spring fling issue 2011

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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The sixth issue of Cellardoor





Spring 2011

Spring FLingissue

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Jade & Amy

Welcome to the Spring Fling 2011 issue of Cellardoor...

We don’t know about you, but we’re more than a little pleased that - for now at least - the grey skies and bitter winds have been replaced by blue skies, light breezes and pretty scorching sunshine! And as if that wasn’t enough, we’ve both Easter and a royal wedding to make this season even better. Long live the Bank holiday!

Of course, we’ve laid out another treat of an issue for you with a little spring twist.

Carry on flicking through and you’ll find our top spring/summer trends, a snapshot of Soho, a look at the most stylish of Royals and much more

to keep you entertained.Not forgetting out beautiful photoshoots that we know you love and a few of our favourite

musicians to introduce you to.Enjoy!

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Jenna AlcalaChloe BibbyLaura Booth

Laura CallaghanEmily Cater

Yvonne DicksonClaire Donovan

Emma FrewHarriet Gray

Cait Harrington

Benjamin KwanRobyn Lynch

Cait HarringtonElla Masters

Chelsea MillunchickAmy Peck

Alice PotterSarah PotterOlivia PurvisOlivia Slack

Sade Williams

Jade Cooper - Collins Amy Power


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We Love...

Spring has sprung - hurrah! After another cold, snowy and dreary winter, the sun is making a very warm and welcome appearance and we just can’t wait for what lies ahead. As always, we’ve picked our favourite

things about spring...

cut grass j picnics j Easter eggs j not wearing a coat j lambs j day trips j spring cleaning j

pastels colours j chirping birds j blossom j pastels colours j daffodils j new starts j................sunshine

j cute animals j


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contents08 .French Dressing

10 .On Yer Bike!

14 .The Lover’s Dictionary

16 .Keeping Mum

18 .Biba Belle

22 .Snapshot of Soho

25 .Keep Calm & Copy Kate

28 .Get My Swan Costume Ready

31 .Spring/Summer Trend Book

38 .It’s My Party

46 .A Lazy Sunday

54 .Spring is in the Air

62 .We All Dream In Colour

70 .Spring Fling

76 .Mad Staring Eyes

78 .Get It Loud in the Library

82 .What’s on Cellardoor’s Stereo?

84 .Cellardoor’s Spring Menu

88 .Home Sweet Home

97 .Ramblings of a Jane Austen Addict...

spring 2011

We Love...

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It’s no secret that the French are stylish. With their understated and sophisticated style, it’s no wonder that women everywhere are constantly trying to nail their effortlessly chic look but French brand Carven sum it up perfectly. This is the third collection since Guillaume Henry revived the label and it may just be our favourite. We love the simple colour palette with a blend of peach and champagne tones. With structured tailoring mixed with simple lines, statement cocktail dresses and quirky cut out details, the collection effortlessy fuses classic Parisian sophistication with a playful preppy edge and strikes the right balance between the feminine and masculine. Oversized bows also help to add a touch of femininity to the tailored shapes. Tres chic.

French Dressing.

Words by Jade Cooper-Collins

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NASTY SIDE...” -.Guillaume Henry

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yer bike!On

Words by Yvonne DicksonPhotos supplied by Begs Bicycles

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Whose idea was it to join two wheels, a seat and some pedals together? Can’t quite decide whether to thank them or thump them. Hello toned legs, goodbye coiffed hair… What was once a fun childhood pastime has suddenly seen a massive swell in popularity over the past few years. No longer the favoured mode of transpor t for smug healthies and eco-friendlies only, cycling is now considered a popular and fashionable way to travel by all. Dottie Brackett, blogger behind the beautiful letsgorideabike.com agrees. “Bicycling has experienced a surge in popularity over the past few years because people searching for alternatives to an overly consumptive lifestyle have found that riding a bike can be simple, stylish and fun! At the same time, new infrastructure, such as bike lanes and paths, has made it easier for people to feel safe while bicycling.” And don’t just take our word for it; take Chanel’s. They produced a limited edition number, costing an eye-watering, jaw-clenching and brain-exploding £6000!It features the trademark Chanel quilting ensuring it’s worth every penny. Or maybe not quite every penny…In many cities, such as Amsterdam, cycling is favoured over any other form of transport. In fact, cycling is so popular in Amsterdam that there are 800,000 bikes in the city, compared to only 750,000 people! Sadly, the UK isn’t quite so bicycle friendly. The number of bikes in the UK is growing, with over a million Londoners owning bikes, but unlike Amsterdam where bikes have right of way and

cyclists rule the road, only 2% of journeys in London are actually made on bikes. This is because cycling in many major cities in the UK takes a lot of guts. Double-decker buses, clueless tourists, crazy cab drivers and fellow cyclists are all obstacles to navigate on your way to work, and that’s before you’ve had your first Starbucks. And if that wasn’t bad enough, cycling on a summer’s day, as pleasant as it is, is guaranteed to leave you with a damp fringe, helmet hair and a shiny top lip. So what is a girl to do? You could take a bus? Or you could find a way of cycling to suit you. Choosing a suitable bike, researching the best bike route and wearing comfortable clothing will help minimize the worries and stresses faced when deciding to cycle. And once you’re happy and have gained a good amount of confidence, then you might even start to enjoy it! And really, what’s not to enjoy? Cycling can be an incredibly cheap, healthy and fun way to travel, as long as you take the time to tailor your needs and match your requirements!First things first, you need a bike. The kind of bike you buy depends heavily on the kind of cycling you intend on doing. Take Dottie’s advice: “When choosing your bike, you should

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consider both your transportation needs and your personal aesthetic. Ask yourself how far you need to travel, whether your route is hilly, what kind of weather conditions you will face, and how much stuff you need to carry - then buy a bicycle that makes practical sense and also fits your style (you're much more likely to ride your bike if you love your bike!).” And she’s right. There is no point buying a 21 gear mountain bike if all you’re ever going to do with the bike is pootle around the park and go on summer picnics. Similarly, you’d want to think twice about buying a trendy Dutch bike if you’re planning on making a long daily commute. As eye catching and graceful as Dutch style ‘sit up and beg’ bikes are, they can be rather heavy bikes to ride. This may not prove too much of a problem for most people, but if you face an uphill cycle, or have to contend with rows of stairs, you might star t to wish that you had plumped for something

slightly lighter. Having said that, one of the most appealing things about these vintage-styled bikes is how much easier on the eye they are compared to some of the sportier and more practical numbers. And because they are slower and heavier machines compared to a mountain bike, they also encourage you to travel at a much more leisurely pace. This is perhaps one of the reasons that this style of bike is so popular with the more fashion conscious, who might be put off at the thought of turning up to a location with more than a hint of a ‘glow’. The more gentle speed of travel not only minimises the chances of you breaking into too much of a sweat but also stops you feeling the need to reach for the dreaded lycra! And there is little point in buying a speedy and capable bike if you are put off by the attire needed to ride it. And there is no need for fashion, or lack of it, to hold you back from anything, least of all cycling... as proved by Chanel.

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By Emma Frew

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A book about love, but not a love story. The Lover’s Dictionary sees David Levithan approach the most written about emotion with a freshness and clarity that makes you go, ‘Ahhh, now I get it’ Here David explains how the book came about.

How did the idea for writing The Lover’s Dictionary come about? I was writing a story for Valentine’s Day, as I tend to do for my friends, and I found inspiration in a book of “words you need to know” that was sitting on my desk. I thought it would be interesting to tell the story of a relationship based on words chosen randomly (yet alphabetically) from that book. And indeed it was interesting – I had no idea what was going to happen next.

We think the idea for the book is really unique not only in its story-telling but in its layout and construction too. Were you confident that this unusual approach would work for a book? Honestly, I had no idea. I just plunged in and let the words guide me. It wasn’t until I gave it to my friends and got a stellar reaction that I knew I might have pulled it off.

We know that the old saying goes you should never judge a book by its cover but with The Lover’s Dictionary it’s hard not to. What was your inspiration behind the design? The designers did a fantastic job, didn’t they? We saw a lot of mock-ups with hearts in different shapes and sizes and compositions, but deciding that the heart would be made of the words was a masterstroke. I’m really pleased with it.

Whilst reading it, we became really involved in the characters. Was it important for you to give these characters a kind of anonymity, no names, no background story, to help the readers relate to them more? The idea is to be both universal and specific – like in a pop song, where you can map your own feelings and history out, while still feeling you’re hearing a story.

Do you have a favourite piece from the book? I find “elegy” particularly meaningful, because I think that was the moment that the depth of the relationship really struck me.

Seeing as this is a love story. We’d love to know if you’re

a romantic and if the book reflects your attitudes towards love? I think I wrote a story about love… not necessarily a love story, which is probably a very accurate reflection of my attitude towards love.

What made you want to become a writer? I’ve always loved words, so I can’t say it really shocked anyone.

As well as being an author yourself, you are also an editor at Scholastic where you find new authors for teen literature. I imagine it must be inspiring to read so much from new talent on a daily basis? New talent, old talent – it’s all inspiring. I love playing with other people’s words as much as my own, so my job as an editor allows me to match wits with some of the best wordsmiths there are.

Are there any new voices out there that you have discovered that you could recommend to the Cellardoor readers? Tanuja Desai Hidier’s Born Confused is, in my opinion, about as perfect as a book can get. The language is dazzling. The characters are involving and the story unfolds like life. Really, all of the PUSH books (www.thisispush.com!) are ones I’m proud of. But I think Born Confused is one of the only ones published in the UK, so I’ll put that on the top of the list for you.

Your characters always feel alive and refreshing. Is that something that your conscious of or do you just write from your own experiences? I just write. Certainly, I’m aware of the world around me and observe accordingly. But the truth? It’s not like the emotions and concerns change all that much. Yes, you learn more as you get older but the confusions of love, the questions of identity, the desire for belonging – it’s not like those go away the minute you leave your teens.

Given the title of your book, if you had to pick one word from the whole of the dictionary as your favourite, which one would it be and why? Wonder. I love its duality. It’s both an amazement and a mystery.

Interview by Emma Frew. The Lover’s Dictionary by David Levithan is published by Fourth Estate price £12.99

By Emma Frew

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Hanging on the wall above my bed is a collection of photos; family, friends and holidays are all up there in my little miniature gallery. And one of these pictures in particular always makes me smile. I am about two years old and at a wedding, dressed in a little sailor dress. My aunts, uncles and grandparents are all in a circle behind me. But what always strikes me as the lovely thing about that picture is that my Mum and I are looking directly at each other and smiling. That photo makes me think of the special connection a mother and child share.My Mum was young when she had me, just 20 years old and not married to my Dad, something that probably seems quite normal now but nearly 30 years ago was not as run of the mill. Until I was three we lived with her parents and it was just us, even though I saw my Dad every weekend. I still remember when she and my Dad married I was devastated to be leaving my grandparents. One of my earliest memories is crying in the back of the car as we drove away. I’ve always thought that the intensity of just being the two of us in those early years has been influential to the relationship we share today.My mother and I are, perhaps to our detriment,

very alike. We look similar, have the same taste in many ways and we definitely have the same temperament. We drive my sisters and Dad up the wall because we bicker nearly all the time. Perhaps because we are so similar, we don’t always have the easiest of relationships.When I was starting to write this, I was thinking a lot about the connection between mothers and daughters. I know many friends have fraught and fragile relationships with their Mums. Our mothers are so much a part of who we are and not just genetically. They

nurture us, kiss our cut knees and are always there to give us a cuddle when other kids are mean in the playground. And as

we get older, they launch us into the world, holding our hands through broken hearts, exams and so many other trials and tribulations.

So much is written about the mother/daughter relationship, more so than the father/daughter. From personal experience, I know that the way I react to my mother is so much more complicated than the way I behave with my father. When I was a bolshy and yes, possibly obnoxious teenager, my mother and I would have screaming rows,

hurling insults and saying hurtful things. I thought

Keeping MumWords by Amy Peck

Illustrations by Ella Masters

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I had a mother who didn’t understand me, as we all do. Yet she was a really easygoing parent, allowing me to go out and have fun with the simple caveat that she always knew where I was and what time I would be home.So many of my friends didn’t have such easygoing mums, they would lie about where they were going, using friends as a cover up. I never had to do that, and as such was allowed to grow up and spread my wings in a normal, safe way. Whenever I had a party, Mum and Dad would always be around to help make sure my drunken friends got home safely and were always regarded as being cool amongst my peers, which I would never acknowledge.However I may have felt as a teenager, I can now accept that my mother is pretty incredible. She has always worked, and went back to university when my sisters and I were older. She is an incredibly strong woman and has forged a successful career. I think that having her as a role model has certainly helped me and my sisters as we embark on the slippery career ladder. She’s given us a great example of what

we can do if we put our minds to it and she has always encouraged that. But the most important aspect of my relationship with my Mum is that I know that no matter what, she will always love me. When friends have said that they are worried about telling their Mum something in case she isn’t supportive I count my blessings. I am so secure in the knowledge that whilst she may disagree with my actions, I am her daughter and she will always be on my side. When my long term boyfriend and I split up, she was the first person I

phoned, sobbing in the early hours of the morning. She drove the hour it took to reach me simply to take me home. We may still have our little rows, but as I have grown up I can

see her as a person and not just my mother. And she is someone I would be proud to have in my life, even

if we weren’t related. She is clever, funny, stylish and smart and I am lucky to have her. And if I am lucky enough to have a daughter I can only hope that I am half the mother she is. Much

of who I am today is because of her. I know I don’t always tell her enough but I am so

proud to be able to call her my Mum.

Keeping Mum

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Biba BelleWe can’t get enough of the new ad campaign from Biba for House of Fraser, photographed by Ellen Von Unworth and modelled by the lovely Daisy Lowe.The famous ‘60s brand began working with the department store last year, heading back to their high street roots and Lowe was picked as the face of the project - if these pictures are anything to go by she seems to have been the perfect choice.The summer collection boasts Biba’s signature beautiful prints on long-sleeved dresses, maxi dresses, jumpsuits, blouses and flared jeans, as well as more demure pastel trousers and knitwear.Lovely.

Words by Amy Power

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by R

obyn L


a snapshot of soho

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by R

obyn L


The image that springs to mind when thinking of Soho in Central London is often seedy, grimey and more than a little bit shady. An entertainment district with sex shops at every turn and lots of dirty corners for dirty deeds, Soho has been portrayed as a place you wouldn’t want to walk around at night on your own...

However this picture of smut does not hold true to the realities of what is

an up-and-coming district of flourishing, creative personality. Now home to an army of fashion students and industry workers alike and with an array of media offices, upmarket restaurants and cosy cafes, Soho is a little haven away from the hustle and bustle of nearby Oxford Street and Piccadilly Circus. Gallivanting down Berwick Street will have you looking around the cobbled streets, your senses will be captured by the florist market stall and your mouth will be watering just looking at the fruit stand. One of the many wonderful shops on Berwick Street is BANG BANG Vintage Exchange, a gorgeously decorated store with second hand items for sale from everywhere from H&M through to Vivienne Westwood, all at very reasonable prices. Many a beautiful gem is to be found here for both men and women.Next door is Brovick Fabric Store, the home of every embellished, sequinned,

floral or lace fabric you could ever dream of. Rolls upon rolls of magnificent fabrics stack high up to the ceiling in a mirage of decadent colours and textures. Here the customers vary greatly from textiles students sourcing materials for their latest piece of coursework to costume designers from the West End Theatres such as those working on Les Misérables. Across the often puddle-littered street is a hop to the Music & Video Exchange store. Stepping into the world of music where racks of vinyl beckon, each holding old tales of romance and fizzing pop songs. From piles of old Beatles records to current indie singles; there is enough choice for all. Every inch of the surrounding walls are covered with old tour posters while piles of leaflets advertising nights yet to come sit waiting. Digging a little deeper, shopkeeper Allan tells me that his involvement in the music industry moves outside the doors of the shop, having previously played in the

band Eighteen Wheeler he also ran the Must Destroy record label. Another gem of Berwick Street is the ever so fun fancy-dress shop So High Soho. With accessories from a rainbow wall of hair flowers to dishes of assorted rings, body jewellery, flavoured tobaccos and colouring books, the store is a positive mish-mash of the weird and wonderful. All encased under a ceiling adorned by mysterious dream catchers, charms and lampshades, So High Soho stocks a mirage of miscellaneous treats and trinkets. While elements of the smutty Soho of old still play a part in its character, they are no longer what define this community. A home and work place for many, built on variety, creativity and exciting new talents is the light that should now be shone on one of London’s most exciting and intriguing areas.

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Words: Emily CaterIllustrations: Alice Potter,

Harriet Gray

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such relentless appeal. She wears clothes that are comfortable, chic and stylish, as well as being accessible to the masses, making her a true modern style icon. Though she isn’t the first female royal to have been heralded with such a high accolade; centuries of royals have been providing fashion inspiration and have well and truly altered the way we wear clothes today. Queen Victoria pioneered the white gown when she took to the aisle in white satin and ivory lace in 1840 to marry Prince Albert, and so too followed many brides to honour the Queen’s choice. Later, when Prince Albert died, Victoria chose to wear black for the rest of her life in mourning, and to wear black at a funeral is now commonplace and seen as a sign of respect. A royal who really pushed the boundaries, however, was Marie Antoinette, the fiercely stylish French Queen who admired edgy, fashion-forward looks including androgynous jackets and trousers. Her style choices weren’t merely a fashion statement, but a political declaration intended to symbolise strength and control. A real mover

There was once a time, not too long ago when only one Kate reigned supreme in the British fashion scene, but it looks like it’s time the legendary Ms Moss handed over her style crown, as a new style queen is born - and with every sartorial choice she makes, the world’s beady eyes

are on her. Our new future Monarch, Kate Middleton, is the name on everybody’s lips at the moment, with designers queuing up to dress her and the media rumour mill going into overdrive about which label is set to design her wedding dress, a garment that will surely serve as a piece of history. It seems everybody wants a piece of the Kate (no pun intended) and a piece of everything she wears. The blue Issa dress she wore for her engagement announcement was a huge hit, with Tesco bringing out a £16 copy that sold out within an hour, and the Reiss ‘Nanette’ dress she wore for her engagement shoot with Mario Testino was immediately re-released. So why has the world gone Middleton Mad? Well, the answer’s easy. It’s Kate’s classic, feminine and timeless style choices that give her

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and shaker of the day (sartorially at least) Antoinette introduced the notion of power dressing for women, something that has translated into the 21st century in the form of suits, blazers, and mannish tailoring. Modern day royals have also made their mark on the fashion world, and it is almost impossible not to acknowledge the late Princess Diana when discussing influential royal style. Adored by couture houses and fashion designers across the globe, Diana’s effor tless elegance and understated beauty meant she was adored world-wide and photographed almost everywhere she went. Similarly to Kate, however, she was able to master a casual day look, teaming simple jeans with a shir t and knitted jumper, making her style accessible and admirable, the nation’s style heroine. Think the royal ‘look’ is outdated and fuddy duddy? Think again. Christopher Kane’s fluoro argyle sweaters, lime green lace skir ts and laser cut leather pieces for his Spring/Summer 11 collection proves it to be anything but, as he claimed to be inspired by ‘Princess Margaret on acid at an eighties rave’. The younger

Margaret was considered a royal rebel for her love of super high heels and fur stoles, a look viewed as slightly too glamorous and risqué for a royal. Super British designer Vivienne Westwood is also known to reference Queen Elizabeth and the royal family in many of her collections, juxtaposing an English countryside heritage look of tweeds and tar tan with a Punk rock twist. So with a generation of designers looking to the royals for design inspiration, and a Royal wedding imminent, perhaps the most important question is, who will Kate wear on her big day? Diana’s Emanuel gown for her marriage to Prince Charles, complete with 25 foot train and thousands of intricately hand-sewn pearls was a definitive fashion moment, perhaps one of the most memorable of all time. Undoubtedly, new style queen Ms Middleton has a rather large pair of shoes to fill (or dress rather) and must create her own unique fashion legacy. With rumours circulating that Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen has been honoured the royal commission, there’s no doubt it will be a moment permanently etched in fashion history.

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Get My Swan Costume Ready...

Words by Sarah PotterPhotography: Maximino A. Franco

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Black Swan was one of the most hotly anticipated films of this year, propelling Natalie Por tman back into the limelight and leaving audiences enthralled and intrigued with the wor ld of ballet. The film centres on young ballet dancer Nina, who, after years of encouragement from her once upon a time ballerina mother, finally lands her dream role as the Swan Queen. Much to the dismay of Thomas, the director, Nina struggles throughout the film to be able to play the dangerous and wild Black Swan; however she’s completely capable of playing the perfect, innocent White Swan. What ensues is the audience seeing Nina’s fragile mind, tor turing herself over and over, trying to perfect the role. The film touches on many aspects within the dance industry, including extreme pressure, eating disorders and the need to be perfect. Although garnering rave reviews from the likes of The Guardian and The New York Times, and of course winning Por tman numerous awards for best actress, it has not been met with such enthusiasm within the ballet wor ld. Dubbed too violent, the psychological thriller didn’t fare well with dancers wanting a dance film akin to that of hit ‘40s film The Red Shoes.

To delve deeper, I wanted to know the truth behind the beautiful costumes and delicate figures and asked two professional dancers what they thought of the film.

Ernst Meisner, has been in the industry since he was 4. He went to the school of Dutch National Ballet when he was 10 and joined the Royal Ballet Company at 18. He joined the Dutch National Ballet ear lier this year.

What first attracted you to ballet? I was so young, it was just a hobby and a way of interacting with other children without talking too much. I was quite shy when I was young, so my parents thought this would work well. I loved the music and the beauty of the dancers.

What did you think of Black Swan? I think it is a Hollywood thriller about ballet. It’s not true in most places, but I understand it’s not a documentary, rather a film for enter tainment. However it does also make a lot of points that are true of being a dancer. For me the strongest point that comes across is how much ballet means to a dancer - it’s your life and not just a job. You have to love it very much and of

course it takes huge dedication to all the time try and achieve the perfection that we all aim for. We also have to give up other things in life to pursue this perfection. The movie exaggerates issues a lot, but I don’t think this places the industry in a bad light.

Is there a lot of pressure to get the bigger roles? Of course everyone always wants to do more, but I think you also have to be realistic of what you can and can’t do. Some people don’t want to dance the big roles, others never will but have great careers in the corps de ballet or as soloists. In my experience I can see people that are so clear ly cut out to be principals and dance the big roles, and they will get there sooner or later. Of course it also depends on how much pressure you put on yourself.

Sarah, is both a performer, and a teacher. She has been dancing for 35 years.

What first attracted you to ballet specifically? The chance to be beautiful and I couldn’t stand the thought of mindless aerobics.

What did you think about the release of Black Swan? Well it wasn’t a true por trayal and there’s lots of dramatic license. Hopefully the public knows this after all these years.

Is ballet as competitive as portrayed in the film? Unfor tunately yes. There’s always someone younger, more eager and more talented, at least in your own eyes.

How do you cope with the pressure? Like everyone, some days are better than others. Some days you are stronger and more confident and some days not so much.

Is there a lot of pressure to get the bigger roles? Mostly from within, who doesn’t dream of playing Juliet (Romeo and Juliet) or Kitri (Don Quixote)?

So, yes, although Aronofsky’s por trayal is on the extreme side, there are under lying tones of truth within the film. I have found that there is an extreme pressure within dancing, par ticular ly from oneself, which can at times prove to be the most stressful. Black Swan is fictitious and should be enjoyed for the psychological thriller it is.

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spring /Summertrendbook

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spring /Summertrendbook

Words Olivia SlackIllustrations Laura Callaghan

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This is by far our favourite trend of the season. We’re always seeing floral patterns around on the catwalk, but no designer has ever quite captured the power of the flower than what D&G had to show in their Spring/Summer collection. The models trotted down the runway with watering cans and gardening tools, whilst wearing clashing florals and pretty pastel colours. This really is the time to take inspiration from your Granny - go for an older, more ‘vintage’ looking floral print as opposed to bright tropical flowers and keep the colours to mainly purples, pinks or corals. Keep it wearable by adding some chinos or a skirt with a paper bag waist, along with a cute pair of brogues or ballet pumps.


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Make a statement this summer and be bold and beautiful in this season’s brights. The S/S11 catwalks were flooding with neons and there’s nothing that makes a bigger statement than owning a shockingly bright item in your wardrobe. Whether you’re going for daffodil yellow, outrageous orange or a bold blue, knowing how to mix and match will keep you looking perfectly on trend. Add a pair of leather high waisted shorts or a fringe-detail jacket for a bit of edge, or equally keeping the rest of your outfit minimalistic and letting the bright garment speak for itself. Try playing around with colours you wouldn’t usually pair together. Be brave by mixing up oranges and pinks for a perfect romantic summer look. This really is a trend that you have to be brave to pull off, it definitely makes you stand out in the crowd!

BRIGHt and beaut i ful


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Fear not Ladies, we won’t be seeing a million Freddie Mercury lookalikes walking around the highstreet. Bohemian Rhapsody refers to the wonderful boho festival fashion that us Brits know and love so well. Mahogany, dark and moody reds, camel and taupe mixed with florals on a black background and over-sized floaty chiffons in all shapes and sizes: maxi skirts, blouses and even palazzo pants are making a comeback! Add splashes of colour like dark green and purple to add excitement, or keep it dark and moody by wearing a floppy hat and oversized sunglasses. Opt for feathered earrings and big cross necklaces for jewellery, to give your outfit that extra bohemian vibe!


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This trend really allows you to play dress-up, and may even inspire you to dig out those old binoculars! Take your inspiration from the safari scene itself - the soft tan colour of the sand and the bright blue of the sky look fantastic together. Topshop are the best for accessories, offering a wide range of both bright red and blue gems that will look great against a tan blouse and some super-hip safari shorts. Try adding a bit of tribal or animal print to give it an extra edge, or if you’re brave enough, give a nod to the mix-match prints trend by taking inspiration from Christopher Kane, Basso & Brooke and Cacharel’s S/S11 catwalk shows. Try mixing up different textures as well as prints. Desert animals such as snakes and lizards are a great way to go: mix up a snakeskin print with a camel blazer and bright blue accessories for the ultimate safari look!


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Strong brows, nude lips and beach waves in your hair is what this trend is

all about. Take inspiration from The Olsen Twins and give it that ‘bed head’ look by using a

curling iron and then running your fingers through the curl afterwards. If you’d prefer a darker,

moodier boho look, try a black smoky eye and a nude lip gloss. This will also look great for night

time if you use a shimmery bronzer on the apple of your cheeks.

Fishtail braids are huge this

season. Wear to the side of your head and team up with a trilby or bowler

hat if it’s a hot summer’s day. If you’re not into the ‘neat’ look, try a little soft back comb once the

plait is in. This will pull out a few stray hairs and keep it looking messy yet chic! When applying make-up, try a ‘smoky eye’ using browns and beige’s. Use a light beige on the lid, and gradually work to a darker brown on the outer corner of your eye. Use a bronzer on the cheeks instead of a blusher when changing to evening make-up, and keep lips looking nude. You may also wish to

go for strong brows if you’re into a more fashion forward look, however this can seem a little

“too much” if you’re just out shopping on the high street.


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If you’re wondering where to go with your hair and

make-up this season, take a note from the A-list celebrities. We’ve seen Alexa Chung, Drew

Barrymore and now even Stacey Solomon giving it a go! A dip-dye hairstyle is slowly creeping to the top of

everyone’s ‘must-have’ list. When going to the hairdressers, ask for “ombre” hair, or take in a picture of how you’d like it to

be styled. If your hair is very dark, don’t dye the ends too blonde, just keep it a soft ash blonde colour. If you’re feeling really crea-tive, you could even dye the ends a different colour. We’ve even seen models sporting the dip-dye effect with blue and pink at the ends of their hair! When it comes to make-up, keep either

the eyes or the lips nude and the other bright: NEVER DO BOTH. Urban Decay offer a gorgeous shimmer green

eye shadow, which looks great with dark eyeliner and nude lips. Alternatively, try a bright coral

lip and just a lick of mascara on your eyelashes.

When looking for a hairstyle

to accompany the sweet and innocent ‘floral’ look, a classy top-knot

is the best way forward. Take inspiration from Whitney Port, and wear high on your head, or go for

the more classic ‘bun’. Keep a pale palette looking up-to-date by adding some striking coral lipstick. Topshop

and Barry M offer a great selection. If you’re wary about the brightness of the coral, just dab a small amount on to your fingertip and apply lightly until you get the colour you

desire. Another tip for keeping your face looking young and fresh: apply Vaseline to the eyelids, and just a

small amount of mascara on your lashes. This will make your eyes look bright, and you’ll

instantly look and feel as fresh as a daisy!


38 39

It’s my party...Photography Phil Drinkwater

Styling Chloe BibbyMake-up Artist Vicky AdamsonModel Victoria @ M&P Models

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NECKLACE AccessorizeSHOES Kurt Geiger

It’s my party...

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DRESS Nathalie Tunna EARRINGS Goldsmiths

40 41

HEADBAND VintageEARRINGS GoldsmithsDRESS Nathalie Tunna

SHOES Kurt Geiger

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EARRINGS GoldsmithsTOP VintageSKIRT CoCu

RING Accessorize

44 45


SHORTS Nathalie Tunna EARRINGS Goldsmiths

RING stylist's own

44 45

TOP Vintage SKIRT CoCu

EARRINGS GoldsmithsRING Accessorize

46 47

a lazy sundayPHOTOGRAPHER Jenna Alcala HAIR & MAKE UP Michelle Tan

STYLIST Michelle TanMODEL Camille Zajaz

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a lazy sunday

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S p r i n g i S i n th e a

i r

Photography Sade WilliamsStyling Rodellee www.rodellee.com

Model Petie Sjogren @ Ford LAAll clothing is vintage

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S p r i n g i S i n th e a

i r

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60 61

62 63

we all dream in colour

Photography Benjamin Kwan benjaminkwanphoto.com

Styling/Mua/Hair Wendy Cook wendycookstyling.com

Model Talina @ Charles Stuart International Models

Collage SaMM




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62 63

BLAZER Bohemia Gallery T-SHIRT BB Dakota

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CARDIGAN Nordstrom DENIM COLLAR Unseen ForceT-SHIRT Urban Outfitters

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BLAZER Bohemia GalleryT-SHIRT BB Dakota

JEANS Urban OutfittersWEDGES Rachel by Rachel Roy

66 67

CARDIGAN NordstromDENIM COLLAR Unseen ForceT-SHIRT Urban OutfittersSHORTS Retro RockBOOTS Marc Fisher

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BLOUSE Vintage

68 69

CARDIGAN NordstromDENIM COLLAR Unseen ForceT-SHIRT Urban OutfittersSHORTS Retro RockBOOTS Marc Fisher

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SHREDDED T-SHIRT and RING Stylist’s own


SHOES Le Chateau

70 71

SPRING FLINGPhotography Chelsea Millunchick

willowfrank.comModel Amy Sherring @ stars models san francisco

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Music is the lifeblood of Alex Jay, singer and guitarist from London-based four-piece Mad Staring Eyes. From writing his first song aged 11 to the having the band’s music on the hit TV show Gossip Girl, it’s obvious when we sit down to chat that music is more than just a job for him. The band, consisting of Alex, Dan Bloom, Oli Darley and Matt Park, have been around in various guises for a long time. Alex and Dan met aged four and started playing together at 12, joined by Oli at 16. Other band members have come and gone but the nucleus has remained the same. This long connection is evident in their live performances, they play with a togetherness that only comes from a ‘long, brotherly friendship’. Alex says that ‘if you believe in reincarnation or karma, then we were probably all related in a former life. We might as well be related now, we are each other’s friends and family’. Like a family, he admits that ‘we all bitch about each other but it’s always done with love, like the way you bitch about your brother or sister or your cat’.An as yet untitled EP of acoustic sounds will be released at the end of April, followed by an electric psychedelia album next year. Clearly a band with many strings to their bows, Alex says they are ‘a metamorphic sort of band, we mimic life in that way. The music’s always been rhythmical, melodious and we’ve always written our own songs. We’ve never done a cover in our lives.’ Their songs are clever, both lyrically and musically and describe feelings and situations in a way that everyone can relate to. All members of the band write songs and Alex struggles to pick a favourite, explaining ‘they’re all like children. I love them all equally. Some days they misbehave, some days they don’t.’ They have played Glastonbury and with singers as diverse as Danni Minogue and Pete Doherty and Alex says they have ‘played with lots of really great

people but it’s all about the vibe on stage’. He goes on to describe ‘a mad gig in Moscow where I had my clothes ripped off…it was really good’. Through a publishing deal, they have had a song on Gossip Girl and Alex says they’ve had a fantastic run with it, with over 150,000 hits on YouTube. ‘It means that millions of people have heard it and said ‘oh it’s not bad that song, I quite like it, let’s hear more of those boys.’Although the two forthcoming albums are different, it’s clear that they relish the opportunity to contrast styles and genres. ‘One album’s this electric, stadium rock masterpiece and the other one’s a beautiful, ephemeral, almost country rock masterpiece. To be able to go out and play electric guitar turned up to full volume and then do the lovely, massaging, mellifluous deliciousness that is the country stuff is great.’The unusual name came about because ‘we’re all fairly intense chaps and if you look closely at any of the guys, they’ve all got these massive eyes and they just look like mad, staring eyes.’ He goes on to say that ‘we’ve all kind of grown together over the years and we’ve all started to look the same which is a bit worrying, it’s like dogs and their owners!’ They have played under many names over the years but are happy with what they have now, sometimes shortening it to MSE, which Alex admits sounds a bit like a disease. Whilst Alex’s dream gig would be ‘Hendrix, David Gilmour and Etta James round at my house jamming after dinner’, his inspiration comes from everywhere and anywhere, ‘anyone who’s done something with their lives really’. This curiosity, coupled with knowledge and articulateness combines to create meaningful and interesting music that deserves to be heard. Enigmatic, charismatic and charming, the Eyes definitely have it.Check them out at www.facebook.com/madstaringeyes

STARING EYES Words By Amy Peck

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Words By Laura Booth

78 79

If you head down to your local library and have a chat with the people who work there you’ll most likely hear that they’re worried that the library will close, that not enough people use it and that you should cross your fingers and do what you can to help save it – hold protests, take out as many books as possible, maybe create a Facebook page. In Lancashire, however, it’s a different story; they’re saving libraries by filling them with music. Get it Loud in Libraries has been pushing back the books and inviting ar tists in for intimate gigs since 2005. Whilst this is pretty special, it’s even more impressive when you realise that they have the magic touch when it comes to picking ar tists. They have featured the last four Brit Awards Critics Choice Award winners prior to them becoming famous: Adele, Florence and the Machine, Ellie Goulding and Jessie J, who was a last minute suppor t act. “She was just going by Jessie back then,” said Stewar t Parsons, the creator of Get it Loud in Libraries. “I was asking around for ar tists and happened to find her MySpace page. She performed like she was in a massive venue not our little library in Lancaster.” You don’t expect to go to a Mona gig on a Saturday night and see people sat on the floor reading books whilst they wait, nursing a bottle of water instead of a pint of beer. Nor do you expect to be seeing Yuck in a library on a Sunday afternoon with a toddler stood next to you and two six-year-old girls star ting their own mini mosh pit whilst gazing adoringly at vocalist Daniel Blumberg. He took it all in his stride, smiling as he said: “You’re supposed to clap when we finish a song...I’m joking, only

clap if you actually like it.” Later on those same girls knocked over a microphone but, of course, Yuck didn’t let that distract them one bit.After the show Yuck’s suppor t Pegasus Bridge questioned Stewar t on whether or not their performance was good enough and if he thought people had enjoyed it. Vocalist Edward Turner reflected on the afternoon setting: “It was a little strange being able to see every face in the room, but I enjoyed it.” At no point did they mention the fact that they were in a library or that it was probably the first show they’d played where the audience ranged from three to 63. When Devlin played he remarked, “drum and bass in a library; it should be illegal,” and then proceeded to get everyone jumping and making as much noise as possible. Stewar t said: “They all seem to think it’s weird at first but then they get out there and afterwards they’re raving about how wonderful what we’re doing is.” So why aren’t other libraries doing things like this? Stewar t hopes to show them the way and has just held the first library tour with Spark and The Good Natured, with stops including Rugby, Worksop and as far south as Bodmin in Cornwall. That’s a long way from Get it Loud in Libraries’ humble nor thern roots. He said: “Young people can’t travel miles to a city for a gig, especially with worries about alcohol, safety and age restrictions. We’re using music as a tool to get young people into libraries; giving them something they don’t usually have access to. If they come back afterwards to take out a book or use the Internet - great, but what it’s really all about is the music.”

80 81

Sarah started writing songs for The Good Natured when she was 17. Her hypnotic vocals create hauntingly beautiful pop songs. At the moment The Good Natured are playing lots of gigs, including the Get it Loud in Libraries’ UK tour and SXSW festival in Texas plus Sarah is writing them an album… that should keep her busy for a while.

How did you get started in music? My grandma was very musical; she had an amazing organ in her house and an old Yamaha keyboard from the 1980s. Unfortunately she got arthritis and couldn’t play anymore. She was going to throw her keyboard away as she thought it was “a piece of junk”, but I rescued it and starting writing on it.

Where do you get your inspiration? My lyrics are all about experiences, whether they’re my own or somebody else’s. I write about anything that makes me feel a strong emotion.

How have you found the Libraries Tour? It’s brilliant to bring live music to libraries. It’s quite ironic really but feels wonderful to be doing something different and unexpected. As they are all ages gigs it’s so nice to meet younger fans and we get to raise awareness of libraries too. It is such a shame so many are closing down.

What do you love about spring? Going for walks up to Highclere Castle in my village and seeing all the lambs in the fields on the way!

the good natured

Our favourite track:


80 81

Pegasus Bridge’s music is fantastically infectious indie-rock. This year they’ve supported Feeder, been on a sold-out UK tour with Not Advised and worked with Burberry as part of their acoustic sessions. Their new single Like Dogs was out April 4th and they’re shooting a video for it right now, which will feature an awful lot of clocks if their Twitter account is anything to go by.

Who or what inspires you? Literally anything. We have songs about love, violence, youth... If something moves us enough to inspire a piece of music, it’s usually worth pursuing.

We caught you at a Get it Loud in Libraries gig supporting Yuck. What’s playing in a library like? We’ve done three Get it Loud gigs and every one has been ace. Holding a show in

such a bizarre location makes it a memorable experience for both us and the fans.

At Cellardoor we love art, music… a little of everything creative. Other than music what are you all interested in? Callum is huge horror movie buff. He loves the Evil Dead films. Ed is always keen to visit a museum; he’s fascinated by nature and the workings of our history. We all enjoy reading, too. I’m fascinated by fashion but I’m certainly not up-to-date with that sphere of the arts.

Being the spring issue, what’s your favourite thing about the season? The difference you see in people once they see a bit of sunshine. It’s amazing how much it can elevate a person’s mood.

pegasus bridge

Our favourite track:


Our Library Picks

82 83

What else is on Cellardoor’s stereo?

One of our favourite new finds is a band called Boat To Row. Fronted by Michael King and joined by Ben Gilchrist, Hannah Riley, David Sharpe and Faye Haddon, the five-piece band have been performing together since May 2009, when they formed in Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Their sound has been described as “nimble guitar and banjo melodies cushioning a rich set of boy-girl harmonies, tripping glockenspiel, swooning violin and ricocheting drum beat” which is apparently right up our street.The band are actually releasing their new single ‘A Boat To Row, To Row, To You’ and will be available for digital download from most major retailers from 2nd May or if you’re extra lucky you may be able to get your hands on one of the 250 copies available on 7”. Interestingly, the song was recorded in the prestigious location of friend Craig’s garage.Although a relatively young band, they’ve already been making waves (get it?) in the music industry whilst touring the UK and performing with the likes of The Vaccines, Willy Mason and Peggy Sue to name just a few. We expect great things from Boat To Row.

Boat to Row

Joanna Newsom

Words by Amy Power

82 83

If you haven’t been lucky enough to have already encountered the delicate and mellow vocals of Joanna Newsom, then boy, you have probably been missing out. Having released her folk-inspired debut album over six years ago and two albums since, we have been laden with blissfully beautiful songs, channelling the unique tones and flare reminiscent of that of the ever glorious Regina Spector. Being an integral part of the American indie music scene, Newsom writes all her of her own music and lyrics, with her songs being inspired by elements, love and home. With songs dusted with the elegance of harps (which Joanna states as ‘almost being part of her’) and thoughtful piano, there does not seem to be much at all Joanna Newsom can’t do. If like us, you can’t resist her stunning theatrical songs then you can catch her at End of The Road festival this year in North Dorset. We certainly recommend taking a listen if you haven’t already.

Joanna NewsomWords by Olivia Purvis

84 85



MenuBy Cait Harrington

Spring is here and with it comes a string of bank holidays, perfect for enjoying the almost relinquished tradition of afternoon tea. We don’t know about you but this sort of frivolity doesn’t usually fit into our working week, so take the opportunity to dust off your Granny’s crockery, bake a few treats and invite your friends over. Since this isn’t an every day occurrence we’ve added a naughty little addition to the tea party. We won’t tell, if you don’t…

84 85

La v e n d er Scones Serves 8l 350g f lourl 50g lavender sugarl 3 teaspoons cream of tartar

l 1 1/2 teaspoons bicarb of sodal 50g butterl 200ml milkl 1 small eggl Preheat oven to 2000cSift all the dry ingredients into a large bowl, then

rub in the butter until it resembles damp bread crumbs. Add the milk and beat until the mixture forms a lumpy dough. Turn onto a f loured surface and knead brief ly until the dough comes together smoothly. Roll out with a rolling pin until the dough is about 1 and a half inches thick. Cut out the scones and brush with a little milk. Bake on a f loured tray for 10-15 minuets. Sprinkle with a little extra lavender sugar, serve warm with clotted cream and jam.

86 87

Cherry and Almond Cake l 180g butter, softenedl 180g caster sugarl 3 eggs

l 2 teaspoons almond extractl 250g plain f lourl 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

l 50g ground almondsl 125ml buttermilkl 50g frozen cherriesl 50g sliced almonds Preheat oven to 160°cLine the bottom of the cake tin with baking paper and butter the sides.Cream the butter with the

sugar until smooth and add the eggs one at a time until incorporated then stir through the almond extract. Sift in the f lour and baking powder then mix into the batter, once this is smooth stir in the ground almonds and mix in the buttermilk. Spoon into the prepared baking tin and press the cherries into the batter, covering them over gently using a knife. Sprinkle over the sliced almonds and bake for around 1 hour and 15 mins, check after 45mins and cover with foil if the almonds have started to brown.

86 87

Rose Tea Cocktail l 70cl vodkal 100g sugarl 6 teabagsl Tonic and ice to serve You can make this with any tea that you like, we chose Rose tea because it is light, refreshing and our personal favourite but Earl Grey or Assam would work equally as well. Start by dissolving the sugar in 50ml of water, to

make a simple syrup. Put the teabags in a jug and pour over the vodka and syrup. Stir a few times and leave to steep for 4-5 hours depending upon how strong you prefer.Once it has been suff iciently brewed, remove and squeeze the teabags - you don’t want to waste any! At this point you can adjust the sweetness by adding more syrup if you prefer a sweeter tea. Pour into a teapot and chill until needed.Serve in a teacup neat, over ice or with tonic and a slice of lemon.

88 89

88 89

Homesweet homeWords by Amy Power

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90 91

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modern but with a girly, vintage

twist that we adore. We love how the bright colours look in

contrast to the pastel and natural wood colours used throughout the

house and there are too many adorable accessories for us to list!

Claire Donovan, from Hearthandmade was kind enough to show us

around her stunning home. We were completely smitten with her cute

bunting and the floral touches everywhere

The graphic designer from Northern Ireland has made her home look

92 93

Amelia the duck keeps a very watchful eye over the phone usage

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94 95

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Ramblings of a Jane Austen addict

SUmmer IssueJuly2 0 1 1

96 97

I am so glad that spring is finally appearing and that we’re almost spoilt

with Bank holidays - thanks Wills and Kate. I’m lucky enough to live in a

ground floor flat with a communal garden that no one really uses, as well

as having a huge great common conveniently just across the road, so

after a hard day’s work you can now find me relaxing with a good book

(and possibly a glass of wine!) in the sunshine, increasing my vitamin D

intake. It’s not a bad life.

Since the last issue, I have celebrated my birthday - yes, another year

older, though, of course, a lady never reveals her age. Let’s just say I am

not one-and-twenty.

Amongst my gifts I got two Austen-related books (surprise, surprise!).

The first was The Wit and Wisdom of Jane Austen, a collection of quotes

from her letters, novels and diaries which was compiled by Dominique

Enright, which I have no doubt I will be referring to quite a lot over the

years. The second was a book I had never actually heard of before -

Pride and Promiscuity: The Lost Sex Scenes of Jane Austen by Arielle

Eckstut. It began with an introduction on how an Austen fanatic had

stumbled upon these long lost pages of content from Austen’s novels

that her editor had made her cut out, that were really rather saucy and

she felt she needed to share them with the world as Austen intended.

It took me much longer than it should have to realise that the book was

actually a very tongue-in-cheek work of fiction. Once I had accepted that

and could stop sitting there shocked that someone could POSSIBLY think

Jane Austen would write such things, it was actually pretty funny - I’d

recommend a read if you like a good chuckle.

Because, yet again, I am appalled by my lack of reading, which I fear is

being replaced with sitting on my laptop catching up on programmes I’ve

sky+d, I have decided to set myself a little challenge - to get through the

Telegraph’s list of Top 100 books. Though, I’m not going to be doing it

too strictly - if I really don’t want to read a particular book, I’m not going

to force myself.

Now I’ve told you all I’m not going to be able to back out of it now, so

check my blog to see how I get on! ramblingsjaneausten.blogspot.com

Ramblings of a Jane Austen addict

until next time... Photography: fu-b

until next time...

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