st. valentine's day! ♥ 7 e ♥. gradually valentine's day from the catholic feast became...

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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St. Valentine's


♥ 7 E ♥

Valentine's day is the most romantic holiday! Around the world . It is celebrated as the day of love: boys and girls, men and women exchanged Valentines - greeting card in the shape of hearts. This tradition appeared very long ago, in the VII century.

Claudius II found out about it, told to grab the priest and throw him in jail. But there Valentin continued to do good. He fell in love with the blind daughter of his executioner and healed her. And it happened like this: before execution a young priest wrote the girl a farewell note with Declaration of love, signed: "Valentine".

Gradually Valentine's Day from the Catholic feast became secular. Its like men and women, boys and girls. This holiday is celebrated with great pleasure, although he is not listed among the official calendar of holidays.

In Russia, Valentine's Day was celebrated recently - somewhere at the end of the last century. And on this day, all I congratulate not only their loved ones, and friends. Well, why not? After all, this is a great reason to wish the friends of love and happiness! By the way, in Finland this day really is celebrated not only as the Day of lovers, but as friends Day!

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