st john’s ce kearsley primary school accessibility action ... · st john’s ce kearsley primary...

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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St John’s CE Kearsley Primary School Accessibility Action Plan 2018-2021 Aim 1 To improve the physical environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled pupils, staff and visitors can take advantage of education and associated services

No. Action Strategies Timescale Who Success Criteria


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Complete the Accessibility Audit to inform building plan/asset management plan to improve the physical school environment.

Audit completed and presented to M+ F committee for costings.

Summer 2018 Headteacher and SEND Governor

Physical and sensory needs of children, staff and visitors are met where possible.

Ensure visually stimulating environment for all children

Displays are at an appropriate height for the children, with clear text. Displays are colourful inviting and informative. Develop a corporate view

On going SLT and staff Lively, inviting and informative environment is maintained.

Ensuring all with additional needs are able to be involved.

Review access plans for individual children/staff.

Undertake confidential survey of staff and governors to ascertain access needs and ensure they are met in the school and meetings etc.

Include questions in the confidential pupil information questionnaire about parents /carers’ access needs and ensure they are met at all events.

With immediate effect and ensure plans are reviewed at least annually if not termly.

Teaching and non-teaching staff

Information held is current and relevant, as well as meeting new GDPR requirements

To ensure that the medical needs of all pupils and staff are fully met within the capability of the school

Review HCP, liaise with parents and external agencies, identifying training needs and establish individual protocols where needed.

With immediate effect and ensure plans are reviewed at least annually if not termly.

Headteacher And Teaching Staff

Information shared with staff and needs are met with appropriate training in place to support individual children.

Ensure disabled parents have every opportunity to be involved

Investigate support for parents with additional needs to drop off and collect children, being aware of no disabled parking spaces.

Arrange for interpreters from the RNID to communicate with Hearing Impaired parents.

Offer telephone calls to explain letters home for some parents who may need this.

With immediate effect and ensure plans are reviewed annually.

Whole school team

To ensure that disabled parents are not discriminated against and are encouraged to take interest and be involved in their child’s education.

St John’s CE Kearsley Primary School Accessibility Action Plan 2018-2021 To improve community links and access for visitors to school.

Liaise with visitors and community uses of the building to raise awareness of access arrangement s and support users in the building. Ask leaders of community groups using the school building to identify any issues their groups have in using the building.

On going Summer 2018

SMT and Governing Board

Improved awareness of access arrangements for a variety of groups using the school premises.





Continue to develop the outdoor environment for pupils. E.g. the school field and playgrounds

Look for funding opportunities

Financial Year 2018-2019

Working group to be set up

Plans in place for development of outdoor space




To investigate the possibility of disabled parking

Speak with Bolton Council wrt marked bays as the side entrance to school

Financial year 2020-21

St John’s CE Kearsley Primary School Accessibility Action Plan 2018-2021 Aim 2 To increase the extent to which pupils with additional needs can participate in the school curriculum Our key objective is to reduce and eliminate barriers to access the curriculum and to ensure full participation in the school community for pupils and prospective pupils with disabilities and /or additional needs.

No. Action Strategies Timescale Who Success Criteria


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To liaise with Nursery providers to review potential intake for future cohorts.

To identify children who may need additional or different provision

Each Intake Headteacher EYFS teacher Pastoral Lead and SENDCo

Procedures/equipment/ideas in place by Sept for each intake.

To ensure appropriate Induction and transition for children who arrive/leave school throughout the year.

Collection of appropriate information. To ensure appropriate information is shared with new educational establishment Meetings with family and Pastoral Officer

Ongoing throughout the school year

Relevant Class teacher SENDCO Pastoral Lead

Information shared in a timely manner and needs are met for the children

To review all statutory policies to ensure that they reflect inclusive practice and procedures

To comply with the Equality Act 2010 End of 2018 Headteacher Subject Leaders Governors

All policies clearly reflect inclusive practice and procedure

To establish close liaison with parents via Early Help Provision.

To ensure collaboration and sharing of information between school

Ongoing Pastoral Lead

Clear collaborative working approach

To establish close liaison with parents/outside agencies for children with ongoing health needs. E.g. children with severe asthma, epilepsy or mobility issues, visual/hearing impairments

To ensure collaboration between all key personnel. Individual Health Care plans are in place and reviewed. Staff have received appropriate training in supporting individual children ( inhalers, Epipen

Ongoing – Headteacher SENDCo Teaching Assistants

Clear collaborative working approach

To ensure full access to the curriculum for all children, especially those with SEMH.

A differentiated curriculum with alternatives offered

The use of P levels/PIVATS to assist in developing learning opportunities for children and also in assessing progress in different subjects,

A range of support staff including trained teaching assistants; particularly in management of children with SEMH

Use of interactive ICT equipment

Ongoing Teachers SENDCo Pastoral Lead Behaviour and Engagement Mentor

Advice taken and strategies evident in classroom practice. Children with ESBD are supported, accessing the curriculum and making at least expected progress

St John’s CE Kearsley Primary School Accessibility Action Plan 2018-2021 Specific equipment from outside

agencies e.g. occupational therapy

Nurture Groups and staggered playtimes for children who struggle to engage cooperatively at unstructured times.

Use of “Blue Card” to support children who need “Quiet time”

Use of SEND room to support children in crisis

Individual Risk assessments to support children on visits/trips including residential trips

To ensure all children with ASD have access to the curriculum

Regular parental communication Individualised multi-sensory teaching strategies including visual timetables, “time out passes”

Ongoing As above As above





To finely review attainment of all SEND/additional needs children pupils

SENDCo /Class teacher meetings Pupil Progress meetings Scrutiny of assessment system Regular liaison with parents

Termly Class teachers SENDCo

Progress made towards IEP targets Provision mapping shows clear steps and progress made

To audit resources and plan activities to promote positive role models

Resources audited, including reading scheme and library books. Plan disability awareness activities for children to participate in.

Subject Leaders

Creating positive images of disability within the school so that children grow into adults who have some understanding of the needs of people with disabilities.





To evaluate and review the above short and long term targets annually.

See above Annually SMT Core curriculum coordinates Governors

All children making good progress.

To deliver findings to the Governing Board

Reports to Standards and Effectiveness Committee Finance and Management Committee

Termly Meetings SENDCo SLT/SEND Governor

Governors fully informed about SEND provision and progress of pupils with additional needs.

St John’s CE Kearsley Primary School Accessibility Action Plan 2018-2021 Aim 3 To improve the delivery of information to disabled pupils and parents

No. Action Strategies Timescale Who Success Criteria


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To enable improved access to written information for children

Raising awareness of font size, page layout including colour backgrounds/text and visual overlays which will support children with visual impairments/dyslexia.

Auditing the school library/reading scheme to ensure the availability of large font and easy read texts will improve access.

To consider seating arrangements for pupils with visual impairments within the classroom environment e.g. proximity to Screens, windows.

Investigate symbol software to support children with reading difficulties

Audit signage around school to ensure it is accessible for all

Summer 2018 And ongoing

SENDCo Specialist teacher Teachers and Teaching Assistants

Children with visual impairments /dyslexia are correctly supported. Range of reading material available for all pupils. All children can view screens unhindered and access materials. Signage is appropriate and easily accessible

To enable improved access to written information for parents/carers and visitors

Include questions in the confidential pupil information questionnaire about parents /carers’ visual needs

Offer large print /different page layout to parents for information

Use of “Playground Information Screen” to communicate information to parents

Ongoing Office staff/teachers

Parents/carers with visual impairments have appropriate access to information





To review children’s records ensuring school awareness of any disabilities relating to children

Information collected re new pupils and information reviewed for current pupils and collated on SIMS

Transition Staff meetings at the end of the Summer term

SEND Questionnaires

Annual reviews

Medical forms updated annually

Personal Health Care Plans and PEEP’s. plus risk assessments

Significant Health Problems-children’s phots displayed on staff noticeboard/info kept in separate files in the staffroom

Annually As required

Office staff Class teachers/ teaching assistants Outside agencies SMT

Each staff member is aware of the individual needs of pupils within their class. All staff are aware of which children in school have significant health problems and are aware of the appropriate actions to take. Information held is current and relevant, as well as meeting new GDPR requirements, especially with regard to information in the staffroom

St John’s CE Kearsley Primary School Accessibility Action Plan 2018-2021 L


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To review the “In school record systems ( SIMS and CPOMS)” ensuring they meet the needs of school and improve where necessary

Record keeping system to be reviewed Information is current and is able to produce relevant information in line with new GDPR guidelines

Continual review and implementation

SLT Office staff

Effective communication of information about disabilities throughout school.

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