st. james lutheran church february · 2018. 4. 6. · 2015 school year begins for all current...

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In This Month’s Issue:

From the Pastor Page 1

President’s Points Page 2

SJLS News Page 3

Birthdays & Baptismal Anniversaries Page 4

Ministries, Announcements &Upcoming events Page 6-7

Prayer Needs Page 4

Calendar Page 9



Called by God, centered in the Word and empowered

by the Holy Spirit, we rejoice in the Lord, proclaim

His gift of Grace through liturgical worship and

service and share Christ’s love and forgiveness in all

we do. The Reverend Keith Getz,


Sunday Worship Service: 10:00

AM Sunday-School: 9:00 AM

Wednesday: 10:30 AM: Bible Study (Library) & Noon: Holy

Communion Service (Sanctuary)

St. James Lutheran Church

1137 Alice Drive Sumter, SC 29150

Office: 773-2260

Fax: 775-6021 E-mail: Church Office Hours:

9:00am-12:30pm Monday - Friday

St. James Lutheran School 934-8727

Words From Your Pastor “Beloved let us love one another, because love is of God, and everyone who loves is begotten of God and knows God. The person not loving did not know God, because God is love” (John 4:7-8). During the month of February, we tend to think about the loved ones in our lives. We send them Valentine cards or do something romantic with the one we love. Love is a beautiful thing. It is a gift from God, but because of the age old deceiver, the devil, love can become disordered and become self-serving love. Love can be about what we hope to gain, such as I love you, so you will love me or give me what I want. We can easily objectify love, making it into something we can exploit for our own selfish means. We see this kind of love played out in the real world, in the news, and in romance novels. The Scripture passage above reminds us what true love means. True love comes from God. God is the source of love. God is love. God’s divine love is embodied in Jesus Christ. It is the love that brought Jesus into the world. It is the love that took Jesus to the cross. It is the self-giving mutual love between the Father and the Son, embodied in the Spirit. It is the self-giving love of God in Christ Jesus that lives in his followers, you and me. Because Jesus Christ, the source of true love, lives in us, we are able to love others. We are able to love others with self-giving, cruciform love. The more we continue to be in the presence of Jesus Christ in Word and Sacrament, worship and fellowship, study and prayer, the more Christ’s love transforms our love. The love of God that created the world, sent his Son into the world, and redeemed the world through his Son lives in us. May we reflect the love of God in Christ by reaching out to those in need through acts of random kindness, by building up our brothers and sisters in Christ at St. James, and by giving of out time, talents, and possessions with generous and grateful hearts. Amen. Christ’s Peace,

Pastor Keith

TTThhheee MMMeeesssssseeennngggeeerrr

St. James Lutheran Church February

President’s Points Greetings from your newly elected Council President,

First, let me officially thank our outgoing President, Mike Stewart. He has been a great inspiration and leader for our congregation over the past year. He has worked faithfully to serve this church and prepare us for whatever the future holds for St. James Lutheran. I hope that God will give me the wisdom and ability to continue to build upon this foundation and help St. James Lutheran grow in faithfulness and community outreach.

As for my qualifications for this job, I am but one member who will do his part to help. Putting words to paper puts me way out of my comfort zone. I am a Statistics and Economics Major. English and Grammar is not my cup of tea. However, I am willing to try to step out of my comfort zone to help.

As I look around and take stock of our situation, there are many needs for our church. Some of those needs are Stewardship, Sunday School, Hospitality and Community Outreach. Many areas need a helping hand. Who of you are willing to step out of their comfort zone to give us a hand? Because if we sit back and do nothing, that’s exactly how much our church will grow for this year.

We have much to offer, but only by increasing our participation and visibility will we help our efforts to growing this congregation. This will lead to increased attendance and that will lead to increased offerings which will allow us to do even more church and community projects.

I will try to have some type of Council update each month to do my part. What will you do? In God’s peace, Brian Crawshaw

Council President


1st Darlene Earp and Mildred Tietjen

2nd Andrew Parsons 6th Mac McLeod

11th Michael Kamin and Kris Kamin

13th Marsha Geddings 16th Christopher Wagner

18th Sam Price and Sarah Myers 22nd Gary Harbath

27th Brandi Hallman and Kimberly Dees

If we missed your birthday, please let us know either by noting it on the back of your attendance slip, emailing or by calling the church office. Thank you!

In nursing homes:

Don & Jean Hoyt

Dean Heal (Lois Heal’s husband) For healing:

Denise Copeland

Dot Barrineau

Deb Forke

Nit Cohen (Kim Strange’s sister)

Rick Hines

Betty Moore

Molly Simpson Matthews

Patti Hiro (Bob Bessel’s Cousin)

Dee Osborne

Lu & Ray Davenport

Christopher Lovett (Tom Lovett’s son)

Arletta Price

Darlene Earp

Mr. Gainey (Connie Hallman’s father)

Barbara Harbath

Elizabeth Terry

Bill Scobee

David Pursey

Linda Hamm

The Hallman Family (on the death of Hazalee’s Sister)

The Palmo Family (on the death of his father)

Betty Larson (Betty Moore’s cousin)

Hazalee Hallman

Arletta Price If you have a prayer need and would like for it to be in the next newsletter please email me at

Let us Pray:

I have said this to you, that in me you have peace. In the world you have tribulation; but be of

good cheer, I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

SJLS SCHOOL NEWS We begin this month by saying farewell to Karissa Powless and her family. Her family is moving to Arizona. Good luck in all of your future endeavors. Please keep the following people in your prayers: Matt Price, Matt DeYoung, Mason Gant and Arletta Price. Matt Price just deployed overseas for a year, while Matt DeYoung, who is home for his mid-tour, will head back soon. Mason and Arletta are recovering nicely from their surgeries. January 27th is Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night. Head on out to the Broad Street location from 5pm – 8pm, enjoy dinner and fellowship and place your receipt in the SJLS box. We appreciate everyone who participates! Thank you! January 27th, report cards will be sent home for all students in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade. Please look over your child’s grades, then sign and return the paperwork the next morning. Beginning February 1st, registration for the 2014 – 2015 school year begins for all current students and their siblings. (Registration will be open to the public at the end of February). All slots are filled on a first come/first serve basis, and no slot is held until the $120 registration fee (per child) is paid. All registration fees are non-refundable unless your family receives official military orders. Please pass the word along to any family member or friend who is looking for a great school. February 2nd is Groundhog’s Day. This is a Sunday so make sure you check out Punxsutawney Phil to see whether or not he saw his shadow. Here’s hoping that Spring comes early! Our annual Book Fair will be February 3rd – 7th. This is a great place to get fantastic gifts or just add to your child’s home library. Mrs. Cameron will be looking for volunteers to work the Book Fair. Letters will be sent home soon. February 5th is the 100th day of school. Each teacher will have a class party. Room Parents: please contact your child’s teacher soon to see what assistance is needed.

On February 7th, class pictures will be taken. All students are required to wear their red SJLS shirt for the photo. February 14th is Valentine’s Day! Each class will have their own celebration. (Room Parents, please contact your child’s teacher to see what assistance is needed.) Your child is welcome to hand out Valentine’s Day cards; however, please make sure that all students in your child’s class are included. If you need a list of student’s names, please contact your child’s teacher or the school office. School is closed on Monday, February 17th for another teacher in-service day. The After-School Enrichment Program will be open. Prices are $5/hour or $20/day. Sign-ups are required. Please contact the school office for registration. On March 24th – 28th, all students in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade will be taking the Stanford Achievement Test. This week long test is mandatory! Testing costs will be covered by the School Board. Thank you! Please remember to check your child’s folder daily. Parents of children in K3, K4 and Extended Care (last year and this year) should have received a tax information sheet earlier this week. If you feel you should have received one but didn’t, please contact the school office. Attention parents of 3rd Graders: The School Board and Church Council are discussing the addition of 4th Grade. Please keep an eye out for more details. We would like to wish the following people a very happy birthday: Audrey Edwards, Angela Agno, Rayna Renfro, Rhiannon Green, Susan Nesbitt, Makin Blaylock and Jocelynne DeYoung. The school is looking for a volunteer to collect, cut out and count Box Tops. If you are interested in assisting, please contact the school office or Krista Levi at Thank you.

TALENTS SCHEDULE FEBRUARY: ACOLYTE AND CRUCIFER SCHEDULE: February 2 : Acolyte: Caroline Getz Crucifer: Savannah Grace Stewart Attendant: Lisa Bratton February 9 : Acolyte: Ashley Crawshaw Crucifer: Christian Beck Attendant: Kim Strange February 16: Acolyte: Owen Getz Crucifer: Annah Beck Attendant: Karen Hesselbart February 23: Acolyte: Andrew Bratton Crucifer: Easton Ward Attendant: Lisa Bratton LITURGIST & CA SCHEDULE: February 2: Liturgist: Dick Rasmussen CAs: Gary Harbath & Bob Bessel February 9: Liturgist: Kimberly Dees CAs: Harold Chandler & Cheryl Schmeling February 16: Liturgist: Hugh China CAs: Mildred Tietjen & Gary Harbath February 23: Liturgist: Jim Bradshaw CAs: Judith Terry & Bob Summers LAYREADER SCHEDULE: February 2: Bill Ketterer February 9: Anna Parsons February 16: Keith Hamm February 23: Steve Hamm COUNTER SCHEDULE: February 2: February 9: February 16: February 23:

CHILDREN’S SERMON SCHEDULE: February 2: Lisa Bratton February 9: Elton Hallman February 16: Pastor Keith February 23: Karen Hesselbart USHER SCHEDULE : February 2 & 9: Tony Myers & Eric Hutchison February 16 & 23: Gary Harbath & Elton Hallman Altar Care: Cheryl Schmeling & Judy Pollock

If you will be unable to make it on a Sunday when you are serving please call the office: 773-2260 and let the Administrative Assistant know so that we can find a replacement and make the necessary changes to the bulletin.


Camp-formation: This summer, some of our confirmation students will be attending camp, at Lutheridge, for a week to grow in their faith. This is a great opportunity to spend time with other confirmation students from various Lutheran churches and to learn more about their relationship with Christ. A group of pastors and I will be designing and implementing the lessons for the week. These students will also have time to do camp activities. The cost per child is $400 dollars. I am asking for donations to the Camp-formation fund to offset the cost. It is my goal that all students, who want to participate are able to do so, without the cost being an issue. The Evangelism Committee has agreed for SJLC to serve supper to the children of Croswell Home for Children two times each year. On Sunday, February 9th we have the opportunity to serve supper. This is a simple meal served to approximately 30 children at 5:00pm in the afternoon. The children range from toddlers to teenagers and reside in four separate cottages. We will meet briefly after the worship service on Sunday, January 26th to discuss the menu and delivery. If you would like to participate by preparing or delivering food, please contact Janet Turner at 481-8518 (Home) or by email: FLOWER CALENDAR: The 2014 Flower Calendar can be found in the Narthex. There are many spots still available, please feel free to sign up if you would like to have flowers put in the church.


EVANGELISM FEBRUARY GREETER SCHEDULE: Sunday, Feb. 2: Judith Terry, Jane Hart Sunday, Feb. 9: Janet Turner, Tim Tidwell Sunday, Feb. 16: Joanie and Mac McLeod Sunday, Feb. 23: Helen & John Kinser Dear Greeters: If you are unable to greet on your appointed Sunday, please be sure to ask someone to fill in for you. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer as a Greeter, please contact JoAnn Bruce at 938-5310 or online at THANK YOU!! EVANGELISM COMMITTEE: Evangelism Committee will meet on Monday, February 17th at 6:00 pm in the pastor's office. NEW MEMBERS: We are excited about the Hudsons and Sullivans joining our church. Jimmy and Jennifer Hudson both grew up in the church. Jennifer was raised in the Lutheran Church in Wisconsin and Colorado. Although, they worshipped at other churches, Jennifer felt the most at home in the Lutheran church. They saw our church and started worshipping with us. Jimmy and Jennifer feel like they have found their church home. Both of them have been attending regularly and have been involved in the life of our congregation. Judy and Tyler Sullivan moved here from Nevada a few months ago to be closer to Judy's parents as they are getting up in age. Tyler will be going to Carolina Tech in January and Judy is in the process of starting a gourmet popcorn business and finding a job. They happened to find this church as it is close to where they live. They decided to go to the Nov 2nd (All Saints) service for the first time to see if this would be a good church home for them. When Judy read the bulletin as they walked in the church, she realized that they were at her Aunt Mary Sigmon’s church, where she had passed away last year. She decided that this was a sign from God that they were at the church they were suppose to be. They have faithfully attended our church and have been involved in the life of our church. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU IN RECOGNIZING OUR YOUNG ONES! Please tell us about your children or grandchildren. This is a reminder that we are interested in reporting information from the preschool age to college age. Achievements can include good grades in school such as Honor Roll or Dean’s List, sports, art contests, music, clubs & organizations such as Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, etc. We would also like to hear about community based projects that your child may be involved in. Please send all accomplishments to Shelley Crawshaw by email. She will be handling the updates each month to have it included in the newsletter. When providing information to Shelley, please include the full name of the child along with the name of the church member, parents, or grandparents that they are related to. Then, briefly state the child’s accomplishments and also state the name of the school or organization. Please have the information submitted to Shelley by the 15th of every month so it can be included in the newsletter of the following month. If needed, information can be provided to Allison in the church office or by phone. Shelley’s email address is:

Recognition of our Children Ashley Crawshaw, daughter of Brian & Shelley Crawshaw, made Honors on her report card for the 1st Semester of the school year. Madison Crawshaw, daughter of Brian & Shelley Crawshaw made Headmaster’s List (Straight A’s) on her report card for the 1st Semester of the school year. Ashley is a 7th grader and Madison is a 3rd grader and they both attend Wilson Hall School. Congratulations to both of you for a job well done! On December 13th, Girl Scout Troop #2354, attended the Christmas Party hosted by Tuomey Rehab. The Party was given in honor of the children that attend Tuomey Rehab on a regular basis. Ashley Crawshaw along with


her other Girl Scout members worked at the party to help make it a fun and wonderful experience for these children. Thank you to Troop #2354 for giving your time to a very good cause. The following note was received from Gregg and Francis Guichard, Don and Jean Hoyt’s daughter and son in law: “Dad just celebrated his 86th birthday and is still enjoying singing at the Sunday service at the home. Mom is failing, she does not know us, but still has that “Jean” smile. “ WELCA News from St. James Hi Ladies of St. James. Did you know that if you are a member of St. James, you are automatically a member of WELCA? Therefore, when we talk of activities with WELCA, we are including all of you. At our last WELCA gathering we discussed what we would like to see happen at St. James, and how we could accomplish our goals. Some of the endeavors we would like to undertake are:

Making sure that our sick and homebound are taken care of – by taking them meals, transportation to doctor’s appointments, visitation, etc. Whatever our women can do to help.

Food drives for Christian Charities

A mother daughter fashion show in May If any St. James women have any suggestions for activities, please do not hesitate to let a WELCA board member know. At our last WELCA Board Meeting, we decided that we would have a covered dish brunch for the people participating in decorating the church and Chrismon tree for Advent and the Christmas season. The food was delicious and the meal and the fellowship was a nice way to end the decorating. The men’s group – Men in Mission – were having a work day at the church, and as always, they set the tree up and put the lights on, and do all the things that the ladies can’t do. They also joined us for our brunch. The ladies appreciated all the assistance from the men in the church. Helen Bultman looked back at the history of our Chrismon tree, and noted that we have been putting up a Chrismon tree for 47 years in our church and that we are using Chrismon decorations that Hazelee Hallman helped make many years ago. Ladies if you have questions about meetings or events scheduled with WELCA, please do not hesitate to ask a Board member. They are Judy Lessard, President; Susan Chandler, Vice President; Dot Weishuhn, Treasurer; Arletta Price, Secretary; Helen Bultman with Suber Bultman Circle, and Judith Terry, with Lula June Circle. Remember, WELCA means Women of the Evangelical Church of America, which means YOU.

Thank you to all of our St. James Family who prayed for Laura during her surgery and her recovery, provided meals for our family, sent cards, and sat with me during her surgery. Your Christ-like love deeply touched our family. We feel very blessed to be a part of the St. James Family. Christ’s Peace, Pastor Keith



You are cordially invited to attend LADIES NIGHT,

sponsored by Lutheran Men in Mission

Saturday, February 15th, 2014 Quality Inn, Broad Street

Social Hour 6 PM Dinner & Entertainment 7 PM

$18 per person

Carpooling will be available from the church if desired. Contact Bill Ketterer or Jimmy Lee to purchase tickets, or

for additional information.


FEBRUARY 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:00 AM

Sunday School

for All Ages

10:00 AM





6:00 PM Girl

Scouts Troop

#2292 (Youth


7:00 PM Bible

Study (Library)


8:00 AM

Lutheran Men's




6:00 PM Girl

Scout Troop

#436 (FSH)


10:30 AM Bible

Study (Library)

12:00 PM Holy




7:00 PM Choir



12:00 PM SJLS

P.E. (FSH)

6:00 PM Cub

Scouts Pack


7:00 PM Boy

Scouts Troop

#305 (FSH)

31 1

9:00 AM Prayer




9:00 AM

Sunday School

for All Ages

10:00 AM





6:00 PM Girl

Scouts Troop

#2292 (Youth


7:00 PM Bible

Study (Library)


9:30 AM Lula

June Circle

6:00 PM Girl

Scout Troop

#436 (FSH)


10:30 AM Bible

Study (Library)

12:00 PM Holy




7:00 PM Choir



12:00 PM SJLS

P.E. (FSH)

6:00 PM Cub

Scouts Pack


7:00 PM Boy

Scouts Troop

#305 (FSH)

7 8

9:00 AM Prayer




9:00 AM

Sunday School

for All Ages

10:00 AM





6:00 PM Girl

Scouts Troop

#2292 (Youth


7:00 PM Bible

Study (Library)

7:00 PM

Lutheran Men's



6:00 PM Girl

Scout Troop

#436 (FSH)

6:00 PM

Worship Team

Meeting (Parlor)


10:30 AM Bible

Study (Library)

12:00 PM Holy




7:00 PM Choir



12:00 PM SJLS

P.E. (FSH)

6:00 PM Cub

Scouts Pack


6:30 PM School

Board Ministry

Tm. (Library)

7:00 PM Boy

Scouts Troop

#305 (FSH)

14 15

9:00 AM Prayer




9:00 AM

Sunday School

for All Ages

10:00 AM





6:00 PM Girl

Scouts Troop

#2292 (Youth


7:00 PM Bible

Study (Parlor)

7:00 PM





6:00 PM Girl

Scout Troop

#436 (FSH)

7:00 PM Boy

Scouts Order of

Arrow Mtg.





10:30 AM Bible

Study (Library)

12:00 PM Holy




7:00 PM Choir



12:00 PM SJLS

P.E. (FSH)

6:00 PM Cub

Scouts Pack


7:00 PM Boy

Scouts Troop

#305 (FSH)

21 22

8:00 AM Kairos

Team Meeting


9:00 AM Prayer




9:00 AM

Sunday School

for All Ages

10:00 AM





6:00 PM Girl

Scouts Troop

#2292 (Youth


7:00 PM Bible

Study (Library)


8:00 AM

Lutheran Men's




6:00 PM Girl

Scout Troop

#436 (FSH)


10:30 AM Bible

Study (Library)

12:00 PM Holy




7:00 PM Choir



12:00 PM SJLS

P.E. (FSH)

6:00 PM Cub

Scouts Pack


7:00 PM Boy

Scouts Troop

#305 (FSH)

28 1

9:00 AM Prayer




ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH 1137 ALICE DRIVE Sumter, SC 29150 Return Service Requested Office: 773-2260 Fax: 775-6021

E-mail: Church office hours: 8:00am-11:30am Monday through Friday The Reverend Keith Getz, Pastor

St. James Lutheran School 934-8727

SERVICES: Wednesday: 10:30AM, Bible Study

Noon, Holy Communion Service Sunday School: 9:00AM

Sunday Worship Service: 10:00AM

Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postage


Permit 105

Sumter, SC 29150

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