splitting and line item po number tracking in sap sd

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Splitting the invoice based on the line item PO number in SAP SD


1. For splitting the invoice based on the line item PO number.

Copy control from Delivery to billing.

LF to F8

Here the assignment field is captured as A-purchase order number.

Pro-forma invoice f8

2. Split analysis with example Creation of sales order with same material.

Different PO number entered manually for each line item. Used 4 line item two with same Po number in the line item.

Only one delivery created without PGI.

Pro forma invoice created with the delivery without PGI.

Invoice 90011973 with different PO number in the order data which is having two similar Po number in the sales order.

Invoice 90011974 with different PO number in the order data for another two line item.

3. Finding the line item PO number according to each invoice.

Take the invoice number (VBELN) pass the same to the VBFA in the VBELN filed. Now filter the entry according to (VBTYP_V) Document category of preceding SD

document as C-orders. As the splitting is based on the VBKD-BSTKD, only that line items will come where line

item PO number is same. Then as per the filtration consider those sales order number (VBELV) and line item

number (POSNV) Then pass them to VBELV in the VBELN filed and pass POSNV in the POSNR filed of

VBKD. Then fetch the BSTKD.


There is field segment in the line item order data as Ship-to-party. Where there also a filed called as PO number which is VBKD-BSTKD_E. If the line item Po number is maintained in this filed the orders can easily be tracked with different PO number. The PO number in the header flows automatically to the sold-to-party PO number. So the user must be reentering the different PO number in this field. If the user will use this field as default then tracking will be easy.

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