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Rectory: 1306 23RD St., P.O. Box 406, Auburn, NE 68305-0406 604 61h St. Peru, NE 68421

www Rev. Greg Pawloski Phone (402) 274-3733 (cell) 402-274-9777

Kris Sarver Rei. Ed. Coordinator office: 274-4502

March 25,2012 Fifth Sunday of Lent


"We want to see Jesus -to see God." Philip, with Andrew, goes to Jesus. Jesus is guided by how his being lifted up on the saving cross will glorify the Father. His willing struggle for obedience to the Father plants the new covenant in our hearts. His cross becomes the source of eternal salvation. Seeing Jesus we approach the Father. By the power of the Holy Spirit we are drawn through Jesus to the Father- to see God.

Fifth Sunday of lent, Year B. Illustration © 1995 M. McGrath. Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. All rights reserved.

March 25, 2012

WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR March 26- April1 , 2012 Mon 8:30 a.m. +Ron Munsen by Wm&L Fulton Tues NO MASS fraternity @ Good Counsel Retreat Wed I :30 p.m. (Good Sam.) Jim Tuxhorn by Helen

7:15 p.m. Thurs 7:00p.m. K of C l30th anniversary

7:30 a.m. +John Powers by Bernice 5:30p.m. +Frank Engles by Marge

Fri Sat. Sun. 8:30 a.m. +Betty Chl apowski by Altar Society

10:30 a.m. People of our parishes

Daily Gospel Readings: Mon: T he Annunciation of the Lord LK I :26-38; Tues: JN 8:21-30; Wed: JN 8:3 1-42; Thurs: JN 8:51-59; Fri: JN I 0:3 1-42; Sat: JN I I :45-56; Sun: Palm Sunday of the Passion of th e Lord MK 14:1 -15:47 or 15:1 -39

Stewardship Report: March 18, 2012 St Joseph's St. Clara's

Adult Tithe $1007.00 $245.00 Loose Plate 21.25 57.30 Combined Collection 1527.00 675.00 Easter Flowers 53.00 $977.30 Rent 250.00 Candles 7.00 K of C Donation 500.00 Rectory Support 624.85 Reading Center 25.00



Lector Acolyte Servers

Gifts & Ushers EMHC Rosary

SAT 5:30P.M. SUN 8:30A.M. SUN 10:30 A.M. Bob Engles Val Able Joyce Reich Bill Moran Leroy Able Darren Butler Volunteer Please Chandler Bulmer Volunteer Please Ethan Dedic

Kalkwarf's Janice Scott Jim Flaherty

Woerth family the Kubik Family

Janice Scott Jim Florence

Fifth Sunday of Lent

CONFESS IO NS Saturday - 4:00-5:15 p.m.

Sunday - before Mass Every Weekday:

Before daiEy Mass For confessions and spiri tual direction by appointment, call the rectory: 402-274-3733 .

BAPTISM Please contact the pastor early

in pregnancy for Baptismal instruCtEOnS.

ANOINTING O F THE SIC K Call 402-274-3733 to request the Anointing, prayers for the sick or Holy Communion at


Please contact pastor 6 months before planned marriage. NEW OR MOVING ?

Please let us know. Registration forms are in church

on the bulletin board or call. PRAYER CHAIN

CONTACT Deb Kubik @ 402-274-5075 or

mk7195 1; Joyce Reich @ 402-274-5561


The Annunciation of the Lord

Monday, March 26

Please sign up for the Holy Week services on the bulletin board.

Prayer Intentions: Teens from our parish on a TEC this weekend; Bob Fulton (motorcycle accident);Kinley (4 year old girl with respirator failure);Garrett Whitlow (skiing accident) and wife Rupi ; Donna Koravik' s 94 year old mother (brain surgery); Linda Oestmann; Seminarians: James Joseph Morin,

St. Gregory the Great, College 4

Operation Rice Bowl The New Covenant: In today' s first reading, the prophet Jeremiah describes a new covenant - one which is written on our hearts. As Christians, we believe that this new covenant is fulfilled in Jesus. This week through Operation Rice Bowl, we learn about malnourished children and expectant mothers in India whose health has been compromised by their poverty. We pray that we may open our hearts to the needs of the poor and vulnerable. We fast, not merely from our excess, but from our very substance, so that new life may come to all who suffer from poverty, illness and injustice. We give so that CRS-trained health care workers can help improve the lives of women and children throughout the world .

Auburn Community Blood Drive Monday, M arch 26, Noon to 6:00 Tuesday, M arch 27, II :30 to 5:30

Call 402-274-3058 for an appointment or go online to www

Held at the Auburn 4-H Building

St. Anne's Prayer Circle Wed, March 28 @ 2:00pm

St. Joseph's Church basement

THlS WEEK'S SCHEDULE Monday - Women' s Lenten Service

at St. Joseph 's - ANNUNCIATION OF THE

LORD, 8:30 am Mass Tuesday - Bible Study, 8am, Halligan

Center (HC) - Stations at St. Clara's, 5:30 pm

Wednesday - St. Anne's Prayer Circle, 2:00 pm, Church Hall (CH)

- CCD/Pari sh Mass, 7:15pm - Lenten. Presentations, 7pm, HC

Thursday - K of C !30th anniversary: Parish Rosary, 6:30pm, and Mass, 7:00pm

- RCIA, 7:30pm Friday - Fish Fry, 4:30-7pm, at Family

Connection (downtown) - Stations of the Cross, 8pm

at St, Joseph 's Saturday - Spring Clean-up @ St. Clara' s

··--· -·~ This Sunday, March 25: j

4:00 pm in Shubert, Dawson, Rulo; ~ 7:00pm in Falls City ) Next Sunday, April 1: j 4:00 pm in Auburn; !

7:00pm in s_~~i-~~~~~-~.r:-~--!~~-~~~~-~---------------..1 ··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··

NEW READERS FOR MASS Cris Kalkwarf at St. Joseph's Marilyn Woerth at St. Clara' s

Congratulations and thank you!

Please join us f or the last two Lenten presentations, the "Fifth and Sixth Weeks in Lent" on Wednesday night 3/28 & 414 at 7 PM in the Halligan Center. Archbishop Timothy Dolan

Good Counsel Retreat House 30-April 1, Fr. Timothy Gallagher, OMY

"Ignation Teachings", Men & Women April 5-7, Marian Sisters "Triduum Retreat for

Young Women", Young Women April 13-15, Fr. Steve Thomlison, "Divine

Mercy", Men & Women April 27-29, Magnificat "Life in the Spirit

Retreat", Women Call: 402-786-2705

Email: good counsel@

April Birthdays & Anniversaries 1-Megan Dedic; 2-Sandra Pepin, Stephanie Welsh, Ji m & Kariann Short; 3-Bob Fulton, Kevin Krieger; 4-Mark Kubik, Wesley Paschal; 5-Janet Clark, Kyle Kalkwarf; 6-Jennifer Conroy, Mathew Oliver; 7-Magdalena Beardslee, Sophie Crotty, Tristan Davis, Miranda Leslie, JJ Willis; 8-Devon & Dennis Volkman; 10-Janet Bryan; 11-Maureen Schultz; 12-Bill Genthe;13-Jackie Kneifel, Amber Mann, Barb & Doug Billesbach; 15-Gavin Moyer; 16-Melody Billings, Rachel Schizas; 17-Nichols Kite; 19-Hank Lickteig, Kristin Kudrna; 20-Kristen Billings; 21-Debi Crotty, Brittany Briggs; 22-Eric Fulton; 24-Mike McKibbin; 25-0livia Swanson; 26-Katy & John Billings; 28-Kendall Victor, Bill & Lana Fulton; 29-Richard Witt, Marcus Estrada

APRIL MEETINGS AND EVENTS 1-8 HOLY WEEK 14- LDCCW in Hastings 15- Divine Mercy Sunday

- First Communion 18- Regional Meeting for CSA/DDP 28- Flaherty!Yoide wedding 29· Falls City DCCW @ Peru

Holy Week Schedule Aprill-8

SUNDAY Palm Sunday of the Passion of Our Lord

MONDAY Chrism Mass

at the Cathedral, Lincoln , 5 pm WEDNESDAY

Confessions, 7pm @ St. Joseph's (Lent ends Thursday eveni ng)

The Sacred Paschal T riduum HOLY THURSDAY The Lord 's Supper

5:30pm @ St. Clara's 7:30pm @ St. Joseplh's

Adoration until 12 midnight GOOD FRIDAY

The Passion of the Lord 5:30pm @ St. Clara's

7:30pm @ St. Joseplh's HOLY SATURDAY

The Easter Vigil 8:00pm @ St. Joseplh's

EASTER SUNDAY The Resurrection of the Lord

8:30am @ St. Clara's 10:30 am@ St. Joseph 's

Catfioflc MEDITATIONS A prayer booklet available in church with three crosses and a sunset cover.

An attractive large print ibooklet.

CONFIRMATION PREPARATION We will be starting up our preparation program for confirmation. Confirmation will probably be in the Fall of 2013. The candidates will be our present 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students and anyone older not yet confirmed. Please call the re·ctory if you are not in one of these grades and have not yet been confirmed and want to be.

Fifth sunday of Lent

A Psalm for Cleansing Have mercy on me, 0 God,

according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy

blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,

and clea nse me from my sin. Create in me a clean heart, 0 God,

and put a new and right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence,

and do not take your holy spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation,

and sustain in me a willing spirit. We ask this throug h Christ our Lord. Amen. -Psalm 51:1- 2, 10- 12

Sunday, March 25, 2012 A Complex Request

Today's Readings: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm51:3-4, 12-13,

14- 15 ( 12a); Hebrews 5:7- 9; John 12:20-33. " We w ish to

see Jesus" (John 12:21 )-a simp le request but with many

levels of meaning. What motivated the Greeks who ask

Philip this favor? Had they heardl of Jesus' miracles? Were

they interested in his temporal power and eager to be closer

to an i nfluential person?

And what do we want Jesus to do for us? Do we want to

find him in our most ordinary routines and circumstances?

Are we drawn by the power of his love, or by our self-serving

concern , wanting more to be "correct'' in this life and rewarded in the next?

Depending on the seeker's motivation. Jesus' response

could be disappointing or compelling. Here. at the beginning

of his Passion he says, "The hour has come." On prior occa­

sions, such as Can a, his hour had not yet arrived. Now it is

imminent. A lthough troubled and even vulnerable, he will

do what he was born to do.

Scholars point out thatt Jesus' response to the request of

the Greek-speakers signals his eventual mission to a world

beyond Judaism. It is also a mission unlike anything the

world has seen, best described in metaphor. When the grain

of wheat falls to the ground, it begins to disintegrate. Soon

it becomes an empty husk. But from that shell springs new

life. It is not recorded how the Greeks re ponded to thi puz­zling image. More importantly, how do we?

This week at Home Monday, March 26 Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord Today's Readings: Isaiah 7: 10-14; 8:10; Psalm 40:7-8, 8-9, 10, 11 (8a, 9a); Hebrews 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38. To celebrate Gabriel's announcement to Mary, read Luke's account of the Annunciation. Sketch the scene you imagine or help children in your fami ly act it out. Pray the Angelus, a prayer drawn from the Gospel account, and learn its history (www.our Fly a kite, the symbol of the Holy Spirit, or sing a Marian hymn.

Tuesday, March 27 uwho Are You?" Today's Readings: Numbers 2 1:4- 9; Psalm 102:2- 3, 16- 18, 19-21 (2); John 8:21-30. You might well ask Jesus, as in today's Gospel, "Who are you?" Take t ime to journal about this question: Who was Jesus for you when you were a chi ld? A teenager? A young adult? What about now? How has your idea of him changed? Conclude with Jesus' prayer; it is also true tor your relationship with God: "The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone" (John 8:29).

Wednesday, March 28 Seekers-Then and Now Today's Readings: Daniel3:14- 20, 91- 92, 95; Psalm: Daniel 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56 (52b); John 8:31-42. In today's Gospel, Jesus invites tentative seekers to continue their quest for him, to " remain in him." Today, people continue to seek. Some in your community are preparing for Baptism and are called "catechumens." Some, a lready baptized, are seeking full ini­t iation in the Catholic Church, and are called "candidates." After the Rite of Election, around the First Sunday of Lent, catechumens are called "the e lect," because they have been chosen for a full celebration of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. Welcome a ll seekers to your parish, honoring their quest.

Thursday, March 29 Firmly Rooted Identity Today's Readings: Genesis 17:3- 9; Psalm 105:4- 5, 6- 7, 8- 9 (8a); John 8:51-59. Jesus seems rarely disturbed by those who critic ize him, even when they accuse him of having a demon. We who try to live in union with him should also recognize that people may criticize our ideas or opinions, but can never touch our deepest identity in Christ. So we may be unpopular for lite advocacy, for solving problems through peaceful, nonviolent means, or for being good stewards of Creation. But no amount of criticism can disrupt our deep intimacy with God.

Friday, March 30 Planning Next Week Today's Readings: Jeremiah 20:10-13; Psalm 18:2-3a, 3bc- 4, 5- 6, 7 (see 7); John 10:31- 42. T he tension is escalat­ing in the Gospel, as Jesus' enemies attempt to stone him, accuse him of blasphemy, and arrest him. Jesus pleads with them to share in his divinity and recognize his good works. Some believe, but others res ist. How will you spend Holy Week? How would an outside observer know that th is is the most special week of your year? Could you set aside extra time for silence, adoration, spiritual reading, and liturgies?

Saturday, March 31 Nearing the End Today's Readings: Ezekiel 37:21-28; Responsorial Psalm: Jeremiah 31:10, ll- 12abcd, 13 (see !Od) ; John ll:45- 56. We learn in today's Gospel that in the fi nal days of his life, Jesus retreats from the public with his disciples. What happened then? Did Jesus struggle with the brutal betrayal and pai n that lay ahead? Did his disciples try to deter him from the inevitable end? Did they continue to nurse thei r hopes that he would overthrow the Roman occupation? If you had been there then, what would you have done? Conclude your reflec­tion on these quest ions by praying today's Psalm from Jeremiah. W hat comfort does it offer on the threshold of Holy Week?

0 201 ~Liturgy. Training Publications. 1-800-933-1800. Wriucn by Kathy Coffey. lllustr::ncd by Paul;~ Wiggins. Sc riplUrc quot:u•.o~s are lrom.rlre "!ew Rel"ised Sumdtml Ver,\·imr Dible: Cmholi<: Edition, copyright 0 1993 antl 1989 by the Division ~~Chnst•an Ed.uc~tiOn ot th~ NatioMI Council ofthe.Churches of Christ in 1he U.S.A. Used by petmission. All rights r~:SC(\'Cd. PermiSSIOn lO publish granted by lhc ArchdiOCese or Chicago on Scptembcl· 28. 2011.

~ ~irlgfuSWGM Reproducibles lor lenl-Triduum-Eoster 2012

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