st. clement of rome catholic church

Post on 01-May-2022






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From the Parish Office:

Thank you to all who

have given to our 2019

Catholic Service Appeal.

To date 194 of the 2,211 families

have answered the call.

Throughout the Lenten

season of reflection and

meditation, you are invited

to write your prayer requests on the

back of the little purple crosses and

pin them to the cross.

Bread for Holy Thursday

We are in need of bread bakers to

bake the small loaves of bread for

the Holy Thursday Liturgy. If you

can help, please call Russ Morgan

at 752-6984 or email rmor-

Bread can be dropped off at church

beginning Tuesday, April 16. We

are in need of approximately 150


Holy Week Schedule

Mass - Tuesday and Wednesday- 9:00 a.m.

Holy Thursday Mass - 7:00 p.m. in the Church

Adoration until night prayer at 10:00 p.m.

Good Friday - 11:00 a.m. in the Back Parking Lot/Gym (Spanish)

12:00 noon - Stations of the Cross - Church

Celebration of the Passion immediately following

Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday - 10:00 a.m.

Blessing of the Food, Saturday - 12:00 noon

Saturday, Easter Vigil - 8:00 p.m. in the Gym (Spanish)

8:00 p.m. in the Church

There is no 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday

Easter Sunday - 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

There is no 7:00 p.m. Mass on Easter Sunday

Parish Office Closed from 12:00 noon April 19 through April 22

Songs of the Shadows

The St. Clement Adult Choir will be presenting "Song of the Shadows"

by Joseph M. Martin, a Lenten musical recalling Christ’s death and

passion. It will begin at 12:30 p.m. on Good Friday after Stations of the

Cross at 12:00 noon. Song of the Shadows has the power to open your

heart and deepen your emotional reaction to all the events that led up to

Christs passion and death. Our Good Friday liturgy will follow at 1:00


Blood Drive

Sunday, April 28

7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Palm Sunday Mass in Spanish… There will be a Palm Sunday Mass

in Spanish on Sunday, April 14 at 2:00 p.m. in the gym. There is NO 7:00

p.m. Mass that day.

St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

April 14, 2019

We of St. Clement of Rome Parish, with the Power of the Spirit, welcome, embrace and unite all the many faces of

Christ who worship with us. As a family, we deepen our faith and seek God in the community,

through prayer and good works.

All are invited St. Clement Annual

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 20 - 10:00 a.m.

Easter Egg Hunt ( held outside)

Make a craft, decorate a cookie and

Egg Hunting. Bring your own

basket, bucket or bag and

hop on over.

Page 2 St. Clement Church, Romeo

Religious Education Office Hours

Monday - Wednesday

9:00 a.m. - 7:45 p.m.

Thursday - 9:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Friday - closed

The office is closed daily from 12:00

noon - 1:00 p.m. for lunch

Advertise in the bulletin! Contact

Lisa Mitchell at

or 800-477-4574 x 6281

Follow the K of C on Facebook

A Family Perspective… Today Jesus tells us “I am

among you as one who

serves.” In accepting the

palm branch today you publicly

confirm your baptismal promise to

follow Jesus as “one who serves.”

Selfless service defines a family as

Christian.~ Bud Ozar

This Lent, Help Others Check Hunger Off Their List

This coming Lenten

season, we will all try

to be more conscious

about fasting, almsgiv-

ing and prayer. As a suggestion

where almsgiving is concerned,

please consider a donation to the

Agape Center food pantry. Below

are some suggestions of nutritious

canned and dry goods that we use

the most. Please, no open

containers, homemade food or

expired products. And, please

avoid items in glass containers as

they often break in handling.

Tuna fish

Canned meat

Beef stew

Meat soups, Hearty soups

Canned spaghetti or pasta

Canned fruit

Canned vegetables


Noodles, macaroni

Powdered milk

Pancake or baking mixes

Low sodium items (soup,

vegetables, etc)

Cereal/Oatmeal (including

single serving sizes)

Granola bars

Coffee (ground)

Personal care items


Toothpaste & toothbrushes

Bar soap and hand soap


Cleaning products (window

cleaner, laundry detergent,

dish soap, etc.)

Paper products (paper towels,

toilet paper, napkins)

Thank you for considering a do-

nation to the Agape food pantry.

Please include our client individu-

als and families and those in need

who have not yet been identified in

prayer this Lenten season.

Religious Education

Schedule April 14 – Last Preschool class

April 15, 16, 17 – Classes held

Please pick up your registration

packet during class time.

Labels for Education

Earn cash for

Romeo schools with

Box Tops! We’ve

recently added a Box Top collection

container to the lobby. Each Box

Top earns 10¢ towards school

improvements and supplies at

Romeo Schools. Thanks for your

support and contribution!

Easter Flowers It is our custom at St.

Clement to make an

offering for the decoration

of the worship space for the Easter

Season, in the names of friends

and family - living or deceased.

The flower donation is $25.00. The

names will be published in the

Easter bulletin.

Deadline - Sunday, April 14

(Please Print)

In Memory: ___________________


In Thanksgiving:_______________


Given by: _____________________


Eucharist Happenings

Tasting Workshop & Practice

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Group 1

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Group 2

6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in Church

and Social Hall

Parents and candidates

Celebration of the Sacrament of

First Eucharist

May 4 5:00 p.m.

May 5 11:00 a.m.

Mark your calendar… Join us for Vacation Bible School

June 17-21 9:00 a.m.-noon


Life is Wild…God is Good!

Volunteers Needed for VBS

Religious Education will be

hosting Vacation Bible School the

week of June 17-21. We are

looking for people who are good at

creating and decorating a set for

our VBS week. Our theme this

year is Roar!...Life is wild…God is

Good! If you are an artist at heart

and willing to help us, please

contact our office at 752-6592.

Page 3 St. Clement Church, Romeo

Help us keep our sick list

current. Please notify the parish

office at 752-9611 when changes

occur. We enjoy hearing the good

news of recovery and extend our

deepest sympathy for those who

have departed.

Walking In The Gym… The gym is available for walkers Mon.

through Fri. from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon. Please remember to

wear your gym shoes.

Please Pray

for the Sick

Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick

members of our community and for all who are in need. Amid

mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your

healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make

broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits. May these special people

find lasting health and deliverance, and so join us in thanking you for all

your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who

believed. Amen

Bob Agius

Mary Agius

MaryAnn B

Eric Babe

Minnie Bacon

Amy & Baby


Florence Bauer

Gary Bianchi

Jerry Bode

Richard Borowski

Jonathan Braun



Georgina Campbell

Giuseppi Cavaliere

Scott Chevalier

Adam Cole

Elexie Delaney

Maurice D’Hondt



Jake Flint

Thomas Gamrat

Christine Gamrat

Jacob Gordon

Martha Gutowski

Joachim Hagedorn

Henry Hainer

Jerry Halker



Jeff High

Vic Hosfeld

Ethan Kammer

Dorothy Kida

Gregory Knoche



Karen Krumbach

Bob Krumbach

Betty Lara

Thersa LaSollette

Dorothy LePage

Nancy Lukowski

Lawrence Mahaffy

James Malley

Domenico Maletti

Margaret McIntyre

Bob Mickelson

Elaine Morgan



Ellen Myers

Bruce Northey

Diane O

Rocky O’Berry



Paul Paquette

Andre Platevoet

Judy Polakowski



Tom Radzitowski

David Reed

Sandra Richie

Glenda Roberts

Richard Rock

Glenn Rounding

Fran Salvatore

Claudio Selva

Shannon Shaieb

Raymond Smith

Patricia Stacer

Laura Staller

Jason Stys

Robert Szuba

Sam West

Bubba Dan Wirick

Dana Wynn

Luke Vires

Christine Yonkos

Cheryl Zuehlk

And those who

care for them...

Calling All Gardeners Spring is coming and the St. Clement Gardening Club is looking

for volunteers to help with the church’s gardens this upcoming

season. Several of our previous volunteers are not able to help this year so

we really need the parish members to step up and help with planting and

maintenance. We need a group to plant sometime in May and then we

need individuals to adopt a garden or portion of a garden and maintain it

at your convenience throughout the season.

Please consider donating your time and talents to help make our grounds

look inviting and beautiful. We really need congregation help this year.

For questions and/or volunteering, please call Juli at 586-531-0662.

Tuition Assistance For Catholic High School Students

St. Clement Endowment Fund has earmarked some of this

year’s interest to assist high school students attending local

catholic high schools for the 2019-20 school year. To apply,

students’ families must be registered members of the parish for at least two

years. Students who received tuition assistance will also contribute service

hours to St. Clement Parish during the 2019-20 school year. If you are in-

terested in applying for tuition assistance for the 2019-20 school year,

please pick up an Application of Interest from the round table in the

Narthex. One application must be filled out for each student and returned

to the parish office on or before April 30 at 4:00 pm. The Endowment

Committee will review the applications and contact you with more

information after April 30.

Funding is Available for CAMPERS!

St. Clement Endowment Committee has earmarked part of this

year’s interest to assist boys and girls for a camping experience at

Camp Sancta Maria. The funds are in honor of Fr. Steve who has a long

history and connection with Camp Sancta Maria. The camp is located in

Gaylord, MI and offers one or two week programs for boys or a one week

program for girls. There are various programs for ages 8-16. More detailed

information is available at If you are

interested in applying for some assistance for the 2019 summer camp

season, please pick up an Application of Interest from the round table in

the Narthex. One application must be filled out for each camper and

returned to the parish office on or before April 30 at 4:00 p.m. The

Endowment Committee will review the applications and contact you with

more information after April 30.

Page 4 St. Clement Church, Romeo

Vigil Lights Special Intentions

~ Michigan and Utah

~ In Thanksgiving for blessings


~ Continued healing

~ Family blessings

~ Safety for travelers

~ Strength and patience with

family members

Mass Times on the Road…

Traveling? Need the nearest

Catholic Church and Mass


IHM Golf Outing

The IHM Sisters

Royal Blue Classic Golf

Outing is Mon., June 17

at Fox Hills Golf and

Banquet Center in Plymouth and

we need your help! Donations

needed are: Golfers, Gift Cards

for Balloon Raffle (Applebee's /

Olive Garden /Chili's /Red Lobster/


Amazon and Sponsors. Proceeds

help the IHM Sisters continue to

minister to those in need

throughout the United States and

overseas. If you have any

questions, please contact Sister

Val 810-656-3282.

Please Join Us for Divine Mercy on Sunday, April 28

This is the day John

Paul II, the Advocate

of Divine Mercy was

beatified in Rome. Please join us

for a Divine Mercy Holy Hour.

Services will begin at 4:00 p.m.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Fr. Art

Walk where Jesus walked…

Cruise the Sea of Galilee…Visit

Nazareth…Climb the Mt. of Olives

& view the Old City of Jerusalem.

Walk the Via Dolorosa to the

Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Visit Bethlehem’s Church of the

Nativity. Hosted By: Fr. Art


$3,579 per person FROM Detroit

(Air/land tour price is $2879 plus

$700 government taxes/airline



Roundtrip air from Detroit, First

Class select hotels, Breakfast &

Dinner daily, Comprehensive

Sightseeing, Porterage, Entrance

Fees and much more!!



( 8 1 0 ) 9 4 1 - 5 6 0 2 / E m a i l :

Join with wonderful people from

our local parishes. Support our

fellow Christians living in the Holy


Showing Up on Palm Sunday by Marci Alborghetti - Posted on Mar 22, 2013


I am about to do a new thing; now it springs

forth, do you not perceive it? —Isaiah 43:19


Normally I delete those forwarded e-mails with cute or sentimental

stories without even reading them. I receive so many, and when it comes to

Internet profundity, I just don’t have the time.

But for some reason I read the one I received on Palm Sunday. It told

the story of a little boy who had to stay home from church because he had a

cold. After the service, his older sister came home, waving her palm frond

in the air. “What’s that?” asked the little boy.

She answered smugly, “We wave these in the air and then put them on

the ground to welcome Jesus.”

The boy started wailing and fled the room. When his mother held him

and asked what was wrong, he said through his tears, “The one Sunday I

don’t go to church, Jesus showed up!”

Today’s the day Jesus shows up—in our churches, in our hearts, in our

minds. We’ve been waiting for Him all our lives. Are you ready? Will you

be there? Don’t let an ailment—physical, emotional or spiritual—keep you

from the warmth of Jesus’ dramatic entrance into our lives.

Today is the first day of the most exciting, harrowing, tragic,

grief-stricken and ultimately joyous week of our year. Don’t miss it. Don’t

hit Delete. Show up, take the Lord’s hand and begin the journey. Jesus,

don’t let anything keep me from You this day, this week, this life!

S.O.S Ministry Needs Help

The S.O.S. Ministry is in need of

a person to pick up soup from

Romeo Family Restaurant on

Sunday mornings and bring it to

the parish refrigerator. Please

contact Denise at 586-651-0734.

Page 5 St. Clement Church, Romeo


Monday, April 15

7:00 p.m. - Our Lady of the

Rosary Prayer Group - church

Tuesday, April 16

9:00 a.m. - Communion Service

9:30 a.m. - Rosary

10:00 a.m. - Adoration

Wednesday, April 17

NO Gym Usage

9:00 a.m. MASS - Int. Rodney

Dale Rubingh req by the

Romayne Stapleton family

9:30 a.m. - Rosary

12:30 p.m. - Bible Study:


3:00 p.m. - Divine Mercy - church

Holy Thursday, April 18

NO 9:00 a.m. Mass

NO Gym Usage

7:00 p.m. - MASS - Int. St.

Clement Parishioners

Adoration until 10:00 p.m.

Good Friday, April 19

NO 9:00 a.m. Mass

NO Gym Usage

11:00 a.m. - (Spanish) Stations &

Celebration of the Passion -

parking lot & gym

12:00 noon - Stations of the Cross

Immediately follow is the

Celebration of the Passion -


2:30 p.m. - Simple Lunch - social


Holy Saturday, April 20

10:00 a.m. - Easter Egg Hunt -

Social hall/gym

12:00 noon - Blessing of Food

8:00 p.m. - Vigil MASS - Int.

Agnes & Stephen J. Reckker req

by family

Int. Elizabeth Ropposch & Joan

McTevia req by family

8:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass - gym -

Int. St. Clement Parishioners

Easter Sunday, April 21

7:00 a.m. - MASS - Int. Amelia &

Eugene Makuch and Charlotte

& Walter Zamojski and Eugenia

& Alfons Inson req by Ted &

Dianne Zamojski

9:00 a.m. - MASS - Int. Ann

Marie Schaub req by Terry &

Louise Cooke

11:00 a.m. - MASS - Int. Nancy

Kaspari req by friends

NO 7:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass

St. Clement of Rome 343 S. Main Street

Romeo, Michigan 48065 Phone: 586-752-9611

Fax 586-752-1601 Website:

PASTOR Rev. Stephen C. Reckker

Weekend Assistant Fr. Jim Andres, OFM CAP

Fr. Jerry Slowinski Fr. Art Baranowski

Fr. Biju Fr. Binoy

Deacon Rev. Mr. Kurt J. Godfryd

Mass in Spanish

Rev. Jerry Kessel, OFM CAP

Vicariate Hispanic Pastoral Minister

(North Macomb Vicariate) Sr. Valerie Knoche, I.H.M.

Adult Education Coordinator

Mr. Russ Morgan 752-6984

Building Manager

Mr. Peter Bernadich 752-9611

Minister of Music

Mr. Bert Lord 752-9611

Religious Education Director

Mrs. Debbie Knoblock 752-6591

Middle School Youth Group 752-9611

Gabriel Project

Carol 752-9611

Agape Center 336-6842

Pregnancy, Counseling and Adoption

Catholic Family Services 416-2300

Knights of Columbus

Joe Suminski 586-337-5776

Weekend Masses

Saturday - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday - 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.

Spanish - 7:00 p.m.

Holyday and Weekday Masses

As announced

Reconciliation (Confession)

Saturday at 3:30 p.m.

Baptism: Prior arrangements must be made.

Call the parish office.

Marriage: Arrangements must be made at

least six months in advance of the marriage


Care of the Sick: Call the parish office at

any time to make arrangements for

Anointing, Communion calls or Visitations.

Funeral Luncheon Ministry: Please call

the parish office.

Registrations: New parishioners should

register at the parish office. Those moving

should notify the parish office.

Parish Council

Administration Commission

Charles Anglewicz... . . . . . . . . . . . ...752-9435

Christian Service Commission

Denise Kehren. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 752-9611

Social Commission

Dorothy Kida ……………………….752-9611

Rev. 2-05-18

Knights of Columbus Raffle Ticket Sales

The K of C are selling raffle

tickets with a chance to win a trip

for 2 to 2020 Super Bowl with

$8,500 cash and many other cash

prizes. Donation is $5 each. Prizes

will be awarded on April 24, 2019

at DeCarlo’s Banquet Center at

8:00 p.m. Need not be present to

win. Tickets available in the parish


North Macomb Right to Life Sponsors Bottle Drive

Please return all bottles no later

then Sunday, April 21.

AGAPE Needs Kroger Gift Cards for Easter

Agape is in need of Kroger Gift

cards in the denomination of $25.

These cards will be distributed at

Easter to purchase items for their

Easter dinner. Please drop off your

donation to the church office during

business hours. Thank you!

Page 6 St. Clement Church, Romeo

Liturgical Appointments for April 20/21 Easter


8:00 p.m.


7:00 a.m.


9:00 a.m.


11:00 a.m.



Henry Malburg Fred Kowalke Roz Mischley



Cameron & Nate


Gwen, Gabby & Abram



Liturgical Appointment for April 27/28


5:00 p.m.


7:00 a.m.


9:00 a.m.


11:00 a.m.




Stewart Steve Pytleski Ed Glowicki Tom Offer



Joe & Anthony


Natalie & Andrea


Joey & John


Choir Adult Choir

Readings for the

Week of

April 15, 2019

Monday: Is 42:1-7/Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 13

-14 [1a]/Jn 12:1-11

Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Ps 71:1-2, 3-4a,

5ab-6ab, 15 and 17 [cf. 15ab]/Jn

13:21-33, 36-38

Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a/Ps 69:8-10,

21-22, 31 and 33-34 [14c]/Mt 26:14-


Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-

3a, 6a, 8b-9/Ps 89:21-22, 25 and 27

[2]/Rv 1:5-8/Lk 4:16-21

Evening Mass of the Lord's

Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/Ps 116:12

-13, 15-16bc, 17-18 [cf. 1 Cor

10:16]/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15

Friday: Is 52:13--53:12/Ps 31:2, 6,

12-13, 15-16, 17, 25 [Lk 23:46]/Heb

4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1--19:42

Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1--2:2 or

1:1, 26-31a/Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12,

13-14, 24, 35 [30] or Ps 33:4-5, 6-7,

12-13, 20-22 [5b]/Gn 22:1-18 or

22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Ps 16:5, 8,

9-10, 11 [1]/Ex 14:15--15:1/Ex 15:1-

2, 3-4, 5-6, 17-18 [1b]/Is 54:5-14/Ps

30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13 [2a]/Is 55:1-

11/Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 [3]/Bar 3:9-15,

32--4:4/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [Jn 6:68c]/

Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/Ps 42:3, 5;

43:3, 4 [42:2] or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6

[3] or Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19

[12a]/Rom 6:3-11/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17,

22-23/Lk 24:1-12

Easter Sunday, April 21: Acts

10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-

23 [24]/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn

20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or Lk 24:13-35

Lenten Disciplines of Fasting & Abstinence

Catholics in good health ages 18

to 59 are required to fast and to

abstain from meat on Ash

Wednesday and Good Friday.

Fasting consists of eating only one

meal, with the possibility of two

smaller snacks that do not add up

to a single full meal. Catholics age

14 and older are to abstain from

meat on all Fridays in Lent.


Is someone you love unable to join us at church during this holy time of

Lent and Easter? Please invite anyone you know who cannot get out to

church to tune in Catholic Mass on TV or watch online anytime on

Sundays at

National Day of Prayer Breakfast May 2nd, 8:00 a.m.

We invite you....your small group, your

family and friends to join Simpson Park

Camp and the members of the Kiwanis

Club of the Romeo Area for a Prayer

Breakfast. The program will feature

guest speakers and a time of prayer, praise and worship. The cost of the

breakfast is $10.00. Clergy, pastors, ministers, and priests are invited to

come for a FREE BREAKFAST, courtesy of the Kiwanis Club of the Romeo

Area. Breakfast will be catered by Pamela's Catering. Reservations are

required. The theme for the 2019 National Day of Prayer is from John

13:34, "Love one another. Just as I have loved you." Please RSVP with your

count on or before April 25, 2019, to Gretchen Deming by phone at (586)

752-3202, or e-mail to: For more infor-

mation about the National Day of Prayer please visit We look forward to being in prayer with


FOR WIDOWED MEN AND WOMEN Thursday, April 25 @ 11:30 a.m.: Widowed men and women are invited to

meet for lunch at Oak Glen Restaurant (inside Bellbrook, 873 W Avon Rd)

Rochester Hills. Following lunch we will tour the Leader Dogs for the Blind,

1039 S. Rochester Rd. Tour is free. MUST RSVP by April 19th to Kay @


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