st. simons presbyterian church · $ deadline for angel tree donations & gifts ' hope hall open -...

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  • Service for the Lord’s DaySt. Simons Presbyterian Church

    Christ the King SundayNovember 26, 2017 | 11:00 am Traditional Service

    Janusz Antosz“Jesus Christ the Returning King”

  • WE GATHER TO PRAISELet us now prepare our hearts and minds to worship God.

    *Opening Hymn 268Crown Him With Many Crowns


    GreeterBob Killian

    UshersSandi Goeldner

    Rich Goeldner

    Madelynne Risi

    Scott Risi

    AcolytesBo Holmes

    John Turner Holmes

    Welcome to worship at St. Simons Presbyterian Church. During the announcements please take a moment to sign and pass the friendship register located at the end of the pew. As you enter the sanctuary, please silence your cell phones. All children are welcome in worship. If you prefer, a nursery (located in the children’s hall at the rear of the church) is available for children from birth to five years. Worship resources for children are available at the sanctuary entrances.

    WelcOme & annOuncements Rev. Bob BrearleyFrom earliest times, the church has gathered

    on the Lord’s Day for

    the proclamation and

    exposition of the Word

    and the celebration of

    the Sacraments. The

    Reformed tradition

    has emphasized the

    importance of the Lord’s

    Day as the time for hearing

    the Word and celebrating

    the Sacraments in

    the expectation of

    encountering the risen

    Lord, and for responding

    in prayer and service.

    -Directory of Worship,


    Please stand if able.*

    One: The word of God awaits us here; come to worship. The Holy Spirit welcomes us; gather to pray.

    ALL: From the routines and struggles of our lives, we come. Amid the stresses and worries of every day, we gather.

    One: Come to be renewed in the spirit of Christ; Godiswaitingtoofferusanewlifeof freedom.

    ALL: In hope, we seek God’s caring presence. In faith, we dare to trust God’s steadfast love.

    One: As followers of Jesus Christ, we sing joyfully to our God.

    *call tO WOrsHip Bob Killian

    preludePrelude in g minor

    arr. J. S. Bach

    Amy Bishop, Organist

    gatHering WOrdsOne: The Lord be with you. ALL: And also with you.

    intrOit (744)Arise, Your Light Is Come!

    festal sOng

    Chancel Choir


    *assurance Of pardOn

    In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

    *glOria patri H.W. greatOrexGlory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the

    beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, amen.

    Silence for Personal Confession

    In prayer we respond to God

    in many ways. In adoration

    we praise God for who

    God is. In thanksgiving

    we express gratitude for

    what God has done. In

    confession we acknowledge

    repentance for what we as

    individuals and as a people

    have done or left undone.

    In supplication we plead for

    ourselves and the gathered

    community. In intercession

    we plead for others and for

    the whole world.

    -Directory of Worship,


    *prayer Of cOnfessiOn (all)

    Loving God, you want us to give thanks for all things, to fear nothing except losing you, and to lay all our cares on you, knowing that you care for us. Forgive our sins and free us for thankful living. Liberate us from faithless fears and worldly anxieties, and grant usthepoiseandconfidencetolivethefaithwithgraciousactsof kindness. As we claim the new life in the Spirit, may we follow the example of Jesus in living for others and loving all people. We thank you that you hear the prayers of your children.

    Rev. Alan Dyer

    JOys and cOncerns Of tHe cHurcH

    prayer Of tHanksgiving and tHe lOrd’s prayer (all)Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

    preparatiOn fOr prayer (544)Bless the Lord

    bless tHe lOrd

    WelcOme neW membersJeff & Mary Margaret Shiver

    Jack, Mary Ellis, & John


    Amy Bishop, Organist

    G. F. Handel

  • Last Sunday was

    Dedication Sunday as

    we brought forward our

    financial commitments

    for the 2018 mission

    budget. Our response was

    strong but not complete.

    If you have not done so,

    please use the folded

    pledge cards in the pew

    pockets to let us know

    how you plan to support

    our mission for Christ next

    year. You may also pledge

    online at the church

    website. Thank you.


    neW testament lessOnMatthew 25:31-46

    Page 1542 NT

    All children please come forward at the pastor’s invitation.Following the Word for Children, children Preschool-2nd grade may leave for KidZ Worship.

    WOrd fOr cHildren

    sermOn Rev. Bob Brearley“Lord, When Did We See You?”

    One: This is the Word of the Lord. ALL: Thanks be to God.

    Old testament lessOnPsalm 100Page 937 OT

    Bob Killian

    I’d Rather Have JesusMiller/SheaantHem

    Chancel Choir; Frank Lea, Soloist

    prayer fOr illuminatiOn

    *prayer Of dedicatiOn

    *dOxOlOgy Old HundredtHPraise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

  • If You Are New Here. Whetheryouarevisitingfromout-of-town,aseasonalresident, or searching for a church home, we are delighted that you are worshiping with us today. If you are interested in receiving more information about membership or the ministries of our congregation, please indicate that on the Friendship Register as it is passed down your pew at the beginning of worship so that we can be in touch with you soon.

    Child Care. Children of all ages are welcome in worship. If you prefer, a nursery is availableforchildren,birththroughagefive.ThenurseryislocatedintheChildren’sWing at the rear of the church.

    If You Are in Need of Prayer. Youmayfilloutaprayerrequestcard(availableinthepews)andplaceitintheofferingplateorhandittoanusher.

    To Aid in Worship. A “Rocking Room” with live video of the service is available in the chapel located outside of the front right doors of the sanctuary. Hearing assistance devices and large print hymnals and Bibles may be obtained from the ushers.

    Sermons Online. To hear sermons online, visit

    Worship should always

    offer opportunities to

    respond to Christ’s call

    to become disciples by

    professing faith, by uniting

    with the church, and by

    taking up the mission

    of the people of God, as

    well as opportunities for

    disciples to renew the

    commitment of their

    lives to Jesus Christ and

    his mission in the world.

    -Directory of Worship,


    *affirmatiOn Of faitH (all)

    In his concern for justice in the social order, God has never forgotten the needs of individuals. In the end the Lord will judge all persons by the simple, unremembered acts of kindness they did or failed to do for the least of their sisters and brothers. We acknowledge God is at work here and now when people show personal concern for each other. We believe God sends us to risk our own peace and comfort in compassion for our neighbors.

    A Declaration of Faith



    *Hymn Of dedicatiOn Lead On, O King Eternal


    FanfareJ. S. BachpOstlude

    Amy Bishop, Organist

    cHOral respOnse (601)Amen

    danisH amen

  • Men’s Noonday Bible Study



    Advent CalendarNow faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence

    of things not seen.Hebrews 11:1

    Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give

    to you as the world gives.John 14:27

    December 3 | Sunday$ Deadline for Angel Tree Donations & Gifts' Hope Hall Open - 9:00-12:30pm= Youth Progressive Supper at Johnson Home- 6:00-8:00pmDecember 4 | MondayD Manna House - 9:00am-1:00pm December 6 | Wednesday" Presbyterian Women Luncheon - 11:30amm KidZ Choirs Mission Trip - 4:00-6:30pm0 Walking the Labyrinth - 4:00-6:00pmDecember 7 | ThursdayN Advent Communion Service - 5:30-6:00pmDecember 9 | Saturday" Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Day - 8:30am - 1:00pm

    November 26 | Sunday: Hope Hall Open - 9:00-12:30pm0 KidZ Choir Christmas Party at Hambright Home - 4:00-6:30pmNovember 29 | Wednesday" KidZ Choirs Christmas Musical Rehearsal - 4:00pm' Advent Festival & Hanging of the Greens - 5:00pmDecember 2 | Saturdayv Handel’s Messiah Community Chorus at Wesley UMC- 3:00pm

    December 17 | Sunday? Hope Hall Open - 9:00-12:30pmc Joy Gift OfferingDecember 20 | Wednesday' Christmas Caroling & Soup delivery- 4:30pm = College Christmas Cookout at Warner Home - 7:00pmDecember 21 | Thursday' KidZ Book Club at Wake Up- 4:30pm+ Advent Communion Service - 5:30-6:00pm December 24 | Sunday0 Deacon’s Fund Offering< Sunday Morning Worship - 8:30 & 11:00am" Candle and Carols Service with Children’s Nativity Tableau- 5:30pmu Christmas Eve Communion Service - 10:00pm" Ringing in Christmas - 11:00pmDecember 27 | Wednesday; Third Day of Christmas Party in Britt Room- 6:00pm

    December 10 | SundayU Hope Hall Open - 9:00-12:30pmc Children’s Christmas Musical in Social Hall - 10:00amn Youth & KidZ Fellowship: Christmas Lights on Jekyll - 4:30pmDecember 14 | Thursday" Advent Communion Service - 5:30-6:00pmDecember 15 & 16 | Friday & Saturday< Live Nativity - 6:00pm & 7:00pm

    Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with

    joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

    1 Peter 1:8-9


    Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born

    of God and knows God.1 John 4:7


    p r o j e c t

  • CHANGES everythingHOPE HallSERRV

    This Week Nov 26 - Dec 2 Today, Nov 26

    8:30 am Chapel Service - Sanctuary 9:00 am Coffee Hour- Social Hall 9:30 am Sunday School - Various Locations 11:00 am Traditional Service - Sanctuary 4:00 pm APNC Meeting - Upper Room 4:00 pm KidZ Choir Christmas Party - Hambright Home *No youth programs tonight.

    Monday, Nov 27 10:00 am Instrumental Ensemble - Sanctuary 12:00 pm Men’s Noonday Bible Study - Britt Room 8:00 pm AA Meeting - Youth Suite 8:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting - John Law RoomTuesday, Nov 28 7:00 am Youth Breakfast Devotion - SSI Chick-fil-a Wednesday, Nov 29 10:30 am Ladies Video Bible Study - Youth Suite 4:00 pm KidZ Choirs Musical Rehearsal - Music Attic 5:00 pm Advent Festival & Hanging of the Greens-Social Hall 6:30 pm Chancel Ringers - Bell Room 7:00 pm Chancel Choir - SanctuaryThursday, Nov 30

    7:00 am Men’s Breakfast Bible Study - Britt Room 10:00 am Ladies Bible Study - Upper Room 4:00 pm Free Flow Yoga - Youth Suite 8:00 pm AA Meeting - Britt Room

    8:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting - John Law RoomFriday, Dec 1

    10:00 am Book Discussion & Prayer - Jann’s OfficeSaturday, Dec 2

    3:00 pm Handel’s Messiah - Wesley UMC

    PW Christmas Luncheon

    Wednesday, December 611:30 AM | $15 per person

    Payment will serve as your RSVP!Deadline to register is Nov 29!

    Join us this Wednesday (Nov 29) for our Advent Festival and Hanging of the Greens! We will be having hamburgers & hotdogs with baked beans, mac-n-cheese, cole slaw & dessert. This family fun event is open to all who would like to attend! There will be crafts, fun, & fellowship for all ages!

    Angel Tree Drop-off Deadline is Next Sunday, Dec 3! The deadline for Angel Tree donations and gifts is right around the corner and we still have angels available on the trees in the narthex and back hallway. Please consider taking an angel and helping to make a child’s Christmas special this year!

    CongregationalC A R E T E A M

    Interested in being of service?

    Please visit our website to learn about all the ways you can help or

    contact Molly Macaulay at (912) 223-6514 or

    Volunteer Day

    Questions? Contact Alan (

    Sat, Dec 9thS i g n u p O n l i n e !

    creating connections fairtrade•handmade•nonprofit

    Hope Hall will be OPEN Sundays

    throughout Advent!


    p r o j e c tHelp us reach our donation goal of

    $5,000 to fund an ark of multiple animals for a community in need!

  • ―HenriNouwenin Life of the Beloved

    “WHat i mOst Want tO say is tHat WHen tHe tOtality Of Our daily lives is lived ‘frOm abOve,’ tHat is, as tHe belOved sent intO tHe WOrld, tHen everyOne We meet and everytHing tHat Happens tO us becOmes a unique OppOrtunity tO cHOOse

    fOr tHe life tHat cannOt be cOnquered by deatH.”

    205 Kings Way St. Simons Island, GA 31522 912-638-2220

    St. Simons Presbyterian Church is a member of the Savannah Presbytery and the Presbyterian Church (USA) and is a Stephen Ministry Congregation.

    Rev. Bob


    Rhonda HambrightMusic

    Nat ScottCongregational

    Walter LynnBuilding

    Leslie McCrackenClerk of Session

    Anne AspinwallChair of Deacons

    Al LedinghamTreasurer

    Ministers: All members of the churchSt. Simons Presbyterian Church Ministers: All members of the churchJudy CauleyPreschool Director

    Rev. Alan

    Rev. Jann BriscoeParish

    Frieda WarnerChildren’s Ministry/

    Meg JohnsonYouth Ministry



    Caroline KittleCommunications

    To Ponder Prayerfully


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