st. isidore harvester · st. isidore harvester 5657 thomas road baton rouge, la 70811 (225)...

Post on 10-Sep-2020






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St. Isidore Harvester 5657 Thomas Road

Baton Rouge, LA 70811

(225) 775-8850


St. Isidore the Farmer Catholic Church Serving Baker and surrounding areas

Vol. 53 ~ July 26, 2020 ~ No. 30

Daily Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil 4 PM

Sunday 7:30 AM & 10:30 AM

Monday Communion Service 8:30 AM

Tuesday 6 PM, followed by Our Lady

of Perpetual Help Novena,

Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and

Exposi on & Benedic on of the

Blessed Sacrament

Wednesday 7:15 AM

Thursday 6 AM

Friday 7:15 AM, followed by

Adora on, un l 12:00 PM

Parish Staff

Father Frank Bass - Pastor Tommy Benoit - Deacon Shelley Joseph - Deacon Chad Canady - Maintenance Kara LeBlanc - Social Jus ce/ Special Events/ Bulle n Jason McCrory - Liturgy Michael McMullen - Facili es Manager Roxanne Mabile - Administra on Monice Oliphant - Religious Forma on/ Youth

Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs.—8 AM to Noon, 1 PM to 4:30 PM; Friday—8 AM to 12 PM

Worship Schedule

Saturday, July 25 St. James, Apostle Confession: 2:45 to 3:45 PM. 4:00 PM Mass: Caecilia Norris, Pete Chambliss.

Sunday, July 26 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM Mass: The People of St. Isidore. 10:30 AM Mass: Savannah Hooge, Jonathan Williston, Erin Delahoussaye Scott.

Monday, July 27 8:30 AM Communion Service.

Tuesday, July 28 Confession: 4:45 to 5:45 PM. 6:00 PM Mass: Ashlea Hood.

Wednesday, July 29 St. Martha 7:15 AM Mass: Martha Mire.

Thursday, July 30 St. Peter Chrysologus 6:00 AM Mass: Rabb Rabalais.

Friday, July 31 St. Ignatius of Loyola 7:15 AM Mass: Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 8:45 AM–12:00 PM: Adoration.

The Sanctuary Candle burns this week for

Martha Mire

Requested by: Sharon Callahan



Regular Collection: $8,827.00 Parish Maintenance Fund: $1,414.00

Unidentified Collection: $266.00

Thank you and may God bless your stewardship.

Vocational View

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 26, 2020 Are you willing to sell everything you own and follow the Lord? Once you accept the Lord into your life-as a priest, sister or brother-you will not miss those things you have ‘given-up’. Rather, you will rejoice in what you have ‘found’. If God is calling you to a Church vocation, call Fr. Andrew Merrick at (225) 336-8778,

The 4th Month of Our Spiritual Adoption

The First Human Right Cardinal Renato Martino, when serving as President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said the following in an interview conducted for Priests for Life in May, 2004: "The Holy Father speaks of the protection of life as the fundamental realization and respect for human rights. Without that realization, without that respect for the right to life, no other discussion of human rights can continue; it must be based upon the foundation of human dignity and the right to life."

Thank you for praying for me. I’m bigger now and stronger now. I’m about 6 inches long and I weigh 4 ounces. When my mommy goes to the doctor, she can even listen to my heartbeat. I hope that one day I will

run and play with friends like you.

Mass Intention & Sanctuary Light Book Now Available

The Mass Intention and Sanctuary Light Calendar is now open through December 2020. Please call the church office to request a Mass or a sanctuary candle for your loved one.

A Share in God’s Kingdom Today concludes a three-week series of Gospel texts in which we have listened to a total of seven parables about the Kingdom. The believer is asked to consider the request that God made of Solomon in today’s first reading: “Ask something of me and I will give it to you” (1 Kings 3:5). Today’s parables about the treasure buried in the field and the pearl of great price should prompt us to answer, “A share in your kingdom, O God!” Today we discover that the kingdom of God is beyond value, a priceless treasure. Unfortunately, our culture bombards us with things that it believes are priceless treasures—the bigger and better SUVs, anti-aging and anti-balding creams and salves, miracle diets, and so much more. Having a share in God’s kingdom and helping to bring about that kingdom are the greatest treasures that we can ever hope to gain.© J. S. Paluch Co.

Religious Education

Religion Classes - this year families have the option of At Home classes or Live classes. At Home - Students in 1st through 11th Grade

In this model, parents provide weekly faith formation in the home for students in 1st through 11th grade to complete assignments. Families use the same curriculum that's used in live classes, with support from the Faith Formation office during designated hours. Progress is monitored by the Director of Faith Formation. This program begins in September. Live Classes – Students in 1st through 11th Grade

This program provides religion classes to Catholic children attending secular schools. They are facilitated by a catechist (teacher) in a classroom setting using textbooks, music, videos, etc. to enhance their learning experience. This group meets each Wednesday at 6:15 pm. Parents are encouraged to volunteer. All classes begin in September. For registration information please contact Monice Oliphant at 225.775.8850 or

Congratulations, Graduate!

Alaina Grace Guillory graduated from West Feliciana High School on Friday, July 10, 2020.

Alaina graduated from WFHS with honors. She was awarded a Dean’s scholarship to Louisiana Tech in the amount of $34,000, to pursue a degree in Cyber Engineering. She also received the Knights of Columbus Youth Leadership Award along with several other awards.

She is the granddaughter of Charley and Gwen Jenkins, and her parents are Cheryl and Steve Guillory. Although, Alaina is a parishioner of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in St. Francisville she has attended Mass at St. Isidore with her grandparents as well as spent summers helping with Vacation Bible School here at St. Isidore.

Congratulations to Alaina for all of her accomplishments; we know there will be many more to come. Please pray for her to be guided by the Holy Spirit as she embarks on the next chapter in her life.

If you have a high school or college graduate you would like us to feature in the bulletin, please call Kara in the church office or email her at

The Revelation of Your Word Sheds Light

Jesus is speaking in parables and offers three different images for the kingdom of heaven. Remember that popular line from a phone commercial: “Can you hear me now?” Jesus is trying to teach and basically says, “Do you understand me now? Do you get it now? Then let me explain it another way.” He is shedding light on just how very important his mission is, that the kingdom of God is the most important thing, and that we must make every choice, every effort to strive for it. To use a sports metaphor, Jesus is telling us we must not look for immediate satisfaction, but we must “play the long game” because in the end, this is the only thing that really matters. © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

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ST. ISIDORE HARVESTER (USPS 515-220) is published weekly except the 4th week of Julyand last week of December for $15.00 per year by St. Isidore Catholic Church. PeriodicalsPostage Paid at Baton Rouge, LA Post Office & additional mailing offices.

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