spring newsletter - st columb major · spring newsletter neighbourhood watch newsletter spring 2013...

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Mr Tony Hogg introduced himself and explained that he had come to the role from 33 years of previous occupation in the Royal Navy which he considered was a good grounding for the role as PCC. He had also worked with charities and in industry. He

informed those present that he had signed an oath of impartiality on appointment and that his role was not that of a politician. He commented on the economic pressures across the country and was pleased to see the positive results in the area and was very proud of the Force. The work of the voluntary

sector was greatly appreciated as the Force covered the largest policing area in the whole of England, dealing with both strategic as well as local issues. The Force area was currently the fourth safest place in England. The area received a huge influx of visitors every summer which represented a huge

challenge for the Force each year. Over the previous four years, savings of £50 million pounds had been made which had resulted in a reduction in the number of officers available; however, the figures for 2012-2013 had shown that crime was falling in all areas except those relating to sexual offences. The increase in reporting of these types of offences represented a culture change, with people feeling more confident in

reporting these types of crimes. The cuts had resulted in changes in personnel in some areas and it was considered that this had caused some distance between the public and the Force. The PCC was keen to see this reduced and a closer working relationship in the future. He reported that he had

been in post since 22 November 2012 and that the appointment of PCCs had been one of the biggest changes in policing for a number of years. He was working alongside the Chief Constable and felt that this relationship was working well. He had an important role to play in the commissioning out of services and in reassuring and explaining to the

public the policing role. The work of the PCC was watched by the scrutiny panel. One of the priorities for the role of Police and Crime Commissioner was in holding the Force to account but also praising them where appropriate in order to build morale. It was noted that the 101 telephone number had caused some problems during

introduction and that this would be an area for improvement in coming months. Mr Hogg considered that early intervention work was extremely important and commented on successful intervention with young people through the use of restorative justice rather than use of detention centres. The work had resulted in less damage to the community, at lower cost and with lower rates of re-offending. He considered that

the intervention work had been particularly successful as it had been about understanding young people rather than stereo-typing them. The Police and Crime Plan was now out for consultation and the crime section was based on community safety partnership. The appointment of the Chief Constable had been

agreed and the work of the PCC now involved going out and about into the community. There was a need, however, to be aware of the next round of cuts due to be announced in 2015 and to prepare for this. The number of police officers was being held above 3000 and it was hoped that a further 50 special constables would be appointed in the

coming year. Mr Hogg agreed to take the matters raised during the evening away to discuss at a higher level and thanked those attending for their support and attendance Minutes as taken by Karen Olver on behalf of the PCC

February saw the Annual General Meeting of the Restormel District Neighbourhood Watch Forum. We were pleased to have

Mr Tony Hogg, Police and Crime Commissioner, as our Headline Speaker. The

following article outlines the Commissioner’s speech to the attending members



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Newquay Police together with

Newquay Neighbourhood Watch

are setting the standard high

for our region! An initiative is

underway to provide 100%

NHW coverage in Newquay’s

streets. The initiative, piloted

in Newquay, will be rolled out

to other areas in a

groundbreaking community

safety partnership!

Support your community! Visit the Devon & Cornwall Police website to find out more information on the “Newquay

Roll Out” and lots of other interesting articles!




NHW Police Volunteers The NHW Office is manned by the following Police Volunteers:

Office Manger: Brenda Brooker~ Office Assistants: Pat Carter

NEWQUAY OFFICE NEWS & INFORMATION NHW Office c/o Newquay Police Station, Tolcarne Road, Newquay, Cornwall, TR7 1DD.

Office Opening Hours - Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays, 9.30 am – 12.30 pm.

Telephone Number: 01637 854541 Office Manager: Brenda Brooker

E-mail nhw_newquay@btconnect.com

Full details of the Newquay NHW initiative including a comprehensive

spreadsheet are now on the D&C Police web site

The spreadsheet will be updated at least once a week Please see link below. Can I please ask you to pass on this information to friends and colleagues in Newquay who may be interested in supporting

this groundbreaking Community Safety project. Newquay NHW Information Inspector Dave Meredith

Newquay Sector Inspector

Newquay Police Station, Tolcarne Road,

Newquay, TR7 1DD

External 01637 854501 Follow me on Twitter: @NewquayInsp



News from your Community Neighbourhood Watch – Guide - 9 Mar 2013 By: Ben Pessl

Of the 300 streets in Newquay, 56 are covered by NHW. This equates to only 18% of the towns streets being covered by NHW

Newquay police and NHW have launched an initiative to get 100% of the towns streets covered. In order to achieve this a POSTBOX needs to be indentified for every street that does not have NHW.

What is a POSTBOX? A POSTBOX is a volunteer resident who identifies the level of interest in starting a scheme in a particular street. A POSTBOX works with the NHW office at Newquay and helps to identify coordinators, deputies and future members of the NHW scheme Any person who wishes to help set up NHW in their street and become a POSTBOX should forward their details to Newquay police station using the e mail address: CIOSNBMNEWQUAY@DEVONANDCORNWALL.PNN.POLICE.UK (MUST BE IN UPPER CASE)










The spreadsheet lists all streets in the town. Streets with NHW are identified as NHW Operating (blue) Streets with POSTBOXES are identified as POSTBOX identified (yellow) Streets without NHW and without a POSTBOX are blank Some of the longer streets (Penmere Drive for example) require several POSTBOXES. This is reflected on the spreadsheet. You can view the spreadsheet to establish if your street is covered by NHW If it is covered by NHW and you wish to join the scheme you should forward your details to Newquay police station using this e mail address. CIOSNBMNEWQUAY@DEVONANDCORNWALL.PNN.POLICE.UK

Your details will then be forwarded to your local NHW coordinator who will make contact with you and invite you to join NHW If your street is not covered by NHW and you wish to act as a POSTBOX to help to set up a NHW scheme in your street, you should forward your details to Newquay police station using the above e mail address. You will then be contacted by NHW who will assist you in setting up a NHW scheme in your street. If your street is shown as having a POSTBOX indentified, then you should be contacted soon by the POSTBOX who will invite you to join the local NHW

NHW and Newquay police intend to use e mail to maintain contact with all NHW Coordinators and Deputies - It is therefore important that all new Coordinators or their Deputies are on the internet and are confident in the use of e mail.

Insp Dave Meredith

A date for the diary

on Tuesday 30th April

between 2pm and 4pm the

Neighbourhood Policing

Team will be holding a

Community Engagement Day

in the foyer of Sainsbury’s

supermarket. We will be

there to discuss, provide

advice and address any

problem or concerns that

you may be experiencing.

Members of the

Neighbourhood Watch

Team will also be joining us.


ST AUSTELL N.W.OFFICE Police Station, Palace Road, St Austell PL25 4AL

Office Opening Hours ~ Tuesdays and Thursdays 10.00 a.m.—12.00 p.m.


Telephone 01726 222422 e-mail staustell.nhw@btconnect.com

St Austell Office News

Office Contact Details

If you are a user of Facebook be sure to

visit the link to the St Austell Police Facebook page, choose to “like” the page and then you will have access to the

most up to date information about our

local area


Follow this link

to Facebook

The Resident’s Association in Duporth have an

excellent link from their website to Neighbourhood

Watch information for their area – Follow the link

below to check out Duporth NHW


Many of you may have responded to the recent Police

request to complete a survey on behalf of “Safer

Cornwall” If you would like to find out more about Safer

Cornwall please follow the link below to their website


Please be aware that thieves continue to target heating oil from both domestic and business

premises across the force area.

In the last seven days (between 8 and 15 March 2013) the force has received 14 complaints from

across the two counties where quantities of between 100 and 750 litres of oil have been

stolen. 11 of those reports have been in Cornwall. Oil is frequently stored in rural areas and can be difficult to protect. Owners can make life more difficult for any would be thief by fitting good

quality locks to the tanks and secure any gates on the approach to make access difficult.

Supply pipes from the house to the tank are also vulnerable so check these frequently for signs of

interference. PIR lighting and CCTV would also reduce the

chances of becoming a victim. Any suspicious behaviour should be reported to the

police at the time that it is happening whilst anyone

with any information regarding this crime is asked to

call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 quoting crime

reference BE/13/133 or online via




YOUR Information

Station! Want to get YOUR

message across?



Have you got a story to tell about your neighbourhood? Would you like to share it with our readers and have it published in the newsletter? If so then e-mail your story to

zenadavis.nhw@btinternet.com We look forward to hearing from you!

The Big Lunch Sunday 2nd June 2013 – What will your Watch bring to the table? Recent research conducted by the Eden Project’s Big Lunch has shown that more than half of those surveyed don’t know their neighbours. But it also showed that the majority of people would like there to be more community spirit in their area, with the main reasons being that they’d make new friends, feel safer and have people to look out for their homes and pets when they go away. The Big Lunch is all about stoking up that community spirit, by encouraging as many people as possible to have lunch with their neighbours on one day a year. The initiative has been hugely successful since starting in 2009, with thousands of Big Lunch events taking place each year and a massive eight and a half million participating in 2012, when the initiative formed part of The Diamond Jubilee events programme announced by Buckingham Palace. We want to see as many Watches as possible getting involved in this year’s Big Lunch. If you fancy getting involved and want to find out more about how you can hold your very own Big Lunch, you can order an information pack by visiting: http://www.ourwatch.org.uk/news_and_events/news/the_big_lunch_sunday_2_june_2013_what_will_your_watch_bring_to_the_table/ Article courtesy of The Big Lunch

Information from The Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network (England & Wales)

RDF is producing a new commission for BBC1 called Fight Back Britain. They'd be very interested in hearing Neighbourhood and Home Watch member’s stories. The programme concentrates on the role that the public plays in helping the police fight crime. How social networks, mobile phone footage, photos, eyewitness accounts etc. can provide crucial evidence in identifying suspects and assisting in successful convictions. The highlight of each episode will be the inspiring stories of public involvement. As well as these stories, the programme will provide advice on how members of the public can play their part in responsibly aiding the police, as well as insights into how they can keep their family and property safe. Where relevant, they also want to include on-going cases where an appeal for evidence would be useful. The series is a BBC1 prime-time commission, with a provisional transmission date from mid-July. They are looking for past and present stories where the public (and ideally their footage) has played a key role in the case. If you have a story on how your Neighbourhood or Home Watch group has helped Police fight crime, please contact crime@rdftelevision.com or 0207 013 4208.

Avoiding holiday scams

Thinking about booking a holiday or short break? Like most people, you’ll probably be researching and booking online, so there are a few important things to remember http://www.getsafeonline.org/ gives their expert advice on how to avoid falling victim to an online holiday scam here.

Avoiding holiday scams 4 March 2013 Thinking about booking a holiday or short break? Like most people, you’ll probably be researching and booking online, so there are a few important things to remember.

It’s a widespread scam to set up fake websites and send emails for holidays or villas that don’t exist. They require you to pay a deposit, which you’ll never see again. You may also be invited to participate in a competition where you have to pay a fee to secure your dream holiday. Again, there’s no holiday, and no sign of your deposit. You could also risk losing money or your bank details (or both) when paying on an insecure web page. A few golden rules:

Book your holiday only through a reputable company which is a member of a recognised travel authority

If renting a private villa or apartment, call the owner or agent to check it’s authentic, get the full address and check it out on Google Maps

Pay only by credit card, and on a page which has the ‘https://’ prefix and padlock in the browser window

These and many other holiday and travel booking tips can be found at: www.getsafeonline.org/protecting-yourself/holiday-and-travel-booking/ Article courtesy of Get Safe Online

Don’t forget to register your

Watch on the Our Watch website!

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