splendors of the universe dr. harold alden williams montgomery college planetarium at the takoma...

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Splendors of the Universe

Dr. Harold Alden WilliamsMontgomery College

Planetarium at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus

Maryland, United States of America, Planet Earth, Star Sol, in the Milky Way Galaxy an outlying member of the Virgo Supercluster!

Orion Nebulae

Great Orion Nebulae or M42 or


Dust, Blue reflection nebulae,

H and He, Red emission nebulae

Horse head nebulae, or Bernard 33, a dark nebulae,

within emission nebulae IC434, bright Orion belt star Alnitak

Close up of Horses Head Nebulae

Pleiades or the Seven Sisters, M45, Japanese name Subaru

Rosetta Nebula in Monoceros, also called Caldwell 49, a large

circular H II region circling some Wolf-Rayet stars

Wolf-Rayet stars in the center of the Rosette


Abstract Art of the Creator CCreator

Cone Nebula

Milky Way in Sagittarius

M17 and Milky Way Galaxy

Drawing by Trouvelot while at USNO of M17

Star Cloud in Sagittarius

Baade’s Window in Sagittarius

Nebulae in Sagittarius

Dust Cloud NGC6520

Nebulocity in Sagittarius

Reflection & Trifid


Stars in Center of Trifid

Dust Lane M16, Eagle dark Nebulae

Bok Globules in IC2944

Carina Nebula

Eta Carina

Loops NGC3576


Eta Carina & Trumpler

Antares & ρ Ophiuchi

Helix Nebula

NGC 6302

NGC 6164 & 6165 Bi-polar emission nebula

Large Magellanic Cloud

Tarantula Nebula

Vela Supernova

Vela Supernova Remanent

M 5 Globular Star Cluster

Cometary Globule CG4

Centaurus A

Dust in Centaurus A


Leo Dwarf Spheroidal galaxy

M 83

NGC 2997

NGC 253

NGC 1365 bared spiral

NGC 300

Messier 100 or NGC 4321

M100 with dwarf galaxy companions

M 65 & NGC 3623

M 66 or NGC 3627

NGC 3628 edge on Spiral

NGC 1313 Star Burst galaxy

NGC 1586 Seyfert galaxy

NGC 4038 & 4039 Antennae


Virgo Cluster

Messier 87 Giant Elliptical galaxy

M87 Jet

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