special terms and conditions of po for fabricated items for dangote

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7/26/2019 Special Terms and Conditions of PO for Fabricated Items for Dangote

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   D   i   f   f  u  s   i  o  n   i  n   t  e  r  n  e  :

Draft of Special Terms and Conditions of PO

Dear Sirs,

With reference to the above, and the discussions we had with you, we are pleased to place Work

Order on M/s_________________________________ for Construction services for CCR & andNHT Projects – Fired Heaters for Dangote Refinery & Petrochemicals Project DRPP! "Nigeria as per the following salient ters ! conditions:

  #$ Reference to Contract

"#" $%& 'ndia (vt )td *herein after called $%&' or +uyer or (urchaser

"#- .............c *hereinafter called 0eller /12'/0upplier/ 3endor

"#4 Dnagote Oil 1efining Copany )5D *herein after called DO1C or Owner

"#6 7ngineers 'ndia )iite *herein after called 7') or (MC

"#8 7n9uiry Dtd# ........

"#; <our Offer %o#"#= Our order confiration vide 7#Mail Dtd#

"#> ?ll correspondences *fa., eail and eeting between buyer and seller#

  %$ Contractal docments & 'ttachments

-#" 5he present (urchase Order

-#- M10pecification

-#4 5echnical @uestionnaire *5@

-#6 @uality Control (lan

-#8 Aeneral 5ers ! Conditions

  5he above docuents are parts of purchase order $%&' B ........

($ Scope<our scope shall be as per the en9uiry, your offer, 'nne)re"#, our records of discussion andsubse9uent technical clarifications and docuents referenced therein and include following:

7ngineering * 1esidual, (rocureent, abrication ! 0upply of Fired Heaters *odles andcomponents for CCR+ NHT+ *HC and CD, – Fired Heaters for Dangote Refinery &Petrochemicals Project DRPP! " Nigeria as per the attached 0O1 *?nne.ure' in line withtechnical / proect specifications issued to $%& 2eaters 'ndia (vt )td / 7') *7ngineers 'ndia)iited who is (MC to Client M/s Dangote Oil 1efining Copany *DO1C %igeria consisting of (rocureent of Materials, 5esting ! 'nspection at anufacturers preises, abrication, testing,ockup assebly, refractory application and dryout, blasting and (ainting as applicable,

loading on to vehicle and transportation fro Fa-$ shop to (ort of shipping on O+ ______ (ortbasis, etc as per following salient ters ! conditions#

 ?ssistance to 1efractory contractor for Material 2andling cost of which is included in unit rates#2owever if additional crane is re9uired at site for handling of aterial for 1efractory applicationshall be arranged by you with no e.tra cost .

 ?ll prices are inclusive of '+1 legal fees for drawing approval, aterial approval#

 ?ll the proect aterials shall be sourced strictly fro 7') ?pproved vendor list attached with this(urchase order with proper inspection and corelation of 5est Certificates and as re9uired 5estingshall be carried out to the satisfaction of $%& 2eaters / 7') / Client ! testing charges are includedin the price

(rices are inclusive of all enabling steel for fabrication, transportation+ lifting frames For loading at .ndian port and offloading at /agos port!  and other consuables as re9uired#


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 ?ll 5ransportation cost of aterials and e9uipent fro anufacturer / subvendors places toyour fabrication shop is included in the price# 5his shall include but not liited to route survey,double handling, 1oad ! 0ea worthy packing as the case ay be, 5ransportation on barge, tilloading on vessel noinated by $%& 'ndia (vt )td on O+ +asis# 5his transportation cost isinclusive of road perits, entry fees/5olls, service ta.es, Cess, berthing charges, re9uiredperission for berthing, dreaEEing etcF#

5('? shall be appointed and (aid by 0upplier directly and cost of the sae is included in theprice# 3endor shall appoint the 5('? fro the (roect approved list only# i##e +3, 5G3,D%3, 0A0,)loyds

Gnloading and storage of free issued goods shall be done by 0upplier/contractor at their shop for which the cost of the sae is included in the (urchase order price

 ?ll abricated / ModulariEed e9uipent shall be delivered to the 0ea port *%ae of the sea port ___ on O+ +asis including preparation of all e.port docuentations as per (roectre9uireents which will be advised before shipping#

M/s_____________ to subit detail schedule, anpower and (!M obiliEation schedule# 5hese

plans shall be subitted within one week fro the date of order for M/s $%& ?pproval# %ecessaryinputs re9uired for preparation schedule shall be provided by M/s $%&#

M/s__________ shall engage such worken / eployees as ay be re9uired for perforance of the Work Order# M/s_______ to have all license under the Contract )abour *1egulation and ?bolition ?ct, "H=I for such worken, subect to payent or benefits to such worken byM/s________#

M/s__________ to subit tiely daily, weekly ! onthly progress reports as per utually agreedforats, covering all aor ilestone activities indicating scheduled and actual progress# ?nyiplication due to nonincorporation of $%& / 7') ! statutory authority coents will be to theM/s________ account#

M/s ________________ to 0ubit Final documents & Quality Dossier in one Original + FiveSets of copies in hard + 2 Soft  CD#

0$ D1F.N.T.ONS 2

5he following ters shall have the eanings defined below when their first alphabet used is incapital letter:

0$# O3ner  shall ean Dangote Oil Refining Company DORC! Nigeria , their successors andassigns, fro tie to tie# 't shall also encopass such ters as DO1C, (urchaser, or Custoer as used in docuents referenced herein or attached hereto#

0$% Consltant shall ean 1ngineers .ndia /imited+ their successors and assigns, fro tie totie# 't shall also encopass such ters as 7'), Consultants, (MC consultants fro DO1C asused in docuents referenced herein or attached hereto#

0$( *ain Contractor  shall ean 4N5 Heaters .ndia P6t /td, their successors and assigns, frotie to tie# 't shall also encopass such ters as 4N5, (urchaser, or +uyer as used indocuents referenced herein or attached hereto#

0$0 7or8 Order   shall ean this 7or8 Order   and aendents thereof and the drawings,0pecifications and other docuents / papers referred to therein#

0$9 Contractor  shall ean the person, fir or copany with who Owner has placed Work Order#'t shall also encopass such ters as 3endor, 0upplier, Manufacturer, +idder or 0ubcontractor as used in docuents referenced herein or attached hereto#

0$: S-"contractor  shall ean any person, fir or copany other than Main Contractor / Owner to who contractor has placed the order for supplying Aoods / services in connection withWork Order to Contractor#

0$; <oods  shall ean all ites to be provided under Work Order whether raw aterials,processed aterials, e9uipent, fabricated products, services, drawings or other 

docuentation as applicable#0$= Site shall ean the O3ner>s Site at Dangote Oil Refining Company – /e88i Fee Trade

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?one in/agos Nigeria as defined elsewhere in this Work Order#

0$@ (urchase 1e9uisition shall ean docuent (urchase 1e9uisition %uber and all attachentslisted5herein#

0$#A A5C shall ean the Aeneral 5ers and Conditions of contracts along with all appendi.es,anne.ure,


0$ Price & Price Basis

Total Price of .NR " DDP FOB -asis  *'ndian 1upees __________________________, shall be for the coplete scope entioned above including allincidental e.penses related to the scope of work#(rice is inclusive of (!, loading on suitable vehicle, and all relevant testing charges any other relevant testing etc wherever applicable as per standard and M10pecification/'5(/@?(/5@ andall docuentation Charges#'n case 0upplier organiEe the transportation based on buyer re9uest, freight charges shall bereibursed at actual against original proof of docuents# 5ransit insurance fro your works tosite shall be covered by DO1C/7')/$%&'#5hird party inspection charges shall be borne by DO1C/7')/5('?/$%&'# ?ll prices shown on this purchase order are fi.ed prices and not subect to any escalation !variation for the duration of this proect# ?ny price additions or deletions will be added or deleted by sae unit price described on thispurchase order# *1epeat order basis%o adustent to the price shall be ade as a result of changes in the values of any currencies#

1efer ?ppendi. " for the (rice breakup  1efer ?ppendi. B - for (rice basis

Where appropriate, the basic Work order value is inclusive of the following:

" )ot 0tart up and Coissioning 0pares♦ " )ot 5esting

♦ " )ot @uality 0urveil lance

♦ " )ot 5agging / Marking

♦ " )ot (ainting / (reservation

♦ " )ot Drawing, Data ! Docuentation

♦ " )ot 5ransportation and 2andling raes

  9$ Ta)es & Dties

7.cise Duty for the ites directly consigned to client / other vendors shall be reibursed at

actuals on subission of buyerJs copy of e.cise invoice stating consignee as Client / Other 3endors as per +illing 'nstructions# (revailing 7.cise Duty is "-#8K#8#% Sale Ta) 2 CST E % against Form"C shall -e paid e)tra8#4 0tatutory variation in 7.cise duty, Central sales 5a./3?5 duties beyond the contractualdelivery period on finished products and/or direct dispatches to site fro subsupplierJs worksconsigned to client shall be to supplierJs account#

1)cise Dty2

Since this is an Export orders, no taxes and duties, are applicable, Vendor shall comply 

with all export documents and execute the required bonds and procedures and 

formalities with respective local authorities to avail the export benefit. JNK will not 

reimburse any cost towards on account of this due to failure from vendor side. ll 

char!es to comply with export formalities, execution of bonds, interests, currency variations etc" are to the account of vendor # Contractor shall indicate Consignee as

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Where Aoods are despatched directly by 0ubContractor*s, the 7.cise duty input credit

needs to be anaged by vendor to get the refund fro respective authorities and pass

on to $%&# 5his aount shall be setoff against your dispatch payent invoice#

 5he (urchase Order value shall, however, reain unchanged even if there is anincrease in 7.cise duty during its e.ecution for any reason whatsoever 

:$ G'R.'T.ON .N T'1S+ D,T.1S & /1G.1S2

5he total Work Order 3alue shall be not be altered / odified / reibursed on account of anyvariations in 0tatutory )evies iposed by Copetent ?uthorities by way of fresh notification*s

5?70 ! DG5'70 O% 1?W M?571'?)0 ! +OGA25 OG5 COM(O%7%50: 5a.es ! duties onraw aterials ! bought out coponents are included in Work Order 3alue and are not subect toany escalation or variation for any reason whatsoever#

;$ P'C5.N< & FOR7'RD.N<

Charges towards 0ea/1oad worthy (acking as applicable, orwarding and )oading at

Contractor / 0ubContractors 0hop / Warehouse are included in basic / total Order 

value# Gnloading of Aoods at shop shall be done by  Sppliercontractor$

Gnloading of free issued goods shall be done by 0upplier/contractor at their shop for 

which the cost of the sae is deeed as included in the (urchase order price

=$ CONS.<N11 D1/.G1R! 'DDR1SS+ D1/.G1R T1R*S 'ND 'CC1PT'NC1 OF


Aoods shall be consigned and delivered to Dangote Oil Refining Company /td " Nigeria as per the addresses given below on O+ *(ort %ae ___ basis#

Dangote Oil Refining Company /td " Nigeria 

#aterial receivin! stores$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

5he 0eller shall send ?nne.ure 4 duly filledin prior to the despatch of Aoods for transitinsurance and/or tracking of the Aoods to the attention of the following persons:

" Chief 0tores Manager, Mr# ___________:

  7ail address: __________Lnkindia#co,

- Chief )ogistic Coordinator, Mrs# ?shwini:

  7ail address: ?shwini#WanariLnkindia#co,

4 5he +uyer *as per the (ost Order Coordination procedure#

ailure to do so ay be the grounds for the delay in release of payents#

Aoods shall be accepted subect to:

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" 1eceipt of 5est ! 'nspection reports and Despatch clearance / 1elease %ote#- 1eceipt of any and all other docuentation, which ay be re9uired, including drawings,

data# Manufacturing record books, installation instruction and all final re9uired docuentsas called for elsewhere in the (urchase Order and / or (urchase 1e9uisition#

9. TERMS OF PAYMENT"IK of basic aount shall be released against ?dvance +ank Auarantee as per $%& forat for e9uivalent aount valid till one onth after the contractual copletion date entioned in thisW#O# 5his payent shall be released within 4I days fro the date of subission of invoice, ?dvance +ank Auarantee, planning schedule,

"IK of basic aount shall be released upon receipt of 8IK of the raw aterial receipt at shopagainst invoice and copies of proof of aterials receipt which will be witnessed and certified by$%& @uality person or shop incharge

5his payent shall be released within ;I days fro the date of subission of invoice, andcertified copies of proof of aterials received at shop by $%& representative#

"IK of basic aount shall be released upon receipt of "IIK of the raw aterial receipt at shopagainst invoice and copies of proof of aterials receipt which will be witnessed and certified by$%& @uality person or shop incharge

5his payent shall be released within ;I days fro the date of subission of invoice, andcertified copies of proof of aterials received at shop by $%& representative#

88K of basic aount shall be released on back to back within working days   by 15A0/%75 transfer to your bank account or through che9ue, after receipt of payent fro Owner upon O+ dispatch against subission of 'nvoice, (acking )ist, '1% issued by 5('?,Certification of Origin and Clean +ill of )adding *as the case ay be and other relevantdocuents duly certified by our 0hop 'n Charge#

8K against subission of 'nvoice and ark up of drawings for preparation of ?sbuilt drawings,final docuents, M1+/@C Dossier *0i. 2ard Copies 5wo electronic files in CD forat to $%&#5his payent shall be released within one onth fro the date of 'nvoice duly certified by $%&0hop or @? 'n charge

"IK on Mechanical copletion of the work at site and on subission of (erforance +ankAuarantee for e9uivalent aount valid for "> onths fro the date of echanical copletion "onth clai period# 5his payent shall be released within one onth fro the date of 'nvoice#3endor ay opt for converting ?+A to (+A with suitable aendents as per $%& prescribedforat and valid till warranty period with a clai period of 4 onths#

(erforance bank guarantee shall be as per $%&Js prescribed forat and shall be obtainedfro any schedules bankJs or $%&Js approved bankers )ist# (erforance bank guarantee shallbe for "IK e9uivalent aount of basic order value and the bank guarantee shall be kept valid tillthe end of Warranty period plus three onths clai period#

10. INVOICING DOCUMENTATIONOwner will not accept any invoices for e.cess 9uantities in respect of Aoods/ 0ervices suppliedunder this Work Order# 0upplier shall invoice for the work copleted under this Work Order#

'nvoices shall be fully supported by the following docuent in triplicate *s:

5he certificate of overall acceptance of Works" (acking list in a (rescribed forat- '1% issued by 5('?4 Certificate of Origin

6 )ist of work copleted and certified by $%& representative8 Delivery challan *s

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; Docuent transittal slip*s= Other supporting*s as re9uired by the ters of the (urchase Order 

 ?ny iproper docuentation due to which $%& ay incur any iplication / penalty fro our custoer, the sae shall be recovered fro you#

##$ Contractal Deli6ery Date ?ll the aterials shall be delivered 7.Works within weeks fro the date of order confiration ie which is inclusive of drawing approval, internal inspection and testing as well as5(' inspection period ie delivery is on or before -8#I-#-I";

  #%$ COST R1D,CT.ON D1, TO D1/'

'n case of delay in delivery beyond Contractual Delivery Date *CDDN for the reasonsattributable to vendor, the order value shall get reduced by an aount e9ual to "K *Onepercent of basic price per week of delay or part thereof subect to an overall ceiling liitof "I K *5en percent of the total basic order value# 5his clause will apply withoutnotification on the total aount of the order# 5hese cost reduction are calculated on theperiod between contractual delivery dates and the effective delivery date of the aterialor e9uipent technically accepted# (artial release does not stop the penalty period#2owever the (+A aount shall be "IK of the original order value only#


5he 0upplier shall guarantee that the 79uipent and/ or Materials /0ervices including spareparts, supplied under this Work order/ (urchase Order shall be new and unused *notreconditioned and of recent anufacture# 5he 0upplier shall also guarantee that the 79uipent/Materials/ 0ervices are of the best 9uality and free fro defects in design, aterial and

workanship# ?ll bought out aterials ust be new fro the fresh produced lots to the e.tentpossible# 2owever ?ll aterials shall be inspected and certified and release note shall beobtained fro ?pproved 5('? 5he to be appointed and (aid by 0upplier #Warrantee period for the 79uipent/ Materials/ 0ervices shall be valid for a period of T3el6e #%! months after thedate of commissioning or 1ighteen #=! months from the date of *echanical Completion+3hiche6er is earlier$ Shold any defect in the 1Iipment  Materials/ 0ervices be noticedduring the warrantee period, the 0upplier shall, at no cost to the Main Contractor, ake thedefect good at site/ shop proptly, by way of supply of replaceent / odification parts onoriginal delivery conditions any repaired / odified or replaced part shall be subect to defect freeguarantee for a further period of twelve *"- onths fro the date of rectification/ replaceent#


Contractor/0upplier shall provide an unconditional bank guarantee for an aount e9ual to "IKof the total work Order value for perforance of all its obligations under this Work Order, alongwith first invoice *including profora to be valid for warranty period clai period of " onth#


'nsurance of M/s_______ WorkenJs copensation, plant ! achineries is to be obtained byM/s _______#


5he prices of Aoods / 0ervices covered under this Work Order / (urchase Order shall be valid for 

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additional 9uantities by way of aendent*s or fresh Work Order*s for a period of "> onthsfro the date of issue of this Work Order / (urchase Order#


<ou shall be fully responsible for strictly abiding by all applicable statutory regulations /re9uireents as specified in Material 1e9uisition wherever applicable# <ou shall subit re9uisitesets of approved Drawings and Docuents to obtain $%& approval only in case of andatory#<ou shall abide by all Codes ! 0tandards, prevalent laws/ acts and indenify $%& of allconse9uences arising out of nonobservance of such laws/ acts etc#

'f any new ta. ! duties are levied or any increase occurs in the applicable rates of ta.es ! dutiesas a result of statutory aendent before the contractual delivery date, the (urchaser shall notreiburse anything to the 0upplier since this is being an e.port ob#

'pact of oreign e.change variation on cost of raw aterial /coponents iported by supplier for further processing, anufacturing shall be totally to 0upplierJs account# %o )icenses, (?C etcshall be given to 0upplier, ! all aterials iported by 0upplier shall be on Merit 'port Duty,included in the price# %o reiburseent shall be ade for 'port Duties ! levies#


Main Contractor / Owner shall have the right to return to Contractor any aterial or Aoodsdelivered in error, or reected Aoods, at ContractorJs cost and risk# ?ll reected Aoods shall betaken back by Contractor within fifteen days of intiation of reection by (urchaser / Owner#1eected Aoods shall be at Contractor risk fro the tie of reection and Main Contractor /Owner shall not be liable for any shortages or 9uality deterioration on any account# Owner at itssole discretion shall have the opinion to dispose the aterial or Aoods so reected and not takenback within thirty days fro the date of intiation of reection#


a 5he Contractor shall subit their detailed @uality ?ssurance 0yste after the award of the contract, to be followed for the e.ecution of contract by Contractor#

b 5he Contractor shall establish, docuent and aintain an effective 9uality assurancesyste as outlined in recogniEed codes#

c @uality ?ssurance 0yste plans/ procedures of the Contractor shall be furnished in thefor of a @? anual# 5his docuent should cover details of the personnel responsiblefor the 9uality assurance, plans or procedures to be followed for 9uality control in respectof Design, 7ngineering, (rocureent, 0upply, 'nstallation, 5esting and Coissioning#5he 9uality assurance syste should indicate organisational approach for 9uality controland 9uality assurance of the construction activities, at all stages of work at site as well asat anufacturers works and despatch of aterials#

d 5he @uality ?ssurance plan for various e9uipent and aterials shall be furnished to the$%& / Owner / 7') prior to coenceent of anufacturing#

e 5he $%& / Owner / 7') or their representative reserve the right to inspect / witness,review any or all stages of work at shop/site as deeed necessary for 9uality assurance#

f 5he Contractor has to ensure the deployent of 9uality ?ssurance and @uality Control7ngineer*s depending upon the 9uantu of work# 5his @? / @C group shall be fullyresponsible to carry out the work as per standards and all code re9uireents# 'n caseOnwerJs 7ngineerincharge feels that @? / @C 7ngineer*s of Contractor areincopetent or insufficient, Contractor has to deploy other e.perienced 7ngineer*s asper site re9uireent and to the full satisfaction of OwnerJs 7ngineer'nCharge#

g 'n case Contractor fails to follow the instructions of 7ngineerincharge with respect toabove clauses, ne.t payent due to hi shall not be released unless and until hecoplies with the instructions to, the full satisfaction of OwnerJs 7ngineerincharge#

%A$ Test".nspection"1)pediting

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or Aeneral 'nspection Conditions and 'nspection ! 5est (lan, please refer our std# attacheddocuent issued with the en9uiry# 5esting and 5hird (arty 'nspection shall be carried outstrictly as per the @uality Control (lan *@C( prepared by you based on '5( attached with our en9uiry and duly approved by $%&/7')/DO1C/5('?# ?ny coents fro $%&/7')/DO1C/5('?shall be adhered to without any price/ tie iplications# 5he coplete responsibility of gettingapproval of @? (lan ! docuents, tiely inspection and adherence to schedule shall lie withyou and failure to do so shall not be a case for any delivery e.tension# <ou shall give the

inspection call letter to $%&/7')/DO1C/5('? at least 8 working days in advance# $%& will issue0hipping clearance within 4 working days fro the date of '1%#

$%& *! its appointed agency, 7'), DO1C, 5('? shall have free access to your concerneddepartents, works, subcontractors, suppliers etc# for e.pediting, inspection and transportation#

5('? shall be appointed and (aid by 0upplier directly and cost of the sae is included in theprice# 3endor shall appoint the 5('? fro the (roect approved list only# i##e +3, 5G3,D%3, 0A0,)loyds# 't is the responsibility of vendor to coordinate ! arrange for inspection by 5('? and 7')without depending on $%& coordinator #


3endor should agree to store the aterial / 79uipent two *- Month beyond the date of readiness of the

delivery date stipulated in work order whichever is later date at no cost to purchaser#

%%$Transit .nsrance

5ransit 'nsurance shall be obtained by DO1C/$%&' under coprehensive (olicy at its own costsfor the entire proect# <ou should ensure that the (olicy nuber is clearly written on the dispatchdocuents and also intiate following details of the consignent to the underwriters *addressshall be intiated by $%&' later with a copy to the counication address indicated under clause of counication# We should receive this intiation - days before dispatch#0ubect: Dispatch under (olicy %o# FFF *will be provided in due course of tie before


(urchase Order no and date#

)1 nuber and date

5ransportersJ nae

5ruck / 5railer nuber

3alue of consignent#

%uber of packages and gross weights.

'n case of any circustances arise out during transportation of Materials/79uipent to site, youwill arrange for necessary survey, filling '1, taking photographs, testing etc at no additional costto $%&'# <ou will arrange to subit all necessary docuentation pertaining to lodge of 'nsuranceClai by 1') / $%&' within stipulated tie#'n case you fail to do so, you shall be liable to replace/ repair the goods at your cost in case of daage during transit# ?ny delay in subission will be to your account for nonsettleent of 'nsurance Clai#


5ransportation is $%&Js 0cope# 2owever if we re9uest supplier to organiEe the transportation,supplier will arrange to dispatch the aterials on PFreight prepaid door deli6ery -asisJ to our proect 0ite/0hop$anagar# $%& will reiburse the freight charges at actual against proof of docuents# 0upplier shall ensure safe loading of the consignents on suitable vehicle with

ade9uate safe packing re9uired to ensure safe transportation#

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%0$Schedle• Docment s-mission schedle

0upplier shall subit the order acknowledgeent, 'nternal Work Order %o#, Drawing, @?( withinone *" week fro issue of this order, alongwith subission production schedule in line with(urchase specification#

• Progress reporting

0upplier shall subit by fa./eail work progress report on every fortnight within CDD in standardforat with respect to this product preferably in e.cel file which should reveal a iniure9uireent of stage wise anufacturing details such as raw aterial availability, bought outites, Cutting, oring, Machining, 5esting stages etc# against each and every ites of thisorder 


" 5he Project 1ngineering *anager  for this ob is Mr#

*5el *O:H" -- -8H=;6;6 7ail: Lnkindia#co

- 5he Procrement *anager  for this ob is Mr# 0# ?runkuar

*5el *O:H" -- -8H=;6;6 7.tn : -4,

  7ail: ?runkuar#0hirawalathLnkindia#co

4 5he Co"ordinator  for this ob is Mr# ________________ 


6 5he Shop Representati6e for this ob is Mr#__________________ 

*5elO: _________

8 5he shop fa-rication sper6isor   incharge for this ob is

Mr#________________, *5elO: __________

; 5he Chief .nspector  for this ob is Mr# _______

*5el *O:H" -- -8H=;6;6, 7ail: __________Lnkindia#co

a. 0eller shall subit 8 sets of docuents / drawings to the attention of the(roect/7ngineering anager for the approval# 0eller shall ark copies of suchtransittals to the (roect engineer, the Chief 'nspection ! Chief e.peditor#

b. 0eller shall send all technical correspondence to the attention of the (roect/7ngineering

Manager with copies to procureent Manager, Chief 'nspection ! Chiefcoordinator#

-4#4 0eller shall send all inspection related correspondence to the noinated 5hird (arty'nspection ?gency !/or Chief 'nspector / Chief coordinator# 0eller shall ark copies of suchcorrespondence to the (roect / 7ngineering Manager ! (rocureent Manager#

c# 0eller shall send all payent/ contractual related correspondence *other than 'nvoices tothe attention of (rocureent Manager with a copy to +uyer#



a 5he Contractor shall adhere to the 2ealth, 0afety and 7nvironent *207 Manageent

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 JNK. PO. No. ____________

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syste as per the stipulations ade in the following docuents:i# 207 (lanii# 5he Aeneral Conditions of Contractiii# 5he +idding Docuentiv# ?ny statutory provisions related to 207/0afety %ors

b 5he Contractor shall establish, docuent, and aintain an effective 2ealth, 0afety and7nvironent *207 anageent syste#

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Contractor shall treat all the technical docments information pro6ided to carry ot the3or8 nder the 7O as strictly confidential and shall not di6lge any information to anyoneotside yor organiKation$ Contractor shall also ensre that technical docmentspro6ided -y Cstomer 4N5 nder the 7O shall -e sed only for the prpose of e)ection

of this 7O and shall ta8e appropriate steps to comply 3ith and to -ind yor employeesand s-contractors if any+ to comply 3ith the secrecy o-ligations stiplated herein.

%=$ DOCUMENTS TRANSMISSION All coercial !oc"e#$s %i$& res'ec$ $o $&is () s&all be se#$ $o*

 A!!".# M$. S. A$%"&%'$

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) &o!b"#!er Roa!, &a#e (es$,M%'* + 67,  DA.


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 APPENDIX – I PRICE break-up REV.0 PO No. : __________ Dt. 24.12.2012

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