st johns pg 2014

Post on 14-May-2017






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ST. Johns PG 2014

1.C/i in pregnancy is - ct/mri/usg/doppler ans:ct

2.ECV is done at _wks-34/36/38/40

3.#intracapsular nof best treatment in 65 yr old is

4.externl fixator used in open fracture, most serious complication is

5.Therapeutic window is seen with which drug

6.Most common organism causing acute bronchiolitis

7.Golden-S sign on chest xray is seen in

8.reduced vision in NPDR is most commonly due to

9.Snowman appearance radiographically seen with

10.Wound contraction is due to -collagen/elastin/myofibroblast

11.What is the first step to be done in a patient presenting with trauma? -circulatory assessment/airway maintainence/stop bleeding

12.Most common organ injured in blunt abdominal trauma

13.Benign peptic stricture clinically p/w

14.Most common nonvariceal cause of upper GI bleed- Mallory-Weiss/peptic ulcer

15.drugs to treat acute heart failure- diuretics+milrinone/ diuretics+morphine/diuretics+nitroprusside/morphine+

Lichen planus a/w with

A. Squamous cell ca

B. Basal cell ca

C. Malignant melanoma

D. Cylindroma

Christmas tree pattern seen in?

16.Heart failure cells seen in?

17. Von rossen splint?

18. Anal fissure? May b associated with cronhs

17.Structure removed in axillary dissection

18.What suggests a diagnosis of breast carcinoma in a female with nipple discharge?-multiple ductal inv/underlying mass/bilateral ductal discharge

19.Median cubital vein anatomy

20.Sebacious glands are _ glands-holocrine

21.Lisfranc fracture: tarsometatarsal

22.Evans formula

23. Most common reurrenct cyst

A. Dentrigenous cyst b. Radicular cyst

24. Abductor of vocal cord

25. Type 1 HR- IgE

27.26.Left side vocal cord palsy -mitral stenosis-ortner syndrome

28.Non reducing sugar-sucrose

29.Differentiate reducing non reducing sugar test?

30.Pyruvate to acetyl coa-pyruvate dehydrogenase

31.Renin-juxtaglomerular cells

32.Metachromatic granule stain-alberts


34.Antihypertensive for acute hypertensive heartfailure-nitroglycerin


36.Addison's disease-hydro+fludrocortisone

37.Addison disease false-sodium level high

38.Cherry red spot- Berlin edema

39.Tracheostomy obstruction-

40.Cow dry type b bodies

41.Winging scapula-serratus anterior palsy

42.Facial palsy muscle involved- a. LPS b.buccinator

43.Organ of corti is found in a.tentorial membrane b. Saccule c.utricle

44.Negative feedback gastric acid- a.somatostatin b.histamine

45. MCC Broncholoitis- a.rsv b.Parainfluenza

46.Non anion gap acidosis-a.renal tubular acidosis b.dka c.methanol

47.Ecv should be done at-a.34 weeks b.36 weeks c.38 weeks

48.Snow flake cataract a.myotonic dystrophy c.galactosemia

49.Bitter almond odor: a.hydrocyanic acid b.

50.Foamy appearance of liver: a.putrefaction b. drowning

51.Spalding sign:a.dead born born c.still born

52.columella effect:a. tympanoplasty b.septoplasty

53.Psuedoparalysis seen in all except:

A. Hoffman



D .osteomyelitis

54.Stability of knee is maintained by?

1 ligament menisci bone

54. Phalens test -carpal tnnel syndrome

55.Insight absent in ?a/c psychosis

56.non cell cycle specific anticancer drug –etoposide b. bleomycin c.vincristine

57.KFD transmitted by tick

58.non reducing sugar a.sucrose b.isomaltose c.galactose

59.Cherry red spot berlins oedema

60.inactive enz is called coenz , apoenz,proenz

61.Mcc complication of supracondylar # malunion

62.mcc symptom of volkmans ischemic contracture

a.Pain b.paresthesia

63.SISTER JOSEPH nodule abdominal adenocarcinoma

64In CPCR d depth of chest compression 2"" ?

65.ratio of copression n ventillation of Cpcr a.30:2 b30:1

66.most common lymphoma with Gi involvement a.diffuse

67.virus not causing malignancy is a.hpv b.ebv c.hepb d.


69.onion peel appearance – a.ewings sarcoma b.osteosarcoma

70.lisch nodule in a.neurofibromatosis b.tuberous sclerosis

71.shakir tape for MAC

72.wrist drop in radial nerve palsy

73.buruli ulcer by a.mycobacterium ulcerans b.M.Marinam

74. Percentage of deaths In india in children due to measles a.3 b.8.c.10 d.12

75. Max drug dosage of risperidone to be used for antipsy med a.12 b.16 c.24

76. Drug exhibiting therapeutic window phenomen a.theohylline b.diazepam pencillin

77.thayer martin medium is selective for a.n.gonorrhe b.staph au

78.doc for tetanus a.metronidazole b.clindamycin c.pencillin d.piperacillin

79. Noise induced hl characteristic is a.2khz b.4khz

80. T cell defect results in increased a.H influenza b.

81 Mc non variceal cause of upper gi bleed a. peptic ulcer b.mallory Weiss c.gastric ca c.avm

82 Which of the following is least likely to be severed during abd hysterectomy

a.infundibulopelic lig b.

83.whic is not an indication for tracheostomy a. hard exudative lung

84. which is not relative ci for streptokinase a.stroke <6monts b.pencillin allergy

85.breast ca is possible if discharge is a. from many ducts b. sigle duct c.ass with lump

86.fat layer of scalp is a. loose areolar tissue b. epicranium c.pericranium

87.connecting link between infratemporal and middle cranial fossa is a.f rotundum b. f ovale c.jugular foramen injured in blunt trauma abd a.spleen b.liver c.small intestine d.pancreas

89. paralytic ileus is caused by a/e a. cholecystitis b.abd abscess c.hyokelemia

90.calots triangle left border is a. cbd b.cystic duct c.hepatic duct

91.ant compartment of leg syndrome effect a.paresthesia between first two toes

b.behid lat malleolus

92.treatment for stricture following long standing tracheal stenosis secondary to prolonged intubation a. resect the affected part and anastomosis b.dilatation

93.medullary ca true is thyroidectomy b.part of men1 c.radioablation

94.thyrotoxicosis true is a. eye signs present b.reduced radioiodine uptake location of sodylolisthesis a.l4 l5 b.l5s1

96.which is not spared in mrm

a.axillary n b.axillary vein c.

97. Gastric stricture symptoms a. dysphagia to solids followed by liquids b.

98.adductor of vc a. cricothyroid

99.surgical neck of humerus fracture involves

a.axillary nerve b. media n c. ulnar nerve

100.winging of scapula is due to injury to a.long thoracic b. serratus anterior

101.parasympathetic ganglia arise from a. sacral segments 2,3

102.ivestigation of choice for post uretheral valve a.mcu b.rhu uro

103.rachitic rosary a.ribs b.sternum

104.area between medial aspect of

a.cuneus b.precuneus c.infundibulum type of tef a. connection to trachea upper art

106location of coronary sinus a. ant int vent groove b. post it vent groove

107.toxic damage to liver most likely

a.aspiri and acetylsalicylic acid

108. mc area tb in female genital tract a.fallopia tube b.cervix

109. sweat glands are a.apocrie b.paracrine c.merocrine/ sebaceous glands-holocrinewik

foramen which connects middle cranial fossa and temporal region!! 

area b/w parietooccipital and calcarine sulcus,.. 

Not seen in Hyperkalemia wrt ECG changes.. 

Risperidone dose? 

Placenta accreta? 

Incresed PPH seen in Hydramnion? Twin? macrosomia? 

Pessary CI in Puerperium? Perimenopausal? 

Transcutaneous pacing done in asystole.. I dont remember other options... 

"Expressed emotions" recurrence.. Depression?/ Schizophrenia.. 

Getter's test positive in Drowning?.. 

Human blood stains.. Haemin crystal/ Precipitin test? 

A/E are the relative CI for streptokinase... penicillin allergy/ streptokinase used previously5d to 12months/... 

Callots triangle left border? 

Paralytic ileus not seen in Cholecystitis? 

which is true about peristalsis... migratory motor complexes something... 

Treatment for tracheal stenosis d/t prolonged tracheostomt.. laser+ stent? 

True about Medullary Ca thyroid... Surgery is the treatment 

Toxic multinodular goitre what is true..eye symptoms usually seen? 

True about medial cubital vein...Von Kossen splint used in CDH.. 

Floating lily sign seen in ruptured hydatid cyst... 

Levodopa action is reduced by a/e MAOI? Domperidone?

Theory of intellectual develiop in childfen given by Piaget 

Therapeutic dose of risperidone in paranoid schizo? 

Drug which doesn not affect the anti parkinson effect of levodopa? 

Rachitic rosary affects? 

Child with weight less than 60%of expected..with generalised edema..acc to welcum trust classification he belongs to Marasmic kwashiorkar 

Golden S sign indicates malignancy 

Drooping lilly sign ruptured hydatid lung 

PNDT act for wat ?? Forgot options 

Reversible cause of dementia Normal pressure hydrocephalus 

Baby exculsively brest fed..wat is the indicator tat it is having normal?? Not sure about this question..options were Passes urine 6 times Adeqaute weight gain for tat age 

Both NoneAll are weaning methods except Cimv Cpap Niv Cmv 

Ans is cmv1 cage questoinnaire 2 Wernickes ophthalmopatthy amnesia? rntcp treatment tb meningitis Bells palsy muscle involved buuccinatorcalots triangle left boundary? gottrons papules? emerging infectious diseases all except....? toxic multinodular goitre? entry n exit wound of bullet? ammonia trapped in brain because of ? a)glutamine synthase b)glutaminase c) glutamate dehyratase....BRCA 1 - chromosome 17 Nerve injury in #surgical neck of humerus- axillary nerve Medullary carcinoma thyroid - RET gene Medullary carcinoma thyroid true statementBest imaging modality for VUR - MCU Hardy Weinburg law - population genetics Lineweaver-Burke graph/double reciprocal equation - 1/V0 vs 1/[S]

doc for anaphylaxis- adrenaline parasympathetic system- craniosacral outflow lymphocytosis with atypical cells- ebv inf mononucleosis 

pndt act- obstetric scanmedian cubital vein- connects basilic and cephalic vein 

insight absent in- acute psychosis na k pump inhibitor - digoxin vur investigation- mcuecv- 36 weeks platelet inhibitor- epoprostenol 

gettlers test- drowning doll and hill study validity of testquestion on neuroblastoma?? what test to be done before giving contrast- creatinine ammonia trapping in brain- glutamine synthetase question on study btwn two antihypertensives- statement is null hypothesis

test that is used to differentiate reducing from non reducing sugars? 

keratoconus correct statement is scissors sign positive 

which is associated with conjunctival xerosis? pterygium phlycten opthalmia nodosa steven johnsons syndrome 

drug contraindicated in erythrodermic psoriasis metho cyclosporin corticosteroids retinoidsHookworm colonises which part of intestine? - jejunum NIHL audiogram shows dip at 4 kHz Most common site for genital TB - fallopian tube Duchene muscular dystrophy - X linked recessive Vascular markings absent on cxr in - pneumothorax AFP by definiton involves children <15yrs 

Emerging infectious d/s- a.are on the rise and likely to rise in the future b.are on the rise in non-endemic areas antibiotic resistance and are difficult to treat Does anyone know the answer to this one? Not a d/d for pertusoid cough - parapertussis/adenovirus/endobronchial TB Urgent correction of hyponetremia done when levels < -120/130/140/nonmost common site of spondylolisthesis? l4-l5? 

most common cause of left side vocal palsy? 

thyroid cancer thyroid surgery left hilar bronchial cancer mitral stenosis 

true about toxic multinodular goitre radioactive iodine is used for treatment eyes signs very common true about hypospadiasis? chordee not seen associated with congenital anomalies most commonly seen in corona and distal shaft of penis ??

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