st. john n church reston, virginia f 28, 2016. john neumann church reston, virginia february 28,...

Post on 19-Mar-2018






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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 FF Classes Birthday Club Tags Available After

Masses Brown Bag Weekend Car Raffle Ticket Sales After Masses RCIA Dismissal: 10:00am; Conference Room Teen Confirmation Information: 1:00pm; de Sales Chapel Blood Pressure Screening: 2:30pm; Brown-McCarthy

Auditorium High School Teens (Agape): 6:15pm; Brown-McCarthy


MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29 FF Classes Road to Emmaus: 10:00am; Conference Room Boy Scout Troop 124: 7:00pm; A1/A2 The Power of Story: 7:00pm; de Sales Chapel Young Adults Lenten Discussion Group: 7:00pm;

Conference Room Lectio for Lectors and Anyone Else: 7:30pm; Youth Room

TUESDAY, MARCH 1 FF Classes French Conversation: 9:30am; A1 Health Ministry: 7:00pm; B6 Knights of Columbus: 7:30pm; Brown-McCarthy

Auditorium Pastoral Council: 7:30pm; Conference Room RCIA Catechumenate: 7:30pm; A1/A2 RCIA Inquiry: 7:30pm; Bridal Room RCIA Elect: 7:30pm; Youth Room

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 FF Classes Back to Basics: 9:50am; B3 Newcomers Group: 10:00am; Conference Room Angel Choir: 5:00pm; Music Room Children’s Choir: 5:30pm; Music Room Reconciliation (The Light is On For You); 6:30pm; Church Teen Confirmation Information: 7:00pm; de Sales Chapel JustFaith: 7:00pm; A1/A2 Legión de María: 7:00pm; B4 Spanish Young Adults: 7:00pm; B3 Welcome Home: 7:00pm; Bridal Room

THURSDAY, MARCH 3 Mothers’ Group Play Group: 9:30am; Early RE Room Contemplative Prayer: 7:00pm; Church Legion of Mary: 7:00pm; B4 Life After Sunday: 7:00pm; B1 Stations of the Cross in Spanish: 7:00pm; de Sales

Chapel Adult Confirmation Preparation: 7:30pm; Bridal Room

PARISH STAFF (NOTE: Please use the 703 area code for all numbers.)

CLERGY Pastor: Rev. Thomas E. Murphy, OSFS 860-8510 x143

Parochial Vicars: Rev. Gerald M. Dunne, OSFS 860-8510 x159 Rev. Donald J. Heet, OSFS 860-8510 x157 Rev. Robert A. Mancini, OSFS 860-8510 x145

In Residence: Rev. William N. Dougherty, OSFS 860-8510 x144

Permanent Deacons: Deacon Joseph Chandler Deacon Dennis A. Holley 860-8510 x222 Deacon Atanacio Sandoval 860-8510 x223 Deacon John A. Wagner 860-8510 x321

ADMINISTRATION Administrative Assist. Patty Kwapniewski 860-6147 Office Secretary Beth Farmer 860-8510 Hispanic Coordinator Celia Sandoval 860-8510 x353 Bulletin Editor Ludy Rauber 390-2353 Email:* Accountant Pat Rau 860-8510 x142 Parish Nurse Susan Infeld, RN 390-2349 Email: Facilities Manager Mark Gosselin 390-2343 Custodian Sylvia Payne 860-8510 Custodian Douglas Alvarado

LITURGICAL MINISTRY Director of Music C J Capen 390-2352 Coordinator of Liturgy Patty Bartnick 860-6151 Secretary Pat Gilbertson 860-6150

FAITH FORMATION 860-2815 Interim Director Sue Colyer 390-2340 Pre K-8 Angela Davis 390-2345 Youth Activities 7-8 Kevin McManus Email: Youth Minister 9-12 Doug Johnson 860-6141 Secretary Silvia Bustamante 390-2348 Secretary Betsy Puzzanghero 860-6155

OUTREACH Director of Outreach Jo-Ann Duggan 860-6149 Young Adult Ministry Marie Ruff Email:

COUNCIL CHAIRS Pastoral Council Mickey Frank 860-8510 x312 Email: Finance Council Patricia Maloney 860-8510 x310 Email:

PASTORAL CARE INFANT BAPTISM: Call to register for the Baptism Class, offered monthly. English 703-860-8510; Spanish 703-860-8510, x353.

RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA): Please call Sue Colyer 703-390-2340, to inquire about becoming Catholic.

MARRIAGE: Begin preparation with one or our parish priests at least six months before the desired marriage date.

SICK: Please call the office if you know of someone who is hospitalized, seriously ill, or home-bound.

*Please Note: Material for the bulletin must be submitted no later than Thursday, ten days prior to the intended publication date.

The Barren Fig Tree


Prayer and Liturgy

DEAR PARISHIONERS: As I mentioned last week I want to share a perspective with you as to what the term stewardship

means. This week I will deal with the first concept: Time. Look carefully at your calendar of events and it will clearly identify what is important to you. Hopefully your family life and employment expectations occupy the majority of the time that is given to you. Where is the rest of the time spent? Specifically what part does your life of faith have in the overall structure of demands that are placed upon you? The call of the Gospel to discipleship places expectations upon each of us if we are faithful to our Baptismal call. That certainly begins with an active participation in our weekend celebration of liturgy and in your own personal life of prayer. Let me ask bluntly, do you worship in a community of faith every weekend or are other things more important than that? That is certainly where it needs to begin but is not meant as the end. The ministry of Jesus is continued through our presence and there are ample opportunities within our faith community, as well as without, that afford us opportunities to be that presence. In a welcoming letter to new parishioners I clearly identify that Saint John Neumann will not be an important part of people’s lives unless they choose to spend the time to be active participants. Look at the bulletin on any weekend and you are bound to find something that attracts your eye as a possible way for you to be a part of the community’s life. Statistics say that 20% of the people do 80% of the work. Are you part of that 20% or would you like to be? Your life of faith and your sense of belonging to this community will be greatly enhanced by your efforts to use wisely the gift of time that has ultimately been given to us by God. Knowing the people who are active, I can assure you that they are busy people but not too busy to include this faith community and its work in their plan of life. So how do you use your gift of time?

God bless,

Father Tom

FRIDAY, MARCH 4 Praying College Moms: 9:50am; B5 Mothers’ Group First Friday: 10:00am; Early Religious

Room Stations of the Cross and Soup Supper: 6:30pm; Church

and Brown-McCarthy Auditorium

SATURDAY, MARCH 5 Car Raffle Ticket Sales After Mass Cross Pins Distribution After Mass Spanish Prayer Group: 6:00pm; de Sales Chapel

SUNDAY, MARCH 6 FF Classes Car Raffle Ticket Sales After Masses Cross Pins Distribution After Mass Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast: 8:30am; Brown-

McCarthy Auditorium RCIA Dismissal: 10:00am; Conference Room High School Teens (Agape): 6:15pm; Brown-McCarthy


THIS SUNDAY’S READINGS: Exodus 3:1-8, 13-15; Psalm 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 11; 1 Corinthians 10:1-6,10-12; Luke 13:1-9

In today’s Gospel two historic events, at least historic to the readers of Luke’s Gospel, are presented as a backdrop for the use of a parable by Jesus. The people tell Jesus about some who were killed by a falling tower and that others suffered by Pilate’s mixing blood with their sacrifices. Jesus reminds them that physical suffering is not caused by sin necessarily, which was the common religious thought at the time. Jesus bends their news back on them. Those others suffered and some died, but those in front of Jesus will certainly suffer unless they repent. To show them that they have time to experience the compassion of God, he relates a picturesque parable.

God had been patient with Israel and brought them slowly to be the fruitful people of the Covenant by bringing them out of slavery and into a fruitful land.

There is a people who have withered as mature produce of God’s fidelity. Jesus will minister that love in His incarnate presence within Israel. His time will be their time for repenting from unfruitful lives themselves. The parable ends with their being cut away, because of their lack of personal response to Jesus’ mission, teaching and His very life. Jesus is the groundskeeper and His time is ours as well. His three years is our whole life’s time. We have these days of Lent for our repenting. We are preparing to renew our own baptisms, as well as preparing as a community to welcome into our communities those preparing for entrance during these days as well.

We are invited to repent from those attitudes which are not resulting in blessings, in enlivening, in deepening those around us. I would hope that we in the community would not be a disappointment to those entering our numbers during the Easter Vigil. I ponder of what I would be ashamed at their discovering about me at the liturgy, at my office, at home. For “shame” we put our hands in front of our faces. For authentic Christian life, Jesus takes away our hands, and He urges us to “face” up and “face” life, because He has faced us from the Eucharistic Table. We do not advance toward the altar with hands blocking our countenances, but extend those hands to receive and then extend them as Eucharistic gestures in our lives.

“I will prove my holiness through you, I will gather you from the ends of the earth. I will pour clean water on you and

wash away all your sins. I will give you a new spirit within you, says the Lord.” Ez. 36: 23-26

Reflection by Rev. Larry Gillick, S.J; Taken from the Praying Lent pages of

Creighton University's Online Ministries web site. Used with Permission.


SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27 5:00pm Gary Black †


7:30am Henry Charles Haley † 9:30am People of the Parish 11:30am Gary Breidy † 1:30pm Manuel Rojas † 5:00pm Christopher Graham, Special


MONDAY FEBRUARY 29 9:00am Pauline Baker † 12:10pm Philip Rose †

TUESDAY MARCH 1 6:30am Mark Thomas † 9:00am Robert Bouchard †


6:30am Joseph Michael Kowalski † 9:00am Rosaria Finelli † 12:10pm Grace Hemelt Clark†

THURSDAY MARCH 3 6:30am Robert Gillespie † 9:00am Carla Davison †


9:00am Pham Family † 12:10pm Louise Bruner † SATURDAY MARCH 5 5:00pm George Robert Gay †


7:30am Howard Hulbert † 9:30am John Farrace† 11:30am(Church) People of the Parish 11:30am(Chapel) Maryann Hassan † 1:30pm Maria Maura Tobar † 5:00pm Skyler Jones, Special Intention

WE PRAY for those who have died, especially Anne

Green, sister of Mary Eng.

WE WELCOME those who have recently entered

into our faith through the waters of Baptism: Scarlett Michele Pavlus, daughter of Joshua and Suzanne; Layla Jean Reisch, daughter of James and Kimberly; and Michael Joseph Sullivan III, son of Michael and Katie.


we celebrate The Fourth Sunday of Lent. Please prepare for Mass and the Homily by reflecting on these texts from God’s Word:

Joshua 5:9, 10-12 A nomadic people settles in the land of promise. The journey may seem to have ended. In fact it has taken a new form.

Psalm 34: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. The psalmist not only praises God who has offered protection to the just, but also exhorts others to share in this praise.

2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Paul encapsulates the mission of Jesus as God’s reconciling work in the world. Thus is creation restored to its original plan.

Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 Luke reports Jesus’ response to the accusation that He eats with sinners. Jesus’ reply is cast in the form of three parables of divine mercy. The third, that of the Prodigal Son, is recounted in today’s passage. Note: The Scrutiny Masses will use readings from Cycle A, which are different from the readings above.

Sunday, March 6 1:30pm RCIA Second Scrutiny

Sunday, March 13 1:30pm RCIA Third Scrutiny




Daily Mass Monday - Friday, 9:00am

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 6:30am Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 12:10pm

Stations of the Cross

Stations in Spanish - Thursdays, 7:00pm Fridays - 6:30pm, followed by Soup Supper

(except March 11, with Fish Fry at 5:00pm followed by Stations)

Taizé Prayer Tuesday, March 8 and Wednesday, March 23, 7:00pm


Saturdays - 10:00 - 10:30am (except Holy Saturday)

Wednesdays - 6:30 - 8:00pm March 2, 9, 16, 23

Lenten Penance Service

Tuesday, March 15, 7:00pm

Exposition and Adoration Thursday, March 10, 3:00 - 8:00pm

As we near the end of our Lenten journey, the schedules for Palm

Sunday, Holy Week services, Triduum and Easter will be included in this column.

PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: The intent is to identify

the deaths of people related to or friends of members of our community. It is customary to list the people in the community who the deceased is related to, especially when there is a different last name so that our community members will know of the deaths of relatives of their friends and acquaintances. It is not meant to be another obituary, so we will gladly identify the deceased’s relationship with parish members but cannot include extended family members who have no ties to our community.



SUPPERS Join us while we pray as a community on Friday

evenings during Lent. Stations of the Cross will begin in the church at 6:30pm and will be followed immediately by soup supper. Representatives of various ministries will take turns hosting these events. The schedule for our hosts is:

March 4: Health Ministry and Pax Christi, with Deacon Albert

A. Anderson, Jr., Office of Black Catholics.

March 11: Fish Fry from 5:00 to 6:30pm with Knights of

Columbus and Stations at 7:00pm with Young Adults.

March 18: Spanish Ministry and Pastoral Council with speaker

from Spanish Community.

March 25: No soup; Living Stations of the Cross at 3:00pm

will be performed by High School Teens.

PLEASE PRAY for those who have asked for our prayers: Sean

Costello; Jean Dolan; Dick Harlow; Vito Guarino; Tim Lisko; Connie McLaughlin; Ellen Oppenheim; Robert Potter and for all who are sick and all caregivers who minister to the sick.

When you call to add a name to our prayer list, please leave your name and number as a contact and let us know what the illness is. Before calling, please be sure you have spoken to the person or a member of the family about adding their name - we do not want to inadvertently disregard someone's desire for privacy. Names of those who are sick or injured will be kept on the list for three weeks unless you specifically request a shorter period of time or call to ask that the name be removed. Names added this week appear in Boldface type.


are no changes, the presiders for the weekend of March 5 - 6 are:

Saturday 5:00pm Father Jerry

Sunday 7:30am Father Tom with Deacon Dennis

Sunday 9:30am Father Dave Kenehan, OSFS

Sunday 11:30am (Church)

Father Bill with Deacon Atanacio

Sunday 11:30am

(Family Mass) Father Tom

Sunday 1:30pm Father Francis Russo with Deacon Atanacio

Sunday 5:00pm Father Bob with Deacon John

HEARING IMPAIRED? Amplification devices are available

for anyone having difficulty hearing the Mass. If you would like to use one, just ask an usher before Mass. Also, the parish has purchased large-print Sunday Missals to help you worship. If you would like one for your personal use contact Jo-Ann Duggan at or 703-860-6149.

RCIA SCRUTINIES This Sunday at the 1:30pm Mass, we

we celebrate the first of three scrutinies with our RCIA adult Elect, Rosibel Alvarenga and Rudis Chavez, who are preparing for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.

The scrutinies, the primary liturgical rites of the Period of Purification and Enlightenment (Lent), are profoundly rooted in our human experience. They address the human conditions of thirst, of blindness and of death. They are meant to uncover, and then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of those preparing for the sacraments. They are to bring out, then strengthen all that is upright, strong, and good.

The scrutinies include the following:

Invitation to Silent Prayer After the homily, the priest invites

the Elect to come forward with their sponsors and to kneel down. The whole assembly prays for them in silence. This community has cared for them for some months now on their journey. We have sent them to reflect more and more deeply on the Word of God, and expressed to them our longing for the day on which they would join us at the table of the Lord. Now we pray for them in this sacred silence, deeply asking God to protect them and heal them in the weeks ahead.

Intercessions for the Elect We pray out loud together for

the Elect.

Prayer of Exorcism We pray that they might be freed from

the power of the Evil One and protected on their journey.

The Laying On of Hands The priest lays his hands for a brief

moment on the head of the Elect. It is a solemn act of calling down the Spirit of Jesus to be with them and protect them.

Dismissal of the Elect The Elect, together with the

candidates, are then sent forth to reflect upon the Word and this powerful gesture of love on the part of this community, that cares for them so deeply, with the love of Christ.

Baskets with the names of the Elect, including those in our Youth RCIA, are in baskets in back of the church. Please take a name and be a spiritual “angel”, praying for this person during Lent. You may also write a note of encouragement and support to the person whose name you choose. Notes can be placed in a box near the Welcome Desk.

PRAY FOR A PRIEST DAILY We continue our daily

prayers for the priests and brothers in the Arlington Diocese by praying this week for:

February 29 Reverend John C. De Celles

March 1 Reverend Ignacio de Ribera, dcjm

March 2 Reverend Francis M. de Rosa, V.F.

March 3 Reverend Matthew J. DeForest

March 4 Reverend Paul F. deLadurantaye

March 5 Reverend Robert J. DeMartino

March 6 Reverend Joseph Dewaele, C.I.C.M.

THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU You know how it feels like life often “kicks us when we’re down”? God is never like that; He always gives us a helping hand. In fact, that’s what the Sacrament of Reconciliation is all about.

On Wednesdays, from 6:30 - 8:00pm come to St. John Neumann and experience God’s compassionate love in this Sacrament. To help you reflect and grow daily this Lent, sign up for daily texts or emails by texting “Lent” to 84576. To find times at other parishes and for additional resources visit



There is a very limited number of dates available for Mass Intentions for 2016. The Mass Intentions Record Book for 2017 will be opened on Tuesday, March 1. At that time, intention requests will be accepted for the months of January through June.

Parish Information


look for ways to work on your heart and grow closer to God this Lent, we encourage you to join us for a Taizé service. Taizé services will be held this Sunday afternoon at 3:30pm offsite at the Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute (3302 Gallows Rd), and in the de Sales Chapel at 7:00pm Tuesday, March 8 and Wednesday March 23. Taizé is a meditative form of common prayer, where we sing simple, uncomplicated songs in an intimate setting. You do not need to be a singer to appreciate and participate in this moving service, but only have a willingness to set aside your chaos for the moment in an effort to draw closer to God. Come pray with us.


some Sisters of the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales who Father Tom met last summer in Namibia will be visiting us. Many of you heard Father Tom talking about their devotion and dedication to their ministry to the poorest of the poor. A sister will speak at all Masses and share the stories of their work, and hopefully you will be able to respond to their needs. In the Year of Mercy, this is a way we can participate in the missionary efforts of the Church.


Sunday, March 6, the Knights of Columbus will be serving breakfast in the Brown-McCarthy Auditorium from 8:30 to 11:30am. Join us as we look forward to the end of all this snow and the arrival of Spring! The beneficiary is Fairfax Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for children. Their mission is to advocate for the best interests of each abused and

neglected child referred by the Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court through the promotion and support of quality volunteer representation. They work to ensure that each child’s needs are identified and addressed with the goal of living in a safe and permanent home. For more information and to learn about volunteer opportunities, visit their website at or call 703-273-3526.


help out for an hour or two at the parish Health Fair taking place Sunday, April 24, from 10:00am to 4:00pm? No medical training is needed, as we need volunteers for registration and collecting evaluations, keeping the healthy snack table stocked, keeping water pitchers filled, directing people to the various tables, etc. We especially need Spanish speaking volunteers that afternoon to help translate for our Hispanic parishioners. Even if you can commit just an hour or two it would be of great help. Contact Lucy Boland at for more information.


PARKED OUTSIDE? The All Saints Church 5-Car Raffle is

here again! Some parishioners have already received tickets by mail to sell. Plenty more are now available after all Masses, and continuing through April 17! Stop by the car raffle table and pick up tickets to sell or purchase some for yourself. Prizes include five 2016 vehicles (Honda Civic, Buick Verano, GMC Sierra Truck, Honda CRV Sport Utility, and Honda Odyssey Van) and $20,000 in cash prizes. Remember this year the funds received for our participation in the 5-Car Raffle will be put towards three worthy groups: our sister parish - Niño Jesús in Manta, Ecuador; the Health Wagon, and Family Preservation and Strengthening Services (Family PASS).


FORMATION NOTICE! The Fairfax County School Board

has voted to close schools on Tuesday, March 1, when citizens will be voting in Virginia’s presidential primaries. In light of historic turnouts in primaries across the country in the past few weeks, it is anticipated that voter turnout in Fairfax County will likewise result in historic numbers of voters. However, we WILL hold to our original Faith Formation schedule and WILL have classes on Tuesday, March 1.


the Knights of Columbus Family of Man Council’s quarterly Red Cross Blood Drive at St. John Neumann on Saturday, March 12 from 8:00am to 12:30pm. Donors can register online at using the sponsor code STJOHNNEUMANNVA. You can also call the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767 to register or get answers to eligibility questions. You may call John Moran of the Knights at 202-586-8803 if you need help with the process. You can accelerate your check-in on March 12 by going online before you come, and using the RapidPass function to do your pre-readings and questionnaire. What better way to live out the call of the Year of Mercy than to make what could be a life-saving donation?


from the parish will be available this Sunday, February 28, in the Brown-McCarthy Auditorium from 2:30 - 3:30pm for blood pressure screening that could save your life. About 1 in 3 adults in the United States has High Blood Pressure. The condition usually has no signs or symptoms; you can have it for years without knowing it. During this time, HBP can damage your heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and other parts of your body. Please stop by for this important screening that is non-invasive, fast and painless.

YES, THERE WILL BE A DINNER DANCE! Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 30, for the parish Dinner

Dance. This gives you nine weeks to get the dust off of your dancing shoes and polish them up so that you are fully prepared to dance the night away! Stay tuned for more information and expect that in the near future you will see a call for volunteers to help with this event. You won’t want to miss this one!




Sunday Coffee Join us for coffee, juice, muffins, and

fellowship each Sunday from 8:30—11:30am. All are welcome!

9:00am Daily Mass and Fellowship: Following Mass in the

Chapel, join us in the Bridal Room for coffee and cookies.

Knights of Columbus: Are you a male, age 18 years or older

and a practicing Catholic, and wish to embark on a journey that emphasizes faith, fraternity, and fellowship with a real commitment to service in our community? If so, please consider becoming a member of the K of C Family of Man Council #7566. Take that first step and contact us at

Life+Savers: On the 3rd Saturday of every month, 7th and 8th

graders gather for a special, fun time between 3:00 - 4:30pm. Each Sunday evening, we meet in the Youth Room for about one-half hour after Faith Formation classes. Contact Kevin McManus at

Mothers’ Group: Join us for weekday, evening and weekend

playgroups, nights out, special events and more. Membership is open to all new, veteran and expectant caregivers of small children. Membership is free and participation is voluntary in all group activities. For more information please send email to

Praying College Moms: Join us on the 1st Friday morning or

the 2nd Thursday evening for shared prayer, support and fellowship. For information about morning sessions, email, and for evening sessions email ksmonroe

Shawl Ministry: On the afternoon of the third Sunday of

every month we gather to pray, talk, and create beautiful handmade shawls for those who are ill or grieving. Contact Teresa Westhues at 703-969-8430 to join or request a shawl.

Women’s Newcomers Group: Have you just moved to the

area? Consider joining our new support group, meeting weekly during the day. For information, email Megan Murphy at

Young Adults: If you are in your twenties or thirties and are

looking for a community to socialize, do service and pray with, then come join us! For more information, email Marie Ruff at


OF THE CROSS “The Living Stations of the Cross” is a

powerful prayer presentation in which teen participants portray Christ’s Passion and Death. We will start practicing this Wednesday evening, March 2 from 6:00 – 8:00pm in the church. Practices will continue on Wednesday evenings March 9 and 16 in the church, with a final practice on Good Friday, March 25. All 7th through 12th graders are invited and encouraged to participate in this powerful and prayerful presentation. Teen participants will portray Jesus, Mary, Pilate, crowd members and other individuals identified with the Stations of the Cross in a freeze-frame tableau with narration of the Stations and contemplative music. Actors, readers, singers and musicians are all needed for this presentation. The Living Stations of the Cross will be prayerfully presented with the parish community on Good Friday, March 25 at 3:00pm, with a final practice taking place before the presentation. If you plan to participate as an actor, narrator, singer or musician, please send an e-mail tom and come to the church on Wednesday, March 9 at 6:00pm (with your instrument, if you are a musician) for practice. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Doug Johnson on 703-860-6141 or by email.


WEEKEND? If not, you have another chance because the teens

participating in the Diocesan Work Camp this summer will be distributing cross pins made by them after all Masses next weekend, March 5 and 6. These crosses not only symbolize the support of our Saint John Neumann community for this important ministry, but more importantly symbolize the greatest sacrifice ever made in the history of the world – Our Savior, Jesus Christ, dying on the cross for the sins of all humanity. Your contributions will help defray lodging and meal expenses for the teen and adult volunteers from our parish when they travel to Massaponax, Virginia to spend a week helping our poor, disabled, elderly and underprivileged brothers and sisters in our Diocese. Thank you in advance for your generous support of these teens and adults who will be eyes and feet and hands of Christ making a difference in the lives of others!


NEW HOME? St. Mary’s Mission in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

is a non-profit organization that repurposes old Church and religious items. Their work began with a Hurricane Katrina relief effort in New Orleans and surrounding areas, and was made possible with the help of the founder’s great-grandmother, after whom the mission is named. St Mary’s Mission sent thousands of items to those churches and parishioners who lost almost everything. Over the last several years the mission’s work has successfully expanded, and they continue to recycle donations of religious items to those in need. Any items taken in are cleaned and repaired (if needed) and are placed into other churches, convents and monasteries in need, as well as Hospice facilities and nursing homes.

St Mary’s Mission can accept just about anything of religious nature, such as crucifixes, statues, rosaries, prayer books and missals, chalices, altar ware, tabernacles, linens, vestments, etc. If you have items that need a new home, St. Mary’s Mission will be doing a pick up in the Reston area Monday, March 7 and Tuesday, March 8. Please bring your religious articles and place them in the marked bins by the counter in the main hallway below the daily schedule monitor. We thank you for thinking of this mission as you look for religious items that are no longer needed in your home!

50+ CLUB ACTIVITIES: For more information on any

50+ Club event, please email Pat Bossie at or call 703-620-3747. Remember to call Pat to make reservations.

Tuesday, March 15: 11:30am at P. J. Mulligan’s, 2310

Woodland Crossing, Herndon, VA 20171. It is close to St. Patrick ’s Day and this is an Irish pub. Need we say more? We have reservations for the 40 seats the restaurant would hold for us, but we have started a waiting list in case someone has to cancel their reservation at the last minute. If you are still interested in attending, call Pat to be put on the waiting list. Visit the website at


HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY (AGAPE) Doug Johnson 703-860-6141

Sue Colyer, Interim Director 703-390-2340

Faith Formation

YOUNG ADULTS: Watch here for upcoming activities for

singles and couples in their 20s and 30s. Unless otherwise noted, for more information on any event, or to be added to the YA email distribution list, email Marie Ruff at

Saturday, March 5; 9:00am-12:45pm: Live Jesus! 2016 at Our Lady of Good Counsel. Register for this morning of reflection, fellowship and prayer at (no registration fee; freewill offerings accepted). This year's theme: "Opening the Door to the Joy of Mercy." Email Marie at if you are going so we can carpool/sit together.

Sunday, March 6: Enjoy faith and fellowship as we attend the 9:30am Mass as a group, followed by the Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast. (free-will donation). We'll meet in the front of the church around 9:20 so we can all sit together. Email Laura at to let her know to expect you.

Friday, March 11; 7pm: Stations of the Cross: The Young Adults are leading Stations of the Cross. We will gather in the church by 6:45pm. We are looking for volunteers: a cross bearer, candle bearers, readers, and singers/musician. If interested, contact Melissa at by February 29.

Saturday, March 12; 8:30am-2:30pm at St. Joseph, Herndon: Arlington Diocese Women's Conference 2016 - “God, the Father of Extravagant Mercy”. Registration for this event is $55; Continental breakfast, lunch and parking included. Sign up at Email Marie at by Wednesday, March 9, if you are going so we can carpool/sit together. Men, check out the March 5 Arlington Diocese Men's Conference 2016 at

ONGOING ADULT FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES: Unless otherwise noted, for more information on any program, contact Sue Colyer.

Welcome Home Are you a “returning” Catholic or perhaps thinking this may be your home? See the brochure on the hallway table and on the parish website under Welcome. We are currently forming a new small group for returning Catholics that will meet for six weeks.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Interested in being Catholic? Do you have questions? A group of inquirers meets on Tuesday evenings. Let us know if you are interested in learning more.

Contemplative Prayer There is quiet prayer together every Thursday evening at 7:00pm. We also meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 10:00am with Lectio Divinia. The simple format is explained each time we gather. Information is on the parish website. All are welcome.

Bible Study for Mothers With Young Children This group meets on Fridays from 10:00 to 11:30am, with child care provided. Email Christy Cottrell for more information at

Road to Emmaus This small discussion group meets Mon-day mornings at 10:00am to discuss the previous Sunday’s readings. Email to receive materials.

The Power of Story “SPIRITUALITIES” IN THE CONTEXT OF THE HERES AND THE BEYONDS” This program, presented by Wil-liam R. Stott, Jr. meets at 7:00pm in the deSales Chapel. Registration flyers and schedule are on the table in the main hallway. All are welcome!

Independent Online Bible Study This 8-session course, “Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible” will help uncover the story woven throughout Scripture, to get the “big picture” of the Bible. Details and registration link are available on our website under Faith Formation/Adults.

UPCOMING AGAPE EVENTS: Mark your calendars for the

following exciting, fun-filled upcoming Agape or Agape related events and make plans to attend:

Sunday, February 28; High School Teen Night (Agape):

6:15pm, Brown-McCarthy Auditorium

Saturday, March 5; Mini Work Camp: 9:00am to 3:00pm,

Parking Lot

Next Weekend; March 5 - 6: Cross Pin Distribution After All

Masses - see details on page 6


teens! Join us for food, fellowship, faith sharing, meeting new friends and having lots of fun. Come and learn more about our Catholic faith and traditions and how we can apply our Christian values to our daily lives and in our relationships with others. Father Bob Mancini will join us to present information about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about our Catholic faith and values, share snacks, enjoy fellowship and make new friends! All high school teens are welcome; bring a friend. If you have not yet registered for the our High School Youth Ministry Program (Agape), you may register online on the parish website at or pick up a form at the Faith Formation Office.


teens and adults! Make a difference in someone’s life. Would you like to help those in need, learn some new skills, do hands-on basic home repairs and have fun? If your answer is yes, sign up and join us for the next Mini Work Camp next Saturday, March 5 from 9:00am - 3:00pm! No experience is necessary – help bring hope by sharing your Christian love with those in need in our community. Permission Slips are required! Contact Phyllis Rienzo by phone at 703-795-0339 or e-mail at for a permission slip, more information and to let her know that you will be joining us!

HIGH SCHOOL TEEN MINISTRY E-MAIL LIST: Contact Doug Johnson at if you wish to be placed on the SJN High School Teen Ministry email list. This is a great way to learn the latest information on events, programs and opportunities to serve in our high school teen program.


Around the Diocese

SJN Weekly Stewardship






Appeal is in full swing and we are asking every household in our parish to support this appeal to the extent that they are able. The BLA funds many programs, services and ministries that serve people in need and further Jesus’ Mission in our diocese. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, let’s join together to do the Lord’s work - work that touches the lives and souls of thousands of people in our diocese. Thank you!


gardener, ‘For three years now I have come in search of f ru i t on th is f ig t ree but have found none.’” (LUKE 13:7)

Are you like the barren fig tree? How will you respond when God asks you what you have done with all the gifts He has given you? Remember, not only are we called to be generous, we are called to develop and nurture our gifts and return with increase.

Special Collection Stewardship


COLLECTION Thank you to everyone who participated

in the 131st annual Black and Indian Mission Collection last

weekend. Your prayerful support enables people to come to know Jesus Christ in African American, Native American and Alaska Native communities all over the United States. Spreading the Gospel couldn't happen without your support.


HOLY HOUR DURING THE YEAR OF MERCY During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, The Office for Family Life is looking for parish groups willing to "adopt" and make a pilgrimage to attend ONE Intercessory Prayer Holy Hour in 2016 to pray for the healing of our culture and for those who still live in darkness and don't know the healing power of God and His infinite mercy. The Holy Hours are on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7:30 to 8:30pm at St. Mary of Sorrows Historic Church in Fairfax Station. For more information or to sign up your group, please call Project Rachel at 703-841-2504 or email You can also visit our website:

DIOCESAN TEACHER JOB FAIR MARCH 12 The Office of Catholic Schools invites prospective teachers to a Teacher Job Fair on March 12. The Fair will be held at Paul VI High School from 9:00 to 11am. Principals from over 30 Diocesan elementary and high schools will be on hand to talk with you about openings for the 2016-2017 school year. Representatives from the Office of Catholic Schools will answer questions about the application process. New teachers and those returning to teaching are welcome. All teachers must be certified or ready to seek certification. Paul VI High School is located at 10675 Fairfax Blvd. (Rt. 50) in Fairfax. Parking is available. For more information, visit or call 703-841-2519. We believe in our teachers! Join our excellent schools for a faith-filled experience.




If you are looking for a way to draw closer to the Lord and to your spouse during the Lenten season, consider participating in the 7-day online retreat with Bishop Loverde. You can begin any time with any of the seven video reflections. To begin, visit

CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES COLLECTION Next week, our parish will take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection. This collection supports six Catholic agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around the world. The funds from this collection help provide food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and Christ’s love and respect to all people. Next week, please give generously to The Catholic Relief Services Collection and help Jesus in disguise.

“It is better to want little

than to have much.”

St. Francis de Sales

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