ssrs demo

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Hello There,

This quick demo illustrates how I used a stored procedure with multiple selected parameter values within a SSRS Report. This technique can be used in the situation where developers want to utilize stored procedures, either by creating from scratch or from existing legacy system, to develop new SSRS reports. It allows organizations to take advantage of the strength of stored procedures in maintenance and performance. I can also present a live demo, if requested.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Hong-Bing Li

Multiple Values are Selected within a Parameter

Report Run with the Multiple Values Selected Parameter

From this slide on, the demo will show How To’s - the following is the screenshot of a SSRS report which utilizes a Stored Procedure and a Parameter with Multiple Values Selected.

How the Parameter Properties are Set

The top form shows how the properties are set for dataset ‘dsProductResults’: query type is ‘Stored Procedure’ and name is ‘GetProducts’. The bottom form shows that ‘GetProducts’ is being tested in the query designer to ensure it works for the SSRS report.

The following slide shows how the “GetProducts” stored procedure is run on the SQL Server side. It needs to be used in conjunction with a UDF function ‘CSVToTable’ which is created to parse SSRS parameter’s multiple selected values from a CSV string into Integer data types.

---The End---

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