specialpresentation presentation av ett case gjort för youtube, denna presentation inkluderar även...

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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  • Specialpresentation Presentation av ett Case gjort fr YouTube, denna presentation inkluderar ven film som frklarar deras tnk. Iwus International Group Unique product solutions & Brand understanding
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  • The company: YouTube was founded in 2005 and was acquired in 2006 by Google. YouTube provides a platform for you to create, connect and discover the worlds videos. Partners from major movie studios, record labels, web original creators, viral stars, and millions more all have channels on YouTube. YouTube is predominantly an ad-supported platform, but also offers rental options for a growing number of adverts. YouTube (market share = 20.24%) is in second position on the Media Networking sites market, behind Facebook (62.15%). The number of videos viewed every day has increased by 50% in 2010 (4 billion) and the uploading of video in hours has increased by 37% over the last 6 months (more than 60 hours). More than 400 million views per day on mobile devices, tripling in the past year. The challenge: YouTube were looking to increase sales for their online advertising system and wanted to encourage incremental business from existing clients as well as new business from new prospects. They wanted a clear and engaging way to communicate how their advertising platform can help build their brand and amplify their TV campaign, by showing that the right people see the ad at the right moment. YouTubes aim was to turn viewers into fans, and fans into new customers.
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  • The solution: YouTubes VOD provides incremential reach and improves cost efficiency to the campaings of TV advertisers, by driving frequency against TV light viewers. YouTube advertising reaches exactly who they want, with more targeted options. They used VideoBook to equip their sales team with an interesting and engaging sales tool to assist in their demonstration of how the YouTube advertising platform works and how effective it can be. They also mailed out a percentage of the VideoBook directly to clients and prospects. VideoBook was seen to be the best way to engage and interact with clients and showcase their cutting edge and highly successful service. The results and benefits: 100% of the salesteam fedback that the VideoBook was extremely successful in delivering the results required communicating an important message clearely and effectively. 79% of follow ups made to mailed prospects received their VideoBook and requested a meeting with a sales adviser. As a communications and engagement campaign, there was no direct ROI available for this campaign
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  • To start the Video Presentation press the play button on the Tv screen.
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  • Industry studies have shown that VideoBook wings purchase decision of 72% compared with ordinary advertorials. VideoBook increases the understanding and the customer retains more than 50% of what was displayed. 75% of customers / consumers prefer video presentations in front of the plain text display. A direct mail campaign using VideoBook can produce an astounding 60% response rate compared to 13% for common printed materials. A survey by Forbes magazine did turned out that 60% of people surveyed would rather they looked at promotional video than reading a promotional leaflet. A Video tells your story as you want it, again and again, and engages the customer's Sight, Hearing and Feeling.
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  • Iwus International Group Unique product solutions & Brand understanding Lilla Drottninggatan 3 411 08 Gteborg - 031 788 15 70 - info@iwus.se - www.iwus.seinfo@iwus.sewww.iwus.se

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