st benedict's college enewsletter€¦ · is held in st benedict’s primary hall starting at...

Post on 01-Sep-2018






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7 May 20187 May 2018

Principal’s Message

Parent - Teacher - Student Interviews

Dear Parents, thank you for attending parent teacher interviewswith your child to gain valuable feedback on Term 1achievements and goals to set for improvements as we workthrough Term 2. As we have increased in size both in studentand staff numbers, it was necessary to set up two areas forthe appointments. This meant that some parents had to movefrom one building to another in a short period of time. We thankyou for taking this in your stride and for the most part runningto schedule. Sincere thanks to staff for their extended hoursinto the evening and particularly to Peter Lavercombe for settingup the area and checking that all PTO appointments had beenscheduled appropriately.

Anzac Ave / Capstone Blvd Congestion

I have received correspondence from Chris Whiting MP,Member for Bancroft regarding concerns expressed aroundthe capacity of the intersection of Capestone Boulevard andAnzac Avenue. There is some good news around the upgradeof the intersection in that the Department of Transport and MainRoads will increase the capacity of cars able to turn right fromAnzac Avenue into Capestone Boulevard. The timing of theupgrade will coincide with the linking of Lamington Road intoAnzac Avenue. When we have more details about the project,we will keep parents informed. Please see attached letter fromChris Whiting.

Have You Registered For Our Afternoon Pick UpProcedure?

As indicated in previous communications, changes to ourafternoon pick-up procedures come into effect from Monday14 May.

Parents from both St Benedict’s Primary School and StBenedict’s College will need to register before Monday 14 Mayto participate in our new drive through pick up program. Youwill then be supplied with a family name card that will need tobe displayed on your passenger sun visor when picking up yourchildren via the drive through. (This system is currently beingused by the primary school.)

If you do not wish to participate in this program, you will needto use other parking options when collecting your children.

A registration form is included in this communication, along witha map that outlines the new procedures and highlights the drivethrough route. Copies of both the form and map are availablefrom the College office. Please note that if you have children atboth schools, you will only need to register once, and this canbe done via either school.

Please complete and return your registration form (via email orin person) no later than Wednesday 9 May so that we can printand issue your family name card. Family name cards will be senthome with students on Friday 11 May.

We trust that families across the community will support thesenew pick-up procedures as we move forward to ensure thesafety of our students, and alleviate some of the traffic issuesthat have been occurring on our site.

Student Achievements

Congratulations and best wishes to Bailey Nikl who will becompeting in the Met North AFL Championships in Cairns laterthis week.

God’s blessing for the fortnight ahead.

Claire McLarenPrincipal

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Visitors Day – Friday 25 MayOur Visitors Day provides an excellent opportunity for families toexplore our campus and to hear about all we offer for students.If you have family or friends who may be interested please askthem to register via our College office. The day commences at9.00am and concludes by midday.

EnrolmentsOnce again we remind parents that enrolment for youngersiblings is not automatic, and you will need to submit an onlineapplication via our website, or submit a form andaccompanying documentation to our office.

Places are filling very quickly for 2019 and interviews for Year 7in 2020 are well underway. Please contact our office if you haveany enrolment enquiries.

Important Dates - 2018

15 May Parents & Friends Advisory Committee Meeting &Annual General Meeting

15 – 17May


22 May Year 9 Parent Information Evening

1 June Years 7 and 8 College Mass


Inter-house Athletics

Parent Portal

Are your details current? Click on the My Details tab to updatecontact numbers and addresses.

From the Assistant PrincipalAdministration

Are Your Contact Details Current?

Parents, pleases check your contact details are current. On fartoo many occasions staff are trying to contact parents and thephone number is not current, the person no longer works orlives at that premises, or the number is disconnected. Equallyas serious and frustrating is when staff leave messages or sendemails (often multiple) and still no reply. While the students areat the College they are in our care and we will always act in theirbest interest but being able to contact parents is crucial and abasic expectation. I dread the day that something serious goeswrong with a student and we can’t contact a parent to advisethem in a timely manner because their details are not current.The best, easiest and quickest way to do this is on the ParentPortal. In the My Details tab you are able to check/update all

your personal/contact details. This can be done as often as isrequired.

Winter Uniform

Thank you to the parents and students for a seamless transitionto the College Winter Uniform. The cooler mornings kicked in atexactly the right time and the students are looking magnificentas they present themselves for learning. As always, it isimportant to wear the full and correct uniform not mixing formaland sport uniforms.

Many of our younger boys struggle with doing their tie neatly soI have included a link to a video that shows them how to tie aWindsor Knot.

College Photographs

The first round of College photographs were taken onWednesday 18 April - Pastoral Care classes, Siblings andIndividual photos. The Studio Kirby photographers ask me topass on their thanks and congratulations to the students andstaff of the College for the wonderful manners, cooperation andstandard of presentation they experienced whilst working withyou on the day. It is always pleasing and reassuring to receivesuch feedback. A lot of the credit needs to go to the parentsfor sharing our expectations for students and raising childrenof character with manners. The photographs will be availableonline for viewing and ordering in approximately three weeks.The college will send an email with details alerting you to this.


While interviewing potential students for future years during theweek I was explaining about the many co-curricular activitieson offer throughout a normal week to the interviewee and hisparents. ‘Just how many are there?’ one little fellow asked. Notexactly sure, I pulled out my spreadsheet and started to count1, 2, 3, 4, … 38, 39, 40. That didn’t include several seasonalactivities on the go at the moment, but it reminded me of theenormous opportunities for students on offer at SBC and ofthe very generous nature of the staff employed here. It may beworthwhile asking your child how many activities, clubs, groupsor sports they are involved in? The variety is astounding, and Iam always open to new proposals to add to the list.

What is ‘normal’ or ‘expected’ teenagerbehaviour?

Many parents find it difficult to understand the sudden changein their newly teenage child’s desire to be involved with themand other family members, to an almost complete loss ofinterest in being involved with them. This can range from mildembarrassment at being seen with their parents to an almostobsessive fear of committing ‘social suicide’ by being seen withthem. The people they wanted everyone else to know weretheir parents are now exactly the opposite. The hardest thingfor parents is feeling that they are no longer the most importantperson in their child’s life, and after such a long time of beingthat, it is a hard pill to swallow. Rest assured that is not the truthand when things go pear-shaped your real place of importancein their life will once again become evident. It is crucial that weare there to guide and support them as they learn both the joy


and sadness that one experiences on the journey from child toadolescent to adult.

The strength of the desire to be accepted by their peers shouldnever be underestimated. I have seen many a teenager involvethemselves in behaviours and activities, so out of character andopposite to their upbringing, that it breaks their parents hearts,just to be accepted as one of the group of their peers. Fearof social exclusion or isolation is enormous for most teens andthey will often do whatever they feel is necessary to avoid it.

The thing that I enjoy the most when watching a teenager tryingto be individual or original or ‘different’, is that they have to bethe same different as their peers or they won’t be acceptedas being different. Strange but true! This materially differentphase generally passes as maturity kicks in and as long as theyhaven’t make any permanent bodily changes – no harm done.The irony of the situation is generally lost on teens until theyhave children of their own and have a bird’s eye view of theprocess for themselves.

Tim CampbellAssistant Principal Administration and Pastoral

From the Assistant Principal ReligiousEducation


Sincere thanks to the staff and students who marched onANZAC Day with our College. It was the largest group ofstudents our College has had marching so thank you for yourdisplay of respect to the ANZAC story.

Our College ANZAC Prayer ritual on Tuesday 24 April weprayed and remembered the selfless acts of bravery by ourANZACs. We also reflected on all wars and peace keepingduties that have been and are still ongoing.

We were fortunate to have a member of our parent communityCraftsman Matt Burke share with the students what life iscurrently like for serving armed service men and woman. Mattspent 25 years working for Defence, 12 years in the Navy,6 years as a Reservist in the Army and currently 8 years inthe Permanent Army. Matt holds the following medals: TheAustralian Active Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign medal,Defence Long Service medal with Bar, Defence Service medal,NATO medal and the Army Combat badge.

Year 10 World Religions Excursion - 27 March

By Year 10 student - Antoni Zazulak

Over the past 10 weeks of term 1, our grade 10 cohort gotto learn about World Religions. To provide even more insightinto these religions and further our knowledge, we had theopportunity to experience what it was like at a mosque and

a synagogue. During our visit, there was two knowledgeablepresenters representing Islam and Judaism. Interestingly, theimam (leader of a mosque) educating us was a former believerin Christianity who had converted to Islam a few years ago.Through questions asked such as ‘What are the fundamentalbeliefs of your religion?’ or ‘How is a mosque or synagoguemass work?’, invaluable information was learnt. Personally, I’velearnt that Judaism and Islam are quite similar when contrastedagainst Christianity. I’ve also had various myths debunkedabout these religions. An excursion such as this one wouldbenefit future upcoming grades in expanding their informationand refining their knowledge gathered from contrasting WorldReligions.

St Petronax Feast Day Prayer

As we celebrate the feast of St Petronax,O God, we pray for those who follow the Benedictineway of life.May the monastic ideals of work and prayer in which theirlives are rootedEngender in them stability and holiness.Inspired by both Petronax and Benedict,May they and we carry on the work of building yourkingdom.Amen

Parish Mass

Year 9 and 10 will be leading the ministries at the Parish Masson Friday 18 May. Parents are most welcome to attend whichis held in St Benedict’s Primary Hall starting at 9am.

St Benedict – Pray for us

Peter OlleyAssistant Principal Religious Education

Pathways News


Our SBC Pathways Program has shifted into top gear andover the next few months, students from all year levels willengage in activities and experiences which will help them tomake informed choices about subject selections and ultimatelycareer pathway directions. Here are just a few of the recent andupcoming highlights of the program.

Brisbane Careers and Employment Expo (May 11)

Our Year 9 and 10 students will be attending the much heraldedCareers and Employment Expo at the Brisbane Conventionand Exhibition Centre. The Expo will showcase a vast range oforganisations comprised of tertiary and vocational training andeducation groups, government and industry bodies and bothlocally-based and national employers.


Students will have an opportunity to access the latestinformation on tertiary studies, further training, careerdevelopment and employment opportunities from more than 80exhibitors on site.

Year 10 University of the Sunshine Coast WorkshopDay (June 5)

On June 5, Our Year 10’s will travel to Sippy Downs to joinwith students from all over South East Queensland to takepart in one of the University of the Sunshine Coast’s biggestever school events; Experience USC. This event will give ourstudents the opportunity to experience university and exploretheir futures. Each student will attend three career focusedworkshops, with over 30 to choose from ranging from CreativeWriting and Journalism to Biomedical Science and Engineering.Our Students will shortly register on-line for workshops of theirchoice so the event should be truly tailored to the interests ofeach individual. More information will be coming your way soon.

Year 10 Parent Information Evening and CareersExpo (June 13)

Year 10 parents and their students, are invited to our SBCParent Information and Careers Expo in the St Benedict’sCollege Primary School Hall. The event was a great successlast year with high attendance from students and parents alike.On the evening, numerous very important topics relating tosenior pathways and career planning will be canvassed. Thefirst part of the evening will consist of a presentation by CollegeLeadership. This will be followed by an “Expo” style eventwhere students and parents will be able to visit displays staffedby numerous Educational, Vocational and Industry EmployerRepresentatives who will provide pathways and careers advice.Curriculum Leaders and staff from SBC will also be on handto provide crucial information on Senior Subject selection.Expected attendees include representatives from:

University of QueenslandQueensland University of TechnologyUniversity of the Sunshine CoastAustralian Catholic UniversityQueensland Police ServiceAustralian Defence ForceTAFE QueenslandBusy at WorkTraining Direct

A parent letter with more information will be distributed soon.

Year 10 ACU “Explore Uni” Immersion Visit (June 26)

Next month, our Year 10 students will Australian CatholicUniversity’s Banyo Campus for an immersion visit. This “ExploreUni” day is designed for all students – not just those whoalready want to go on to further study after school. Ourstudents will take part in a series of activities and workshops infields such as education and para-medicine, and will experiencea guided tour of the campus. They will also the opportunityto hear from current ACU students talking about their ownexperiences navigating post-school options, life as a universitystudent and their future career interests.

Career Information Bulletin

Please click on our link to the attached Options CareerInformation Bulletin. This is a fantastic resource for studentsand parents alike to enhance their pathways planning. Youare never too young or old to engage with this bulletin soencourage your student, no matter what year level, to becomefamiliar with its contents.

Peter LavercombePathways Leader

Senior School News

QCS Practice Test Dates

This year all Year 11 and 12 students that are intending onsitting the QCS test in their Year 12 year will sit a series ofpractice tests as part of their preparation. The dates for theseare as follows:

Year 11 Year 12

Writing Task (2hr 10) 20 June 2018

During SEEKlesson

30 May 2018

During FIND lesson

Multiple Choice I (1 hour40)

29 August 2018

During SEEKlesson

26 June 2018

In the last week ofterm

Short Response (2 hr10)

28 November2018

After blockexams

26 June 2018

In the last week ofterm

Multiple Choice II (1hour 40)

27 June 2018

In the last week ofterm

More information regarding the practices and what activitiesthose students not sitting the practice tests will be involved inwill be sent out closer to the time.

QCS Test Community RepresentativeNominations

To maintain the integrity, security and conduct of the QCS Test,the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA)appoints community members to observe and report on itsadministration. They do not supervise students or assist in theadministration of the test.

Nominations are sought from community members for theposition of Community Representative for the QCS. You willneed to be available on Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5September between the hours of 8.00am and 3.30pm. Thesepositions are paid by QCAA.

If you are interested in this role, please contact Katie Pilon at theCollege for an application. Nominations close 18 May 2018.

Katie PilonSenior School Leader


Years 7 and 8 Pastoral News

Organisation and support – important inachieving success

This week students have been provided with their assessmentschedules for Term 2. Your child may, at times, feeloverwhelmed by the expectations of secondary school,particularly as assessment items are due. Encourage them tomake a list or write a plan to help identify smaller tasks to makea large workload more manageable. They can also use eDiaryfunctions to assist with organising and managing workloads. Toassist with organisation, students have also been provided withan ‘Assessment Summary’ document to keep in their lockers.

It is important students feel supported while being encouragedto independently prioritise their responsibilities, so please utilisethe assessment calendar to help organise assessment tasks.Remind them that tutorials are available in the Resource Centreacross lunchtimes (except Thursday) and that homework clubis on Wednesday afternoon until 4:30pm.

Year 7 view challenges differently

As noted in the previous newsletter, Year 7 students continueto work with Year 11 mentors through a program of PeerSupport this term. The program to date has focused onencouraging students to respond with open thoughts tochallenges, and be optimistic about pursuing positiveoutcomes. This kind of thinking allows students to believe thatnew skills and strategies are beneficial and can make adifference to the outcome.

Over the next few weeks, students will discuss and practise arange of skills and strategies they can adopt when inevitablesetbacks occur. This week we discuss reflection as a wayof taking responsibility for our actions and considering howwe might alter them in the future. We redefine failure as theabsence of effort, recognising that results simply inform us ofthe next steps to take.

Students are reminded that perseverance is not a case of doingthe same thing over and over. Persevering in any situationrequires much effort, constant reflection and sometimes anumber of strategies.

Visit the website below for examples of praise that willencourage your child to adopt open thoughts in all areas of theirlife.

For additional information about the program please visit theparent tab on the Peer Support Australia Website.

Winter Uniform

Finally, all students should be wearing winter uniform. Details offull uniform requirements are outlined in the Parent Handbook.Please encourage your child to wear the full uniform, however iffor some reason they are unable to, please contact your child’sPC teacher or myself to discuss.

Tracey MortimerYear 7 and 8 Pastoral Leader

China Tour

Bound for Beijing Tour 2018

On 28 March, Mrs Lau and I took the St Benedict’s CollegeYear 11 and 12 Mandarin students on an immersion tour toChina. This is the school’s second overseas tour and we werefortunate enough to again be invited by St Laurence’s Collegeto join them in this Chinese cultural and language experience.We have definitely formed a wonderful partnership betweenthe two schools. In total we had 30 students, 15 from St.Benedict’s and 15 from St Laurence’s.

On the tour, students were given the opportunity to immersethemselves in the Chinese culture and their way of living inauthentic Chinese settings. They also experienced a wide rangeof linguistic opportunities, including participation in languagelessons at the affiliated university and a visit to a local school.While the tour is designed to further enhance each student’sunderstanding of their Chinese language skills, visits to otherkey attractions also allow us to provide further development inAsian History, Geography and Sociology.

Some of the highlights included:

The tour was a huge success. Students and teachers alikehad a wonderful time, where new friendships were formed andexisting friendships were strengthened. Students have comeback with a new appreciation for the Chinese culture and withan increased motivation to improve their Mandarin languageskills.

Amanda SpoonerCurriculum Leader Humanities/Languages

• In Beijing: The Great Wall, The Temple of Heaven,Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, shopping at thePearl Markets, the FOOD!

• In Xuzhou: Qufu - the hometown of the GreatPhilosopher Confucius, ocarina (traditional Chinesemusical instrument) lessons, paper cutting,calligraphy, Han temple visit, school visit, the FOOD!

• In Xi’an: Muslim street shopping, the ancient city walltour, the Terracotta Warriors (my personal favourite!)and the FOOD!


Macau Exchange Students

Homestay Families Wanted for Visiting Studentsfrom Macau

A group of about 25 eager and excited 15-17 year old studentsfrom Macau will be welcomed to our College later this year aspart of a cultural exchange program. These students have beenselected by their Government to participate in this exchangevisit to Australia because of their skill and interest in English.

We encourage families to open their homes and hearts to theseyoung people. Cultural exchange programs expose studentsto a different cultural, religious and geographic background.They provide the opportunity for students to develop a greaterunderstanding of diversity – both in Australia and worldwide.They allow students to interact with and learn from people whoare different from themselves and to participate in new andunique experiences beyond their own communities. Culturalexchange assists young people to develop positiverelationships with others, understand a broader range ofperspectives and develop the knowledge and skills needed forparticipation in our multicultural society.

When: Wednesday 18 July to Monday 6 August

Who: Preference is given to families with children of secondaryschool age, however all applicants will be considered.

Program: The group will engage in special English classes onmost days, go on a number of educational excursions andattend St Benedict’s classes with an appointed buddy from theCollege.

Prerequisite: You will need to be a holder of a QueenslandWorking With Children Blue Card. Don’t worry if you don’t haveone as it is easy to obtain, but takes some time (approximatelysix weeks). We ask that you organise this as soon as possible.To obtain a form, go to the website below. College staff cancomplete Part A for you.

Requirements: You must be prepared to share yourday-to-day life with an overseas visitor for three weeks. Of greatimportance is that you must speak English in your home. Themain purpose of the students’ visit is to improve their Englishso they must have every opportunity to do so. Students willgenerally be allocated one per family and will require a bedof their own, with preference given to those hosts who canprovide a separate room for the student. Hosts families areexpected to provide students with three meals each day andtransport to and from school.

There is financial compensation to help to cover the costs ofhosting.

How do I register: Contact Lisa Sanders, Receptionist, StBenedict’s College – 3385 8888 or Barbara Gallagher,Program Manager, Prideshill Innovations Education - 38885895 or

Visual Art NewsYear 11 and 12 Visual Art students had the unique opportunityto experience the 'Curious Affection' exhibition by PatriciaPiccinini, held at the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art. Duringthe day students were confronted by quirky hybrid sculpturalcreatures, as well as a number of immersive multi-sensoryinstallations.

During our visit, students also got to view the works of finalistsin the 'Creative Generations' competition which showcases thework of top Visual Art students from around the state. We alsohad the opportunity to see the Australian Collection exhibit atthe Queensland Art Gallery which featured many works fromsignificant Australian artists.

It was really inspiring and thought provoking day, enjoyed by all.

Megan DavisTeacher

Lego Club NewsLego Club takes place each Monday in the Resource Centre inR 2. Students enjoy creating their own designs and discussingtheir passion for all things Lego.

Lego Club Reflections:

In Lego Club we have been making an awesome electroniccrane that goes down and up. As we both love trains we madea people transporter that lowers to the chair and then to thefloor.

We even created a special platform to transport up to 3mini-figures and 1 dog. We treated it as if it was a railway lineand had 3 stations: Table Station (Terminus 1), Chair Stationand Floor Station (Terminus 2).

We both love to build Lego. We encourage more people tocome to Lego Club in R2 at Lunch on Mondays.

Dean Scott, 7.1 and Arion Cameron, 8.3



Jody ProuseLearning Enhancement Leader


St Benedict’s Parish News

How Do We Live a Life of True Love?

The word “love” is a very hard to define. St Paul, in his firstletter to the Corinthians, tries to define it with lots of words. Hesays, “Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; loveis never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it isnot resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins butdelights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, tohope and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come toan end.”

You could use words forever and still not fully define love. In thisSunday’s second reading St John defines love saying, “Godis love.” This definition is not overly helpful either, for God isundefinable.

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus defines love beautifully. Jesusgives us the one commandment that He wants us to live, andthat is, “to love one another as Jesus has loved us.” So truelove is the love that Jesus has for us. Jesus laid down His lifefor each and every one of us. So, if we want to truly love, thenwe need to lay down our lives for others.

This isn’t an easy thing to do. Therefore, we need to embraceJesus in our lives. For Jesus is God, who is love personified.Embracing Jesus in our lives enables us to live a life of true lovelaying down our lives for others. This not only gives life and loveto those we are caring for, but it gives true life and love to us.

Have a great week everyone, living in Jesus’ love!

With blessings in abundance,Fr Bryan

Weekend Masses Weekday Masses

9.30am Sunday – St Benedict’s,Mango Hill

9am Friday –St Benedict’s,Mango Hill

Campus Minister’s NewsI hope you have all settled into College life for Term 2.

ANZAC Day Assembly 2018

On Tuesday 24 April, our College Assembly commemoratedAnzac Day. Our Year 12 students led this important occasionand participated by bringing forward small candles in red glasscontainers to acknowledge Australia’s commitment to not onlyvarious wars, but also all Defence Force campaigns, as wellas our Peacekeeping Troops in various regions. This year ourCollege tradition was enhanced by a beautiful ‘Poppy Waterfall’in our Sacred Space which was created by students and somestaff in the College Lunchtime Craft Club under the guidance ofMrs Pilon.

We were fortunate to have Matt Burke, parent and currentDefence Force member, address the Assembly to give insightinto the experiences of Defence Force personnel who serve ourCountry on a daily basis. Emily Burke, Nicholas Battaglia andDominic Cunynghame, members of our Defence force families,

laid the wreath. Brendan Casserly, an Airforce cadet attendedin uniform and respectfully carried out flag duties.

Social Justice Focus Term 2 – Vinnie’s WinterAppeal in support of our local Vinnie’s

As you are aware, last year the Parish of St Benedict’s, MangoHill was officially established. St Vincent de Paul has a chapterassociated with the Parish so the College, through our Winterappeal, will be supporting this Mango Hill, Vinnie’s.

As always, our Social Justice focus links to the Catholic SocialTeachings and in particular ‘Preferential Treatment for the Poor’and ‘The Common Good’ which encompasses workingtogether to improve the wellbeing of all, particularly thedisadvantaged.

“There is no act of Charity that is not accompanied by Justiceor that permits us to do more than we reasonably can” Vincentde Paul

This year Years 7 to 10 are encouraged to bring in ‘pantry fooditems’ examples below:

Please note, Home Brand items are a great way to donatetoo.

Years 11 and 12 are invited to bring in winter clothing, ingood condition, that no longer fits or is required. Alternatively,they may prefer to spend a few dollars and buy some gloves,beanies, singlets or tops etc. from Big W, Best and Less orKmart where there is good value for money.

Year 12 Retreat

This is held from Wednesday to Friday this week and I amfortunate to be attending again this year. This is a wonderfulopportunity for all the Year 12 students to be able to exploremore of the Spirituality side of life as well as discover moreabout themselves as they are evolving into young adults. Thistime is enhanced by being experienced with their cohort andthe insightful program, prepared by Mr Olley, is delivered attimes, in small groups led by staff who all volunteered to be


involved. An occasion that will be one of the most memorableof Year 12, 2018 at SBC.

Outreach 2018

Our Senior Students are provided with opportunities to be insolidarity with those finding life very difficult, through shifts onthe ROSIES van or at The BREAKFAST CLUB, Redcliffe. Shiftsfor both organisations have been completed already and therosters for the rest of Term 2 are shown below.


TERM 2 Staff Students

June 1 Teacher Arial Warman

Alicia Smedley

The BREAKFAST CLUB, Redcliffe Roster

TERM 2 Staff Students

May 18 Mrs O’Farrell

Mrs Prouse

Georgie Brown

Fabian Sampson

June 15 Mrs O’Farrell

Mrs Meder

Jasmine Bowden

Madison Lude

Amelia Lynch


Susie O’FarrellCampus Minister

Finance NewsThanks to all the families who have paid their first round ofschool fees or have a direct debit in place.

The due date has now passed so if you are choosing not to setup any arrangement, fees are now overdue.

We are scheduled to process our second billing cycle on Friday11 May. We will keep you updated on this and fees will beemailed as normal. Please take the time to check your feestatement and advise if there are any anomalies.

Please be aware that the email address you receive the feestatements from is a NoReply Email. Please do not send forms back to this emailaddress as they are not received by Finance.

If you are experiencing any difficulties please don’t hesitateto contact me via email ortelephone me directly on 3385 8807.

Please be assured that all information is treated in the strictestconfidence at all times.

Donna MooreFinance Secretary

Canteen NewsVolunteers are always needed, especially Wednesdays

and FridaysNo serving or money handling required

Renae EdgleyCanteen ConvenorPhone: 0426 603 611

Uniform Shop

Trading hours (school terms only):

Tuesday 8:00 am - 9:30 am

Friday 8:00 am - 11:00 am

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contactJenny by email at

Phone Orders

For the convenience of families, uniform orders can be placedvia email. Your student can then easily collect the order onFriday morning prior to the start of school, or during first break.

Layby Option

Detailed information about the Uniform Shop’s layby facility canbe obtained from the Uniform Shop via email or in person.

Second Hand Uniforms

Second hand uniform items are now being accepted. Allclothing is to be freshly laundered and ironed. Please includean envelope with name, phone number, description of itemsand the price you would like. LJ Apparel does take a smallcommission for handling.

For families wishing to purchase second hand uniforms, this willbe via a strictly cash only system.

Jenny BrownConvenor


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