spring 1 medium term plan

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Trips, visitors, events and displays National Maritime Museum

Personal, social and emotional development (including pshme, emotional lit, citizenship) Twice weekly circle times to address social skills/ playtime games and listening activities. Playing team games: winning/losing

Physical Development PE Swimming at Ladywell weekly sessions Tuesday

Mathematical development

Block A2 counting on and back Comparing and ordering numbers, understanding

Class assembly- Vikings date tbc Lewisham Dance Showcase Creative Development (Art, Dance, Music) Art (topic link) 3D clay work Creating a Viking village Developing skills- Creating and decorating Viking shields Music ukulele /singing Music Express Unit 3 Painting with Sound (link to story settings and poetry unit Describing images) DT- making a pop-up/moving book based on the Beowulf story

Games Dance- Olympic themed for Lewisham Dance showcase March

negative numbers Block B2 doubles and halves, multiplication by partitioning, developing mental strategies

Key Questions & Ideas / Creative Entry Point Beowulf text Michael Morpurgo How to train your dragon film extracts Who were the Vikings? Why did they come to Britain? What were the benefits for them? How did it change life in Britain? How can I describe settings through sound, poetry and digital images?

2d shapes and lines of symmetry 3d shapes/nets polyhedron tetrahedron Block C2 scales, capacity and measures Reading timetables, time intervals, 24 hour clock

Communication, language and literacy (including talking/ speaking & listening, writing, reading, spelling, handwriting, drama and links to other areas)

Knowledge and understanding of the world (including RE, geography, history, DT) RE Sikhism- the roots of Sikhism, the main beliefs and people.Celebrations and rituals. Places of worship

Invasion and Settlement VikingsICT- Data handling and Creating pictures Datahandling unit using a database to find information, create graphs and present it in a Word document. Using the information to ask and answer questions. Creating pictures - Using an online version of photoshop to create layered pictures to describe a story setting. Using pictures of Viking settlements and photos from role play in literacy. Datalogging (Science link) - using dataloggers to record temperature in Science . Use skills learnt in Data handling unit.

1) Stories set in historical/imaginary settings (4 weeks) Text: Beowulf 2) Poetry Using Kennings to describe an image. (1 week)

Geography/History (topic link) invasion and settlementVikings Where did the Vikings come from? How did they travel? What was Scandinavia like- why did they need to travel? How did they change life in Britain? (atlas and map skills, understanding weather, northern European countries and landscape) Science Keeping Warm (Maths/ICT link- data handling) learn about thermal insulators as materials which can help to keep things warm or cool. turning ideas into a form that can be investigated using thermometers/dataloggers to make careful measurements of temperature -identifying and suggesting explanations for can be investigated patterns and trends in results and using results to draw conclusions.

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