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St. Augustine Parish 43 Essex St., Andover, MA 978-475-0050

“Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the

name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come!

Hosanna in the highest!” Mk 11:9-10


St. Augustine Parish, Andover, MA

Weekly Reflection by Deacon Louis J. Piazza

Holy Week, the last week of Lent, is finally here. This week, we celebrate the fullness of God’s love for us expressed in the Paschal Mystery - the passion, death, and resurrection of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our church’s celebration of Holy Week is dramatic, tragic, joyful, and beautiful. All at the same time. It is rich in tradition and symbolism. If you’re still searching for a way to make this Lenten season meaningful or impacting, consider attending one of the many services or devotions leading up to great crescendo of the Resurrection.

Our Palm Sunday liturgies will celebrate the arrival of Christ into Jerusalem and the zeal of the crowds who greeted him there. We will begin Mass hearing Mark’s account of Jesus’ arrival proclaimed from the rear of the church prior to the procession of the liturgical ministers. The Liturgy of the Word will feature the reading of the Passion.

On Tuesday morning, parishioners from throughout the diocese will journey to the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston’s South End. Cardinal Sean O’Malley will preside at The Chrism Mass, blessing the holy oils that are used in the year ahead for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Sacrament of the Sick. This celebration is also a beautiful moment of communion between the 389 priests of the archdiocese and their bishop as the priests renew the promises made at their ordination.

The summit of the church year is the Sacred Paschal Triduum which begins on Thursday evening with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, continues on Friday afternoon with Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, and concludes with the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at Saturday evening’s Easter Vigil.

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper will feature the presentation of the holy oils, blessed by Cardinal Sean at the Chrism Mass, to the local parish community. We will remember, in a special way, Christ’s washing of the apostles’ feet and his institution of the Liturgy of the Eucharist with emphasis on his command to “Do this in memory of me”. The Blessed Sacrament will be removed from the church, in procession by the parish community, to the Altar of Repose located in the Parish Center.

On Friday morning, the interfaith community of Andover will offer public witness of our faith. Parishioners from several of the Christian churches will walk through town joining together in song and prayer in the annual Good Friday Walk. The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Friday afternoon will feature a proclamation of John’s account of the Passion and public veneration of the Sacred Cross. On Friday evening we will gather for the Stations of the Cross.

The Easter Vigil is perhaps the most beautiful liturgy of all. Christ, the light of our world as represented by the Paschal Candle, is processed into the darkness of our parish church. The dignity and meaning of the mystery of man’s sin, God’s mercy, and the great love of the Redeemer is celebrated in the singing of the Exulstet, and an extended set of readings from Sacred Scripture. Laura O’Brien and Brittany Cafiero, two women who are new to our faith community, will be welcomed into our church and receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. In addition, Amber Daniels, Bryant Jones, David Rickards, and Steven Rothmann, who have already been baptized as Christians, will come into full communion with the Catholic Church and will receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. We, the faithful, renew our baptismal promises and are blessed with holy water. The presence of Christ in our church will be restored as the candles are lit, the Blessed Sacrament is once again reposed in the tabernacle, and the fonts are filled with Holy Water.

The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified, please join us.


Sunday, March 29th, 2015

Mon, Mar 30th 8am Jack Glynn

Tues, Mar 31st 8am Charles Salach

Wed, Apr 1 8am Josephine Mill

Thurs, Apr 2 7:30pm Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper

Fri, Apr 3 3:00pm Celebration of the Lord's Passion

Sat, Apr 4 7:30pm Easter Vigil

Sun, Apr 5 7:30am

Happy Easter! No specific intentions. See Mass Schedule listed separately


St. Joseph 10am



Memorials for the Week Mass Intentions...

Sanctuary Lamp Edward J. Morrisey

Lamp before St. Rita For Favor Granted

Blessed Mother Vigil Lamp Virginia Walter

Sanctuary Lamp in Friary Donald X. Burt, OSA

Altar Bread and Wine Vocations

P rayer for Our Troops Around the World

“Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the

name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.” We especially remember Michael Clark, James Gaffney, Saverio Maldari, Trevor Powers, Tyler Rioux, Jeff Sirois, and Leslie Willey.

We remember in prayer those who are ill and pained in body, heart and mind. We commend to our Divine Lord all of our aged people and those residing in nursing homes. Please pray for Patricia Dolloff, Gloria Maheu, Jeanne Lapsa.

It is with grateful hearts that we welcome the safe return home of Nolan Johnson from his military service overseas. His family thanks the St. Augustine Parish community for

keeping him in prayer.


St. Augustine Parish, Andover, MA

Parish Support

$2146 of the total was donated via Online Giving. To learn more about making electronic donations or to sign up, visit our web site and

click on the link for Online Giving.

Scripture for the Week of March 29th

Sunday Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16/Is 50:4-7/Phil 2:6-11/Mk 14:1-15:47 or 15:1-39

Monday Is 42:1-7/Jn 12:1-11

Tuesday Is 49:1-6/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38

Wednesday Is 50:4-9a/Mt 26:14-25

Thursday Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15

Friday Is 52:13-53:12/ Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1-19:42

Saturday Gn 1:1-2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Ex 14:15-15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/Bar 3:9-15,32-4:4/Ez 36:16-17a,18-28/Rom 6:3-11/Mk 16:1-7

Next Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7

At St. Augustine this Week

Mon 3/30 Teen Stations of the Cross in the Church, 7:30pm

Tue 3/31 Rosary Group in Church, 3:30pm Bell Choir in Church, 6pm Helping Hands in Center, 6pm Adult Confirmation in Friary, 7pm

Wed 4/1 Women of Grace in Center, 9:30am School Stations of the Cross in Church, 1:30pm Evening Prayer in Church, 6:15pm The Light is on for You in Church, 6:30pm

Thurs 4/2 Morning Prayer in Church, 8am Why Catholic in Center, 1pm St. Vincent de Paul in Center, 2:30pm Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper, 7:30pm

Fri 4/3 Morning Prayer in Church, 8am Ecumenical Prayer Walk starts at Center, 8:30am Celebration of the Lord's Passion, 3pm Stations of the Cross, 7pm

Sat 4/4 Men's Ministry in Center, 7am Morning Prayer in Church, 8am Easter Vigil, 7:30pm

Weekly Offertory 3/15/2015 $16,373

Special Collections

Augustinian Foreign Missions $6,005

Augustinian Retirement Fund $350

Easter Flowers $1,940


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Sunday, March 29th, 2015

Religious Education News Thank you to everyone who attended our Taize Lenten Prayer and Meditation Service on March 16. A special thank you to all Confirmation students, Grade 7 students and their catechists, to our readers, candle lighters, greeters, petition bearer and to Cynthia Arsenault and members of the music ministry who played and sang the music of Taize.

Year of Consecrated Life Myth 6: Religious are Docile

Religious take vows of obedience, not of submissiveness and abuse. Most religious sisters, brothers, and priests we know have more in common with the Lone Ranger than with Tonto. Orders hope for mature, well-balanced, interdependent, highly motivated, creative candidates, not for weak, submissive, dependent drones. Rather than blind submissiveness, obedience means to listen. Like all

people, religious women and men are called to listen to God and to the needs of their order and the church. Obedience requires mature listening and dialogue between a religious and her or his superiors. Religious are invited to share their prayer, desires, talents, fears, and joys so that superiors may make knowledgeable decisions that are best for that person, a particular community, the order, and the church. Celibate chastity and simple living are requisites for living religious life, but the vow of obedience is most directly linked to carrying out the actual purpose of a religious community.

From "Eight Myths About Religious Life by David Nantais, SJ and Scott Opperman, SJ at

Youth Ministry Sunday, June 28th- July 2nd - Summer Unitas Join over 50 teens for this powerful week of service in the Merrimack Valley. For details please contact Katie Leblanc at . April 7th - Prayer Night at 7:30-8:30pm Our next Prayer Night features guest speaker, James Orrigo. James is an entertainer and motivational speaker who travels internationally speaking, singing, and sharing his story! He was here at St. Augustine last fall and returns April 7th to speak to the teens! His topic will be "How are you changing the world?" All teens and anyone that would like to be inspired are welcome!

School News March Madness was in full force for the St. Augustine basketball teams. All fifth through eighth grade boys and girls teams competed in the league playoffs. We are so proud of all our teams, especially the three teams who advanced to the final games which were played at Merrimack College this year! Our sixth grade girls, eighth grade boys, and eighth grade girls all played in the championship game and our eighth grade girls won! What an amazing end to a terrific career at St. Augustine. Thank you to all the coaches who tirelessly volunteer their time to help coach and support the teams!


St. Augustine Parish, Andover, MA

Monday, March 30th, 7:30-8:30 PM

St. Augustine Teen Stations of the Cross - please join us for this powerful, prayer-filled commemoration of the last steps of Christ led by our teens. These stations will be offered in memory of Kelly Johnson.

Tuesday, March 31st Parish Center Easter Elegance - This will be the last day to contribute to the Religious Education Lenten Project, Easter Elegance, providing new or nearly new Easter clothing for children in need. We would especially appreciate boys sizes 10,12, and 14 for slacks, shirts, ties and blazers and girls dresses and cardigan sweaters in sizes 8, 12, and 14. We encourage all parishioners to make contributions.

Tuesday, March 31st Cathedral of the Holy Cross

Please join us at the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Each year parishioners from throughout the Archdiocese join in prayer and celebration at this special liturgy led by the Cardinal and Bishops of our Archdiocese. At this Mass, Cardinal Sean blesses the oils to be used in the year ahead for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Sacrament of the Sick. These oils will be presented to our parish during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday and first used during the Sacraments of Initiation for the RCIA Candidates at the Easter Vigil. This Mass is also a beautiful moment of communion between the priests of the Archdiocese of Boston and their bishop as they renew their promises made at their ordination. We will depart from the parking lot of St. Augustine Parish at 9:30 and return before 3:00. We plan to carpool to the Mass, and stop for a brief lunch afterwards. If you are interested in attending, please let the front desk staff know at 978.475.0050, or

St. Augustine Evening Prayer "The Light is on for You" - Sacrament of Reconciliation. This will be the last scheduled opportunity to receive this Sacrament before Easter Sunday.

Wednesday, April 1st, 6:15 PM 6:30 PM


Sunday, March 29th, 2015

Holy Thursday, April 2nd 8:00 AM 7:30 PM 10:30 PM 10:45 PM

Morning Prayer Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper followed by Vigil at the Altar of Repose in the Parish Center Night Prayer Reposition

Good Friday, April 3rd 8:00 AM 8:15 AM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM

Morning Prayer Interdenominational Prayer Walk - gather at the parish center for coffee and hot cross buns followed by 2 mile walk through Andover's town center. Celebration of the Lord's Passion Stations of the Cross St. Augustine Church will remain open until 9:00 PM for private prayer and reflection

Holy Saturday, April 4th 8:00 AM 7:30 PM

Morning Prayer The Easter Vigil

There is no Mass at 8AM on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday. There is also no 4pm Mass on Holy Saturday.

Easter Sunday, April 5th Mass Schedule 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM

St. Augustine Church St. Augustine Church St. Joseph Church, 20 High Vale Lane, Ballardvale Church of Christ the Teacher, Merrimack College St. Augustine Church Church of Christ the Teacher, Merrimack College

For those who plan to attend either of the Easter Sunday Masses at Merrimack College (10am or 12pm), please note that, due to construction, the parking lot

next to the church is not available, and attendees will be directed by safety personnel to parking. Please do not park on the side street where "NO PARKING"

signs are posted. This church is NOT handicap accessible.

Sacred Triduum


St. Augustine Parish, Andover, MA

Adult Faith Formation On Saturday, April 18 Fr. Peter Gori will be our speaker at the Why Catholic pot luck after the 4pm Mass. He will explore morality as a lived experience and the Catholic Church’s stance on what it means to be a moral person. A very fitting end to the WC spring session and in addition, a thought-provoking and timely presentation for all! Pot luck (always delicious) begins at 5:30pm and the presentation at 6pm. WC participants as well as all parishioners are welcome to the pot luck and/or talk.

Around the Parish Please note that there will be no Senior Ministry First Friday luncheon on Good Friday, April 3rd. The next Protecting God's Children Course in our Parish is on Saturday, April 11th at 9 am in the Smith Hall (the main hall of the parish center). Please register via e-mail to Bridget Rao or Klara Vajda or 978-475-0050 x37. “Ministry involves activity...[which] may be explicitly religious – prayer, liturgy, preaching, or it may be less explicitly religious yet grounded in faith and signifying hope in the coming kingdom of God – feeding the hungry, giving shelter to the homeless, working for justice, reconciliation and peace…Ministerial activity is ultimately directed toward establishing a life in communion with God and with one another, a way of life which manifests the kingdom of God in our midst.”

Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, In Service of One Another: Pastoral Letter on Ministry Please consider serving in any of these ministries, our Parish Community needs your help. Your life will be enriched as a result:

The Parish Nursing Ministry needs two registered nurses to serve those who are home bound. Approx. five hours/month.

Academy Manor Sunday Nursing Home Ministry needs your time and dedication to bring the Blessed Sacrament to those who cannot come to church. One Sunday/month from 9-11am.

Martha’s ministry seeks two people to plan, organize, and present five events/year. The commitment requires organizing; getting volunteers for set up, clean up, and monitoring the

events . If you are interested and or have any questions please contact Klara Vajda, Outreach Coordinator, at 978-475-0050 x37 or

Archdiocesan and Community News The Theological Institute’s, Master of Arts in Ministry Program at Saint John’s Seminary is preparing for the upcoming Friday, April 10th Co-Worker’s in the Vineyard Conference! It will take place at Our Lady Help of Christian’s Parish, Newton from 9am-3:30pm. Dr. Ralph Martin, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, MI will be the Keynote speaker. Register at www.theological For more info, call 617.779.4104. All high school aged youth are invited to attend Steubenville East, a youth conference that is coming to the Archdiocese of Boston for the first time this summer! Join Cardinal Seán, a team of national speakers and musicians and thousands of other Catholic teens from the North East for this amazing opportunity. There is still availability through the Faith Formation of Youth & Young Adults Ministry. For more information please email Kathy Stebbins at

Bulletin submissions should be sent to by Sunday evening

Sunday, March 29th, 2015

St. Augustine Parish Community

978-475-0050 fax: 978-475-3078 Church and Friary 43 Essex St., Andover, MA 01810

Offices 35 Essex St., Andover, MA 01810 Office Hours Mon-Thu 8:45am-4:30pm

Fri - 8:45am-2:30pm



Augustinian Friars Fr. Peter G. Gori, OSA, Pastor, x35 Fr. Richard T. O'Leary, OSA, Parochial Vicar, Prior, x32 Fr. William J. Donnelly, OSA, In Residence, x20 Fr. Edward J. Enright, OSA, In Residence, x18 Fr. Raymond F. Dlugos, OSA, Weekend Assistant

Parish Staff Cynthia Arsenault, Director of Music, x34 Michael Curren, Deacon, x26 Patty Ehlbeck, Offertory & Admin. Asst., x10 Sr. Madonna Kling, CDP, Pastoral Associate, x36 Katie Scanlon LeBlanc, Youth Ministry, x11 Karen Miller, Business Manager, 978-474-4201 Danette Morris, Communications Associate, x33 Mike O'Dea, Facilities Manager and Cemetery, x10 Louis Piazza, Deacon, x43 Debbie Street, Receptionist, x10 Klara Vajda, Outreach Coordinator x37

St Augustine School 26 Central St, Andover, 978-475-2414

Paula O’Dea, Principal, x11 Meghan Lovett, Assistant Principal, x12

Religious Education Bridget Rao, DRE, Confirmation & Grades 7-8, x28 Cheryl Germino, Grades 4-6, x31 Janice Zackular, Grades 1-3, x27 Joanne Heim, Administrative Assistant, x38

Saturday 8AM and 4PM Vigil Mass Sunday 8, 9:30, 11:30 AM, 5:30 PM

10 AM St Joseph Church, 20 High Vale Lane, Ballardvale

Weekdays 8AM; First Fridays (Sept - June) 10:30 AM

Civil Holidays 9AM only

Holy Days Vigil 4PM, 8AM, 7PM

Adoration - First Fridays 11:30-5PM Sept - June Baptism Preparation Class – Dan & Jacqueline Fague 978-623-0944

Confession - Saturday 11AM-12PM

Eucharist, Marriage, Sacrament of the Sick Call the Parish Office

Rite of Christian Initiation and Adult Confirmation Mark and Mary DeFrancisco


Adult Faith Formation and Education, Sr. Madonna Kling, 978-475-0050, x36

Altar Servers, Jim Hauer, 978-474-0133

Liturgical Arts and Environment, Phil D'Agati, 978-590-9618

Bereavement, Dcn. Louis Piazza, 978-475-0050, x43 Assisting families and clergy for funeral services

Bread and Roses, Eileen Novelline, 978-683-9288

Providing food and service at a local soup kitchen

Cancer Survivors, Klara Vajda, 978-475-0050 x37 Monthly support group for cancer survivors

Catholic Appeal Coordinators John and Nuala Carlson, 978-682-7760

Cursillo, Ted Dawson, 978-749-7134 Mini-course in Christianity providing spiritual fulfillment

Divorced and Separated, Bob Whirty, 978-360-5222 Providing support for divorced/separated individuals

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, John Markiewicz, 978-761-5381

- Nursing Home Visitation, Klara Vajda, 978-475-0050 x37

- Home Visitation, Lisa Lacourse, 978-475-0501

Helping Hands, Janet Fluet, 978-886-0039 Making prayer shawls and blankets for those in need

Hospitality, Marie Potts, 978-886-0645 Greeters and helpers at Mass and other parish events

Knights of Columbus Andover Council 1078, Dennis Ricketts, 978-729-3037

Lectors, Frank Serna 978-475-4485 Proclaiming the Lord's Word at Mass and other Liturgies

Linens, Joan Dow, 978-475-5568 Laundering of various liturgical linens

Liturgy, Betty Desjardins, 978-470-2965 Planning liturgical celebrations throughout the year

Martha's Ministry, Klara Vajda 508-265-3883 Housekeeping, parish mailing

Men's Ministry, John Barrett, 978-475-7829 Ongoing spiritual enrichment for men of all ages

Parish Child Safety (CAP), Mary Ferguson, 978-475-2414 x38 Training and support for prevention of child abuse

Parish Pastoral Council Assisting the pastor in assessing the needs of the parish

Parish Nursing, Eileen Muscatello, 978-758-0680 Serving and visiting homebound parishioners

Prayer Line, Patsy Gurry, 978-475-1508 Telephone chain of prayer requests

Pro-Life, Theresa Gorey, 978-475-6673 Promoting the culture of life

Rosary Group, Tom McGivern, 978-475-5064 Weekly communal praying of Rosary

Scripture Study, Danette Morris, 978-475-0050 x33 Long and short studies throughout the year

Senior Ministry, Christine Curran 978-475-5177 Senior parishioners gathering for social events

Sunday Family Social, Kathleen Romano, 978-944-5520 Coffee and donuts following 9:30 Sunday Mass

St. Vincent de Paul, Parish Office, 978-475-0050 x49 Ministering to those in need in Andover and Lawrence

Vocations, Kathy Greenler Sexton, 978-258-0433 Promoting vocations awareness and education

Welcoming, Nuala Carlson, 978-682-7760 Welcoming new parishioners to our faith community

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Jo Ann C. Foley D.D.S.188 Main Street, Wilmington, MA 01887978-658-8800

ANDOVER OFFICE: One Elm Square, Suite 1d - 978-296-4964LAWRENCE OFFICE: 100 Amesbury Street, Suite 111 - 978-682-3342

prevention~exams~restorative & cosmetic treatmentsextractions~orthodontics

Dr. Michael T. Shannon Dr. Michael J. Hunter







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203 Turnpike St., Suite G-2, North Andover, MA 161 Ash St., Suite A-1, Reading, MA

Andover Spine Center & Northeast Decompression Associates

Dr. Christopher R. Condon 63 Park St . Andover . 978-474-1700

Advanced Chiropractic and Non-Surgical Spinal Therapy Facility


Two Stevens Street Andover, MA 01810

Dr. Maria Dona & Dr. Sheila Tucker Phone: (978) 475-0567

Periodontics & Implant Dentistry

Day of Wedding Coordinationand Event Planning

Wedding Planners

Call 978.479.3616

Specialists in OrthodonticsDoctors Center, 100 Amesbury St.

Lawrence978-686-3838 •

Specialists in Orthodontics

Joseph P. Giordano, D.M.D.John B.C. Lem, D.M.D.


44 Park St. •

Real Estate Law Specalist

Vicki Mullett, Agent Partner508.736.8657 844.OUR.LAER | Fulford Group MA & NHThe Roar that Opens More Doors

Mike Reilly, PresidentJohn Reilly, EVP

Peter Quinlan, SVP

89 Main Street, Andover


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