spp 2016 tpl-001-4 short circuit 2016 tpl-001-4...spp 2016 tpl-001-4 short circuit planning...

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SPP 2016 TPL-001-4

Short Circuit P l a n n i n g A s s e s s m e n t S c o p e


TWG Approved on 2/23/2016

SPP 2016 TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Planning Assessment Scope 1

Revision History

Date or Version


Author Change Description

2/16/2016 SPP Staff Initial Draft

5/26/2016 SPP Staff Updates to Title, Distribution, and Schedule

7/18/2016 SPP Staff Added definition of “annual”

SPP 2016 TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Planning Assessment Scope 2

Table of Contents

Revision History ...........................................................................................................................................1

Overview .......................................................................................................................................................3

Data inputs ....................................................................................................................................................4

Modeling data ..................................................................................................................................4

Data required by the PC ...................................................................................................................5

Initial Data request ................................................................................................................................... 5

Subsequent Data request .......................................................................................................................... 5

Short Circuit Simulation .............................................................................................................................6


Software parameters.........................................................................................................................6

Deliverables ..................................................................................................................................................7

Assessment Distribution ..............................................................................................................................8

Schedule ........................................................................................................................................................10

Changes in Process and Assumptions ........................................................................................................11

SPP 2016 TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Planning Assessment Scope 3


This document presents the scope and schedule of work for the NERC TPL-001-4 Short Circuit

Assessment. This document will be reviewed by the Transmission Working Group (TWG), and the

applicable functional entities as described in NERC TPL-001-4, A.4.1. SPP, as the Planning

Coordinator (PC1), will coordinate with the Transmission Planners (TP) to exchange data.

The assessment will be completed on an annual basis which will not exceed 15 months from the

completion of the previous assessment.

1 In this document, SPP does not represent a TP.

SPP 2016 TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Planning Assessment Scope 4

Data inputs

Modeling data

Modeling data required in the TPL Steady State study is incorporated through the annual SPP

MDWG model building process. The SPP MDWG model building process is performed in

accordance with the applicable NERC Modeling, Data, and Analysis (MOD) Standards. In order to

meet the R1 requirements, the models must represent the following:

Existing Facilities

Known outage(s) of generation or Transmission Facility(ies) with a duration of at least

six months

New planned Facilities and changes to existing Facilities

Real and reactive Load forecasts

Known commitments for Firm Transmission Service and Interchange

Resources (supply or demand side) required for Load

However, these requirements are not applicable in determining the interrupting capability of circuit

breakers required for Faults for all system conditions. The System short circuit model with all

planned generation and Transmission Facilities in service is represented with the following

additional requirements:

Place all available facilities in-service:

o Generation

o Transmission lines (Out for maintenance)

o Transformers

o Buses

Flat – classical fault analysis conditions

The model set in the table below establishes category P0 as the normal System condition in TPL-

001-4 Table 1, and defines the models that will be used for the 2016 TPL short circuit analyses.

These models were chosen to comply with requirement R2.3

Requirement Description Study case

R2.3 Year 1 Maximum Fault Short Circuit MDWG 2017S

SPP 2016 TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Planning Assessment Scope 5

Data required by the PC

Initial Data request

There is not an initial data request for ASCC results, because the PC will run a short circuit analysis

on all buses in the short circuit model within the PC footprint.

For TPs that require ANSI Fault Current calculation, each TP will provide to the PC the following

ANSI Fault Current Calculation parameters to be used for each bus within the TP area:


o For branches in positive sequence

o For machines in positive sequence

o For branches in zero sequence

o For machines in zero sequence

Fault multiplying factors

o DC decrement only or AC and DC decrement

Max operating voltage, in PU

Contact parting times, in seconds

Subsequent Data request

Corrective Action Plans for instances where the short circuit current interrupting duty exceeds the

equipment rating.2 Use of Activity ANSI requires a second step involving line-out cases if the full

bus-fault current exceeds the interrupting capability of the breaker under review. The TP will

provide a listing of each bus number for which a line-out analysis is required for Activity ANSI to be

performed by the PC.

2 R2.8

SPP 2016 TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Planning Assessment Scope 6

Short Circuit Simulation


The PC will send out the total Bus fault current study results for SLG and 3 phase faults to the TPs.

Full bus-fault current and line-out results using ASCC

Full bus-fault current using ANSI

o Line-out results for buses provided in subsequent request

The TPs can perform their own short circuit analysis in lieu of the PC provided results. The TP will

evaluate the results and respond to the PC with necessary Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) based

upon TP analysis/feedback and subsequent data request for the required ANSI line-out results. The

PC will verify the validity of the TP submitted CAPs.

Software parameters

PSS/E settings:

Run activity FLAT

o Set classical Short Circuit Assumptions (activity FLAT,CL)

Set Tap Ratios to unity (1.0)

Set Charging to zero (0.0)

Set Shunts to zero (0.0) in all sequences3

Use Automatic Sequence Fault Calculation (ASCC) function

o Three phase fault

o Line to Ground (LG) fault

o Line Out (LOUT) fault

o Impose flat conditions

o I”k contributions to “N” levels away


Use ANSI Fault Current Calculation (with defaults below unless alternate provided by TP)

o Divisors

For branches in positive sequence = 40.0

For machines in positive sequence = 80.0

For branches in zero sequence = 40.0

For machines in zero sequence = 80.0

o Fault multiplying factors = DC decrement only

o Output Format = Summary output using ANSI R and X

o Max operating voltage, in PU = 1.05

o Contact parting times, in seconds = 0.033

Short Circuit Output = Physical

Short Circuit Coordinates = Polar

Short Circuit Parameters = 3 Phase

3 Set line shunts to 0.0 in the positive (and hence negative) sequence, and fixed and switched shunts to 0.0 in all three

sequence networks.

SPP 2016 TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Planning Assessment Scope 7


Initial submittal of total Bus Fault Currents from PC to TPs in an Excel format

o Full bus-fault current and line-out results using ASCC

o Full bus-fault current using ANSI

Subsequent submittal of line-out Bus Fault Currents using ANSI from PC to TPs in an Excel


Draft TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Assessment

Final Comprehensive TPL-001-4 Assessment

SPP 2016 TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Planning Assessment Scope 8

Assessment Distribution

Each Planning Coordinator and Transmission Planner shall distribute its Planning Assessment

results to adjacent Planning Coordinators and adjacent Transmission Planners within 90 calendar

days of completing its Planning Assessment, and to any functional entity that has a reliability related

need and submits a written request for the information within 30 days of such a request. 4

If a recipient of the Planning Assessment results provides documented comments on the results, the

respective Planning Coordinator or Transmission Planner shall provide a documented response to

that recipient within 90 calendar days of receipt of those comments.5

SPP Adjacent Transmission Planner

PSS/E Area Number

Contact Name Contact email

Cleco Corporation 502 Chris Thibodeaux christopher.thibodeaux@cleco.com

Entergy 351, 327 Jared Shaw jshaw@entergy.com

Ameren Services Company 356 Curtis Stepanek CStepanek@ameren.com

Saskatchewan Power


672 Wayne Guttormson wguttormson@saskpower.com

Otter Tail Power Company 620 Jason Weiers JWeiers@otpco.com

Minnkota Power


TBD Tim Bartel tbartel@minnkota.com

MidAmerican Energy


635 Daniel Rathe DARathe@midamerican.com

Great River Energy 615 David Kempf dkempf@GREnergy.com

City of Ames Electric



Central Iowa Power


TBD William Sondermann William.Sondermann@cipco.net

Xcel Energy 600 Jason Espeseth Jason.R.Espeseth@xcelenergy.com

Alliant Energy West 627 TBD

Dairyland Power


680 Steven Porter scp@dairynet.com

Montana-Dakota Utilities 661 Shawn Heilman shawn.heilman@mdu.com

4 R8 5 R8.1

SPP 2016 TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Planning Assessment Scope 9

SPP Adjacent Planning Coordinator

Contact Name Contact email

Associated Electric

Cooperatives, Inc. (AECI)

Tony Gott tgott@aeci.org

Midcontinent Independent

System Operator (MISO)

Edin Habibovic

Lynn Hecker



SPP 2016 TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Planning Assessment Scope 10


Owner Study Scheduled Activities Dates

PC SC Short Circuit Scope Development Fri , January 1

MDWG SC 2016 MDWG Short circuit model set approval Mon , March 2

TWG SC TWG Scope Approval Tue , February 23

TP SC Deadline for providing ANSI Fault Current Calculation


Thu , March 31

PC SC Perform SC simulation Fri , April 1

PC SC Send Short Circuit results to TPs and request CAPs Fri , July 1

TP SC Deadline for providing listing of buses for line-out results

using activity ANSI

Mon , August 1

TP SC Deadline for providing CAPs Wed , August 31

PC SC Send Short Circuit simulation results for line-out results using

activity ANSI to TPs and request additional CAPs

Wed , August 31

TP SC Deadline for providing additional CAPs for Short Circuit

simulation results for line-out results using activity ANSI

Fri , September 16

PC SC Complete verification of TP submitted Short Circuit CAPs Fri , October 14

PC SC Begin Drafting Short Circuit TPL Assessment Mon , October 17

PC SC Post Draft TPL Comprehensive Assessment to TWG Thu , November 10

TWG SC TWG approval of 2016 Comprehensive TPL Assessment Thu , December 29

SPP 2016 TPL-001-4 Short Circuit Planning Assessment Scope 11

Changes in Process and Assumptions

In order to protect against changes in process and assumptions that could present a significant risk to

the completion of the TPL study, any such changes must be vetted. If TWG votes on any process

steps or assumptions to be used in the study, those assumptions will be used for the 2016 TPL study.

Changes to process or assumptions recommended by stakeholders must be approved by the TWG.

This process will allow for changes if they are deemed necessary and critical to the TPL study, while

also ensuring that changes, and the risks and benefits of those changes, will be fully vetted and


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