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Post on 03-Nov-2014






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Sports Injuries

•Common Sports Injuries

•Treatment and Preventions

What are the top seven common sports injuries?

Top Seven Sport Injuries

1. Ankle sprain 2. Groin pull 3. Hamstring strain 4. Shin splints 5. Knee injury: ACL tear 6.  Knee injury: Patellofemoral

syndrome 7. Tennis elbow (epicondylitis)

Ankle Sprain

• Most athletes have experienced a sprained ankle, which typically occurs when the foot turns inward.

Groin pull

• Pushing off in a side-to-side motion causes strain of the inner thigh muscles, or groin.

Hamstring strain

• pulled hamstring, also called a hamstring strain, is a tear of the hamstring muscle fibers

Hamstring Strain• High risk sports for hamstring

strains are: soccer, football, baseball, basketball, and many track and field events. Runners are especially susceptible to chronic hamstring strains due to the repetitive nature of the sport.

Shin Splints• the pain caused by

inflammation of the thin layer of tissue that covers the bone (a condition called medial tibial stress syndrome) and by tiny fractures on the surface of the bone.

Shin Splints

Knee injury: ACL tear

• Complete tears of the ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT (ACL) - the key ligament which bonds together the upper and lower parts of the leg at the knee

ACL Tear

Patellofemoral Syndrome

• the repetitive movement of your kneecap (patella) against your thigh bone (femur).

Patellofemoral Syndrome

Tennis elbow (Epicondylitis)

• is an injury to the muscles and tendons on the outside (lateral aspect) of the elbow that results from overuse or repetitive stress

• repetitive use of the elbow muscle

Tennis elbow (epicondylitis)

The PRICE principle for treating common sports


• P• R• I• C• E

First aid treatment for injury.

PROTECT the Injury



Apply ICE


ELEVATE the injured area

• Protect injury

• Restricted movement

• Ice

• Compression

• Elevate injured part

When to get medical attention for common sports injuries?

• Deformities in the joint or bone — it looks “crooked,” or moves abnormally

• You cannot bear weight or can't use the limb without it “giving way”

• Excessive swelling

• Changes in skin color beyond mild bruising

• It's not getting any better after a few days of PRICE therapy

The end

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