spring course preview

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Spring Course Preview. Harvard Kennedy School Tuesday, December 8, 2009 2:45-4:30 p.m., Forum. Intro Integrating Concepts Human Rights Environment & Natural Resources Security Trade & Finance Arenas Methods Q&A. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Spring Course PreviewHarvard Kennedy School

Tuesday, December 8, 20092:45-4:30 p.m., Forum

1.Introduction: International & Global AffairsWilliam Clark, IGA Area Chair

1. Intro2. Integrating

Concepts3. Human Rights4. Environment

& Natural Resources

5. Security6. Trade &

Finance7. Arenas8. Methods9. Q&A

2. Integrating ConceptsIGA-103 Ruggie “Global Governance” DPI-101 Baum “Political Institutions & Public Policy”

IGA-103* Global GovernanceJohn Ruggie

DPI-101 Political Institutions and Public Policy Matthew Baum

As a temporary expedient while we resolve overlaps btw IGA-101 & DPI-101(PAL-110):

Students graduating in 2010 or 2011 can count DPI-101 (old PAL-110), any section, as an IGA elective or foundation course.

IGA students graduating in 2011 who take and pass IGA-101 in fall of 2009 with grade of B- or better are automatically exempt from the MPP Core Requirement for DPI-101.

But DPI-101(old PAL-110) and IGA-101 cannot both be counted as IGA foundation courses.

Please also refer to HKS course webpage.

3. Human RightsIGA 104 Risse/Stewart “Human Rights & Int’l Politics”

IGA-304 Human Rights & Int’l PoliticsMathias Risse & Rory Stewart

4. Environment & Natural Resources

IGA-104 Clark “Managing a living planet…” IGA-320 Juma “Technology and sustainability” API-164 Hogan “Energy policy analysis” HLS-202 Hill “Population changes and consequences” IGA-325 Jasanoff “Bioethics, law and the life sciences” API-135 Stavins “Environment & Resource Economics…” BGP-204M Goldberg “Food policy and agriculture”

IGA-104* Managing a Living Planet: How Interactions Among Population, Health, Resources & Environment Shape the Stage of Global Affairs William Clark

“Safe operating space” for a living planet?

Global policy challenges covered in IGA-104:

Environment constraints on energy security…

Resurgent pandemics & antibiotic resistance

Competition for water in Indus, Mekong, Nile…

Declining agricultural output famine redux?

Geo-engineering a climate in(to) crisis?

(Rockstrom et al., Nature, 2009)

IGA-104 Managing a living planet

Goals: To understand how… ◦the stage of global affairs is shaped by the

interaction of population, disease, environment◦governance institutions can be designed to guide

the resulting play toward a common goodApproach:

◦Classic policy analysis, but supplemented with perspectives of complex adaptive systems

◦Team based investigations of particular issues, with results conveyed through a mix of oral presentations, class debates, policy memos.

◦Final “white paper” advising DM of your choice on priorities for managing living planet issues.

IGA-320 Technology & SustainabilityCalestous Juma

API-164 Energy Policy AnalysisWilliam Hogan

API-164: Energy Policy Analysis


William Hogan, HKS


California Solar Energy

Arthur van Benthem, Kenneth Gillingham and James Sweeney, “Learning-by-Doing and the Optimal Solar Policy in California,” The Energy Journal, Vol. 29, No. 3., 2008, pp. 131-152.


California Solar EnergyRenewable Energy, No Direct Carbon

Emissions.Distributed Solar Photovoltaic.Solar Energy 0.3% of California Electricity

Supply.Net Installation Price of $7280/kW.Low Capacity Factors Imply High Cost per



Schwarzenegger PlanJanuary 2004. “Million Solar Roofs

Initiative.”Target Date of 2015.California Public Utilities Commission

(CPUC) Rulemaking, January 12, 2006.“California Solar Initiative” (CSI).Solar Installation Incentives Over 11 Years.


Externalities and Solar PolicyConsumer Choice

◦Net Present Value◦Diffusion Process

Environmental Externalities, CO2Learning By Doing

◦Cumulative Production (global)◦Cumulative Installations (local)


Modeling Consumer Choice





1 11




tt tbNPV

t t

tt t

t tt t


a qq diffa q a e

qdiff qq

q diffa aq

Demand Curve

Diffusion (indirect LBD)

Base Demand Updating

,tNPV Cost SubsidyConsumer Net Present Value



, 1 1BOSM

t M G t BOS tP Q Q Production


Learning Rates

Global Production, 1 2 10%

Local Installation, 1 2 10%





Learning Rate (LR) is the percentage decrease in cost from a doubling of experience.


Economic Efficiency



, ,


Tt t t t t t t t t t

t tI t

Xq I q I NPV I Q e q I IMax PVSB I


Choose the trajectory of incentives to maximize the present value of the CSI.

XCarbon ExternalityElectricity Price Growth RateConsumer Incentives



Retrofit Costs and Benefits

Source: Benthem, Gillingham and Sweeney, “Learning-by-Doing and the Optimal Solar Policy in California,” The Energy Journal, Vol. 29, No. 3., 2008, pp. 131-152.


Comparing Policy Profiles

Source: Benthem, Gillingham and Sweeney, “Learning-by-Doing and the Optimal Solar Policy in California,” The Energy Journal, Vol. 29, No. 3., 2008, pp. 131-152.

HLE-202 Population Changes & ConsequencesKenneth Hill

US Age-Sex Distribution 1950-2050

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census Millions in each age-sex group

IGA-325 Bioethics, Law & the Life SciencesSheila JasanoffAPI-135 Environmental & Resource Economics and PolicyRob StavinsBGP-204M Food Policy & AgricultureRay Goldberg

Please refer to HKS course webpage for the description of these courses:

5. SecurityIGA-303 White “Defense Resource Allocation…” IGA-306 Hehir “The Politics & Ethics of the Use of Force” IGA-307 Toft “Religion in Global Politics” IGA-321 Bunn/Tobey “Controlling Weapons Proliferation” IGA-208B Burns “Modern Diplomacy: Peace & War…”

IGA-303 Defense Resource Allocation & Force PlanningJohn White

IGA-306 The Politics & Ethics of the Use of ForceBryan Hehir

IGA-307 Religion in Global PoliticsMonica Toft

IGA-321 Controlling Weapons ProliferationMatthew Bunn & William Tobey

IGA-208B Modern Diplomacy: Peace & War in the 21st CenturyNicholas Burns

Please refer to HKS course webpage.

In response to high demand, Prof. Burns has graciously agreed to offer this spring version of the same course taught in the fall term.

6. Trade & FinanceITF-220 Frankel “The Economics of Int’l Financial Policy”

Please refer to HKS course webpage.

7. ArenasIGA-327 Jachtenfuchs “The European Union…” IGA-207 Masoud “Middle Eastern Politics & Policy” IGA-333 Cesari “Jihad in World Politics” PED-312 The Political Economy of Transition in China IGA-201 Allison “Central Challenges of American For. Pol.”

IGA-327 The European Union: Institutions, Decision-Making, Politics Markus Jachtenfuchs

Please also refer to HKS course webpage.

IGA-207 Middle Eastern Politics & PolicyTarek Masoud

IGA-201 Central Challenges of American Foreign Policy Graham Allison

IGA-333 Jihad in World Politics Jocelyne CesariPED-312 The Political Economy of Transition in China Tony Saich

Please refer to HKS course webpage for the description of these courses:

8. MethodsIGA-102 Temkin “World & U.S. Since 1917” DPI-703 Keyssar [Temkin] “Understanding Democracy…” API-309 Hidalgo “Networks, Complexity, & their App’s” MLD-202 Williams “Exercising Leadership…”

IGA-102* World & U.S. Since 1917: Policy, Politics, & Uses of History Moshik Temkin

DPI-703 Understanding Democracy through History Alex Keyssar (presented by Moshik Temkin)

Please also refer to HKS course webpage.

API-309 Networks, Complexity, and their ApplicationsCesar Hidalgo

MLD-202 Exercising Leadership: A Cross-Cultural & Int’l Perspective Dean Williams

Please refer to HKS course webpage.

9. Questions & Answers

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