spelling compounds

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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outline noun 1.the line by which a figure or object

is defined or bounded; contour. 2.a drawing or sketch restricted to line

without shading or modeling of form. 3.a general sketch, account, or report,

indicating only the main features, as of a book, subject, or project: an outline of medieval history; an outline of a speech.

4.outlines, the essential features or main aspects of something under discussion: At the first meeting, we gave her only the outlines of the project.

5.Printing. an ornamented type in which the outside contours of each character appear in black, with the inside left white.

verb (used with object) 6.to draw the outline of, or draw in outline, as a figure or object.

7.to give an outline of; sketch the main features of: On the first day, the professor just outlined the course for us.


noun 1.Baseball. a hit that enables a batter, without the aid of a fielding error, to score a run by making a nonstop circuit of the bases.

2.a complete or unqualified success: trying to hit a home run at the box office.


adjective 1.working or operating the customary number of hours in each day, week, or month: a full-time housekeeper; full-time production. Compare part-time.

adverb 2.on a full-time basis.


adjective 1.(of persons, buildings, etc.) keeping up with the times, as in outlook, information, ideas, appearance, or style.

2.in accordance with the latest or newest ideas, standards, techniques, styles, etc.; modern.

3.extending to the present time; current; including the latest information or facts: an up-to-date report.


noun 1.schoolwork assigned to be done outside the classroom (distinguished from classwork).

2.paid work done at home, as piecework.

3.thorough preparatory study of a subject: to do one's homework for the next committee meeting.

peanut butter

noun a paste made from ground roasted peanuts, used as a spread or in cookery.


adjective 1.impervious to water.

2.rendered impervious to water by some special process, as coating or treating with rubber: a waterproof hat.

noun 3.Chiefly British. a raincoat or other outer coat impervious to water.

4.any of several coated or rubberized fabrics that are impervious to water.


noun 1.pretense, especially of an innocent or playful kind; feigning; sham: the make-believe of children playing.

2.a pretender; a person who pretends.

adjective 3.pretended; feigned; imaginary; made-up; unreal: a make-believe world of fantasy.


adverb 1.down the stairs.

2.to or on a lower floor.

adjective 3.Also, down·stair. pertaining to or situated on a lower floor, especially the ground floor.


verb (used with object) 1.to mark with a line or lines underneath; underscore.

2.to indicate the importance of; emphasize, as by stressing or italicizing.

noun 3.Printing. a caption under an illustration.

4.a line drawn under something; an underscore.

themselves plural pronoun 1.an emphatic form of them

or they: The authors themselves left the theater. The contract was written by the partners themselves.

2.a reflexive form of they (used as the direct or indirect object of a verb or the object of a preposition): They washed themselves quickly. The painters gave themselves a week to finish the work. The noisy passengers drew attention to themselves.

3.(used after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of the definite masculine himself or the definite feminine herself): No one who ignores the law can call themselves a good citizen.

4.(used in place of they or them after as, than, or but): no soldiers braver than themselves; As for the entertainers, everyone got paid but themselves.

5.their usual, normal, characteristic selves: After a hot meal and a few hours' rest, they were themselves again.


noun 1.Also called carousel, carrousel. (in amusement parks, carnivals, etc.) a revolving, circular platform with wooden horses or other animals, benches, etc., on which people may sit or ride, usually to the accompaniment of mechanical or recorded music.

2.a rapid whirl or a busy round, as of social life or business affairs.

Part of speech

noun Grammar. any of the classes into which words in some languages, as Latin and English, have traditionally been divided on the basis of their meaning, form, or syntactic function, as, in English, noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.


noun 1.a cardinal number, 40 plus 4.

2.a symbol for this number, as 44 or XLIV.

3.a set of this many persons or things.


noun a loose, long-sleeved, collarless pullover of soft, absorbent fabric, as cotton jersey, with close-fitting or elastic cuffs and sometimes a drawstring at the waist, commonly worn during athletic activity for warmth or to induce sweating.


interjection 1.farewell (a conventional expression used at parting).

noun 2.a farewell.


noun 1.Sports. a.two games, as of baseball, between the same teams on the same day in immediate succession.

b.two games, as of basketball, between two different pairs of teams on the same day in immediate succession.

2.two performances or two events occurring one after the other or within a short time of each other.

3.a railroad train pulled by two locomotives.


pronoun 1.a reflexive form of it: The battery recharges itself.

2.an emphatic appositive of it, which, that, this, or a noun: which itself is also true; Even without flowers, the bowl itself is beautiful.

3.(used as the object of a preposition or as the direct or indirect object of a verb): The chameleon's ability to change color is a protection for itself.

4.its normal or customary self: After much tender care, the puppy was soon itself again.


noun 1.a cardinal number, 20 plus 7.

2.a symbol for this number, as 27 or XXVII.

3.a set of this many persons or things.

adjective 4.amounting to 27 in number.


noun 1.(in the U.S. Postal Service) nonpreferential mail consisting of packages and parcels, weighing one pound or more sent at fourth-class rates. Compare fourth class.

2.the branch of a postal service that processes and delivers parcels.

3.the service this branch renders.

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