spring 2016 become a keeper of the gate · 2017-10-17 · in this issue jewish film series spring...

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In This Issue

Jewish Film Series

Spring Events

(including Book


Special Days and



Member Updates

Become a Keeper of the Gate

Keeper of the Gate is a recurring gift program for donors who can give

$,1000.00 or more annually for as many years as they choose. Donors of

this program save lives every day, ensure Jewish continuity and provide

for tomorrow’s medical miracles that someday could save someone we


Please help us celebrate life and recognize the positive impact an annual

gift means to the work of Hadassah. Keepers of the Gate have breathed

life into many projects and programs of Hadassah. As with any organiza-

tion we cannot rest on past laurels. To ensure that Hadassah’s lifesaving

and life-enhancing work endures and grows we ask that you “rededicate”

yourself as we move forward...become a Keeper of the Gate.

On June 5, 2016 the Wilmington Chapter of Hadassah will host a greet

and meet for all members interested in learning more about the Keeper of

the Gate program or who are interested in becoming a Keeper of the

Gate. Please mark your calendar and plan on coming to hear more about

the importance of giving annually to sustain all Hadassah’s lifesaving and

life-enhancing work. We are hoping to hear from many of our life

members...reaffirm your belief in and commitment to Hadassah. Dona-

tions can be designated for specific programs like HMO Research (leading

the world in stem cells and neurodegenerative diseases such as MS, ALS,

Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and macular degeneration). Payments can be

made in a variety of ways, even in installments.

For more information and/or any questions regarding this annual

giving program please contact Rhoda Dombchik at rhodadomb-

chik@yahoo.com, (302) 475-7150 or Maureen LaPorte at

laporte.maureen@yahoo.com, (302) 656-0327.

Wilmington Hadassah Spring 2016

A Jewish Film Series

featuring Jewish-themed

films from around the world

March 6th, 13th and 20th,

3:00 PM at Theatre N at


Presented by the Adas

Kodesch Shel Emeth

Education Committee &

Wilmington Hadassah

See page 3 for more details

We are looking for women age 45 and under to get together to brainstorm activities and

events that would interest be of interest to them. We are considering holding a kick-off

event for National Hadassah's Every Step Counts on Sunday April 10th from 9-10:30

AM. The chapter is in need of a chairperson and people who are interested in making

this a fun event that would attract a large number of people.

Please contact Rhoda Dombchik at rhodadombchik@yahoo.com, (302) 475-7150 or Suzy

Grumbacher at suzychoc@aol.com, (302) 764-8050 .


Save The Date For These 2016 Events March 2016 -

Jewish Film Series.

See page 3 for film


March 6th -


March 13th -

Nora’s Will

March 20th -

A Matter of Size

March 12th -

Hadassah Shabbat.

See page 3 for details.

April 3rd -

Brunch at the Levy’s.

See page 3 for more


April 28th -

Newark Book Group:

The Hired Girl by Lau-

ren Amy Schlitz

June 5th -

Keepers of the Gate re-


July 2016 -

Summer Picnic

September 12 -

General Meeting and Ice

Cream Social

September 15 -

Candidates Forum

October 2016 -

Supper in the Sukkah

Winter Tea

Almost 30 attended a lovely tea with great company and…what else but great

food prepared by Hadassah chefs? Thanks to helpers Aniko Czobor, Livia Gellert,

Olga Kottler, Esther Schmerling and especially Rosalie Dior who made last-minute

arrangements to change locations to TBE’s Tempko Building. Thanks to cooks

Aniko, Olga, Esther, Laurie Baker, Adeline Holob, Marcia Adato and Norma Press-

man, no one went hungry!

Thanks to Lisa Elliot for arranging for our speaker, Dr. Jeff Roth. Jeff is currently a

Wilmington University adjunct professor and has written a middle school crisis

manual and helped initiate and lead the Brandywine School District’s Crisis Re-

sponse Team. From years of experience, he summarized coping skills that help in

coping with trauma. The wonderful news is: most people are resilient in the face of

trauma. Also rituals, like our Jewish shiva and other mourning rituals, and social

and community support, are tremendously helpful.

Dr. Roth shared other insights into promoting resilience. For example, preparing

people on what to expect, giving self-expression outlets (i.e., journaling). Children

should be reassured that they will be safe and secure. All people can benefit from

others being present, listening, offering practical assistance.

The program ended and lo and behold, we walked out to a beautiful

double-rainbow, giving us all hope for resilience in the face of many personal and

world traumas.


Upcoming Chapter Events

Jewish Film Series Presented by the Adas Kodesch Shel Emeth Education Committee and

Wilmington Hadassah

March 6th at 3:00 PM

Regina (United Kingdom, Hungary)

Diana Groós’s poetic documentary tells the story of Regina Jonas (1902-1944), a strong woman who made history by becom-

ing the first properly ordained woman rabbi in the world.

March 12th at 3:00 PM

Nora’s Will (Mexico)

A comedy like nothing you’ve seen before, writer/director Mariana Chenillo presents a unique tale of lost faith and eternal

love. When his ex-wife Nora dies the night before Passover, José (Fernando Luján) is forced to stay with her body until she

can be properly buried. Nora’s Will was named Mexico’s Best Picture of the Year, taking home seven Ariel Awards.

March 20th at 3:00 PM

A Matter of Size (Israel)

A hilarious and heart-warming tale about a coming out of a different kind: four overweight guys learn to love themselves

through the Japanese sport of sumo wrestling.

All films will be screened a Theatre N in Wilmington.

A discussion will follow each screening.

Tickets: $10 for the general public; $8 for members of Hadassah or of any synagogue

Hadassah Shabbat - Saturday morning March 12, 2016

Hadassah Shabbat is an annual event that allows the women of Hadassah to partner with area synagogues to take part in Shabbat services.

We try to choose a different synagogue each year. We also try to include both Friday evening and Saturday morning services.

This year, Rabbi Micah-Becker-Klein has invited us to join the Temple Beth El community in Newark on Saturday morning. Hadassah mem-

bers will have the opportunity to offer prayers, to read torah, and to be called to the torah for an aliyah. This is our chance to celebrate

Hadassah’s presence in the community, including highlights of our work in medical care, education, and advocacy here and in Israel.

Temple Beth El is located at 301 Possum Park Rd, Newark, DE 19711. Services begin at 10:15, and are preceded by a guided meditation

session at 9:30 to get you into that Shabbat mood.

Be sure to come and take part in this festive occasion. Contact Lisa Elliott, lelliott50@comcast.net or (302) 239-4100

for more information.


Upcoming Chapter Events

Wilmington Book Groups

Discussion of Mark Russ Federman's memoir, "Russ and Daughters: Reflections and Recipes from The House that Herring

Built", followed by shmoozing and eating.

Afternoon Book Group - March 3, 2016 at 1:30 PM

Facilitator - Devara Goodman

RSVP for address and directions to Harriet Ainbinder at (302) 478-6314 or haza@verizon.net

Evening Book Group March 3, 2016 at 7:30 PM

Facilitator - Barbara Siegell

RSVP for address and directions to Sue Cherrin at (302) 475-0523 or SueCherrin@msn.com

Newark Book Groups

TBD - March 24, 2016 at 7:30 PM

RSVP for address and directions to Marian Palley at (302) 731-4173 or mpalley@udel.edu

The Hired Girl - April 28, 2016 at 7:30 PM

Presenter - Laurie Baker

RSVP for address and directions to Laurie Baker at (302) 455-1354 or lauron7@comcast.net

My Promised Land - May 26, 2016 @ 7:30 PM

Presenter - Marilyn Denn

April Brunch: Celebrate our Heroes April 3, 2016 at 11:00 AM (DATE CHANGE)

We will "Celebrate our Heroes" and honor holocaust survivors in our community. Hadassah Associate, Steve Gonzer will

discuss the film "No Denying" - discussing what went into the films and insights gained.

Location: 19 Perth Drive, Wilmington, DE 19803

RSVP: To Elaine Schmerling, elaineschmerling@gmail.com or (302) 475-3708

Fee: $12 OR a dish to share

Women’s Clothing Drive

The annual drive for women’s clothing will be held April 4-13 to benefit the Friendship House Clothing Bank of Delaware.

Contributions of suits, dresses, slacks, skirts, sweaters, blouses, accessories, and other items in good condition, that are

appropriate for women are welcome. Tax receipts will be available at the collection boxes.

The Clothing Drive is co-chaired by Esther Schmerling (302-475-0297) and Michele Sands (302-478-6391). Contact

one of these Hadassah members if you have any questions.


Special Days

We honor our members on their Special Days (birthdays and anniversaries) EVERY 5 YEARS (i.e. - 25,30,35,40...)

Call or email Ann Jaffe (302-762-5882 or shalomaj@comcast.net) and let her know who you would like to honor in March, April, and May

2016. A beautiful certificate is mailed to the honoree for just $3. Honor any number of members at $3 each and earn 100% Donor Credit!

Consider setting up an account and paying in advance; if you prepay (e.g., $30 to honor 10 members) you can call or email Ann when you

want to honor someone instead of sending a separate check each time. Write “SPECIAL DAYS” in the memo line of your check, make it out

to HADASSAH and mail it to Ann Jaffe, 6 Penny Lane Ct, Wilmington, DE 19803.



Some words from Yahrzeit Chair, Tina Heiman

Hadassah’s Yahrzeit in Israel program ensures that Kaddish will be said for your loved ones in perpetuity. To know that the prayer of

remembrance will be said each year in the Abbell Chapel at Hadassah Hospital, surrounded by the magnificent Chagall windows, is a true


Arranging for a Yahrzeit in Israel is not only easy you will know that your contribution is going to Hadassah Hospital – still the bridge to peace

in a region of turmoil. It is a great way, as well, to become a part of Hadassah’s cumulative giving program. Making the $1,000 contribution

for a yahrzeit sets you on the path so that all subsequent contributions, no matter how large or how small, will be added to your cumulative


For many years we have listed yahrzeits in our chapter bulletin and will attempt to continue this. Due to much effort from Blanche Reine, who

coordinated our yahrzeit calendar with National’s tech department, we have a path to create the list for the coming years. However, there can

be errors. Please know that National lists the names of those to be remembered under the umbrella of the donor’s contributions. If we are

going to list yahrzeits in our bulletin and online, we want to make sure that we have the correct information. If you notice an error or omission

please contact me by email with the details requested - (tinaheiman@comcast.net).

You will need to provide the name of the person who paid for the perpetual yahrzeit, approximately when the donation was made, and the

date of death of the person to be remembered (before or after sundown). I will have to verify the information with National in order to add it to

our list and may need to obtain additional information from you.

If you thought that a yahrzeit had been purchased but neither you nor National has a record of it, there is no time like the present to make this

contribution. If you purchased a perpetual yahrzeit on Hadassah’s website (and it’s quite easy to do) please forward me the information as

well. Once I verify with National, your loved one’s name and yahrzeit date will be on our list. As you know the date changes each year with

the calendar, and we do our best to make it accurate.

Thanks much for taking the time to read this and for your love of Hadassah.


Member Updates

Mazel Tov

SUZY & PETER GRUMBACHER on the marriage of their daughter ELANA to Howard Marcus.

MARCY & Joel MIRMELSTEIN on the birth of granddaughter, Alexandra Jane Britz.

DORY & Joe GOLDBERG on the birth of their granddaughter, Jake Naomi.

EILEEN COHEN on the birth of her granddaughter, Juniper Lee to EMILY COHEN & Brad Weikel.

Sympathy To

BARBARA ABRAMS on the loss of her husband, Herb.

SARAH BAKER ANDRUS on the loss of her step-father, Lewis Batist.

ROSALYN CHASIN on the loss of her younger brother, Sheldon Levin.

ROBERTA CUTLER on the loss of her brother-in-law, Carl.

Ted Haynes on the loss of his wife, PAULA HAYNES, mother of KATE HAYNES & JENNIFER HAYNES and daughter of


KEN KAMM on the loss of his sister, Roxane Kamm Riva.

ARLENE ECKELL on the loss of her mother, GOLDIE GIBBS

Meshbesher family on the loss of LYNNE MESHBESHER.

SHELLEY STEIN on the loss of her father, Sidney Gold.

BARBARA YALISOVE on the loss of her long-time companion LEONARD COOK.


By Peter Grumbacher

We are told that the slaves who left Egypt never changed their names during their four hundred-plus years in captivity. That is to say that

Shmuel didn't become Sean and Miriam didn't become Melody. They distinguished themselves by their pride in their heritage. Under other

circumstances, they could have been absorbed into Egyptian society by adopting Egyptian names. This has been a phenomenon in every

host country where Jews have lived.

It was different though in Persia. We are told that the woman we know as Esther was given the birth name of Hadassah. Mordecai and

Esther sound a lot like the Persian deities Marduk and Ishtar. Case closed!

There is no question that Esther was a hero. The Purim story informs us that she braved the possibility of death by walking into the court of

her husband, the king, Ahaseurus, without having been summoned. Yes, it took her a while and she had to be prompted by her uncle Morde-

cai, but she told Ahaseurus that she was a Jew and that her people - our people - were in peril at the hands of Haman. Whether or not this

tale is an historic event is totally irrelevant. As I've written so many times, never let the facts interfere with the truth. The truth is the lesson

that we must have pride in our People, not hide our accomplishments, but through deed tell the world what we're all about.

Those of us who support Hadassah, not the woman but the organization, inform the world that we are proud of who we are, proud of our

past, proud of our HMO, and dedicated to its mission and the promise of the land in which she is found. That's what we're all about! Whether

or not we like the policies of her Prime Minister and government, we know that Hadassah rises above all that to be there for all people,


Member Updates

A Banner Year for Membership!

Welcome to all of our New Members

2015 was a wonderful year for membership. We met our membership goal and now have 1118 members in our local chapter, including 36

new annual members just since June!!! Thank you to all those who gave a gift of free annual membership to their friends and/or family. We

are also pleased to have new Life Members and new child members. Hadassah stays strong with continuing growth in membership.

Our chapter is so fortunate that we now have many young women as members. n the near future we will be having events that will be de-

signed for these women, a great sub- group of our large and varied chapter. We want them to be introduced to each other and to the many

ideals of Hadassah.

A big welcome to the following new members:

Annual Members:

Stephanie Rosenberg, Gifted by Jenn Steinberg Pam Levin, Gifted by Elaine Schmerling

Desiree Annis, Gifted by Esther Timmeney Dana Galcyzk, Gifted by Sylvia Wagman

Leah Rosenberg, Gifted by Judi Rosenberg Jen Fisher, Gifted by Jenn Steinberg

Lucie Shader, Gifted by Rhoda Dombchik Wendy Harvis, Gifted by Sylvia Wagman

Helena Wallach, Gifted by Orly Wallach Julie Levenson, Gifted by Jenn Steinberg

Melissa Rosenthal, Gifted by Jenn Steinberg Jill Tobias, Gifted by Sylvia Wagman

Samantha Lukoff, Gifted by Jenn Steinberg Deborah Dintenfass, Gifted by Rhoda Dombchik

Caryn Tazartus Ellen Weingart , Gifted by Claire Kantar

Transfer-In Life Member:

Ali Mendelson

Life Membership is still only $212. Pay using a 6-month credit card payment plan (6 payments of $35.33) or in one check. Annual Member-

ship is $36. Include your name and the name(s) of the person(s) you are gifting, their birthdates and anniversaries, if applicable (month/date/

year) as well as email and mailing address. Information and payment by credit card or check, made payable to Hadassah, should be sent

to: Ella Zukoff, 2523 Bona Road, Wilmington, DE 19810. Call Ella at (302) 478-4734 if you prefer to provide credit card information by


For any membership questions, please call or email either Judi Rosenberg (judimax1@aol.com; (302) 478-8336) or Sylvia Wagman

(srwag8@comcast.net; (302) 475-8351).




President: OPEN

Fundraising VP: OPEN

Membership VP: Judi Rosenberg (302) 478-8336; Sylvia Wagman (302) 475-8351

Program VP: Elaine Schmerling (302) 475-3708

Grassroots VP: Eva Weissman (302) 478-4514; Maureen LaPorte (302) 656-0327

Education VP: Lisa Elliot (302) 239-4100

Recording Sec’y: Esther Timmeney (302) 478-0363

Corres. Sec’y: Sandy Rotholz (302) 478-1671

Treasurer: Arlene Eckell (302) 368-3530

Records Admin.: Irene Plotzker (302) 475-9329

Community Outreach: OPEN

Editor/Social Media: Jennifer Steinberg (302) 562-1930, wilmingtonbulletin@gmail.com


To all the wonderful Hadassah sisters who responded so generously

with meals, visits and good wishes during my recuperation from a

broken hip.

My heartfelt gratitude to all of you.


Contact Us

Hadassah National

General Information



In accordance with U. S. tax requirements regarding deductibility of contributions, Hadassah shall have full dominion, control and discre-tion over all gifts to Hadassah.

SUMMER Bulletin deadline is noon, MAY 15.

Submissions, including photos should be sent to the EDITOR, Jennifer Steinberg at wilmingtonbulletin@gmail.com.

Charitable Solicitations and Membership Disclosure Statement—In keeping with IRS regulations, membership dues/enrollment fees are not considered to be tax-deductible contributions. You may obtain a copy of Hadassah’s Financial Report by writing to the Hadassah Finance Dept., 50 West 58th Street, New York, NY 10019. © Hadassah, Women’s Zionist Organization of America.

Wilmington Chapter of Hadassah


Visit us on the web at


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