st. trinity evangelical lutheran church 7925 sashabaw … · 09.07.2014 · st. trinity evangelical...

Post on 01-Jul-2018






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“As we grow in Christ’s love and the Word, We will share Christ’s love with the world.”

St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 7925 Sashabaw Rd. Clarkston, MI 48348-2905 JULY 2016

The other day I was reflecting on Vacation Bible School. With my apologies to Sound of Music and Julie Andrews, this

thought came to mind: Children in hallways with loud shouts and giggles

The Spirit a-moving, those sitting, all wiggles

Joy on their faces and in footsteps the springs

These are a few of my favorite things.

With their crafties, and their bangles

With a new song and new handles

On sharing the Good News of Jesus, our Lord

These are God’s children, always adored!

How I love the opportunity of Vacation Bible School which, as we begin the month of July, we will have just finished. I

heard the other day someone who struggled with the fact that Vacation Bible School has just become a free summer babysitting

service for parents. They were bemoaning the fact. But, even if that is what it is, think of how God can, and does, work through

this opportunity to share the love of God in Jesus with others!

But, this cannot be an end. There is always need for continued contact with those who do not have a church home. There

are other opportunities outside of VBS to reach out and touch people where they are and share with them the hope we have in

Jesus. In a world where people are feeling less secure, where uncertainty of the future often is found,

we have a hope and a certainty we can share with them. Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that Jesus Christ

is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Word of God and the salvation we have been given

must never change! Yet, in that certainty, situations may direct us in how we share that hope. We

have that sure and certain foundation of faith. David wrote, The Lord is my rock and my fortress

and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in Whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my

salvation, my stronghold. (Psalm 18:2) What about those who do not have that hope, that strength in

their life? What about those who still build on the shifting sands of worldly philosophy or false religions? Do we hold out our

hope and foundation to them?

We recently read about Mohammed Ali, the great boxer, dying. He made the statement that all religions are the same and

everyone goes to heaven (my paraphrase). Someone also stated he was in heaven. I do not write this in judgment, but to remind

us that Jesus told us that [He] is the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through [Him].

(John 14:6)

Why do we do Vacation Bible School? Why do we gather weekly in worship? Why are we sent into the world? To teach

about Jesus. So we can share the hope and the certainty that we have been given. We do so because we have been

commissioned by Jesus, Himself, and given the power of the Holy Spirit to do so.

Recently, I learned about some visitors at our church, children, who wanted to go to Sunday School because one of our

children reached out to them. These children do not regularly go to church but, because of child-like love and trust, they heard

God’s Word. Let’s be child-like again, enjoying and appreciating the opportunities we are give to share the Word, to share the

love and the hope we have in Jesus!

Pastor Schaeffer Proverbs 16:3 Commit all you do to the Lord and your work will succeed

Page 2 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

Cost of Ministry for 2016 As of 5/31/2016

Offering Collected = $ 159,399.14

Actual Expenses = $ 162,341.30 SHORT - $ 2,942.16

When we fall short of planned expenses our part of God’s mission is not getting done.


So that members can prepare for Worship Services, each month, we will

provide the Sermon Themes for the upcoming month. Here they are for

the month of July:

Theme and Text

July 03: “God’s Great Victory” — Luke 10:19-20

July 10: “Walk This Way” — Colossians 1:9-13 July 17: “Too Many Distractions” — Luke 10:40-42

July 24: “Can We Bargain with God?” __ Genesis 18:32-33 (Luke 11:8-10)

July 31: “A New Mind-set” — Colossians 3:1-3 (Eccl. 2:26)

Mission Statement: “To involve the youth of St. Trinity in the full life of God’s church with focus on sharing the Gospel Message, Fellowship with one another, & encouraging a servant heart.”

Mark your calendars for these up-coming dates:

7/01 — 7:00 pm Family Fun & Fellowship 7/15-7/17 — Camping at Pickney State Park 7/30-8/6 — Camping at White River Campground 8/12-8/14 — Canoe Trip w/St. John, Rochester 8/21 — 12:30 pm Back-to-School Picnic at Schroeder’s House

“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” ~2 Timothy 3:14 & 15




J.O.Y. (just older youth) The J.O.Y. group meets again on Thursday, July 21 at noon for a potluck and fellowship. Please join us

and bring a dish to pass & a place setting for FUN, FOOD, & FELLOWSHIP.

Meals for the LaRaia Family We will be collecting meals on a quarterly basis for the LaRaia family; father and teenage son. Please bring meals during the month of July. The final collection date is July 24. Package your meal in a non-returnable container and label it “LaRaia Family” and place it in the FLC freezer. Please write any instructions for cooking/reheating on the package. For questions, call Michelle Allen at 248.736.0649. The LaRaia family is extremely grateful for the support of the congregation of St. Trinity.

Next Voters’ Assembly Monday, July 18, 2016 at 7:00 pm Election of 2017 Health Care Plan

for St. Trinity Staff

Becoming a Voting Member If any confirmed member of St. Trinity (18 years or older) would like to become a voting member, you must first attend a Voters’ meeting. At the second Voters’ Assembly meeting you attend, you may vote. You may get more information on this from the Constitution and Bylaws.


The "Celebrant Singers" will hold a concert at St. Trinity on Thursday, July 28 at 7:00 pm. They have a 10 member choir and a 12 piece band that will put on a 90 minute concert for St. Trinity that will end in a prayer session. We will hold a dinner at 5:00 (potluck) prior to the concert. We will need to find housing for all the members of the group (about 25 total). Housing will include a place to sleep, breakfast in the morning and a sack lunch to send with them. A sign-up sheet is posted on the Family Life Bulletin Board for you to let us know how many people you can house. Mark your calendars for this special event, and please consider housing some of the band and choir members. For more information, please contact Fred Hohnstadt at (248)520-4734 or

From Vera Hahn: Thank you for all the support and prayers.

From Oxford Pregnancy Center: Thank you to the members of St. Trinity Lutheran Church for participating in our Baby Bottle Fundraiser. The current donation of $714.11 with bottles still being returned. Your support of the Baby Bottle Campaign is truly a blessing to the OPC. We are so appreciative of each gift! Thank you! Because of your generosity, we continue the mission together of reaching out to women facing unplanned pregnancies offering practical help and the love of God. God Bless You!

Page 3 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT Stewardship is the expression of our desire as Christians to contribute to the mission and ministry of the church. As we grow spiritually, we understand that serving and giving are important parts of our Christian life. God calls us to give of ourselves through our time, talents, and treasures. Through the sharing of our resources with the needy, we are showing our support and love for them and giving glory to God. “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10).

A LETTER FROM SEMINARIAN, JONATHAN JENNINGS : Dear Members of St. Trinity, I want to thank you for your continued financial support over this past year. It truly is a blessing in making the seminary more affordable to attend. My wife, Stefanie and I are in the process of packing our home in order to move to Shorewood, WI where I will serve as Vicar at Lutheran Memorial Chapel. We are both excited about this and look forward to what God has in store for us this next year. Again, thank you for your continued support. I truly appreciate it. I pray that God will continue to bless you all.

In Christ, Jonathan Jennings




July 15-17 Pickney State Park Host: Ramig’s Phone: 248.852.6309

July 30-Aug. 6 White River Campground Host: McDowell’s Phone: 248.889.2802

Aug. 26-28 Lighthouse County Park Host: Bradbury Phone: 248.676.8938

Sept. 16-19 Addison Oaks County Park Host: Ramig’s Phone: 248.852.6309

Oct. 7-9 Myers Lake UMC Campground Host: McDowell Phone: 248.889.2802

Nov. 5 Planning Potluck 2017 at McDowell’s House Phone: 248.889.2802


Thank you to all of you who purchased flowers this spring

from Wojo’s on the St. Trinity fundraising days. We received a check from Wojo’s for $231.32 from your purchases. We can use this money to purchase landscape supplies and plants to beautify St. Trinity’s grounds. So enjoy your gardens and St. Trinity’s, and thank you for participating this year!


Gretchen will be on vacation July 5-7 and August 1-4.

If you are available between 9-4:30 any day those

weeks, and would like to provide coverage for the

office, please call Gretchen at 248.625.4644 or email

her at Volunteers answer the phone and

greet visitors and members. No computer work is required, but is

an option if interested. There is also a sign up sheet available in the

church office. Stop by and see what days and times we still need

coverage for. Thank you!

Stressed? Discouraged? Lonely? Sad?

Don't Suffer Alone. Help Is Available. Sometimes we fall into a trap where we think

it's a sign of weakness to ask for help. So when

we're stressed, discouraged, lonely, or sad, we

try to keep our struggles hidden and are

reluctant to ask for help. However, that's not

God's plan. Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one

another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of

Christ." God wants us to care for others--and

allow others to care for us in our time of need.

If you're sad or struggling inside, don't suffer

alone. Ask for help.

We've got a team of Stephen Ministers who are

ready to provide confidential one-to-one care,

encouragement, and support to help you

through a tough time.

Find out more about Stephen Ministry by

talking with Stephen Leader, Irma Hoops (248-


From The Franke Family:

Thank you to the St.

Trinity Human Care Board

and all who have given us

financial support while

Marty underwent several surgeries and is

home recuperating. We are so grateful and

overwhelmed with all the care and concern

our St. Trinity family has shown us during

this time! To all those who provided us

meals, cut our grass or just said a prayer for

us, we are greatly appreciative and truly

blessed to be part of the St. Trinity family !

Page 4 St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Clarkston

OUR MISSION: “As we grow in Christ’s love and the Word, We will share Christ’s love with the world.”

St. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 7925 Sashabaw Road Clarkston, Michigan 48348-2905 (248) 625– 4644 FAX (248) 625-2093 E-mail: Website: Summer Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mon., Tues., Wed. 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Thurs. Closed Friday Reverend Kendall L. Schaeffer, Pastor Mr. Richard Schempf, D.C.E. Emeritus Gretchen Goolsby, Church Secretary Summer Worship Schedule Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m. Saturday Worship: 6:00 p.m. Sunday School & Adult/Teen Classes: 10:15 a.m. Nursery Available ~~~~~~~~~ St. Trinity Preschool (248) 620-6154 Julie Schultz, Director

CLAUS SCHOLARSHIPS If you are a college student from St. Trinity who is studying to be a full-time church worker, you may qualify for tuition assistance through the Claus Scholarship Fund. Forms are available in the church office and are due back by August 1st.

2016-17 PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION Currently we have two 3 yr. olds and eight 4 yr. olds registered and at least two more 3 yr. olds who have shown interest in our preschool for fall. We will continue to give tours to perspective preschoolers and their families throughout the summer. I would encourage interested families to contact me by email at or call me directly on my cell phone at (248) 622-9114. Our 3yr/young 4’s program meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:15 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. The monthly cost (payable September through May) is $135.00. Our 4yr/young 5’s program meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:15 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. The monthly cost (payable September through May) is $180.00. Our school year begins after Labor Day. There is also an $85.00 registration fee required. If there are siblings attending, they are eligible for a 10% discount.

In His Service, Julie Schultz, Director

Summer Worship Schedule through September 4

Saturday Nights 6:00 pm Sunday Mornings 9:00 am Bible Study/Sunday School

10:15-11:00 am

A Prayer for Independence Day Lord God Almighty, on this

Independence Day, I am reminded

of all those who have sacrificed for

my freedom, following the example

of your Son, Jesus Christ. Let me not

take my freedom, both physical and

spiritual, for granted. May I

always remember that a very high

price was paid for my freedom. My

freedom cost others their very lives.


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