st. pius v catholic church march 6, 2016...2016/03/06  · st. pius v catholic church—march 6,...

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Pray for Peace ~ & Remember in your Prayers — Recuerda en sus oraciones

Richard Lovell, Daoud Foroquzan, Mike Wagner, Maria Freeman, Diane Edwards, Lorraine Dow, Matt C Hammer, Larry Simecek,

John Reitmeyer, James Alexander Bentley, Alex Velasquez, Cindy Linares, John Reitmeyer, James Alexander Bentley,Guadalupe

Gonzalez, Mary Hudson, Mary Lou Coss, Mary Edge, Yvonne Garcia, Roxanna Orozco, Areani Cruz, Roland Teran, Fr. Michael

Amesse, Leah Eckenrode, Jose Luis Sanchez, Christopher A Wiggins, Nick & Isabel Soto and family, Joe Rabel, Rosalinda Perez,

Katerin Castillo, Christian McKenzie, Raquel Mendoza, Steve Kasmiersky, Roberta Simms, Aldo Montemayor, Manuela Munoz,

Gracie Garcia Family, Rachel Herreth, Deana Edwards Herreth, Sherry Ross, Aldo Montemayor, Maria T Rodriguez, Jose Arispe,

Herminia Perez, Merida Maciel, Manuela Munoz, Raymond Romero, Leonardo V Adler, Amanda Bramlet, Barbara Brown, Victor

Capuchino, Shirley Guilliams, M L Syma, David Flores, Raquel Mendoza, Christine McKenzie, Maria de la Paz Anaya, Maria

Esperanza Anaya, Jon Fineo, Donald Turner, Nancy McElroy, Mary Livadas, Barbara Livadas-Fript, Dina Contreras, Aldo

Montemayor, Camilla Labue, The Mendez family, Angel Joe Rodriguez, Noemi Sanchez, Marlene Armstrong, Adriana Salazar, Jose

Alvarado, Donald Broach, Bonifacia Salas, Kirsten Garcia, Alexys Martinez, Al Clausen, Jr., Henry Harrison, Basilio Cabrales,

Guadalupe Esquival.

For repose of the soul of Larry Williams

(Please notify the church office when someone can be removed from the list)

4th Sunday in Lent

Mr. Martin Garza, School Principal

Mary Kay Wallace, DRE

Felicitas Palacios, Coordinator of Faith Formation (Spanish)

Chris Rubio, Director of Parish Social Ministry

Alice Layton, Business Manager


Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

824 Main St., Pasadena, Tx 77506—Phone 713-473-9484—Fax—713-473-2731—

Masses for Sunday: Saturday Vigil—5:30pm in English—7pm in Español;

Sunday 8 & 10:00am in English; 12:00 mediodia, 1:30 & 7pm en Español

Weekday Liturgy: Monday 8am thru Saturday 8am in English;

Tuesday, Wednesday & 1st Friday, 7pm en Español

Holy Day Liturgy: Vigil 7pm in English; Feast 8am in English; 7:00pm en Español

Sacrament of Penance: Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30pm; Saturday-3:30 to 5pm

Parish Office Hours: 9am to 5pm

School Office Hours: 8am to 3pm (713-472-5172)

Adoration: Friday from 8:30am until 10pm in the PLC Chapel

Pastoral Staff: Rev. Joseph Doran, Pastor

Rev. Ricardo Lazo, Parochial Vicar

Deacon Heath Hampton

Deacon Celestino Perez

Deacon Dan Seiler

In case of an emergency needing a priest, please call 713-397-7451 (bi-lingual) or 832-651-7329 (English only).

St. Pius V Spring Festival — Sunday, April 24th — 11am til 7pm Big Raffle—drawing at 7pm (need not be present to win)

Tickets—$10 donation each

1st prize—2016 Chevy Colorado Truck

2nd prize—$2,000 Gift Card

3rd prize—14K Tri-Gold Rosary

4th prize—49” JVC LED TV

5th prize—Tablet

6th prize—Tool Set

BBQ dinner plus many other Food items, Game booths, Bingo, Live Entertainment and more… Thank you to all the ticket sponsors: Extreme Fab, Inc., Alvarez Wood Floors, A.B.R. Contract Painting,

Raul Ramos Paint Contractor, & Mr & Mrs Carlos Trevino.

Please pick up your tickets today after Mass and Sell, Sell, Sell

Arts & Craft

Spaces available

The Christ, Have Mercy! Parish Retreat is taking place this weekend, 3/5-6. Please say a prayer for our retreatants reflecting

on God’s great mercy. – Many thanks to the numerous folks who have helped to make it happen: families donating food or

doing set-up, greeters, folks praying for the retreat, the S.I.N.E. Retreat Team, staff members, musicians, kitchen

helpers, presenters, and especially Frs. Joe and Ricardo for their support and prayers. You show us God’s mercy in

your gifts of time, presence and effort!

El Retiro Espiritual Cristo, Ten Piedad está pasando pase este fin de semana, el 5-6 de Marzo. ¡Favor de rezar para

los participantes mientras que reflexionan sobre la gran misericordia de Dios! – Muchas gracias a la multitud de

gente que ayudan en el retiro: las familias donando comida o preparando los salones, las personas que dan la bienvenida a los

participantes, las personas que rezan por el retiro, el equipo de retiro S.I.N.E., los miembros del personal, músicos, ayudantes

de cocina, los presentadores de las reflexiones, y especialmente los P. Joe y P. Ricardo para su apoyo y oraciones. ¡Uds. nos muestran

esta misericordia en su don de tiempo, presencia y esfuerzas!

Dear Parish Family: Last Sun. after the First Scrutiny, the people at Mass prayed the Creed while our Elect listened, presenting

them with the central mysteries into which they will be baptized at Easter Vigil. This Sun. they celebrate the Second

Scrutiny, and they need your prayers! (See names below.)

Rogelio Fuentes – Aaron Briones – Crystal Briones – Melissa Briones – Jonathan Garces – Jasmine Ramírez –Marvin

Gutierrez – Dulce Gonzalez – Julio Gonzalez – Yeliada Grimaldo – Luna Hernandez – Dennise Moreno –Jaime

Sanchez – Estefani Liborio – Luis Martinez – Giselle Wong – Jesús Gutiérrez – Omar Velasco – Rodrigo Mosqueda -

Miguel A. Gonzalez – Leslie Alvarado – Brianna Bravo – Yanelly Medrano

A Todas las Familias de Nuestra Parroquia: El Domingo pasado, después del 1ro Escrutinio, la gente a la Misa rezó el Credo

mientras que nuestros Elegidos escuchaban, presentándoles los misterios centrales en el cual ellos serán bautizados en la Vigilia

Pascual. Este Domingo ellos celebran el Segundo Escrutinio, ¡y necesitan de sus oraciones! (Vean sus nombres arriba.)


There are NO Faith Formation classes –

(For the Parish Retreat–) Sun. 3/6 – and there WILL be classes Mon., Wed. & Thurs., 3/7, 9 & 10

(For Spring Break–) Sun.–Sun. 3/13 - 20

(For Holy Week & Easter Sun.–) Mon.– Sun. 3/21 - 3/27; and

(On Easter Mon.–) Mon. 3/28.

NO hay clases en estas fechas:

(Retiro Parroquial–) Dom. 6 de Marzo – y HAY clases Lunes, Miérc. & Jueves, los 7, 9 & 10 de Marzo

(Descanso de Primavera–) Dom.–Dom. 13-20 de Marzo;

(Semana Santa y Dom. de Pascua–) Lunes–Dom. 21-27 de Marzo; y

(Lunes de Pascua–) 28 de Marzo

Faith Formation students and parents: Please continue selling raffle tickets for our Parish Festival (4/24) – this greatly helps our


Todos los estudiantes de Formación de Fe (catecismo), y padres de familias: Favor de continuar vendiendo los boletos para la rifa

del Festival parroquial (4/24) – ¡eso está de gran provecho para nuestra parroquia!


St. Pius V Catholic Church March 6, 2016

4th Sunday in Lent

Faith Formation (FF) Office (CCE) – 713-473-9484 – Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo) Mary Kay Wallace (x 317) –;

Felícitas Palacios(x 304) –;

Martin Rodriguez (x 318) –

Office Hours: 9 am – 2 pm, Mon. –

Thurs.; Sun. – Thurs. while classes

are in session


There will be NO Faith Formation classes –

(For the Parish Retreat–) Sun. 3/6;

(For Spring Break–) Sun.–Sun. 3/13 - 20;

(For Holy Week & Easter Sun.–) Mon.– Sun. 3/21 - 3/27; and

(On Easter Mon.–) Mon. 3/28.

NO hay clases en estas fechas:

(Retiro Parroquial–) Dom. 6 de Marzo;

(Descanso de Primavera–) Dom.–Dom. 13-20 de Marzo;

(Semana Santa y Dom. de Pascua–) Lunes–Dom. 21-27 de Marzo; y

(Lunes de Pascua–) 28 de Marzo

Healing Services 2016—Alan Ames, know evangelist, visionary, mystic who has been given the gift of

healing, will be praying over each individual who attends the healing services. Many Miraculous cures have

occurred during these services. Come and listen to Alan’s amazing story of God’s love. From a violent man,

Alan’s heart was transformed to a humble, loving servant of God. Alan lives a deeply mystical prayer life and

has spoken in 50 countries, on 6 continents. He will be at the following locations at these upcoming dates.

March 13—6pm—St. Anthony du Padua Catholic Church in the Woodlands; March 14—5:30pm St. Faustina

Catholic Church in Richmond; March 15—Prince of Peace Catholic Community in Houston; March 16—St.

Augustine Catholic Church in Houston.

For more information:

Find the Missal (Ordinary of the Mass) at 150 in Oramos Cantando/We Pray in Song

First Reading 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a

The LORD said to Samuel: “Fill your horn with oil, and be on your way. I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem, for I have chosen my

king from among his sons.” As Jesse and his sons came to the sacrifice, Samuel looked at Eliab and thought, “Surely the LORD’s

anointed is here before him.” But the LORD said to Samuel: “Do not judge from his appearance or from his lofty stature, because I have

rejected him. Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the LORD looks into the heart.” In the same way

Jesse presented seven sons before Samuel, but Samuel said to Jesse, “The LORD has not chosen any one of these.” Then Samuel asked

Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?” Jesse replied, “There is still the youngest, who is tending the sheep.” Samuel said to Jesse,

“Send for him; we will not begin the sacrificial banquet until he arrives here.” Jesse sent and had the young man brought to them. He

was ruddy, a youth handsome to behold and making a splendid appearance. The LORD said, “There—anoint him, for this is the one!”

Then Samuel, with the horn of oil in hand, anointed David in the presence of his brothers; and from that day on, the spirit of the LORD

rushed upon David.

Responsorial Psalm Ps 23 R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

Second Reading Eph 5:8-14

Brothers and sisters: You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light, for light produces every kind

of goodness and righteousness and truth. Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the fruitless works of darkness; rather

expose them, for it is shameful even to mention the things done by them in secret; but everything exposed by the light becomes visible,

for everything that becomes visible is light. Therefore, it says: “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you


Gospel JN 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38

As Jesus passed by he saw a man blind from birth. He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva, and smeared the clay on his

eyes, and said to him, “Go wash in the Pool of Siloam” — which means Sent —. So he went and washed, and came back able to see.

His neighbors and those who had seen him earlier as a beggar said, “Isn’t this the one who used to sit and beg?” Some said, “It is, “ but

others said, “No, he just looks like him.” He said, “I am.” They brought the one who was once blind to the Pharisees. Now Jesus had

made clay and opened his eyes on a sabbath. So then the Pharisees also asked him how he was able to see. He said to them, “He put clay

on my eyes, and I washed, and now I can see.” So some of the Pharisees said, “This man is not from God, because he does not keep the

sabbath.” But others said, “How can a sinful man do such signs?” And there was a division among them. So they said to the blind man

again, “What do you have to say about him, since he opened your eyes?” He said, “He is a prophet.” They answered and said to him,

“You were born totally in sin, and are you trying to teach us?” Then they threw him out. When Jesus heard that they had thrown him

out, he found him and said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” He answered and said, “Who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?”

Jesus said to him, “You have seen him, and the one speaking with you is he.” He said, “I do believe, Lord,” and he worshiped him.

St. Pius V Catholic Church March 6, 2016

4th Sunday in Lent

Women’s Club 2016 Calendar

Thurs, Mar 10 Women’s Club Mtg in PLC Chapel @ 10am

*Tues, Mar 15 Bus trip: Tour Lanier Stone Chapel in North Hou

Leave at 10am — $3 for bus + Lunch.

Sun, Mar 20 Palm Sunday, begin Holy Week.

Sun, Mar 27 Easter Sunday.

Thurs, Apr14 Women’s Club Mtg in PLC Chapel 10am

*Tues, Apr19 Bus Trip: Mercer Gardens, Lunch at Potato Patch.

Sun, Apr 24 SPV Spring Festival: Women’s Club Cake &

Coffee Booth.

Thurs, May 12 Women’s Club Mtg, Luncheon, Golden Corral

*There are openings on our bus trips if you wish to join us. Call

Irma Morales @ 713-944-4624.

Prayer blankets available. Call Grace@ 713-645-2987.

2016 Our Parish Goal is $60,000.

As of 3/2/16 we have:

Amount pledged: $17,971.00

Amount paid: $9,495.66

Please make your pledge today.

We can still use 2 or 3 bilingual (committed)

money counters. If you are interested, please

contact Fr. Joe @ 713-473-9484.

Please note: Daylight savings time begins

next Sunday, March 13th—Spring forward

one hour.

More festival news—if you are an

arts and crafts vendor, we will

have spaces avail to rent at the

Festival on April 24th. Forms are

available this weekend—pick one

up at the ticket sales table.

Mass Intentions, Schedule for this Week Saturday, March 5—Lenten Weekday

8:00 a.m. — Stella Stewart †

5:30 p.m. — Robert Kucera †

7:00 p.m. — Roy Garcia

Sunday, March 6—4th Sunday in Lent

8:00a.m. — Frank & James Konieczny †

10:00a.m. — Kenneth Menard, Sr. †

12:00p.m. — Antonio & Victor M Casillas †

1:30p.m. — Jose Del Toro †

7:00p.m. — For the People of the Parish

Monday, March 7—Lenten Weekday

8:00 a.m. — Colleen Lightfoot

Tuesday, March 8—Lenten Weekday

8:00 a.m. — James John †

7:00 p.m. — Tomas Rivas †

Wednesday, March 9—Lenten Weekday

8:00 a.m. — Ruth O’Kane †

7:00 p.m. — Presiders’ Intention

Thursday, March 10—Lenten Weekday

8:00 a.m. — Earl O Williams †

Friday, March 11—Lenten Weekday

8:00 a.m. — Adela Christ †

Saturday, March 12—Lenten Weekday

8:00 a.m. — Theresa Kucera †

5:30 p.m. — Frederick Smith †

7:00 p.m. — Colleen Lightfoot—B-day

St. Pius V Catholic Church March 6, 2016

El Misal (Ordinario de la Misa) esta en Oramos Cantando/We Pray in Song a Partir de 150

Primera lectura 1 Sm 16, 1b. 6-7. 10-13a

En aquellos días, dijo el Señor a Samuel: “Ve a la casa de Jesé, en Belén, porque de entre sus hijos me he escogido un rey. Llena, pues,

tu cuerno de aceite para ungirlo y vete”. Cuando llegó Samuel a Belén y vio a Eliab, el hijo mayor de Jesé, pensó: “Éste es, sin duda, el

que voy a ungir como rey”. Pero el Señor le dijo: “No te dejes impresionar por su aspecto ni por su gran estatura, pues yo lo he

descartado, porque yo no juzgo como juzga el hombre. El hombre se fija en las apariencias, pero el Señor se fija en los corazones”. Así

fueron pasando ante Samuel siete de los hijos de Jesé; pero Samuel dijo: “Ninguno de éstos es el elegido del Señor”. Luego le preguntó

a Jesé: “¿Son éstos todos tus hijos?” Él respondió: “Falta el más pequeño, que está cuidando el rebaño”. Samuel le dijo: “Hazlo venir,

porque no nos sentaremos a comer hasta que llegue”. Y Jesé lo mandó llamar. El muchacho era rubio, de ojos vivos y buena presencia.

Entonces el Señor dijo a Samuel: “Levántate y úngelo, porque éste es”. Tomó Samuel el cuerno con el aceite y lo ungió delante de sus

hermanos. A partir de aquel día, el espíritu del Señor estuvo con David.

Salmo Responsorial Salmo 22 R. El Señor es mi pastor, nade me faltará.

Segunda lectura Ef 5, 8-14

Hermanos: En otro tiempo ustedes fueron tinieblas, pero ahora, unidos al Señor, son luz. Vivan, por lo tanto, como hijos de la luz. Los

frutos de la luz son la bondad, la santidad y la verdad. Busquen lo que es agradable al Señor y no tomen parte en las obras estériles de

los que son tinieblas. Al contrario, repruébenlas abiertamente; porque, si bien las cosas que ellos hacen en secreto da vergüenza aun

mencionarlas, al ser reprobadas abiertamente, todo queda en claro, porque todo lo que es iluminado por la luz se convierte en luz. Por

eso se dice: Despierta, tú que duermes; levántate de entre los muertos y Cristo será tu luz.

Evangelio Jn 9, 1. 6-9. 13-17. 34-38 En aquel tiempo, Jesús vio al pasar a un ciego de nacimiento. Escupió en el suelo, hizo lodo con la saliva, se lo puso en los ojos al ciego

y le dijo: “Ve a lavarte en la piscina de Siloé” (que significa ‘Enviado’). Él fue, se lavó y volvió con vista. Entonces los vecinos y los

que lo habían visto antes pidiendo limosna, preguntaban: “¿No es éste el que se sentaba a pedir limosna?” Unos decían: “Es el mismo”.

Otros: “No es él, sino que se le parece”. Pero él decía: “Yo soy”. Llevaron entonces ante los fariseos al que había sido ciego. Era sábado

el día en que Jesús hizo lodo y le abrió los ojos. También los fariseos le preguntaron cómo había adquirido la vista. Él les contestó: “Me

puso lodo en los ojos, me lavé y veo”. Algunos de los fariseos comentaban: “Ese hombre no viene de Dios, porque no guarda el

sábado”. Otros replicaban: “¿Cómo puede un pecador hacer semejantes prodigios?” Y había división entre ellos. Entonces volvieron a

preguntarle al ciego: “Y tú, ¿qué piensas del que te abrió los ojos?” Él les contestó: “Que es un profeta”. Le replicaron: “Tú eres puro

pecado desde que naciste, ¿cómo pretendes darnos lecciones?” Y lo echaron fuera. Supo Jesús que lo habían echado fuera, y cuando lo

encontró, le dijo: “¿Crees tú en el Hijo del hombre?” Él contestó: “¿Y quién es, Señor, para que yo crea en él?” Jesús le dijo: “Ya lo has

visto; el que está hablando contigo, ése es”. Él dijo: “Creo, Señor”. Y postrándose, lo adoró.

4th Sunday in Lent

Faith Commitment Contribution Weekly Contributions for church Support

For weekend—2/28/16

Mass time Collection Catholic Relief Services

Total $ 11,093.00 $ 2,362.00 Food Pantry $ 20.00

Grand total $ 11,113.00 Budgeted 1st Collection: $12,000.00 Upcoming 2nd Collections:

March 6 – Parish Social Ministry March 13 – DSF March 20 – Property Fund March 27 – No 2nd Collection

$ 1181.00

$ 316.00

$ 1896.00

$ 2607.00

$ 2104.00

$ 1992.00

$ 997.00








$ 130.00

$ 125.00

$ 297.00

$ 368.00

$ 650.00

$ 572.00

$ 220.00

St. Pius V Catholic Church March 6, 2016

4th Sunday in Lent

PLDear friends,

Holy week and the end of Lent are almost upon us.

Let us first of all be more fervent in out Lenten Penance…in prayer, in fasting, and in our Acts of Charity.

Let us also look forward to the special celebrations of God’s mercy and goodness during Holy Week. Participate

in thanksgiving to God for His forgiveness and salvation. These are celebrations of the whole Church, all of us


We celebrate the Lord’s entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, March 20. Note that our usual 1:30 Mass Time is

moved to 2:00PM for this Sunday. Together with our bishop we celebrate the Chrism Mass with the blessing of

the Holy Oils on Tuesday, March 22 at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. On Holy Thursday, March 24, we

come together as one community to celebrate, in both English and Spanish, the gift of the Lord’s Body and

Blood. ON Good Friday, we remember His Passion with the Stations of the Cross at mid-day and the Adoration

of the Cross in the evening. Saturday night we come together to celebrate in a very special way, the Glory of His

Resurrection with the first Mass of Easter, the greatest celebration of the liturgical year. On Easter Sunday, our

1:30 Mass will again be moved to 2:00PM.

The Lord promises us that if we come to Him, we will be changed forever. Come and be made new in the cele-

bration of the Sacred Mysteries.

Fr. Joe

Queridos amigos,

La Semana Santa y el fin de la Cuaresma están cerca.

En primer lugar, seamos más fervientes en nuestra Penitencia de Cuaresma... la oración, el ayuno, y nuestras

obras de caridad.

Seamos conscientes también de las celebraciones especiales de la misericordia y la bondad de Dios durante la

Semana Santa. ¡Participen en estas acciones de gracias a Dios por su perdón y salvación! Son las celebraciones

de toda la Iglesia, todos nosotros incluidos.

Celebramos la entrada del Señor en Jerusalén el Domingo de Ramos, 20 de marzo. Tengan en cuenta, por favor,

que nuestra misa de la 1:30PM se mueve a las 2:00 PM por este domingo. Juntos con nuestro obispo vamos a

celebrar la Misa del Santo Crisma con la bendición de los Santos Óleos el martes 22 de marzo en la Co-Catedral

del Sagrado Corazón. El Jueves Santo, 24 de marzo, nos reunimos como una comunidad unida para celebrar, en

Inglés y Español, el don del Cuerpo y Sangre del Señor. El Viernes Santo, recordamos su pasión con el Vía

Crucis por la tarde y la Adoración de la Cruz por la noche. El sábado por la noche nos reunimos para celebrar, de

una manera muy especial, la gloria de la Resurrección con la primera misa de Pascua, la celebración mayor del

año litúrgico. El domingo de Pascua, nuestra misa de la 1:30PM se trasladará a las 2:00 PM otra vez.

El Señor nos promete que si venimos a Él, seremos cambiados para siempre. ¡Ven y sean renovados por la

celebración de estos sagrados misterios!

Padre Joe

FROM THE YOUTH GROUP—This Friday, March 11th, join us for our weekly meeting.

We will gather in the cafeteria and focus on the topic of suffering servant. Students will learn

the story of the suffering servant and further reflect on the season of Lent. We will meet from 7-

9 p.m. If you have any questions please contact Christian Sanchez, 832-335-1940.

St. Pius V Catholic Church March 6, 2016

4th Sunday in Lent

VIRTUS—It is once again time to do the annual Archdiocesan Compliance Report. This year

there will be a national-level audit to see who is not in compliance with the Virtus requirements.

The leaders of ministries will be receiving a list of volunteers to add new volunteers or delete

those who are no longer active. If you have new members who have not yet attended, please be

sure that they are scheduled to attend the 1st workshop—Protecting God’s Children, as soon as

possible. If you have members who attended PGC five years ago, they should now register to

attend the 2nd workshop, Keeping the Promise Alive.

We have no workshops scheduled at St. Pius at this time so you will need to go to and see where they are available. If you are registering for the first workshop,

Protecting Gods Children, be sure to write down and save your username and password because

you will need it again when you are required to attend Keeping the Promise Alive. IF you are

registering for the 2nd workshop and do not remember your username and password, call me at

the church office or email me at and I can email your information

to you. Please keep the General information of your Virtus account updated and check to see if

you have bulletins to read.

Palm Sunday weekend— March 19th—Saturday, 5:30pm English & 7:00pm Spanish

March 20th—Sunday, 8am & 10am (English) and

12noon & 2pm & 7pm (Spanish)

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Holy Thursday, March 24th

Mass of the Lord’s Supper — 7pm Bi-lingual

Adoration after Mass—in the Cafeteria until midnight

Good Friday, March 25th—a day of fast and abstinence

12noon—Stations of the Cross—English

1pm — Stations of the Cross — Spanish

6pm—Celebration of the Lord’s Passion—English

7:30pm—Celebration of the Lord’s Passion—Spanish

Holy Saturday, March 26th

8pm—Easter Vigil—bilingual

Easter Sunday, March 27th

8am & 10am—Mass in English

12pm & 2pm—Misa in Español

No 7pm Mass this evening

Fin de semana del Domingo de Ramos: 19 de marzo, el sábado, 5:30pm en inglés y Español de


20 de marzo — el domingo, 8:00 y 10:00 (Inglés) y

12 del mediodía y de 2:00pm y de 7:00pm (español)

Semana Santa y Pascua horario

Jueves Santo El 24 de marzo

Misa de la cena del Señor: 7:00pm bilingüe

Adoración después de la Misa, en la cafetería hasta

la medianoche

Viernes, 25 de marzo, un día de ayuno y abstinencia

12 del mediodía, las estaciones de la Cruz — inglés

1:00pm: vía crucis — Español

6:00pm – celebración de la pasión del señor – inglés

7:30pm – celebración de la pasión del Señor – Español

Sábado Santo el 26 de marzo

8:00pm — vigilia — bilingüe

Domingo de Pascua, 27 de marzo

8:00 y 10:00 – Misa en inglés

12:00 y 2:00pm: Misa en Español

No habrá Misa de las7:00pm Misa esta noche

The Festival Committee will be selling Grilled

Chicken plates next Sunday—$8/plate. Pick up a plate

to take home for Sunday dinner...AND support their

efforts to raise funds to cover some of the festival


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