ssef fieldtrip to paraiba, brazil · the alto dos quintos mine, 9 km south of parelhas, has been...

Post on 22-Jul-2020






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SSEF Fieldtrip


Paraiba, Brazil

Dr. Hao Wang

Sebastian Hänsel

Alexander Klumb

Swiss Gemmological Institute


Table of contents

• Geography and geological

setting of Paraiba

• Different mining sites

• Mulungu Mine (MTB)

• Mina da Batalha

• Alto dos Quintos

• Small scale mines

• Further impressions

Paraiba Tourmaline (SSEF No. 95907)

World map with Brazil indicated in red

State map of Brazil with Rio grande do Norte and Paraiba

in the East

Geography and geological

setting of Paraiba

Geography and geological setting of Paraiba

Geographical map of Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco

Geography and geological setting of Paraiba

Geographical location of Paraiba-Tourmaline mines

Geological map of the area around Parelhas

Generalized regional geological map modified

from Jaguaribe SE (2000)

The Mulungu mine

Overview about the Mulungu mine (Mineracao Terra Branca Ltda.) with the headquarters on the right and

the new lift on the left side.

The Mulungu mine

The Mulungu mine

First impressions from inside

the mine

The Mulungu mine

The Mulungu mine

Comb-textured dravite (black crystals) at the border

of the pegmatite

The Mulungu mine

Going down to 104 meters

Conveyor belt to bring the rocks to the surface

The Mulungu mine

Sorting small melee sized stones

and „new products“

The Mulungu mine

Impressive samples shown by MTB

Mina da Batalha

Overview of the mining area on Morro Alto near San Jose da Batalha

Mina da Batalha

This simplified sketch map shows the locations of the pegmatite dikes referred to as “lines” 1

through 4 (5 and 6 are not shown) on Morro Alto. Also shown are property boundaries between

different mining companies. Both primary (pegmatite) and secondary (alluvial/eluvial)

deposits are being worked.

Modified from mine map commissioned by Heitor Barbosa, January 2000.

Mina da Batalha

Tourmaline samples in a variety of colours from

the „Mina da Batalha“

Alto dos Quintos

Gate to the „Alto dos Quintos“ mine, also known as the „Wild mine“

Alto dos Quintos

The Alto dos Quintos mine, 9 km south of Parelhas,

has been explored for cuprian elbaites for several

years. Nowadays the mine is flooded and does not

produce gemstones anymore.

Serra Branca

Serra Branca

Green and blue Tourmaline samples from the small scale mine „Serra Branca“

Smaller „new mines“

Further impressions

Further impressions

Further impressions

Thank you for your attention

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