st. boniface church st. mary- st. mary---shaw church shaw ... · professional violin...

Post on 30-Apr-2020






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St. Boniface Church St. Boniface Church St. Boniface Church St. Boniface Church

375 SE Church Street

Sublimity, Oregon 97385

Office Hours: 8am-1pm Tuesday - Friday

Closed Monday Tel: 503-769-5664

Fax: 503-769-4292

St. MarySt. MarySt. MarySt. Mary----Shaw Church Shaw Church Shaw Church Shaw Church

9168 Silver Falls Hwy.

PO Box 338

Aumsville, OR 97325

Office Hours: 8am-2pm


Closed Wednesday Tel: 503-362-6159

Fax: 503-371-6435


Fr. Paul Materu, ALCP Phone: 503.897.7424 E-mail:


Deacon Steve Tabor Phone: 503.769.8089

“John The Baptist” John the Baptist could rightly be described as ‘’the preacher of Advent’’. Every year the liturgy proposes his message: just as he prepared the people of Israel for the coming of the Messiah, so can he show us today how to get ready for Christmas. John was not a man to draw many sympathies nor especially likeable, it is difficult to imagine him sitting down for a meal, chatting quietly with somebody, telling jokes or in a smiling mood. The gospel describes him always as reprimanding somebody; threatening terrible punishment: fire, cleaning up, cut-ting at the roots; he addresses people as a brood of vi-pers. Well, I often thought, Jesus, luckily, is so different! Though he highly praised and valued John, he behaved very differently: he ate and drank and took meals with sinners. Though in different approach, both, Jesus and John’s task is to remind all people of the seriousness of life’s commitments, openly denouncing unbearable situations and standing up courageously to the powerful when they behave unjustly. Don’t we, in our communi-ties, tolerate, at times, ‘’crooked ways?’’ Aren’t there ‘’mountains’’ that hinder particularly the weakest from moving to Christ? Aren’t there ‘’Valleys’’ separating per-son from person? Shouldn’t these ‘’mountains’’ be flat-tened and these ‘’valley’’ be filled? The good news as proclaimed by prophet Isaiah and be accomplished by the Messiah, is that, God’s solemn declaration of human salvation will not be reserved to a few privileged people, but ‘’all humanity will see his salvation’’, nobody will be excluded! This is his plan, and God will certainly achieve his goal! Fr. Paul

The Altar Society will be hosting a dinner & silent auction as our major fundraiser for the year. On Friday, February

9th, before Ash Wednesday and Lent begins. Please be think-ing of items & experiences to donate to make our fundraiser a success! We love to have your help! Committees: Food, Auc-tion, Publicity, Decorating, Set up & Clean up. Those inter-

ested please call or email Denise Purdy, 503.769.6847, cell# 503.510.1858

Altar Society News: Altar Society News: Altar Society News: Altar Society News: *Bible Study: *Bible Study: *Bible Study: *Bible Study: Started November 14 and will go through to December 12, 2017. Every Tuesday 6 to 7:30 pm in the Parish hall. If you would like to attend, please contact Anna Heuber-Anna Heuber-Anna Heuber-Anna Heuber-ger at amjheuber@gmail.comger at amjheuber@gmail.comger at amjheuber@gmail.comger at *St. Boniface Prayer Garden Project: *St. Boniface Prayer Garden Project: *St. Boniface Prayer Garden Project: *St. Boniface Prayer Garden Project: If you would like to make a donation to this upcoming project, you may do so by using your collection envelopes and writing on it, “Prayer Garden Project”“Prayer Garden Project”“Prayer Garden Project”“Prayer Garden Project” and the checks need to be made out to St. Boniface Altar Society.St. Boniface Altar Society.St. Boniface Altar Society.St. Boniface Altar Society.

St. Boniface Parish-Sunday Collection December 3, 2017: 2178.75, Cap. Imp.: 590.00,

Christmas Flowers: 80.00, Outreach: 25.00

Donations for the Seminarian Twins need to be given to Fr. Paul’s Order ALCP.

Thank you for your financial support.

**All donations for the year 2017 must be into the office by December 29th in order for it to show on your End of the

year Statement.

Parish Mission Statement: We, the Catholic community of St. Boniface, inspired by the Holy Spirit, seek to proclaim and live the Gospel, celebrate the Sacraments, foster our Catholic

traditions and serve the needs of others.

St. Boniface Church, Sublimity St. Boniface Church, Sublimity St. Boniface Church, Sublimity St. Boniface Church, Sublimity ————1879187918791879————2017201720172017

Parish Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 8 am to 1 pm. Fr. Paul Materu, Administrator e-mail: Kimberly Zuber, Administrative Assistant, 503.769.5664 Email: Betty Young, Office Assistant, Email: Bernadette Lopez & Nancy Stuckart-Children’s Faith Formation Directors, Terry Hendricks, Maintenance Heather Clute, Altar Servers Nancy & Tim Stuckart, Children’s Liturgy Dolores Gries, Homebound Ministry 503.769.9372 Connie Erickson, Minister Scheduling, 503.580.6246 Extraordinary Ministries (home bound) for St. Boniface Parish. James (Coordinator), Melanie & Anna Brown, Roseanne Coyle, Ray Heuberger, Larry Etzel, Katie Schumacher, Damon, Heather & Victoria Clute, David & Sharon Huffstutter, Jennifer Ditter,

Jonathan Christie, Nikki Schumacher, George Gerspacher.

This Week At St. Boniface: Sunday, December 10: 10 am Mass ~Children’s Liturgy

Coffee & Donuts

Monday, December 11: 7 am Communion Service & Rosary

Office Closed

Tuesday, December 12: 7 am Mass & Rosary

Wednesday, December 13: 7 am Mass & Rosary

6:30 pm Family Advent Mass & dessert potluck

Thursday, December 14: 7 am Mass & Rosary

9:30 am ~3 pm Quilting

2-6 pm Adoration:John Bischoff 6-7 pm Holy Hour:Raymond Heuberger

Friday, December 15: 7 am Mass & Rosary

10:30 Mass at Marian Estates

Saturday, December 16: 7 am Mass & Rosary 5:30-6:30 pm Confessions

7 pm Vigil Mass

Second Collection Next Weekend for Retirement Fund for

Religious. This collection will help the retired religious with medi-cation, nursing care and planning for long-term needs. See flyer in

today’s bulletin and envelope.

~Middle School Youth Event~

Sunday, December 17th., at 4:30 pm in the convent building.

Dress warm for the Carriage Rides that are on the schedule for the evening.

Christmas Eve Children’s Mass: Parents of the children that want to be in the Christmas Pageant on December 24th during 7 pm the Children’s Mass

need to sign up on the sign up sheet located on the shelf inside the vestibule of church.

December 13 at 6:30 pm: Family Advent Mass. Following Mass there will be a dessert potluck in

the parish hall. December 17 at 1 pm: Christmas Pageant re-

hearsal in the church. December 20 at 6:30 pm Dress rehearsal for

Christmas Pageant in the Church. No Class. December 24 at 7 pm Children’s Christmas

Mass and Pageant.

Advent~A Time To Give~ St. Boniface Parish have many in great need this time of year. During Advent we will be asking for donations

to help our parishioners in need. You may mark on your collection envelope “Advent Outreach” or on

your check memo. Thank you for your generous support.

Christmas Flowers Christmas Flowers Christmas Flowers Christmas Flowers If you would like to donate to the Christmas Decorations in memory of a loved one, please pick up a flower enve-lope on the back table. Names will be published in the Christmas bulletin. Deadline for bulletin: Tuesday


Thursday, December 14th Thursday, December 14th Thursday, December 14th Thursday, December 14th ———— 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm

“Formed” A FREE learning resource for groups or individuals, Catholic content delivered in high quality formats. When do you have time to learn more about your faith? Formed has audio you can stream while you’re driving, ebooks with many formats available, full length movies for TV with the family, discussion material for group studies. Log on to: and register use parish code: KVFP3G Questions call 503-362-6159

Parish Calendar Mon Dec 11 Choir Practice 7:30pm

Tue Dec 12 Mass 8:30 am & Rosary

Wed Dec 13 Mass 8:30 am & Rosary

Knights of Columbus Meeting 7 pm

Advent Bible Study 7 pm

Thu Dec 14 Mass 8:30 am

St. Mary’s Reconciliation 7 pm

Fri Dec 15 Mass 8:30 am & Rosary

Sat Dec 16 Reconciliation 3:30-4:30 pm

Rosary 4:30 pm

Mass 5 pm

Sun Dec 17 Mass 8 am

Children’s Liturgy

Practice for Christmas Pageant

Advent Bible StudyAdvent Bible StudyAdvent Bible StudyAdvent Bible Study “Will Meet on Wednesday the next 2 weeks due to conflicts on Thursday, Meet in the Church.

St. Mary’s Church St. Mary’s Church St. Mary’s Church St. Mary’s Church————ShawShawShawShaw Administration Administration Administration Administration Fr. Paul Materu Fr. Paul Materu Fr. Paul Materu Fr. Paul Materu, ALCP Administrator 503-769-5664 Fr. Dick Rossman, Fr. Dick Rossman, Fr. Dick Rossman, Fr. Dick Rossman, Priest in Resident 503-362-6159 Kathy McNulty Kathy McNulty Kathy McNulty Kathy McNulty—Administrative Assistant 503-362-6159 Valerie McClanahanValerie McClanahanValerie McClanahanValerie McClanahan—Faith Formation — 503-510-4327 Art Fromherz Jr.Art Fromherz Jr.Art Fromherz Jr.Art Fromherz Jr.————Housekeeping-Hall Amanda Sturn Amanda Sturn Amanda Sturn Amanda Sturn —Housekeeping-Church

Dick Van CauterenDick Van CauterenDick Van CauterenDick Van Cauteren—Landscaping

Mission Statement

“We, the members of St. Mary’s Church at Shaw, are committed

to the spiritual enrichment of the Catholic faith in the commu-

nity through service, education and development in the spirit of

Jesus’ teachings”.

Stewardship — Dec. 3rd, 2017 Collection: $4,179.93

Thank you for your continued Support!

Faith Formation Liturgy of the Word during Sunday mass. Christmas Play practice after Mass each Sunday. Christmas Play practice after Mass each Sunday. Christmas Play practice after Mass each Sunday. Christmas Play practice after Mass each Sunday.

Confirmation Class: Confirmation Class: Confirmation Class: Confirmation Class: Dec. 10th: 6 pm Dec. 10th: 6 pm Dec. 10th: 6 pm Dec. 10th: 6 pm ———— “Authentic Catholicism” High School Youth Group:High School Youth Group:High School Youth Group:High School Youth Group: Taking a holiday break to restructure and will be back after the New Year with Alpha Youth 2018Alpha Youth 2018Alpha Youth 2018Alpha Youth 2018. We are recruiting new team leaders NOW. Contact Sarah if you can help!Contact Sarah if you can help!Contact Sarah if you can help!Contact Sarah if you can help! Middle School Youth Group (Grades 6Middle School Youth Group (Grades 6Middle School Youth Group (Grades 6Middle School Youth Group (Grades 6----8):8):8):8): Jan 4th : 3:15 pm Jan 4th : 3:15 pm Jan 4th : 3:15 pm Jan 4th : 3:15 pm “Hunger Games “


Call Valerie for information and questions: 503Call Valerie for information and questions: 503Call Valerie for information and questions: 503Call Valerie for information and questions: 503----510510510510----4327432743274327

Have a Happy & Blessed Birthday Have a Happy & Blessed Birthday Have a Happy & Blessed Birthday Have a Happy & Blessed Birthday Douglas Barrows Sarah Federico Dick Riesterer Mark Schmidt Savannah Derschan Adam Lomax John J Hortsch Elizabeth Koehnke Carl Snarski

Parish Food Basket Drive for Christmas Parish Food Basket Drive for Christmas Parish Food Basket Drive for Christmas Parish Food Basket Drive for Christmas If you took a slip to help with the Christmas Food box’s Please place the food in the boxes provided at the front of the church no later than Dec. 12th. Thank you for helping

Be sure to pick up the church 2018 Calendar, courtesy of North Santiam Funeral Services. They are on a table in the vestibule.

The Knights of Columbus would like to say The Knights of Columbus would like to say The Knights of Columbus would like to say The Knights of Columbus would like to say thankthankthankthank----you for all the parish’s support this you for all the parish’s support this you for all the parish’s support this you for all the parish’s support this past year by serving dinner Saturday mass past year by serving dinner Saturday mass past year by serving dinner Saturday mass past year by serving dinner Saturday mass THIS WEEK THIS WEEK THIS WEEK THIS WEEK Dec. 9th immediately following Dec. 9th immediately following Dec. 9th immediately following Dec. 9th immediately following mass. Salad, Chicken, Macmass. Salad, Chicken, Macmass. Salad, Chicken, Macmass. Salad, Chicken, Mac----nnnn----Cheese, Des-Cheese, Des-Cheese, Des-Cheese, Des-sert, Drinks, Caroling and Bingo with prizes, sert, Drinks, Caroling and Bingo with prizes, sert, Drinks, Caroling and Bingo with prizes, sert, Drinks, Caroling and Bingo with prizes, come and enjoy a fun filled evening. come and enjoy a fun filled evening. come and enjoy a fun filled evening. come and enjoy a fun filled evening.

Christmas decorating on Thu. Dec. 21st

after the Mass. (note date change) Many

hands make quick work .

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Parish Office Hours: Parish Office Hours: Parish Office Hours: Parish Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8 am to 1 pm. 503.769.5664503.769.5664503.769.5664503.769.5664

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~Liturgy & Worship Page~

Please Pray For….The following friends and members of our parishes requested our prayers. Fr. Dick Rossman, Carolyn

Greiner, Josh Scrocca, Mary Fery, Mary Lambert, Eleanor Hall, Shannon Byler, Judy Fromherz, Mark Thurston, Sami Galvin, Waynn Satterwhite, Dan Henry, Conrad Spenner, Jon Cates, Emma Reuss, Juliana Martinez, Holly Thomas, Ron Davidson, Francis Reiser, Cathy Busch, Mary Meier, Karrie Welter, Sarah Silbernagel, Kara Chytka, and all those liv-ing in Assisted Living Facilities in our area.

Let us pray for all men & women serving our country. May the Lord hold them in His

loving hands; protect them as they protect us.

Please call the parish office if you would like a name put on the Prayer list.

Prayer Chain Request: St. Boniface: call or email the parish office. St. Mary’s Shaw: Jan Stupfel 503-767-3061


St. Boniface

First Saturday 9-10 am

2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th, Saturday

5:30 to 6:30 pm

St. Mary-Shaw 1st, 3rd & 5th

Saturday 3:30-4:30pm

New Parishioners

Welcome to your new parish!

To register, change your address or phone number,

please email or call the parish office.

Contact information found

on the front page of the bulletin.

Day & Date Time and Place I (& II Reading) Responsorial Psalm Gospel Reading Intention

Mon. Dec. 11

St. Damasus 1 7 am

St. Boniface Isaiah 2:1-5

Psalm 122:1-2,3-4b,4cd-5,6-7,8-9 Matthew 8:5-11 Communion Service

Tue. Dec. 12

Our Lady of Guadalupe

7 am St. Boniface

Isaiah 11:1-10 Psalm 72:1-2,7-8,12-13,17

Luke 10:21-24 Dorothy Hammer †

8:30 am

St. Mary's †

Wed. Dec. 13

St. Lucy 7 am

St. Boniface Isaiah 25:6-10a

Psalm 23:1-3a,3b-4,5,6 Matthew 15:29-37 Jean Paradis †

8:30 am

St. Mary's †

Thu. Dec, 14

St. John of the Cross

7 am St. Boniface

Isaiah 26:1-6 Psalm 118:1&8-9,19-21,25-27a

Matthew 47:21,24-27 Poor Soul in Purgatory

8:30 am

St. Mary’s †

Fri. Dec. 15

7 am

St. Boniface Genesis 3:9-15,20

Psalm 98:1,2-3ab,3cd-4 Luke 1:26-38 Jeanie Bradley †

8:30 am

St. Mary’s Ephesians 1:3-6,11-12 †

10:30 am

Marian Est. Don Porter †

Saturday Dec. 16

Saint Juan Diego 5 pm

St. Mary’s Isaiah 30:19-21,23-26 Psalm 147:1-2,3-4,5-6

Matthew 9:35— 10:1,5a,6-8

People of the Parish

7 pm

St. Boniface Philip Ditter †

Sunday Dec. 17

8 am St. Mary’s

10 am

St. Boniface People of the Parish

St. Boniface Minister Schedule December 16 & 17

7 pm 10 am

Sacristans Judy Welter, Shirley Blades Sue Veenendall, Diane Hall

Announce/Lector Kathleen Penrice Larry Etzel


Ministers Volunteers (Blood 1 & 2),

Deacon Tabor, Marie Heuberger

George Gerspacher, Tom Meyerhofer, Deacon Tabor, Kate Schumacher

Altar Servers N/A N/A

Greeters/Ushers Shawn Heuberger, Henry Strobel

Jr. Tim Stuckart, Dennis Russell,

Bernie Silbernagel

New Parishioners: Welcome to our parish! To Register, change your address or phone number, please contact the office either in person, by phone or email. You will then be mailed a registration form to be filled out and return it to the parish office.

St. Mary’s P.O. Box 338, Aumsville, OR 97325 or St. Boniface 375 SE Church Street, Sublimity, OR 97385 Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________State: ______________ Zip:_____________ Phone # ____________________________ E-mail:_____________________________________________________________


If you are a registered member of St. Mary’s Shaw, or St. Boniface, Sublimity and you have had recent changes to your contact information (address, phone, email) or your family information (birth, deaths, marital status, moving out of the area or to an-other parish) Please drop the updated information in the collection basket, or call the parish office. (You may use the form below)

Support St. Mary School Support St. Mary School Support St. Mary School Support St. Mary School $$$ —- Buy SCRIP $$$

Celebration ~Our Lady of Guadalupe and San Juan Diego

Saturday, December 9th at 9 am.

Rosary~Mass~Mananitas and traditional dances.

St. Mary’s Cathedral, 1716 NW Davis St., Portland.

For more information: Itzel Magana 503.233.8395 All Are Welcome!

53rd Annual St. Mary Green Sale, 1066 N. 6th Ave., Stayton.

Homemade Christmas Swags, Wreaths, Centerpieces, Dé-cor/Crafts, Baked Goods & Vendors. Friday 12/1: 5 ~8 pm. Sat. 12/2: 9 am ~1 pm. Sun. 12/3: 8 am ~12 pm.

Friday night only: Santa’s Secret Workshop ~Children can purchase inexpensive gifts for family & friends & the St. Mary Campus Choir performs from 5:15 to 5:45 pm.

Sunday only: Fundraising breakfast: Adults $8., Kids $5.(4 & under Free). Family of 5 or more immediate

members $30. Menu: Choice of breakfast casserole (includes egg, sau-

sage, hash brown, shredded cheddar cheese, and biscuit) or scrambled eggs, sliced ham, cinnamon rolls, home-

made applesauce, coffee, & juice.

Everyone is Welcome!

~MEN’S FRATERNITY ~ All men in the Santiam Canyon are invited to join us each

Tuesday, from 6:00-7:15 AM at Foothills Church, 975 Fern Ridge Rd, Stayton, as we begin Men’s Frater-

nity, 33 The Series. This non-denominational study will be a 7 week program every Tuesday, ending December 5th. There is no cost, and we offer a free warm breakfast. Workbooks are $15. This excellent video series offers a vision for manhood as modelled by Jesus in his 33 years on earth, and helps men in

our journey to reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead cou-rageously, and seek God’s reward, using Christ’s example of

“Die to Live.” Come join us, and bring a friend. Ques-tions: contact Mike Jaeger at 503-769-7324 (w) or 503-769-6595 (h), or

“Covenant in Scripture” at Mt. Angel Abby

Fall 2017 Christian in the World Lecture Series

Dec. 9th—Conclusion of the Series that corresponds perfectly with Advent season.

$15 a session Student cost $5 per session. Presentations take place in the Mount Angel Abbey Library Auditorium. Beverages and morn-

ing snacks are provided. Questions: 503-393-5041

Faith Formation ~ Thursdays at 12 noon at Immaculate Conception Parish

Center. Lunch provided so please RSVP and invite a friend! Please email:`

Confirmation Class: Dec. 1-3: To the Heart Retreat at Our Lady of Lourdes (Service forms online.)

High School Youth Group: Dec. 3: Worship & Adoration

Middle School Youth Group (Grades 6-8): Dec. 2 CALLED Archdiocese Middle School

Rally~signup online. HELP! Youth Group will be collecting cans to raise funds for events. Please save them and we will let you know when we will be collecting them. Thank you!

Sarah (503) 769-2656 or email:

Knights of Columbus Biscuits & Gravy Breakfast

Sunday, December 3rd, 7:30 -10 am

Biscuits & Gravy, eggs, hash browns, fruit, coffee & juice.

Please join us as we begin the Season of Advent Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at Our Lady of Peace Retreat in Beaverton for the ADVENT DAY RETREAT with Rev. Gabriel Mosher, OP. Theme: “Preparing for Glory: Applying the Messages of Fatima to Daily Life.” 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; doors open at 8:30 a.m. $40 per person, includes lunch To register 503-649-7127 or online at

St. Mary SCRIP makes great stocking stuffers, and helps with that special hard to buy for relative. You may purchase SCRIP thru the school, Postal Connec-tion, most Sundays after Mass, or contact Michelle at:

God, Girlfriends, Glorious gathering on Wed. at 9 am in the Conference Room at Immaculate Conception.

Church of the Immaculate Conception Sunday December 24 Family Mass 4:30 pm Spanish Mass 8:30 pm Midnight Mass 12:00 pm Music starts at 11:30 pm Monday December 25 Christmas Day Mass 8:00/10:00 am Monday January 1 Mass 10:00 am

St. Mary’s—Shaw Sunday December 24 Family Mass 4:30 pm Midnight Mass 10:00 pm Monday December 25 Christmas Day Mass 9:00 am Monday January 1 Mass 9:00 am

Our Lady of Lourdes Sunday December 24 Christmas Eve Mass 9:00 pm Monday December 25 Christmas Day Mass 8:30 am Sunday January 1 Mass 9:00 am

Mission Church

St. Catherine of Siena—Mill City Monday December 25 Christmas Mass 10:30 am Monday January 1 ? ?

St. Boniface Sunday December 24 Family Mass 7:00 pm December 24 Midnight Mass 11:00 pm Monday December 25 Christmas Day Mass 10:00 am Monday January 1 Mass 10:00 am

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Reconciliation Service December 14 at 6:30 pm Immaculate Conception Parish Reconciliation Service December 15 at 6:30 pm Reconciliation December 18 at 11:00 am St. Boniface Parish Reconciliation Services December 2 at 7:00 pm

St. Mary, Shaw

Parish Reconciliation Service December 17 at 7:00 pm

Santiam Vicariate Reconciliation Schedule

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 7 am Mass & Rosary

10:30 am Mass @

Marian Est.

2 8 am Anointing Mass

& Rosary

9-10 am Confessions

7 pm Vigil Mass

3 1st Sunday of Advent

10 am Mass

Children’s Liturgy


4 7 am Communion

Service & Rosary

Office Closed

7 pm Altar Soc. Mtg.

5 7 am Mass & Rosary

9 am Archive Mtg.

7 pm Bible Study

6 7 am Mass & Rosary

7 pm St. Boniface

Reconciliation Service

7 7 am Mass & Rosary

9:30 am-3 pm Quilting

2-6 pm Adoration

6-7 pm Holy Hour

8 The Feast of The Immacu-

late Conception

7 am Mass & Rosary

10:30 am Mass @ Marian


7 pm Mass

9 7 am Prayer Serv. &


5:30– 6:30 pm Conf.

7 pm Vigil Mass

10 2nd Sunday of Advent

10 am Mass

Children’s Liturgy


11 7 am Communion

Service & Rosary

Office Closed

12 7 am Mass & Rosary

7 pm Bible Study

13 7 am Mass & Rosary

6:30~7:45 pm C.F.F.

14 7 am Mass & Rosary

9:30 am-3 pm Quilting

2-6 pm Adoration

6-7 pm Holy Hour

7 pm Reconciliation

Serv. ~St. Mary Shaw

15 7 am Mass & Rosary

10:30 am Mass @

Marian Est.

16 7 am Prayer Serv. &


5:30– 6:30 pm Conf.

7 pm Vigil Mass

17 3rd Sunday of Advent

10 am Mass

Children’s Liturgy


18 7 am Communion Ser-

vice & Rosary

Office Closed

12 noon-12:30 pm

Confessions @ Immac.

All week >>>>>>

19 7 am Mass & Rosary

7 pm Rec. Serv. @

Immaculate Concep.

20 7 am Mass & Rosary

7 pm Reconciliation

Serv. ~Our Lady of


21 7 am Mass & Rosary

9:30 am-3 pm Quilting

2-6 pm Adoration

6-7 pm Holy Hour

22 7 am Mass & Rosary

10:30 am Mass @

Marian Est.

23 7 am Prayer Serv. &


5:30– 6:30 pm Conf.

7 pm Vigil Mass

24 4th Sunday of Advent

10 am Mass

Children’s Liturgy


7 pm Family Mass

11 pm Midnight Mass

25 Christmas Day

10 am Mass

Office Closed

26 7 am Communion

Serv. & Rosary

Office Closed

27 7 am Mass & Rosary 28 7 am Mass & Rosary

9:30 am-3 pm Quilting

2-6 pm Adoration

6-7 pm Holy Hour

29 7 am Mass & Rosary

10:30 am Mass @

Marian Est.

30 7 am Prayer Serv. &


5:30– 6:30 pm Conf.

7 pm Vigil Mass


10 am Mass

Children’s Liturgy


January 1: New Year’s

Day~Mass 10 am

Office Closed

2 7 am Mass & Rosary

Office Closed

3 7 am Mass & Rosary

6:30 ~7:45 pm C.F.F.

4 7 am Mass & Rosary

9:30 am-3 pm Quilting

2-6 pm Adoration

6-7 pm Holy Hour

5 7 am Mass & Rosary

10:30 am Mass @

Marian Est.

6 8 am Anointing

Mass & Rosary

9-10 am Confessions

7 pm Vigil Mass

Up-Dated~St. Boniface ~ December 2017

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