st swithun's day order of service winchester cathedral 1912

Post on 14-Mar-2016






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St Swithun's day Order of Service Winchester Cathedral 1912


• I '

. . TW\NKSGMNG SERYJC[ · , ... ~ . ~-SWITIWN:S J?JlY.· ~12. .

®onba~ (St. Swttbun's 'IDa\?), jul~ 15tb.

r1 t 2.IO p.m. the Bisltops, C!, 1-gy, and Cl1oir will prot:ced by tl1e outh A isle to

their places, aud th Bishop Dean, rmd Canotu R sidentiarJ' wilL recei·ve tl1e Lord A1·chbishop of C.cmterbu'J' at tho ~Vest Door nud conduct him to !tis sent on tlte upper Dais.

it 2.20 p.m. lite D ntt a1td Vice-Dcrm wt'Ll ret:eive H.R. H. PrinctiSs Clwi·stian

of cltiuwz'g-Ho/ste£1t a11d H.R. H. Prim:ess Hem:s' of Battcnbcrg-, n1ld co!tcluct them to tlte£·r places.

At 2..30 p.111. the Bisltop, D11an, a?td Canons R e.l'identinry ·will receive THEIR 111 AJESTJES. THE KlrvG A VD Q UEE V at tlte ~Vest Door, rmd c nduct tltem to tht! special Dai~·.

All staudiug, lite Prit!sl shall srry:

Surely the Lord is in this place:

] hi is none other but the h use of God : and this the gate of Heaven.

1 n · st. Glory be to the 1~ ather, and t the Son, and to the Holy Gho t ;

A11swcr. A.s it was in the b ..girmz'ng, is flo~ a?td C?Jer shall be : wodd 'l ithou.t ettd. Ameu.

Priest. Praise ye the Lord.

A1tJ'wcr. The Lord's .Name be praised.


WE praise Thee, 0 God : we acknmvledge Thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship Thee : the Father everlasting.

To Thee all Angels cry ·aloud : the Heaven , and all the Powers therein. To Thee Cherubin, and Seraphin : continually do cry, Holy, Holy, Holy : Lord God of Sabaoth ; Heaven and earth are full of the Majesty : of Thy Glory. The glorious company of the Apostles : praise Thee. The goodly fellowship of the Prophet : praise rhee. The noble army of Martyrs : 'praise Thee. The holy Church throughout all the world : doth acknowledge Thee. The Father : of an infinite Majesty; Thine honourable, true : and · only Son ;


AI the Holy Ghost : the Comforter. Thou art the King of Glory : 0 Chri t. Th'ou art the everlasting on : of the Father.


Vlhen Thou tookest upon Thee to deliver man : Thou didst not abhor the Virgin's womb.

\\!hen Thou had t o ercome the sharpne~s of d_eath : Thou did:t pen the Kingdom of Heaven t all believers.

Tbou sittest at the rio-ht hand of G d : in the Glory of the Father. v ·e believe that Thou shalt come : to be our Judge. \iVe therefore pray Thee help Thy servants : ''hom Thou hast redeemed

with Thy precious blood. Make them to be 'numbered with Thy Saints : in glory e\ erlasting. 0 [ ord, save Thy people : and bless Thine heritage. Gm ern them : and lift them up f< r ever. Day by day : we magnify Thee· And we worship Thy Name : ever world without end. Vouchsafe. 0 I ord : to keep u this day without sin. 0 Lord, have mercy upon tls : have mercy upon ~s.

0 Lord, let Thy mercy lighten upon us : as our tru=-t j ~ in Thee 0 Lord, in Thee ha e I trusted : let me never be confounded.

uf5e ,, 1esson (1 C!trom'dcs xxi.·, 9).

PsALM XC\ rn.

SING unto the Lord a new ong : for He hath done manellous thing . \Vith His own right hand, and with Hi holy arm : hath He o-otten

Himself the victory. The Lord declared His salvation :. His righteou ne ~ hath He openly shewed

in the sight of the heathen. He hath remembered I-Iis mercy and truth toward the bou ·e of l:rael : and

all the ends of the 'vvorld l1ave seen the salvation of our God. Shew yourselves joyful unto the Lord, all ye lands : sing, rejoice, and gi e thank.. Praise the Lord upon the ha!P : sing to the harp with a p aim of thank giving. \Vith trumpets also, and shawm : 0 shew your elves joyful before tbe Lord

the King. Let the sea make a noise, and all that therein i · : the round world, and they

that dwell therein. Let the flood clap their hand , and let the bills be j yful together before the

Lord : for . He is come to judge the earth. \!\lith rigbteou nes shall He judge the world : and the people with equity.



I BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty, Maker of hea en and earth : And in, Jesus Christ His only on our Lord, \o\fho "as conceived b) the Holy

G host, Born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontiu Pilate, \Nas crucified, dead, and buried, He descended into hell; The third day He rose again from the -dead, 1:-Ie ascended into heaven, And itteth on the right hand of God the F~ther Almig hty ; From thence He shall come to judge the quick ·and the dead.

I believe in the H ly Ghost· The hoi) Catholick Church ; Tl1e Communion · f Saints; The Forgi eness of : ins; The Resurrection of the body, A nd the Jife everlasting. \men.

Pr£esl~ The L rei be ' ith } u.

A 1Zswer. And 'l £tl1 thJ' sp-irit.

Let us pray.

Lord have mercy up n u ·.

Cltn:~t luzr.r · 1Jit!rt)' upon us.

Lord, have mere) upon u ·.

·0 UR FATHER, which art in heaven, Halto\\ ed be Thy Name. T hy kingdom come. Thy will be done, in earth a· it is in hea en. Give u · this day

·OUr daily bread. And [i rg ive us ur trespasses, As " e forg i' e them that tre pa. s .against us. A nd lead u not into tem1 tati n ; but deli\ er ·us from evil. Amen.

Priest. 0 L ord, shew Thy mere} upon u ·. A ·nswer. And g·raJJt us T il)' satvn.tiotl.

' Prir!st. 0 Lordl a e the K ing. Answer. A1td m crt:ifult.J' !tear 11s •ltm we call upon Tltec.

P1·z'est. Endue Thy ministers with righteousness. Auswe1··. .!lnd make Tlry people joyful.

Pn'cst. 0 Lord, save Thy people. A uswe1·. A ·nd bless T lti?lC z'nlteritmtce.

P1·iest. Give peace in our time, 0 Lord. Answe1·. 1Joctwse there is notre otl1!!r that jightetlt for us, bu./ ortf:J'

Thou, 0 God.

Priest. 0 God, make clean our hearts within us. A ·11swcr. And lake not T!IJ' Ho('y Spirit from us.



~ LMIGHTY GOD, ·without , bo e help man laboureth but rn vain; Teach J.. u to realize our dependence on 'thy good providence, that we rna) ever­more have affiance in Thee, and ever eek Thy honour and glory ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. men.


vVE give Thee humble and hearty thanks, Almighty God, for the Founder. and Builders of this Cathedral Church~ and for all others, to whom we owe it

in Thy mercy that we wor. hip Thee in this TJ1y glorious house :. be eeching Thee that we, rightly u ing tbe ·e Thy gifts to the praise and honour of Thy holy Name,. may be brought to the immortal glory of the Re urrectiom · through Jesus Christ our L rd. A men.

WE bless, prai ·e. and g lorify Thee, 0 God of our fathers, that Thou hast heard our prayer , and hast brought us. to the completion of the work

entrusted to u . \Ne thank Thee that Thou l1ast mmed the hearts of Thy people to g ive liberally of tbeir substance for the work, and hast protected the: workmen from harm and accident. For these and all Th · mercies we laud and magnify Thy glorious ~arne through Jesu Clltist our Lord, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be praise and thalll.ksgi ing, adoration and glor,.


world without end. Amen.

Ube Bnrbem- ' 0 how amiable."- ltV_ Prendergast.

PSAL"lll lxxxiv, vv. 1, 2, 8, 9· Ps.aLrvt,. vv. 15, 16.

Q HO\tV amiable are Thy dwellings Thou Lo ·d of Hosts! My soul hath a desire and longing to enter into the courts. of the Lorcl :

My heart and my fles.h rejoice in the living God. 0 how amiable are Thy dwellings, Thou Lord of Hosts.!.

0 Lord God of Host::., hear my prayer; hearken 0 God of Jacob .. Behold 0 God, our defender, and look upon the face of Thine anointe<d ..

0 Lord, sa e the King; and mercifully heat us when we call upon Tbee I "ill offer to• Thee the sacrifice ·of thanksgivicg. praise. the Lord:

And will call upon the arne of the Lord : praise the Lord. : l will pay my vows unto the Lord, in the sight of all His. people : praise the Lomill:

1 n the courts of the Lord - house : praise the Lord_ Amen.

ALL tjlings are Thine; no gift have we, Lord of all gifts, to offer T~ee ;

And hence with grateful hearts to-day Thine own before Thy feet we lay.

Thy will was in the builders' thought ; Thy han~ unse~n amidst us WiTOug1H ; Through mortal motive, scheme, and plan, Thy wise eternal purpose ran.



( n weakness and in want we call On Thee, for whom the Heavens are small ; Thy g'lory 'is Thy children's good, Thy joy Thy tender Fatherhood.

0 Father, deign these walls to bless ; Fill with Thy love their emptiness ; An~ let their door a gateway be To lead us from ourselves to Thee. Amen.

Ube Sermon witl be preached by


NOW tJ1ank we all our God, Vlith heart, a nd ha nds and voices,

\Vho wondrolis things hath done, In whom His world rejoices;

'Who from our mo.ther's arms Hatll blessed us on our wa)'

With countless g ifts of love, And still is ours to-da y.

0 may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us

With ever joyful heftrts And blessed peace to cheer us ;

And kee p us in His g race, And g uide us when perplexed,

And·free u- from all ills In this world and th e nex t.

All praise a nd thanks to God The Father now be g iven,

The Son, ;;.nd H im who reig n W ith them io highest Heaven,

The One Ete rnal God, Whom earth and heaven adore

F 9r th~s it was, is now, And ·sh .II be evermore. Amen.

H vMN 166. ALL people t ha t on eartb do dwell,

S ing to the Lord with cheerful voice : 0 enter thcu His ga tes with pra i e, Approach with j oy Hi s court ~ unto i P ra ise, laud , and bless His Name a lways For it is seemly so to d o.

Him serve with fear, His p11aise forth tel l, Come yc before H im, and rejoice.

The Lord, ye know, is God indeed, Wi thout our aid He did us make; ·we arc His fol k, He dolh us feed , And for Hi s sheep He doth us take.

For why? the Lord our God i bood ; H is mercy is fo r ever IJre ; His truth a t a ll time firrnl y !i tood And. shall f rom .age to age eud ure.

T o Fa tber, .-o n, a nd H oly Ghost. TJ1e God u•hom H eaven a nd earth ad rc, From men a .d from t.he Angel-host Be praise a nd glory evermore.

T lte CollectioH, af ltJr difr(win tr tile apeuses of · this S e1·vic , "'JZt! be f or tl1c!

Catlled1·al Fabric F 1tnd.

Ube 313lessino.


'ttbe 1Rational !lntbem. GOD save our Lord the King,

Long live Ol\f noble King, God save the King. '

Send him victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us,

God save the I ing.

Thy choicest gifts in store, On l1im be pleased to pour,

Long rnA.}' he reign. May he defend our lnws, And ever give us cause

0 Lord, our God, arise, Scatter his enemies, •

Aod make them fall. Confound their P.Olitics, Frustrate their k~avish tricks, On Thee our hopes we fix.

·cod save us all.

To sing with heart and voice, God save the King.

After w hidt Tf!EIR

tht! Bishop, D emt, aud Canons Rcsidetztz'ar:;' wt'lt couduct

W IJEST!ES to the vVest Door.

Tl1e CILOir , CICYCJ' Bishops, cmd A rcJI!;ishop w ill proceed to lite Cllll:jJter Room.

The B z'sltop, D etm, ami Crmmzs ~.viii retltrn. to lite Chapter Roo111.

T lzc J1rfayor am/ (orponrtr'on w ill tlun leave tlte Cathedral bj1 lite H~'esl Door.

N o p ersom· s/w /1 move from lltcir place.)· tmtiJ the Corpomtion Ita~ e lift the Catl1 d1·nl.

Tlte Dcmt ami Chapter request tlu tcwards to .bt! firm m tl1r maintenmtcc of order

mtd 1'everetLce.

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