
Post on 27-Nov-2014






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Salaatul Haajat

The Hadith mentions the entire method together with the Du'aa to be recited for Salaatul Haajat. Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) mentions, "Whoever has any need, then firstly, perform a proper Wudhu, thereafter perform 2 Rakaats Salaat (reciting whichever Surahs one desires). Thereafter, commence your Du'aa by praising Allah and sending salutations upon Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)."

Recite the following Du'aa, "Laa ilaaha illallaahul haleemul kareem. Subhaanallaahu rabbil arshil adheem, alhamdulillaahi rabbil `aalameen. As-aluka muwjibaat rahmatika, wa `adhaaima maghfiratika wal ghaneemat min kulli birr was salaamat min kulli ithm, laa tada`a liy dhanban illaa ghafaratah walaa hamman illaa farrajtah walaa haajatan hiya laka ridhan illaa qadhaytahaa Yaa arhamar raahimeen" (Trans: There is no deity besides Allah who is most tolerant and most noble. Glory be to Allah Who is the Lord of the majestic throne. All praises are for Allah, the lord of the Universe. I am asking you O Allah to bestow upon me Your mercy and forgiveness, grant me piety and protection from all misfortunes. Do not leave any sin on me except that you forgive me, relieve me from distress and difficulties and fulfil all such needs of mine which You are pleased with - O Most Merciful of those who show mercy.) (Tirmidhi pg.108; Ashrafiyya)

Together with performing this Salaat, one should always keep in mind that help and assistance comes only from Allah Ta'ala. Allah grants to whomsoever He wishes and withholds from whomsoever He wishes. If one's needs are not fulfilled, do not ever become despondent in the mercy of Allah because Allah is the most wise and know best the reason of withholding one's Du'aas and needs.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai,

Salatul Hajaat

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In case of difficulty, illness or of authorized necessity this prayer is read. The beloved Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) had taught this to a blind person who, as soon as he performed it, regained his eyesight. (Tirmizi Shareef Tabrani)

To perform this prayer it is recommended to wear one's best and clean clothes and to perform pleasingly one's ablution (Wudu). Then 2 Rakat Nafil is read in the usual way, after salaam this dua is read:

Allahumma inni as�alooka, wa atawajjahu ilyaka bi-Nabiyyika Muhammad (saw) nabi yir Rahma, ya Rasullulah innee atawajjahu bika ilaa rabbiy fi haaajati hadhihi lituqdaa li, Allahummah fashaffi hu fi.

O Allah! Verily I ask you, and turn to you through your Prophet Muhammad (saw) the Prophet of Mercy, Ya Rasullullah verily I turn towards my Lord through you to

my Lord in this need of mine, to fulfill it, O Allah intercede/cure this!

I will sugest to all muslims what ever problem your facing in life. 

try to offer this prayer everyday and All h All h you will find out that your problem is solved inshaAllah.


Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance)

Abullah ibn Abi Awfa (Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam) said, “Whoever has a need with Allah, or with any human being, then let them perform

ritual ablutions well and then pray two Rakats. After that, let them praise Allah and send blessings on

the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). After this, let them say,

"La ilaha illallahul Halimul karim

Subhanallahi Rabbil Arshil Azim, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, Asaluka Mujibaati Rahmatika Wa

Azaa'ima maghfiratika Wal Ghanimata Min Kulli Birrin, Was salamata Min Kulli Ithmin, La Tada' Li

Zanmban Illa Ghafartahu, Wa la Hamman Illa Farrajtahu, Wa la hajatan hiya Laka Ridhan Illa

Qadhaitaha, Ya Arhamar Rahimeen."

There there no god but Allah the Clement and Wise.

There is no god but Allah the High and Mighty.

Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Tremendous Throne.

All praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

I ask you (O Allah) everything that leads to your mercy, and your tremendous forgiveness, enrichment

in all good, and freedom from all sin.

Do not leave a sin of mine (O Allah), except that you forgive it, nor any concern except that you create

for it an opening, nor any need in which there is your good pleasure except that you fulfill it, O Most


(Related by Tirmidhi and Ibn Maja. The Hadith has some weakness, but it is slight: such Hadiths are

acted upon for virtuous deeds (fada’il al-a`mal) by general agreement of the scholars)

The prayer of need is very simple: It is essentially to raise one's need to Allah Most High, by performing

ritual ablution (Wudu), praying 2 Rakats, and then making whole-hearted Dua to Allah. If one uses the

abovementioned Prophetic supplication, or other similar supplications transmitted from the Beloved

Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), it is best. (Al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya; Ibn Abidin, Radd al-


The inward manners of supplication is exhibiting our neediness and absolute slavehood to Allah,

consigning one's matters to Allah, and knowing that the only one who gives or benefits is Allah Most

High. With this, one should be certain that Allah Most High answers our Duas, but in the way He knows

is best for us.

When circumstances do not permit us to pray 2 Rakats, one should still turn to Allah in supplication,

raising one’s needs to Him, for He answers our supplications and loves being asked.

Allah Ta'ala Says:

"When My worshipers ask you about Me, I am near. I answer the supplication of the suppliant when he

calls to Me; therefore, let them respond to Me and let them believe in Me, in order that they will be


And Only Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.


Moulana Qamruz Zaman 

London, UK

How does one perform the prayer of need (salat al-haja)?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, and all blessings and peace upon our master Muhammad, his Folk, Companions and those who follow their noble way, 

Abullah ibn Abi Awfa (Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah

bless him and give him peace) said, “Whoever has a need with Allah, or with any human being, then let them perform ritual ablutions well and then pray two rakats. After that, let them praise Allah and send blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). After this, let them say,

IهI ال Lل Lال إ OهN إ LيمN الل UحIل IرLيمN ال Uك ال  IانIحU ب Nس LهO ب[ الل Iر LشUرIعU L ال UعIظLيم ال  

NدUمIحU OهL ال Lل ب[ ل Iر IينLمI UعIال ال  IكNلI أ Uس

I IاتL أ LكI مNوجLب حUمIت Iر IمL ائ IزIعIو IكL ت IرLفUغIم IةIيمL UغIن Nل[ مLنU وIال Lرz ك المIةI ب OالسIو UنLل[ مN ~ ك Uم Lث إ  IدIعU ال �ا لLي ت Uب Lال ذIن IهN إ ت UرIفIال غIم�ا وIال هL IهN إ ت Uج OرIال فIة� وIاجIح IيLه IكIض�ا لLال رL IهIا إ Uت Iا قIضIي حIمI ي Uر

I احLمLينI أ Oالر

There there no god but Allah the Clement and Wise. There is no god but Allah the High and Mighty. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Tremendous Throne. All praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds. I ask you (O Allah) everything that leads to your mercy, and your tremendous forgiveness, enrichment in all good, and freedom from all sin. Do not leave a sin of mine (O Allah), except that you forgive it, nor any concern except that you create for it an opening, nor any need in which there is your good pleasure except that you fulfill it, O Most Merciful!”

[Related by Tirmidhi and Ibn Maja. The hadith has some weakness, but it is slight: such hadiths are acted upon for virtuous deeds (fada’il al-a`mal) by general agreement of Sunni scholarship]

The prayer of need is very simple: It is essentially to raise one's need to Allah Most High, by performing ritual ablution (wudu), praying 2 rakats (or four), and then making whole-hearted dua to Allah. If one uses the abovementioned Prophetic supplication, or other similar supplications transmitted from the Beloved Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace), it is best. [Ibrahim al-Halabi, Sharh Munyat al-Musalli; al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya; Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]

The inward manners of supplication is exhibiting our neediness and absolute slavehood to Allah, consigning one's matters to Allah, and knowing that the only one who gives or benefits is Allah Most High. With this, one should be certain that Allah Most High answers our duas, but in the way He knows is best for us.

When circumstances do not permit us to pray 2 rakats, one should still turn to Allah in supplication, raising one’s needs to Him, for He answers our supplications and loves being asked.

And Allah alone gives success.

Salaatul Haajaat  (Prayer for Need)


Everyone is in need of success and goodness. Du’a (supplication) is the essence of worship, the light of the heavens and the earth. It opens the doors of mercy and is a means to fulfill our needs from the treasures of our Creator and Sustainer. 


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Whenever one is faced with any problem related to this world or the hereafter, be it a bodily affliction or a spiritual one i.e. desire to sin, one should perform two rakaats Salaatul Haajaat with the relevent du'as. Thereafter make du'a sincerely and repeatedly every day. Allah Ta’ala will create means of overcoming the problems from the unseen.

It is reported from Abdullah bin Abi Aufa ( ) that Rasulullah  ( ) is reported to have said that whomsoever has any need from Allah Ta’ala or any person then he should make wudu thoroughly. Thereafter he should perform two rakaats of salaah, recite praises

on Allah Ta’ala and send blessings on the Prophet ( ). Then he should recite this du'a:

Glory be to Allah, the Rabb of the Great throne.  All praise is exclusively for Allah, the Rabb of the universe. O Allah, I beg You of that which will guarantee Your Mercy, actions which will make certain Your Forgiveness, a supply of every virtue and freedom from every sin. O Allah, do not leave any sin of mine unpardoned, remove all my worries and fulfill every need of mine which conforms to your pleasure.Correct Time for Tahajjud

The time of Tahajjud extends from the time of Isha until Subh Sadiq [true dawn]. Ahadith

related from Hadhrat Aa'isha   state that Nabi   sometimes performed Tahajjud in the early portion of the night and on occasions when half the night had passed. However, towards the latter part of his life he frequently performed it in the last portion of the night. As the night progresses, Allah Ta'ala's Mercy and Blessings increase. Hence, the last sixth of the night is most preferred. [Maktoobat Shaikh ul Islaam 77 p 202 - Fatawa Rahimiya vol 2 p 376]

Dua to Assist in Waking Up for Tahajjud

A person remarked to Abdullah bin Abbas  , "I always intend awakening in the last

portion of the night to perform Salaat but sleep overpowers me." Ibne Abbas   replied, "Before sleeping recite from "QUL LAW KAANAL BAHRU MIDADAL..." to the end of Surah Kahf. Allah Ta'ala will waken you at whatever time you intend rising." [Tha'labi-Ma'ariful Quraan vol 5]

Number of Rakaats in Tahajjud

The number of rakaats performed by Nabi   varied according to the prevailing circumstances. Although on certain occasions sufficient time was available,

Nabi   would perform less rakaats reciting lengthy Qiraat. [Khasa'ile Nabawee p 156]

Deducing from the various narrations four to twelve rakaats in units of two or four have been recommended. [Imdaadul Fatawa vol 1 -Baab finnawaafil / Maraqiyul Falah]

However if two rakaats are performed in the prescribed time it will be regarded as Tahajjud. [Raddul Mukhtaar 1/715]

Ref: Tahajjud Explained


Niyya will be for 3 Witr Wajib

1st Rakat

1. Start with Takbir -e- Tahrima2. Thana ( SubhanakAllah Humma Wabi...)3. Ta'awuz (A'oodhu..)4. Tasmia (Bismillah..)5. Al-Fatiha6. Tasmia (if reciting from beginning of Sura)7. Sura8. Ruku+Sujud

2nd Rakat

9. Repeat 4 - 8 above10. Sit for Tashahhud - Attihiyyat upto 'Abduhoo WaRaSooluh ( i.e. stop before reciting Durood -e- Ibrahim )12. Say "Allahu Akbar" and Stand Up for Third Rakaat

3rd Rakat

13. Repeat 4 - 714. Say "Allahu Akbar" and Raise the Hands ( as done when initiating Salaah)15. Recite Dua -e- Qunoot* (see below) 16. Perform Ruku+Sujood17. Sit again, Recite Attihiyyat, Durood Shareef, Dua18. End with Salaams

*Dua -e- Qunoot

Arabic Here (Note: It's at end of page. The format is bit confusing with the boxes. You will recite across as if on one line from right (box) to left, and not per box. Ignore boxes! )

Transliteration/Audio Here ( Its the Second Qunut, Not First)

I've listed the manner of performing Witr in an ordered form for clarification. The details can be found in any Hanafi Salah Kitaab e.g.

1. This three-Rak'ah Salah is offered during the Isha Salah 2. First the two Rak'ahs are performed and after completing the Tashahhud stand up in the original position with the arms folded. 3. After reciting " BISMILLAH" and "ALHAMDO" and a Surah, say "ALLAHU AKBAR" raising the hands upto the ears and folding them below the navel. 4. Thereafter recite the DU'A QUNOOT (softly) ( Ref: Taleemul Haq ) 

If a person is regular at waking up for Tahajjud then it would be best to perform the Witr Salaah after the Tahajjud. Otherwise one should perform their Witr at time of Isha Salaah due to it being an obligatory Salaah ( Wajib ) and fear of missing it. As with Fard Salaah, if the Witr Salah is also missed, one will have to make up for it ( Mufti Ebrahim Desai )

Hope that helps to explain   the Witr Salaah according to the Ahnaf

Wallahu Aalam

I was literally searching for ageeeeees to find this out myself too!!I got a book now on the subject so will post directly from that book.. :)

'The Prophet (pbuh) prayed Qiyam (Qiyam = Tahajjud) and witr in various manners.

'One is permitted to pray any of the various numbers of rakat that the Prophet (pbuh) prayed, and in the manners that he did. No blame may be directed to the person who chooses to pray in any of these manners. [Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah 2:194]

*It then goes on to list 6 different methods reported from the Prophet (pbuh) for praying Qiyam. It says 'the best method (which should be applied most frequently), is the first, or one of it's variations (such as the third)' <<literally copying word for word.. I'll write down just the first method for now. *** (see bottom of my answer now) :P

FIRST METHODEvidence from hadiths:

1.Zayd Bin Khalid al-Juhani reported:

'One night I decided to closely observe the way the Messenger (pbuh) performed his night prayer. So he prayed two short rakt, then two extremely long rakat, then two rakat shorter than the preceding two, then two rakat shorter than the preceding two, then two rakat shorter than the preceding two, then two rakat shorter than the preceding two, then one witr. This totalled to thirteen rakat' [Recorded by Malik, Muslim, Abu Uwanah, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Nasar]

(i.e. the method is to perform 2 sunnat rakats before qiyam.. then for qiyam pray 2 then 2 then 2 then 2 then 2 rakats making taslim (turning head right and left and saying salaams) after each 2 rakats gradually shortening each pair. Then pray 1 rakat of witr)

2. Ibn Abbas reported:

"I spend one night in Allah's Messenger's house when he was with (my aunt) Maymunah. After one third, or one half of the night had passed, he got up. He went to a suspended waterskin and made wudu; and I made wudu with him. Then he stood to pray; and I stood on his left side..... He prayed two short rakat, reading in each one Umm ul-Qur'an (this is one of the names of al-Fatihah); then he made taslim. Next he prayed, completing eleven rakat, including witr. ...' [Recorded by Abu Dawud and from him Abu Uwanah in his sahih. The origin of this hadith is in the two Sahihs (al-Bukhari and Muslim).]

3.Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) reported:

'When Allah's Messenger got up at night, he would start his prayer with 2 short rakat. He would then pray 8 rakat, then witr.' 

In another report, she said:

"Allah's Messenger used to pray isha, followed by 2 short rakat. He would prepare his siwak and water for wudu. Whenever Allah willed to wake him up, He did; so he would rise, clean his teeth with siwak, make wudu, pray two rakat, then stand praying eight rakat and reading equally in all of them; then he would pray witr on the ninth rakat. When Allah's Messenger grew older, and increased in weight, he turned those eight to six rakat, prayed witr on the seventh, and then prayed two rakat while sitting in which he read al-Kafirun (109) and az-Zalzalah (99)" [Both reports are recorded by at-Tahawi with an authentic isnad.]

Note that this late report from at-Tahawi clearly indicates that the total number of rakat (after isha) is thirteen. If we interpret Aishah's statement in the first narration: 'then witr' to mean three rakat, it agrees with the second narration, as well as the previous hadith of Ibn Abbas) '


*** If you want the rest I'd be MORE than happy to write them down as well, just ask :).. It will take a while to write them up though, so give me a few days if you want me to :)

-----I've had a browse through the rest and I can't see anything about reading Surah Ikhlas three times after al-Fatihah but forgive me if I'm wrong.

If I haven't answered your question as you'd want or you need to know anything else just ask cause I''ve got the book right here :):)

Source(s):'The Night Prayers Qiyam and Tarawih' 2nd edition compiled by Muhammad al-Jibali

2 months ago

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The Magnificence of Tahajjud Salaat It is said that: "For every good deed that an obedient slave and servant performs for the Pleasure

of his Glorious Creator and Sustainer - Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala, the reward for it is specified in the Most Holy and Glorious Qur'an. Except for the regular performance of Tahajjud Salaat which commands an unusually high reward on account of its great worth, the reward is only known to Rahmathul Liel Ala'meen."

Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala tells us about those who forsake the comfort of their warm beds in His Remembrance in verses 16 and 17 of Surah Sajda:

"They forsake their beds of sleep, while they call on their Lord, in fear and hope. And they spend

(in charity) out of the sustenance which We have bestowed on them." "Now no person knows what delights of the eye are kept hidden (in reserve) for them - as a reward for their good deeds."

Men and women "breathless with adoration" shun soft comfortable beds and luxurious sleep. The

limbs of their bodies are exercised in offices of devotion and Ibadah in the performance of Tahajjud Salaat that is offered after midnight in the small hours of the morning. "In fear and hope": In spiritual fear lest their dedication to Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala should not be sufficiently worthy to be accepted and a spiritual longing of hope that their shortcomings will be overlooked by the Mercy of Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal. Their adoration is not shown only in constant Ibadah, but also in practical service and charity, out of whatever gifts they may have received from the Glorious Creator.

"Delights of the eye": An idiom for that which pleases most and gives most satisfaction. In our

present state we can scarcely imagine the real bliss that will come to us in the future. What can be the delight that Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala has kept in store for them, concealing it from the eyes of all? Had it been something similar to the flowing streams, the magnificent mansions, and diverse bounties of Jannah, He would have described it - as in the case of other deeds, of which (at least) the Mala'eeka are aware.

This shows that the reward for the regular performance of Tahajjud Salaat is above all these and

of a different kind; its greatness stands beyond that which can be communicated to anyone, especially the inhabitants of this lowly world. Do not liken the blessings and the bounties of this Doonya to those of the Aghirah. Do not imagine that Jannah and the gardens therein are similar to the gardens of this Doonya, only somewhat vaster and of a greater degree of grandeur.

There is the abode of Divine beneficence and the house of the hospitality of Almighty Allah

Subhanahu Wata'ala. The entire world is not comparable in grandeur to a single hair of a houri of Jannah. It is not even comparable to a thread of the garments made for its inhabitants. Despite all

this, Almighty Allah has named none of these rewards for the regular performance of Tahajjud Salaat, and has only referred to the high station of theirs in the words of the verses quoted from Surah Sajda. But, alas, we are indolent, being not men of certitude. Otherwise, it would not have been possible for us to be neglectful to such a degree and to be so drowned in deep sleep till morning.

If the night vigils were to make us aware of the mysteries of Ibadah and were we to preoccupy

our minds with the remembrance and contemplation of our Most Glorious Creator and Sustainer our nights would become mounts of ascent into the Divine Proximity. Our reward would be nothing other than the vision of the Absolute Beauty. Woe to us, we are negligent, we love our sleep and do not want to awake from slumber till the end of life and remain under the intoxication of nature. Woe to us, ever day increases in stupefaction. Woe to us who live on the animal plane, comprehending nothing but eating, drinking and lovemaking!

Whatever we do, even if it is performing our daily Salaat, that too is merely meant for catering to

the needs of the belly. Do we imagine that the Salaat of Nabee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam was similar to ours? He did not even speak to Sayyidina Jibra'eel Amin Alayhis Salaam of his wishes. He was Khalil-ul-Rahman - the friend of Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal and only turned to his Glorious Creator.

It is possible that after a period of performing regular Tahajjud Salaat and habituating ourselves to

it, Rahmathul Liel Ala'meen will Insha'Allah help us and cover us with an invisible gesture of grace with the robe of His Rahma'h. In the Wasiyyah addressed to Hazrat Ali R.A. by our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam, he said:"O Ali! I enjoin you regarding certain habits that you must safeguard." Then our Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam prayed: "O Allah succour him." Then (continuing his advise) he said:

"Observe the night vigil." "Observe the night vigil." "Observe the night vigil." The great significance of Tahajjud Salaat may be understood from the following tradition: It is

reported that our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam asked Sayyidina Jibra'eel Amin Alayhis Salaam to exhort him to something. Sayyidina Jibra'eel Amin Alayhis Salaam said:

"O Muhammad Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam! Live you as you wish, for verily you will depart from

this Doonya someday. And love whatever you like, for verily you will have to part from it. Act as you wish, for verily you will have to face it. Know that the distinction of a believer lies in his establishing the night vigil (Tahajjud Salaat) and his nobleness lies in refraining from (maligning) the people's honour."

The high degree of its significance can be understood from Sayyidina Jibra'eel Amin's

recommending it to our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam for had Sayyidina Jibra'eel Amin Alayhis Salaam deemed anything else as more important, he would have mentioned it while giving advice. It is said on the authority of Hazrat Abbas R.A. that our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam said:

"Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala appoints the night vigil (Tahajjud Salaat) as sustenance for

His slaves. Man or woman, when he/she wakes up at night with sincere devotion towards Almighty Allah, performs Wudhu, and performs Tahajjud Salaat for the Pleasure of Almighty Allah with the purity of intention, with wholeheartedness and with tearful eyes, Almighty Allah appoints seven rows of Mala'eeka to pray behind him/her. No one except Almighty Allah can count their number on each side of each row, which extends from the east to the west. When he/she concludes the Salaat, Almighty Allah writes grades for him/her equal to their number."

It is reported from Hazrat Anas R.A. that he heard our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam say:

"Two Raka'ats of prayer performed in the middle of the night are dearer to me than the entire

world and everything therein." In a number of Ahadith it has been reported that Tahajjud Salaat is a Mu'min's honour and

dignity, and is his/her adornment in the Akhirah, in the same way as children and wealth are the adornments of this world. Had there been no other merit besides this for Tahajjud Salaat, it would have been enough. We do not know what honour and distinction it is and what it means to possess the station of being befriended by Rahmathul Liel Ala'meen. All intellects fail to comprehend it.

Tahajjud Salaat bestows the most reward of all the Nawafils. One can perform anything from four,

eight, twelve or twenty Raka'ats. The tradition in Bayhaqi relates that the performance of four Raka'ats is equal to four Raka'ats on Shab-e-Qadr. The performance brings a Muhmin near to Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.

Kaffara (payments) of ones previous sins and is prohibitive for the future sins. (Ref: Tirmidhi Shareef). Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal bestows His Rahma'h (mercy) on those who willingly sacrifice the comfort of their sleep and warm beds for the remembrance and Pleasure of their Glorious Creator. (Refs. Abu Dawood, Nisai).

Rahmathul Liel Ala'meen sends out a message in the last part of the night announcing that if

there is any appeal to Him it will be answered and if there is anyone seeking His forgiveness their Taubah will be accepted. The doors of Almighty Allah's Mercy are opened and this is the time when ones prayers and supplications are accepted. We should never ever become oblivious of the power and mysteries of Ibadah. If we cannot perform Tahajjud Salaat with sincerity of intention, we should at least strive for the delight that Almighty Allah has kept hidden from all the sights and recite the following prayer with full attention and sincerity of intention:

"O Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala! I humbly implore Thee to rescue me from the home of

illusion and this abode of delirium. O Most Merciful Allah! Help me to return to the abode of eternity. Grant me the ability and preparedness to depart from this Doonya before such an opportunity is lost."

The light that we all seek through constant Ibadah in One Whose Brilliance illuminates the

heavens and the earth as Almighty Allah declares in verse 35 of Surah An-Nur: "Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth." Does anyone know of any being in the entire realm of existence , or in the spheres of fancy and

imagination, or in the realm of rational abstractions, which possesses the attributes of absolute perfection and absolute beauty except the Sacred Essence of the Supreme Majestic Source of the Cosmos? Does anybody know of any absolute, immaculate beauty, except that of the Absolute Beloved?

Our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam had a special fondness for Tahajjud Salaat. It

was during this prayer that his feet used to swell up due to long stretches of standing in Qiyam. Those who are familiar with the lives of the illustrious Sahaba Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alayhim Ajma'een and have a good grasp of the traditions, Islamic history, and the Sunnah of Almighty Allah's Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam will know how zealously vigilant they were in the regular performance of Tahajjud Salaat. Salatul Tahajjud had become a distinguishing feature of their programme of life, so much so that in the court of Emperor Heraclius it was said:

"They were worshippers by night and horsemen by day." Imaan Hassen Al-Basri R.A. reported: "When the call of Truth came to them they affirmed it

whole-heartedly and the conviction of it sank into the depths of their souls. Not only did their hearts but their bodies, their minds and their eyes bow in complete submission. By Allah! If you had seen them you would have thought that they were a people who had beheld everything with their own eyes. They heard the Word of Rahmathul Liel Ala'meen and submitted totally and completely. Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala has praised them in verses 63 and 64 of Surah Al-Furqan:

"The (faithful) slaves of Allah Most Gracious are those who walk upon the earth in humility, and

when the ignorant address them they say, "Peace". Those who spend the night in adoration of Allah prostrate and standing."

Imaam Hassen Al-Basri R.A. also said: "These are the ones who remain standing erect in prayer

for the sake of their Glorious Creator and cover their faces with dust, tears run down their cheeks and in whose hearts the love and fear of Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala is embedded. There must have been something for which they had deprived themselves of the sleep of the nights and which made their hearts tremble with the great Muhabbat of Allah."

The regular performance of Tahajjud Salaat had become the practice and distinguishing mark of

all virtuous men, theologists, Mujahids, reformers and preachers. They obtained the energy and the fuel for the whole day's work from the sublime form of the night vigil. One who had not seen them at their devotions in the dark and silent hours of the night, could never know from where they derived their strength, enthusiasm and their superhuman capacity to endure cheerfully, day in and day out, the privations and hardships of religious preaching and endeavour. Salatul Tahajjud is a most beautiful gift given to us. Let us strive to awaken our hearts and inform it of the truth narrated from our Beloved Nabee Muhammad Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam who said:

"This world is the farmland of the Akhirah." If we do not sow the seeds of righteous deeds in the few days of our life here on this Doonya, the

opportunity will be lost forever. When we reach the threshold of the other world and death seizes us, deeds come to an end and all hopes are extinguished. If, Allah forbid, we continue to remain in the slavery of lusts and the captivity of various carnal desires until the Angel of Death arrives, it is possible that Shaythaan may achieve his ultimate objective of wresting away our faith. Let us wear the girdle of servitude to Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala - the Most Merciful and the Most Glorious, that we may Insha'Allah be free from every kind of servitude and slavery, that we may attain to the absolute kingdom of Rahmatul Liel Ala'meen in both worlds.

This Doonya is a Mu'min's prison and is not the abode of Divine award and the place of the

manifestations of Almighty Allah's Kingdom. Let us clear our hearts of the dust from the mirror of our spirit and turn our hearts attention to the focal point of Absolute Perfection. Only then will we witness its effects in this world itself and our hearts will attain such an expanse that it will become the realm of the manifestations of Almighty Allah's total Sovereignty, thus becoming greater than all the worlds. Let us pay heed to the promise that Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala has made to us in verse 8 of Surah At-Tahrim:

"O you who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance: In the hope that Your Lord will remove

from you your evil deeds, and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow, - The Day that Allah will not permit the Prophet and those who believe with him to be humiliated. Their Light will run forward before them and by their right hands, while they say, "Our Allah! Perfect our Light for us, and grant us forgiveness: For Thou has power over all things."

O Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal! forgive the Ummah of Your Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam. Unite their hearts with mutual love, set right their mutual affairs and grant them victory over Thine enemies. Ameen!

(Moulana Abdul Hamid Lachporia Saheb,Canada) Suggestions from God - Salah tul Istikhara

Click here for Urdu Version

"Istikhara" means to seek goodness from Allah (Exalted is He), meaning when one

intends to do an important task they do istikhara before the task. The one who does the

istikhara is as if they request Allah Almighty that, O the Knower of Unseen (Exalted is

He) guide me if this task is better for me or not?

According to Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 21, Number 263:

Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah :The Prophet (Sallal Laho Alaihi Wasallam) used to teach

us the way of doing Istikhara, in all matters as he taught us the Suras of the Quran. He

said, "If anyone of you thinks of doing any job he should offer a two Rakat prayer other

than the compulsory ones and say (after the prayer):


First pray Two Cycles (raka') of ritual Prayer (nafil) such that in the first raka' after Surah

Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Kafirun (Chapter 109) and in the second raka' after

Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112). After finishing prayer recite this

(supplication/dua'): Dua in Arabic Text above.

TRANSLATION: "O Allah! I seek goodness from Your Knowledge and with Your Power

(and Might) I seek strength, and I ask from You Your Great Blessings, because You

have the Power and I do not have the power. You Know everything and I do not know,

and You have knowledge of the unseen. Oh Allah! If in Your Knowledge this action

------------------------------------------------ (which I intend to do) is better for my religion and

faith, for my life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then make it

destined for me and make it easy for me and then add blessings [baraka'] in it, for me. O

Allah! In Your Knowledge if this action is bad for me, bad for my religion and faith, for my

life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then turn it away from me

and turn me away from it and whatever is better for me, ordain [destine] that for me and

then make me satisfied with it."

How many times?

It depends. Sometimes it takes only once to get the answer and sometimes it takes

longer. It is better to do istakhara seven (7) times. If you have received an answer as

explained in the section below, stop doing istikhara. You do not have to continue to do

isitkhara for 7 days. It is better that right after reciting the supplication, given above,

sleep with ablution (people who cannot keep the ablution for longer times due to health

problems do not have to worry about ablution before falling asleep) facing the direction

of the Qibla (facing the Qibla is not required but it is a Sunnat of our beloved Prophet

Peace Be Upon Him). It is better to recite salutations (durood/ salawat) on the Prophet

Allah's Grace and Peace be upon him before and after the above Dua (supplication).


If in the dream one sees whiteness (means any thing white in color, for example: milk,

white paper, white sky, white clothes, white light etc.) or greenness (means any thing

green in color, for example: grass, plants, trees, green clothes, green light etc.) then

understand that this task is better and if one sees redness (means any thing red in color,

for example: blood, red clothing, red fruit, red light etc.) or blackness (means any thing

black in color, for example: black water, black light, black clothings, black sky, black wall

etc. ) then understand it is bad and avoid it.

If do not remember any dream or do not see any colors then follow your heart. Whatever

intention grows stronger in your heart regarding your targated work follow it after seven

days of Istakhara.

I just thought I might warn you, some say you pray istighara then sleep and the answer will be 'devinely' revealed to you in a dream. Actually, according to my understanding, that is not the case, inshala once you pray istighara, you will just get te feeling of whether it's right or wrong waAllahu alam. 

BACKGROUND"Istikhara" means to seek goodness from Allah (Exalted is He), meaning when one intends to do an important task they do istikhara before the task. The one who does the istikhara is as if they request Allah Almighty that, O the Knower of Unseen (Exalted is He) guide me if this task is better for me or not?

According to Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 21, Number 263:Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah :The Prophet (Sallal Laho Alaihi Wasallam) used to teach us the way of doing Istikhara, in all matters as he taught us the Suras of the Quran. He said, "If anyone of you thinks of doing any job he should offer a two Rakat prayer other than the compulsory ones and say (after the prayer):

TRANSLATION: "O Allah! I seek goodness from Your Knowledge and with Your Power (and Might) I seek strength, and I ask from You Your Great Blessings, because You have the Power and I do not have the power. You Know everything and I do not know, and You have knowledge of the unseen. Oh Allah! If in Your Knowledge this action ------------------------------------------------ (which I intend to do) is better for my religion and faith, for my life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then make it destined for me and make it easy for me and then add blessings [baraka'] in it, for me. O Allah! In Your Knowledge if this action is bad for me, bad for my religion and faith, for my life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then turn it away from me and turn me away from it and whatever is better for me, ordain [destine] that for me and then make me satisfied with it."

WAY TO PERFORM ISTIKHARA:First pray two cycles of ritual prayer [raka'] such that in the first raka' after Surah Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Kafirun (Chapter 109) and in the second raka' after Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112) and after finishing prayer [salam] then recite this (supplication/dua'



Every Muslim has to know by heart the thirty-three binding duties which are called fard (fard). They are:Conditions (fards) of iman : SIXPillars of Islam : FIVEConditions for namaz (prayer) : TWELVEConditions for ablution (wudu, abdast): FOURPrinciples for ghusl (ritual bath) : THREEConditions for tayammum : THREE

There are also scholars who say that tayammum has two conditions. In that case, there will be thirty-two in all. The fifty-four fards (orders) are another matter and are written in my Turkish

book Islam Ahlaki. Performing Amr-i maruf and Nahy-i munkar and not uttering any bad and ugly words are not included in the thirty-three fards, but they are in the fifty- four fards.

It is fard for every Muslim who is sane and has reached the age of puberty to perform the five daily prayers. When a prayer time comes, it becomes fard for him/her the moment he/she begins performing the prayer. If he/she has not performed it and if there is time left enough to make an ablution and begin the namaz before the prayer time is over, it becomes fard for him/her to perform it. If the prayer time is over before he/she has performed it without a good excuse not to do so, he/she will have committed a grave sin. Whether he/she has had a good excuse or not, qada will be necessary. The same applies to situations such as when a child reaches puberty, when a disbeliever or a renegade becomes a Muslim, when a woman becomes canonically clean, when an insane or unconscious person recovers, and when a sleeping person wakes up. It is fard for a new Muslim to learn the principles of namaz first. After learning them, it becomes fard to perform namaz. Sleep is not a good excuse if it begins after the prayer time has begun. If a person does so, it is fard for him to make sure that he will wake up before the prayer time is over, while it would be mustahab for him to make sure to wake up before the end of the prayer time if he were to go to sleep before the beginning of the prayer time. These five daily prayers add up to forty rakats (units), out of which seventeen are fard, three are wajib (essential, almost obligatory), and twenty are sunnat, as follows:

1 - Morning prayer [Salat-ul-fajr] consists of four rakats. First, two rakats of the sunnat prayer are performed. Then two rakats of the fard prayer are performed. The sunnat (the first two rakats) is very important. Some scholars classify it as wajib.

2 - Early afternoon prayer [Salat-uz-zuhr] consists of ten rakats, the initial sunnat consisting of four rakats, the fard consisting of four rakats, and the final sunnat consisting of two rakats. The early afternoon prayer is performed in this order.

3 - Late afternoon prayer [Salat-ul-'asr] consists of eight rakats. First the sunnat, which consists of four rakats, and then the fard, which consists of four rakats, are performed.

4 - Evening prayer [Salat-ul-maghrib] contains five rakats. First the fard, which is composed of three rakats, then the sunnat, consisting of two rakats, are performed.

5 - Night prayer [Salat-ul-'isha] consists of thirteen rakats. The initial sunnat contains four rakats. The fard also contains four rakats. But the final sunnat has two rakats, while the Witr prayer has three rakats.

The initial sunnats of the late afternoon prayer and night prayer are Ghayr-i muakkada. When sitting during their second rakat, after reciting the attahiyyatu.., the prayers of Allahumma salli ala... and... barikala... are recited completely. After standing up for the third rakat, the prayer Subhanaka... is recited before saying the Basmala. But the first sunnat of the early afternoon prayer is Muakkad. That is, it has been commanded emphatically. There are more thawabs (blessings) for it. During its second rakat, as in the fard prayers, only the Attahiyyatu is said and then we stand up for the third rakat. After standing up, we first recite the Basmala and then the

sura (chapter) of Fatiha.

It is mustahab to perform four more rakats after the fard of early afternoon and night prayers and six more rakats after the fard of early evening prayer. In other words, it is very blessed. One can perform all of them with one salam or by saying the salam after every two rakats. In either case the first two rakats are deemed to be the final sunnat. These prayers, which are mustahab, can be performed separately after the final sunnat of the two prayers of namaz as well.

The first rakat commences with the beginning of the prayer and the other rakats begin right after standing up, and each rakat continues until one stands up again. The final rakat continues until THE FOUR RAKAAHS BEFORE ISHA EQUAL TAHAJJUD  A Hadith narrated by Hadhrat Sa’eed bin Mansoor ا رmentions thatRasulullaahρsaid, “The person who performs four Rakaahs beforethe Isha salaah is like one who has performed Tahajjud salaah.THE FOUR RAKAAHS AFTER ISHA ARE LIKE SALAAH DURINGLAYLATUL QADR  A Hadith states, “Whoever performs four Rakaahs after the Isha salaahis like one who performs four Rakaahs salaah on Laylatul Qadr.”  The four Rakaahs mentioned here refer to two Rakaahs SunnahMu’akkadah and two Rakaahs Nafl.  THE VIRTUE OF TWO RAKAAHS AFTER THE WITR SALAAH Hadhrat Thowbaanτnarrates that Rasulullaahρsaid, “It is indeeddifficult to wake up during the night (to perform Tahajjud). Therefore,if any of you is not certain that he will awaken during the last portionof the night, then he should perform two Rakaahs before sleeping(after the Isha and Witr salaahs). If he awakens (for Tahajjud), thenit is best. However, if he does not awaken, then the two Rakaahsshall suffice (they shall earn him the rewards of Tahajjud).”(Tirmidhi, Daarmi) 8Mazaahir Haqq Vol.1 Pg.768.

WHAT SURAHS TO RECITE IN THE TWO RAKAAHS AFTER WITR  Hadhrat Abu Umaamahτnarrates that after the Witr salaah,Rasulullaahρwould sit and perform two Rakaahs salaah. In theseRakaahs, he would recite Surah Zilzaal and Surah Kaafiroon.(Mishkaatul Masabeeh Pg.113Ishraaq Salaah Ishraaq salaah is the salaah performed after sunrise. It comprises of two Rakaahs and is performed once the sun has risen a bit high. Thebest method of doing it is to remain seated after the Fajr salaah,engaging oneself in Dhikr or recitation of the Qur'aan. Thereafter, oncethe sun rises reasonably high above the horizon, one should performthe Ishraaq salaah. Hadhrat Anas bin Maalikτnarrates that Rasulullaahρsaid, “Whena person sits engaged in Allaah’s remembrance after performing theFajr salaah in congregation and then performs two Rakaahs salaah(Ishraaq), he will receive the reward of performing a complete Hajjand Umrah.” {Tirmidhi, Targheeb wat Tarheeb Vol.1 Pg.164} Hadhrat Sahal bin Mu’aadhτnarrates that Rasulullaahρsaid,“When a person sits in his place after performing the Fajr salaahand uses his tongue for nothing but good until he performs the twoRakaahs of Ishraaq, all his sins will be forgiven even though theymay be as much as the foam on the oceans.” {Ahmad, AbuDawood, Targheeb wat Tarheeb Vol.1 Pg.165}  A HADITH QUDSI:Rasulullaahρhas mentioned that Allaah says, “Omankind! Perform four Rakaahs salaah for me at the beginning ofthe day and I shall suffice for you until the end of the day (I shallfulfil your needs).” {Targheeb wat Tarheeb} 

 18RULING: It is permissible to perform the two or four Rakaahs Ishraaqsalaah after leaving one’s place after the Fajr salaah. However, the

reward will be less

Ishraaq Salaah Ishraaq salaah is the salaah performed after sunrise. It comprises of two Rakaahs and is performed once the sun has risen a bit high. Thebest method of doing it is to remain seated

after the Fajr salaah,engaging oneself in Dhikr or recitation of the Qur'aan. Thereafter, oncethe sun rises reasonably high above the horizon, one should performthe Ishraaq salaah. Hadhrat Anas bin Maalikτnarrates that Rasulullaahρsaid, “Whena person sits engaged in Allaah’s remembrance after performing theFajr salaah in congregation and then performs two Rakaahs salaah(Ishraaq), he will receive the reward of performing a complete Hajjand Umrah.” {Tirmidhi, Targheeb wat Tarheeb Vol.1 Pg.164} Hadhrat Sahal bin Mu’aadhτnarrates that Rasulullaahρsaid,“When a person sits in his place after performing the Fajr salaahand uses his tongue for nothing but good until he performs the twoRakaahs of Ishraaq, all his sins will be forgiven even though theymay be as much as the foam on the oceans.” {Ahmad, AbuDawood, Targheeb wat Tarheeb Vol.1 Pg.165}  A HADITH QUDSI:Rasulullaahρhas mentioned that Allaah says, “Omankind! Perform four Rakaahs salaah for me at the beginning ofthe day and I shall suffice for you until the end of the day (I shallfulfil your needs).” {Targheeb wat Tarheeb}

 24Hadhrat Abdul Azeez bin Abi Dawood ا رused to say that the personwho wants to enter Jannah should be particular about this salaah. Hadhrat Abu Uhmaan Heeriر ا used to say, “I have never seen anyaction as effective against calamities and worries as Salaatut Tasbeeh.” Salaatul Istikhaarah Rasulullaahρhas mentioned that seeking counsel from Allaah(performing the Istikhaarah salaah) and being contented with Allaah’sdecree is a token of good fortune while failure to do so is a token of illfortune. Whenever a person intends doing something (but is unsurewhether or not to do it), he should perform two Rakaahs salaah afterthe Isha salaah, recite the du’aa mentioned below and then sleep on aclean bed facing the Qibla. This should be done for seven consecutivedays and Insha Allaah, he will receive direction in the matter. If the person sees in his dream the colours green and white, runningwater or something else which is pure, it is an indication that he shouldproceed with what he intends doing. On the other hand, if he seessomething negative such as the colour black or fire or smoke, it is anindication that he ought to refrain. If he sees no dream but wakes upwith a strong inclination to carry out the intention, he should carry itout and Insha Allaah, Allaah will bless the act. However, if he does notfeel at ease to do it, he should not. The du’aa to be recited after the Istikhaarah salaah is: 

I LI،LI ا IL UI U L NIII وأ ،ILI ركرUI أو ، IL UL Iكأ إ انأ

N II IN آ Uنإ ا ،L اب Nم I II وأ ،NIIأ و NI II و ،N أر و NرUI II ا  ها UIIN آ Uنإو ، LL Uكر I N، NII أي LILII و و د نأ NI IIUI ا اه I NULU I، UIي أ LI LII و و د

أ N Iنآ NU I II ا I UرLU وا NILU او ر  In the two places of the du’aa where the wordsII ا ها

are mentioned,one should picture the task one intends carrying out. ABRIDGED ISTIKHAARAH: If a person is unable to perform theIstikhaarah salaah or needs to do something urgently, s/he may recite

 25only the above du’aa. If one does not know this du’aa, one may merelyrecite the following du’aa: 

U I UIU ا Iو UL ULNI ا  ISTIKHAARAH SUBSTITUTE: Another method of seeking counsel fromAllaah is to recite the following verse of the Qur'aan one hundred timesafter the Isha salaah without thinking of anything evil. One shouldponder over the meaning of the verse as well. Insha Allaah, Allaah willgive him direction in the matter.  IIL إ I I ا NL ا II أ IL إ   “We proclaim Your purity(You are so Pure from all faults that none can object to Your decree) ! We possess only the knowledge that You have taught us.Without doubt, You are All Knowing, the Wise.” Salaatul Haajah Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Awfaτnarrates  from Rasulullaahρthatwhenever a person has any need from any person or from Allaah, heshould make wudhu properly and then perform two Rakaahs salaah.Hereafter, he should praise Allaah, convey Durood and Salaams toRasulullaahρand make the following du’aa:   ،LLI ا بر L N UI ا LI ا Lشا ب ر ا Iن IN،NI ا ا ا إ II L إ   ،~ إ آ ا و ،LN آ UL I II ا و

I LI LI I وا IL II ر ت N Iأإ � ذ ع II   I I إ � ر II I L ه � و ،UIUIإ �I ه و I II اا II ر أ 

 There is absolutely no doubt in the fact that only Allaah has the powerto fulfil the needs of creation. Whatever assistance one receives fromthe creation comes only with the decree of Allaah. Allaah has taughtman the best method of asking for His assistance through theteachings of His beloved Nabiρ. Those blessed with conviction and trueImaan have drawn from Allaah’s treasures through this Haajah salaah.May Allaah assist us all in our needs. Aameen. 

 26Hadhrat Uthmaan bin Hunayf τnarrates that a blind person once cameto Rasulullaahρasking Rasulullaahρto pray that Allaah cures hisblindness. Rasulullaahρtold him that if he wished, he would pray forhim, otherwise he could exercise patience which would be better forhim (because he would then receive the boundless rewards of theAakhirah). Wheh he asked for the prayer instead, Rasulullaahρtoldhim to make a proper wudhu and then make the following du’aa: 

ر إ IL NU إ Lا ~I N Iإ Nأو Iأ إ ا ا ، NL LL ه

  TRANSLATION: O Allaah! I ask from you and turn to you through themedium of Your Nabi Muhammadρthe Nabi of mercy. O Muhammad!Through your medium I turn to my Rabb for my need so that He mayfulfil it for me. O Allaah! Accept the intercession of Rasulullaahρon mybehalf.”  This Hadith is reported in Tirmidhi and Nasa’ee. Imaam Tirmidhi ا ر and Imaam Bayhaqi ا رhave both classified it as an authentic Hadith.The narration of Bayhaqi reported in Wafaa’ul Wafaa (Vol.2 Pg.420)mentions that the blind man was cured of his blindness after doingwhat Rasulullaahρtold him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UI ه و I IUII ه ذ إ I U IIINN U غ I I I ر ب

ه ا II أ IL إ �I UI ر INLI * 

UIIII ار NL ا I أ IL إ * ~ IN I IUI I و IL ¨III N ا I Iو LL ا وا ULI آ ا� ULI آ II I و ك ر I Iو LL N أ و ا و

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