st. viateur's college journal, 1883-03-02

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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St. Viator College, Vol. 1, No. 1




SALUTATORY. For the first time in tlle history o f St. Vh te ur's Col­

k~re we come torth to-<l :1y with the first issue of this b , . w

liLtle Journal, of exceedingly modest pre tensiOns . e h:we ueen actu=<tcd to 1U: dw this exper iment Ly the purest and Lest moti vcs; not, indeed, to g tin _the praise a m! demand the ac:knowlcdgemcntl:; o four eon li"er es, who

ar~ eng •gee! iu v;1riou;:; boor;; of th is kind. It would be forei<Til to common sense :md mueh more

"' l ' to t:Jn·iEti:ln v irtue to ~krt a little p:: pcr in a Ct1Lllo IC

Collc<re to show torth <mr v::mity, .if not our w:1nt of skill, 0 l .

iu eDcie wouring to eontns t om litter:1ry pwc nctwns with tl:wse of the grc •t mind,; of thc .. chy, of whom the Americ:1.n press nny well !Jo~st; e:opect:1lly ;;o well <tw::re of t he all-i mport·IJlt f' •ct, t ll:1t o ur en<Jrb, no matter ho w

good , a rc, ne ver thelc:s:<, the olf':;pri1~g of the Loy :mel not. the mnn-tlte rc;:;nl t of p:ll' t i:d iipphc:ttLOn , cl epnved 01

th:t t vast b ulk of experie nce, th:1t the ne11·spnper literati require ~mel pOS.5C<'S. A long felt want -a :-timuhnt to nruu,;e the torpi cl feeling~ o f the orclin:1ry s tudent; to

ly '-'11nself to liter :1ture in it.~ v:lrio usiG\~:.IJ : n'tmcnt.s-:l PP u · r tu extcllfl to him a meclium by whi c!J he m:1y IJe iiiJle to ~cc hi:; own produ ctions on jPpcr, :1ml t lterelJy tvrm a cr iterion or his own aiJ ility m ·•y be s:~ i < l tv lJe tlw prit:­cip •l c , n~e of tmcl ert:l king this t:Lsk-, ple·1s:wt, prub:tbly,

llllt yet :lCCum p·111ic<l with m:my l:~l> ors. . ln t lti:; century, espcci:dly , nt the present tim e, the

import :nee of Engli;.;h Compo~ ition uo one cnn <len?·· K 11 uw le<lge b now so di ll'use<l-edn c·1tion m :1 y IJe s:11cl to he the acqnirement of-: ·ll, :mel no ngent is more po ­t 'lit i:t eontruling the mi11 fb of Lite 11l:1SSCs th:1n the fi ·ce untr.; mrnelled pres:; of thc ' n :~ tion: :;o mn ch so, t h1t tl:e n e·.,·~ p peri ,; c::llerl the "iu:;trnctor ot' the mul titncl c;;" . .A~Hl ju;.;tly ,: s 1i'om its ecmelu"' ion::; mostly :d!, po~­

~e,~'1110' either :1 hi O'h or med inm edu e:1tion , fonu th eir . ' ' 0 0

0 : in ion~ if not thcir. con v ietion;o. The f'e ience of' compo~ i tion comp:-recl with tl 1e.

o :hcr scicnc·e:< o f the d '.Y y irld:' to no ne in Ftlpi ri ori ty i :1 ns mu ch "Sit is :1 li ving pr: c Lic: d seicnce- n perpetu­

~ 1 PtnTent f(.>r rliff'tt~i11g om thonghts ~ nd ~~ ll~ ~ uniting continent with cont inent :l lld nn n w1th Jus tello11· men 110 m:1.ttcr wh" t rli st nee ll1 " .Y :<ep- r:1 tc them. Jl e who c .11 110 -.v wiPH :1 f 1c: i!C' , skil fu l pe:1. wlw c:m f'C:lttcr hro·l d­

cas t Llle l'ruit of " hc.LlLhy ur:.iu, or ~L fe rtile illl :l gilutivn

colored aucl embelishecl with nrt, ~nch a nt:ln can contL nn'1lly command the attention of the A meriea.n people, can ingratiate himself into their affection, into their hear ts. To the objections, that might be rn.isecl by each one itS having no neees:;; ity to learn to write for the Press, we wou lcl s:t.y to such, t)nL occasions musL occur in the lives of all, espeehlly. in tbis cge-and more espe<::i:llly to us C:1tholics, who must st-lncl up and ple::tcl 110t phy­s ically,· but intcllecttplly, f(Jr Lhe doctrin cs·oft!Jc Chnrdt :1.nd d e fe nd her ri o·ltt.-~ ~g • ill~t l1cr nun ;<cTou s cne111ies t!Jns show to t he hoELile world th :1 t ~h e is :1 n iu sLitntion ol'Divine origin :md not hunvm :1 ;; l\l:iC:lllley would it.

A second~ry but not nnilti]lor t:lJlt eonsi<l era li on h~s

n.lw g ive n exis tence to thi:;; li ttle .i ourml. Jn a college of thi~ kincl ,how nnny w u·m att·w ltmcnts spring np

-how mcny Loncls o f frien sllip nre f\>rmccl-whi elt even ·a lite time c:Hu .otse ,rcr.l n t he promotion and eontinn~ n-

ce of this, tlte ".Joum,.l" sh:1ll :llw·:1ys be :1n incentive. lL sh:1 ll Le h~ ilccl lJy :1 ll \\-~ trust with plen::;u rc,-tbosc, who are y et with us ·ns well :1~ t.h(•;oe, who !Ja ve t~ ken their r :1.nks in tb e bn~y h:' llll ts (lf life: olle ring to tl1e former th e consol~ tion of knowing th eir del cumpnn ions nrc well , :wei to t lte latter ncting in the c: llJ:l City of a "swift winger! mef'I'Cnger" l>e:J nng ticlit,gs <•f the old fi · i eml~ _yet nt :->t. Vi:J tC' nr'8. Suelt nrc Lhe \Jb,iects of the " ,Juurnnl" . \Yi th these two motiv e;; only we ~enrl it f(, rth to the ~ tucl~:;,nts nne! friend s of thi;; in ;;ti t ut ion to receive their p:• truJ1:'gc in a ceorrhnce with its cle;;erts: with these ol>je('b on ly in v ie w we ~end it ivrth tu th e puiJli c: in gcnCl·: •l, · to <>tu'

College :•s;;oei :l te;; who :1 r e cng:1gecl in the like h !Jors t ru ~ting, tint t bo.<e '"ho m~y be inclined to be cri t ieil l will t re :• t u~ kindly :' t the Lcginning, nn e! nt lc:Jst, gi ve u~ n. eh:, uce to li Vl', nn<l tl 1enee gww and Jl~ uri ~h .

- -----··-·- ----Locals.-

- Ev\'ry thing goes! - Fr:1 nklin is clcnd 1 Who killed him ?

-The future rivals oftilosson ::mel Sexton-the two

·' T vms" . - " Paul Wilstil ch is certainly not t he lan kest Loy in

the house; neither is Tom Gibbons", so soliloquizes IJo­g:l n in one of his mentnl abcrrntion ~ .

-Dr. "Grime:; s:~ys. that measels are lhtLening'' . One

------ ~--- ------------------· --:- -~-====--~

" HO llJU:}o N i~ ~\ 1~5 UttOV I~, :1 LL: Fit: LM Y ~l. \I :(:!r :[ ft1k[l. ~ ·r .- ~ '1 t . . ~ -~ J ' .. = :-::-~---=--=--==----:--------------~--~-~ -~ -------------.---- -~r--~----=

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,. : t:,u l'rof~ i11Lc't l<b to <li ~pntc h i•J p ropositi on, c:m1ps h ·;: ~ i Ct)ll pitdt\',J ttnd :t. i.J :t.tlk will Cl:rt:diJly l.'llliliC.

- \\ ' ·•~ld n ;..: t.on's ! J ir thd:~y i ~ p:1f;t,. , , · 1

- '.'>ho S>l it\ th>lt ~)t. l'ILt ;·ielc'~ tl:1y w:1s [1flSSCd? I\t t

l ' :•t ~'UlJi V>lll 1 f Ji PIJC' .

- 1 I' >W doli gh t!'u! it i8 to 8CC l'" !J'I. C(Jllling " I"OlllHl 0('­

tY>Kiu!l:1 \l J! unu migltt Cxc hirn, il'!te ~:wr \'Villi0 1\iiVCJ')'j ,

ln:-;t, t.hursrhy. - Who own;:~ t.h o~c liLLlo 1logs in the colhr? a::;k~ Frn.nk l 'cri(lli:t witll emotion. - WIJ:ct n. sensitive sol!! th:tt boy must h:we over wltu~e hcnll n lwgc ·cow-bclllllnst be ru ng three eunsccu­ti vc times to n.ruuso him from hi~ noeturn:cl rever ies! Tlio re . i~ more truth Limn poetry in th:ct "C.:il.JL;'' -Willie Co;mcrs of Jol iet has n. dr:un:ttic tnrn of !lli111l. li i~ imi tlttions of:t grc: tt <~c tor nrc admir:cLle. -Who sni•l Wi llio 1\o:wh wns not t> t ncl iot!ti? lt, ccr­t :t inly, must hnve Lccn Juh1my Lyneh. -" D:•n Mackin" is the lire aml suul or s·ociauility. Good <jl!,.li t ies, Dnn. - Gh>trlcy Cameron is rcprcsentcc1 rts the Lcn n-ic1c:tl eh:mwtcr ol Pede's t:un . , Chnrlcy th:~t wou't 110.

-At the great "8polliug l3ce" tlwt tool;: phcc btely of which F . MeAt!liffc nn<l T. Giubcms 1Yerc the l<.in.clcrs, t.i:<..: ~ itl c v !' the l ~~Ltcr \\' ~1 8 victorious. 'f'hcf;c who di8tin­gui~li L·il tLC!II~l'lYC'~ were 1\ l<-s~., C:tlkt, Ticmcy,J)yrncs :l) •t ! r('~ntll' , p:lrticnlar ly the l:n; t.

The'' 1\IeK~<n c Gold l\1o<l :tl" gi en :1n nu :ll l.Y [( ll ' the l>cst Engl i ~h Cunq,o::d ti utl_ j,; llU W Llie <Jhjcd uriutere~t [(;r Llt e rltctoric i-tns.

The " J;ostcr Gol1l Mctl:i l" nn ~ 11nu nJ prize fur the Lt>st Englibll stu ll ~;n t, edls o,n tile !::icn.iors to m:1 ke rescn.rchcs. Thl: "l\l:l ir" ~ tu c1cmts will be ghcl toheartl.wt Father F < ,,, th eir old ih verite pwfcssor lns prcscntc<l them with a goltl mcch l v.l.! tl '.J<l ·cG :t_2iJ . 00 to IJc tletem1 incd l >y excellence in composition.

The Novitiate, nm1er the gnicling-h'l.nd of Very F:ttller Fournier is grn.d nn.lly extending n.n<l ere long mn.y ri vnl mn.ny an older institution, in order, tliscipline nncl the number of its members.

Last week the college Ljbr~ry received an arl.ditionnl <lonn.tion from Att. J. vV. \Vils t 'LCh of V tFn.y ctte lnd. The

, most r cnin.rknblc ofthese boolcs is the "Opera Scnecae" printed in 1605. gThe book formerly b elonged to one of the Catholic colleges of Germany, coniisc::~,tcd by I3ismn.rk during the snpprcssion. F or tbis n.nd simi­ln.r favors Mr. Wilst'icll has tl.te sincci·e thanks of the

College. An imposing ceremony took phce at N ovitinte on

the 3rcl inst. it being of the event of four ymmg men t'ilc­ing th~· relig ions t and entering as members of the congregation. The ones r eferred to arc Mess. E. Rivard,

,J,;s. r ~e :·g(,r(n1, .1o:<. C:~gllou :Llltl K Cawn. ~l .cy h:cppi­ncc:~ :. Lt<:wl L!Jcn1.

Jll ct<.". l'. '. CotJW" '.Y a n<l •T . . r .. Mi•her ltav u ruturnvd i'rnlll n. tditd 'l. vi~iL to Lhcir l't · i·~w l ~ :tL N<;vnd n, Til.

Vr;.,JI, .l. q,t ill il r•:Uil·,,e .l l· s L wee ~;., i'ru1u l1i1J vi ~ iL to Sprin;:-' c: I.

. ,J, ., .. l\dly widws .to j o in the dra.IHaLie d tt!> . H· .1. S:tdl iur 1llll1 1\ mul'l!tiU Ur: tng(.;.r ::re Couul:;e]uTti o [' the Svt·i ;L.Y ui" (,lie ~:>e r <.Jd l1u:t. rt.

T . F . G iU>ons li:ts cntcrc<l tb c commcrci:tl m·cna nnd tmns:wls l t. on: lH I<>iness Llwu t111y of'tlw rcctcls !J Ol1lC!' lluring lci;; ltl'e Ill OillCI\ts. · A:ll••ng the hL,: mriv::ls :tt the college we ilncl Jos. and .l'l.uscs l>upnis who h:til front V irg inia C iLy, Mont:m<1 Tcr.

F11r ; '~'d 'L or :-; p ~ cc m:my .. n.rc vmi.Ltc1l this w...:ek awl Lhe t: ext i ~s u e will cout:tiu them.

--·--- ___ .......,. ...... - -----


l {C\' . .JuiiiJ n. 1\Id-:. lll!C t:O i,; IJ(:lchting ::tJLLe Le: ~r

VU!Jwv:·Lh CnLiwdr:d.

]{cv: C. 1''. Foster '81 olliciatcs nt ::it. John's cltu rch Chil:ago.

!~ev. A. H. Boccklcm:mn 7.", 1:; P:1 sLur a L Lhe C:tthc­

<lral Ft. WayDc, 1nll.

Hev. cf: tti. Kehoe 81 pcrliJrm :;; p:1stur:d d uties in LcxiJJi:'ton, Ky. _

l tc v .. Jo:;;. Lcs:tg-0 7~ s ti ll rcmainsPnstorof'St. Geur­gc8, 111.

R ev .. To~ . Jloll:n :t.un 80 wa;; btcly nppointcll .Pastor of Sag, J lls.

Ee 1·. 1'. J. Tin:m 78 officintcs in St. Pins, Chic:1go.

Rev. A. Ue;·gcrun 80 i ti I' astor v f U:mtcno, 111.

Hcv. T. N . Kehoe 82 is located at the Cathedral of Covington, K y .

Rev. J\1. J. I-<'itz:::limons 79 assists at the Catl.tedml, Cllic::~,go.

Rev. E. G. Grifiin . 82 preaches t(• the people at Elgin,

IL\. Rev. N. N. Gosselin 82 is sW.tioncdinAshbnd , Ky. Mr. Thco. Kownlinsky ol' Momence, l ll. entered tl•>e

Novitiate last week. A . E. L egris A. B. 81 is slowly recovering. T heo. Peifer · 80 acts us 1lcpnty County Clcrck i u

Lincoln , Ill. P . H. Dn.lton 79 lceepsbooksfor the N . IVestcrnHoll­

ing-mills, Chicago. P. C. Clifforc1 R2 is r end ing lnw in Chicago. P. J . Corbly is a mcchnnic in the Ill. Cent. R R shops

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BOUTIBO~XA!S GnOVE, ILL. FRWA Y ~L\l~c a 2 U H. . )

'lh· l<·<ly (, (' ,l;.u::[hl n (ll:~th iek,~ ll ('C'< "i' ri t· n: 11

y lll· , ·"_.<! < l : Jo'l l .~; ii, l ·:~n . ~~·~ to .. . : .. ~ . il~ . \\-~S ~: d :ci l 0

] ~, rwi(·l.:: . l\lc ., r('i" < 11 l\.:CLilir ic !; ;._ri :' l •::Liclt n· t::;: pr ·~­

c:·ihc.! i !J hi5 wil l. D tt:< ·;;· \!tt• !-~: ye ::·or l•is l: 'l' l:L· it. Jd l; t> ~ C( ~ bi~. l~ ,):f· inC ltl i P~' :; ft':->Li.l {.! !d 1\.. 'e i! t · li~"_;·~ 1·i- ~.-~-\

< <-~r· n it. }ht> :·Y:-·.,· .. ,Uo!J ·;;.·:-.I~; -~ ~··· · n t·:~·~: 1\l ll' :.:c i·; t;

· ·~ 1 \'ely, !l l d frvm time iu!ie he · Y!ll e o";n ·:, i ; l<> :;ee it' i L \\· :·~ j11A :•[~V h.: then ~~~ ' ]·t··l the ),;, ck

i. 1t ~t <.:n :Jiu run11., uuL :1. ~i :··1l i L ~-la' 1 fl, r :!, ec•.;e , ~·ci_5 ';j :_.!,·

l ' / ' !') pou1Hl ~ .. ;qttlL" 'lT~e l t~J~ st r 1:·6-c ,...::: r et",rlt: ~gn t·1

13'-'rW iPk , y.,rhL' i .. l:t' dH _• !-~1 ;:-~·;_·· Y<' ~{;;· i ~~ n:!'\.'l'ii<·:! :·t. tl· ,.::

! l't •lJ<' r ti J;·,r . :'1 111 ;-ci l't'!' : .. f~l'l' b:~ c1c ·: It l!i- ;,, (iy ,. ~

Lt · i"ih'~ e:_;:.~(;rtcd P.Y i t1 !·:~H ~1y Ln·i~~.;· }~. c~- ~'- '!'L(\ r• ­

J~ l(l ~- \'.··:~ th·;L lii~ 1::< r~ .\ n•1:1 in:-: .-.-t'i c tn ri < ~e j; , 1l:c

l tn!:i .:l grut1i11l \ •: :1~ r0:•cil'.'d t ! :~ · L• -f_ ly w::> lor Ci't••i i;•:,, tli 1· ~ IJ'('Oph ~:.!'U~ . ~:;e h;.::!_·:_• g"i' nit\· ·~1·:1) ·.~·;·~ r1·:('vd (I\·~ ·! ·

il, ·1ntl t!H.· ,,nfriu i:! , .. 1t~\·l, !hr• l t ··~ · b· ~ } ' t '('il i nn: ;..:: LL

f:_·,)l ll l: l!lc-,~te .• : '\·::::; bi.'0; : L'. l i .l 1 :Lee:-; ~ n(! L~~ro'.\'JJ iJ.~~o

the gr:cc

. ~- * *

. f nr y R<·SC, the \Yit(' <•~· )'OPn:~ ~;:lpk,':ir. w·'~ pl~_d: ·:· J•;rtdio reccnliy \(l:t l:n-{;!"<· ~ud icm·e in Fv·lh;. ;l'. E; ;.rh wi . \ \""hf''1 l:1 th Jni<i(l!r, i tlie grc::t: ri:1 (,: · th(~ fir~L nt'"!' . ~he·

ltl '-ll:!,;cr's ~~o,s· Ci1H'rg,•d q-~·m the ,\~t!. ·;:-· , :--c::~c11 b:I . :--:!•:!·

11 e:1r the 1 rin1:1. d <JB11f!. :llJd ·h·; tchr• r1 !H'l' n1oven~\)i~1~. ' i i:l1 <.'\-itlcnt. i!:tPI'(';-;~ . ~ fn1c Ho~ ( · Hn;·. :il' ~ her nnm!l<r u ·ll1;~~ ­l•Irl crl J._,- 1 he in<.'i<1cnt, ~nd went o!f, fhllu·.n~<1 rly the d<':r. !·.he r cc\· ivC' 1 rt w:trm rec:\li. 1dJ!?:l . te t!1c'C­

mrnt oi'tlw [l\Hlieli<'<.', ~he ,.,,.,. : .~· :n t<dione I !,y hl'r c::nine :,<im irN, 'Yho eviden t ly t!JIJP:_;hL hi!W'd(' C!~t i llctl

in ~Il:ll·e in the trt~ l !nph.

* * *

( ~1;0 ''il -y·:(·tori,..., lS !11 r(·~~"'~:-;!Ojl ( t' :1. ('\ ~1'1CUS !~C'0dl\· .

Jt ~.\.,...._ .' ~.t i b{' f'el< ·l r·tr<l nePdle 1nr1niF ('/nry r.t.

J~cr1ditrh ::n<l n•pr"~cn~;; 1 l:c coiumn of'l'r:tj:m in n li ni:• ­

tl .i'<', Thi, ,,·d~ - ki <•v:J< P"n;:'n C<•lnmn i~ n<l<T!H'd v:ith i.\IH'rrot:::- fTPPC'f. ir~ ~c~t!p~Prc. r·l1ic;1 i1nll'!o r t~~ii;.c "l'r!:.. ­

.1 n · ~- ht'nd .. c· [let i nn~ in :t.~' ll'. ()11 t1ti~ dil!l lPuti v t.: I~C' ('(lle

~- · cP'.''~ in tbc li fe of (~uccn ~ ic<uri t :11 <' i'<:prc>;-eri1C'd i"il r•·l'('~, hut so fln d.Y cnt ''nd H' ~mr! l tl:ol i t rrrp:irr~ n

nn :;n il\' ing p;l-:s ~ to "<'C t lH:,n. '1 he Yictnrin. nC:rcllc c·'n . 11 Pl'( OY Cr, J,c opC'nC•1: it conVtins 3. nnn:Lrr of nee• k.< ot'

~m:dlcr ~ize, IYl! i<- h ··rr <'qn~ lly :cdonw<l with ~(·c:,cs in

t d id.


ThiiSCELLA ~'\E() U S

TO 'l'1.,f T~ 0 U Jl. Jt .U UU

( hi c:.g-u ;~ ·~~ f :. i'Cgu1· r p-l~--·lJ ;1::ir-r rl ~' 1\· -..,- (h_l':' :- i ll\'i..',

_\ g·n.l·:(' r (l_:cd.Jh.: l1:!d t·:-.: r!-·'.-.::-ed :1 "i :-- !t t!::· t there

· ,, ,, ,[d Lc 1 o 1cligitt1 :-; Cl' l'll ' <_l ;ir::;: t l.;:; !h:U" <! 1•r "t

; iYf' : , r:tl1~c-~ti · cl!i~-:~ ::::-hi< 11. ( 1\: n· p -~ t; .. :.c ~ ... : ; :~ c·pC'lH~.fl :'t 1 :1C' g-r:l\'(' ; the ''n·<n:tTt'1_ti. , q_ u:~ lhc Lri r.; 1n irig ~-"1 · ­

:('ts to hr::: 111er.Hry :· 1.d :1 :.--;:1\C jcu r r. cy ~(l ] ~i ~ fnn!1\ 'l'

<:r:-.1it;; ti • n-i t .~.c1e \\T!'C cnc; the etnpty iH ,Ltl\:S

: nc1 g1=~~:--c~ wen .. : 1.< ~:--:c~ l ill nn the toiiiP , :;nd 1 he n tt

p·tg:-> u J'C!Hl [; ~! : t r(, : .(: (l i 'C~~ ~ 'Yi:ich y;: ~ 1.,·i:!!C1' :, J"r ·l _\'('t'

1 or:: Lcr:c{1 i cti<"P . \\·1~y :--l } l"'· <k i •f ~ · i11:-- •. ~~t·!iJ ~ rcd" (( r

:nr.1cwh:1t ~it f_~l. l: r, t11i: i~- (:< 1 c i11 11 : l ' l:J· < t·~--: ! (~-< - 1 :t !fJg:l ll fnrcr;:l~ ; i.-. ~ ! lC \.~c--d : ~ ;jl} ( !": C':-~ i(l/! ( f\d:·• t Lc l ~ :-ct1-ii ' 1} ;(·. ~ <~ tll : 1 ;J; c: H.' l ·c- ] :.loti ::-- ( Tt .t·1\ l H.\1C' be

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J < LI~ · • r Avt.Jic~:~.ti<JD, Polit u :. , -tatr .,,., Order,

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· ·ENC'HS1 ' ~ c· Il "l-T 1 1 '1 \ 1~I' 1 1.tJ.-. i1 t lU!:V 1 ~

The h~t ti •rtn ig ht 1'he p:1lll\I:tll Gn.zciie hns pu l•li ~hed

t 11·,, p· ' pPrS Oil J. 1ncr icau ju ll rn~t lism. · Thi~ r:Ltl ie:d p:1pcr,

c.l i Led .'Y Illr. .John :Morl~y, i~ usually Hut \leu~ely ig­Jt"rant euw.mruiug A merican ;cf'f:\ irs, :wd is usn:dly nu t w ltully ille:tp:~ulc uf inteHit;·c:nt criti c i ~m of A meric:m v tt:t ir:;. ln ttu~c rc:-<vci.:ts it is ;m cxcepLiun ~u th e Engli~h t • re~s. Igaor:tJtee of A mcric:m politic::.l :md soci:d life is JtoL n f:H:t uf t he E ngli.s%1 1p~nd lmly- it is an instillct of tl :e English mind. However, t his i;; no (] isp:n\tgcmcnt of A Ht crie:m poli tic:\!' sochl lite: T he Eugl ish mind is igm,r:mt of n.ll peoples except just themselves. Certain l tutions lnve iml::cddcd tilcm:;clvcs iu tlw Englioh under­st:tmling uf Amer ief.n life. Over nnd uv oT the p rcf.Cllt winter h :J.S ~n :tskcd t his precise qnc{:tion : "All your people live in bo:<rding-hou«c.-<, do they :not? A gcntlcn1:tn n~kcd once, in a Loudon drawing-room-­nml he w:;s n b'<'Dtlcm::m of inform:1tion nnd cult ure : " Do the wdvcs di~turb or nnnoy your li !'e very m ncb i n CltiC:lgo J;ow ?" But wh:;t can yon expect of a people who~e gcogr:! plly of the v;orld b t:ltlglt t in its schod :; !Jy nn :·lths well :;s 1 s:1 w i il t he hands of n school-girl n . l itLlc whil e ngo? T here ·wen:l b this ntl:ls sixteen m:1p~; ten of thc~c WPrc giver. to Grc:1t Hrit:ti n flnd lrebml , and the other six to the rest of the world! Th is is a fair cxpres~icm of an n.vemge Englbhmnn's of the rehtivc signiflc:mce of Enghnd among nations. 1''o E w··lishnmn can sec or UJ](1crstand the l:l; snTdi t.y-~. ­

(1,·,~1, the tlownright comiea li ty-'-o'f The London Til~cs pt!l.>li:-l:ing e'.~CTY morni11g fcu r cditnrbls D \ C~ :; urcd

1 ,1· y:ml,·tit:k. \Vh.'1!.eY<'r t he s1; Lject of the cc1itni:1l, its i;;;i;ortnncc or its insigniDc:>nco, it is ~ l v;ays j ust about n c(llmrm :-mel OJJc-cir_:;·bth long. V.'l1:1tcver t ile no\\-~ of tlte w0rl<l, there al·o (ll w:; ys just four of these cditori~ds

Tl:csc ~rro.'l.t LO:i(1on cl:Jilies and the provinci:! l new,:­p: <pcrs ·~re on ly politien l org::ill' . . T l1ey · <leal only wit h p ol iLics n.nc1 very conSl)ienons t:ocirtl questions. Herein b the secret of their iguor:mce of tbe Americ·m daily p:tpcr. Here ::,re society pn pers like T rut h :mel T he \Vorld;comicpnpers like Pnn ch .J ncly, and others; por­tin~ 1;rcpers1 commercin l prtpers, ngr icu l'~nr:<l pnpcrs­o:tch limited to the tre;,tment of spechl fields. TLe A mcric:tn tb ily p:q)Cr is n U in one. It is The London Times, Lloyd's c\ev1'8, The \Vorld and Pnnch all in onc-~nt1, :1s n rn lc, f1S goofl :2s nll p u.t togcLhcr. T here b not in all E11gl:ln(1 rt proll incirt l p~pcr t ltat is m ucll more u~n an ad vcr t ising nbcct. T he loo'l l }Ytpcrs cm:­t ::in n, very b ricfsnmm·cry of fore ign news, n.m1 uswyJly ()11C hborionsly -written ]C.'l(lCr of :1 column's length, Or n 1. le· : ~ tth m·cgn htion l.engt h which these pn.pers nffcct-­~ colnmu nnd about a,n ciglPLh. T here is 1;0t t'O bright

• •


' •. l fu ll a mornil lg' p:l]H1T i.a l,ondon ni-l , for iul:ft:rnee, T he 1'-l'ew York !lcrnld or The C!Jicngo Trihm;e. T here is th is, however, tu be s:tid to the credit of :tl l liier:tr y writing in Engl11nd: It is litcrn ry . T he i<t..Y lc of t-he editori als in The Lonclun St:< ndn.rcl is :1s stmlied ful icitous as an essay in cri ticism. T here is often , if not commonly, an immn.­t u\·ity of sty le in the wr iting on the Americnn press th:~t

is not wor thy of t he subject trc;tt cd, nor oftllc intcllect­n: tl trmt.mcnt of the ~ultjoets iJ1 Lllnd. Tho L:•Lin rnccs excel in t bc nsc of qu:1litat iv c hng11flgc ; nnd more nnd

more the best wri-~rs ::!J1rl 'spe:tkcrs in Eng l:tnd g unrd themselves in tltc n~c of adjgciivcs n.nd ad verbs. There is n d istinct s ign i fic:~ tion-oftr.H n stndi ed nncl precise ~h11de of'thOllglrir-illtcudcd and conv eyed by the usc vf qu.rtli t:ttivc pl!r :1scs in England , which on.e mi~scs in

A rncrican wTiti11g :md ~peaking. T o illustrate : tl1c pre­sen t wri ter ]le,1nl y onug hoy from Mnry l :l nd ~J)caking,

a lmost in the s:tmc sentence, of nn cleg:mt d rcs~ , n.n clc­t,r:t n t spcecll , an clcgn.Jlt l:tndf.C·:tpc, :l!ld nr. ekg:~nt picld c . T he s1:pcrb tive i ~ n~cd fi-vo times iE A n1crica where it is m cd once in Er~g-l:md; and n wdl-bretl EngUshmn.n never 11 sc~ t he pwil.ivc i[ he c:m well use t he ncg:ttiYe form of exprcsl'ion. a:~.thcr i b:m R~Y :1. t hing is very good he willusu:1 Jl y $'.Y" Jt is not ll:1d. " An Engli ~hm ,'< n dreads ovcrstntenwnt, :n :d sn .. ,pcct.> it in. ot-hers. l\feu who 8jJcnk in divers tongn<·s tell ns t hey c:m s:ty more in fewer wonis in Euglish t l! ~n in ;ny oth er l:l ngurtgc. T he com­m ercial t rn vclcr is f:1F t getti ng t his br evity of speech cl own t o a fin e point. offull y c:xpr<'ssiJ tg :, n idea by a fini~hctl scntc:1Cc, :lll Eng lishmnn 1'\B twlly seeks on t n. mere in ti m:; tion of h i::; mcani11g. Il is hnLi t is dctcr­minc<l ty the speech oft be English n c]mil;:~1 l to t:he F rench cr , 11·ho c,'l.mO to hi:; flc1Jt t o P-urrcnclcr , and wlto with Frcueh conrt<'sy ·to express h is humili:ttion: "Get ab o:nd and uo fn ss !"

I n j onrnn lism, the Engl ish n1ind c~nnot _nn dcrstand

thn.t writing can be both ·weighty :mc1 om :ik Out of this fhet come the 1':•11 . Mn ll Gnzette's thc•Tonghly -wide-of­t!.lc-mark cr itici:;m of Amcric>tn newsp:t.pcr.

f{opEHT LAuw CoLLI ER.

N ctrc. D:!IDC co·nv ent. To m:my of our outside roaclGrg it may be ri mPtk r

o f no srn ~ ll news to infoi·m them th,tt t he Sisters of Notre D.tmc a very flourishing institution here. Constructed with nll tbu modern improvements'~l:trge nud cqmmodions, nevertheless , ~ lnt ely t)1e -number of; pupi ls i n attendance hns been so !urge, t h:tt another wing which is nlready begnn will soon be Mldcd .

.A t p resent the pupils nuinber nbont 60 bo:lllders and 100 d:1y -schohrs. vVe wish tlle Convent tllt.t success which it dc~cnes .

' '

1\ 0t: HBO ~l\. '-.I S GlWVE, ILL. FI:.IDA Y ~lARCH 21t)t)3.

SUBSCIUPTION LIST. Fur the pnrpo~c of cl clh y ing the expen ~c~ n cec~~ . , r i ly conncc:t.ccl w : ~ Jt the 1n·g,1niz:1 tiun uf the

,]1!UI'll:tl , we str~rt in th i~ fir~ L

i~s nc a i-iut>~eriptiun l i~t,

11·i ~h the· n:1 mc~uf th t, ~c

Whl) ll" VC :~ Jre: t dy CU!l­

lributecl . W e Lru ~t tlnt the tricnd~ ur the

Cullcgc in . ge ­ucr: tl , 'lllcl vlcbtn­dents

.in [! · t·­

\iL: nl:~ r

u!.' .. , :1vm !lr e

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!Jl'iJJn i !lCi tt

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!'C\'CPI Re vere n1 !( ler;,')'l ll Cn , · will :1~ ~i~t 11s :1" t';1r n~ they c:~ n .

!\a me~ of <.:u ntrih ntori'. 1\ m OJint".

~tev . 1\L .1. l\Vrsi ll C' 1'. K. Y . ....... . ·* :!0.00 Very Rev. C. Foumicr P . S. Y . :-i up .. ·* 10.00 \' ery H e \' . J>.lk ltHll> in l'.S. v .... . . ~ 10.00. }{c ~ . (~. Legris . . . .. . . . .... .. ... . ... ti .).00 ~ utre I) :; me Conve nt . ... . ... . . . . . .. ~ 5.00

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