cov lus nug no) Cauj lus hais txog kev muaj cais: Raws nraim li kev txias txim thiab kev txias txim lwm lwm yam, koj tus tub/ ntxhais tsis muaj cai raug txais kawm nyob rau lub Chaw Kawm Askiv. Raws nraim li kev txias txim thiab lwm lwm yam kev txiav txim, koj tus tub / ntxhais muaj cai tau txais kev pab raw li lub chawv kawm tau teev tseg hauv qab no. Tsev kawm Anchorage School District tau tshawb saib thiab pov tau tias yuav tsum tau pab kom muaj kev txawj sab lus and thiab kawm kom tau. Yog li no, peb lub district tau pom zoo rau koj tus tub / ntxhais tuaj kawm thiab siv kev pab uas peb Chaw Kawm Lus Askiv muaj cia. Kev Tsis Lees: Qhov tseem ceeb ces koj hais qhia peb sai npaum li sai tau yog hais tias koj tsis xav kom koj tus me nyuam tuaj koom hauv lub phiajxwm no. Koj los kuj tseem raug caw tuaj saib tej phiajxwm thiab muaj feem cuam haujlwm hauv kev txiav txim siab ua raws li koj tus me nyuam li kev kawm. Yog hais tias koj xav tsis lees kev pab cuam, caw nqa daim qauv Kev Tsis Lees ELLP ntawm koj tus me nyuam lub tsev kawm ntawv. Lub paub txog lub chawv kawm: Lub Chaw Kawm Lus Askiv pab cov txhua tus tubntxhais kawm ua tuaj kawm lus Askiv ua nws yam lub thib ob (ESL). Lub chaw kawm no tseem pab cov tubntxhais kawm ua lub Askiv yog nws niam lus tab tsis nyob rau tom nws tsev nws tsev neeg tsis siv Askiv vim tias tom tsev nws siv lossis nkag siab lwm yam lus. Lus qhia muaj rawv li hauv qab no. Kuv yuav pab koj tus tub / ntxhais raws li cov peb tau xai hauv qab no. Chav kawm lossis cov chav kawm lus Askiv ua-hom lus- thib ob uas tsom mus rau kev qhia hauv kev tau lus

Askiv. (Newcomers’ Center – Qib 6-12) Tej Ntsiab Lus-chav kawm lossis cov chav kawm lus Askiv ua-hom lus- thib ob (ESL) (piv txwm li lus Askiv ua-

hom lus- thib ob ntawm cov kev kawm phab zej tsoom (social studies), lus Askiv ua-hom lus- thib ob ntawm hom kawm yam muaj sia (ESL biology), lwm lwm yam ntxiv.) – tshwj xeeb mas yog kev tawm qauv thiab kev tsim kho cov chav kawm lus Askiv ua-hom lus-thib ob nrog rau siv zog rau tej ntsiab lus kawm, lo lus, thiab pib tej tswv yim. (Qib 6-12)

Ib tug twg thiab/lossis pawg ntiav qhia ntawv me thiab/lossis kev txawj qhia lus Askiv thiab nyob hauv lwm cheeb tsam hom kawm li kev xav tau, txog ntawm cov tub ntxhais kawm tus ua ziag no tham lus Askiv tau tsawg. (Qib K-12)

Kev pab ntxiv hauv chav kawm uas ntxim li muaj feem hauv kev nyeem, yam lus thiab/lossis cheeb tsam hom kawm rau cov tub ntxhais kawm tus uas txawj lus Askiv zoo lawm. (Qib K-12)

Kev Tsim Kho tag nrho Ob Hom Lus – Ib nrab yog tseem tseem haiv neeg hais lus Askiv thiab ib nrab yog cov neeg kawm lus Askiv tuaj ntawm tib pawg lus. (Tsev Kawm Theem Pib Government Hill, Romig, thiab cov Tsev Kawm Theem Siab Sab Hnub Poob – Qib K-12)

Yam uas yuav tsum muaj thaum tawv: Cov khab nest as nrho uas xeem tau los ntawv Txoj Kev Keej lossis Keej tshaj Tshaj qhov uas tau teem tsheg nyob rau ntawv lub lav ntawv hais txog Kev Tshuaj Ntsuam xyuas Kev Txawj Tse Sab Lus Askiv (ELPA) Tau muaj nyob rau txhua txhua lub xyoo lub caij xyoobntoo hlas nplooj Notification of Service/New-to-District Students – HMONG i 06/2011

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Appendix B

A’OGA ITUMALO A ANCHORAGE Polokalama A’oa’oina ole Gagana Igilisi (English Language Learner Program) Faasilasilaga mo Matua/Ē Tausi Tama: Tamaiti A’oga e Fou-ile -Itumalo

Tamaititi: Fa’ai’u Igoa Muamua

Numera #ID ale Tamaititi A’oga Vasega

Aufaigaluega ELLP: Saini Tusi Lolomi le Igoa Muamua:

Faamatalaga e Faatatau ile Tala’aga: I le tulafono Title III ole Federal Education Act ole 2001, E leai se isi e Tu’ulafoa’ia (No Child Left Behind), E mana’omia e A’oga Itumalo ona sa’ili vaega itiiti o tamaiti o isi gagana e su’e ai poo faapefea mai le latou agavaa ile gagana Igilisi, faapea le avatu ole fesoasoani mo i latou ua agavaa ina ia poto atili i latou ile gagana igilisi ma mea a’oga. Ina ia usita’i i lenei tulafono, ua uma ona su’eina ma maitauina lou atalii/afafine. O i’uga nei ole su’ega na fai e iloa ai pe na agavaa lou atalii/afafine mo lenei fesoasoani.

Maifaigaluega na fa’aaogā e su’e ai: Vaega na Su’eina Aso ole Su’ega Aotelega o lona Agavaa

Tapulaa ole Agavaa (Proficiency Level)

O isi Tulaga e Manatunatu iai: O Pepa e Mana’omia ale Setete e Maitauina ai • O ni Fesili mo Matua/ Ole Su’esu’ega (Survey) ile Gagana Masani • Ose Checklist e siaki ai le Fa’aaogaina ole Gagana – A ( Faatumu mai ele Faia’oga Masani Faamatalaga e Faatatau ile Tulaga Agavaa: E tusa ai ma i’uga o su’esu’ega ma isi tulaga na iloiloina, o lou atalii/afafine e lē agavaa ile mauaina ole fesoasoani mai ile Polokalama A’oa’oina ole Gagana Igilisi. E tusa ai ma i’uga o su’esu’ega ma isi tulaga na iloiloina, o lou atalii/afafine e agavaa e mauaia fesoasoani o loo otooto atu i lalo. Na su’e ele A’oga Itumalo a Anchorage tulaga o loo iai le polokalame, ma ua maua ai ole polokalama e lelei tele mo le atina’eina ole fa’aaogaina ole gagana ma e lelei ai mea ‘aoga e fai. O lea la, e matua’i fautuaina e le itumalo lou atalii/afafine e auai ile Polokalama e A’oa’oina ole Gagana Igilisi (English Language Learners Program). Te’ena: E tāua tele lou logo vave mai o i matou pe a e lē finagalo e ‘auai lou alo i lenei polokalama. E vala’aulia oe e te asiasi mai i lenei polokalama ma faia sou sao i ni filifiliga tau- a’oa’oga mo lou alo. A e loto e te’ena nei fesoasoani tautua, faamolemole faatumu sau pepa Te’ena (ELLP Refusal) mai ile a’oga a lou alo. Faamatalaga e Faatatau ile Polokalama: Ole Polokalama e A’o ai le Fa’aaogaina ole Gagana Igilisi (English Language Learners Program). Ose fesoasoani lea i tamatiti o loo tau a’o le Igilisi e avea ma lana gagana lua (English as a second language -ESL). E mafai fo’i ona fesoasoani i tamaiti ua avea le Igilisi ma lana gagana masani ae tautatala pe sili atu fo’i lona malamalama ise isi gagana o loo fa’aaogaina ile aiga. O O loo avatu faatonuga i vaega nei. O loo ou galue faatasi ma lou atalii/afafine i vaega nei ua makaina i lalo. Vasega Igilisi Faapitoa ile avea—ose gagana- lua (Specialized English-as-a-second language-ESL) poo

vasega e taula’i atu ile faaleleia atili ole gagana Igilisi. (Newcomers’ Center – Vasega 6-12) Mataupu-ole vasega ESL poo ni vasega(mo se faata’ita’iga, ESL social studies, ESL biology, ma isi ) – o

vasega ESL faapitoa o loo faatauaina ai mataupu a’oga, upu fou, ma le amataga o ni manatu fou. (Vasega 6-12)

O se fesoasoani e avatu totino ma/poo i vaega itiiti ile a’oa’oina o mataupu ile gagana Igilisi ma/poo nisi lava mataupu pe a mana’omia, mo tamaiti e le o lelei le latou gagana Igilisi. (Vasega K-12)

O se fesoasoani faaopopo i vasega masani i vaega nei ole faitau, gagana ma/poo mataupu mo tamaiti a’oga e le o lelei le latou Igilisi. (Vasega K-12)

Atina’eina ole Gagana Lua – Afa o tamaiti a’oga ole latou gagana masani ole Igilisi, ae ole afa o loo mai i lenei lava vaega e tasi o loo latou a’oa’oina le Igilisi (English-language learners). (Government Hill Elementary, Romig Middle, ma West High Schools – Vasega K-12)

Mana’oga e Ulufafo ai: Ole sikoa atoa ole lelei poo le matua’i lelei tele ile su’ega ale setete ua ta’ua Su’ega Poo Agavaa ile Igilisi (English Language Proficiency Assessment -ELPA) e faia ile tau tutupu (spring) o tausaga uma. Notification of Service/New-to-District Students – SAMOAN i 06/2011

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Appendix B

ANCHORAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT Programa sa Pag-aaral ng Wikang Ingles

Pormularyo ng Abiso para sa Magulang/Tagapag-alaga Mga Estudyanteng Bago-sa-Distrito Estudyante: Apelyido Unang Pangalan

ID# ng Estudyante Paaralan Antas

Kawani ng ELLP: Pirma Ilimbag ang Buong Pangalan:

Pangkalahatang Impormasyon: Alinsunod sa Pamagat III ng Federal Education Act of 2001, No Child Left Behind, ang Anchorage School District ay hinihiling na tukuyin ang mga estudyanteng kabilang sa minoridad na wika, upang tasahin ang pag-unlad sa kahusayan sa wikang Ingles, at upang maghandog sa mga estudyante ng mga serbisyong magpapaangat sa kanilang kahusayan sa wikang Ingles at sa kani-kanilang tagumpay sa akedemiya. Upang makasunod sa batas na ito, ang iyong anak na lalaki/babae ay natukoy at natasa. Ang mga sumusunod ay ang mga resulta ng pagtatasang isinagawa upang matukoy kung ang iyong anak na lalaki/babae ay maaaring tumanggap serbisyo.

Tool sa Pagtatasa: Mga Kategoriyang Tinasa Petsa ng Pagtatasa Kabuuang Kahusayan

Antas ng Kahusayan

Iba Pang Konsiderasyon: Mga Hiniling na Pormularyo ng Estado para sa Pagkakakilanlan • Kuwestiyonaryo ng Magulang/Sarbey sa Wikang Ginagamit sa Tahanan • Listahan ng Pagsusuri ng Wika – A (Kinumpleto ng guro) Impormasyon sa Pagkatanggap: Ayon sa mga resulta ng pagtatasa at mga karagdagang konsiderasyon, ang iyong anak na lalaki/babae ay hindi tinanggap upang makatanggap ng mga serbisyo ng Programa sa Pag-aaral ng Wikang Ingles. Ayon sa mga resulta ng pagtatasa at mga karagdagang konsiderasyon, ang iyong anak na lalaki/babae ay tinanggap upang makatanggap ng mga serbisyo ng Programa sa Pag-aaral ng Wikang Ingles. Ang Anchorage School District ay nagsaliksik at napag-alaman nito na nilalaman ng programa upang paunlarin ang mga kakayahan sa wika at tagumpay sa akademiya. Samakatuwid, mahigpit na inirerekomenda ng aming distrito ang iyong anak na lalaki/babae na makilahok sa mga serbisyong ibinibigay ng Programa sa Pag-aaral ng Wikang Ingles. Pagtanggi: Mahalaga na kami ay iyong abisuhan kaagad kung hind mo nais na makilahok ang iyong anak sa programang ito. Ikaw ay inaanyayahan ding bisitahin ang programa at aktibong makilahok sa mga pagpapasiya tungkol sa edukasyon ng iyong anak. Kung nais mong tanggihan ang mga serbisyo, mangyaring kumuha ng pormularyo sa Pagtanggi sa ELLP mula sa paaralan ng iyong anak. Impormasyon ng Programa: Tinatangkilik ng Programa sa Pag-aaral ng Wikang Ingles ang mga estudyanteng nag-aaral ng wikang Ingles bilang Ikalawang Wika [English as a Second Language (ESL)]. Tinatangkilik din nito ang mga estudyante na Ingles marahil ang pangunahing wika, ngunit nagsasalita rin o nakaiintindi rin ng ibang wika, na ginagamit sa tahanan. Ang mga pagtuturo ay binibigay sa mga sumusunod na kategoriya. Tinutulungan ko ang iyong anak na lalaki/babae sa mga sumusunod na kategoriyang (mga) may tsek sa ibaba. Klase o mga klase sa Pagsasanay ng Ingles-bilang-ikalawang wika [Specialized English-as-a-second language

(ESL)] na nakatuon sa pagtuturo ng pagkatuto ng Ingles. (Sentro para sa mga Baguhan – Antas 6-12) Klase o mga klase sa Content-ESL (hal., ESL social studies, ESL biology, atbp.) – sadyang nakadisenyo at binuong

mga klase sa ESL na may pagpapahalaga sa nilalamang pang-akademiya, bokabularyo, at mga panimulang konsepto. (Antas 6-12)

Isahan at/ o pribadong pagtuturo sa maliit na grupo at/o pagtuturo ng mga kaalaman sa wikang Ingles at sa ibang mga aspeto ng kurso batay sa pangangailangan, para sa mga estudyante na kasalukuyang limitado ang kakayahan sa pagsasalita ng Ingles. (Antas K-12)

Karagdagang tulong sa regular na klase ng pagbabasa, pagsasalita at/o mga aspeto ng kurso para sa mga estudyanteng matatas sa Ingles. (Antas K-12)

Pagpapaunlad ng Dalawang Wika (Dual Language Development) – Ang kalahati sa mga estudyante ay mga katutubong nagsasalita ng wika at ang kalahati ay mga nag-aaral ng wika mula sa kaparehong grupo ng wika. (Government Hill Elementary, Romig Middle, at West High Schools – Antas K-12)

Pangangailan sa Pagtatapos: Kabuuang iskor na mahusay o napakahusay sa Isinapamantayan ng Estado na English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) na isinasagawa taun-taon tuwing spring. Notification of Service/New-to-District Students – TAGALOG i 06/2011

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Parent/Guardian Acceptance or Refusal of Service Form: NEW-TO-DISTRICT STUDENT

Student: Last Name: First Name: Student’s ID # School: Grade ELLP Staff: Signature: Print Full Name: Parental Agreement: According to Title III of the Federal Education Act of 2001, No Child Left Behind, you have the right to authorize or not to authorize Anchorage School District to enroll your son/daughter in any of the programs listed. In addition, you have the right to remove your son/daughter from any program(s) in which he or she is participating at any time. Please read the sections below and select from the following options:


I refuse services and would like to remove my son/daughter from ALL services offered by the English Language Learners Program.

Print Full Name: Date:

OR: Please mark YES or NO YES, I want my son/daughter to participate in the program(s) listed below.

NO, I do not want my son/daughter to participate in the program(s) listed below.

Program Description

Specialized English-as-a-second language (ESL) class or classes focusing on instruction in English language acquisition. (Newcomers’ Center – Grades 6-12)

Content-ESL class or classes (i.e., ESL social studies, ESL biology, etc.) – specially designed and developed ESL classes with emphasis on academic content, vocabulary, and beginning concepts. (Grades 6-12)

Individual and/or small group tutoring and/or instruction English language skills and in other subject areas as needed, for students who currently speak limited English. (Grades K-12)

Extra assistance in mainstream class in reading, language arts and/or subject areas for students who are fluent in English. (Grades K-12)

Dual Language Development – Half the students are native speakers of English and half are English-language learners from the same language group. (Government Hill Elementary, Romig Middle, and West High Schools – Grades K-12)

Signature: Print Full Name: Date: Parent Acceptance Refusal Form/New-to-District Student - English 06/2009

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Manual del Personal de ELLP

Aceptación o Rechazo del Formulario de Servicio por parte del Padre/Tutor: ESTUDIANTE NUEVO EN EL DISTRITO

Estudiante: Apellido: Nombre: # Id. Estudiante Escuela: Grado Personal de ELLP: Firma: Nombre Completo Letra de Imprenta: Acuerdo de Padres: De acuerdo con el Título III de la Ley Federal de Educación del 2001, No Child Left Behind, tiene el derecho a autorizar o no autorizar al Distrito Escolar de Anchorage el matricular a su hijo/hija en cualquiera de los programas enlistados. Además, tiene el derecho a remover a su hijo/hija de cualquier programa en el cual esté participando en este momento. Por favor lea las secciones a continuación y seleccione las siguientes opciones:


Rechazo los servicios y deseo remover a mi hijo/hija de TODOS los servicios ofrecido por el Programa para Aprendices del Idioma Inglés.

Nombre Completo en Letra de Imprenta: Fecha:

O: Por favor marque SÍ o NO SÍ, quiero que mi hijo/hija participe en el(los) programa(s) enlistados a continuación.

NO, No quiero que mi hijo/hija participe en el(los) programa(s) enlistados a continuación.

Descripción del Programa

Clase o clases especializadas de Inglés como Segundo idioma (ESL) enfocadas en la instrucción en adquisición del idioma Inglés (Newcomers’ Center – Grados 6-12)

Clase o clases de contenido ESL (por ejemplo, ciencias sociales en ESL, biología en ESL, etc.) – clases de ESL especialmente diseñadas y desarrolladas con énfasis en contenido académico, vocabulario, y conceptos iniciales (Grados 6-12)

Tutoría y/o instrucción de habilidades del idioma inglés individual y/o en pequeños grupos y en otros tópicos según sea necesario, para estudiantes que actualmente hablan un inglés limitado (Grados K-12)

Asistencia extra en clases principales de lectura, artes del idioma y/o tópicos para estudiantes que hablan inglés fluido (Grados K-12)

Desarrollo de Doble Idioma – La mitad de los estudiantes son parlantes nativos del inglés y la mitad son aprendices de inglés del mismo grupo de idioma. (Government Hill Elementary, Romig Middle, y West High Schools – Grados K-12)

Firma: Nombre Completo en Letra de Imprenta:


Parent Acceptance – Refusal Form / New-to-District Student - Spanish 06/2009

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Kev Lees Ua lossis Kev Tsis Lees ntawm Niam lossis Txiv/Tus Tsom Kwm ntawm Daim Qauv Kev Pab Cuam Tub Kawm: Lub Xeem: Lub Npe: Tub Ntxhais Kawm tus ID # Tsev Kawm: Qib Neeg Leg Haujlwm ntawm ELLP: Kos Npe: Sau tag nrho Npe thiab Lub Xeem: Lus Cog Tseg ntawm Niam Txiv: Raws li Tshooj III ntawm Txoj Cai Tsoom Fwv Kev Kawm ntawm xyoo 2001, Tsis Muaj Me Nyuam Raug Tso Pov Tom Qab, koj muaj txoj cai tso cai lossis tsis tso cai rau Tsev Kawm Anchorage School District kom rau koj tus tub/txhais npe nkag hauv npe teev hauv txhua lub phiajxwm. Ntxiv ntawd thiab, koj muaj txoj cai tshem koj tus tub/ntxhais tawm ntawm txhua txhua lub phiajxwm hauv uas nws(txiv neej) lossis nws (poj niam) tseem tab tom koom tau txhua lub sij hawm. Caw Nyeem cov tshooj lus hauv qab no thiab xaiv raws li kev cia xaiv lawd qab no:

Kos Npe:

Kuv tsis lees cov kev pab cuam thiab xav tshem kuv tus tub/ntxhais tawm ntawm TAG NRHO kev pab cuam muaj pub los ntawm Chaw Kawm Lus Askiv.

Sau tag nrho Npe thiab Lub Xeem: Hnub Tim:

LOSSIS: Caw Cim KAM lossis TSIS KAM KAM, Kuv xav kom kuv tus tub/ntxhais tuaj koom hauv cov phiajxwm muaj npe hauv qab no.

TSIS KAM, Kuv tsis xav kom kuv tus tub/ntxhais tuaj koom hauv cov phiajxwm muaj npe hauv qab no.

Kev Piav Qhia Tej Phiaj Xwm

Chav kawm lossis cov chav kawm lus Askiv ua-hom lus- thib ob uas tsom mus rau kev qhia hauv kev tau lus Askiv. (Newcomers’ Center – Qib 6-12)

Tej Ntsiab Lus-chav kawm lossis cov chav kawm lus Askiv ua-hom lus- thib ob (ESL) (piv txwm li lus Askiv ua-hom lus- thib ob ntawm cov kev kawm phab zej tsoom (social studies), lus Askiv ua-hom lus- thib ob ntawm hom kawm yam muaj sia (ESL biology), thiab lwm yam ntxiv.) – tshwj xeeb mas yog kev tawm qauv thiab kev tsim kho cov chav kawm lus Askiv ua-hom lus-thib ob nrog rau siv zog rau tej ntsiab lus kawm, lo lus, thiab pib tej tswv yim. (Qib 6-12)

Ib tug twg thiab/lossis pawg ntiav qhia ntawv me thiab/lossis kev txawj qhia lus Askiv thiab nyob hauv lwm cheeb tsam hom kawm li kev xav tau, txog ntawm cov tub ntxhais kawm tus ua ziag no tham lus Askiv tau tsawg. (Qib K-12)

Kev pab ntxiv hauv chav kawm uas ntxim li muaj feem hauv kev nyeem, yam lus thiab/lossis cheeb tsam hom kawm rau cov tub ntxhais kawm tus uas txawj lus Askiv zoo lawm. (Qib K-12)

Kev Tsim Kho tag nrho Ob Hom Lus – Ib nrab yog tseem tseem haiv neeg hais lus Askiv thiab ib nrab yog cov neeg kawm lus Askiv tuaj ntawm tib pawg lus. (Government Hill Elementary, Romig Middle, thiab West High Schools – Qib K-12)

Kos Npe: Sau tag nrho Lub Npe thiab Lub Xeem:

Hnub Tim:

Parent Acceptance – Refusal Form / New-to-District Student – Hmong 06/2009

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Pepa Faatumu a Mātua/Tausitama mo le Tautua ua Taliaina poo ua Te’ena Tamaititi A’oga:

Fa’ai’u: Igoa Muamua:

# ID ale tamaititi A’oga: Vasega Aufaigaluega ELLP: Saini: Tusi Lolomi le Igoa: Maliliega a Mātua: E tusa ai ma le Title III ole Tulafono ale Feterale- Federal Education Act of 2001, E leai se Tamaititi e Fa’agaloina (No Child Left Behind), e iai lou aiā tatau e faatagaina ai pe teena le Itumalo A’oga a Anchorage e lesitalaina lou atalii/afafine ise tasi o nei polokalama o loo lisiina. E faaopopo atu i lea, o loo ia te oe le aiā e ave’esea ai lou atalii/afafine i soo se taimi, mai i polokalama o loo ia ‘auai. Faamolemole faitau vaega ua avatu i lalo ma filifili mai i nei vala eseese:


Oute te’ena ni tautua ma oute fia mana’o e ave’esea lo’u atalii/afafine ma i tautua UMA o loo ofoina mai e le Polokalama e A’oa’o ai le Igilisi.

Tusi Lolomi le Igoa Muamua: Aso:

POO: Faamolemole maka le IOE poo le LEAI IOE, Oute fia mana’o e ‘auai lo’u atalii/afafine i polokalama ua lisi mai i lalo.

LEAI, Oute le fia mana’o e ‘auai lo’u atalii/afafine i polokalama ua lisi mai i lalo.

Faamatalaga o Polokalama

Vasega Igilisi Faapitoa ile avea—ose gagana- lua (Specialized English-as-a-second language-ESL) poo vasega e taula’i atu ile faaleleia atili ole gagana Igilisi. (Newcomers’ Center – Vasega 6-12)

Mataupu-ole vasega ESL poo ni vasega(mo se faata’ita’iga, ESL social studies, ESL biology, ma isi ) – o vasega ESL faapitoa o loo faatauaina ai mataupu a’oga, upu fou, ma le amataga o ni manatu fou. (Vasega 6-12)

O se fesoasoani e avatu totino ma/poo i vaega itiiti ile a’oa’oina o mataupu ile gagana Igilisi ma/poo nisi lava mataupu pe a mana’omia, mo tamaiti e le o lelei le latou gagana Igilisi. (Vasega K-12)

O se fesoasoani faaopopo i vasega masani i vaega nei ole faitau, gagana ma/poo mataupu mo tamaiti a’oga e le o lelei le latou Igilisi. (Vasega K-12)

Atina’eina ole Gagana Lua – Afa o tamaiti a’oga ole latou gagana masani ole Igilisi, ae ole afa o loo mai i lenei lava vaega e tasi o loo latou a’oa’oina le Igilisi (English-language learners). (Government Hill Elementary, Romig Middle, ma West High Schools – Vasega K-12)

Saini: Tusi Lolomi lou Igoa:


Parent Acceptance – Refusal Form / New-to-District Student – Samoan 06/2009

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Pormularyo sa Pagtanggap o Pagtanggi ng Magulang/Tagapag-alaga ESTUDYANTENG BAGO-SA-DISTRITO

Estudyante: Apelyido: Unang Pangalan: ID # ng Estudyante Paaralan: Antas Kawani ng ELLP: Pirma: Ilimbag ang Buong Pangalan: Kasunduan sa pagitan ng Magulang: Alinsunod sa Title III ng Federal Education Act of 2001, No Child Left Behind, ikaw ay may karapatang bigyan o hindi bigyan ng awtorisasyo ang Anchorage School District upang ipalista ang iyong anak na lalaki/babae sa alinman sa mga programang nakalista. Karagdagan dito, ikaw ay may karapatang alisin ang iyong anak na lalaki/babae mula sa anumang programa (mga) sa anumang oras, kung saan siya ay nakikilahok. Pakibasa ang mga bahagi sa ibaba at pumili mula sa mga sumusunod na opsyon:


Aking tinatanggihan ang mga serbisyo at nais alisin ang aking anak na lalaki/babae mula sa LAHAT ng serbisyo na iniaalok ng Programa sa Pag-aaral ng Wikang Ingles.

Ilimbag ang Buong Pangalan: Petsa:

O: Pakimarkahan ang OO o HINDI OO, Gusto kong makilahok ang aking anak na lalaki/babae sa programang (mga) nakalista sa ibaba.

HINDI, Ayaw kong makilahok ang aking anak na lalaki/babae sa programang (mga) nakalista sa ibaba.

Paglalarawan sa Programa

Klase o mga klase sa Pagsasanay ng Ingles-bilang-ikalawang wika [Specialized English-as-a-second language (ESL)] na nakatuon sa pagtuturo ng pagkatuto ng Ingles. (Sentro para sa mga Baguhan – Antas 6-12)

Klase o mga klase sa Content-ESL (hal., ESL social studies, ESL biology, atbp.) – sadyang nakadisenyo at binuong mga klase sa ESL na may pagpapahalaga sa nilalamang pang-akademiya, bokabularyo, at mga panimulang konsepto. (Antas 6-12)

Isahan at/ o pribadong pagtuturo sa maliit na grupo at/o pagtuturo ng mga kaalaman sa wikang Ingles at sa ibang mga aspeto ng kurso batay sa pangangailangan, para sa mga estudyante na kasalukuyang limitado ang kakayahan sa pagsasalita ng Ingles. (Antas K-12)

Karagdagang tulong sa regular na klase ng pagbabasa, pagsasalita at/o mga aspeto ng kurso para sa mga estudyanteng matatas sa Ingles. (Antas K-12)

Pagpapaunlad ng Dalawang Wika (Dual Language Development) – Ang kalahati sa mga estudyante ay mga katutubong nagsasalita ng wika at ang kalahati ay mga nag-aaral ng wika mula sa kaparehong grupo ng wika. (Government Hill Elementary, Romig Middle, at West High Schools – Antas K-12)

Pirma: Ilimbag ang Buong Pangalan: Petsa: Parent Acceptance – Refusal Form / New-to-District Student – Tagalog 06/2009

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012





ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


PNS-Continuing-English Approved DEED 01/12/05

Student’s Name: (Last) (First) Student’s I.D.#: Grade: School:

Based on Spring 2010 English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA)

English Language – Overall Proficiency Level Check one: Beginner Low (BL) Intermediate Low (IL) Proficient (P) Beginner High (BH) Intermediate High (IH) Proficient High (PH)

Subject: Parent Notification of Services – Continuing Student (English) Dear Parent or Guardian:

As you may already be aware, your son/daughter is participating in services provided by the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) this year. This program serves students who are learning English-as-a-second language (ESL). It also serves students who are fluent in English but who also speak or understand another language, which is used in the home. Instruction is provided in three areas:

1. English language skills and tutoring or instruction in other subject areas as needed,

for students who currently speak limited English;

2. extra assistance in reading, language arts and/or subject areas for students who are fluent in English; and

3. activities that will increase the inter-cultural awareness of all students within the

school. I am working with your son/daughter at the following times and in the following

areas: I enjoy working with your son/daughter and hope to meet you soon. Please feel free to visit your son’s/daughter’s ESL class any time, or call me at school, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Staff Member (Signature) Print Full Name English Language Learners Program Date

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


PNS Continuing Student -Spanish

Student’s Name: (Last) (First) Student’s I.D.#: Grade: School:

Based on Spring 2011 English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA)

English Language – Overall Proficiency Level Check one: Beginner Low (BL) Intermediate Low (IL) Proficient (P) Beginner High (BH) Intermediate High (IH) Proficient High (PH)

Objeto: Notificación de Servicios a los Padres – Estudiante Que Continua (Spanish) Querido Padre de Familia o Tutor: Tal como usted ya tiene conocimiento, su hijo está participando en el programa de Aprendizaje del Ingles este año. Este programa atiende a los estudiantes quienes estan aprendiendo el Inglés como segundo idioma. Tambien ayuda a los estudiantes quienes son fluídos en el Inglés pero que hablan o entienden otro idioma el cual es usado en casa. Las instrucciones son proveídas en tres areas:

1. Habilidades en Inglés, tutoria o instrucción en otras áreas para aquellos estudiantes que hablan el Inglés limitadamente.

2. Asistencia extra en lectura, lenguaje y otra áreas para los estudiantes que son

fluídos en el Inglés.

3. Actividades que van incrementar la presencia intercultural de todos los estudiantes de la escuela.

Yo estoy trabajando con su hijo/a en las siguientes areas y en el siguiente horario:

Me siento satisfecho de trabajar con su hijo/a y espero reunirme pronto con usted. Por favor sientase libre de visitar las clases de ESL de su hijo en cualquier momento, o si tiene alguna pregunta llame a la escuela. Personal del programa (Firma) (Nombre Impreso) Programa de Aprendizaje del Ingles


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


PNS Continuing Student -Hmong

Student’s Name: (Last) (First) Student’s I.D.#: Grade: School:

Based on Spring 2011 English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA)

English Language – Overall Proficiency Level Check one: Beginner Low (BL) Intermediate Low (IL) Proficient (P) Beginner High (BH) Intermediate High (IH) Proficient High (PH)

Hais Txog: Ceeb Toom Kev Pab Rau Niam Txiv – Cov Me Nyuam Kawm Ntawv Ntxiv Mus (Hmong) Nyob zoo txog Niam Txiv los yog Tus Saib Xyuas:

Tej zaum koj kuj paub lawm hais tias, koj tus tub/ntxhais yeej kawm ntawv nyob rau hauv koos haum Hais Lus thiab Kawm AsKiv (English Language Learners Program - ELLP) xyoo no. Lub koos haum no pab cov tub ntxhais uas kawm AsKiv yog lawv hom lus thib ob. Thiab tseem pab cov tub ntxhais uas yeej paub lus AsKiv npliag heev lawm tab sis lawv tseem hais los yog paub dua ib hom lus uas lawv siv tom tsev. Kev qhia yuav muaj peb yam:

1. Kev kawm ntawv AsKiv thiab kev pab los yog kev qhia lwm yam kev kawm tom tsev kawm ntawv rau cov me nyuam uas tseem paub lus AsKiv tsis tshua tau zoo:

2. Kev pab qhia ntxiv hais txog nyeem ntawv, sau ntawv los yog lwm yam kev

kawm rau cov me nyuam uas yeej paub lus AsKiv npliag heev lawm; thiab

3. Kev kawm uas yuav pab kom txhua tus neeg muaj kev nkag siab txog kab lig kev cai ntawm txhua tus me nyuam hauv tsev kawm ntawv.

Kuv pab koj tus me nyuam raws li cov sij hawm teev nram no thiab cov kev kawm

li nram no:

Kuv zoo siab uas tau pab koj tus me nyuam thiab xav hais tias yuav tau ntsib koj sai sai no. Thov koj txhob ua siab deb es tuaj ncig saib koj tus me nyuam chav kawm ESL tau txhua txhua lub sij hawm, los yog hu tau rau kuv tom tsev kawm ntawv, yog ho muaj lus nug dab tsi. Sau Npe, Tus Neeg Ua Hauj Lwm (Kos npe) (Sau npe) English Language Learners Program Hnub Tim

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


PNS Continuing Student - Samoan

Student’s Name: (Last) (First) Student’s I.D.#: Grade: School:

Based on Spring 2011 English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA)

English Language – Overall Proficiency Level Check one: Beginner Low (BL) Intermediate Low (IL) Proficient (P) Beginner High (BH) Intermediate High (IH) Proficient High (PH)

Autu: FaailoaAtu I Matua Polokalame O Lo’o I Ai Lou Alo – Tamaiti A’oga Fa’aauauina (Samoan) Mo Matua: Atonu ua e silafia o lo o auai lou alo i se polokalame mo gagana e lua ua ta’ua o le Polokalame o le A’oa’oina o le Gagana Fa’a-Peretania (English Language Learner Program-ELLP) i le tausaga lenei. O lenei polokalame o lo o avanoa mo tamaiti a’oga o lo o aoaoina le faa-Peretania, o lona gagana lona lua lea. O lo o avanoa fo’i lenei polokalame mo tamaiti a’oga e maoae lo latou malamalamaaga i le gagana faa-Peretania ma malamalama pe tautatala foi i seisi gagana e pei ona faaaogaina i totonu o latou aiga. E tolu ni vaega o lo o faataunuuina ai nei aoaoga:

1. gaoioiga eseese mo le aoaoina o le gagana igilisi ma le aoaoina o isi mataupu i le aoga, e pei ona manaomia e tamaiti aoga o lo o tapulaa lo latou malamalama i le igilisi.

2. Tamaiti aoga o lo o manaomia le fesoasoani i le faitau tusi, gaoioiga eseese o le

gagana igilisi, ma/po o isi lava mataupu o le aoga mo tamaiti aoga o lo o maoae le igilisi.

3. Gaoioiga e faatupulaia ai le malamalama ma faamasani i tu ma aganuu o isi

tamaiti aoga uma o le aoga. O lo o ou galue ma lou alo i mataupu nei ma taimi e pei ona tusia: Ou te fiafia lava e galue faatasi ma lou alo ma ou te faamoemoe o le a i ai se taimi lata mai tatou te feiloai ai. A i ai se fesili i lea polokalame o lo o auai ai lou alo pe e te fia asia foi lana vasega, ia faapena lava ona e maliu mai pe telefoni mai foi. Faafetai, Aufaigaluega a le Aoga (Saini) (Igoa Lolomiina) Polokalame o le A’oa’oina o le Gagana Fa’a-Peretania Aso

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


PNS Continuing Student -Tagalog

Student’s Name: (Last) (First) Student’s I.D.#: Grade: School:

Based on Spring 2011 English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA)

English Language – Overall Proficiency Level Check one: Beginner Low (BL) Intermediate Low (IL) Proficient (P) Beginner High (BH) Intermediate High (IH) Proficient High (PH)

Paksa: Pagbibigay Alam sa Magulang ng mga Pagtulong/Paglilingkod – Pagpapatuloy na magaaral (Tagalog) Mahal na Magulang o Tagapagtaguyod,

Tulad ng naipaalam na sa inyo, ang inyong anak ay kabilang sa “Programa para sa mga Nag-aaral ng Ingles” (English Language Learners Program (ELLP) sa taong ito. Ang programang ito ay tumutulong sa mga mag-aaral na nag-aaral ng Ingles bilang ikalawang wika. Ito rin ay tumutulong sa mga mag-aaral na mahusay nang magsalita ng Ingles ngunit nagsasalita o nakauunawa ng pangalawang wika na siyang ginagamit sa tahanan. Ang pagtuturo ay nababahagi sa tatlong uri:

1. Kasanayan sa wikang Ingles at pagtuturo sa iba pang asignatura kung

kinakailangan para sa mga mag-aaral na sa kasalukuyan ay hindi pa gaanong nakapagsasalita ng Ingles;

2. Karagdagang tulong sa pagbabasa, sining ng wika, o iba pang asignatura para sa

mga mag-aaral na mahusay nang magsalita ng Ingles;

3. Mga gawaing makadaragdag sa pagkilala ng ibat ibang kultura ng lahat ng mga mag-aaral sa paaralan. Tinuturuan ko ang inyong anak sa mga sumusunod na oras at mga asignatura:

Ikinasisiya ko ang pagtuturo sa inyong anak at umaasa akong magkikita tayo sa lalong madaling panahon. Malaya ninyong isaloob na dumalaw sa klaseng ESL ng inyong anak anumang oras o kaya’y tawagan ninyo ako sa paaralan, kung kayo’y may mga katanungan. Gumagalang, Tauhan ng Programa (Lagda) (Nakalimbag na Pangalan) Programa para sa mga Nag-aaral ng Ingles Petsa

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


PNS Continuing Student -Yupik

Student’s Name: (Last) (First) Student’s I.D.#: Grade: School:

Based on Spring 2011 English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA)

English Language – Overall Proficiency Level Check one: Beginner Low (BL) Intermediate Low (IL) Proficient (P) Beginner High (BH) Intermediate High (IH) Proficient High (PH)

Nallunerkaq: Atanet Nallunar’sutet Piciryarat – Qiptelraa Mikelnguq (Yup’ik) Ataan, Anaan walluq Qelluqesten: Aka nallunrilkuvguu qetunran walluq panin ilagaucimauq ikayurtenun uguut English Language Learners Program-maggun (ELLP) mai allragurpak. Una ikayurtem elicaraaqut mikelngut kinkut elicalriit allameng qaneryaramek wallu qitevtenermek kinguqlimek qaneryaramek (English as a Second Language - ESL). Ikayuryumaluki-llu allat mikelngut qitevtetullit cali yugtun/cugtun qantul’riit atam taring’yumal’riit enevnii. Uguut pingaiyut qalarucimaut

1. Caramek qitevetuliit cali yugtun/cugtun ikayuryumalukii qitevterlerkai atam elicarlukii cali ukisqir’yumalukii-llu

2. Ikayuryumalukii naaqinerem, language art-tameng, cali allanek, elitnauvegnek uguut

mikelngut qitevetuliit

3. Cali elicarvigmi elicaryumalukii yugtun/cugtun piciryarat-ggun Wii ikayurqaa qetunran walluq panin ciunerkaa atam elitellerkai Quyaunga ikayulukuu qetunran walluq panin atam umiku qakumaqu tangerciqamken. Quyavikcikam’ken taikuvet walluq upyut’qangerkuvet, nallunaqina walluq irnarvet elicarva paq’cukuvguu piyurlerpeggun Al’nguat-qaa, Calista al’ngautii (atraa igar’lluku) English Language Learners Program Erenra

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent’s Acceptance/Refusal/Continuing/Elementary

Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at elementary school. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) tutoring. If you wish to have your student receive academic tutoring, please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact the ELLP office at 742-4452. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s I.D. #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: YES, I want my child to participate in the English Language Learners

Program (ELLP) tutorial assistance. I understand that the service will be provided as part of the regular school program and that no fee will be charged.

NO, I do not want my child to participate in the English Language

Learners Program (ELLP) tutorial assistance. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent’s Acceptance/Refusal Letter-Continuing-Alternative/Mid/High School

Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for English-as-a-Second Language tutoring. If you wish to have your student receive academic tutoring, please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact your student’s counselor at telephone number . Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: YES, I do want my child to receive tutorial assistance. NO, I do not want my child to participate in tutoring session. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-Newcomers’Center-Wendler Middle/High

Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program at the Newcomers’ Center (NC). The Newcomers’ Center is a program located at Wendler Middle School and is designed for non–English speakers, recent immigrant students, middle school grades 6-8, high school 9-12. According to State Law, New-to-district students, coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, and Idea Proficiency Test (IPT) assessment. Your student is eligible for English-as-a Second Language (ESL) classes. At the Newcomers’ Center (NC), we are offering ESL Language Arts and ESL Social Studies. Each of these courses meets and fulfills the school district’s requirements for middle school language arts and social studies credits as well as credits for high school graduation. In the ESL Language Arts classes, students receive intensive, sheltered English instruction in listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary. The ESL Social Studies classes are designed to meet the language and cultural needs of the ESL student and fulfill the middle school and high school requirements for each content area. If you wish to have your student register for an appropriate ESL class, please complete the form below and return it to Wendler Middle School, Newcomers' Center as soon as possible. For questions, please contact the ESL Counselor at 742-7432. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (Last) (First) Student’s ID #: (For office use only) Grade: School: Program: NEWCOMERS' CENTER, Wendler Middle School YES, I want my child to be registered for an appropriate English

Language Learners Program ESL Classes at the Newcomers’ Center and have his/her schedule changed accordingly.

NO, I do not want my child to participate in any English Language

Learners Program ESL classes offered at the Newcomers’ Center. Parent's/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at BEGICH Middle School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) classes or ESL tutoring, but is not receiving these instructional services. This year, we are offering credit classes in ESL Language Arts, ESL Social Studies, ESL Tutorial and ESL Reading Foundations. ESL Language Arts classes parallel the curriculum of the regular Language Arts classes, are tailored to meet the special language and cultural needs of the ESL student, and fulfill middle school requirements for language arts credit. ESL Social Studies is designed to meet the special language and cultural needs of the ESL student, are taught by certificated teachers, and fulfill the middle school requirements for social studies. ESL Reading Foundations, an elective, is a reading intervention class designed to help ESL students who are struggling with reading skills and comprehension. ESL Tutorial provides ESL students with extra support social studies (8th grade only). This class is one of the electives at the middle school level. In addition to credit courses which ESL students may take, this Program also offers academic tutoring provided by an ESL tutor and tailored to meet the individual needs of the English language learner in any of the content area classes (i.e., language arts, social studies, math or science). If you wish to have your student register for an appropriate ESL class or to receive academic tutoring, please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact the ESL teacher at 742-0500. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: BEGICH MIDDLE YES, I want my child to be registered for the ESL Language Arts class and have

his/her schedule changed accordingly. YES, I want my child to receive academic tutorial assistance. NO, I do not want my child registered for the ESL Language Arts class, but I do

want my child registered for an ESL class next semester. NO, I do not want my child to participate in any English Language Learners

Education Program ESL class or tutorial assistance. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date: Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-Begich Middle

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at CENTRAL Middle School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) classes or ESL tutoring, but is not receiving these instructional services. This year, we are offering credit classes for ESL Language Arts and ESL Reading Foundations. ESL Language Arts classes parallel the curriculum of the regular Language Arts classes, are tailored to meet the special language and cultural needs of the ESL student, and fulfill middle school requirements for language arts credit. ESL Reading Foundations, an elective, is a reading intervention class designed to help ESL students who are struggling with reading skills and comprehension. In addition to credit courses which ESL students may take, this Program also offers academic tutoring provided by an ESL tutor and tailored to meet the individual needs of the English language learner in any of the content area classes (i.e., language arts, social studies, math or science). If you wish to have your student register for an appropriate ESL class or receive academic tutoring, please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact the ESL teacher at 742-5100. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (For Office use only) Grade: School: CENTRAL MIDDLE

YES, I want my child to be registered for the ESL Language Arts class and have

his/her schedule changed accordingly. YES, I do want my child to receive academic tutorial assistance. NO, I do not want my child registered for the ESL Language Arts class, but I do

want my child registered for an ESL class next semester. NO, I do not want my child to participate in any English Language Learner

Program ESL class or tutoring session. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date: Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-Central Middle

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at CLARK Middle School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) classes or ESL tutoring, but is not receiving these instructional services. This year, we are offering credit classes in ESL Language Arts, ESL Social Studies, ESL Math, ESL Tutorial and ESL Reading Foundations. ESL Language Arts classes parallel the curriculum of the regular Language Arts classes, are tailored to meet the special language and cultural needs of the ESL student, and fulfill middle school requirements for language arts credit. ESL Social Studies is designed to meet the special language and cultural needs of the ESL student, are taught by certificated teachers, and fulfill the middle school requirements for social studies. ESL Basic Math is designed for ESL students who need targeted assistance in accessing the content and language of the mathematics curriculum. This course should not be taken by any ESL student who has successfully completed Pre-Algebra or Math 7 with a “C” or better (in U.S. schools) or any higher math course. ESL Reading Foundations, an elective, is a reading intervention class designed to help ESL students who are struggling with reading skills and comprehension. ESL Tutorial provides ESL students with extra support social studies (8th grade only). This class is one of the electives at the middle school level. In addition to credit courses which ESL students may take, this Program also offers academic tutoring provided by an ESL tutor and tailored to meet the individual needs of the English language learner in any of the content area classes (i.e., language arts, social studies, math or science). If you wish to have your student register for an appropriate ESL class or to receive academic tutoring, please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact the ESL teacher at 742-4700. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: CLARK MIDDLE YES, I want my child to be registered for the ESL Language Arts class and have

his/her schedule changed accordingly. YES, I want my child to receive academic tutorial assistance. NO, I do not want my child registered for the ESL Language Arts class, but I do

want my child registered for an ESL class next semester. NO, I do not want my child to participate in any English Language Learners

Education Program ESL class or tutorial assistance. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date: Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-Clark Middle

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at HANSHEW Middle School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) classes or ESL tutoring, but is not receiving these instructional services. This year, we are offering credit classes in ESL Language Arts, ESL Tutorial, and ESL Reading Foundations. ESL Language Arts classes parallel the curriculum of the regular Language Arts classes, are tailored to meet the special language and cultural needs of the ESL student, and fulfill middle school requirements for language arts credit. ESL Tutorial provides ESL students with extra support social studies (8th grade only). This class is one of the electives at the middle school level. ESL Reading Foundations, an elective, is a reading intervention class designed to help ESL students who are struggling with reading skills and comprehension. In addition to credit courses which ESL students may take, this Program also offers academic tutoring provided by an ESL tutor and tailored to meet the individual needs of the English language learner in any of the content area classes (i.e., language arts, social studies, math or science). If you wish to have your student register for an appropriate ESL class or to receive academic tutoring, please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact the ESL teacher at 349-1561. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: HANSHEW MIDDLE YES, I want my child to be registered for the ESL Language Arts class

and have his/her schedule changed accordingly. YES, I want my child to receive academic tutorial assistance. NO, I do not want my child registered for the ESL Language Arts class,

but I do want my child registered for an ESL class next semester. NO, I do not want my child to participate in any English Language

Learners Education Program ESL class or tutorial assistance. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date: Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-Hanshew Middle

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at MEARS Middle School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) classes or ESL tutoring, but is not receiving these instructional services. This year, we are offering credit classes for ESL Language Arts, ESL Social Studies, ESL Tutorial, and ESL Reading Foundations. ESL Language Arts classes parallel the curriculum of the regular Language Arts classes, are tailored to meet the special language and cultural needs of the ESL student, and fulfill middle school requirements for language arts credit. ESL Social Studies is designed to meet the special language and cultural needs of the ESL student, are taught by certificated teachers, and fulfill the middle school requirements for social studies. ESL Tutorial provides ESL students with extra support social studies (8th grade only). This class is one of the electives at the middle school level. ESL Reading Foundations, an elective, is a reading intervention class designed to help ESL students who are struggling with reading skills and comprehension. In addition to credit courses which ESL students may take, this Program also offers academic tutoring provided by an ESL tutor and tailored to meet the individual needs of the English language learner in any of the content area classes (i.e., language arts, social studies, math or science). If you wish to have your student register for an appropriate ESL class or receive academic tutoring, please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact the ESL teacher at 742-6400. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: MEARS MIDDLE YES, I want my child to be registered for the ESL Language Arts class and

have his/her schedule changed accordingly. YES, I want my child to receive academic tutorial assistance. NO, I do not want my child registered for the ESL Language Arts class, but I

do want my child registered for an ESL class next semester. NO, I do not want my child to participate in any English Language Learners

Program ESL class or tutoring session. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date: Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-Mears Middle

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-Romig Middle

Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at ROMIG Middle School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) classes or ESL tutoring, but is not receiving these instructional services. This year, we are offering credit classes for ESL/Language Arts, ESL Social Studies, ESL Basic Math, ESL Tutorial and ESL Reading Foundations. ESL Language Arts classes parallel the curriculum of the regular Language Arts classes, are tailored to meet the special language and cultural needs of the ESL student, and fulfill middle school requirements for language arts credit. ESL Social Studies is designed to meet the special language and cultural needs of the ESL student, are taught by certificated teachers, and fulfill the middle school requirements for social studies. ESL Basic Math is designed for ESL students who need targeted assistance in accessing the content and language of the mathematics curriculum. This course should not be taken by any ESL student who has successfully completed Pre-Algebra or Math 7 with a “C” or better (in US schools) or any higher math course. ESL Reading Foundations, an elective, is a reading intervention class designed to help ESL students who are struggling with reading skills and comprehension. ESL Tutorial provides ESL students with individualized tutoring in English, study skills or content area, depending upon the student’s academic needs. This class is a general elective. In addition to credit courses which ESL students may take, this Program also offers academic tutoring provided by an ESL tutor and tailored to meet the individual needs of the English language learner in any of the content area classes (i.e., language arts, social studies, math or science). If you wish to have your student register for an appropriate ESL class or receive academic tutoring, please complete the form below and return it to school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact the ESL Counselor at 742-5200. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: ROMIG MIDDLE YES, I want my child to be registered for an appropriate English Language Learner

Program ESL class and have his/her schedule changed accordingly. YES, I do want my child to receive tutorial assistance. NO, I do not want my child registered for a English Language Learner Program

ESL class, but I do want my child registered for an ESL class next semester. NO, I do not want my child to participate in any English Language Learner

Program ESL class or tutoring session. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at WENDLER MIDDLE School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) classes or ESL tutoring, but is not receiving these instructional services. This year, we are offering credit classes for ESL Language Arts, ESL Tutorial, and ESL Reading Foundations. ESL Language Arts classes parallel the curriculum of the regular Language Arts classes, are tailored to meet the special language and cultural needs of the ESL student, and fulfill middle school requirements for language arts credit. ESL Tutorial provides ESL students with individualized tutoring in English, study skills or a specific content area, depending upon the student’s academic needs. This class is one of the electives at the middle school level. ESL Reading Foundations, an elective, is a reading intervention class designed to help ESL students who are struggling with reading skills and comprehension. In addition to credit courses which ESL students may take, this Program also offers academic tutoring provided by an ESL tutor and tailored to meet the individual needs of the English language learner student in any of the content area classes (i.e., language arts, social studies, math or science). If you wish to have your student register for an appropriate ESL class or receive academic tutoring, please complete the form below and return it to school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact the ESL teacher at 742-7300. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only)

Grade: School: WENDLER MIDDLE YES, I want my child registered for the English Language Learners Program

ESL class and have his/her schedule changed accordingly. YES, I want my child to receive tutorial assistance. NO, I do not want my child registered for the English Language Learners

Program ESL class, but I do want my child registered for an ESL class next semester.

NO, I do not want my child to participate in any English Language Learners

Program ESL class or tutoring session. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date: Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-Wendler Middle

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Revised 05-16-11 Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-Bartlett High

Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at Bartlett High School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for ESL content area courses in Language Arts, Social Studies, Math and/or for English-as-a-Second Language tutoring. If you wish to have your student receive academic support from the English language Program (ELLP), please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact your student’s counselor at telephone number 742-1800. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: YES, I do want my child to receive ELL Program support. NO, I do not want my child to participate in ELL Program. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Revised 05-16-11 Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-Dimond High

Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at Dimond High School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for ESL content area courses in Language Arts, Social Studies, and/or for English-as-a-Second Language tutoring. If you wish to have your student receive academic support from the English language Program (ELLP), please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact your student’s counselor at telephone number 742-7000. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: YES, I do want my child to receive ELL Program support. NO, I do not want my child to participate in ELL Program. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Revised 05-16-11 Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-East High

Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at East High School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for ESL content area courses in Language Arts, Social Studies, and/or for English-as-a-Second Language tutoring. If you wish to have your student receive academic support from the English language Program (ELLP), please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact your student’s counselor at telephone number 742-2100. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: YES, I do want my child to receive ELL Program support. NO, I do not want my child to participate in ELL Program. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Revised 05-16-11 Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-Service High

Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at Service High School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for ESL content area courses in Language Arts, Social Studies, and/or for English-as-a-Second Language tutoring. If you wish to have your student receive academic support from the English language Program (ELLP), please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact your student’s counselor at telephone number 742-8100. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: YES, I do want my child to receive ELL Program support. NO, I do not want my child to participate in ELL Program. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Revised 05-16-11 Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-South High

Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at South High School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for ESL content area courses in Language Arts, Social Studies, and/or for English-as-a-Second Language tutoring. If you wish to have your student receive academic support from the English language Program (ELLP), please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact your student’s counselor at telephone number 742-6200. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: YES, I do want my child to receive ELL Program support. NO, I do not want my child to participate in ELL Program. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Revised 05-16-11 Parent’s Acceptance-Refusal Letter-West High

Dear Parent or Guardian, Our records show that your child is eligible for the English Language Learners Program (ELLP) at West High School. According to State law, students coming from a language background other than English are eligible for this Program based upon their fluency in English, parent and teacher surveys, grades and test scores. Currently, your student is eligible for ESL content area courses in Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science and/or for English-as-a-Second Language tutoring. If you wish to have your student receive academic support from the English language Program (ELLP), please complete the form below and return it to your school as soon as possible. For questions, please contact your student’s counselor at telephone number 742-2500. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. Student’s Name: (last) (first) Student’s ID #: (for Office use only) Grade: School: YES, I do want my child to receive ELL Program support. NO, I do not want my child to participate in ELL Program. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: Address: Telephone #: Date:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Procedures For Re-Entry & Reclassification of LEP Student



How may a former LEP student become re-identified as an LEP student? If a former LEP student in monitoring status struggles academically, the first step is to ensure the student is receiving any instructional supports available to all students. After a minimum of one semester and within two years of exit from LEP status, the general education core content teacher(s) or instructional team working with a struggling former LEP student must meet with the ESL teacher or district ELL coordinator to review academic performance on classroom assignments and local and state assessments. If they determine that there is compelling evidence that the student is struggling a result of English as a second language acquisition needs, then they make a recommendation to the district ELL coordinator to assess the student for potential re-identification as LEP. The district ELL coordinator in turn notifies the parent. The district will then administer the MODEL (preferred for reclassification information) or W-APT to get a measure of the student’s current language proficiency and necessity for reclassification. If the student scores below the state established criteria for proficiency on the MODEL or W-APT, the student shall be re-identified as LEP and receive appropriate language support services. Note: if a former LEP student (coded as M1 or M2 in the Fall OASIS data collection) is re-classified during a school year, enter a code of LP in the Summer OASIS data collection and a comment in the Notes field that the student has been re-classified as LEP through use of the screener assessment.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Request for Re-Identification as LEP 11-12 Revised: 09/09/2011


Student Name: ASD Student ID #: (Last) (First) Request Date: School: _______ Requested/ Referred by _____________________________ Student Grade: _________ Classroom teacher (content area) Parents/Guardians ESL Staff Other___________________

TEST SCORES WIDA Proficiency Levels: Date of assessment: ______ Speaking ____ Listening ____ Oral ___ Writing ___ Reading ___ Literacy ____ Composite ____ ELPA Scores: Date administered: ______ Speaking ____ Listening ____ Reading ___ Writing ___ Comprehension ___ Overall ___ SBA or HSGQE Scores: Date administered: _______ Reading ______ Writing _______ Math _______ Science ________ CRITERIA FOR RE-IDENTIFICATION AS LEP (revised September 2011) Student currently receiving any instructional supports available to all students Student exited from ELL Program more than 1 semester, but no more than 2 years: exit date _________ Instructional team/content teacher(s) met with ESL teacher / ELL Program representative: date ________ Compelling evidence that student is struggling as a result of ESL acquisition needs Documentation of evidence attached Re-identification form completed & submitted to ELLP Supervisor


____ Most current transcript/progress report (most current) CONSIDERATIONS: ____ Attendance record (ASD) ____ attendance (out of state/country) ____ Language Observation Checklist A (LOC A): date________ ____ motivation ____ WIDA CAN DO checklist for grade span ____ prior interventions list 3: ____ Other ________________________ 1. 2. 3. ELLP Program Office Use Only: Parent notified by ELL Supervisor MODEL / W-APT administered for re-identification purposes: date _______ Overall Composite Proficiency Level ________ Review of information and approval for re-identification by ELLP Supervisor: date __________ Approved Not Approved

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Request for Re-Identification as LEP 11-12 Revised: 09/09/2011

Grade Level Cluster 1-2 CAN DO Descriptors for Bridging Level (based on assessments, work samples & other data): If yes, check box If no, comment with documentation Reading

Can use features of non-fiction text to aid comprehension. Comments & assessment documentation:

Can use learning strategies (e.g., context clues) Comments & assessment documentation:

Can identify main ideas Comments & assessment documentation:

Can match figurative language to illustrations (e.g., “as big as a house”) Comments & assessment documentation:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Request for Re-Identification as LEP 11-12 Revised: 09/09/2011

Grade Level Cluster 1-2 CAN DO Descriptors for Bridging Level (continued): Writing (see WIDA resource guide for rating guidelines for writing)

Can create a related series of sentences in response to prompts. Comments & assessment documentation:

Can produce content-related sentences. Comments & assessment documentation:

Can compose stories. Comments & assessment documentation:

Can explain processes or procedures using connected sentences. Comments & assessment documentation:

Struggling Academically Due to Proficiency in English : (comments)

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Request for Re-Identification as LEP 11-12 Revised: 09/09/2011

Grade Level Cluster 3-5 CAN DO Descriptors for Bridging Level (based on assessments, work samples & other data): If yes, check box If no, comment with documentation Reading

Can summarize information from multiple related sources. Comments & assessment documentation:

Can answer analytical questions about grade-level text. Comments & assessment documentation:

Can identify, explain, and give examples of figures of speech. Comments & assessment documentation:

Can draw conclusions from explicit and implicit text at or near grade level. Comments & assessment documentation:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Request for Re-Identification as LEP 11-12 Revised: 09/09/2011

Grade Level Cluster 3-5 CAN DO Descriptors for Bridging Level (continued): Writing (see WIDA resource guide for rating guidelines for writing)

Can produce extended responses of original text approaching grade level Comments & assessment documentation:

Can apply content-based information to new contexts

Comments & assessment documentation:

Can connect or integrate personal experiences with literature/content Comments & assessment documentation:

Can create grade-level stories or reports Comments & assessment documentation:

Struggling Academically Due to Proficiency in English: (comments)

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Request for Re-Identification as LEP 11-12 Revised: 09/09/2011

Grade Level Cluster 6-8 CAN DO Descriptors for Bridging Level (based on assessments, work samples & other data): If yes, check box If no, comment with documentation Reading

Can differentiate and apply multiple meanings of words/phrases

Comments & assessment documentation:

Can apply strategies to new situations Comments & assessment documentation:

Can infer meaning from modified grade-level text Comments & assessment documentation:

Can critique material and support argument Comments & assessment documentation:

Can sort grade-level text by genre Comments & assessment documentation:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Request for Re-Identification as LEP 11-12 Revised: 09/09/2011

Grade Level Cluster 6-8 CAN DO Descriptors for Bridging Level (continued):


Can create expository text to explain graphs/charts Comments & assessment documentation:

Can produce research reports using multiple sources/ citations Comments & assessment documentation:

Can use analogies

Comments & assessment documentation:

Can critique literary essays or articles Comments & assessment documentation:

Struggling Academically Due to Proficiency in English: (comments)

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Request for Re-Identification as LEP 11-12 Revised: 09/09/2011

Grade Level Cluster 9-12 CAN DO Descriptors for Bridging Level (based on assessments, work samples & other data): If yes, check box If no, comment with documentation Reading

Can interpret grade-level literature Comments & assessment documentation:

Can synthesize grade-level expository text Comments & assessment documentation:

Can draw conclusions from different sources of informational text Comments & assessment documentation:

Can infer significance of data or information in grade-level material Comments & assessment documentation:

Can identify evidence of bias and credibility of source Comments & assessment documentation:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




Request for Re-Identification as LEP 11-12 Revised: 09/09/2011

Grade Level Cluster 9-12 CAN DO Descriptors for Bridging Level (continued): Writing

Can produce research reports from multiple sources Comments & assessment documentation:

Can create original pieces that represent the use of a variety of genres and discourses Comments & assessment documentation:

Can critique, peer-edit and make recommendations on others’ writing from rubrics Comments & assessment documentation:

Can explain, with details, phenomena, processes, procedures Comments & assessment documentation:

Struggling Academically Due to Proficiency in English: (comments)

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Anchorage School District English Language Learners Program (ELLP)

ELLP Monitoring Students for Optional Programs

ELLP Monitoring Student for Optional Programs Student: Last Name: First Name Student’s I.D. # Grade School Date Quarter: 1 2 3 4 SBA (Raw/Proficiency): Date Taken: _____________________

Reading: ______ / ______ Writing: ______ / ______

Is student working At Grade level: Above Grade Level Below Grade level: What year in monitoring status?: M1 M2 Comments:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Record Keeping

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP ESL tutor duties Rev. 7/7/9; 8/9/11; 2 pages

ELLP ESL TUTOR DUTIES Page 1 of 2 The ELLP ESL tutor must be active participants in any assigned classes (no sitting around waiting to respond to teacher direction or discipline issues):

1. Move around constantly from student to student using active teaching skills.

2. Check for understanding of the assignment.

3. Assist with the assignments as needed.

4. Reinforce on-task behavior…. this can really help the teacher with management.

5. Keep data on the students in your log or in another format.

6. Quietly reinforce appropriate behavior (praise for good behavior is very powerful, but don’t embarrass them in front of peers!).

7. Escort students to discipline office when directed to do so by teacher – always get

clarification from the teacher as to the discipline action she/he wants taken.

8. Frequently coordinate with the teachers to see what they are doing and what you can do to support their instruction with the ELLP ESL students.

9. Make note of the assignment for the day. Look through the lesson to familiarize yourself

with it.

10. Check student organizers to see if they are up to date and organized (e.g. check for reading logs, homework, tools for class… paper, pencil, books).

11. Walk the aisles just to be a presence and to help keep students on task.

12. Ask students if there is something they are having a hard time with.

13. Use your Aspire skills in working with students…. Make sure you know what is meant

by “decoding text” or “finding context clues”, for example, Ask your ELLP Resource Teacher/ELLP Specialist for assistance with technical/educational terms.

14. Paperwork: You are expected to:

a. Complete all testing for new-to-the-district students within 14 days of arrival b. Complete, or arrange to be completed, the PQ and the LOCA for all new-to-the-

district students within 14 days of arrival c. To file the student PQ’s and Refusals (when applicable) within 14 days of

completion. d. To keep accurate and up-to-date attendance books. e. To keep an accurate and up-to-date record/log of your student/classroom activities. f. To keep an accurate and up-to-date schedule of student service.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP ESL tutor duties Rev. 7/7/9; 8/9/11; 2 pages

ELLP ESL TUTOR DUTIES - Page 2 of 2 A few don’ts:

1. During class time do not participate in discussions with students that are not related to the task the student is currently working on.

2. Don’t get pulled into discussions/arguments with students – the classic power-struggle battle. When they get louder and louder, you should talk softer and softer as a means of de-escalating the anger.

3. Refrain from interrupting the teacher to ask questions or disagree with what is being taught during class time. Those discussions or asking questions can take place when students are not present.

4. Information about students is confidential and should not be discussed with others who do not have a “need to know.” Students and staff should not be discussed in the teacher’s lounge or with those outside of the school setting.

Important Reminders:

1. Be on time for your assigned classes; - teachers notice when you are late. 2. Tell the Administrative Assistant at your building at least a day in advance when you

need to leave for appointments, unless it is an emergency. This must be marked on your time card and you must inform the ELLP Office, as well. When possible, schedule appointments after school hours.

3. Personal phone calls are to be made only during your break times/lunch time, before or

after work. No cell phones are to be used during class-time. This also applies to checking e-mail.

4. Make positive statements to students and avoid sarcastic or cynical remarks.

5. Walk around the classroom assisting students and praising their behavior (e.g.

“explain to me what you are doing here…”, “looks good”, “good thinking”, “You’re really on task!”, etc.

6. Find time during the day to communicate with your teachers… use e-mail or leave

them a note, rather than giving them information about students as you are walking out of their class or pass them in the hall. Students overhear the comments and the information passes around the school.

7. Keep social conversation with teachers to a bare minimum during their lessons. At the

end of the period, quickly move to your next class where you are needed.

8. Keep personal opinions about students and staff to yourself. Gossip creates hard feelings and may violate a students’ or staff members' rights.

9. You are a vital part of our ELLP ESL team and are greatly appreciated by students

and staff.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Beginning this year, we will submit one schedule per building. Based on how kids

are served in your building and how many staff members there are, you will choose the appropriate type of schedule. The ONE.STAFF.SCHEDULE is for buildings where NO students are shared or there is only one staff member. The TWO.STAFF.SCHEDULE is for buildings where students are served by two different staff members. Less information is required on this new form, but it is VERY important that it be filled out accurately and revised as needed. One important change to note is that we are reporting total number of minutes each day that the student is served, rather than the times. The totals for the week will AUTOCALCULATE. Please do not enter anything into the TOT or G.T. columns. Don’t even click in there or you will run the risk of messing up the formulas that are present in the cells. When completed, you should save your schedule with the name of your school and the date of revision (i.e. LakeHood.9.1.11). This schedule can be emailed (from district email only) to Jannet Galloway. Student names and ID numbers should only be mailed from district email addresses. Once Jannet has entered the schedules into Zangle, she will send you an email letting you know that you should check your eligible list and verify that the information is correct. When a revision is needed, simply send in a schedule that includes only the information about students whose schedules have changed. Be sure to save the revision by the name of your school and revision date (i.e. LakeHood.10.14.11). Save ALL schedules; you may need to print them at the end of the year when you turn in your attendance books. Remember, your schedule and your attendance book should match.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Enter the date of the revision. For the first fall schedule, enter the first date that you began seeing students.

Enter your school’s code and your school’s name.

Students should be listed alphabetically, by grade. Enter (or copy/paste) the names/ID# of your students in the STUDENT NAME [ID number] column.

Enter (or copy/paste) the grades of your students in the GR column.

*HINT* The easiest way to fill in names, ID#s and grades (and most accurate) is to copy them(alphabetical, by grade) from your sorted Zangle eligible list. This will cause the lines to disappear in your spreadsheet. Fear not! Simply click the rhombus in the top left corner to “select all” and then click the border box that does all lines. If you don’t see this toolbar, go to ‘View’, then ‘Toolbars’, and choose ‘Formatting’.

For the next two steps, you should handle each student individually, although there will be times you can use the ‘copy cells’ feature.

Enter the last name of the person serving the student in the STAFF NAME column. You can copy cells quickly by dragging down the plus sign from the bottom right corner of the cell.

Enter the type of service the student is receiving. (P for pullout, I for inclusion)

Enter the total number of minutes that the student is seen on each of the days of the week. As you do this, you will see that the TOT column numbers should reflect the total number of minutes for the week. Remember, don’t click in the TOT column!

When completed, you should save your schedule with the name of your school and the date (i.e. Central.9.1.11). This schedule can be emailed (from district email only) to Jannet Galloway.

Once Jannet has entered the schedules into Zangle, she will send you an email letting you know that you should check your eligible list and verify that the information is correct.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



When a revision is needed, simply send in another schedule listing only the students whose schedules have changed or students who are new to your school. Be sure to save the revision by the name of your school and revision date (East.10.18.11).

Samples: Sample completed schedule (file name: Awesome.9.1.11)

Sample revision (file name: Awesome 10.15.11)

new student, Christine Garbe, was added to schedule student LaVon Bridges is now seen by a different staff

member and the new times are reflected

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Directions for TWO.STAFF.SCHEDULE *HINT* You may copy and paste the names, ID#s and grade levels from your eligible list (alpha, by grade). Due to the shading of the cells, you should copy and paste only one student’s information (name, ID, grade) at a time for THIS schedule.

Enter the date of the revision. For the first fall schedule, enter the first date that you began seeing students.

Enter your school’s code and your school’s name. Enter/copy the names/ID# of your students in the STUDENT NAME [ID number]

column. Enter/copy the grades of your students in the GR column. Enter the last name of the staff members serving the students into the two

white boxes in the STAFF column. For the next two steps, you should handle each student individually, although there will be times you can use the ‘copy cells’ feature.

Enter the type of service the student is receiving from each staff member. (P for pullout, I for inclusion)

For each staff member, enter the total number of minutes that the staff member sees the student on each day of the week. As you do this, you will see that the TOT and G.T. columns reflect the total number of minutes for the week. Remember, don’t click in the TOT or G.T. columns!

When completed, you should save your schedule with the name of your school and the date (i.e. Central.9.1.11). This schedule can be emailed (from district email only) to Jannet Galloway.

Once Jannet has entered the schedules into Zangle, she will send you an email letting you know that you should check your eligible list and verify that the information is correct.

REVISIONS When a revision is needed, simply send in another schedule listing only the students whose schedules have changed or students who are new to your school. Be sure to save the revision by the name of your school and revision date (East.10.18.11).


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012




At the secondary level, each building can choose whether they will turn in a “building wide” schedule or stick to one schedule for each staff member. If you do the building wide schedule, you can include all staff members and all kids on the same schedule. This is preferred, but may not work at every secondary building. If you choose individual staff schedules, please be sure that EVERY student on your eligible list is served on someone’s schedule and/or is in an ESL class. Also, in this case you should name your files with your name, school name and date. (i.e. Fredrick.West.9.1.11) Less information is required on this new form, but it is VERY important that it be filled out accurately and revised as needed. One important change to note is that we are reporting total number of minutes each day that the student is served, rather than the times. The totals for the week will AUTOCALCULATE. Please do not enter anything into the TOT column. Don’t even click in there or you will run the risk of messing up the formulas that are present in the cells. Save and keep all schedules as you may need to print them at the end of the year when you turn in your attendance books. Remember, your schedule and your attendance book should match. *If students are served by more than one tutor at a school, please talk to Beth or Marina about a different format for your schedule. This does not include the situation where the student is enrolled in an ESL class and also served by a tutor.

*HINT* The easiest way to fill in this schedule (and most accurate) is to copy the names/ID numbers and grades of your students (alphabetical, by grade) from your sorted Zangle eligible list. This will cause the lines to disappear in your spreadsheet. Fear not! Simply click the rhombus in the top left corner to “select all” and then click the border box that does all lines. If you don’t see this toolbar, go to ‘View’, then ‘Toolbars’, and choose ‘Formatting’.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Directions for Schedule

Enter the date of the revision. For the first fall schedule, enter the first date that you began seeing students.

Enter your school’s code and your school’s name.

Students should be listed alphabetically, by grade. Enter (or copy/paste) the names/ID# of your students in the STUDENT NAME [ID number] column.

Enter (or copy/paste) the grades of your students in the GR column.

For the next two steps, you should handle each student individually, although there will be times you can use the ‘copy cells’ feature.

Enter the last name of the person serving the student in the STAFF NAME column. You can copy cells quickly by dragging down the plus sign from the bottom right corner of the cell.

Enter the type of service the student is receiving. (P for pullout, I for inclusion)

Enter the total number of minutes that the student is seen on each of the days of the week. As you do this, you will see that the TOT column numbers should reflect the total number of minutes for the week. Remember, don’t click in the TOT column!

When completed, you should save your schedule with the name of your school and the date (i.e. Central.9.1.11). This schedule can be emailed (from district email only) to Jannet Galloway.

Once Jannet has entered the schedules into Zangle, she will send you an email letting you know that you should check your eligible list and verify that the information is correct.

When a revision is needed, simply send in another schedule for only the students whose schedules have changed or students who are new to your school. Be sure to save the revision by the name of your school and revision date (East.10.18.11).

Samples of completed schedules and how to submit changes are on the following pages.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Sample completed schedule (building wide)

* Completed schedule for individual staff members at a school would look the same as above except only one name would be listed in the staff name column. Sample revision (building wide)

new student, Christine Garbe, was added to schedule student LaVon Bridges is now seen by a different staff

member and the new times are reflected Sample revision (individual schedules)

new student, Christine Garbe, was added to schedule student LaVon Bridges is now seen by a different staff

member. Anderson shows all zeroes. Smith shows the students new hours on his schedule.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP/ESL Staff School Building Schedule

ELLP/ESL STAFF SCHOOL BUILDING SCHEDULE DATE: Lunch Time: at (ELLP teacher's/tutor's name) (School) AM Break Time: PM Break Time:

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Preparation Time

SUBMIT FORM to your school building Administrative Assistant or Secretary. DO NOT send Form to English Language Learners Program (ELLP) Office.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP Resource Teacher Monthly Log








SUBMIT FORM to the Supervisor of English Language Learners Program (ELLP)

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP Student Support Planning Sheet

Attachment C SCHOOL:

ELLP Student Support Planning Sheet

Name: Student ID#: Grade: Teacher: Current ELP Comprehension: Listening Standard: Listening Objective: SWBAT: Teacher INPUT

Current ELP Overall Proficiency: ELP:


Current ELP Listening:

Speaking Standard: Speaking Objective: SWBAT: Teacher INPUT

Current ELP Speaking: ELP:

Current IPT Oral Results:

Reading Standard: Reading Objective: SWBAT Teacher INPUT

Current ELP Reading: ELP:

Last years IPT Reading Results: GLE:

Writing Objective: Writing Objective: SWBAT: Teacher INPUT

Current ELP Writing: ELP:

Last years IPT Writing Result:


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Attendance Book

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Attendance Book Guidelines


2011 - 2012 Use black or blue pen. Write neatly and legibly. (For auditing purposes by Dept. of State EED) Write student’s Last Name, First Name. (student’s official name based on ASD enrollment form) Write staff or student’s status by using the following attendance book codes: (See other codes available on a separate page)

Entry (Example, E 08/16/11) Withdrawn (Example, W 03/14/12) Refused (Example, RF 12-13/11) Staff Ending Date-of-Service (Example, ES 12/06/11 “John Doe”)

Make a separate book page to list students’ not making progress. Insert a quartlerly School Overview forms in the attendance book at the end of school year.

To Resource Teacher:

Initial and date your Tutors’ attendance book each quarter to confirm that record entry is accurately reviewed and completed.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Anchorage School District English Language Learners Program

Attendance Book Glossary of Codes


2011 – 2012

E Student Entry (beginning day of service) / Student Present A Student Absent P Student Pending Identification & Assessment S Student Absent Due to Special Activities Z Student/Staff Not Available due to Testing RF Refused (parent refusal of service) W Withdrawn (moved out of ASD, transferred from ASD to ASD school etc.) T Teacher/Tutor Absent Due to Meetings TA Teacher/Tutor Absent ES Staff Ending Student’s Date-of-Service

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



District-wide Assessments

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Form #05-05-027 Revised August 2011 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development

Student’s Legal Name:

State ID Number:

Date of Identification

Most Recent ELP Assessment Date:

Meeting Date

This form is a suggested tool provided for district use to comply with State of Alaska regulation. All students identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP), must participate in statewide academic assessments. Students identified as LEP must be provided reasonable accommodations on state academic content assessments to the extent practicable. Accommodations are allowed for LEP students when testing for academic content knowledge and skills, but not when testing for English language proficiency.

“A district shall appoint a team that includes parents and teachers to determine the necessary accommodations for students with limited English proficiency. The team shall document the accommodation decision and may not provide a modification.” (Alaska Administrative Code Chapter 06.776(b))

Statewide and District Assessments: The student will:

1. Participate in statewide and district assessments without accommodations.

2. Participate in statewide and district assessments with the following accommodations (Refer to the Participation Guidelines, June 2011 edition for additional procedures.)

(Check all that apply) DIRECT LINGUISTIC SUPPORT


TIMING/SCHEDULING Provide extended time

Provide scheduled breaks as needed during testing

Administering the test over several days completing on or before

the last day of the test window. (Must consult Department for security procedures. For grade 10 SBA-HSGQE and HSGQE Retest, districts must submit an application to the department no later than 20 days prior to the first day of planned testing. These students must have an EED approved application prior to the first day of planned testing.)


Provide a commercial word-to-word bilingual dictionary. Dictionaries that include pictures or word definitions are not allowed. Electronic devices are not acceptable.

Read aloud, and repeat if requested: writing, math and/or science test items in English

Provide test contractor audio version of HSGQE for writing and/or math test. Allow student to replay as needed

Provide the native language word for an unknown word in a test item, when requested by student

Allow the student to respond orally to constructed response items in English for reading, math, and/or science test(s); scribe response verbatim in English. This accommodation requires thoughtful consideration and will only apply to select students.

Administer the test individually

Administer the test to small groups in a separate location


Test Directions (directions that are read aloud to all students by test administrators and/or clarification of test directions embedded within the tests.) Test directions do not include test items or prompts. In English:

Provide written version of written/oral test directions

Read aloud, and/or repeat written and/or oral directions

Read aloud, and/or repeat embedded test directions

Clarify/explain test directions In the Native language:

Provide written version of written/oral test directions

Read aloud, and/or repeat written and/or oral directions

Read aloud, and/or repeat embedded test directions

Clarify/explain test directions

Please refer to the Testing Accommodations Manual for LEP Students for guidance on the selection, administration and evaluation of accommodations for LEP students for content assessments at:  


Limited English Proficient Accommodations

Signature and Date of Participants in Attendance at LEP Meeting (include title)

_________________________________________ Title/Signature District Representative _________________________________________ Parent _________________________________________ Regular Education Teacher

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Student Refused Assessment



Please legibly PRINT requested information. Check the test(s) student refused. Student’s Name LAST/FIRST

ASD I.D. Number


L = Listening R = Reading W = Writing S = Speaking

School: School Code: Form completed by (please print): Title (check one): ELLP/ESL Counselor ELLP/ESL Teacher ELLP/ESL Tutor Signature: Date: Return form to ELLP supervisor when testing materials are submitted.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Students Not Taking ACCESS Revised 08-10-11




DUE March 8, 2012 Please fill out the following form for students you feel are unable to take the ACCESS 2012. Please include all students who you have already spoken to me about. For example, if you have a student who is severely autistic and you do not think they can take the ACCESS this year, please fill in the form below. Please consider:

• If the student was initially identified by the W-APT 2007, they should take the ACCESS yearly.

If you still believe they will not be able to take the ACCESS, please list the information below. Do this even for students you have discussed with me. Please fax this form to Christine Garbe at 742-4460 no later than March 8, 2012. Last name First Name ID # Reason Date spoken w/

Christine/Result of conversation

Submitted by Date School

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP Library

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP Library Schedule and User Guide; 2 pages


Location: ASD Education Center Building 5530 East Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99504 Telephone #: 742-4452 or 742-4454 Fax #: 742-4460 Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday High School 2:00-4:30 pm Middle School 3:00-4:30 pm Elementary 3:30-4:30 pm Collection: The ELLP Library houses a specialty collection of bilingual, English-as-a-second

language (ESL), multicultural, world language, and teacher reference and instructional materials.

• Bilingual/World Languages Dictionaries Hmong, Spanish, Tagalog, Samoan, Korean, Lao, Yupik, Russian, Inupiaq, Chinese, Swahili, Cambodian, Burmese, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Hebrew, Greek, Italian etc. • Multicultural Fiction Picture Books, Storybooks, Folklore, Myth, Legends, Poetry, Juvenile Literature, assorted classroom sets of trade books. • Multicultural Non-Fiction Biographies, Social Studies, Science, Music, Art, poster, • ESL Teacher Reference Instructional Strategies, Research, Theory • ESL Instructional Materials/Equipment Multiple copies of adopted texts and titles, Games, Kits, Language Master, CD player

TIPS: To search for ELLP library titles/materials, call our ELLP office; or research titles through

your school building library computer under the ASD website, Quick Links, ASD Library Catalog (formerly Webcat), Charter & Other School Libraries.

Obtain the book title/subject title and Dewey Decimal (call) number, (ELL).

Please arrive no later than 4:30 p.m. to check out library materials.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP Library Schedule and User Guide; 2 pages


Page 2 of 2 Check-Out

You are responsible for returning borrowed library materials. If they are lost, you are responsible for material reimbursement.

Check-In When you have finished using the materials, return them in person as soon as possible.. Place materials in the box or rubber band materials together with a label of your name, school and returned date;

End-of-Year Returns

Tutors must return all materials borrowed or submit reimbursement for lost materials by the end of each school year.

Teachers must return single copy reference materials (Dewey Decimal 000 – 999.0), as well as books you are no longer using by the end of each school year. Teachers who retire, resign, terminate, or transfer to another ASD school must return all materials borrowed or submit reimbursement for lost materials.

Summer Storage - Teachers Only

Teachers who will be returning for the next school year may store their ELLP Library books/materials at their school building. The materials must be locked in a cabinet or in boxes, taped, and clearly labeled with your name, school, and English Language Learners Program.


Make sure to do an annual spring inventory of your bilingual texts, books, and other materials to help keep track of what you have checked out. Send a copy of the inventory list to ELLP Office and keep a copy for your own record.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Librarian Signature: Date: ELLP Library Materials Checkout Date Returned: Initial:





QTY UNIT Ea/kit/








ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



School Inventory of ELLP Library Materials – 2 pages


Staff: School: Date:


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



School Inventory of ELLP Library Materials – 2 pages


Other: QTY

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP Requisition Order Form


Person Ordering: School:


Vendor (including complete address)

Qty Unit ea/set

Product Number

Description Unit Price

Total Price

17% shipping

Total Order


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Procedures for Leave Requests

and other activities

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP Procedures for Leave Request/TOTEM/AEA



NEW-TO-DISTRICT Employee only: You can take PAID leave AFTER completion of three (3) months (90 days) probation period.


1. Telephone your *school(s) within the first hour of scheduled work day, including the school where your timecard is kept;

*Your school may require you to call the Sub-Finder Automated System.

2. Telephone the ELLP OFFICE at 742-4452; 3. Complete the leave request form when you return to work.

Obtain principal's approval, and send a copy of the completed form to ELLP office through inter-district mail or by FAX to 742-4460.

B. LEAVE REQUEST (vacation, medical appointment, wellness day, etc.) Please read thoroughly your Totem Employee Contract Section regarding

Leave, Totem Agreement.

1. COMPLETE the leave request form at least 48 hours prior to requested leave,

2. APPROVAL of both school principal and ELLP supervisor is

required BEFORE the leave is taken.


OBTAIN your school building principal's approval before you make a telephone call to ELLP office at 742-4452 to request for out-of-your building (except your regular schedule) or schedule revision. Notification should be made 48 hours prior to the event.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELLP Procedures for Leave Request/TOTEM/AEA



Please read thoroughly your AEA Employee Contract Section regarding leave request.


1. Request for a substitute through "Substitute Finder Automated System".

2. Telephone the ELLP office at 742-4452 with job number and name

of a substitute (if available).

3. Complete the leave request form when you return to work. Obtain school principal’s approval and send a copy of the completed leave request form to ELLP office through inter-district mail, or by FAX to 742-4460.

B. PROFESSIONAL LEAVE Professional Leave is allocated by each unit. You must request for professional

leave from your school building principal for approval. Once your request is approved, a copy of completed leave request form should be submitted to the ELLP office (include the account code for the substitute).

C. OUT-OF-BUILDING/SCHEDULE REVISION Obtain your school building principal's approval before you make a

telephone call to ELLP office at 742-4452 to request for out-of-your building (except your regular schedule or schedule revision). Notification should be made 48 hours prior to the event.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


(School/Department Level Authorization Required)

Last Name First Name MI Social Security # School/Department Position Bargaining Unit Beginning Date Time Ending Date Time Total (Hours/Days)

Month Day Year

□ a.m. □ p.m.

Month Day Year

□ a.m. □ p.m. ______________

Sub Required □ No □ Yes Substitute Name _______________________________ Job # ______________ Report All Leave in IFAS or on a Time Card - Check Type of Leave Requested Below – Indicate # of Days or Hours Above Type of Leave (check the box below that describes your leave) Days Hours □ Annual/Personal Leave (506) *ACE use (516)

□ Civic Leave (560) *Apply for Civic Leave electronically using MLP. Upon approval, print a copy of the MLP form, attach it to this form, and submit them to your Administrative Assistant.

□ Emergency Leave □ Sick (520) ( )

□ Annual/Personal (506) ( ) *If emergency leave is to be charged to more than one category, indicate the number of days charged to each

type of leave in the boxes to the left.

□ Leave Without Pay (LWOP) (10 days or less) * If LWOP is more than 10 days, submit completed form #103 “Request for Extended Leave of Absence” instead of this form. * LWOP for AEA members only requires approval by the Executive Director of Human Resources if it exceeds three days.

□ Legal Leave (570) *Submit this original approved leave form and Certificate of Juror’s Attendance to Payroll

□ Military Leave (580) *Submit this original approved leave form and military orders to Payroll

□ Non Work Days (530) □ Professional Leave (595) *Use Form 102 or travel requisitions as applicable (see Travel Procedures) with the Leave Request when

traveling out of the district boundaries.

□ Professional Leave Bank (AEA only) *Apply for Professional Leave electronically using MLP. Upon approval, print a copy of the MLP form, attach it to

this form, and submit them to your site Administrative Assistant. □ Days received from building (590) ( )

□ Days received from district bank (600) ( )

□ Release Time Leave (540) □ Sick Leave (520) □ Student Activity Leave (535) □ Union/Association Leave (610) □ Workers’ Comp Leave (620) Reason/Justification for the leave Address while on leave: (Include State Location) Telephone # while

on leave

Employee Signature Date

Principal/Supervisor Signature Date

□ Approved □ Disapproved

HR Executive Director Signature if AEA member taking LWOP Pay exceeds 3 Days Date

□ Approved □ Disapproved

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Procedures for Field Trip Request


DATE: TO: Principal School FROM: Staff Person (ELLP) (Signature) English Language Learners Program PLEASE COMPLETE ALL INFORMATION: The class of (grade) (teacher's name) (school's name) will be going on a field trip. has been requested to accompany/assist. (PLEASE PRINT ELLP staff name)

Trip Date Departure Time Arrival Time Destination

Number of ELLP students ATTENDING: . Number of ELLP students NOT ATTENDING: . State below what provisions have been made for these students in the absence of the ELLP staff person?

Approved Approved

Not Approved Not Approved (principal's signature) (ELLP supervisor's signature) Note to ELLP Staff Person: Please process Form in the following order: Fill out the Form for the requesting school principal's approval Send original to school principal of requested ELLP staff person for approval Then, send original to ELLP supervisor for final approval

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Dates GL Object DefaultFrom To

Forms must be complete and received by the 25th of the monthto ensure payment by the 15th of the next month.Mileage forms must be received by June 30for reimbursement of miles driven in the current school year.



Human Resources #703 (10/07) Original to Payroll--copies will not be processed

Anchorage School District


Division Signature if Applicable (APA members only) Date

Supervisor Signature Date

Employee Signature Date

First Name

Bargaining Group Today's Date

Social Security # Last Name


Date Origin Destination Purpose of Trip Miles


GL Key (if different)


3430 Miles must be written in each day

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Code Facility Address City Mileage one



Revised 11/4/2008Contract Administration

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Code Facility Address City Mileage one




Revised 11/4/2008Contract Administration

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Anchorage School District Equal Employment Opportunity Office

Interpreter Service Request Process For ASL & Oral Language


To access ASL and oral language interpreter services for employees, staff, parents and applicants, please follow this process: (Note: Interpreter services for students are not processed through the EEO Office.

Only the principal, supervisor or their designee are authorized to request interpreter services. A designee is defined as a department chair, program coordinator or any employee who is specifically identified by the principal or supervisor. Requests that do not come from the principal or supervisor or their designee will not be processed.

Interpreter service is approved for a specific event, date and time. Staff should make every attempt to stay within the approve time allocation.

Trainings: The EEO Office will provide interpreter services for employees/applicants for mandatory job-related trainings and trainings that are required by policy, law or negotiated agreement. For non-mandatory employee trainings the employee should contact the class instructor directly.

Submit a separate request for each event, activity, location and/or date. Multiple events that are included in a single request will be returned unprocessed.

Emergency/Same day services: Contact the EEO Office @ 742-4131 for emergency or same day services. Communication with outside vendors and is restricted to the EEO Office. Therefore, ASD staff may not

directly contact or communicate with local interpreter agencies, vendors or individuals, except as approved by the EEO Office.

Requests: Requests must be made a minimum of one (1) week in advance. For oral language services, two weeks notice is preferred as some languages are more difficult to fill.

Cancellations must be made at least 72 hours before the start of the scheduled event. The principal, supervisor or designee must cancel directly with the Vendor. Failure to do so will result in the school or department being invoiced for the missed services, including any cancellation fees.

ASL (Sign) Language Interpreter Services

1. Submit your sign language request to

2. Email the following information to Ms. Perkins:

a. Your name, school/department and phone number?

b. Name of person needing the language interpreter? Is this person a student, employee, applicant, parent or community member?

c. What is the ASD school event, activity, process or service to be interpreted?

d. What is the date, time, and duration of the event?

e. Where is the interpreter to report? (The interpreter will report to his location and address. Give full address and phone number.

Once the above information is received, a reply email will be sent indicating approval, disapproval and other specific instructions.

Oral Language Interpreter Services 1. Submit your language request to 2. Include the following information in your


a. What language do you need? b. Your name, school/department and

phone number? c. Name of person needing the language

interpreter? Is this person a student, parent or community member?

d. What is the ASD school event, activity, process or service to be interpreted?

e. What is the date, time, and duration of the event?

f. Where is the interpreter to report? (The interpreter will report to his location and address. Give full address and phone number.

Once the above information is received, a reply email will be sent indicating approval, disapproval and other specific instructions.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Directory – Anchorage

School District

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


2011-2012 School List Anchorage School District - Anchorage Alaska

School Mailing AddressPhone FaxCode Principal Zip


Elementary Schools

100 99507-35998427 Lake Otis Pkwy.Robin PfannstielAbbott Loop 742-5400 742-5411

110 99508-29991510 Alder Dr.Mike WebbAirport Heights 742-4550 742-4570

112 99577-857919201 Driftwood Bay Dr., Eagle RiverPatrick GarrityAlpenglow 742-3300 742-3348

114 99506-11995085 10th St., JBERGary WebbAurora 742-0300 742-0322

115 99504-39992991 Baxter Rd.Vicki HodgeBaxter 742-1750 742-1777

116 99515-240010500 Bayshore Dr.Heidi PackerBayshore 742-5360 742-5399

118 99516-440015001 Mountain Air Dr.Michelle PrinceBear Valley 742-5900 742-5909

120 99567-674617010 Birchtree St., ChugiakTim GodfreyBirchwood ABC, K-6 * 742-3450 742-3495

125 99516-190711700 Gregory Rd.Darrell VincekBowman * 742-5600 742-5611

130 99518-21767206 Rovenna St.Michelle JohansenCampbell 742-5560 742-5575

140 99504-27991751 Patterson St.Heather MildonChester Valley 742-0335 742-0350

150 99502-53963101 W. 88th Ave.Anita StevensChinook * 742-6700 742-6722

160 99501-44991205 E. St.Anne SalzerChugach Optional * 742-3730 742-3747

170 99567-646019932 Old Glenn Hwy., ChugiakSusan HindmanChugiak * 742-3400 742-3411

174 99508-47943101 Sunflower St.Darrell BerntsenCollege Gate 742-1500 742-1515

180 99504-19997500 E. 6th Ave.Theresa OwensCreekside Park 742-1550 742-1577

190 99501-3785952 Cordova St.Ruth DeneDenali * 742-4500 742-4520

200 99577-809610900 Old Eagle River Rd., Eagle RiverNicole SommervilleEagle River * 742-3000 742-3020

210 99501-48961327 Nelchina St.Dan BarkerFairview 742-7600 742-7616

215 99577-2569P.O. Box 772569, Eagle RiverLindsay HenryFire Lake 742-3350 742-3366

220 99587-0189P.O. Box 189, GirdwoodKathy ReckenGirdwood 742-5300 742-5320

418 99502-31997001 Cranberry St.Kelly CastleberrryGladys Wood 742-6760 742-6779

230 99501-1198525 Bluff Dr.Brian SingletonGovernment Hill * 742-5000 742-5015

235 99577-829918001 Baranoff St., Eagle RiverBarbara NagengastHomestead 742-3550 742-3567

237 99516-210012000 Lorraine St.Kris BjornsonHuffman 742-5650 742-5660

240 99501-42991219 N. St.Kathy IversenInlet View 742-7630 742-7650

242 99507-25304000 E. 68th Ave.Michael DayKasuun 349-9444 349-9402

246 99502-19004900 Raspberry Rd.Shannon GallagherKincaid 245-5530 245-5535

245 99515-320011900 Puma St.Debra WashingtonKlatt 742-5750 742-5757

248 99517-27023601 W. 40th Ave.Tamara NunleyLake Hood 245-5521 245-5528

250 99508-45983331 Lake Otis Pkwy.Dan BlantonLake Otis 742-7400 742-7407

663 99506-14994140 Eaker Ave., JBERSue SchadeMount Iliamna 742-0100 742-0114

257 99506-12998414 McGuire Ave., JBERHelen MullingsMount Spurr 742-0200 742-0215

260 99508-14994005 McPhee Ave.Chris WoodwardMountain View 742-3900 742-3911

270 99504-2199525 Cherry St.Leroy GrantMuldoon 742-1460 742-1477

280 99503-1998605 W. Fireweed Ln.Marcus WilsonNorth Star 742-3800 742-3822

290 99507-19722424 E. Dowling Rd.Karen WallaceNorthern Lights ABC, K-8 * 742-7500 742-7530

300 99517-31454807 Northwood Dr.Greg BalcaoNorthwood ABC K-6 * 742-6800 742-6822

310 99504-30991905 Twining Dr.Ella BrownNunaka Valley 742-0366 742-0393

320 99516-188411100 Rockridge Dr.Leslie WalkerO'Malley 742-5800 742-5822

315 99515-343811911 Johns Rd.Bobby HinderliterOcean View 742-5850 742-5885

324 99506-14985112 Arctic Warrior Dr., JBERJon ForbesOrion 742-0250 742-0265

328 99504-1699888 Edward St.Lori CheekPtarmigan 742-0400 742-0425

330 99516-340013650 Lake Otis Pkwy.Mary JohnstoneRabbit Creek 742-5700 742-5711

335 99577-87379500 Wren Ln., Eagle RiverAudrey ChapmanRavenwood 742-3250 742-3260

340 99508-42811400 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Brandon LockeRogers Park 742-4800 742-4815

345 99508-35984300 E. 20th Ave.Elizabeth HornbuckleRussian Jack 742-1300 742-1341

350 99502-28787500 Jewel Lake Rd.Lisa HuffmanSand Lake * 243-2161 243-6025

360 99504-45993933 Patterson St.Jennifer SchmitzScenic Park 742-1650 742-1677

362 99507-42519911 Lake Otis Pkwy.Lana BaileySpring Hill 742-5450 742-5477

364 99504-32997500 Tyone Ct.Kim BautistaSusitna * 742-1400 742-1418

365 99518-2806701 E. 72nd Ave.Gale O'Connell-SmithTaku 742-5940 742-5959

363 99507-43795151 Abbott Rd.Patrick FreemanTrailside 742-5500 742-5511

370 99507-13991666 Cache Dr.Bill SchildbachTudor 742-1050 742-1066

380 99517-33183500 W. Northern Lights Blvd.Carissa CoteTurnagain 742-7200 742-7207

384 99508-10992801 Richmond Ave.John KitoTyson 742-8000 742-8008

* This school offers a partial or full alternative program such as language immersion, open optional, back-to-basic, science and math emphasis, or School-Within-a School. Contact school for more information.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


2011-2012 School List Anchorage School District - Anchorage Alaska

School Mailing AddressPhone FaxCode Principal Zip


386 99505-1198454 Dyea Ave., JBERBen HardwickUrsa Major 742-1600 742-1616

388 99505-1299336 Hoonah Ave., JBERWendy BronsUrsa Minor 428-1311 428-1346

390 99508-27661200 San Antonio St.Bonnie GoenWilliwaw 742-2000 742-2020

400 99503-70961004 W. Tudor Rd.Kristina PetersonWillow Crest 742-1000 742-1044

410 99508-25995101 E. 4th AvenueSean MurphyWonder Park 337-1569 337-2046

Middle Schools

785 99504-52347440 Creekside Center Dr.Jeanne FischerBegich 742-0500 742-0510

700 99501-50981405 E. St.Lisa PrinceCentral Middle School of Science * 742-5100 742-5125

710 99508-1398150 Bragaw St.Cessilye WilliamsClark 742-4700 742-4756

780 99516-492415800 Golden View Dr.Julie MakerGoldenview 348-8626 742-8273

730 99577-83999601 Lee St., Eagle RiverBobby JeftsGruening 742-3600 742-3666

740 99507-429810121 Lake Otis Pkwy.Julye NeelHanshew 349-1561 349-2835

750 99515-22002700 W. 100th Ave.Michael PerkinsMears 742-6400 742-6444

755 99567-558422901 Lake Hill Dr., ChugiakSherry EllersMirror Lake * 742-3500 742-3545

760 99503-23982500 Minnesota Dr.Sven GustafsonRomig 742-5200 742-5252

770 99508-45992905 Lake Otis Pkwy.Brendan WilsonWendler 742-7300 742-7350

High Schools

800 99504-16981101 N. Muldoon Rd.Dan GallegoBartlett 742-1800 742-1825

810 99567-670116525 S. Birchwood Lp. Rd., ChugiakSam SpinellaChugiak 742-3050 742-3148

820 99502-53972909 W. 88th Ave.Cheryl GuyettDimond 742-7000 742-7007

865 99577-65008701 Yosemite Dr., Eagle RiverMarty LangEagle River 742-2700 742-2710

830 99508-35994025 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Michael GrahamEast * 742-2100 742-2134

840 99507-43995577 Abbott Rd.John GaskinsService * 742-8100 742-6615

860 99516-360713400 Elmore Rd.Kersten Johnson-StruemplerSouth 742-6200 742-6207

850 99517-13991700 Hillcrest Dr.Rick StoneWest * 742-2500 742-2525

Alternative K-12, Middle and High Schools

667 99508-41703745 Community Park Lp.Robyn HarrisACE / ACT Program 742-3950 742-3988

885 99501-2323425 C. St.Rosemary FishAVAIL Program, 9-12 742-4930 742-4933

880 99507-12674515 Campbell Airstrip Rd.Natalie BurnettBenson Secondary School, 7-12 742-2050 742-2060

884 99518-1168401 International Airport Rd., Suite #27Karin ParkerContinuation Program, 7-12 742-1170 742-1174

815 99501-30573350 Commercial Dr., Suite #101Karin ParkerCrossroads, 7- 12 742-2424 742-2425

805 99508-41702650 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Lou PondolfinoKing Career Center, 10-12 742-8900 742-8907

875 99508-46782600 Providence Dr.Rosemary FishMcLaughlin Secondary School, 7-12 742-1120 742-1151

891 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Darla JonesMyHigh 742-6039 742-3793

450 99507-19116200 Ashwood St.Denise Greene-WilkinsonPolaris K-12 School 742-8700 742-8777

835 99518-1244410 E. 56th Ave.Cheryl HuberSAVE High School, 11-12 742-1250 742-1266

845 99503-26932508 Blueberry Ln.Dale EvernSteller Secondary School, 7-12 742-4950 742-4966

625 99508-34962220 Nichols St.Ed SchererWhaley School 742-2350 742-2432

Charter Schools

506 99504-1843110 Muldoon Rd.Diane HoffbauerAlaska Native Cultural, K-7 742-1370 742-1373

510 99517-20021705 W. 32nd Ave.Susan ForbesAquarian, K-6 742-4900 742-4919

530 99577-801910901 Mausel St., Suite 101, Eagle RiverKitty LoganEagle Academy, K-6 742-3025 742-3035

540 99503-2111401 E. Fireweed Ln., Suite 100Reed WhitmoreFamily Partnership, K-12 742-3700 742-3710

545 99503-3877400 W. Northern Lights, Suite 9Tim ScottFrontier, K-12 742-1180 742-1188

550 99504-31695530 E. Northern LIghts Blvd., Suite 1Ginger BlackmonHighland Tech, 6-12 742-1700 742-1711

560 99507-44692511 Sentry Dr., Suite# 100Dean BallRilke Schule, K-8 742-7455 742-7456

595 99501-2208508 W. 2nd Ave.Shanna MallWinterberry, K-8 742-4980 742-4985

* This school offers a partial or full alternative program such as language immersion, open optional, back-to-basic, science and math emphasis, or School-Within-a School. Contact school for more information.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


2011-2012 Department List Anchorage School District - Anchorage Alaska

Mailing AddressPhone FaxDepartment Supervisor/Director Zip


742-4410 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Susan Williams21st Century CLC 742-4014

742-4277 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Chris Fraczek504 Coordinator 742-4289

742-4341 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Susan HoodAccounting 742-4306

742-4409 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Raylene EricksonAccounts Payable 742-4306

742-6050 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Diane Poage/Cindy HigginsAdapted Physical Education 742-6075

742-4851 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Myrna ClarkArt Department 742-4580

742-4000 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.General InformationASD Education Center 742-4175

742-4420 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Laurel VorachekAssessment & Evaluation 742-4430

742-4321 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Ed GraffAssistant Superintendent of Instruction 742-4401

742-4389 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Mike AbbottAssistant Superintendent of Support Services 742-4401

742-6050 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Diane Poage/Cindy HigginsAssistive Technology 742-6075

742-3772 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Duane MoranAudio-Visual Services 742-4779

742-6000 Duane MoranMedia Scheduling 742-6012

742-6005 Duane MoranRepair 742-6011

742-4526 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Diane Poage/Cindy HigginsAudiology/Hard of Hearing 742-4777

742-6068 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Diane Poage/Cindy HigginsBlind/Visually Impaired 742-4847

742-4331 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Marie LauleBudget 742-4006

742-4369 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Chad StitelerBusiness Management 742-4399

742-8942 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Rick RiosCareer Technology 742-8978

742-4322 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Mary Meade-OlberdingCharter Schools 742-4251

742-4418 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Jane BerglundChief Information Officer 742-4417

742-4153 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Heather SawyerCommunications 742-4175

742-2286 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Stephen Kennedy/Dave MollettiChannel 14 - Production/Programming 742-2284

742-4141 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Leslie PrestonCommunity Services 742-4191

742-4146 Leslie PrestonCommunity Resources 742-4137

742-4143 Leslie PrestonRentals 742-4191

742-4341 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Susan HoodController 742-4399

742-4464 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Darla JonesCurriculum & Instructional Support 742-4585

348-5190 99515-35171301 Labar St.Ophelia Dargan-SteedDemographics/GIS Services 348-5227

742-4206 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Vernon CampbellDistrict Accountability 742-4251

742-3774 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.VacantEducational Technology 742-3793

742-4254 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Linda CarlsonElementary Education 742-4251

742-4452 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Christine GarbeEnglish Language Learners 742-4460

348-5206 99515-35171301 Labar St.Mike Price (Acting)Facilities 348-5256

742-3794 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Peter LjubichichGifted Program 742-4778

742-4471 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Beverly ThornburgGrants 742-4477

742-4400 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Sharon VaissiereHealth & Physical Education 742-4581

742-4136 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Nancy EdtlHealth Services 742-4170

742-4256 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Mike HenryHigh School Education 742-4765

742-4250 Todd ArndtHigh School Supervisor 742-4765

742-4007 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Eric TollefsenHuman Resources/Executive Director 742-4356

742-4200 Karen WilliamsBenefits (Health and Life Insurance) 742-4008

742-4324 Todd HessContract Administration 742-4356

742-4132 Margo BellamyEqual Employment Opportunity 742-4226

742-4026 Megan O'SheaLeave 742-4008

742-4156 Nan YoonRetirement 742-4008

742-4115 Russ Ament/Robb Donohue BoyerStaffing/Recruitment/Operation 742-4176

742-4133 Elaine Ivey/Kathleen HesterSubstitute Dispatch Office 742-4176

742-4615 99517-13471602 Hillcrest Dr.Information Technology/Help Desk 742-4644

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


2011-2012 Department List Anchorage School District - Anchorage Alaska

Mailing AddressPhone FaxDepartment Supervisor/Director Zip


742-4862 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Martina HenkeLanguage Arts Program 742-4482

742-6094 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Ruth Jean ShawLibrary Resources 742-6098

742-4321 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Ed GraffM.E.C.A.C 742-4337

742-6003 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Duane MoranMail Room - A.V. Services 742-6012

348-5111 99515-35171301 Labar St.Larry PetersenMaintenance/Physical Plant 348-5256

742-4249 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Leslie VandergawMiddle School Education 742-4225

742-4275 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Leah HathawayMigrant Education 742-4268

742-4879 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Linda CarlsonMulti-Sensory Instruction 742-3858

742-0150 99506-14104129 Bullard Ave., E.A.F.B.Frank HauserMusic Department 742-0173

742-6050 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Diane Poage/Cindy HigginsOccupational Therapy/Physical Therapy 742-6075

348-5122 99515-35791201 Labar St.Darin HargravesOperations 348-5217

742-4103 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Mary Lou BoughtonPayroll 742-4183

742-6050 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Diane Poage/Cindy HigginsPsychology 742-6075

742-8621 99517-31374919 Van Buren St.Pam ChenierPurchasing 248-5704

742-4371 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Mike KlawitterRisk Management 742-4373

742-4162 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Michael KeroskySafe and Drug Free Schools Program 742-4390

742-4315 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.School Board 742-4318

240-2345 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Tam Agosti-GislerSchool Business Partnerships 742-4401

742-7861 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Lt. Bill RichardsonSchool Resource Program 742-4318

742-7800 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Gardner CobbSecurity and Emergency Preparedness 742-7808

742-4862 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Victoria BlakeneySocial and Emotional Learning 742-4580

742-4839 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.VacantSocial Studies Program 742-4581

742-4236 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Cindy AndersonSpecial Education 742-4289

742-2657 99503-36643020 Minnesota Drive, Suite 8BJeanett SealyEarly Intervention Service Center 742-2660

742-3886 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Doug GrayElementary/Early Childhood SpEd 742-3997

742-3888 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Linda GriffithHigh School Special Education 742-3996

742-3888 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Linda GriffithMiddle School Special Education 742-3996

742-6121 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Kate KonopasekRecruitment SpEd 742-6071

742-6065 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Diane PoageRelated Services 742-6071

742-6077 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.David LeggSpecial Education Records 742-6079

742-3888 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Linda GriffithSpecial Schools Program 742-3996

742-4856 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Michael FensterSTEM (Science Technology Engineering & Math) 742-4581

742-8654 Michael FensterElementary Science Center 742-8657

742-3872 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.VacantSTEP Center 742-3867

348-5142 99515-35171307 Labar St.Brent RockStudent Nutrition 348-5218

742-4607 99517-13471602 Hillcrest Dr.Debbie BluryStudent Records/Transcripts 742-4644

742-4312 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Carol ComeauSuperintendent 742-4318

742-4496 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Dianne OrrTitle I 742-4482

742-3833 David Mayo-KielyChild in Transition/Homeless 742-3830

742-4445 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Doreen BrownTitle VII / Indian Education 742-4585

742-4445 Doreen BrownNative Education 742-4585

742-3844 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Colleen StevensTraining & Professional Development 742-3860

742-1200 99507-12183580 Tudor Rd.Steve KalmesTransportation 742-1222

278-4287 99515-263110560 Old Seward HwyJoe SanchezForsythe Transportation 278-4286

742-1214 99507-12183580 E. Tudor Rd.Jay AdamsVehicle Maintenance 742-1232

742-8644 99517-31374919 Van Buren St.Pam ChenierWarehouse 248-5704

742-4848 99504-31355530 E. Northern Lights Blvd.Janice GullicksonWorld Languages 742-4580

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



* subject to change ** students do not attend school 05-2-11


Anchorage School District

2 0 1 1 – 1 2 S c h o o l Y e a r C a l e n d a r *


July 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30


August 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 K-1 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31

September 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30

October 1

2 3 T T T 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 ) 15

16 ( 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31

November 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30

December 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 ) 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31


January1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31

February 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29

March 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 ) 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 ( 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 T 30 31

April1 2 T T T 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30

May 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31

June 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

AUGUST 10 Teachers’ first day 11 12 15 State released professional

development day** 16 Classes begin K-1 22 Classes begin for K-1 SEPTEMBER 5 Labor Day holiday OCTOBER T 4-6 State assigned testing days 14 End of first quarter. State released grade

reporting day.** 26 27 Parent conference days. School schedules

and student-release times vary. Check with your school for specific schedule.

28 State released professional development day.**

NOVEMBER 24-25 Thanksgiving holiday DECEMBER 16 End of second quarter. State released

grade reporting day.** 19-30 Winter break JANUARY 2 Winter break (continued) 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday - no school FEBRUARY15 16 Parent conference days. School schedules

and student-release times vary. Check with your school for specific schedule.

17 State released professional development day.**

20 Presidents Day - no school MARCH 9 End of third quarter. State released grade

reporting day.** 12-16 Spring Break T 29 State assigned testing day. APRIL T 3-5 State assigned testing days. T 10 Testing make-up day. MAY 17 Classes end. End of fourth

quarter. 18 Teachers’ last day. 28 Memorial Day holiday

( ) Beginning, end of quarter

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Participation Guidelines for

Alaska Students in State Academic


Please click below:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



English Language Development


Please click below:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Alaska Content and

Performance Standards

Please click below:


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



AK + ASD Grade Level

Expectations for Grades K-12

Please click below then

select appropriate grade and subject:

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



ELL/RTI Problem Solving Framework

For use with Elementary

grade levels

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Elementary ELL/RTI

Problem Solving Framework

Christine Garbe LaVon Bridges

Jennifer Knutson Elva Cerda

David Goodgame 5/12/11

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Problem Solving/Data Summary (To be used at Student Support Team meetings/

Grade Level Collaboration meetings)

Problem Solving Steps Summary of Tests

Language Acquisition Grid

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Academic Skills - Reading Language Proficiency Skills

Is the student below the grade level target and different from other students in his/her grade?

(Universal screening, SBA)

What is the student’s first language (L1)? Does the student demonstrate typical L1?

(Record review, observation, Home Language Survey, parent interview, FLOSEM L1)

Is the student’s reading performance and rate of improvement (ROI) different from other ELL students in

his/her grade? (Universal screening and progress monitoring)

What can we do to improve the reading skills for this group of

students? (Diagnostic assessment)

What are reading needs of the student? (Diagnostic


Tier 2 Targeted Group Interventions

Matched to the ELL students’ needs

ELL Student Need


Behavior & Acculturation

Tiers 2 & 3 Individualized Intervention Implementation of research-based academic and/or language interventions matched to student need in

addition to Tier 1 instruction (Document on the Targeted Intervention Form/TIF)


Tier 1 Instructional Strategies 1. Identify  expected  student  language  skills  based  on  

stage  of  English  language  acquisition  2. Identify  teaching  strategies  to  support  language  

development   Refer to Language Acquisition Grid Stages (Collier), Stages of Second Language Acquisition Chart (ASD World Language Program), ELL Stages (NEA), Matching Intervention to L2 Acquisition Stages (Hearne, 2000), Alaska ELP Standards, SIOP

Is the student at the expected stage of language development given the number of years of English

instruction? (Language Acquisition Grid)

What appears to be the student’s most dominant language?

At what stage of English language acquisition is the student? (Observation FLOSEM L2, ELPA/WIDA, CLIC, Woodcock Munoz)


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Summary of Tests

First Language (L1) FLOSEM (Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix) Language observed: Date:

Language Level Scores 2 Raters: 1 ____________ 2 ____________

Scoring Key Pre-production 0/1 - 5 Early Production 6 - 10 Speech Emergence 11 - 15 Intermediate (low) 16 - 20 Intermediate (high) 21 - 25 Advanced 26 - 30

English FLOSEM (Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix) Date:

Language Level Scores 3 Raters: 1 ____________ 2 ____________ 3_____________

Scoring Key Pre-production 0/1 - 5 Early Production 6 - 10 Speech Emergence 11 - 15 Intermediate (low) 16 - 20 Intermediate (high) 21 - 25 Advanced 26 - 30

CLIC (Classroom Language Interaction Inventory) Date:

Total Academic Language Interactions Used: L1: /44 L2: /44 Total Classroom Interactions Used: L1: /55 L2: /55

Scoring Key Pre-production 0-4 Early Production 5-10 Speech Emergence 11-17 Intermediate Fluency 18-32 Adv. Intermediate Fl. 33-44 Advanced Fluency 45-55

ELPA History

Score/Proficiency Level (BL-Beginner Low; BH-Beginner High; IL-Intermediate Low; IH-Intermediate High; P-Proficient; AP-Advanced Proficient)

Grade Listening Speaking Reading Writing Comp. Overall








***Optional*** Woodcock Munoz Date:


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Problem Solving Summary

Step   Guiding  Question   Summary  Statements  Step  1  (L1)  

What  is  the  student’s  first  language  (L1)?  Describe  the  student’s  L1  skills?  Information  to  consider  when  answering  this  question:  • Record  review  (Home  Language  Survey,  

cumulative  records)  • Parent  interview  • Observations  • FLOSEM  L1  • Optional  -­  QUICK  L1,  Woodcock  Munoz    


Step  2  (L2)  

At  what  stage  of  English  language  development  is  the  student?  Information  to  consider  when  answering  this  question:  • FLOSEM  L2  • ELPA/WIDA  • CLIC  • Observations  • Optional  –  QUICK  L2,  Woodcock  Munoz    

BICS  (Basic  Interpersonal  Communication  Skills)  -­‐              CALP  (Cognitive  Academic  Language  Proficiency)  –                

Step  3   What  appears  to  be  the  student’s  most  dominant  language  (expressive  &  receptive)?  Information  to  consider  when  answering  this  question:  • Record  review  • Interview  • Observation  • Tests  –  FLOSEM,  ELPA/WIDA,  CLIC    


Step  4   Is  the  student  at  the  expected  stage  of  language  acquisition  given  the  number  of  years  of  English  instruction  (BICS  &  CALP)?  • Refer  to  Language  Acquisition  Grid    If  yes,  provide  research-­based  Tier  1  ELL  strategies  as  outlined  in  Step  #5.  If  no,  provide  Tier  1  strategies  and  continue  to  Step  #6.  


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Problem Solving Summary

Step   Guiding  Question   Summary  Statement  Student  Language  Skills   Teacher  Strategies  

Matched  to  Skills  Step  5  (Tier  1)  

Based  on  the  student’s  stage  of  English  language  acquisition…  

1. What  language  skills  would  you  expect  to  see  from  the  student  in  the  classroom  (student  behavior)?    

2. What  should  classroom  instructional  language  look  like  to  support  the  needs  of  the  learner  (teacher  strategies)?  

   *Refer  to  Language  Acquisition  Grid  Stages    (Collier),  Stages  of  Second  Language  Acquisition  Chart  (ASD  World  Language  Program),  ELL  Stages  (NEA),  or  Matching  Intervention  to  L2  Acquisition  Stages  (Hearne,  2000),  AK  ELP  Standards,  SIOP  



Step  6  (Tier  2  &  Tier  3)  

Implement  research-­based  ELL  interventions  matched  to  language  need  in  addition  to  Tier  1  instructional  strategies  • Document  interventions  and  progress  on  the  

ASD  Targeted  Intervention  Form  (TIF)  


Also  examine  the  student’s  academic  performance  data  (e.g.,  universal  screening,  SBA)  compared  to  same  grade  peers,  other  ELL  students,  and  students  with  similar  levels  of  English  language  proficiency  to  determine  whether  the  instructional  need  is  similar  to  other  ELL  students  or  is  an  individual  need.  Provide  targeted  academic  interventions  in  addition  to  language  interventions  based  on  student  need.   Language  Profile  Summary:  

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Language Acquisition Grid BICS CALP Pre-Production Early Production Speech Emergent Intermediate Fluency Adv. Intermediate Fluency Advanced Fluency 0-6 months 6 months-1year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-5 years 5-7 years • Associates  sound  to  

meaning  • Develops  listening  

strategies  • Depends  on  context  • Has  minimal  

receptive  vocabulary  

• Comprehends  key  words  only  

• Points,  draws,  or  gesture  responses  

• May  not  produce  speech  

• Adjusting  to  U.S.  culture0-­‐500  receptive  word  vocabulary  

• Able  to  observe,  locate,  label,  match,  show,  classify,  sort    

• Speech  is  so  halting  and  fragmentary  as  to  make  conversation  virtually  impossible  

• Depends  heavily  on  context  

• Produces  words  in  isolation  

• Verbalizes  key  words  • Responds  with  one/two  

word  answer  or  short  phrases  

• Points,  draws,  or  gesture  responses  

• Mispronunciation  • Grammar  errors  • 500-­‐1000  receptive  

word  vocabulary  • Able  to  name,  recall,  

draw,  record,  point  out,  underline,  categorize,  list  

• Uses  simple  words,  gestures,  and  drawings  

• Beginning  sound  symbol  understanding  

• Pronunciation  problems  necessitate  concentration  on  the  part  of  the  listener;  occasionally  may  be  misunderstood  

• Short  phrases  • Many  mistakes  in  

grammar  • Makes  frequent  errors  

of  grammar  and  word  order  which  occasionally  obscure  meaning  

• Hears  smaller  elements  of  speech  

• Functions  on  social  level  

• Uses  limited  vocabulary  

• Between  1000-­‐6000  receptive  vocabulary  

• Able  to  share,  retell,  follow,  associate,  organize,  compare,  restate,  role-­‐play  

• Reads  and  writes  basic  sight  words  

• Simple  sentences  • Produces  whole  

sentences  • Makes  some  

pronunciation  and  basic  grammatical  errors  but  is  understood  

• Responds  orally  and  in  written  form  

• Uses  limited  vocabulary  • Initiates  conversation  

and  questions  • Shows  good  

comprehension  • Up  to  7000  receptive  

word  vocabulary  • Able  to  tell,  describe,  

restate,  contrast,  question,  map,  dramatize,  demonstrate,  give  instructions  

• Uses  short  sentences  to  inform  and  explain  

• Reads  and  writes  simple  words  and  sentences  

• Can  communicate  thoughts  • Engage  in  and  produce  

connected  narrative  • Shows  good  comprehension  • Uses  expanded  vocabulary  • Makes  complex  grammatical  

errors  • Functions  somewhat  on  an  

academic  level  • Up  to  12,000  receptive  and  

active  word  vocabulary  • Able  to  imagine,  create,  

appraise,  contrast,  predict,  express,  report,  estimate,  evaluate,  explain,  model  

• Uses  descriptive  sentences  and  initiates  conversations  

• Produces  text  independently  for  academic  &  social  purposes  

• Reads  and  writes  descriptive  sentences  

• Functions  on  academic  level  with  peers  

• Maintains  2-­‐way  conversation  

• Demonstrates  decontextualized  comprehension  

• Uses  enriched  vocabulary  

• Beyond  12,000  word  vocabulary  

• Able  to  relate,  infer,  hypothesize,  outline,  revise,  suppose,  verify,  rewrite,  justify,  critique,  summarize,  illustrate,  judge  

• Native-­‐like  proficiency  with  social  conversations  

• Demonstrates  comprehension  in  decontextualized  literacy  situations  

Beginning L2 (second language) sound symbol understanding if literate in L1 (first language)

Reads and writes basic sight words in L2 if literate in L1

Reads and writes simple words/sentences in L2 if literate in L1

Reads and writes descriptive sentences in L2 if literate in L1

Reads and writes complex sentences in L2 if literate in L1

Reads and writes complex sentences in L2 or in both languages if literate in L1

ELPA 1 (BL) ELPA 2 (BH) ELPA 3 (IL) ELPA 4 (IH) ELPA 5 (P) WIDA ACCESS Level 1 Entering WIDA Level 2 Beginning WIDA Level 3 Developing WIDA Level 4 Expanding WIDA Level 5 Bridging CLIC 0-4 CLIC 5-10 CLIC 11-17 CLIC 18-32 CLIC 33-44 CLIC 44-55 WM 0-1 WM 1 WM 2 WM 3 WM 4 WM 5 FLOSEM (0-5) FLOSEM (6-10) FLOSEM (11-15) FLOSEM (16-20) FLOSEM (21-25) FLOSEM (26-30)

Adapted from Dr. Catherine Collier (2010) with permission

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Data Collection Tools (RIOT - Review, Interview, Observe, Test)

To be completed by ELL Resource Teacher and/or ELL Tutor/s Record Review

Parent Interview & Developmental History

FLOSEM (Native Language)

FLOSEM (English Language) To be completed by ELL Resource Teacher only

CLIC (to be completed by classroom teacher with assistance from ELL Resource Teacher)

Woodcock Munoz (optional)

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Record Review




Grade  Attendance  

Absent        Tardy    

Retained?  Support  Services  


Guiding  Questions:      (Check  for  Home  Language  Survey  in  cum  file)  • How  many  years  has  the  child  been  in  school  in  the  USA?  


• How  many  years  has  the  child  been  educated  in  the  ASD?   • Did  the  student  attend  school  in  another  country,  state  or  district?  Is  so,  for  how  many  years  and  what  

was  the  language(s)  of  instruction?   • Has  the  student  received  any  support  services  in  school  (i.e.,  ELL/bilingual,  special  education,  

speech/language,  etc.)?   • Has  the  student  missed  a  lot  of  school?  More  than  20  days  in  a  school  year?  Why?  


• Has  the  student  ever  been  retained?  If  so,  in  which  grade(s)?  

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Parent Interview & Developmental History

Home language: • Where  was  your  child  born?   • Which  language  did  your  child  first  learn  to  speak?  


• Which  language  does  your  child  seem  to  understand?      

• Does  your  child  use  correct  grammar  in  his/her  own  language?   • What  language  does  your  child  speak  to  others?   • What  language  do  you  use  most  frequently  to  speak  to  your  child?   • Which  language  do  individuals  in  the  home  most  often  speak?   • Which  language  does  your  child  speak  when  engaged  in  various  activities  (e.g.,  playing  alone  or  with  

others;  watching  TV)?   • What  language  is  used  in  religious  services  and/or  cultural  activities?   • Is  your  child  maintaining  an  ability  to  communicate  with  his/her  family?   • What  kind  of  contact  and  how  often  does  the  family/child  have  with  the  homeland  (e.g.,  phone,  travel,  

letters,  etc.)?   • Literacy  context  in  the  home:  Print  materials  in  which  language?  Is  the  child  read  to?  In  which  

language?   • Who  helps  the  child  with  homework?   • Does  the  child  have  access  to  a  computer?  

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Developmental History: • Was  your  child  born  premature/early?  (Describe)  

  • How  old  was  your  child  when  s/he  started  to  talk  so  others  could  understand  him/her?  

  • What  is  the  average  number  of  words  your  child  uses  in  a  sentence?  

  • How  does  your  child’s  educational  and  language  progress  compare  to  siblings?  

  • Has  your  child  had  any  major  accidents  or  illnesses?  (Describe)  

  • Has  your  child  experienced  any  vision  or  hearing  problems?  (Describe  and  double  check  with  school  


• Do  you  have  any  concerns  about  your  child?  (Describe)

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Optional Questions for FLOSEM (English) To be completed separately by three different teachers, including the Language Arts teacher,

who work with the student.

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Where do you live? 4. Who do you live with? 5. What will you do after school today?

6. What do you like to do on Saturdays and Sundays when you are not at school? 7. What do you like to watch on TV?

8. What games do you like to play?

9. What would you do if you were at home and there was a fire in your house?

10. Would you rather be a child or a grownup? Why?

11. You are tired because you have been playing all day. What should you do?

12. Tell me all the things you do when you get ready for school. First you get out of bed, then you….

(could use “brush your teeth” or “cook rice”, etc., as a prompt.)

13. Name four animals. 14. Name four things you wear. 15. Name four things you eat. Items for grades 3 and up (choose 2 sets) 1a. How is a banana different from an orange? 1b. How is a banana like an orange? 2a. How is a car different from a bicycle? 2b How is a car the same as a bicycle? 3a How is a stereo different from a TV? 3b. How is a stereo the same as a TV? 4a. How is a shoe different from a hat? 4b. How is a shoe like a hat? Adopted from St. Paul Public Schools, LEP Special Education Communication Evaluation of Native Language (CENL-R).

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Stanford FLOSEM (Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix) – NATIVE LANGUAGE:_____________

Student’s name & ID Number ________________________ DATE_________________ FLOSEM PAGE 1-2

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6





Learner can recognize a limited number of high frequency words in isolation and short, common conversational formulaic expressions (e.g., “How are you?”, “My name is…”).

Learner can understand short questions and simple non-formulaic statements when they are embedded in a short dialogue or passage. However, the entire dialogue or passage must be repeated at less-tan normal speed for the learner to understand

Learner can comprehend the main point(s) of a short dialogue or passage which contains some statements with embedded structures heard at less-than-normal speed, though it is likely that details will be lost. Even at this speed, some repetition may be necessary.

Learner understands most of what is said (all main points and most details) in both short and longer dialogues and passages which contain abstract information heard at almost normal speed. Some repetition may be necessary, usually of abstract information

Learner understands nearly everything at normal speed although occasional repetition may be necessary.

Learner understands everything at normal speed like a native speaker.



Learner can participate only in interactions which involve producing formulaic question-answer patterns and/or offering very short responses to simple questions.

When participating in a simple conversation on familiar, everyday topics, the leaner frequently must pause to formulate short, simple non-formulaic statements and questions.

While participating in a conversation or discussion, learner can express themselves using simple language, but consistently falters and hesitates as they try to express more complex ideas and/or searches for less common words and expressions. These efforts noticeable impede flow of communication.

Learner can effortlessly express herself, but may occasionally falter and hesitate as they try to express more complex ideas and/or searches for less-common words and expressions. Although distracting, these speech rhythms do not noticeable impede the flow of communication.

Learner is generally fluent, with occasional minor lapses while they search for the correct manner of expression.

Learner’s fluency is native-like.




Learner’s vocabulary is limited to: a) high frequency words for common everyday items and actions, and 2) some conversational formulaic or idiomatic expressions.

Learner has enough vocabulary (including high frequency idiomatic expressions) to make simple statements and ask questions about concrete things in a simplified conversation

Learner has an adequate working vocabulary. Further, learner is at a beginning stage of showing knowledge of synonyms and a limited number of alternative ways of expressing simple ideas.

Learner clearly demonstrates knowledge of synonyms and alternative ways of expressing simple ideas. Learner also has enough vocabulary to understand and participate in conversations which include abstract ideas.

Learner possesses a broad enough vocabulary to participate in more extended discussions on a large number of concrete and abstract topics. Learner is aware of some (but not all) word connotations and nuances in meanings.

Learner possesses an extensive vocabulary.





Even at the level of isolated words and formulaic expressions, learner exhibits difficulty in accurately reproducing the target language sounds and sound patterns

Although learner is beginning to master some sounds and sound patterns, they still have difficulty with many other sounds, making meaning unclear.

Learner is beginning to demonstrate control over a larger number of sounds and sound patterns. Some repetition may be necessary to make meaning clear.

Learner’s speech is always intelligible, though a definite accent and/or occasional inappropriate intonation pattern is apparent.

Pronunciation and intonation approaches a near-native-like ability.

Learner’s pronunciation and intonation is clearly native-like.



Since learner’s productive skills are limited to high frequency words and short formulaic conversational expressions, it is difficult or impossible to assess their knowledge of grammar.

Learner can produce utterances which show an understanding of basic sentence and question patterns, but other grammatical errors are present which obscure meaning.

Learner is beginning to show a limited ability to utilize a few complex constructions, though not always successfully. Other noticeable grammatical errors persist which may make meaning ambiguous.

Learner shows an almost consistent command over a limited range of more complex patterns and grammar rules. Although occasional errors are still present, they are few in number and do not obscure meaning.

Learner’s speech exhibits a good command over a large (but not complete) range of more complex patterns and grammar rules. Errors are infrequent.

Learner’s speech shows a native-like command of complex patterns and grammatical rules.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  



FLOSEM Scoring Guide (NATIVE LANGUAGE:___________)

Student's Name Grade ASD ID# Language observed Date Interviewer The student oral language matrix has 5 categories on the left: A. Comprehension, B. Fluency, C. Vocabulary, D. Pronunciation and E. Grammar; and six numbers across the top - 1 being the lowest mark to 6 being the highest. Directions: According to your observation, indicate with an (X) one cell in each category which best describes the child's abilities from Level 1 to Level 6. Score: Each box in the Level 1 column = 1 point each; Each box in Level 2 = 2 pts.; Each box in Level 3 = 3 pts.;

Each box in Level 4 = 4 pts.; Each box in Level 5 = 5 pts.; Each box in Level 6 = 6 pts. Add points together to come up with the FLOSEM Language Level score below.

FLOSEM Scores: (Circle most appropriate score) 0/1 – 5 Pre-production 6-10 Early Production 11-15 Speech Emergence 16 – 20 Intermediate Fluency (Low Intermediate) 21 – 25 Advanced Fluency (High Intermediate) 26 – 30 Advanced (Native -like speaker)

What to look for in the Student’s language sample

Sequencing: does the student put things in correct order? Do they forget steps?

Specific words/vocabulary: does the student use specific words when talking about objects or people or actions? Do they use excessive pauses when they speak? Do they seem not to be able to remember the words they want to use?

Answering questions: Is the student able to answer questions completely? Do they add irrelevant information?

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


Stanford FLOSEM (Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix) – ENGLISH To be completed individually by three separate scorers – make three copies Student’s name & ID Number ________________________ DATE_________________ FLOSEM PAGE 1-2

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6





Learner can recognize a limited number of high frequency words in isolation and short, common conversational formulaic expressions (e.g., “How are you?”, “My name is…”).

Learner can understand short questions and simple non-formulaic statements when they are embedded in a short dialogue or passage. However, the entire dialogue or passage must be repeated at less-tan normal speed for the learner to understand

Learner can comprehend the main point(s) of a short dialogue or passage which contains some statements with embedded structures heard at less-than-normal speed, though it is likely that details will be lost. Even at this speed, some repetition may be necessary.

Learner understands most of what is said (all main points and most details) in both short and longer dialogues and passages which contain abstract information heard at almost normal speed. Some repetition may be necessary, usually of abstract information

Learner understands nearly everything at normal speed although occasional repetition may be necessary.

Learner understands everything at normal speed like a native speaker.



Learner can participate only in interactions which involve producing formulaic question-answer patterns and/or offering very short responses to simple questions.

When participating in a simple conversation on familiar, everyday topics, the leaner frequently must pause to formulate short, simple non-formulaic statements and questions.

While participating in a conversation or discussion, learner can express themselves using simple language, but consistently falters and hesitates as they try to express more complex ideas and/or searches for less common words and expressions. These efforts noticeable impede flow of communication.

Learner can effortlessly express herself, but may occasionally falter and hesitate as they try to express more complex ideas and/or searches for less-common words and expressions. Although distracting, these speech rhythms do not noticeable impede the flow of communication.

Learner is generally fluent, with occasional minor lapses while they search for the correct manner of expression.

Learner’s fluency is native-like.




Learner’s vocabulary is limited to: a) high frequency words for common everyday items and actions, and 2) some conversational formulaic or idiomatic expressions.

Learner has enough vocabulary (including high frequency idiomatic expressions) to make simple statements and ask questions about concrete things in a simplified conversation

Learner has an adequate working vocabulary. Further, learner is at a beginning stage of showing knowledge of synonyms and a limited number of alternative ways of expressing simple ideas.

Learner clearly demonstrates knowledge of synonyms and alternative ways of expressing simple ideas. Learner also has enough vocabulary to understand and participate in conversations which include abstract ideas.

Learner possesses a broad enough vocabulary to participate in more extended discussions on a large number of concrete and abstract topics. Learner is aware of some (but not all) word connotations and nuances in meanings.

Learner possesses an extensive vocabulary.





Even at the level of isolated words and formulaic expressions, learner exhibits difficulty in accurately reproducing the target language sounds and sound patterns

Although learner is beginning to master some sounds and sound patterns, they still have difficulty with many other sounds, making meaning unclear.

Learner is beginning to demonstrate control over a larger number of sounds and sound patterns. Some repetition may be necessary to make meaning clear.

Learner’s speech is always intelligible, though a definite accent and/or occasional inappropriate intonation pattern is apparent.

Pronunciation and intonation approaches a near-native-like ability.

Learner’s pronunciation and intonation is clearly native-like.



Since learner’s productive skills are limited to high frequency words and short formulaic conversational expressions, it is difficult or impossible to assess their knowledge of grammar.

Learner can produce utterances which show an understanding of basic sentence and question patterns, but other grammatical errors are present which obscure meaning.

Learner is beginning to show a limited ability to utilize a few complex constructions, though not always successfully. Other noticeable grammatical errors persist which may make meaning ambiguous.

Learner shows an almost consistent command over a limited range of more complex patterns and grammar rules. Although occasional errors are still present, they are few in number and do not obscure meaning.

Learner’s speech exhibits a good command over a large (but not complete) range of more complex patterns and grammar rules. Errors are infrequent.

Learner’s speech shows a native-like command of complex patterns and grammatical rules.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  



(To be completed individually by three separate scorers – make three copies)

Student's Name Grade ASD ID# Language observed Date Interviewer The student oral language matrix has 5 categories on the left: A. Comprehension, B. Fluency, C. Vocabulary, D. Pronunciation and E. Grammar; and six numbers across the top - 1 being the lowest mark to 6 being the highest. Directions: According to your observation, indicate with an (X) one cell in each category which best describes the child's abilities from Level 1 to Level 6. Score: Each box in the Level 1 column = 1 point each; Each box in Level 2 = 2 pts.; Each box in Level 3 = 3 pts.;

Each box in Level 4 = 4 pts.; Each box in Level 5 = 5 pts.; Each box in Level 6 = 6 pts. Add points together to come up with the FLOSEM Language Level score below.

FLOSEM Scores: (Circle most appropriate score) 0/1 – 5 Pre-production 6-11 Early Production 11-16 Speech Emergence 16 – 20 Intermediate Fluency (Low Intermediate) 21 – 25 Advanced Fluency (High Intermediate) 26 – 30 Advanced (Native -like speaker)

What to look for in the Student’s language sample

Sequencing: does the student put things in correct order? Do they forget steps?

Specific words/vocabulary: does the student use specific words when talking about objects or people or actions? Do they use excessive pauses when they speak? Do they seem not to be able to remember the words they want to use?

Answering questions: Is the student able to answer questions completely? Do they add irrelevant information?

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


CLIC Classroom Language Interaction Inventory

To be completed by referring teacher(s).

Student Name ____________________ Date________________ Teacher Name_________________

Social Language Interactions Native Language


1. Follows general directions. 2. Acts out common school activities. 3. Points, draws, or gesture responses 4. Verbalizes key words 5. Gives commands to peers. 6. Exchanges common greetings. 7. Uses limited vocabulary 8. Describes objects; describes people. 9. Retells a familiar story. 10. Initiates and responds to a conversation. 11. Appears to attend to what is going on. 12. Appropriately answers basic questions. 13. Participates in sharing time. 14. Narrates a simple story. 15. Between 1000-6000 receptive vocabulary.

Total classroom social language interactions used:

Total possible classroom social language interactions: 15 15

Academic Language Interactions 16. Follows specific directions for academic task. 17. Follows along during oral reading. 18. Understands teacher's discussion. 19. Uses sound/symbol association. 20. Decodes words. 21. Generates simple sentences. 22. Completes simple unfinished sentences. 23. Makes some pronunciation & basic grammatical errors but is understood

24. Asks for clarification during academic tasks. 25. Asks/answers specific questions regarding topic. 26. Actively participates in class discussions; volunteers to answer questions.

27. Responds orally and in written form 28. Can explain simple instructional tasks to peers. 29. Adds an appropriate ending after listening to a story. 30. Initiates conversation and questions

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


English  Language  Learner  (ELL)  RTI  Intervention  Assistance  Process  

Problem  Solving  Framework  


31. Demonstrates an interest in reading. 32. Understands and uses temporal and spatial concepts. 33. Distinguishes main ideas from supporting details. 34. Understands rules of punctuation and capitalization for reading. 35. Engage in and produce connected narrative 36. Can communicate thoughts 37. Makes complex grammatical errors 38. Writes from dictation. 39. Understands and uses academic vocabulary appropriately. 40. Reads for comprehension. 41. Can discuss vocabulary. 42. Uses glossary, index, appendix, etc. 43. Uses expanded vocabulary 44. Functions on academic level with peers 45. Maintains two-way conversation 46. Writes short paragraphs. 47. Writes in cursive. 48. Uses correct punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, margins. 49. Demonstrates an interest in writing. 50. Can discuss aspects of language/grammar. 51. Initiates writing activities. 52. Composes and edits over one page papers. 53. Can explain complex instructional tasks to others. 54. Demonstrates decontextualized comprehension. 55. Beyond 12,000 word vocabulary

Total academic language interactions used:

Total possible academic language interactions: 40 40

Total classroom interactions used __ _ ___ …………………………………………….…… 55 55

Total possible classroom interactions used NOTE: “Sometimes” = ½ point

Scoring the CLIC Pre-Production 0-4 Early Production 5-10 Speech Emergence 11-17 Intermediate Fluency 18-32 Advance Intermediate Fluency 33-44 Advanced Fluency 45-55

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012







(For use with Secondary grade levels)

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012





An interdepartmental collaboration project between: English Language Learners Program Education

Elementary Special Education Middle School Special Education

Related Services

[For use with all Middle and High schools ]

Document prepared by: Beth Hartley, Ph.D., ELLP Specialist Updated: May 2009

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Sped Rev May '09.doc 9/8/11



Oral Language Acquisition Grid 6 Introduction 7

Second Language Acquisition ELLP Staff& Contacts

RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION 8 Assessment Assessing First and Second Language Proficiency Interpreters for Interviews and Assessments Permission PRE-REFERRAL PROCEDURES FOR LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT STUDENTS 8 Classroom Interventions for ELLs 8 Documenting the problem Suggested Instructional Strategies Investigation of Bilingual Experiences 9 Data Collection Documentation Filing Documents SAT/Eligibility (sec.) Meeting 10 Bilingual Data Review Language Category Concerns Student Assistance Team Members Scheduling Meetings with ELLP Staff 11

Special Education Referral Process 11 Evaluation Planning/Eligibility/IEP meeting


ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



Sped Rev May '09.doc 9/8/11


FOR ELLS ELL of Concern

Is the ELL student receiving ELLP services?

No Yes

Classroom teacher Refers ELL student for bilin-gual services or intervention.

Classroom teacher(s), ELLP teacher and ELLP tutor col-laborate to develop and implement classroom interven-tions for ELL for 4-6 weeks.

Student’s performance improves.

ELLP interventions con-tinue. After 4 – 6 weeks, if student continues to have diffi-

culty (documented through data).

ELLP teacher and tutor collect Basic Language Information - (see packet)

Schedule Student Assistance Team Meeting - ELLP staff presents data summary form to SAT. Based on data, decision made implement the following strategies:

Implement new interventions Modify or intensify services

Refer for special education

Were these interventions effective?

Continue Interventions

Note: ELLP Staff members must be in-cluded at all levels when considering ELL students’ needs.

Yes No

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



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English Language Learner - Preliminary Information for Response to Instruction (RTI) Meeting

Student Name_________________________________________________________ ID Number____________________________________________________________ School_________________________________________________________________ Grade Level______________________________________ ELLP Tutor_____________________________________________________________ ELLP Resource Teacher__________________________________________________

Basic Language Information

Number of years student has been in the USA______________________________ Number of years student has been in the Anchorage School District__________ Language Observation Checklist – Part A (LOC-A) (Completed by ELL’s language arts teacher) Date. _______ Redo if 2+ years old.

Oral _____/7 Written ____/7 Read. _________ Write. _________ Oral _________

Mark category as: In English: Grammar - # of “No’s” NON. Non (reader, writer, speaker) EMERG. Emergent (reader, writer, speaker) DEV. Developing (reader, writer, speaker) FLU. Fluent (reader, writer, speaker)

IPT results Date of tests _______


Non = N Speaker (oral) = S Limited = L Reader = R Fluent = F Writer = W Proficient = P

ELPA Scores Year of assessment_______ Grade level of assessment_______

Score/proficiency level _____ _ / ______ _____ _ / ______ ____ __ / ______ ____ __ / ______ ____ __ / ______ ___ ___ / ______

Listening Speaking Reading Writing Comprehension Overall

Proficiency Level BL- Beginner Low BH – Beginner High IL – Intermediate Low IH – Intermediate High P – Proficient AP – Advanced Proficient

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



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English FLOSEM (Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix) Date. _______

Language Level Scores Rater: 1 ____________ 2 ____________ 3_____________


First Language (L1) FLOSEM (Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix) Enter scores 1= minimal oral skills to 5=fluent speaker

Language observed: _____________ Date: _______

Language Level Scores Rater: 1 ____________ 2 ____________


Bilingual Experiences and Student Lan-guage Use Interviews

Circle most appropriate score indicat-ing L1 and L2 use outside of school

Date. _______

L1 > L2 L1 = L2 L1 < L2

Out side of school, the child uses: mostly L1 (L1>L2) both languages (L1=L2) mostly English (L1<L2)

Oral Language Acquisition Grid Profile Placement (p. 6):

Pre-production Early Production Speech Emergence Intermediate (low) Intermediate (high) Advanced

Baseline Assessment Data: Other Information/ Comments:

LANGUAGE LEVEL: Pre-production 0/1 - 5 Early Production 6 - 10 Speech Emergence 11 - 15 Intermediate (low) 16 - 20 Intermediate (high) 21 - 25 Advanced 26 - 30

LANGUAGE LEVEL: Pre-production 0/1 - 5 Early Production 6 - 10 Speech Emergence 11 - 15 Intermediate (low) 16 - 20 Intermediate (high) 21 - 25 Advanced 26 - 30

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Oral Language Acquisition Grid Pre-Production Early Production Speech Emergent Intermediate

fluency Advanced Intermediate Fluency

Advanced Fluency

0-6 months 6 months- 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-5 years 5-7 years Depends on context; Has minimal receptive vocabulary; Comprehends key words only; Points, draws, or gesture responses; May not produce speech; Adjusting to US culture; 0-500 receptive word vocabulary.

Depends heavily on context; Produces words in isolation; Verbalizes key words; Responds with one/two word answers or short phrases; Points, draws, or gesture responses; Mispronunciation; Grammar errors; 500 – 1000 receptive word vocabulary.

Short phrases; Many mistakes in grammar; Responds orally; Hears smaller elements of speech; Functions on social level; Uses limited vocabulary. Between 1000 – 6000 word receptive vocabulary.

Simple sentences; Produces whole sentences; Makes some pronunciation & basic grammatical errors but is understood; Responds orally and in written form; Uses limited vocabulary; Initiates conversation and questions; Shows good comprehension; Up to 7000 receptive word vocabulary.

Can communicate thoughts; Engages in and produces connected narrative; Shows good comprehension; Uses expanded vocabulary; Makes complex grammatical errors; Functions somewhat on an academic level. Up to 12,000 receptive & active word vocabulary.

Functions on academic level with peers; Maintains tow-way conversation; Demonstrates de-contextualized comprehension; Uses enriched vocabulary. Beyond 12,000 word vocabulary.

Student is able to observe, locate, label, match, show, classify, sort.

Student is able to name, recall, draw, record, point out, underline, categorize, list.

Student is able share, retell, follow, associate, organize, compare, restate, role-play.

Student is able to tell, describe, restate, contrast, question, map, dramatize, demonstrate, give instructions.

Student is able to imagine, create, apprise, contrast, predict, express, report, estimate, evaluate, explain, model.

Student is able to relate, infer, hypothesize, outline, revise, suppose, verify, rewrite, justify, critique, summarize, illustrate, judge.

LAS 0 (0-10) LAS 1 (11-54) LAS 2 (55-64) LAS 3 (65-74) LAS 4 (75-84) LAS 5 (85-100) CLIC 0-4 CLIC 5-10 CLIC 11-17 CLIC 18-32 CLIC 33-44 CLIC 44-55 WM 0-1 WM 1 WM 2 WM 3 WM 4 WM 5 SOLOM (0-5) SOLOM (6-10) SOLOM (11-15) SOLOM (16-18) SOLOM (18-20) SOLOM (21-25) FLOSEM (0-5) FLOSEM (6-10) FLOSEM (11-15) FLOSEM (16-20) FLOSEM (21-25) FLOSEM (26-30) IPT Oral Level A IPT Oral Level B IPT Oral Level C IPT Oral Level D IPT Oral Level E IPT Oral Level F

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



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The purpose of this intervention and pre-referral procedure manual is to address the issues and concerns surrounding the eligibility of English-language-learners in ASD for special edu-cation and related services. This manual is a collaborative effort between the ELLP, special education, speech and psy-chology programs to articulate specific procedures necessary to more accurately identify and assess English language proficiency and acculturation of ELLs prior to considering a special education referral. Following are areas to consider when addressing the unique educational needs of ELLs.

Second Language Acquisition:

The Student Assistance Teams should take into account that a student needs to be exposed to academic/school language for 5 to 7 years before they will have mastery of academic lan-guage. This is called CALP - Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency or “classroom lan-guage”. A child may sound fluent in English at a social conversational level within a year or two. This is called BICS - Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills or "conversational lan-guage". A student would not be expected to perform well on standardized language tests until his/her CALP is more fully developed. (See chart in Teachers’ Resources section, p. 17.)

The process of second language acquisition should be taken into account when educating and evaluating ELLs. This is important information to share with regular classroom teachers. Even though a student was born in the USA does not mean a student has been exposed to Eng-lish since birth. For many ELLs, exposure to English only begins when the student starts school.

ELLP Staff and Contacts

When requesting information from the English Language Learner Program (ELLP) concerning the child's acquisition of language and related cultural and educational issues, you must con-tact the ELLP tutor who works with the student in question and one of the following individu-als:

• Elementary ELLP Resource Teacher • Secondary ESL Teacher, • ESL Counselor and/or • ESL/Multicultural Specialist

These staff members are trained in second language acquisition and education of second language learners. They, along with the ELLP tutor, will assist in addressing the team's questions and concerns regarding LEP (Limited English Proficient) students. The time frame for data collection is approxi-mately two (2) weeks.

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Assessing First and Second Language Proficiency The ELLP can screen for language dominance in most languages. The Student Assistance Team needs to ask the ELLP Staff members to help determine the student's English and first language proficiency. (See Assessment Measures, p. 22, for available tests.)

K-12 we can use the FLOSEM to basic language dominance. We can assess Spanish language dominance, in depth, using the Woodcock Munoz lan-

guage dominance battery – pre-K – 12. The ELLP currently uses the IDEA English Language Proficiency Test (IPT -English) to de-

termine initial English oral language, reading and writing proficiency and the English Lan-guage Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) for ongoing English Language Proficiency assess-ment.

Interpreters for Interviews and Assessments

There are a number of ELLP interpreters to help with assessment ELLs. Special Education and the English Language Learner Program need to work together when using translators for as-sessment and meetings. If a translator is needed, your building principal must contact the ELLP Supervisor member to assist you. When requesting an interpreter, please provide at least two weeks lead time to coordinate with an interpreter.


If a student is registered as an ELL in the district database, permission is automatically granted for language assessments.

For any other formal academic and cognitive SPED assessment, parent/guardian consent for evaluation must be signed.



To begin with, the classroom teacher and the ELLP Staff member document the academic and/or behavioral problem and attempt to resolve the difficulty using the ELLP Intervention Timeline Checklist (p. 24). These forms must be completed by the referring teacher(s). The re-ferring teacher(s)/team must document the implementation of appropriate interventions used prior to the SAT (Student Assistance Team) meeting. The ELLP Staff serve as resources for additional instructional strategies.

Classroom Interventions and Teacher Resources

Effective instructional practices focus on second language acquisition in the classroom. The re-ferring teacher(s)/team is expected to document the use of any of these methods, or others, as determined useful (see Teacher Resources section pp. 13 – 22)) using the instruments in the Classroom Intervention Packet (starts p. 23). ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



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In addition you may want to: • Provide ELLP assistance, consider increase of hours • Refer to other programs and services, such as: Migrant Ed, Indian Ed, ANMC, or community

service organization. Also consider building resources such as Title I support, parent volun-teers, etc.

For more information concerning specific language and social characteristics of the student's culture as well as available instructional resources, please contact the ELLP Specialists at the Boniface ELLP Curriculum Office 742-4452. As interventions are being implemented in the student’s classroom, the ELLP Staff coordinates the collection of data for the Investigation of Bilingual Experiences


The ELLP Staff member(s) at your school will coordinate the collection of the following data prior to the Student Intervention Team meeting (Student Assistant Team). When referring a ELL, the SAT Team must include the school’s ELLP staff. This includes the ELLP tutor who works with the student. The Special Education staff and the ELLP tutor are to notify the ELLP Resource Teacher/Specialist or, at the middle and high level, the ESL counselor and/or ESL teacher re-garding the referral. The ELLP team must have the opportunity to gather the following information to determine the impact of the student’s first language and culture prior to the SAT meeting.


This documentation must be completed for any ELL of concern

PLEASE allow 2 weeks lead time for ELLP Staff to collect this data.

• Language Proficiency Assessment. If the student is in the English Language Learner Pro-gram, determine English Language Proficiency (using test instruments such as the IPT oral, reading and writing measures and any informal measures deemed useful.)

• The ELLP Staff member will arrange for a speaker of the child's first language to conduct an

assessment of the student’s first language . At the elementary level we can use the Woodcock Munoz and the PPVT in Spanish and English.

• Authentic assessment such as work samples, portfolios, etc. are provided by the classroom

teacher, ELLP resource/ESL teacher and tutor, and others as appropriate. The Classroom In-tervention documents must be completed before a referral is made.

• Classroom teachers, ELLP staff and other staff who work with the student complete the

FLOSEM matrix in English as well as the student’s first language (when possible) to help iden-tify the student's oral proficiency in both languages. (Data should be gathered from the class-

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room teacher, parents, tutor and others who have worked with the student.) Three English samples and at least one native language sample are preferred for better inter-rater reliabil-ity.

• The classroom/language arts teacher completes the Language Observation Checklist A (LOC

A). The LOCA needs to be re-administered if the original is older than 2 years. • The concerned teacher(s) /team completes the Classroom Language Interaction Checklist

(CLIC) with assistance from the BEP tutor, if needed) - in English and, if possible, the student’s first language.

• ELLP tutor or staff member completes the Bilingual Experiences Interview and Student Lan-

guage Use Interview with parents or guardians to determine the language background and cultural considerations of the student.

• ELLP tutor or staff member completes the Bilingual Data Summary forms by examining the

student’s ELLP and regular records ( PQ, LOC A, IPT [O,R,W], ELPA Terra Nova, and SBA scores), cum folder, and data gathered from the information, observations, interviews and as-sessments listed in this section.

• The concerned teacher/team completes the Sociocultural Checklist in concert with the Class-

room Interventions and Referral Form.

Filing documents Assign one of the following: ELLP Resource teacher/ ELLP specialist/ ESL counselor or ELLP tutor - to place the original, legible set of LEP pre-referral documents in the students general cum folder. A copy is to be kept by the ELLP staff involved in the referral. Copies are to be given to the Special Education staff and other selected participants, as requested.

SAT/SIT MEETING Bilingual Data Review

The Student Assistance Team (including the ELLP resource teacher and tutor) reviews all data gathered at the classroom screening, intervention and investigation stages including all first and second language data as well as all the Classroom Intervention documents. The SAT decides to either continue with the intervention strategies that seem to be working for the student, try new interventions, or refer the child into the special education evaluation process.

Language Category Concerns Regardless of their language proficiency category (FEP, LEP. NEP), a student may be referred for special education assessment after going through the pre-referral process described above. An in-vestigative process will be used to determine when to assess a student. Informal observation of and conversation with the student, the FLOSEM chart, pre-referral parent questionnaire, data sheets, and portfolio assessment must be completed prior to the SAT meeting and/or the special education referral meeting. The decision to refer for a Special Education evaluation is made at the SAT/SIT meeting. NEP students new to the U.S. or English must be treated very cautiously when considering learning disabilities. Student Assistance Team Members

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The Student Assistance Team must include participation from a ELLP Department staff mem-ber, preferably the ELLP Resource Teacher, ESL Counselor, ESL teacher or ELLP Specialist, as appropriate. The same staff member should also be contacted if the team has concerns regarding a second language even if the child is not enrolled in the ELLP Program.

Scheduling Meetings with ELLP Staff

Student Assistant Team/SIT meetings, evaluation planning conferences, Eligibility Determina-tion meetings and IEP meetings regarding ELLs need to be scheduled at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. This is in order for the ELLP staff member(s) to make accommoda-tions in their schedule(s) to attend the meeting. Secondary teams/departments need to coordinate with the building ESL staff. This includes the building ESL counselor or the counseling department chair along with related ESL staff (teachers/tutors). The special education staff, psychologists and/or counselors are responsible for coordinating the SAT/SIT meetings when an ELL is being referred. ELLP staff will help communicate with parents/guardian upon request.


Evaluation Planning/ Eligibility/ IEP Meeting The IEP team - which includes the parents, the ELLP Staff member(s), special education re-source teacher, district representative, speech language pathologist, school psychologist, class-room teacher and others, as needed, e.g., the gifted teacher - meets to review ALL information and assessment data. Determining whether a student should be evaluated for consideration of special education eligibility is done on a case-by-case basis. Native and English language pro-ficiency does not prevent a student from being referred after going through the above process when such a referral is warranted.

NOTE: ELLP Staff members must continue to be included and/or con-sulted in all special education meetings involving ELLs including the IEP meetings at Phase IV. Adapted from Alba Ortiz and S. Garcia, Preventing Inappropriate Referrals of Language Minority Students to special Education. AND Gonzalez, V., Brusca-Vega, R. & Yawkey, T. (1997) Assessment and Instruction of culturally and linguistically diverse students with or at-risk of learning problems. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

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Resources used to develop BICS/CALP checklist: Erickson, J. and Omark D. (1981) Communication Assessment of the Bilingual-Bicultural Child, Bal-timore: University Park Press Developed by : Berhard, B. and Loera, B. Published in Word of Mouth Newsletter, PO Box 13716, San Antonio, Texas 78213. September 1992 Krashen, S. and Terrel, T. (1983). The Natural Approach. California: The Alemany Press. Schooling and Language Minority Students: A Theoretical Framework. (1981). Office of Bilingual-Bicultural Education, Dept. of Education, Calif Resources used to develop bilingual experiences/language interview Collier, C. (2002) Separating Difference from Disability: Assessing Diverse Learners, Second Ed. CrossCultural Developmental Education Services, Ferndale, WA. Kayser, H. (1989) Speech and language assessment of Spanish-English speaking children. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in the Schools. v. 20 n.3 pp. 226-241 Mattes, LJ. and Omark, D.R. (1984). Speech and language assessment for the bilingual handicapped. San Diego: College-Hill Press Other resources Alba Ortiz and S. Garcia, Preventing Inappropriate Referrals of Language Minority Students to special Edu-cation. Baca, L, & Cervantes H. (1989). The Bilingual Special Education Interface, Second Edition Merril Pub-lishing, Columbus, OH. Collier, C. (2002) Separating Difference from Disability: Assessing Diverse Learners, Second Ed. CrossCultural Developmental Education Services, Ferndale, WA. Echevarria, J., & Graves, A. (2003). Sheltered Content Instruction: Teaching English-Language Learn-ers with Diverse Abilities. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Echevarria, J, Vogt, ME, Short, D. (2004) Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners. Pearson Education, Inc. Boston. Fradd, S, & McGee P. (1994) Instructional Assessment: An integrative approach to evaluating student Performance. Addison Wesley, Menlo Park, CA. Gonzalez, V., Brusca-Vega, R. & Yawkey, T. (1997) Assessment and Instruction of culturally and lin-guistically diverse students with or at-risk of learning problems. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. McKibbin-Roseberry, C.(2002) Multicultural Students with Special Language Needs Second Ed. Academic Communication Associates (pp. 221 & 222).

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Causes of Confusion in Assessing Students with Language Differences and/or Language Learning Disabilities

Language Differences

Language performance is similar to other students who have had compara-ble cultural and linguistic experiences. Limited Vocabulary in the native lan-guage is due to lack of opportunity to use and hear the native language.

Student shifts from one language to an-other within an utterance. Communication may be impeded by an accent or dialect. Pragmatic Skills such as interpreting fa-cial expressions, appropriate physical proximity, and use and interpretation of gestures are age appropriate.

Language Learning Disabilities

Language patterns are unique to the stu-dent and unlike others in the student’s cultural community. Student demonstrates limited vocabulary even when there are rich language op-portunities in the native language.

Word finding problems are evident and student substitutes with another lan-guage. Student exhibits deficits in expressive and receptive language, which impede communication. Student demonstrates difficulty using and interpreting nonverbal language, of-ten leading to social problems.

From Echevarria, Vogt and Short Making Content Comprehensible For English Language Learners: The SIOP Model, 2nd Ed. Published by Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA. Copyright © 2003 by Pearson Education. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

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Culturally and linguistically diverse students with language-learning disabilities demonstrate prob-lems in both (emphasis added) the primary language and English. These problems may be observed in the following areas: 1. Difficulty in learning language at a normal rate, even with special assistance in both languages. 2. Deficits in vocabulary 3. Short mean length of utterance 4. Communication difficulties at home. 5. Communication difficulties when interacting with peers from a similar background 6. Auditory processing problems (e.g., poor memory, poor comprehension) 7. Lack of organization, structure, and sequence in spoken and written language; difficulty convey-

ing thoughts 8. Slow academic achievement despite adequate academic English proficiency 9. Family history of special education/ learning difficulties 10. Slower development than siblings (as per parent report) 11. Reliance on gestures rather than speech to communicate 12. Inordinate slowness in responding to questions 13. General disorganization and confusion 14. Difficulty paying attention 15. Need for frequent repetition and prompts during instruction 16. Need for a program of instruction that is more structured than that used with most other students 17. Difficulties affecting grammar and sentence structure 18. Difficulties in the use of precise vocabulary and overuse of words such as stuff, things, you know,

etc. 19. Inappropriate social use of language (e.g, interrupts frequently, digresses from topic, is insensitive

to the needs or communication goals of conversational partners, cannot stay on the topic of dis-cussion, cannot take turns in conversation)

20. Poor sequencing skills. Communication is disorganized, incoherent, and leaves listener confused 21. Overall communication skills that are substantially poorer than those of peers. From: McKibbin-Roseberry, Celeste (2002) Multicultural Students with Special Language Needs (2nd ed). Academic communication Associates (pp. 221 & 222).

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Stage 4 – Intermediate Fluency (approx 2-3 years) Student:

• Asks questions • Creates with language providing his/her personal information • Speaks in sentences on a variety of familiar topics • Reads and writes in full sentences and makes fewer errors in speech.

Teacher: • Continues to provide comprehensible input when introducing new vocabulary and gradually increases level

of difficulty • Must integrate language and content • Plans lessons which provide students with opportunities to develop language fluency and demonstrate their

second language productive skills (speaking and writing) Stage 3 – Speech Emergence (approx 1-2 years) Student:

• Speaks in 2 – 3 word sentences • Begins naturally to recognize grammatical elements in sentences • Requires extensive vocabulary development to improve second language skills

Teacher: • Asks questions of student which elicit longer responses • Uses simple comparisons, descriptions, and sequencing of events • Encourages the child to produce simple sentences • Uses the Language Experience Approach to begin reading and writing • Uses dictation as a strategy for listening, comprehension, and grammatical correctness • Reads short narratives while the child follows along. • Provides opportunities for student dramatization

Stage 2 – Early Production (approx 6 mo. - 1 year) Student:

• Gives one word responses such as “dog”, “come”, Yes,” or short phrases • Omits articles (a, an, the) prepositions (to, on, over) and other words with abstract meanings • Says words that have been heard and understood many times • Continues to add new words

Teacher: • Asks yes/no questions • Asks choice questions • Asks completion questions • Uses real objects when possible, as well as pictures and other visuals to represent key vocabulary

Stage 1 – Pre-Production (approx 0 to 6 months) Student:

• Associates sound with meaning • Develops listening strategies and comprehension • Does not communicate verbally • Indicates understanding non-verbally • Relies on contextual clues • Gradually acquires ability to understand key words.

Teacher: • Uses Total Physical Response • Tells/reads lots of stories with props • Uses real objects when possible, as well as pictures and other visuals to represent key vocabulary • Uses real situations to model authentic natural language

*Chart courtesy of the ASD World Languages Program

Advanced Fluency (approx. 3-7 years)

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Language Proficiency Misdiagnosis Model

A Limited English Proficient child may be mistaken for having learning difficulties as they are devel-oping their Academic Language. Information must be collected and interpreted in the context of the students’ home and learning environments. NOTE: Remember that an ELL can be considered for a referral at any time, if there is warranted con-cern. (See pages 7 & 8) From: McKibbin-Roseberry, Celeste (2002) Multicultural Students with Special Language Needs (2nd ed). Academic com-

munication Associates (pp. 209).

BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) Social language

BICS takes approximately 2 years to develop to a native-like level under optimal conditions. The child can:

Use English phrases, chunks Carry on intelligible conversations about context-embedded, cognitively

undemanding topics (e.g., TV, classroom activities, friends, family) Interact with English-speaking peers Pass simple, “BICS-oriented” language proficiency tests.

CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) Classroom Language

CALP takes between 5 and 7 years to develop to a native-like level under optimal conditions. The child with developing CALP may have difficulty:

Performing well on standardized tests of academic skills (state school tests)

Performing well on standardized IQ, academic, and language tests that would be administered by psychologists, speech pathologists, resource specialists

Performing adequately in context-reduced, cognitively demanding class-room activities such as writing, reading, spelling, test-taking.

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SUGGESTED INTERVENTIONS FOR ELL STUDENTS Referring teacher(s)are encouraged to use the following Accommodations, Strategies and Assessment charts in providing interventions for ELLs



for ELLs Instructional Alternative text Books on tape Check for understanding Demonstrate learning through multiple

modalities (e.g. VAK) Highlighting Modified text More frequent checks for understanding Oral directions Paraphrasing Quiet work area Reading aloud Reduced assignment quantity Restating directions Scribing/dictation Simplified directions Simplified instructions Small group Use of calculator Use of computer Use of dictionary Use of hi-lighter Use of manipulatives Word to word dictionary Word/picture book(personal) paired with

instruction PHYSICAL Extended time Special seating Study carrel Frequent breaks

For Students Visuals (pictures, charts, graphs, drawings) Language Master Books on Tape Journal writing Order of operations – math Writing: voice, process, 6 Traits, COPS, RAP CALLA strategies (see below) Specific skills: e.g., highlighting, note-taking,

scanning PQ3R For Teachers Visuals Modeling SIOP features (see below) Small group instruction Guided reading Repeated reading Echo reading Access prior knowledge: Games Cooperative learning structures Simplify instruction Checking for understanding Identify learning styles Direct/structure instruction TPR (Total Physical Response) Brain Breaks Non-verbal response Webbing, mapping Mnemonics Reader’s theater Increase ESL instruction/Staff Yoga techniques

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SHELTERED Instruction Strategies (SIOP)

Lesson Preparation

o Content objectives o Language objectives o Supplementary materials o Adaptation of content o Meaningful activities

Building Background

o Concepts explicitly linked w/ background experiences

o Links explicitly made between past and new learning

o Key vocabulary emphasized Comprehensible Input

o Speech appropriate o Clear explanation of academic tasks o Use a variety of techniques


o Ample opportunities to use strategies o Consistent use of scaffolding o Varied question types/ high order thinking

skills Interaction

o Frequent opportunities for interaction o Grouping configurations support objectives o Sufficient wait time o Opportunities to clarify in L1

Practice Application

o Hands on materials o Activities that apply language and content

knowledge o Integrate language skills (L, R, W, S, C)

Lesson Delivery

o Content objectives supported o Language objectives supported o Students engaged 90% - 100% o Pacing appropriate to students level

Review Assessment

o Comprehensive review of key vocabulary o Comprehensive review of key content con-

cepts o Regularly provide feedback to students o Regular assessment of student comprehen-


CALLA Strategies (Cognitive Academic Language Learning Ap-proach)

Metacognitive Strategies

Planning o Advance organizers - Preview/Skim/Gist o Organization Planning - Plan what to do o Selective Attention - Listen or read selec-

tively/scan/find specific information o Self-Management – Plan when, where, and

how to study. Monitoring o Monitoring Comprehension – Think while lis-

tening/Think while reading) o Monitoring Production – Think while speak-

ing/Think while writing Evaluation o Self-assessment – Check back/Keep a learn-

ing log/ reflect on what you learned Cognitive Strategies

o Summarizing – Say or write the main idea o Deduction/Induction – Use a rule/Make a

rule o Imagery – Visualize/Make a picture o Auditory Representation – Use your mental

tape recorder/Hear it again o Making Inferences – Use context clues/Guess

from context/ Predict Social/Affective Strategies

o Questioning for Clarification – Ask Questions o Cooperation – cooperate/Work with class-

mates/Coach each other o Self-Talk – Think Positive

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MEASURABLE GROWTH for ELLs – ways to assess pre-post growth/improvement in areas of concern

Formal/ Summative

Attendance DIBELS (reading) Durrell Reading Gates McGinnitie (secondary) IPT Oral (Reading and Writing) Participation/Time on Task tallies San Diego Quick Standards Based Assessments OTHER_____________________________

Informal/ Formative/Diagnostic

6 Traits of Writing Rubrics Criterion Based Measures Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) Houghton Mifflin Assessments Miscue analysis Phonics/Phonemic awareness assessments Reading fluency measures Running records Spelling tests Vocabulary tests Writing portfolios Grades OTHER ________________________________

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GLOSSARY OF ELLP EDUCATION TERMS & ACRONYMS AQS Acculturation Quick Screen BICS Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (social language)

CALP Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency (academic language skills) CLIC Classroom Language Interaction Checklist Code Switching The use of two languages interchangeably in speech and in writing often due to lack of fluency in L1 or L2, or in both languages ELL English Language Learner ELLP English Language Learner Program English Proficiency Designation Categories:

NEP Non-English Proficient LEP Limited English Proficient FEP Fluent English Proficient

ESL English-as-a-second-language FLOSEM Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix IPT IDEA Language Proficiency Test (Oral, Reading, Writing) L1 First language/home language; first language learned by a student L2 Second language learned by a student (in our case, usually English) Language Dominance The language spoken most proficiently by the student. Language Proficiency The level of skill (R, W, L, S) in the use of a particular language. LAU Category Codes Language proficiency designations A, B, C, D & E for students coming from language backgrounds other than English:

A - monolingual, speaker of a language other than English B - predominantly speaker of language other than English C - bilingual; equal proficiency in two languages D -predominantly English proficient with some language other than English E - speaker of English only, but has a language background other than English

Locus of Control (sociocultural checklist) How a person attributes responsibility for events and actions... Am I the one to cause (internal) or is something or someone else (external) that is causing something to happen to me?

LOC Language Observation Checklist LOC A Language Observation Checklist completed by English-speaking teacher. LOC B Language Observation Checklist (completed by bilingual speaker of a student's home language - other than English Mixed Language (Code Switching) - When a person combines English and the native language as they speak; not separating or distinguishing one language from the other in speech.

PHLOTE Primary Home Language Other Than English Primary Language The language the student learned first and used most frequently in the early stages of language development. PQ Parent Questionnaire (to be completed by parents/guardians of student) SAT Student Assistance Team SIT Student Intervention Team SOLOM Student Oral Language Observation Matrix

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Early Childhood Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation Scale (English – any language) Autism

CARS Comprehensive Autism Rating Scale (English - any language) Behavior

BASC Behavioral Rating scale (parent) for emotionally disturbed (Spanish) VINELAND Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (Spanish)

Cognitive (IQ)

UNIT Universal Non-Verbal Intelligence Test Cognitive and Academic

Woodcock Muñoz Revised (Psychoeducational Battery- Cognitive and Academic) (Spanish)


BICS BVAT Bilingual Verbal Abilities Test - (18 languages) BSM Bilingual Verbal Syntax Measure (oral – English & Spanish) TVIP (PPVT) Test de Vocabulario en Imágenes Peabody (English/Spanish) SOLOM Student Oral Language Observation checklist (any language) FLOSEM Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix (any language) LOC B Language Observation Checklist – B (Student’s home language) Marysville Test of Language Dominance (9 languages – Spanish, Korean, Yupik, Sa-moan, Lao, Japanese, Tagalog, Samoan, English)

CALP Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery-Revised (Spanish) Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey (Spanish/English) IPT Idea Language Proficiency Test (O, R, W) BICS/CALP (English/Spanish)

Speech/Language BVAT Bilingual Verbal Abilities Test (18 languages) Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (English/Spanish)

PLS-3 Pre -School Language Scale (English/Spanish) Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (English/Spanish) SAM-R Spanish Articulation Measures - R SPELT III Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test (Primary) (English/Spanish) SPELT-P Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test (Pre School)

(Spanish) TOLD Test of Oral Language Development (English/Spanish)

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INTERVENTION TIMELINE CHECKLIST [To be completed by Referring Teacher and ESL staff, in collaboration]

When an English-Language-Learner (ELL) is having problems in the classroom, the first step is for the classroom/referring teacher to contact the ELLP Staffmember at the building and to implement classroom interventions for the ELL. Name of Student:______________________________ ASD ID#: ___________________

Name of Concerned Teacher:________________________________________________________ Name of ELLP Staff member(s):_____________________________________________________ Date(s) of contact with ELLP Staff member(s):___________________________________ Sociocultural Checklist (date)___________ Area(s) of concern__________________________ LOC A (score)________ CLIC checklist score_________ English FLOSEMs (3 individuals who work with student) _______ COMPLETED CLASSROOM NTERVENTION AND REFERRAL FORM: Description and docu-

mentation of interventions and assessments implemented attached.


What is the task measuring? (i.e., English syntax, vocabulary, grammar, etc.) Does the task require receptive and/or expressive language? Can the task be divided into two

identifiable modes – expressive and/or receptive? What are the student’s English language proficiency levels in reading, writing, listening and

speaking? Is the background knowledge and opportunity required to complete this task typical of home

and/ or school? Does the task provide the student the opportunity to succeed? What type of knowledge and experience is the student expected to have in order to succeed on

the assignment? Do the requirements for this assignment conflict with this child’s culture? What have I done to make the assignment and material comprehensible?

Adapted from: Kayser, H. (1989) Speech and language assessment of Spanish-English speaking children. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in the Schools. v. 20 n.3 pp. 226-241

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This form must be completed by English speaking teacher(s) in collaboration with program staff familiar with the student.

ASD Student ID #:________________ Student Name: __________________________________________ Alaska Student ID#: ________________

(Last Name, First Name) School: _________________________________________________ Grade: _____ Language: ______________________________________________ (home language other than English) Compared to Standard English-speaking students of the same age, does the student consistently exhibit any of the following characteristics when listening, speaking, reading or writing?


Non-Reader (not reading) Developing Reader (reading below grade level) Fluent (at or above grade level)

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________


Non-Writer (not writing) Developing writer (writing below grade level) Fluent (at or above grade level)

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________


Non-Speaker (non-English speaker) Developing speaker (speaks below grade level) Fluent (at or above grade level)

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

___________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date (Month/Day/Year) Printed Name Signature Position ______________________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name Signature Position

Form #05-04-002


a. Uses pronouns, genders correctly. b. Uses tenses correctly. c. Uses singular & plural forms correctly. d. Uses prepositions correctly. e. Understands teacher directions. f. Uses appropriate sentence structure. g. Uses developmentally appropriate vocabulary.





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CLIC Classroom Language Interaction Inventory

To be completed by referring teacher(s).

Student Name ____________________ Date________________ Teacher Name_________________

Social Language Interactions Native Language


1. Follows general directions. 2. Acts out common school activities. 3. Points, draws, or gesture responses 4. Verbalizes key words 5. Gives commands to peers. 6. Exchanges common greetings. 7. Uses limited vocabulary 8. Describes objects; describes people. 9. Retells a familiar story. 10. Initiates and responds to a conversation. 11. Appears to attend to what is going on. 12. Appropriately answers basic questions. 13. Participates in sharing time. 14. Narrates a simple story. 15. Between 1000-6000 receptive vocabulary.

Total classroom social language interactions used:

Total possible classroom social language interactions: 15 15 Academic Language Interactions 16. Follows specific directions for academic task. 17. Follows along during oral reading. 18. Understands teacher's discussion. 19. Uses sound/symbol association. 20. Decodes words. 21. Generates simple sentences. 22. Completes simple unfinished sentences. 23. Makes some pronunciation & basic grammatical errors but is understood

24. Asks for clarification during academic tasks. 25. Asks/answers specific questions regarding topic. 26. Actively participates in class discussions; volunteers to answer questions.

27. Responds orally and in written form 28. Can explain simple instructional tasks to peers. 29. Adds an appropriate ending after listening to a story. 30. Initiates conversation and questions

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31. Demonstrates an interest in reading. 32. Understands and uses temporal and spatial concepts. 33. Distinguishes main ideas from supporting details. 34. Understands rules of punctuation and capitalization for reading.

35. Engage in and produce connected narrative 36. Can communicate thoughts 37. Makes complex grammatical errors 38. Writes from dictation. 39. Understands and uses academic vocabulary appropri-ately.

40. Reads for comprehension. 41. Can discuss vocabulary. 42. Uses glossary, index, appendix, etc. 43. Uses expanded vocabulary 44. Functions on academic level with peers 45. Maintains two-way conversation 46. Writes short paragraphs. 47. Writes in cursive. 48. Uses correct punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, margins.

49. Demonstrates an interest in writing. 50. Can discuss aspects of language/grammar. 51. Initiates writing activities. 52. Composes and edits over one page papers. 53. Can explain complex instructional tasks to others. 54. Demonstrates decontextualized comprehension. 55. Beyond 12,000 word vocabulary

Total academic language interactions used:

Total possible academic language interactions: 40 40

Total classroom interactions used __ _ ___ ………………………………………… 55 55

Total possible classroom interactions used NOTE: “Sometimes” = ½ point

Scoring the CLIC Pre-Production 0-4 Early Production 5-10 Speech Emergence 11-17 Intermediate Fluency 18-32 Advance Intermediate Fluency 33-44 Advanced Fluency 45-55

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Optional Questions for FLOSEM (English)

To be completed separately by three different teachers, including the Language Arts teacher, who work with the student.

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Where do you live? 4. Who do you live with? 5. What will you do after school today?

6. What do you like to do on Saturdays and Sundays when you are not at school? 7. What do you like to watch on TV?

8. What games do you like to play?

9. What would you do if you were at home and there was a fire in your house?

10. Would you rather be a child or a grownup? Why?

11. You are tired because you have been playing all day. What should you do?

12. Tell me all the things you do when you get ready for school. First you get out of bed, then you….

(could use “brush your teeth” or “cook rice”, etc., as a prompt.)

13. Name four animals. 14. Name four things you wear. 15. Name four things you eat. Items for grades 3 and up (choose 2 sets) 1a. How is a banana different from an orange? 1b. How is a banana like an orange? 2a. How is a car different from a bicycle? 2b How is a car the same as a bicycle? 3a How is a stereo different from a TV? 3b. How is a stereo the same as a TV? 4a. How is a shoe different from a hat? 4b. How is a shoe like a hat? Adopted from St. Paul Public Schools, LEP Special Education Communication Evaluation of Native Language (CENL-R).

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Stanford FLOSEM (Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix) – ENGLISH To be completed individually by three separate scorers – make three copies

Student’s name & ID Number ________________________ DATE_________________ FLOSEM PAGE 1-2

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6





Learner can recognize a limited number of high frequency words in isolation and short, common conversational formulaic expressions (e.g., “How are you?”, “My name is…”).

Learner can understand short questions and simple non-formulaic statements when they are embedded in a short dialogue or passage. However, the entire dialogue or passage must be repeated at less-tan normal speed for the learner to understand

Learner can comprehend the main point(s) of a short dialogue or passage which contains some statements with embedded structures heard at less-than-normal speed, though it is likely that details will be lost. Even at this speed, some repetition may be necessary.

Learner understands most of what is said (all main points and most details) in both short and longer dialogues and passages which contain abstract information heard at almost normal speed. Some repetition may be necessary, usually of abstract information

Learner understands nearly everything at normal speed although occasional repetition may be necessary.

Learner understands everything at normal speed like a native speaker.



Learner can participate only in interactions which involve producing formulaic question-answer patterns and/or offering very short responses to simple questions.

When participating in a simple conversation on familiar, everyday topics, the leaner frequently must pause to formulate short, simple non-formulaic statements and questions.

While participating in a conversation or discussion, learner can express themselves using simple language, but consistently falters and hesitates as they try to express more complex ideas and/or searches for less common words and expressions. These efforts noticeable impede flow of communication.

Learner can effortlessly express herself, but may occasionally falter and hesitate as they try to express more complex ideas and/or searches for less-common words and expressions. Although distracting, these speech rhythms do not noticeable impede the flow of communication.

Learner is generally fluent, with occasional minor lapses while they search for the correct manner of expression.

Learner’s fluency is native-like.




Learner’s vocabulary is limited to: a) high frequency words for common everyday items and actions, and 2) some conversational formulaic or idiomatic expressions.

Learner has enough vocabulary (including high frequency idiomatic expressions) to make simple statements and ask questions about concrete things in a simplified conversation

Learner has an adequate working vocabulary. Further, learner is at a beginning stage of showing knowledge of synonyms and a limited number of alternative ways of expressing simple ideas.

Learner clearly demonstrates knowledge of synonyms and alternative ways of expressing simple ideas. Learner also has enough vocabulary to understand and participate in conversations which include abstract ideas.

Learner possesses a broad enough vocabulary to participate in more extended discussions on a large number of concrete and abstract topics. Learner is aware of some (but not all) word connotations and nuances in meanings.

Learner possesses an extensive vocabulary.





Even at the level of isolated words and formulaic expressions, learner exhibits difficulty in accurately reproducing the target language sounds and sound patterns

Although learner is beginning to master some sounds and sound patterns, they still have difficulty with many other sounds, making meaning unclear.

Learner is beginning to demonstrate control over a larger number of sounds and sound patterns. Some repetition may be necessary to make meaning clear.

Learner’s speech is always intelligible, though a definite accent and/or occasional inappropriate intonation pattern is apparent.

Pronunciation and intonation approaches a near-native-like ability.

Learner’s pronunciation and intonation is clearly native-like.



Since learner’s productive skills are limited to high frequency words and short formulaic conversational expressions, it is difficult or impossible to assess their knowledge of grammar.

Learner can produce utterances which show an understanding of basic sentence and question patterns, but other grammatical errors are present which obscure meaning.

Learner is beginning to show a limited ability to utilize a few complex constructions, though not always successfully. Other noticeable grammatical errors persist which may make meaning ambiguous.

Learner shows an almost consistent command over a limited range of more complex patterns and grammar rules. Although occasional errors are still present, they are few in number and do not obscure meaning.

Learner’s speech exhibits a good command over a large (but not complete) range of more complex patterns and grammar rules. Errors are infrequent.

Learner’s speech shows a native-like command of complex patterns and grammatical rules.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012



FLOSEM Scoring Guide (ENGLISH) (To be completed individually by three separate scorers – make three copies)

Student's Name Grade ASD ID# Language observed Date Interviewer The student oral language matrix has 5 categories on the left: A. Comprehension, B. Fluency, C. Vocabulary, D. Pronunciation and E. Grammar; and six numbers across the top - 1 being the lowest mark to 6 being the highest. Directions: According to your observation, indicate with an (X) one cell in each category which best describes the child's abilities from Level 1 to

Level 6. Score: Each box in the Level 1 column = 1 point each; Each box in Level 2 = 2 pts.; Each box in Level 3 = 3 pts.;

Each box in Level 4 = 4 pts.; Each box in Level 5 = 5 pts.; Each box in Level 6 = 6 pts. Add points together to come up with the FLOSEM Language Level score below.

FLOSEM Scores: (Circle most appropriate score) 0/1 – 5 Pre-production 6-10 Early Production 11-15 Speech Emergence 16 – 20 Intermediate Fluency (Low Intermediate) 21 – 25 Advanced Fluency (High Intermediate) 26 – 30 Advanced (Native -like speaker)

What to look for in the Student’s language sample

Sequencing: does the student put things in correct order? Do they forget steps?

Specific words/vocabulary: does the student use specific words when talking about objects or people or actions? Do they use excessive pauses when they speak? Do they seem not to be able to remember the words they want to use?

Answering questions: Is the student able to answer questions completely? Do they add irrelevant information?

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SOCIOCULTURAL CHECKLIST To be completed by referring teacher(s).

Student/ID#: Date: Age: Teacher: Sociocultural Fac-tors

Selected Cross-Cultural Adaptation Risk Factors

Recent immigrant, refugee, migrant, or resides on reservation Does not interact much with majority culture peers or majority cultural group. Displays confusion in locus of control. Displays heightened stress or anxiety in cross-cultural interactions. Oral expression contains considerable code switching. Expresses or displays sense of isolation or alienation in cross-cultural interactions Out of 6 total = Few cognitive learning strategies appropriate to classroom/school. Cognitive learning style different or inappropriate in relation to teacher’s instruc-

tional style Easily frustrated or low perseverance in completing tasks. Retains learning strategies that are no longer appropriate. Displays difficulty with task analysis. Displays difficulty with understanding and applying cause and effect. Out of 6 total = Comes from non-English speaking home. Comes from a culture or ethnic group different from mainstream America. Family emphasis support of family or community/group over individual effort. Comes from non-English speaking geographic area. Has culturally appropriate behaviors that are different from expectations of main-

stream. There is no support in the home for bilingual and bicultural development. Out of 6 total = High family mobility. Limited or sporadic school attendance. Low socioeconomic status. Little exposure to subject or content or not familiar with material. Disrupted early childhood development. Few readiness skills. Does not know how to behave ion classroom. Different terms/concepts for subject areas or materials and content. Uses survival strategies that are not appropriate in the classroom. Out of 9 total = Does not speak English Limited academic language in native language. Limited social language in English. Rarely speaks in class. Speaks only to cultural peers. Limited academic language in English. Asks a peer for assistance in understanding. Appears to know English but cannot follow English directions in class.

Acculturation Level % Checked: Cognitive Learning Style % Checked: Culture and Lan-guage % Checked: Experiential Back-ground % Checked: Sociolinguistic Development % Checked

Out of 8 total = Reprinted by Permission �2002 Dr. Catherine Collier All Rights Reserved

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Percentile Table for Sociocultural Checklist (Collier, 2002)

Acculturation Level 1 out of 6 = 17% 4 out of 6 = 67% 2 out of 6 = 33% 5 out of 6 = 83% 3 out of 6 = 50% 6 out of 6 = 100%

Cognitive Learning Style 1 out of 6 = 17% 4 out of 6 = 67% 2 out of 6 = 33% 5 out of 6 = 83% 3 out of 6 = 50% 6 out of 6 = 100%

Culture and Language 1 out of 6 = 17% 4 out of 6 = 67% 2 out of 6 = 33% 5 out of 6 = 83% 3 out of 6 = 50% 6 out of 6 = 100%

Sociolinguistic Development 1 out of 8 = 13% 5 out of 8 = 63% 2 out of 8 = 33% 6 out of 8 = 75% 3 out of 8 = 38% 7 out of 8 = 89% 4 out of 8 = 50% 8 out of 8 = 100%

Experiential Background 1 out of 9 = 11% 5 out of 9 = 55% 2 out of 9 = 22% 6 out of 9 = 66% 3 out of 9 = 33% 7 out of 9 = 77% 4 out of 9 = 44% 8 out of 9 = 88% 9 out of 9 = 100%

Area(s) of Concern (>40%) Acculturation Level Cognitive Learning Style Culture & Language Experiential Background Sociolinguistic Development

If you have checked more than 40% of the items in any of the five areas, it indicates that the student needs intervention in this area. You can now target this specific area for early intervention and intensive monitoring. You and your team can make better instructional decisions for this student based upon his or her responses to these inter-ventions and adaptations in instruction. (p. 246)

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Anchorage School District Intervention Documentation & Referral to Intervention Team


Student: ID #: DOB/Age: Teacher/Grade:

Parent/Guardian: School:

Teacher Checklist: Review cum folder and check with previous teacher Collect work samples (if applicable) Print out discipline record (if applicable) Contact/consult with ELLP teacher (if appropriate) Print test data from district data-base (i.e., SBA, DRA, Math Inventory, 6-Traits

Writing, English Language Proficiency Assessment [ELPA]) Other assessment data (e.g., DIBELS, CBM)

Parent Feedback Has the student’s parents/guardians been contacted? Date(s): What was their reply or response to the concerns? Parent identified student strengths and likes/motivators?

Background Information Year School Grade Days Absent Days Tardy Retained?

Current Services Medical/Health Indian Education Special Education Vision: ____________ School Counseling Speech/Language Hearing: ____________ CIT CSF Medical Diagnosis: ELLP Medication(s): ________________

Primary Language of Student: Nurse Comments: Primary Language of Home:


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Intervention Documentation

(Attach additional page if needed)

Dates Area of Concern (Reading, Math, Writing, Behav-ior, Oral Lan-guage, Socio-cultural)

Intervention Strategy


(Attach Data)


Referral Date: Referred By: 1. Student strengths and motivators:

2. What is the problem? Describe what the student is currently doing (be specific and use data):

3. Describe what you would like the student to be able to do in class/school: Please Invite (circle all that apply): Principal ELLP Teacher/Tutor Nurse Counselor Special Education Teacher School Psychologist Reading Coach/Specialist Parent Previous Teacher (Name: ) Other:

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Language Data


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BILINGUAL DATA SUMMARY CHECKLIST (p. 1 of 2) Form Completed By (ELLP staff member (s)): Date Student Name: Student ID #


Intervention Checklist complete Yes No Bilingual Parent Questionnaire (PQ) (Completed by parents/guardians) Circle most appropriate score indicating us-age of L1 and L2 outside of school Date. _______ Redo if 2+ years old.

L1 > L2 L1 = L2 L1 < L2

Original home language use: mostly L1 (L1>L2), some of both (L1=L2) or mostly English (L1<L2)

Language Observation Checklist – Part A (LOC-A) (Completed by ELL’s language arts teacher) Date. _______ Redo if 2+ years old.

Oral _____/7 Written ____/7 Read._________ Write.________ Oral __________

Mark category as: In English: Grammar - # of “Yes’s” NON--Non (reader, writer, speaker) EMERG.--Emergent (reader, writer, speaker) DEV--Developing (reader, writer, speaker) FL--Fluent (reader, writer, speaker)

IPT results Date of tests _______


Non = N Speaker (oral) = S Limited = L Reader = R Fluent = F Writer = W Proficient = P

ELPA Scores Year of assessment_______ Grade level of assessment_______

Score/proficiency level _____ _ / ______ _____ _ / ______ ____ __ / ______ ____ __ / ______ ____ __ / ______ ___ ___ / ______

Listening Speaking Reading Writing Comprehension Overall

Terra Nova /SAT Year of assessment_________ Grade level of assessment_________


Reading Comprehension

SBA Year of assessment_________ Grade level of assessment_________


Reading Writing Math

Socio-cultural Checklist (Completed by referring teacher and ELLP staff) Date:_________

__ __% Acc

__ __%Cog

__ __%Cul/Lan

__ __%Exp

___ _%Soc-ling

Area(s) of concern (check): Acculturation level Cognitive learning style Culture and language Experiential background Sociolinguistic development

Proficiency Level BL- Beginner Low BH – Beginner High IL – Intermediate Low IH – Intermediate High P – Proficienct AP – Advanced Proficient

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English FLOSEM (Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix) Date. _______

Language Level Scores Rater: 1 ____________ 2 ____________ 3_____________


First Language (L1) FLOSEM (Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix) Enter scores 1= minimal oral skills to 5=fluent speaker

Language observed: _____________ Date: _______

Language Level Scores Rater: 1 ____________ 2 ____________


CLIC Rubric---refer to rubric form. Language (L1) _______________ Date: ________________

Language Level Scores Social: (L1) _____ Social: (Engl.) ____ Academic (L1): ____ Academic (Engl.): ___

Bilingual Experiences and Student Lan-guage Interviews

Circle most appropriate score indicat-ing L1 and L2 use outside of school

Date. _______

L1 > L2 L1 = L2 L1 < L2

Out side of school, the child uses: mostly L1 (L1>L2) both languages (L1=L2) mostly English (L1<L2)


Level of Language Acquisition L1_________ ENGLISH________

PP- Pre-production EP - Early Production SE - Speech Emergence IF - Intermediate Fluency AIF – Advanced Intermediate Fluency AF - Advanced Fluency

Other assessments (identify here):

(p. 2 of 2)

LANGUAGE LEVEL: Pre-production 0/1 - 5 Early Production 6 - 10 Speech Emergence 11 - 15 Intermediate (low) 16 - 20 Intermediate (high) 21 - 25 Advanced 26 - 30

LANGUAGE LEVEL: Pre-production 0/1 - 5 Early Production 6 - 10 Speech Emergence 11 - 15 Intermediate (low) 16 - 20 Intermediate (high) 21 - 25 Advanced 26 - 30

LANGUAGE LEVEL: Pre-production 0-4 Early Production 5-10 Speech Emergence 11 - 17 Intermediate Fluency 18-32 Adv. Intermed. Fluency 33 - 44 Advanced Fluency 45-55

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Oral Language Acquisition Grid Pre-Production Early Production Speech Emergent Intermediate

fluency Advanced Intermediate Fluency

Advanced Fluency

0-6 months 6 months- 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-5 years 5-7 years Depends on context; Has minimal receptive vocabulary; Comprehends key words only; Points, draws, or gesture responses; May not produce speech; Adjusting to US culture; 0-500 receptive word vocabulary.

Depends heavily on context; Produces words in isolation; Verbalizes key words; Responds with one/two word answers or short phrases; Points, draws, or gesture responses; Mispronunciation; Grammar errors; 500 – 1000 receptive word vocabulary.

Short phrases; Many mistakes in grammar; Responds orally; Hears smaller elements of speech; Functions on social level; Uses limited vocabulary. Between 1000 – 6000 word receptive vocabulary.

Simple sentences; Produces whole sentences; Makes some pronunciation & basic grammatical errors but is understood; Responds orally and in written form; Uses limited vocabulary; Initiates conversation and questions; Shows good comprehension; Up to 7000 receptive word vocabulary.

Can communicate thoughts; Engages in and produces connected narrative; Shows good comprehension; Uses expanded vocabulary; Makes complex grammatical errors; Functions somewhat on an academic level. Up to 12,000 receptive & active word vocabulary.

Functions on academic level with peers; Maintains tow-way conversation; Demonstrates de-contextualized comprehension; Uses enriched vocabulary. Beyond 12,000 word vocabulary.

Student is able to observe, locate, label, match, show, classify, sort.

Student is able to name, recall, draw, record, point out, underline, categorize, list.

Student is able share, retell, follow, associate, organize, compare, restate, role-play.

Student is able to tell, describe, restate, contrast, question, map, dramatize, demonstrate, give instructions.

Student is able to imagine, create, apprise, contrast, predict, express, report, estimate, evaluate, explain, model.

Student is able to relate, infer, hypothesize, outline, revise, suppose, verify, rewrite, justify, critique, summarize, illustrate, judge.

LAS 0 (0-10) LAS 1 (11-54) LAS 2 (55-64) LAS 3 (65-74) LAS 4 (75-84) LAS 5 (85-100) CLIC 0-4 CLIC 5-10 CLIC 11-17 CLIC 18-32 CLIC 33-44 CLIC 44-55 WM 0-1 WM 1 WM 2 WM 3 WM 4 WM 5 SOLOM (0-5) SOLOM (6-10) SOLOM (11-15) SOLOM (16-18) SOLOM (18-20) SOLOM (21-25) FLOSEM (0-5) FLOSEM (6-10) FLOSEM (11-15) FLOSEM (16-20) FLOSEM (21-25) FLOSEM (26-30) IPT Oral Level A IPT Oral Level B IPT Oral Level C IPT Oral Level D IPT Oral Level E IPT Oral Level F

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BILINGUAL EXPERIENCES INTERVIEW Introduce yourself: Hello, my name is I work in the Anchorage School District English Language Learner Program.-- [VISIT with family member]-- We feel that your child is very fortunate to speak two languages. The better your child speaks (L1), the more easily he/she will learn English. We need to know more about your child's first language in order to give him/her the best educational program at school. Do you have a few minutes to pro-vide us some information about your child’s education and language experiences?

Today’s Date: Student’s Name: _________________________________ Date of birth: _________________________________ Age : School: Grade Teacher: Child's age of arrival in the U.S.: ______________________________ Date Child's country and city of origin: _________________________________________ Child was introduced to English (date) at age Previous schooling outside U.S. Yes No Number of years in school? Level completed? __________________________

Last date of attendance?: Number of schools attended?:________________

What was/were the language(s) of instruction? ___________________________________ Was the student enrolled in any special programs? If yes, please describe

Number of years in the U.S. schools Number of years in ESL or English Language Learner Program?: Number of schools attended?:____________________________

What was/were the language(s) of instruction? Comments about the ESL or English Language Learner Program ____________ ______ Was the student enrolled in any special programs (e.g. special ed., gifted, speech, Indian Ed., ELLP ed. ESL, etc.)? If yes, please describe __________________ ____________________________________ Currently in the ASD English Language Learner Program? yes no

Hours/week? School(s)? Box to be completed by BEP staff member

Reading in the home language. Please check one: _____ Non-Reader _____Developing Reader _____ Fluent Reader ____ No data available Writing in the home language. Please check one:

_____ Non-Writer _____ Developing Writer _____ Fluent Writer ____ No data available

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1. How long have you and your family lived in Anchorage (ER/Girdwood)? 2. What kind of contact and how often does the family/student have with the homeland? (e.g.

phone, travel, letters, etc.) 3. Has your child missed a lot of school? More than 20 days in a school year? Yes No

Reasons? 4. Has your child had any major accidents or illnesses? Yes No (If yes, describe and get devel-

opmental history from nurse) 5. Was your child born premature? (describe) 6. How old was your child when s/he learned to walk? 7. How old was your child when s/he started to talk so others could understand him/her?___ 8. What is the average number of words your child uses in a sentence? 9. Does your child use correct grammar in his/her own language? 10. What language is used in religious services and/or cultural activities? 11. Do you have any concerns about your child?

12. Comparable educational/language progress of siblings:

Comments of ELLP Teacher/Tutor: Comments of Classroom Teacher: Form Completed by Date Student Name: Student ID # Adapted from: Mattes, LJ. and Omark, D.R. (1984). Speech and language assessment for the bilingual handicapped. San Diego: College-Hill Press

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Student’s Name: ASD Student ID: ____________ (Last) (First) DOB: ___/___/_____ Student Age: ____yrs. ____mos. Administered to: Parent ____ Student ____ Date: ___/___/_______

Other Language Specify:

English About Equal

Mixed Code


Which language does your child seem to understand?

Which Language did your child first learn to speak?

Which language does your child speak to:

• Father • Mother • Siblings • Grandmother • Grandfather • Caregiver • Friends/playmates • Other • Other

Which language does your child speak when playing by her/himself?

Which language does your child prefer when watching television/videos?

Which language does your child prefer when listening to music?

Which language do each of the follow-ing people speak to your child?

• Father • Mother • Siblings • Grandmother • Grandfather • Caregiver • Friends/playmates • Other • Other •

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Other Language Specify:

English About Equal

Mixed Code


Which language(s) do each of the fol-lowing people speak most often at home?

• Father • Mother • Siblings • Grandmother • Grandfather • Caregiver • Friends/playmates • Other • Other

In which language are most of the print materials (e.g. books, magazines, newspapers) you receive in your home?

Does your child read at home? • Usually to themselves • To other family members?

Does someone at home read to your child? If yes, in what language? __________


Based on the above information, which seems to be the dominant language of the home?

Which seems to be the dominant lan-guage of the student?

Interviewee: Interview conducted by Date ___/___/_____

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Optional Questions for FLOSEM (Native Language and English)

To be completed by speaker of student’s native language

1) What is your name? 2) How old are you? 3) Where do you live? 4) Who do you live with? 5) What will you do after school today?

6) What do you like to do on Saturdays and Sundays when you are not at school? 7) What do you like to watch on TV?

8) What games do you like to play?

9) What would you do if you were at home and there was a fire in your house?

10) Would you rather be a child or a grownup? Why?

11) You are tired because you have been playing all day. What should you do?

12) Tell me all the things you do when you get ready for school. First you get out of bed, then you….

(could use “brush your teeth” or “cook rice”, etc., as a prompt.)

13) Name four animals. 14) Name four things you wear. 15) Name four things you eat. Items for grades 3 and up (choose 2 sets)

1a. How is a banana different from an orange? 1b. How is a banana like an orange? 2a. How is a car different from a bicycle? 2b How is a car the same as a bicycle? 3a How is a stereo different from a TV? 3b. How is a stereo the same as a TV? 4a. How is a shoe different from a hat?

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


Stanford FLOSEM (Foreign Language Oral Skills Evaluation Matrix) – NATIVE LANGUAGE:_____________ Student’s name & ID Number ________________________ DATE_________________ FLOSEM PAGE 1-2

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6





Learner can recognize a limited number of high frequency words in isolation and short, common conversational formulaic expressions (e.g., “How are you?”, “My name is…”).

Learner can understand short questions and simple non-formulaic statements when they are embedded in a short dialogue or passage. However, the entire dialogue or passage must be repeated at less-tan normal speed for the learner to understand

Learner can comprehend the main point(s) of a short dialogue or passage which contains some statements with embedded structures heard at less-than-normal speed, though it is likely that details will be lost. Even at this speed, some repetition may be necessary.

Learner understands most of what is said (all main points and most details) in both short and longer dialogues and passages which contain abstract information heard at almost normal speed. Some repetition may be necessary, usually of abstract information

Learner understands nearly everything at normal speed although occasional repetition may be necessary.

Learner understands everything at normal speed like a native speaker.



Learner can participate only in interactions which involve producing formulaic question-answer patterns and/or offering very short responses to simple questions.

When participating in a simple conversation on familiar, everyday topics, the leaner frequently must pause to formulate short, simple non-formulaic statements and questions.

While participating in a conversation or discussion, learner can express themselves using simple language, but consistently falters and hesitates as they try to express more complex ideas and/or searches for less common words and expressions. These efforts noticeable impede flow of communication.

Learner can effortlessly express herself, but may occasionally falter and hesitate as they try to express more complex ideas and/or searches for less-common words and expressions. Although distracting, these speech rhythms do not noticeable impede the flow of communication.

Learner is generally fluent, with occasional minor lapses while they search for the correct manner of expression.

Learner’s fluency is native-like.




Learner’s vocabulary is limited to: a) high frequency words for common everyday items and actions, and 2) some conversational formulaic or idiomatic expressions.

Learner has enough vocabulary (including high frequency idiomatic expressions) to make simple statements and ask questions about concrete things in a simplified conversation

Learner has an adequate working vocabulary. Further, learner is at a beginning stage of showing knowledge of synonyms and a limited number of alternative ways of expressing simple ideas.

Learner clearly demonstrates knowledge of synonyms and alternative ways of expressing simple ideas. Learner also has enough vocabulary to understand and participate in conversations which include abstract ideas.

Learner possesses a broad enough vocabulary to participate in more extended discussions on a large number of concrete and abstract topics. Learner is aware of some (but not all) word connotations and nuances in meanings.

Learner possesses an extensive vocabulary.





Even at the level of isolated words and formulaic expressions, learner exhibits difficulty in accurately reproducing the target language sounds and sound patterns

Although learner is beginning to master some sounds and sound patterns, they still have difficulty with many other sounds, making meaning unclear.

Learner is beginning to demonstrate control over a larger number of sounds and sound patterns. Some repetition may be necessary to make meaning clear.

Learner’s speech is always intelligible, though a definite accent and/or occasional inappropriate intonation pattern is apparent.

Pronunciation and intonation approaches a near-native-like ability.

Learner’s pronunciation and intonation is clearly native-like.



Since learner’s productive skills are limited to high frequency words and short formulaic conversational expressions, it is difficult or impossible to assess their knowledge of grammar.

Learner can produce utterances which show an understanding of basic sentence and question patterns, but other grammatical errors are present which obscure meaning.

Learner is beginning to show a limited ability to utilize a few complex constructions, though not always successfully. Other noticeable grammatical errors persist which may make meaning ambiguous.

Learner shows an almost consistent command over a limited range of more complex patterns and grammar rules. Although occasional errors are still present, they are few in number and do not obscure meaning.

Learner’s speech exhibits a good command over a large (but not complete) range of more complex patterns and grammar rules. Errors are infrequent.

Learner’s speech shows a native-like command of complex patterns and grammatical rules.

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


FLOSEM PAGE 2-2 FLOSEM Scoring Guide (NATIVE LANGUAGE:___________)

Student's Name Grade ASD ID# Language observed Date Interviewer The student oral language matrix has 5 categories on the left: A. Comprehension, B. Fluency, C. Vocabulary, D. Pronunciation and E. Grammar; and six numbers across the top - 1 being the lowest mark to 6 being the highest. Directions: According to your observation, indicate with an (X) one cell in each category which best describes the child's abilities from Level 1 to

Level 6. Score: Each box in the Level 1 column = 1 point each; Each box in Level 2 = 2 pts.; Each box in Level 3 = 3 pts.;

Each box in Level 4 = 4 pts.; Each box in Level 5 = 5 pts.; Each box in Level 6 = 6 pts. Add points together to come up with the FLOSEM Language Level score below.

FLOSEM Scores: (Circle most appropriate score) 0/1 – 5 Pre-production 6-10 Early Production 11-15 Speech Emergence 16 – 20 Intermediate Fluency (Low Intermediate) 21 – 25 Advanced Fluency (High Intermediate) 26 – 30 Advanced (Native -like speaker)

What to look for in the Student’s language sample

Sequencing: does the student put things in correct order? Do they forget steps?

Specific words/vocabulary: does the student use specific words when talking about objects or people or actions? Do they use excessive pauses when they speak? Do they seem not to be able to remember the words they want to use?

Answering questions: Is the student able to answer questions completely? Do they add irrelevant information?

ELLP Staff Handbook 2011-2012


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