st mark-romano byzantine college

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ST MARK-ROMANO BYZANTINE COLLEGE(Patronage of Saint Mark the Evangelist)

F a i r f a x V i r g i n i a(Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Department of Education)

Office of Rector & AdmissionsSt Mary’s Church

5907 Grand AvenueDuluth Minnesota 55807

College Administration OfficeSt Nicholas Center

1318 Baxter AvenueSuperior Wisconsin 54880



ROMANO BYZANTINE COLLEGE• Chartered & Accredited by The Synodal Department of Education (Greece)

Member Institution Syro-Russian Department of EducationRomano Byzantine College is not nationally or regionally accredited.

• Member of Alternative Education Association (USA);International Organization for Freedom in Education (Switzerland);

United Nations NGO International Association of Educators for World Peace;Psi Epsilon Delta #13705 National Trade & Professional Associations; and

Registered in the Commonwealth of Virginia - RBC is exempt from the requirementsof State Certification by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog



Mission Statement 1Departments 2Undergraduate Equivalency 2Policies 3

Accreditation 3Admission 3Academic Assessment 4Academic Penalties 4Alumni Association 4Bequests 4Certification & Licensing 5Advanced Credit (CARE) 5Student Information 5Professional Experience 5Commencement Exercises 5Continuing Education Units 6Academic Credit 6Disclaimer 6Double Majors 6Elective Courses 6Financial Responsibility 7Foreign Students 7Grading System 7Honors & Awards 7Greek Letters Society 7Honorary Degrees 8Tax Deduction 8Transcripts 8Transferred Credit 8Tuition & Fees 9Use of College’s Name 9Undergraduate Degrees 9University Degree 10For More Information 10

Undergraduate Degrees 11Bachelor Degree 11Canon Laws Emphasis 11Chiropathy Emphasis 11Religious Studies Emphasis 12Social Ministry Emphasis 12Theocentric Psychotherapy 12Ministry Emphasis 13

Licentiates 14Aroma & Herbal Healing 14Youth Guidance 14Family Guidance 14Care of Women 15Fitness & Meditation 15Theocentric Healing 15Herbology 15Touch Healing 15Behavior Modification 16Biofeedback 16Theology 16Pastoral Medicine 16

Graduate Degrees 17Master of Canon. Jurisprudence 17Master of Divinity 17Master of Religious Education 18Master of Theology 18

Doctorate Degrees 20Doctor of Canon. Jurisprudence 20Doctor of Chiropathy 20Doctor of Ministry 21Doctor of Sacred Philosophy 21Doctor of Theo. Psychotherapy 22Doctor of Social Ministry 22

Administration & Faculty 24

MISSION STATEMENTThe St Mark-Romano Byzantine College is a religious Institution of the Syro-Russian Orthodox Catholic Church. It offerscontinuing and distance education accessible to all that desire to incorporate spiritual growth with academic professionaldevelopment. Under the patronage of St Mark the Evangelist it was approved by the Synod on February 23, 1995. Itbecame an academic institution receiving canonical approbation on November 1, 1995. It is the result of a creativeresponse for a Christian distance education program serving those who cannot leave home to study, but wish to earndegrees in religious vocations through non-traditional study that requires both academic (study) interpretation andindependent research. It serves people of all faiths and does not discriminate against any person eligible to matriculatewho has met our academic standards. Our diverse methods seek to build upon personal competence through prayer,research, scholarly inquiry, and the advancement of knowledge in matters of global and religious significance. Weemphasize the dignity of each person. The academic programs offered are theocentric and holistic in nature to ensure awell-rounded education. Students are encouraged to use their qualities in completing research projects and developinggoals for responsible participation in a transformational world. Motto: “Educating to Serve God and His Servants.”

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


GENERAL INFORMATIONCANON LAW (JURISPRUDENCE)..In Christ Jesus the fife-giving law of the Spirit has set you free from the law of sin and death.(Romans 8:2).

Canon Lawyers serve the Church In research, representation, tribunal mediation, consulting,education, arbitration, or as ecclesial judges. Laws have governed existence since the beginning oftime. God issued the first law to Adam and Eve. Later, additional laws were given to Moses referredto as the Decalogue (Ten Commandments) and these, together with the laws of Scripture, formDivine Law. As the Church grew more laws came into existence from the Ecumenical Councils andgave us the basis for Canon Law. In addition to these, today we have local statutes and canonsknown as Administrative or Capitulary Canons of Law. Canonists are prepared to interpret anddefend the laws and jurisdiction of parochial establishments. Concentration is on CanonicalJurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Comparative Jurisprudence, Sacred Law, Ethics and ChurchBusiness Law. Minor emphasis is on Church and Supreme Court Issues. Certificates and Licentiatesare available in specific areas of Canonical Jurisprudence or Canon Law, e.g., Parochial NonprofitBusiness Law, Sacerdotal and Matrimonial Jurisprudence. Graduates are licensed throughapproved agencies. Programs are accredited by the Synodal Canon Law Society.

THEOCENTRIC CHIROPATHY, COUNSELING & SOCIAL SERVICE MINISTRYTheocentric Holistic Practitioners engage in services such as Theocentric Counseling

Psychotherapy, Chiropathy, and Social Service Ministry - all part of the healing ministry. SocialService Ministry Counselors dedicate their lives to a vocation of serving the needs of the troubledand the outcasts of society. They assist them with family mediation, job searches, finding places tolive, visiting the sick and incarcerated, offering guidance and resolve to those in need, andperforming the corporal works of mercy. Theocentric providers, who are licensed or commissionedhealers, serve humanity under canonical laws and as such are exempt from certain Stateregulations. They are instruments of God in the healing process. Some wish to specialize in hands-on healing and wellness counseling - others in theocentric psychotherapy - and some prefer to servewithin the community-at-large performing social service ministry. Each brings to humanity hope andfaith through their compassion and love for God and all his peoples.

Theocentric Counseling Psychotherapy offers those who are troubled by emotional orspiritual concerns guidance and compassion through effective counseling, spiritual guidance, andpositive plans for resolve and for living. It has as its basis religious principles that govern activitiesand counseling behavior. Graduates are licensed by the Commission on Religious Counseling andHealing.

Chiropathy is the combination of spiritual healing, healing touch, natural healing substanceeducation and supplementation, fitness therapies, and anointing-prayer to bring holistic balance intothe human body-temple.

Social Service Ministry combines the study of religion with social sciences and anthropologyto present a better approach to understanding the problems of the world and its inhabitants, andoffers plans of action in which the seeds of faith and peace can be planted in all people. Studentsmay concentrate in social ethics with attention given to ethical theory and history, and the study ofreligion as a cultural and social phenomenon with attention to theory, methodology, andanthropological research in religion, cultural anthropology, and other related areas. Minor studies

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


include Religious Creeds and Sociology, Ethnic and Social Theology, Justice and Behavior, Ethicsand Moral Theology, and Philosophy.


Religion offers the student a chance to study Biblical Interpretation, Old and New Testament,Synoptic Gospels, Comparative World Religions, or prepare for vocations in the Ministry of theChurch. Those completing this process may go on to server as religious education instructors,catechists, counselors in religion or biblical interpretation, or as pastoral care chaplains to name afew.

Theology offers foundational studies for Chiropathy and specialization studies for the Ministryand Theological Studies. Various theological disciplines are studied such as dogmatic theology,moral theology, systematic theology, sacred theology, and for those desiring eventual ordinationliturgical theology.

UNDERGRADUATE EQUIVALENCY DEGREE EVALUATIONRomano Byzantine College will review any eligible applicant for an ad eundem degree

(undergraduate) who may lack a diploma for certain reason, but who has academic and independenteducation that can be used for a credit review and transfer. Some may be required to completeminimal requirements depending on the evaluation. Others may have enough credit to satisfydegree requirements by graduation project only. The options available are UndergraduateEquivalency Diploma in Chiropathy, Canon or Sacred Laws, Religion, Social Service Ministry, andTheology. For Information on this process, write directly to RBC.


Recognition of an ecclesiastical entity comes from God! RBC believes in complete separation ofChurch and State and, like many religious institutions, has opted not to seek voluntary regionalaccreditation. It is registered in Virginia but is exempt from the requirements of statecertification by the State Council of Higher Education as a religious institution. It is domiciled atShepherd's Heart Bible College and Graduate School in Fairfax Virginia. It is ecclesially accreditedand chartered by the Synodal Department of Education located in Athens Greece under theadministration of Dr Basil Gikas; and has full academic accreditation by the Universal AccreditingCommission of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (Athens Greece) as a Religious Institution ofHigher Education. Both the Syro-Russian Synod of Bishops and the Hellenic OrthodoxMetropolitanate have granted recognition to it. It is a member of The Alternative EducationAssociation of Florida; The International Association of Educators for World Peace (United NationsNGO); and International Organization for Development of Freedom of Education (OIDEL) ofSwitzerland. It is a chartered member of Medicina Alternativa of Sri Lanka. Specific programs arerecognized by various agencies that will admit graduates into membership and/or licensure and theyare the Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing, Council on Chiropathy (Registered withCalifornia Secretary of State), and North American Canon Law Society. It is affiliated with St VasiliosOrthodox University of Nea lonia Hellas, and St Dionyssios Seminary of Athens Greece. RBCactively seeks affiliation with other agencies that will enhance our goals, reputation, and academiccredibility.

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


ADMISSION INFORMATION & APPLICATION PROCEDURESRBC Administration operates on a yearly basis and is closed only on holidays, holy days, and thelast two weeks of July, and August. Applicants may enroll throughout the year. ApplicationProcedures: (1) Select a program you wish to study; and (2) Complete the application and returnalong with $50 tee and supporting documents. If you wish an evaluation for advanced credit attach acurrent bio-data to the application and return with the required $75 evaluation fee. See “AcademicManual” for additional guidance.

ACADEMIC ASSESSMENTS. ESSAYS. PROJECTSRBC requires all candidates for a degree to successfully complete appropriate graduation projects,i.e., thesis or dissertation. Credit is earned by completing study or research assignments andsubmitting an essay, critical analysis, hypothesis, or by completing an examination in the requiredcourse. Graduation Projects, once submitted and accepted, become the property of the RomanoByzantine College. Graduate Projects, unless otherwise approved, must be at least forty (40) pagesin length; doctoral dissertations must be at least seventy (70) pages in length for acceptance. Theyare to be typed and double-spaced with a one inch margin all around and appropriately bound. Eachpage must be paginated and an index of chapters or topics included. A cover page must contain theauthor’s name and address, degree program, date submitted, and for graduation projects the words:“Submitted to St Mark-Romano Byzantine College in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of ____.” Graduation Projects must be appropriately bound or placed into anapproved three-ring binder.

ACADEMIC PENALTIES & APPEALSUnofficial Withdrawal may be imposed on any student who, in the opinion of the instructor or rector,has not maintained regular contact with the school for an unexcused period exceeding sixty (60)days. In this case, a student is advised that s/he can be excluded from the process without creditand be subject to an alternate course of action and loss of any discounts awarded. Usually an essaymust be submitted monthly (every 30-45 days) unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Anydisciplinary action against a student that one feels is unwarranted may be brought before theAcademic Ombudsman. There are systematic procedures for making an appeal that will befurnished upon request. These must be made within thirty (30) days of the action taken against astudent or faculty member. The decision is considered binding arbitration and all fees related mustbe paid in full. Degree completion varies on the amount of credits required in a particular discipline.It is usually accepted that one should complete studies for a specific degree within an eighteen-month period unless otherwise agreed upon in writing when commencing a study program.Extensions can be requested in writing from the College along with the $50 Study Extension Feethat covers 30 days. Graduation Projects must be completed within three (3) months after a studentapplies for candidacy unless otherwise agreed to in writing at the commencement of candidacy.

ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONAll graduates are required to maintain contact with and support the school. Just before graduationstudents are inducted into the Alumni Association. Reunions are announced by the College and areheld St Mary’s Church in Duluth Minnesota.

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


BEQUESTS TO THE COLLEGEYou can help us for many years to come by opening a named endowed scholarship fund tomemorialize yourself or family member. Your bequest or gift can take the form of Cash, Property,Stocks, Annuities and Bonds, Transfer of Assets, Life Insurance, Trust Funds, or Bequests.Guidance will be given in this matter to all who request it. Donations are always accepted and aretax-deductible.

CERTIFICATION & LICENSINGUpon graduation you will be directed to the appropriate agency responsible for certifying or licensingmembers in your particular vocation. Remember that a degree is not a license to practice anyvocation.

CHALLEGING & CREDIT FOR ACADEMICALLY RELEVANT EXPERIENCES (CARE)CARE is available to students with skills developed during employment or non-traditionaleducational experiences, as well as training achieved through seminars, practica completed andcocurricular experiences related to their degree program. Applicants may request an evaluation oftheir academic portfolio listing courses, seminars, lectures, texts read, independent research, andcocurricular and life experiences achieved. Credit is awarded upon a successful review. Studentsmay also challenge specific courses for credit by passing an examination and/or essay requirementand earn advanced credit if the examination and/or essay are successfully passed. Academic creditis awarded to the student for the course challenged. Written petition for such consideration must bemade to the College. See Academic Manual for additional information.

Cocurricular Credit is awarded under this title as well for Academic or Professional Fellowships;Religious Involvement; Social or Community Involvement; Ministry; Volunteer Work; Clinical PastoralExperience; Professional Experience; or Parochial Assignments. A maximum of nine (9) cocurricularcredits may be awarded per degree program.

Experiential Credit may also be awarded for the following: Non-credit College Courses; ReligiousService; Military Service; Professional or Work Experience; Published Works; College-Level ArmedForces Institute Courses; Vocational Training; International Travel; Community Service; ProfessionalSeminars; Independent Research; Elective Reading; Teaching (Didactic Experience); Hospital orPrison chaplaincies or internships. See Academic Manual for additional information.

CHANGE IN STUDENT OR ALUMNI INFORMATIONIt is the sole responsibility of the student or alumnus to notify the College, and Central Archives, ofany change in ones name, address, or personal data.

CLINICAL PASTORAL/PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (CPE)CPE Internships or Practica will be arranged for students requiring or requesting this. There aremany options open to students in this matter which include hospital or prison chaplaincies,counseling center internships, academic related assistance, nursing home visitation, parochialassignment, or other suitable ministries of service.

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES (GRADUATION)Diplomas are sent to graduates via the United States Postal Service upon successful completion ofall academic and financial obligations. Those wishing their diploma sent by priority mail must requestthis in writing and include a $25.00 fee for this consideration.

CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITSOne (1) CEU is awarded for every ten (10) hours of Instruction at a recognized in-service program.Normally, one (1) CEU equals ten (10) contact hours in a learning experience. A CEU is notacademic credit but verifies that one has accomplished significant goals in continuing educationenhancing their professional expertise. CEU are required by most professional organizationsannually.

CREDIT HOURS - ACADEMIC CREDITIn distance education a student earns three (3) academic credits per course by completing text andessay and/or examination requirements. The text must contain at least 600 pages or consist of tworelated texts that equal at least 600 pages to earn three credits. See Academic Manual for additionalinformation.

DISCLAIMER & RESERVATION OF RIGHTSSMRBC reserves the right to modify or cancel courses for just cause and transfer students toanother similar course. It accepts no responsibility for failure or inability to provide services of anykind associated with its faculty or circumstances beyond its control which include, but are not limitedto: policy changes; strikes; postal delays or errors; changes in the curricula; et cetera. Applicationsand Discount Agreements and Scholarships become void after thirty (30) days without notice if notacted upon by the applicant or student, or should the student default on the financial agreement.RBC may discipline its faculty when appropriate and after administration, a student, or other facultymember has brought credible charges against them. It also reserves the right to modify itsadmission and/or graduation requirements; to amend or modify curricula or instructional materials;change tuition and fees; amend regulations affecting the student body; refuse admission orreinstatement or dismiss a student for just cause; and to relocate to another facility. It is theresponsibility of the student to inquire about current norms. Students accept tuition responsibilityonce they are officially accepted and a tuition agreement, or down payment, is made. A student whohas a bad payment history may forfeit the scholarship and/or tuition assistance and is thenresponsible for the full tuition. Students who pay for the entire degree program (Program for DegreeTerm) are not subject to tuition increases. All agreements are binding.

DOUBLE DEGREE MAJORS - LICENTIATESEach major core must be completed independently of one another with at least eighteen (18) creditsin the selected emphasis. A petition for a double major should demonstrate how the requirementsfor both cores must be met. Completion of two majors does not result in the awarding of twodegrees. A student who completes two majors may choose the degree to be conferred, and mayrequest and pay for a licentiate in the second major. Courses that may be required in two differentprograms are only completed once.

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


INDEPENDENT STUDY ELECTIVES (ISE)A specified number of credits can be earned through the research of various subjects related to thedegree being earned. Students should always select electives that will enhance their major or minor.The student selects and finds the text used. Museum research or library projects may be describedin essay or audio and submitted for credit. There is no text fee for ISE courses but an ISE Fee ispaid.

FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & FINANCIAL ASSISTANCEMatriculation means you have been accepted and have commenced studies leading to a specificcertificate or diploma (degree), and that you are responsible for all applicable tuition and fees. Theseare made known to each applicant before loan agreements are signed. No student will be awarded adiploma unless all financial and academic requirements have been satisfied and that includes anylate fees or other charges. Tuition payments are made on or before the 5th of each month until theloan has been retired. There is no interest charged so long as the student maintains a goodpayment history, and all payments are rounded to the closest dollar. Eligible applicants may beentitled to financial assistance that may vary depending upon the individual and the circumstances.The following scholarship was established on January 10, 1995: The Archimandrite Mark WGielow Memorial Scholarship Fund awards eligible students $500.00 to $1,000.00 towards theirtuition.

FOREIGN STUDENT PAYMENTSAll foreign students must make payments of any kind in United States Dollars (USD).

GRADING SYSTEMLetter Grade Grade Point DescriptionA 4.00 SuperiorA- 3.70B+ 3.30 Above AverageB 3.00B- 2.70C+ 2.30 AverageC 2.00C- 1.70D+ 1.30 Below AverageD 1.00D- 0.50 PoorF 0.00 FailureI 0.00 IncompleteWF 0.00 Withdraw/FailedWP 0.00 Withdraw/Passed

GREEK LETTERS SOCIETYPsi Epsilon Delta is open to men and women enrolled in any of the academic programs.Membership is awarded in the name and professional discipline of the applicant. Informationpamphlet and application can be obtained by writing RBC.

Students failing a coursemay challenge it to receivea higher grade one time.Grade points and will becalculated according to thesecond grade. The GradePoint Average will havethree digits, e.g., 3.70".

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


HONORARY DEGREESThe Review Committee receives petitions for Honorary Degrees. Some consider an honorarydegree to be in theory an earned degree because recipients have been awarded the honor basedon professional successes, academic and community achievements, benevolent contributions, lifeexperiences, and research conclusions. The words “Honoris Causa” are placed on the degree todistinguish it from an academically earned degree. Petitions must include why the applicant isdeserving; two (2) current photographs; a biographical history including newspaper articles and/orpublished works; awards, achievements, citations, commendations and professionalaccomplishments. Petitions are reviewed each quarter and nominees rejected may apply once morewithin the year. No honorary degree is awarded for birthdays, retirements, anniversaries, and so on.These honorary degrees include Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Sacred Laws, Doctor of HumanitarianServices or Social Service Ministry; Doctor of Theology; Doctor of Sacred Philosophy; and Doctor ofCanon Laws.

TAX DEDUCTION FOR TUITIONTreasury Regulation. 1.162.5 Expenses for Education. A.General Rule. Expenditures by anindividual for education, including research undertaken as part of his/her educational program (withcertain exceptions) are deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses, (even thougheducation may lead to a degree). If the education maintains or improves skills required by theindividual in his/her employment or other trade or business; and/or meets the express requirementsof the individual’s employer, or the requirements of applicable law or regulations imposed as acondition to the retention by the individual of an established employment relationship, status, or rateof compensation, then requirements are met. Travel and lodging expenses are also deductible.Contact the Internal Revenue Service or College Administration for additional information.

TRANSCRIPT RELEASE POUCY"The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1 974” prohibits the release of any transcript orstudent information recorded therein to a third party without the students written consent or signedtranscript release form. Transcript copies are obtained from Academic Archives (RBC), Attention:Reverend Harold Hammond, 1215 East Lee Highway, Fairfax Virginia 22030-5660. You mustinclude $10.00 per copy desired. Check payable to: Shepherd’s Heart Bible College.

TRANSFERRED CREDIT FROM OTHER SCHOOLS & AD EUNDEM PROVISIONThe Ad Eundem Provision allows us the right to review applicants who have completed at least 2/3of degree requirements at another recognized institution to become a degree candidate. GraduationProject is obligatory. Twenty-one (21) academic credit points must be completed in the academiccore either through research and/or text completion and/or hypothesis, essay, oral defense, or otherapproved method. Tuition is charged for all experiential credit awarded. Additional information maybe obtained from the College Administration.Credit Transferred. Not all courses can be transferred to all schools. Accreditation does not meanautomatic acceptance of credits by any school or their recognition of each other or the accreditingagencies involved. Courses will transfer if: (1) They fit into a particular curriculum; (2) Arecomparable or equivalent to courses offered; (3) Are “C average or above; and (4) Must have beenearned at a recognized institution or learning experience within the last seven (7) years. Terminalcourses usually do not transfer. Credit transferred will be charged for since it will appear on our

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


transcript towards your degree. Tuition is not accessed but there is a $30 per transferred creditcharge.Exemptions: Students who have completed academic requirements for one graduate degree maybe granted exemption in part from requirements in another graduate degree program with similarrequirements. Certificate Programs offer no exemptions.Projects Completed Elsewhere: A work accepted at another institution, as partial or completefulfillment of credit requirements for a degree, is unacceptable. Works must be original and becomethe property of SMRBC. Copyrighted projects are unacceptable unless the wording contains thename of the author and "St Mark-Romano Byzantine College”. However, parts of work submitted toother schools may be used as a basis for further development at this institution provided this isdisclosed at the beginning of the work.

TUITION. FEES. & REFUND POUCYDescription of Charge AmountTuition Per Credit $ 100.00 (Includes Experiential or CARE Credit)Advanced Credit Evaluation $ 75.00Study Extension Fee $ 50.00 (30 Day Extension)Transferred Credit $ 30.00 per CreditAlumni Association $ 75.00 AnnuallyDuplicate Diploma $ 75.00Intent & Graduation Fee $350.00 (Includes Alumni Induction Fee)Late Tuition Payment Fee $ 25.00Oral Defense Fee $200.00Psi Epsilon Delta $ 50.00 Annually ($25.00 Application Fee 1st Year Only)Returned Check Fee $ 30.00Process Change Fee $200.00Project Review Fee $150.00Transcript Fee (1st One Free) $ 10.00

Texts are not included in tuition unless stated otherwise. Fees are non-refundable. Unofficialwithdrawal from a program does not forgive the financial obligation of a student.

Program Tuition Refund Policy1-10 days from acceptance: 60% No refunds after thirty (30) days.11-23 days from acceptance: 40%24-29 days from acceptance: 20%

USE OF THE COLLEGE’S NAMENo student, organization, member of faculty, employee, or other institution may use the name of theSt Mark-Romano Byzantine College for any purpose, excluding biographies, bio-data, and resumes,without the written consent of this College.

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


WHERE TO WRITESt Mark-Romano Byzantine College Administration1318 Baxter AvenueSuperior WI 54880-17622180624-0207

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College Extension of CanadaDr Peter Smyth PhD LRC, Canadian Representative, DirectorThe Counseling Institute4600 Highway 7, Suite 230Woodbridge Ontario L41 4Y7 Canada905-850-0949

Additional Information Can Be Obtained On The Following:• Commission on Religious Counseling & Healing (Council on Chiropathy)• Commission on Religious Ministry• North American Canon Law Society• Psi Epsilon Delta Greek Letters Society• Seminary Programs

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


GENERAL INFORMATIONSMRBC does not publish the exact name of each course required as they may change. The subjectmatter may appear in place of the specific name of the course text used. The Academic Catalog isnot published annually unless there have been major changes to it. There is an obligatory mandateto revise it at least once every four (4) years. The College will adopt grade point weights forgraduation instead of credit points in September 2005. The Undergraduate programs will also bemodified.


BACHELOR DEGREEEmphases:Canon LawChiropathyReligious Studies (Required for admission to Master of Divinity)Social Service MinistryTheocentric Counseling PsychotherapyTheology (Optional Requirement for admission to Master of Divinity)126.0 Academic Credits. Graduation Project - ThesisSt Mark-Romano Byzantine College offers one undergraduate degree program that consists ofrequired undergraduate core studies for all graduate or doctoral programs and an emphasis in thestudent’s chosen vocation. The Core must be completed before commencing the Emphasis. Sixtycredits are required in the Core and sixty-three in the Emphasis. Those who are interested inbecoming a priest or entering the religious life shall enroll in a Ministry Emphasis, e.g., ReligiousStudies or Theology.

CORE STUDIESCourse Title Credits Course Title CreditsIntroduction to Systematic Theology 3 Introduction to Dogmatic Theology 3Sacred Gift of Life-Orthodox Bioethics 3 Bioethics 3Theology: Image and Likeness of God 3 Mystical Theology of Eastern Church 3History: Church of Ancient Councils 3 Moral Theology: Freedom of Morality 3Intro to Orthodoxy: 455 Q&A 3 These Truths We Hold 3Office Management Course 3 Introduction to Philosophy 3Biblical Survey: Exodus & Leviticus 3 Biblical Survey: Acts of the Apostles 3Biblical Survey: Synoptic Gospels 3 Current Study Selection 3ISE: Comparative Philosophy 3 ISE: Christianity/Judaism Comparative 3ISE: Theology 3 Vocation Essay: Personal Call & Journey 3

CANON LAW EMPHASIS (“B.C.L.” or “J.C.B.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsDigest of Canon Law (RBS) 3 Way to Nicea 3Challenge of Our Past-Canon Law 3 Mystery of the Trinity 3Constitutional Law Survey 3 Ministry and Law 3Supreme Court & Church 3 Religious Law 3

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


Byzantine Legacy 3 Rome, Constantinople, Moscow 3Orthodox Study Bible: New Testament 3 Contemporary Moral Issues 3Ethics After Christendom 3 Current Ethics Selection 3Canon Law Study I 3 Canon Law Study II 3ISE: Comparative Canons/East & West 3 ISE: Mediation Research Study 3Practical: Preparation of Briefs 3 Graduation Project – Thesis 6

The JCB requires additional 15.0 credit points in Jurisprudence approved by the College,

CHIROPATHY EMPHASIS (“B.Ch.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsByzantine Legacy 3 Ethics After Christendom 3Contemporary Moral Issues 3 Health & Medicine in Eastern Tradition 3Biblical Herbs for Healing 3 Introduction to Herbology 3Guided Imagery-Visualization 3 Herbal Remedies I 3Herbal Remedies II 3 Survey: Nutritional Healing 3Natural Healing: Vitamins & Minerals 3 Natural Healing: Natural Supplementation 3Aromatherapy 3 Meridian Healing: Comparative Methods 3ISE: Biblical Survey Healing/Anointing 3 Meridian Healing: Hands/Feet Techniques 3Addictive Patterns Audio Course 3 Meditation as Medicine 3Prayer, Faith and Healing 3 Tai-Chi Stress Reduction Exercises-Video 3Wellness Promotion Course 3 Graduation Project – Thesis 6

RELIGIOUS STUDIES or THEOLOGY EMPHASES (“B.R.S. or “Th.B.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsWorld Religions Survey 3 Christianity: East and West Survey 3Formation of Christian Theology 3 St Gregory and Orthodox Spirituality 3Theology and the Church 3 History: Christian Church 1071-1453 3ISE: Non-Christian Religions Survey 3 Biblical Survey: Galatians-A Commentary 3Old & New Testament Introduction 3 Christian Education: Incarnate God 3Christian Education: Living God 3 Foundations for Christian Education 3Truth of Faith 3 From Darkness to Light: Early Christianity 3Way to Nicea 3 ISE: Christian Religion Survey 3The Orthodox Church (Ware) 3 Apostolic Fathers 3ISE: Discipline Research Study 3 Graduation Project – Thesis 6

Those preparing for a theological degree will complete ISE requirements in Theology alongwith a canonical examination.

SOCIAL MINISTRY EMPHASIS (“B.S.Min.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsStudies in Prison Ministry 3 World Religions Survey 3Orthodox Psychotherapy 3 Psychology of Freud 3Psychology of Jung 3 Current Psychotherapies 3Ethics After Christendom 3 Philosophy: Virtue Ethics 3Restoring Relationships 3 Hospital Visitations and Counsel 3

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


Sexual Harassment, Diversity, Gender 3 Structured Group Counseling for Women 3Relationships & Family Issues 3 Sexual Abuse & Working w/ Men’s Groups 3Positive Lifestyle Choices for Youth 3 Perplexed Society 3Current Sociology Requirement I 3 Current Sociology Requirement II 3ISE: Contemporary Social Concerns 3 Graduation Project – Thesis 6

THEOCENTRIC COUNSELING PSYCHOTHERAPY EMPHASIS (“Th.Psy.B.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsWorld Religions 3 Orthodox Psychotherapy 3Psychology of Freud 3 Psychology of Jung 3Current Psychotherapies 3 Philosophy: Virtue Ethics 3Restoring Relationships 3 Sexual Harassment, Diversity, Gender 3Positive Lifestyle Choices for Youth 3 Perplexed Society 3Orthodox Spirituality of St Gregory 3 Spiritual Counsels 3Prayer, Faith and Healing 3 Introduction to Psycho-nutrients 3Wellness Promotion Course 3 Family and Relationship Guidance 3Panic, Anxiety, Phobias & Recovery 3 ISE: Comparative Psychoanalysis Study 3Clinical Pastoral Counseling I 3 Graduation Project – Thesis 3

Ministry Emphasis Required for Admission to Master of Divinity (Seminary Students)MINISTRY EMPHASIS (“B.Min.”)

Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsChallenge of Our Past 3 Church of the Ancient Councils 3The Orthodox Church (Ware) 3 Dogmatic Theology 3Orthodox Psychotherapy 3 Pastoral Counseling I 3RBS Statutes & Digest of Canon Law 3 The Apostolic Fathers 3Orthodox Worship & Church 3 The Orthodox Faith (Hopko) 3The Byzantine Saint 3 Women and the Priesthood 3Orthodoxy in the Modern World 3 Orthodox Doctrines & Catechism 3Christian East & Rise of Papacy 3 Historical Road of Eastern Orthodoxy 3Divine Liturgy of St James & Worship 3 Biblical Survey: Epistles and Gospels 3ISE: Guidance and Counseling 3 Graduation Project – Thesis 6

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog



A student in any degree process may request the option to complete licentiate requirements inanother discipline in order to practice both after graduation. The licentiate would afford limitedservice in a second discipline. Should the student later decide to complete degree requirements inthis discipline all licentiate credit earned will be transferred if done within three (3) years. Thesecredit points will be deducted from the amount of credit required and experiential credit will also beawarded if the applicant has been involved in the practical application of the licentiate during thistime.

CANON LAW, CHIROPATHY, THEOCENTRIC COUNSELING, and THEOLOGY LICENTIATESTHEOCENTRIC HOLISTIC HEALING AND THEOCENTRIC COUNSELING PSYCHOTHERAPY21.0 Academic Credits plus 6.0 Licentiate Project Credits.Programs listed under this heading may also be taken independently of a degree program.Admission to any licentiate program related to a graduate or doctoral process requires the applicantto hold an undergraduate degree in the discipline or a recognized undergraduate in a similardiscipline. Those wishing to earn a licentiate as a specialty or to enhance an undergraduate degreemay apply for any of the programs listed under this heading. Licentiates may also be takenindependently of a degree program.

AROMA and HERBAL HEALING (“L.H.H.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsBiblical Medicine 3 Herbal Handbook 3Flower Essence Repertory 3 Hydrosols 3Bach Flower Remedies Handbook 3 CB Essential Oils & Aromatherapy 3Herbal PDR 3 Project 6

THEOCENTRIC YOUTH GUIDANCE LICENTIATE (“L.Y.G.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsISE: Biblical Research / Children 3 Vaccinations: Risks, Benefits, Alternatives 3Dealing with Conflict Anger 3 Combating Cult Mind Control 3ISE: Nutrition for Children 3 Power to Influence Audio 3Brain Builders 3 Licentiate Project 6

THEOCENTRIC FAMILY GUIDANCE LICENTIATE (“L.F.G.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsISE: Biblical Beatitudes 3 Orthodox Psychotherapy 3Marriage Counseling 3 Performance Zone 3The Whole Mind 3 Remedies for Seniors 3Family Counseling and Mediation 3 Licentiate Project 6

THEOCENTRIC CARE OF WOMEN (“L.C.W.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsISE Biblical Research 3 Women’s Wisdom 3Natural Prescriptions for Women 3 Energize Yourself With Chi Audio 3

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ISE: Women of Scripture 3 Working With Women’s Groups 3ISE: Abuse & Domestic Violence 3 Licentiate Project 6

Note on the following three Licentiates: These may be taken as a specialty, or they may be takenby members of the Commission on Religious Counseling and Healing who wish to be LicensedTheocentric Healers.

THEOCENTRIC HEALING LICENTIATE – HERBOLOGY (“L.T.H.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsTibetan Healing 3 Preparing Herbs for Remedies Video 3Indian Herbology of North America 3 Herbal Remedies for Healing and Health 3American Indian Healing Arts 3 Biblical Herbs for Healing 3Survey of Herbology 3 Licentiate Project 6

THEOCENTRIC HEALING LICENTIATE – TOUCH HEALING (“L.T.T.H.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsOne Degree Beyond: Healing Hands 3 Reflexology/Meridian Healing Video 3Essential Oils and Aromatherapy 3 Art of Reflex/Meridian Healing 3Ethics of Touch 3 Hand/Foot Reflex/Meridian Healing 3Therapeutic Touch Healing 3 Licentiate Project 6

Note on Theology Licentiate: This licentiate is required for the Doctor of Theology (see Doctor ofSacred Philosophy). It may also be taken independently from or in combination with any othersimilar degree program as a specialty or second major.

THEOLOGY LICENTIATE (“L.Th.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsEncyclopedia of Theological Terms 3 Sacred Theology 3ISE: Historical or Pastoral Theology 3 Dogmatic Theology 3Moral Theology 3 Mystical Theology 3Patristics of the Early Church Fathers 3 Licentiate Project 6

BIBLICAL MEDICINE LICENTIATE (“L.B.M.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsISE: Biblical Research in Healing 3 Biblical Medicine II 3Biblical Medicine I 3 Miracle Food Cures from Bible 3Herbs of the Bible 3 Biblical Medicine III 3pH Balancing 3 Licentiate Project 6

Students must also complete Prayer Therapy Requirement.

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog



Master of Canonical Jurisprudence ("J.C.M.")63.0 Academic Credits including the Graduation Project - ThesisUndergraduate degree in Canon or Sacred Law or equivalent required. If the core subjects were notcompleted in the undergraduate process they may be completed during the graduate process.

MASTER OF CANONICAL JURISPRUDENCE (“J.C.M.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsCritical Analysis of the Rudder 3 ISE: Common Law Survey 3Code of Statutes and Laws 3 Canonical Procedures 3Court Observation & Essay 3 Church/Federal Issues 3Wills, Trusts, Corporations 3 Religious & Supreme Court Issues 3Ministry & American Legal System 3 Comparative Canon Law Survey 3Particular Canon Law Project 3 Constitutional Law 3Canonical Ethics 3 ISE: Current Church/State Issues 3ISE: Biblical & Sacred Law 3 ISE: Dogmatic Theology Survey 3ISE: Moral Theology Research 3 Pastor, Church & Law 3ISE: Ethics Project 3 Graduation Project – Thesis 6


Master of Divinity (“M.Div.”)78.0 Academic Credits including Graduation Project.This program has two tracks: One is designed for those who wish to prepare for the priesthood inthe Orthodox Catholic Church, or other); and One designed for those who wish to specialize inTheocentric Psychotherapy or for the Doctor of Chiropathy. The Theocentric Psychotherapyprocess also requires a licentiate study in the process. The liturgical studies that are part of theseminary program requires minimal attendance at an approved site requiring about ten days of in-house training in liturgy and liturgical rubrics in addition to the required studies, unless exempt fromthe requirement in writing. Studies marked with an asterisk are not required of those studyingtheocentric psychotherapy. The licentiate selection replaces these studies.

Course Title Credits Course Title Credits* Liturgical Practicum 3 * Syro-Russian Divine Liturgy and Worship 3* Paraliturgical Services 3 * Liturgical Theology 3 Holy Angels in Old & New Testament 3 *Orthodox Companion 3Orthodox Psychotherapy 3 Orthodox Dogmatic Theology 3Clinical Pastoral Counseling II 3 ISE: Theological Studies 3Biblical Interpretation of Pentateuch 3 Biblical Survey: Gospels and Acts 3Doctrine of Salvation 3 Pastor, Church, and Law 3Orthodox Apology for New Millennium 3 ISE: Spirituality Study 3Spirituality: Tenets of Orthodoxy 3 ISE: Pastoral Counseling & Ethics 3ISE: Spiritual Guidance 3 Counsels from the Holy Mountain 3Modern Russian Theology 3 *Holy Week Services 3

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Mysteries of Church & Great Schism 3 Church History & Ecumenical Councils 3Graduation Project – Thesis 6

Master of Religious Education57.0 Academic Credits including Graduation Project.Prerequisite Graduate Program for the Doctor of Theocentric Counseling Psychotherapy and Doctorof Ministry degrees. The Master of Religious Education has two Emphases: General ComparativeReligion and Orthodox Christian Studies, which can be taken by seminary students and studentsinvolved in the healing ministry of the Church. The student may select the program that is of interest.A recognized undergraduate degree is required for admission. Both programs offer a certain amountof study in comparative religion.Comparative Religion Emphasis

Master of Religious Education (“M.R.Ed.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsISE: Eastern Non-Christian Religions 3 ISE: Cults & New Age Religions 3World Religions 3 Roman Catholic Catechism 3Jewish Religion 3 History of Mysticism 3Judaism & Human Rights 3 Seven Ecumenical Councils 3The Pearl: Orthodoxy 3 ISE Survey of Protestantism 3ISE Survey of Non Christian Religions 3 History of the Church: Eusebius 3ISE: Liturgy: Comparative Study 3 Patristic Studies 3Roman and Orthodox Catholicism 3 Non-Christian Religions 3The Orthodox Christian Church 3 Graduation Project – Thesis 6

Orthodox Christian Studies Emphasis“Church of the Ancient Councils” course must have been completed or must be completed in thisprocess.

Master of Religious Education (“M.R.Ed.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsISE: Non-Christian Eastern Religions 3 ISE: The Jewish Religion 3Orthodox Dogmatic Theology 3 ISE: Cults & New Age Religions 3World Religions 3 The Orthodox Church 3History of the Church: Eusebius 3 ISE: Survey of Protestantism 3ISE: Survey of Non-Christian Religions 3 The Seven Ecumenical Councils 3Survey of Great Schism 3 The Challenge of Our Past 3ISE: Education Research Study 3 The Faith: An Orthodox Catechism 3Patristic Studies 3 ISE: Education Research Study 3Orthodox Iconography Requirement 3 Graduation Project – Thesis 6


Master of Theology (“Th.M.”)57.0 Academic Credits plus Graduation Thesis. Emphasis Required.This program allows for the completion of an emphasis or concentration as chosen by the student.The emphasis is added to the degree title and completed through Independent Study Electives.

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsOrthodox Dogmatic Theology 3 Dictionary of Biblical Theology 3Shape of Practical Theology 3 Unapologetic Apologetics 3These Truths We Hold 3 History of the Church 3ISE: Emphasis Research Studies 12 Systematic Theology 3Moral Theology Selection 3 Biblical Survey: O & N Testaments 3ISE: Gospel Interpretation 3 Patristics 3ISE: Theological Survey 3 Orthodox Theology 3Graduation Project – Thesis 6

Degree Emphases: Biblical, Dogmatic, Historical, Liturgical, Moral, Pastoral, Sacred, or Systematic.

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog



Doctor of Canonical Jurisprudence (“JCD")69.0 Academic Credits including the Graduation Project – Dissertation and Oral Defense.Those who transfer and have not completed foundation courses listed in the graduate program maybe required to complete them during the doctoral studies.

DOCTOR OF CANONICAL JURISPRUDENCE (“J.C.D.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsEthics & Legal Judgment 3 The Supreme Court & Religious Issues 3Church Copyright Regulations 3 ISE: Interpretation of Divine Law 3Legal Issues: Parochial Institutions 3 Tax Regulations for Churches 3ISE: Analysis of Constitutional Law 3 Ecumenical Councils 3Orthodox Psychotherapy 3 Current Psychotherapies 3Church Financial Management 3 ISE: Old Testament Laws 3American Scripture 3 ISE: New Testament Laws 3Early Christian Heresies 3 Right To Privacy 3Orthodox Church History 3 Faith of the Early Fathers 3ISE: Theology Research Project 3 ISE: Counseling & Ethics Project 3Graduation Project – Oral Defense 3 Graduation Project – Dissertation 6


Doctor of Chiropathy (“D.Ch.”)78.0 Academic Credits including the Graduation Project – Dissertation.A graduate degree is not required for admission to this doctorate program. However, 21.0 graduatespecialization credits must be completed before or during this program that are considered bridgecourses and prepare the student for specialization later in the practice of Theocentric Healing(Chiropathy). Power of Prayer Audio (060) must have been completed or taken with this program.

Course Number & Title Credits Course Number & Title CreditsEssential Oils & Aromatherapy 3 Psychotropic Herbs 3Ethics & Pastoral Theology 3 PDR Herbal Medicines 3PDR Nutritional Supplements 3 Reflex/Meridian Healing Video 3Complete Holistic Medicine Guide 3 Lifestyle Guidance & Education 3ISE: Biblical Survey in Healing 3 Therapeutic Touch / Healing 3ISE: Anointing in Scripture 3 Nutritional Supplementation 3ISE: Internal Cleansing 3 Chinese Secrets Health/ Longevity 3ISE: Theology of Healing 3 ISE: Comparative Herbology 3Herbology: Tyler’s Herbal 3 Natural Pharmacy 3ISE: Meditation & Works of Mercy 3 Healing With Pressure Point Therapy 3Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine 3 Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, and Enzymes 3ISE: Philosophy and Ethics 3 Christian Counseling Ethics 3Graduation Project – Dissertation 6

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


Doctor of Ministry63.0 Academic Credits plus Dissertation.Admission to the Doctor of Ministry process requires a graduate degree in theology or ministry andthe completion of Clinical Pastoral Counseling I, Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, and Church of theAncient Councils. Clinical Pastoral Counseling I, Orthodox Psychotherapy, Challenge of Our Past,and Eusebius’ History of the Church must have been completed before admission.

DOCTOR OF MINISTRY (“D.Min.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsClinical Theology 3 Clinical Pastoral Counseling II 3Marriage Counseling 3 ISE: Old/New Testament Ministry Survey 3The Orthodox Faith 3 ISE: Ethics in Ministry 3Survey of Seven Ecumenical Councils 3 Between Christ and Caesar 3Ethics in the Sanctuary 3 Pastor, Church & Law 3Christian Counseling Ethics 3 Power of Prayer Audio 3Power to Influence Audio 3 Confident Decision Making 3ISE: Biblical Ministry 3 Ministry & American Legal System 3Ministry in Society and Religion 3 The History of the Church 3Graduation Project – Oral Defense 3 Graduation Project – Dissertation 6

Doctor of Sacred Philosophy (“D.S.Ph.”)66.0 Academic Credits including Graduation Project.Admission to this program requires that the applicant hold a recognized graduate degree inPhilosophy, Counseling, Theology, Patristics, Scripture, or Divinity. It has two options for anEmphasis: Patristics and Spirituality or Scripture and Theology. Doctor of Theology (“Th.D.”)candidates will complete the core studies in the Scripture and Theology Emphasis and the LicentiateStudies in Theology (see Licentiates).

PATRISTICS & SPIRITUALITY EMPHASISCourse Title Credits Course Title CreditsPatristics: Early Church Writers 3 Patristics: Ss Basil, Gregory, John 3Survey of Christian Patristics 3 ISE: Eastern Church Writers 3ISE: Comparative Study in Patristics 3 Orthodox Spirituality 3Spirituality and Healing 3 Biblical Survey of Psalms 3Biblical Survey of Gospels 3 Writings of the Nicene Fathers 3Writings of Ss Augustine and Benedict 3 ISE: Spirituality Study 3Syro-Russian Monastic Typicon 3 Patristics: Greek and Russian 3Original Self (Moore) 3 Healing Grief 3Learn to Meditate 3 Prayer and Healing Audio 3ISE: Patristics and Spirituality Study 3 Contemporary Spirituality 3Graduation Project – Dissertation 6

SCRIPTURE & THEOLOGY EMPHASISCourse Title Credits Course Title CreditsBiblical Survey: Pentateuch 3 Biblical Survey: Gospels 3

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Leviticus and Acts of the Apostles 3 ISE: Decalogue & Corporal Works Mercy 3Dogmatic Theology 3 Systematic Theology 3Moral Theology and Moral Issues 3 Orthodox Dogmatic Theology 3Isaiah Through The Ages 3 Bible in Greek Christian Antiquity 3Mystery of the Trinity 3 Theology: The Inner Kingdom 3Man and Cosmos (St Maximus) 3 Message of the Bible 3The Psalter and The Holy Fathers 3 Galatians: A Commentary 3Old & New Testament Introduction I 3 Old & New Testament Introduction II 3Practical Theology 3 Patristics: Early Church Fathers 3Graduation Project – Dissertation 6

A Doctor of Sacred Philosophy emphasis is available in Theocentric Holistic Healing. Pleasewrite to the College for information on this.

DOCTOR OF THEOCENTRIC PSYCHOTHERAPY (“Th.Psy.D.”)78.0 Academic Credits including the Graduation Project - Dissertation.Psychotherapy is an intricate process of interaction between two or more complex personalities. Theclient seeks the assistance of the professional establishing a positive and trusting relationship withone another. Theocentric Psychotherapy is a healing process centered on God and positivespirituality. Through this process the theocentric psychotherapist helps a client learn about the “self”that perhaps has been unconsciously and unsuspectingly concealed, primarily from his/herself. Italso brings the client into a closer relationship with faith and God. Students wishing to engage incounseling without use of hands-on therapy are encouraged to consider this degree option. Arecognized graduate degree in Counseling, Divinity, or Theology is required for admission to thisprogram, or an equivalent or a related Licentiate. Also, Clinical Pastoral Counseling (I & II) musthave been completed or added to the following. Theocentric or Religious Psychotherapy is agrowing vocation today requiring sincerely dedicated and compassionate counseling practitioners ofgood faith and spirituality. Those who do not meet all the prerequisites, or who hold graduate degreesin other disciplines, may complete licentiate requirements to be admitted to the doctoral process.

DOCTOR OF THEOCENTRIC PSYCHOTHERAPY (“Th.Psy.D.”)Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsCombating Cult Mind Control 3 Urban Ministry 3ISE: Practical Theology 3 Care for the Soul 3Christian Counseling Ethics 3 Psychotropic Herbs 3ISE: Psychotherapy 3 Marriage Counseling 3Modern Psychotherapies 3 ISE: Ethics in Counseling 3ISE: Dealing with Conflict Anger 3 The Whole Mind 3Stress Resolution Course 3 Magical Mind/Magical Body Audio 3ISE: Power to Influence 3 Mindfulness Meditation Audio 3ISE: Dream Interpretation 3 Mystical Theology & Mysticism 3Soul After Death 3 ISE: Comparative Psychoanalysis 3Psycho-nutrient Supplementation 3 Breathing: Key Self Healing Audio 3Prayer: Language of the Soul 3 ISE: Prayer for Healing the Mind 3Graduation Project 6

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog



Doctorate in Social Ministry78.0 Academic Credits including Graduation Project – Dissertation.Applicants must possess a graduate degree in Religion, Theology, Divinity, Canon Law, or otherrelated discipline, or must complete two licentiate programs related to the discipline. There is anemphasis available to those interested in Social Service Ministry in Theocentric Holistic Healing.Those who wish to enter the Healing Concentration must have an undergraduate degree andlicentiate in Chiropathy. Students are required to complete two licentiate programs approved for thisdegree program and are exempt from certain requirements below.

Course Title Credits Course Title CreditsGangs and Youth Subcultures 3 Urban Ministry 3Conscious Evolution 3 ISE: Contemporary Social Issues 3Science of Self Confidence 3 Equality in Liberty & Justice 3Critique of Legal Order 3 Property Rights 3Fundamentals of Social Law 3 Introduction to Philosophical Works 3ISE: Sociology of Law 3 Psychology of Social Movements 3Natural Law: Legal Philosophy 3 Supreme Court and The Constitution 3ISE: Ethnicity and Minorities 3 Crisis in Sociology 3ISE: Anthropology Study 3 Philosophy of Ethics 3Critical & Cultural Theory 3 ISE: Perplexed Society 3ISE: Dysfunctional Families 3 ISE: Domestic Violence 3Group Therapy Course 3 ISE: Church and Social Assistance 3Graduation Project 6

St Mark-Romano Byzantine College 2005 Catalog


INDIVIDUAL COURSES AND CERTIFICATE PROGRAMSRomano Byzantine College offers individual courses and certificate programs to those who simplywant to enhance their knowledge in a certain area. These courses can be taken for credit or takenwithout credit. Please contact the Administration and Admissions Center for additional information;or fax your request to (218) 624-0240.

ADMINISTRATION & FACULTYSynod of Bishops (Syro-Russian)Dr Basil Gikas, Ph.D., Dean of EducationVery Reverend Harold Hammond, M.Div., Administrative RectorReverend Dr Eric Demetrios Wruck, D.C., ThB., Chief AdvisorRight Reverend Archimandrite Timothy Kjera JCB, M.Div., Chancellor

Faculty Counselors & ExaminersMost Rev Bishop George Religion, SpiritualityRight Rev Bishop Joseph Canon Law, Philosophy, ReligionMost Rev Archbishop Stephen Canon Law, Liturgics, MinistryMr Hampton Bumgarner Psycho-Spiritual Counseling, SpiritualityDr Brian Wesley Biblical Medicine, pH Balancing, Judaic TraditionsRev Fr George Gonzalez Canon Law, Roman Catholic DoctrinesDr Audrey Daniel Chiropathy and Related TherapiesSr Irene Koch Pastoral Counseling, OmbudsmanDr Jana Green OmbudsmanRight Rev Fr Timothy Kjera Canon Law, Liturgics, Orthodox Catholic Doctrines, MinistryDr Mary Leason HerbologyRev Fr Patrick Lemming Biblical Studies, Canon Law, Pastoral CounselingDr William Meeks Chiropathy, Judaic StudiesRev Fr Mark Mwaga General Seminary StudiesDr Peter Smyth Theocentric Counseling PsychotherapyRev Dr Demetrios E Wruck Healing and WellnessDr Sharel Zacharias Nutrition, Theocentric Counseling PsychotherapyRev Fr Paul Jensen ExaminerRev Fr Haralambos Winger Examiner

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