st. marguerite bourgeoys catholic school · grade 1 & 2 class report writing on canada’s...

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2017 - 2018 is THE YEAR OF THE SCHOOL

Principal Message

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Love is our guiding virtue for the month of February. Our student

population demonstrates this virtue on a daily basis. The friendly smiles,

kind gestures and willingness to help others is seen in each classroom

and extended during outside play. We need to reflect on the love that we

receive and extend to others, the virtue of love can be inspirational.

Through our actions we will continue to display love to everyone we

encounter and plan activities that will develop our students’ awareness

and empathy for others.

Students will be receiving their Term 1 report cards this month so please

read through this document with your child and acknowledge the

successes that he/she has achieved. Our student population has remained

focused on their studies and personal spiritual growth. I have viewed

many exceptional pieces of work across the grades that clearly

demonstrate the students’ level of understanding of concepts taught in

class. Thank you for your continued investment in your child’s

development and progress.

As part of our math initiatives this school year, we will be engaging in an

inquiry based learning approach as part of our math program. As a

family take a moment to discuss where math is used in your daily

routines, for example, telling the time using a digital or analog clock.

After this you can talk about possible questions that they would like

answered about their world that would involve using math problem

solving skills (i.e. How much time would it take to travel to a destination

on foot, by car or the public transportation system? What is the

percentage of time your child spends studying vs. relaxing?).

God Bless,

S. Scott

Principal A Prayer for Love

O my God, I love You above all things,

With my whole heart and soul,

Because You are all good and worthy of all my love.

Through your example, I love my neighbor as myself.

I forgive all who have injured me and

I ask pardon of all whom I have injured.

For this I pray to the Lord.


St. Marguerite Bourgeoys CATHOLIC SCHOOL

75 Alexmuir Boulevard, Scarborough Ontario M1V 1H6

Telephone: 416-393-5381 Fax: 416-393-5606

Mrs. Susan Scott


Mr. Kevin Malcolm 416-222-8282 ext. 2263 SUPERINTENDENT

Mr. Garry Tanuan 416-222-8282 ext. 3408 TRUSTEE

Prince of Peace

265 Alton Towers Circle Scarborough Ontario M1V 4E7


Ms. Sharon Gonsalves




100 9:00 am–3:30 pm Lunch 11:45 -12:45



Apply online:

Call 416-393-5381 or the TCDSB Admissions Department at 416-222-8282, ext. 5320.

For general information about the Toronto Catholic District School Board, visit

Stay in touch with the latest news throughout the school year: Follow @TCDSB on Twitter or Toronto Catholic DSB on Instagram

February 2018

2017 - 2018 is THE YEAR OF THE SCHOOL

SCHOOL CASH ONLINE: Only a few families have registered on the “School Cash Online” site. We are

asking parents to register their son or daughter on this portal so that we can start

to request payments for upcoming school events (i.e. field trips). This method of

payment is intended to be convenient for parents and will decrease the amount of

cash being sent to school. Please take a moment to sign up by using this link: and follow the prompts on the screen.

Detailed instructions can be found on the last page of this month’s newsletter.

REMINDER - KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER 2018: We continue to have new kindergarten students registering at St. Marguerite

Bourgeoys Catholic School. An evening registration session has been

scheduled for Wednesday February 21st, 2018 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Parents can complete the application online and set an appointment time for

this evening if they are unable to come during the school day hours. We are

excited to be welcoming new families into our school community.

PARENT SURVEYS FOR BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS Thank you to the families that have already expressed an interest for a Before and After School Program at St.

Marguerite Bourgeoys. If you are interested in this type of program, the due date for the survey completion is

Friday February 16th.

2017 - 2018 is THE YEAR OF THE SCHOOL

A Glimpse of Student Work at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys




2017 - 2018 is THE YEAR OF THE SCHOOL





On Wednesday, January 17th, 2018, I woke up at 6:08 am. I didn’t feel fresh, but I was

happy because I was going tubing. Aaron, my dad and I went to school. I wanted to go

because I wanted to have fun. We went on the bus and picked up St. Rene Goupil. When

we arrived and I went tubing for the first time, I put my face in my jacket and held my

breath until the bottom of the hill. Then I went nine more times. After, I went tubing with

Ms. Knox and did the same thing I did the first time. Then we went to the main chalet and

went back to school. At school, my dad picked me up. I liked the trip and I want to go again!

RECOUNT - SKI TRIP - BY: JENNIFER (GRADE 4) On Wednesday, January 18th, 2018, the students from Grade 3 to Grade 8 went on a skiing trip

to Snow Valley, which is located in Barrie. We went to Snow Valley because it was nice to

learn how to ski and have fun. At 6:45 am, I went to school because the bus was leaving at 7:00

am. I was all my friends, along with the teachers, Mr. LaFace, Ms. Knox and Ms. DeSouza. At

7:00 am, Mr. Minchella did a quick check for attendance. Afterwards, we all got on the bus. Ava

and Khryss sat beside me. A short time later, we had to pick up student from St. Rene Goupil.

After two hours, we arrived at Snow Valley. An employee said we needed to know the rules for

skiing first: 1. You only get one lift ticket. 2. Don’t lose your ski equipment. 3. Follow the teachers, and 4.

Have fun!

2017 - 2018 is THE YEAR OF THE SCHOOL

After getting off the bus, we went to get our ski equipment. First, we got our boots for skiing, then we got our

helmet. After, we got our skis and poles. A short time later, we went outside and put on our skis. Then, we went

to ‘Snow School’, a place where you learn to ski. I started at Level 1. In Level 1, you learn to jump and drag

your skis. Level 1 was very easy!! In Level 2, they teach you how to stop after going down hills. I had to go

twice, but I finally passed Level 2 and went onto Level 3. In Level 3, they teach you how to turn and stop. It

was a little harder than Level 2, but I got the hang of it.

After all of the skiing, I was hungry and cold!! So, I took off all of my skiing equipment and put it on the wall

close to the ticket booth. Then I went inside the chalet. Once I got there, I brought my $10.00 and asked for

some famous fries with gravy and a can of “Crush”. It tasted delicious! Once I was finished my lunch, I went

back outside to do some more skiing. After finishing Level 3, I went to Level 4. I was overjoyed to go to Level

4 because I had stayed on Level 3 for so long! Level 4 was similar to Level 3, but there were bigger turns like

an ‘S’. I finished Level 4 in two attempts! When I went to Level 5, I was scared because you had to go down a

very steep hill and do big turns!! Once I went, I fell twice! A Snow Valley employee helped me up. I didn’t

want to continue in Level 5, so I went down big and small hills until 4:00 pm. That was the time we had to leave

Snow Valley to go back to school. I was sad to go because skiing is now a skill for me and I want to practice it

more often. We all went on the bus to go to school. Once we arrived, my mom picked up Khryss and I. I really

hope I can go to Snow Valley again on a school trip!!



2017 - 2018 is THE YEAR OF THE SCHOOL



2017 - 2018 is THE YEAR OF THE SCHOOL


In December, Mrs. Cassar’s students - Spencer, Jacky, Christian, Gaayathri

and Daniel - were selling Christmas baggies at lunch time at the gym door

for 1$ each. In the baggies were a candy cane, pencil and an eraser. We

wanted to raise money to help buy goats for poor women in India.

On the first day of selling the baggies, they were sold out very fast. A parent

even gave a $5 donation to us. The people bought the baggies for gifts for their

friends or for themselves. A few teachers came and bought a lot of baggies.

After every sale of 50 baggies, there was a restock. We started selling the

baggies on December 2nd and ended just before the Christmas holidays. In

total, we raised $210 and bought 4 goats. Thank you to everyone who bought a

baggie and who helped make this possible.

"BUY A GOAT CAMPAIGN" – BY: JACKY During the month of December, Mrs. Cassar’s students decided to sell Christmas

baggies. We wanted to raise money to buy a goat for woman in India. The cost was

$1 each. Every bag contained one Christmas pencil, one eraser and one candy cane.

We started selling on Thursday December 7th, 2017. The baggies were very popular.

Teachers and students bought them as gifts for their friends. We sold them for two weeks

until Friday, December 15th, and raised about $200.

The classmates I worked with were Daniel, Christian and Spencer. When people were away,

Mandy, Marissa, and Gaayathri helped with selling these baggies. “Thank you to the students

who bought these baggies, and thank you for those who are selling these baggies.”


During the month of December, we did a fundraising event to buy a goat for a woman in India.

We had to raise $50 per goat. We sold 25 or 50 baggies every day with my classmates. The

people that worked with me were Jacky, Christian, Daniel and Gaayathri. We had put pencils,

erasers, and candy canes in a baggie and sold them for $1, which allowed us to raise $200.

etc.) is to listen to the person we care about

describe a problem, and RESIST the impulse to

jump in and solve the problem for them. Our

nature, is to fix – solve and move on. In fact,

one of the most powerful things in a

relationship is to listen, without judgement, and

to just be with the other person. Colier writes

“Really, we just want our experience to be

heard, listened to, understood, and cared about.

We want someone to know how it is for us in

this moment, in this life, and to keep us

company in our experience—exactly as it

is. What we want is for our experience to get to

just be, without having to change into

something else.” Essentially we can only feel

loved to the degree we fell listened to. For

parents and educators, the take away message

is that listening to our children is very

important. But this is hard to do when we feel

the impulse to “jump in” and fix things or

correct things.

The Month of February is often celebrated

with a focus on Love and Valentines. At the

heart of Love is communication,

communication of emotions, and

communication of feelings. But,

communication can be tricky for some. Often

we talk more than we listen! My wise aunt

always used to say “God gave you two ears

and one mouth for a reason”! There is much

wisdom in that advice. Listening, when done

well can not only help the love portion of our

relationships, but all aspects of relationships.

Sometimes we may feel that “just” listening

is passive and not really helpful. Deep and

present listening is often more helpful than

any well-intentioned advice could ever be.

In an article published in Psychology Today,

Nancy Colier LCSW, Rev. reminds us that

one of the most difficult things to do in a

relationship (parent – child, spouse, friends

Student Mental Health and Well-Being


Love and the ACTIVE Role of Listening

February, 2018

TCDSB Mental Health Services provided by Psychology, Social Work, and Guidance personnel

We’re pleased to send you the February edition of the Student Mental Health and Well-Being Newsletter. Please feel free to share and pass it along.


February, 2018

Fostering The Family:

The TCDSB Pastoral Plan 2015-18 “Together with one

Voice: Harmonizing Our Faith Through Family, Parish, and School” 2018 focuses on the


Family, Parish and School – Unity in Diversity…

Though it is our goal to highlight in depth each community of faith from the educational “village” of family, parish and school every year, it is imperative for us to remember that each of these communities is not simply a discordant or isolated entity; instead, each with the richness of its diversity adds greatness to the harmony of God’s music of love. In other words, the unity of the whole (family, parish and school) does not and should not undermine the uniqueness of the individual. This relationship of unity in diversity reflects St. Paul’s notion of many parts, one body (1 Cor. 12:12-26). This present pastoral plan challenges us as a Board to continue to encourage this ‘symphony’ and build a harmony with ‘ONE VOICE’ in order to develop, celebrate and nurture the wholeness of the human person in our beautiful but sometimes discordant world

With the celebration of St. Valentine’s Day on February 14th, the Month of February is often associated with LOVE. Our Catholic Faith is anchored in Love. God is “love”.

St. Paul reminds us ….

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Mental Health Initiatives 2017-2018

Support for schools in developing a Mentally Healthy Classroom. A 30 min presentation available to your school by Social Work or Psych. More Info on the Ministry’s website and

Building partnerships with community agencies, families, and parishes. safe TALK suicide awareness workshops for staff available via PAL under Special Services

Look for Mental Health Offerings on the Secondary PD day on Feb. 16, 2018

Although fixing and correcting, and guiding are

important too, listening allows our children to “hear”

us. Make sure to find time to listen, to still our minds (

and mouths ) so that we can be with them and their

experience. Listening is one of the most profound and

powerful things we can bring to our relationships. (Blog “Inviting a Monkey to

Tea”) Tea”, N. Colier)


February, 2018

Patricia Marra-Stapleton, Psychological Associate/Mental Health Leader

February is “Psychology Month” PSYCHOLOGY IS FOR



February 22, 2018, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Catholic Education Centre, 3rd Floor, 80 Sheppard Avenue East

This practical workshop addresses strategies supporting the physical, social,

cognitive, emotional, and spiritual components of well-being. It will include

positive psychology and cognitive behavior techniques, as well as

mindfulness and relaxation techniques that help manage stress, build resiliency

and support good mental health. Participants will walk away with

strategies that can be used both at home and in the classroom.

Presenters: Rita Alekian, Dr. Marie-Josee Gendron, Grace Labao-Martins (TCDSB

Psychology Department)

Registration is free –Spaces are limited -Please register at

Suggested Readings: Books: “ The Power of Off: The Mindful Way to Stay Sane in a Virtual World “ Nancy Colier, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Interfaith Minister.

“ The Art of Stillness: Adventures In Going Nowhere” , Pico Iyer

Articles : Active Listening and the Art of Empathic Conversation “

A Laugh a day:

Monthly Update from the Board  

February 2018 

Registration for Kindergarten, French Immersion, Extended French and Night School as well as eClass continues during February. Visit the Board’s website for information

Director’s Annual Report 2016-2017 Check out some of the highlights of the past school year in the newly published edition of the Director’s Annual Report.

Audited Financial Statements 2016-2017 The audited financial statements for the past school year are available online:

February is… African Canadian Heritage Month

Psychology Month

National Inclusive Education Month Learn more about the TCDSB’s Catholic Equity and Inclusive Education Policy:

TCDSB Energy Conservation Month: 4 Days - 4 Themes - One Month: Join the TCDSB each Friday in February to save on energy:

o National Sweater Day - February 2, 2018 o Flip the Switch Friday – February 9, 2018 o Phantom Friday - February 16, 2018 o Energy Education Day - Friday, February 23, 2018

Winter Walk Day 2018 Winter Walk Day will be taking place this year on Wednesday, February 7, 2018. Winter Walk Day is an opportunity for all of us—students, staff, families—to focus on improved health and well-being, active lifestyles and building safer communities for everyone. Click here to register or for more information.

Province Announces Funding for New Childcare Spaces In December 2017, the Province of Ontario announced funding for the expansion of childcare programs with the addition of more than 400 childcare rooms in approximately 200 schools across the province. TCDSB will see an additional 14 childcare centres in its schools across the city including: Father Serra, Blessed Pope Paul VI, Pope Francis, Santa Maria, St. Andre, St. Barnabas, St. Bernard, St. Dominic Savio, St. Edmund Campion, St. Gerald, St. Jean de Brebeuf, St. Jude, St. Kevin and St. Nicholas of Bari.

Angel Foundation For Learning Some of our dearest friendships are rooted in our childhood years from discovering the world and new experiences together. Through our School Allocations Program the The Angel Foundation for Learning attempts to make sure that ALL students are able to participate in school trips to build friendships, spark their imaginations, and create memories. Support us in this work by participating in our Cents Off, coming out to play at our events or donating directly.

Opportunities/Information for Students Toronto Star and Toronto Public Library Annual Short Story Contest

The 2018 Short Story Contest is open to anyone 16 years of age or older who lives in Ontario. The annual contest is co-sponsored by the Toronto Public Library and the Humber School for Writers. Entrants can write on any topic they want. Stories must be original, previously unpublished and no longer than 2,500 words. Entries are limited to one per person. There is no fee to enter the contest. All submissions must be received by 5 p.m., Wednesday, February 28, 2018. Details:

18th Chinese Arts and Literary Contest for Youth (CALCY)

Open to all Ontario students from junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 Recital, Choral Speaking, Parent-Child recital, Solo Singing, Story Telling, Calligraphy, General Knowledge Quiz Download a registration form from the 18th Chinese Arts and Literary Contest for Youth website and mail to: CALCY, Box 107, A14-4261 Hwy 7 East, Unionville, Ontario L3R 9W6 Inquiry and Downloads Registration Deadline February 23, 2018

Information about Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries

Ontario Making OSAP Application Process Easier for Students Ontario is making it easier for students receiving OSAP to plan, budget and pay for their college or university education. For the first time, students applying to college or university who have applied for OSAP can now go online to see the estimated tuition costs for each of the programs they have applied to and the estimated amount that will be covered by OSAP.

For other opportunities for students including community service hours, employment, training and contests, see

TCDSB Awards Night is May 7, 2018 Nominate a student or staff member for our annual awards.  Deadline for each award: Third Friday in February.

Sister Mary Hamilton Award for Exceptional Students Ashif Jaffer Award for Excellence in Special Education Support The Father Andrew Cuschieri Award

February’s Virtue is Love Please visit our website for the monthly resources connected to the virtue of the month.

Other Event Notices: ShareLife Week March 18-24, 2018

Board Wide ShareLife Civvies Day is Friday, March 23, 2018 The money raised through the annual ShareLife campaign supports Catholic charities in Toronto, across Canada and overseas. Many of these charities are very familiar to TCDSB students, staff and families, including Covenant House, Rosalie Hall, Providence Healthcare, the Office of Refugees and the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace. More information about ShareLife and the agencies it support can be found here:

Lift Jesus Higher Rally March 3, 2018

February 2: World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life February 13: Shrove Tuesday February 14: St. Valentine’s Day February 14: Ash Wednesday; Lent Begins

February 16: Lunar New Year February 16: Board-wide PA Day February 19: Family Day

Winter Weather Has Arrived Don’t miss out on information relating to cancellations or delays in school bus service. Sign up to receive alerts through the TSTG parent portal or follow @TCDSB on Twitter for the latest updates.

Never Miss Out on Important Information Visit for regular updates. Follow @TCDSB on Twitter. Subscribe to E-news, and receive news and information sent right to your email.  

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2


4 5 6 7

Patty Day

8 Skating

9 10

11 12 13


Hot Lunch Day

Parent / Teacher

Interviews (5:30—8)



Pizza Day


Parent / Teacher

Interviews (5:30—8)


P.A. Day


18 19 No School

20 21

Patty Day

Rosary Visitors

Kinder Evening

Registration 6-8 p.m.

22 Skating



25 26

CSPC Meeting


27 28

Pizza Day


Virtue of the Month


Quote of the month For God so loved the world, He gave it His only Son.

John 3:16


Grade 7 / 8 Lake St. George

Monday February 12th (9:00 a.m. departure from school) to Thursday February 15th (3:00 p.m. arrival at school)


Copyright © 1996 - 2016 KEV Group School Cash Online – Parent Registration

For safety and efficiency reasons, the Toronto Catholic District School Board would like to reduce the amount of cash & checks coming into our school. Please join the thousands of parents who have already registered and are enjoying the convenience of paying ONLINE! It takes less than 5 minutes to register. Please follow these step-by-step instructions, so you will begin to receive email notifications regarding upcoming events involving your child(ren). NOTE: If you require assistance, select the SUPPORT option in the top right hand corner of the screen. Step 1: Register a) If you have not registered, please go to the School Cash Online

home page and select the “Get Started Today” option.

There is a period in between the words district and school There is a period in between the words online and com b) Complete each of the Registration Steps (the steps include: parent personal information, and creating password

and security question) *For Security Reasons your password, requires 8 characters, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and a number.

Step 2: Confirmation Email A registration confirmation email will be forwarded to you. Click on the link provided inside the email to confirm your email and School Cash Online account. The confirmation link will open the School Cash Online site prompting you to sign into your account. Use your email address and password just created with your account. Step 3: Find Student This step will connect your children to your account.  a) Enter the School Board Name – Toronto Catholic District School Board b) Enter the School Name – St. Marguerite Bourgeoys c) It will ask for your Child’s Student Number – if you don’t have the student

number, tick the box that indicates that you do not have the number. d) Enter Your Child’s First Name, Last Name and Birth Date. e) Select Continue. f) On the next page confirm that you are related to the child, check in

the Agree box and select Continue. g) Your child has been added to your account.

Step 4: View Items or Add Another Student If you have more children, select “Add Another Student” and repeat the steps above. 8 children can be added to one parent account. If you do not wish to add additional children, select “View Items For Students” option. A listing of available items for purchase will be displayed. 

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