specificity receptor d-lysergamide: model … · specificity ofthe antibody receptor site to...

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Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 68, No. 7, pp. 1483-1487, July 1971

Specificity of the Antibody Receptor Site to D-Lysergamide:Model of a Physiological Receptor for Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

(molecular structure/hallucinogenic/rabbit/guinea pig/psychotomimetic)


Graduate Department of Biochemistry, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154

Commnunicated by Francis 0. Schmitt, April 21, 1971

ABSTRACT Antibodies to D-lysergic acid have beenproduced in rabbits and guinea pigs and a radioimmuno-assay for the hapten was developed. The specificity of thisIysergamide-antilysergamide reaction was determined bycompetitive binding with unlabeled lysergic acid diethyl-amnide (LSD), psychotomimetic drugs, neurotransmitters,and other compounds with diverse structures. LSD andseveral related ergot alkaloids were potent competitors,three to seven times more potent than lysergic acid itself.The NN-dimethyl derivatives of several compounds, in-cluding tryptamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, 4-hydroxy-tryptamine, 5-methoxytryptamine, tyramine, and mesca-line, were only about ten times less effective than lysergicacid, even though these compounds lack some of the ringsystems of lysergic acid. The pattern of inhibition by re-lated compounds with various substituents suggests thatthe antibody receptor site recognizes structural featuresresembling the LSD molecule. In particular, the aromaticnucleus and the dimethylated ethylamine side chain inplhentylethylamine and tryptamine derivatives may as-sunne in solution a conformation resembling ring A andthe methylated nitrogen in ring C of LSD. Among thetryptamine derivatives, a large percentage of the mostpotent competitors are also psychotomimetic compounds.

LSD (N,N-diethyl-D-lysergamide), psilocin, and mescalineare hallucinogenic compounds and, despite considerabledifferences in their structures, show cross tolerance, suggestingthat their behavioral effects may be mediated at similar sitesin the central nervous system, perhaps at a common set ofpostsynaptic receptors (1-3). Several investigators have usedmolecular orbital calculations and/or steric models to describethe common structural features responsible for the similarpsychotomimetic activities of these compounds (4-11).When we reported the specificities of the antibodies to 2,5-

dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine, mescaline, and 3,4-dime-thioxyphenylethylamine, we suggested that antibodies toLSD might reveal similarities in conformation among struc-turally dissimilar psychotomimetic compounds (12). We de-scribed in this paper the production and serologic charac-terization of such antibodies. The antibodies to the lyserg-amide moiety bind hallucinogenic drugs and related com-pounds of the tryptamine, phenylethylamine, and phenyliso-p)ropylamine families.


Mlost of the chemicals used in this study were from com-mercial sources. 3-methoxyphenylethylamine, 3,5-dimethoxy-p)lenylethylamine, N-methyl-3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylethyl-

amine, and NN-dimethyl-3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylethylaminewere the generous gifts of Dr. W. E. Scott of Hoffmann-LaRoche. DOM (2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine) wasgiven to us by Dr. S. H. Snyder of Johns Hopkins Univer-sity. Sandoz Pharmaceuticals provided us with ergonovine,methylergonovine, ergosine, and ergotomine. LSD tartaratepowder (Sandoz Batch no. 98601) and psilocybin powder(Sandoz Batch no. 55001) were provided by the U.S. Food andDrug Administration and the National Institute of MentalHealth.

Psilocin was obtained by dephosphorylating psilocybinwith alkaline phosphatase (13). To 140 ,ug of psilocybin in0.6 ml of 0.05 M Tris buffer, pH 8.0, were added 20 Mul ofbacterial alkaline phosphatase (10 mg/ml, 38.5 units/mgfrom Worthington). After incubation at room temperaturefor 10 min, aliquots were withdrawn and assayed immediatelyin the binding assay. Further incubation with enzyme (upto 2 hr) did not alter the inhibitory effectiveness, indicatingthat the dephosphorylation was complete in 10 min.

D-Lysergic acid was coupled by its carboxyl group to thee-amino groups of poly(ilysine) (molecular weight 95,000)with the use of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodi-imide hydrochloride (14). This dehydration reaction resultedin the formation of an amide bond between the reactivegroups totlokve a poly(rlysine)-lysergamide conjugate. Ina representative synthesis, 30 mg of lysergic acid in 1.5 mlof pyridine and 30 mg of poly(--lysine) in 1.5 ml of waterwere mixed and the pH was adjusted to 7.0-7.6. 60 mg ofthe carbodiimide was added, and the reaction mixture (undernitrogen) was left at 250C overnight. It was then dialyzedexhaustively against 0.15 M NaCl-5 mM phosphate buffer,pH 7.0. The extent of substitution, estimated from spectralmeasurements, indicated that the molar ratio of coupledlysergic acid to lysine ranged from 1: 6 to 1: 10. A synthesissimilar to the above was performed with the copolymer poly-(L-Glu36, iLys24, L-Ala35, L-Tyr5) in order to obtain a con-jugate that could be labeled with 125I (15-17). A modificationof the electrolytic iodination technique outlined by Rosa et al.(18) was used. The reaction mixture, containing 25 ug ofconjugate and 3 mCi of Na'26I in 1 ml of 0.9% NaCl, wasexposed to a current of 2-5 MA for 10-15 min. Free 1251 wasremoved by dialysis. The specific activity was approximately10 MCi of 125I/,gg of conjugate.For immunization, 1 mg of the polylysine-lysergamide

conjugate was complexed to 300 jug of succinylated hemocy-anin in a volume of 1 ml. The resulting flocculent suspensionwas emulsified with an equal volume of complete Freund's


Abbreviation: LSD, NN-diethyl-D-lysergamide.

1484 Biochemistry: van Vunakis et al.









5000 -

4000 -

3000 -

2000 _




EtN.."N- (




10-5 10-4Dilution Rabbit Anti- Lysergomide


FIG. 1. Binding of "I-labeled copolymer-lysergamide byanti-polylysine-lysergamide. "25I-labeled copolymer-lysergamide(6400 cpm) was incubated for 60 min at 370C with various dilu-tions of antiserum in a volume of 1.2 ml (0.01 M Tris-HCl, pH7.5, 0.14 M NaCl, 0.1% gelatin). After addition of carrier -y-globulin (normal rabbit serum, 0.1 ml of a 1/100 dilution), 0.1ml of undiluted goat anti-rabbit y-globulin was added and thereaction mixture was incubated overnight at 2-40C. Aftercentrifugation, the immune precipitate containing 125I-labeledcopolymer-lysergamide was counted in a Packard auto-gammaspectrometer. 600 cpm were precipitated in the absence ofimmune serum.

adjuvant. 1 ml was injected into the toepads and leg musclesof each of two rabbits and five guinea pigs. 3 weeks later theanimals were bled. This schedule of immunization wasrepeated with the rabbits every 6 weeks.


All seven animals immunized with the polylysine-lysergamideconjugate (complexed to succinylated hemocyanin) producedcomplement-fixing antibodies when tested with the con-jugate. Polylysine, alone or treated with carbodiimide, wasserologically inert. The complement-fixing activity of theantisera increased with time of immunization. For example,no complement-fixing activity was found in the rabbit seraobtained prior to immunization or 1 week after the initialinjection. In the second and third weeks after immunization,the complement-fixing titers of the antisera were 150 and

NN-Dimethyl N-Methyl100 Methyl Ergonovine Homotryptomine Tryptamine80 LSD X

060 Tryptomine

20 - NN-Dimethyl GramineTryptomnine0II0.0001 0.001 Q0O 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000 10.00

nmoles Inhibitor

FIG. 2. Inhibition of binding in the l25I-labeled copolymer-lysergamide anti-polylysine-lysergamide reaction by lyserg-amide and indoleamine derivatives. Reaction conditions are thesame as those used for binding (Fig. 1), except that increments ofeach inhibitor were added at zero time and allowed to competewith the 125I-labeled copolymer-lysergamide (6400 cpm) for theantibody (present at a final dilution of 1/30,000).



b. B

5S < 2~~~~~~




6 <>2

5 3


FIG. 3. Possible structural similarities among (a) LSD;(b) tryptamine derivatives (e.g., N,N-dimethyltryptamine); (c)phenylethylamine derivatives [e.g., 4-OH-NN-dimethylphenyl-ethylamine (hordenine)] and 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylethylamine(mescaline); (d) and phenylisopropylamine derivatives (e.g.,amphetamine).

3000 for the first rabbit and 100 and 2000 for the second rabbit.2 weeks after a single booster injection, the complement-fixingtiter of each of the two antisera was 1: 5,000 and 1:12,000,respectively. The guinea pig sera also showed increasedserological activities with time of immunization. After gelfiltration in Sephadex G-200, the antibodies to the haptenwere found in the 7S y IgG fraction of the rabbit sera.The data in Fig. 1 illustrate the binding of the 125I-labeled

copolymer-lysergamide conjugate by one of the rabbit anti-sera. An increase in binding activity was observed as im-munization progressed. Although the competition data re-ported in this paper were obtained with antiserum from asingle rabbit, the antisera of the second rabbit and the guineapigs gave qualitatively similar results. For competitivebinding experiments, the antiserum was used at a final dilu-tion of 1/30,000 (the arrow in Fig. 1). The data in Fig. 2illustrate the dose-response curves of several inhibitors. Aslittle as 1 pmol of LSD can be detected by these assays.

D-Lysergic acid, LSD, and the ergot alkaloids are potentinhibitors of the antigen-antibody reaction (Table 1A).The lysergamide moiety, with its four rings and N6-methylgroup, is common to all these compounds (Fig. 3a) sug-gesting that the antibody recognizes these structures. LSDand the ergot alkaloids are somewhat more potent inhibitorsthan lysergic acid, probably because they, like the conjugateused for immunization, contain an amide bond. Large varia-tions in the size of amide-group substituents do not markedlychange their inhibitory capacity. Ergotamine contains anamide substituent that has a molecular weight five times thatof the diethylamide group of LSD, yet the compounds in-hibit the antigen-antibody reaction at about the same con-centration.

Several compounds whose structures differ appreciablyfrom that of LSD are also strong inhibitors of the antigen-antibody reaction. The N,N-dimethylated derivatives of

Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 68 (1971)

Antibodies to D-Lysergamide 1485

tryptamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-methoxytryptamine,and 4-hydroxytryptamine, for example, lack the C and Drings of LSD (Fig. 3) and also contain substituents on the in-dole ring. Nevertheless, they are only about 30 times lessinhibitory than LSD (Table 1B) and 150-800 times more

effective than their corresponding free amines. The cor-

responding amino acids are not inhibitory at concentrationsa thousandfold greater.From this and other examples (Table 1C), it is evident that

methylation of the amino group substantially alters inhibi-tory potency. In general, monomethylation of the free aminehas a much smaller effect than dimethylation of the freeamine. N,N-dimethyltryptamine is 13 times more effectivethan N-methyltryptamine and 500 times more effectivethan tryptamine itself. N,N-dimethylmescaline is about 20times less active than LSD, 17 times more active than N-methylmescaline, and 130 times more active than mescaline.N,N-dimethyltyramine is approximately 700 times more in-hibitory than tyramine.Other substitutions on the amino nitrogen produce dif-

ferent results. The inhibitory effectiveness of N,N-diethyl-tryptamine is only about one-sixth that of N,N-dimethyl-tryptamine (Table 1B). Substitution with an acetyl group,

as in N-acetylserotonin and N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine,yields compounds that are not inhibitory even at a concen-

tration of 200 nmol/1.2 ml.While about 20 nmol of psilocybin (O-phosphoryl-4-OH-

N,N-dimethyltryptamine) is required to inhibit the antigen-antibody reaction, only 0.16 nmol of psilocin (the dephos-phorylated derivative) gives an equivalent amount of in-hibition. Psilocybin is rapidly dephosphorylated in the ratboth in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that psilocin is the activeform of this compound (19). Using the space-filling CourtauldAtomic Models and orienting the indole group with rings Aand B of LSD, we find that the phosphate group on the 4position of psilocybin prevents the dimethylated side-chainnitrogen from approximating the spatial relationship thatthe methylated N6 bears to ring A of LSD. [The configurationof our LSD model is that of biologically active LSD (20)and the orientation of the electron-dense center at N6 followsthe argument of Kang and Green (10); that is, the lone pairN6 electrons are below the plane of LSD in Fig. 3a, whereasthe amide group is above the plane.] The hydroxyl group inpsilocin, by contrast, does permit the freely rotating N,N-dimethylated side chain to be oriented to resemble LSDwithout undue strain on any bond. (The question of whetherthe charged or uncharged form of LSD binds to the antibodyreceptor site cannot be answered at this time. Studies haveyet to be carried out over a range of hydrogen ion concentra-tions.)The length of the side chain on the indole nucleus (Table

2A) is also important. Gramine has one less side-chain carbonthan does NN-dimethyltryptamine and is 100 times lesseffective as an inhibitor; N,N-dimethylhomotryptamine hasone more side chain carbon than N,N-dimethyltryptamineand is as effective as N,N-dimethyltryptamine. By orientingthe aromatic nucleus and the amino nitrogen of a Courtauldmodel of N,N-dimethyltryptamine to approximate the LSDstructure (which is fixed by virtue of the ring system), we

find that the interatomic distance between C4 and the aminonitrogen of N,N-dimethyltryptamine differs from the C" toN6 distance of LSD by no more than about 0.2 A. The C'-amino nitrogen distance in N,N-dimethylhomotryptamine

TABLE 1. Inhibition of the lysergamideantigen-antibody reaction

nmolrequiredfor 50%

Compound inhibition

A. By lysergic acid derivativesD-Lysergic acid 0.023N,N-diethyl-D-lysergamide (LSD) 0.0068Ergonovine 0. 0031Methylergonovine 0.0041Ergosine 0.0036Ergotamine 0.0050

B. By N-substituted tryptamine derivativesTryptamine 101.0N-methyltryptamine 2.6N,N-dimethyltryptamine 0.19N,N-diethyltryptamine 1.3

5-OH-tryptamine (serotonin) 24.25-OH-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (bufotenine) 0.205-OH-N-acetyltryptamine (N-acetylserotonin) >200*

5-methoxytryptamine 10.05-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine 0.185-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine (melatonin) >200*

O-phosphoryl 4-OH-NN-dimethyltryptamine(psilocybin) 23.0

4-OH-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (psilocin) 0.16

C. By N-substituted phenylethylamine derivatives4-OH phenylethylamine (tyramine) 105.0NN-dimethyltyramine 0.19

3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylethylamine (mescaline) 20.2N-methylmescaline 2.5N,N-dimethylmescaline 0.15

* No inhibition observed at this concentration. Assay condi-tions were the same as those described in the legends of Figs. 1and 2.

can be surprisingly similar to the corresponding distance inN,N-dimethyltryptamine, but the corresponding measure-ment in gramine is approximately 1.0 X less. The differencein degree of inhibition could be explained on this basis.The phenylisopropylamines, with the methyl group on the

a-carbon and an unsubstituted amino group, are effectivecompetitors at about 20 nmol/1.2 ml, a value not appreciablyaffected by substituents in the aromatic nucleus; ampheta-mine, DOM, and a-methyl-dopamine are equally effective(Table 2B). Ephedrine, which unlike the other compoundshas an N-methyl group, is seven times more effective a com-petitor than amphetamine.Among the phenylethylamine compounds containing a free

amino group, the parent compound and the derivatives witha single hydroxyl or methoxy group in the meta or para posi-tion give 50% inhibition of the antigen-antibody reaction atconcentrations of 100-200 nmol/1.2 ml (Table 2C). Thedisubstituted and trisubstituted derivatives are inhibitoryat 10-30 nmol/1.2 ml. The ring substituents decrease thesimilarity of phenylethylamine to LSD, and therefore mightbe expected to reduce the inhibitory potency of phenylethyl-amine; on the contrary, single substituents do not appreciablyalter the inhibitory potency and di- and trisubstitutionsmarkedly increase it, indicating that the antibody does notrecognize this portion of the molecule. A possible explanation

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1486 Biochemistry: van Vunakis et al.

TABLE 2. Inhibition of the lysergamideantigen-antibody reaction

nmolrequiredfor 50%

Compound inhibition

A. Inhibition by N,N-dimethylated indole compounds having sidechains of different lengths

3-(N,N-dimethylaminomethyl)indole (gramine) 20.05-methoxygramine 16.0N,N-dimethylhomotryptamine 0.10

B. Inhibition by phenylisopropylamine derivativesdl-amphetamine2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylphenylisopropylamine(DOM)

a-methyl dopamineN-methyl-j-OH-phenylisopropylamine




2.5C. Inhibition by phenylethylamine derivatives containing a free

amino group and substituents on the aromatic nucleus

Phenylethylamine4-OH-phenylethylamine (tyramine)4-methoxyphenylethylamine3-methoxyphenylethylamine3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethylamine3,4-dimethoxyphenylethylamine3,5-dimethoxyphenylethylamine3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine




0 1301 1051 2001 1502 302 112 20

9 18

A. Compoundi-epinephrineL-norepinephrineDi-metanephrineDi-normetarnephrineHarmalineYohimbineNN-dimethylethylamineN-ac-dimethylcyclohexanethylamine

At 50 nmol

Adrenochrome3-indoleacetic acid5-OH-indole

At 200 nmol

L-phenylalanineL-tyrosineL- or DL-3,4-dihydroxy-

phenylalanine (Dopa)L-tryptophanL-, DL- or D-5-OH-tryptophanHomovanillic acidDL-3-methoxy-4-OH-mandelic


3 20.2

At 1000 nmol

4-OH-phenylacetic acid3,4-dimethoxyphenylacetic



glycolVanillinResorcinolHydroquinoneCatecholPutrescineNiacinNicotinamideL-serineL-glutamic acidHistamine5-OH-indoleacetic acid



of the enhanced potency is that multiple substitutions alterthe electronic configuration of other parts of the moleculein such a way that the molecule can more easily be accommo-

dated by the antigenic receptor site.Table 3A shows the inhibitory effectiveness of other com-

pounds of interest. Epinephrine and norepinephrine inhibitat concentrations of about 100 nmol/1.2 ml; metanephrineand normetanephrine are somewhat more effective. Harmalineis a potent inhibitor compared to yohimbine. The additionalring systems in yohimbine form a bulky group situatedwhere the hapten is thought to bind to the antibody.

Table 3A also shows that NN-dimethylated ethylamine(which represents only the side chain of the derivatives) can

bind to the antibody at extremely high concentrations, as

can N-a-dimethylcyclohexanethylamine.In Table 3B are listed the compounds that do not inhibit the

antigen-antibody reaction. They include the aromatic aminoacids, phenylethyl, and tryptyl derivatives lacking the aminogroup, and other compounds that may partially re-

semble the LSD structure, be present in the brain, or havepharmacological activity.The common structural features possessed by the most ef-

fective inhibitors in the phenylethylamine and tryptamineseries are an aromatic nucleus and an ethylamine side chainwith a dimethylated nitrogen. (One compound containing a

propylamine side chain, N,N-dimethylhomotryptamine, isan exception to this statement and is discussed in detail

above.) Compounds with a free amino group compete muchless effectively than the dimethylated derivatives, but muchmore effectively than compounds lacking the amino group.

Several structural features of the potent inhibitors must beconsidered in assessing complementarity between hapten andantibody. The methylated N6 of lysergic acid is rigid, becauseit is in a ring structure. The pattern of inhibition indicatesthat in solution the aromatic ring of the phenylethylaminederivatives may be congruous with ring A, and the indolenucleus of the tryptamine derivatives congruous with ringsA and B of LSD. The dimethylated nitrogen of phenylethyl-amine and tryptamine derivatives probably approximatesthe position N6 occupies in the LSD molecule. These confor-mations are in agreement with the chemical considerationsand total valence electron calculations of Kang and Green (10)for tryptamine and phenylisopropylamines. Our studies sug-gest the importance of the N-methyl groups (equivalent tothe N6 position of LSD), which apparently orient the sidechain correctly and/or contribute to the binding energybetween hapten and antibody.One hypothesis suggests that the N,N-dimethyltryptamine

derivatives may be endogenous substances causing psychoticepisodes resembling the schizoid state (reviewed in refs. 11,21). These compounds are hallucinogenic, and related com-

pounds have been found in the urine (22). Enzymes that can

W-methylate indoleamines have been detected in humanbrain (23).

TABLE 3. Inhibition of the lysergamideantigen-antibody reaction

nmol requiredfor 50% inhibition

B. The following compounds did not inhibit at the concentrationslisted (per 1.2 ml):

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Antibodies to D-Lysergamide 1487

The pharmacological properties of a compound depend uponmany factors other than its interaction with the naturalreceptor site, e.g., route of administration, absorption, pene-

tration of the blood-brain barrier, rate of metabolism, ex-

cretion, and nonspecific adsorption to various macromole-cules. Despite these in vivo complexities, many studies haveshown that LSD and structurally dissimilar compounds pro-

duce similar pharmacological effects and show cross tolerance.We have also observed interactions among these com-

pounds. Of the eight compounds (excluding lysergic acidderivatives) that bind most strongly to the receptor site ofthe lysergamide antibody (that is, less than about 1 nmolrequired for 50% inhibition), five are hallucinogenic drugs[5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, 4-hydroxy-N,N-di-methyltryptamine, 5-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine,N,N-dimethyltryptamine, and N,N-diethyltryptamine (11,23-27)], one is a sympathomimetic drug [N,N-dimethyl-tyramine (28), and one compound, N,N-dimethylmescaline,was reported to have no pharmacological activity in man or

rat (11, 29)]. [Only a few N,N-dimethylated phenylethyl-amine- or NN-dimethylated phenylisopropylamine-deriva-tives have been tested for hallucinogenic activity in man

(11, 29).] To our knowledge, the pharmacological effects ofthe eighth compound, N,N-dimethylhomotryptamine, are

unknown.Many hallucinogenic N,N-dimethyltryptamine derivatives

compete successfully for the receptor site of the antibody tolysergamide. Thus, these compounds can assume conforma-tions in solution that resemble part of the LSD structure.Whether these conformations are favored in the absence ofantibody or are induced during binding of the compound tothe antibody is not known. [Such a receptor site-induced con-

formational change has been shown; anti-apomyoglobin con-

verts myoglobin to apomyoglobin (30). ] The possibility mustbe considered that these compounds also resemble LSD atphysiological receptor sites and that these sites recognizethe same structural features in the psychotomimetic com-

pounds that are recognized by the antibody-binding sites.Indeed, differences may exist in the avidity of the phy-siological receptor sites of different individuals for thesecompounds (just as antibodies exhibit a range of avidity for a-hapten). This could result in selection of the LSD-like con-

formation and should be considered as a possible mechanismfor individual variations in susceptibility to schizophrenia.The expert technical assistance of Mrs. Lucy L. Y. Lee is

gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported in part by aresearch grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (No.MH-19009). H. V. V. is a PHS Research Career Awardee (AwardNo. 5K6-AI-2372 from the National Institute of Allergy and In-fectious Diseases). J. T. F. is a PHS postdoctoral fellow (Fellow-ship No. 1-FO2-NS-47258 from the National Institute of Neuro-

logical Diseases and Stroke). L. L. is an American Cancer SocietyProfessor of Biochemistry (Award No. PRP-21 from the AmericanCancer Society, Inc.).

This paper is Publication No. 780 from the Graduate Depart-ment of Biochemistry, Brandeis University.

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