special features the economic advantage added by ...... volume 3 number 10 july 2017 special...

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V O L U M E 3 N U M B E R 1 0 J U L Y 2 0 1 7


The Economic Advantage Added by Specialized

Knowledge of Distillation Fundamentals

How Many Pressure Relief

Devices (PSDs) Do you Have Venting to Atmos-

phere? Are They Safe?

Accurate Prediction of Phase Equilibrium Proper-

ties Using Peng Robinson Cubic Equation of State



JULY 2017

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To become a globally recognized association for certification of professional engineers.



MISSION Based on engineering first principles and practical real world applications our curricu-

lum has been vetted by academic and industry professionals. Through rigorous study

and examination, candidates are able to prove their knowledge and experience. This

body of certified professionals engineers will become a network of industry profes-

sionals leading continuous improvement and education with improved ethics.


International Association of Certified Practicing Engineers provides a standard of pro-

fessional competence and ethics. Identifies and recognizes those individuals that have

meet the standard. And requires our members to participate in continuing education

programs for personal and professional development.

In additional to insuring a professional level of competency and ethics the IACPE fo-

cuses on three major areas of development for our members: Personal, Professional,

and Networking.


The International Association of ertified Practicing Engineers concept was ormulat-

ed by he any oung professionals and students e eet during our careers

working n the field, running training courses, and lecturing at universities.

During question and answer sessions we found the single most common question

was: What else can I do to further my career?

We found, depending on the persons avail able time and finances, and very often de-

pendent on the country in which the person was from, the options to further ones

career were not equal.

Many times we found the options available to our tudents in developing countries

oo costly and or provided too little of value in an expanding global business

The reality is that most of our founders come from countries that require rigor-

ous academic standards at four year universities in order to achieve an engineering

degree. Then, after obtaining this degree, they complete even stricter government

and state examinations to obtain their professional censes in order to join profes-

sional organizations. They have been fforded he opportunity o continue heir

personal and professional development with many affordable schools, programs, and

professional organizations. The IACPE did not see those same opportunities for every-

one in every country.

So we set out to design and build an association dedicated to supporting those engi-

neers in developing in emerging economies.

The IACPE took input from industry leaders, academic professors, and students

from Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. The goal was to build an organiza-

tion that would validate a candidates engineering fundamentals, prove their

individuals skills, and enhance their networking ability. We wanted to do this

in a way that was cost effective, time conscience, and utilized the latest technologies.

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Dear Friends, There are thoughts on how to be successful. Here are a few of my personal beliefs. Maintain your health: You will not be successful or wealthy without maintaining your health. Maintaining your health does not require major knowledge, but it is difficult to accomplish; eat healthy and exercise. For many people, both are hard to maintain. Have a long-term plan: Successful people set long-term goals, and they know these aims are merely the result of short-term habits that they need to do everyday. Give up believing in the “Magic Bullet.” Overnight success is a myth. Successful people know that making small continual improvement every day will be compounded over time, and give them desirable results. Understand what is possible: Nothing will ever be perfect, no matter how much we try. Fear of failure (or even fear of success) often prevents us from taking an action and putting our creation out there in the world. But a lot of opportunities will be lost if we wait for things to be right. Detach from the things you cannot control, focus on the ones you can, and know that sometimes the only thing you will be able to control is your attitude towards something. Remember, nobody can be frustrated while saying “Bubbles” in an angry voice. A smart fox only chases one rabbit: “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” —Winston S. Churchill Successful people know this. That’s why they choose one thing and then beat it into submission. No matter what it is; a business idea, a conversation, or a workout. Being fully present and com-mitted to one task is indispensable. Time Killers: Impulsive web browsing, social media, television watching and gaming are the dis-eases of today’s society. These should never be an escape from your life or your goals. Unless your goals depend on either, you should minimize (or even eliminate) your dependency on them and direct that time towards things that can enrich your life. All the best in your career and life, Karl

How to be Successful


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IACPE President Karl Kolmetz presented Keys to Project Management at Untag Surabaya (17 Agustus 1945 University), Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia in May. IACPE awarded four scholarships to: Mr. Eko Doni Bagawara CPE 1; Mr. Muhajir Maulana CPE EIT; Mr. Ilham Sarimbah CPE EIT; and Ms. Ganis Nahayu Riswenda CPE EIT. Mr. Ir.Joko Santoso, MMT.,IAI, CPE II was the recipient of an Executive CPE Member Card. CPE EIT certificates were awarded to Mr. Ilham Sarimbah CPE EIT and Mr. Muhajir Maulana CPE EIT.


Architectural Engineering

1. Dr.Ir.Retno Hastijanti, MT

Chemical Engineering

1. Dr. Sivakumar Kumaresan, CPE

2. Rita Dwi Ratnani, ST., M.Eng

3. Ery Fatarina, ST.,MT.,IPM, CPE

Electrical Engineering

1. Ir.drs.Muradi Suwargina, MT

2. Dr.Ir.Achmad Daengs GS.,SE.,MM.,CPPM.,CPE

3. Ir.M.Asqar W, MT

4. Ir.Achmad Junaedi, MT.,M.Sc

Environmental / Green Engineering

Ir. Dr. Dominic Foo, CPE

Industrial Engineering

1. Dr.Ir.Muslimin Abdulrahim, MSIE 2. Dr. Dwi Yuli Rakhmawati, ST.,Ph.D.,CPE

3. Rini Oktavera S.T, M.MT

Information Engineering

1. Dr.Ir.Muaffaq A.Jani, M.Eng, CPE

Mechanical Engineering

1. Dr.Prantasi Harmi Tjahjanti, S.Si.,MT

2. Ir. Masriel Djamaloes MBA.,MM.,CPE



1. Daniel Summers

2. Michael Resetarits

Heat Transfer

1. Ir.Gatot Boedhi Tjahjono, MSME, MSIE

2. Shankar Chattopadhyay

Ethylene Technology

1. Helmilus Moesa, CPE

2. Alex Micheal


1. Tim Zygula, CPE

2. Lee Pheng

3. Dr. Joseph Lim


1. Andrew Sloley

2. Rick Cary

Mechanical Engineering

1. Erebert Caracas

2. Hermis Kornelius

Chemical Engineering

1. Supriyanto

2. Wiroon Tanthapanichakoon

3. Parthiban Siwayanan

Process Safety

1. Stephen Wallace

2. Derrick Gradney

Information Technology

1. Randy Conley PE PMP


1. Mohd Rohizat Abdul


Sekolah Tinggi Technology Fatahillah, Cilegon-Banten

1. M.Salem Abdul Ajes, ST, CPE II

2. Maulana Ainul Yakin, ST.,CPE 1

3. Muhammad Afra, CPE 1

Institute Technology Indonesia, Tangerang, Banten

1. Ruly Octora Suseno, ST.,CPE 1

2. Choirul Anam, ST.,CPE1

3. Ade Sonjaya, CPE 1

17 Agustus 1945 University, Semarang, Central Java

1. Achika Augusti Ramanitya, CPE 1

2. Muchamad Agus Purnomo, CPE 1

3. Intan Ardyagarini Widyastuti

17 Agustus 1945 University, Surabaya, East Java

1. Riki Setyawan, CPE 1

2. Azhar Rasyid Firdausi, ST., CPE 1

3. Eko Doni Bagas Wara, CPE 1

W.R Supratman University, Surabaya, East Java

1. Buhadi

2. Nanda Luktinia Firial

3. Meydin kartika Sari

Wahid Hasyim University, Semarang, Central Java

1. ninik indah hartati

2. revy andar raesta

3. windi arum mukti

Serang Raya University, Serang, Banten

1. Naimi, ST.,CPE 1

2. Hery Purnama, ST., CPE 1

Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Cilegon, Banten

1. Mohamad Fajar Himatullah

2. Wahab Arrie Rachman

3. Khumaedi Muharom

Each year IACPE recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of engineering education and engineering technology

through the “Distinguished Practicing Engineer” awards program. By their commitment to their profession, desire to

further the Association's Mission, and participation in civic and community affairs, IACPE award winners exemplify

the best in engineering education and engineering technology.

This award salutes leaders in engineering for their dedication to their field and their commitment to advancing the

human condition through great engineering achievement and/or through innovation in engineering education and

technology. There are three divisions: Academic Division, Technology Division, Young Engineer and Student Divi-


In this issue IACPE is proud to announce the top candidates from each division and in the October issue the 2017

group of awardees will be announced.

Distinguished Practicing Engineer

P A G E 5

1.0 Introduction Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which can include information, facts, descriptions, and/or skills acquired through experience or education. It can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject Wisdom is a deep understanding of people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to choose or act to consistently produce the optimum results with a minimum of time, energy or thought. It is the ability to optimally apply perceptions and knowledge and so pro-duce the desired results. The Law of Comparative Advantage is the ability of an individual, company, or economy to conduct an activity better than another for some fixed and sometimes almost unchangea-ble reason. Comparative advantage is im-portant in making decisions such as what prod-ucts one should make or sell; if a company is unable to make a product as well as another and that is unlikely to change, the company might be well advised to make a different prod-uct. Kolmetz Law of Specialized Knowledge Ad-vantage is the ability of an individual, compa-ny, or economy to conduct an activity better than another, for a changeable reason such as specialized knowledge 2.0 Distillation Specialized Knowledge In most chemical processing systems two main unit operations dominate; chemical reaction followed by separation. From the reactor, the reactants are then sent to a separation unit. In the separation unit, the reactants are separat-ed into desired products, unreacted products for recycle, and unwanted or by products.

It has been estimated that the capital invest-ment in separation equipment is 40-50% of the total for a conventional hydrocarbon processing unit. Of the total energy consumption of an av-erage plant, the separation process accounts for about 50% to 70% of the energy consump-tion of the plant. There are many separation processes and each one has its best application. They include distillation, crystallization, membrane, and fixed bed adsorption systems. Occasionally the best system may be a combination of these systems fundamentals. The choice of the best application should be based on the life cycle cost. The life cycle cost is the initial capital cost of the plant along with the first ten years operating and maintenance cost. The life cycle cost should include a relia-bility factor, which is very important in designing any process plant equipment, reactors or sepa-ration equipment. Improved reliability has a very large impact on return on investment (ROI). Many life cycle cost only review energy, but not solvent, adsorbent, or catalyst cost be-cause of accounting rules and this can lead to skewed economic decisions. Distillation may be the most economical and utilized when possible. Distillation is the sepa-ration of key components by the difference in their relative volatility, or boiling points. It can also be called fractional distillation or fractiona-tion. Distillation is favored over other separation techniques such as crystallization, membranes or fixed bed systems when; 1. The relative volatility is greater that 1.2, 2. Products are thermally stable, 3. Large rates are desired, 4. No extreme corrosion, precipitation or sedi-

mentation issues are present, 5. No explosion issues are present

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The Economic Advantage Added by Specialized

Knowledge of Distillation Fundamentals

Karl Kolmetz CPE

KLM Technology Group

3.0 Extend Unit Run Length (Reduce Maintenance Cost)

Hydrocarbon Producers are exploring avenues to extend the on-stream time between outages for maintenance. Key equipment that can determine the end of run includes: catalyst life, cyclone ero-sion, and compressor and tower fouling. Critical equipment that has been shown to be a limiting factor can be duplicated to extend run length: for example, parallel pumps, reactors and reboilers. This is a successful method to extend on-stream time, though it is expensive and in fact, at times cost prohibitive. Incorporating design guidelines that increase the on-stream time of the key pieces of equipment is a better economic decision for most plants. Currently Refiners are planning four-year run lengths and Ethylene Producers are getting greater than five-year run lengths. These targets present challenges for distillation column design. Potential problem areas include refining vacuum wash oil beds, ethylene plant quench and saturator towers, and butadiene and other polymer producing distilla-tion columns. Each of these applications has some common characteristics. A review of successful and not so successful de-signs can help develop key design criteria. Design guidelines (best practices) developed from success-ful and not so successful applications can improve the on-stream time of each of the applications.

For distillation, the most significant non-capital com-ponent to the life cycle cost would be energy, fol-lowed by maintenance losses. To minimize energy, a designer should focus on column sequence and optimizing individual tower performance, as well as considering the impact of tray and packing efficien-cies. The designer should also review the reliability of the equipment and scrutinize the complexity of the process to achieve minimal downtime for mainte-nance.

3.1. The Correct Distillation Equipment for the Process Conditions

There are many types of processes that are grouped together and called distillation. Most have similari-ties, but some have noticeable differences. A partial list of the distillation grouping includes; (5) 1. Distillation 2. Absorption 3. Stripping 4. Extractive Distillation 5. Reactive Distillation 6. Azeotropic Distillation 7. Batch Distillation There are several choices of distillation equipment for each of these operations. The choice of which to utilize depends on the 1) pressure, 2) fouling poten-tial, 3) liquid to vapor density ratio, 4) liquid loading, and most important 5) life cycle cost. Distillation equipment includes many categories of equipment. The two major categories are trays and packing, but each of these categories has many divisions.

P A G E 7

PT. Dinamika Teknik Per-sada

is an Engineering Consultants focused on providing engineering and technical services to the oil and gas industry. We develop innovative and cost effective solu-tions and helping our clients to achieve high per-formance from their assets by providing exper-tise, novel methods and appropriate tools -FEED to Detailed engineering Design -Independent Design Verifica-tion -Risk Assessments -Asset Integrity Management -Risk Based Inspection

PT Dinamika Teknik Persada provide Engi-neering Design to the upstream and down-stream sectors of oil & gas industry: - Processing plants - Pressure vessels - Heat exchangers - Piping systems - Onshore pipelines - Offshore pipelines

Address : Ruko Golden Boulevard Blok K No. 1-2 Jl. Pahlawan Seribu, BSD City, Serpong

Tangerang 15322 – Indonesia Phone / Fax : +62 21 53150601

Email : info@dtp-eng.com

Tray divisions include; 1. Baffle Trays 2. Dual Flow Trays 3. Conventional Trays 4. High Capacity Trays 5. Multiple Downcomer Trays 6. System Limit Trays Packing divisions include; 1. Grid Packing 2. Random Packing 3. Conventional Structured Packing 4. High Capacity Structured Packing There are both process and economic arguments for the best choices in equipment selection. Typi-cally, structured packing is better than random packing for fouling service because it has no hori-zontal surfaces, but if the process has high mainte-nance concerns, random packing may be chosen to reduce the life cycle cost. Fouling Potential Designing mass transfer equipment for fouling ser-vice requires first an understanding of the fouling mechanism, the process in which the fouling oc-curs, and behavior of the process when the fouling is present. An understanding of these items needs to be developed in advance of designing mass transfer equipment for fouling service. The challenges of operating fouling columns can result in; 1. Increase energy consumption due to heat

transfer and efficiency issues. 2. Reduced column capacity, which may lead to

production loses. 3. Increased down time for cleaning and dispos-

ing of fouling wastes 4. Potential need for the use of chemical addi-

tives Vapor to liquid density ratio When structured packing was first introduced, the vapor to liquid density ratio was not understood, and structured packing was applied in areas of low vapor to liquid density with unexpected results. In one case an Alky Unit De Iso Butanizer was re-vamped from trays to rings with less performance, the original trays were then reinstalled. Several Propylene and Ethylene Splitters were revamped to structured packing, and then had trays re-installed. Pressure normally has a large effect on the param-eters of surface tension and density ratios. Density ratio is the ratio difference between the vapor and the liquid densities. Structured packing can be uti-lized if the density ratios are large. If the density ratio is below 50, a back-mixing effect can occur, where the liquid carries the vapor downward.

The resultant stage efficiency (HETP) in a packed column is lower than expected and trays may be the most economical solution. Both packed and trayed columns have reduced capacity factors as the pres-sure increases. Trayed column are also affected by the vapor to liq-uid density ratio. The down comer capacity is directly affected by the ability of the liquid vapor mixture abil-ity to separate into their respective phases. At low vapor to liquid density ratios this can be difficult if the down comers are not sized properly. Liquid loading In low liquid loaded systems packing may be the best choice because of the mass transfer character-istics of packing. The mass transfer in packing ap-plications takes place on a thin film of liquid that is spread over the surface area of the packing. If the liquid rate is high this boundary layer will increase, reducing the mass transfer. Trays should be consid-ered by high liquid loaded applications. In low liquid loaded systems trays can have high residence times leading to undesired affects such as fouling, discoloration, polymerization, and sedimen-tation. In addition, trays in low liquid loaded systems have difficulty maintaining a good weir loading and distribution across the tray, resulting in lower than expected tray efficiencies.

3.2 Correct process control strategy to achieve stable operations

Pressure Control Challenges Because humans are less sensitive to pressure than temperature, we measure pressure in large units. In the ideal gas law PV = nRT, pressure is measured in units of 1 bar and temperature in units of degrees Kelvin, therefore temperature measures will be much more accurate than pressure measurements. Con-trol strategies that rely strongly on pressure will be less stable than those that rely on temperature. Of DeButanizer tower malfunctions, the most com-mon malfunctions are widely different from those in vacuum, crude and FCC fractionators. Ten of the thirty-seven were in process control, and five of them were with pressure and condenser controls. The challenge of DeButanizer condenser is with the non-condensables that the previous towers might not totally remove. Level Instrumentation Challenges Level instrumentation is much more difficult than many people perceive. Acceptable industry stand-ard methods have greater than 10% inaccurateness. This is due to density differences in the tower bot-toms and the level leg or sight glass.

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The tower bottoms will be frothy and at a higher temperate than the level leg. Because the principle of level measurement is Bernoulli’s’ Equation (density times gravitational force times height) the density has a direct effect on the measurement. The density is a function of the temperature and the froth aeration, both of which are reduced in the sight glass and level leg. For a hot system the lev-el in the tower can be as much as 10% higher, and for a cycrogenic system the level can be lower than the sight glass due to the temperature effect. Olefins Unit Application Example An example of the phenomena by one of the au-thors was in an ethylene furnace steam drum. Be-cause the steam drum has a low level shutdown, which also shut down the furnace, the operations group wanted to run the drum at a high liquid level to allow increased the operator response time. Op-erations decided to keep the drum level at 80%. This drum operated at a 100 bar system pressure which has resulted in very high temperatures. Op-erations noted that there was a loss of efficiency in the steam turbines that utilized the high pressure steam. Tests were run to determine the carry over of the steam drums by measuring the sodium levels in the steam. It was determined by the sodium test, that the drums were full at 80% as verified by the photographs of the tide marks in the steam drums at the next down turn. The steam drum level was lowered to a measured 65% to reduce liquid car-ryover. Picture of water mark on the steam drum

Steam Turbine Fouling

3.3 Fouling / corrosion / polymeriza tion potential

The most suitable mass transfer equipment for foul-ing service may also be the least efficient for mass transfer. Grid packing and shed decks can handle nearly every known fouling service, but they have low efficiencies when compared to sieve trays, ran-dom, and structured packings. Packing For packed towers the key fouling factors revolve around liquid distribution and packing residence time. The longer the residence times the less suita-ble. Low-pressure drop, smooth surface, low resi-dence time packings perform best in fouling service. The order of preference is: 1. Grid 2. Structured packing 3. Random packing Packing Distributor Concerns In fouling service, distributors are areas where resi-dence time is increased and fouling phenomena can occur. In high-fouling services trough v-notch or oth-er type of trough distributors are recommended over pan type distributors. Trays The industry prefers trays in fouling service because of the long history of success trays have had in foul-ing service applications. The first continuous distilla-tion column with bubble cap trays was developed in 1813 and structured packing was developed in 1964. The database and application know how is much larger with trays. The best trays to use in fouling ser-vices are dual flow trays and large fixed opening de-vices. Moveable valve trays are less resistant to foul-ing because the valves are areas where a polymer can seed and propagate. Solids can pack in small crevices around movable valves making them im-movable.

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Dual Flow Trays Dual flow trays are the trays of preference for heavy fouling services, but have low stage efficien-cy. Dual flow trays have no down comers, where products of fouling phenomena can accumulate. Stagnation in a down comer, or even on a tray deck, due to back mixing, can result in polymer for-mation. The vapor and liquid transfers up and down the column thru the holes on the tray deck. This is an advantage if the fouling is in the vapor state as the under side of the tray is continually washed. The continuous agitation of the liquid on the topside of the trays combined with continuous underside wet-ting/washing action makes this tray suitable for foul-ing services. The challenge of the dual flow tray is mal-distribution in larger diameter towers. Two types of dual flow trays are available; standard deck and rippled deck. The standard deck has is a flat plate, and the rippled deck has sinusoidal waves. Levelness is of extreme importance to dual flow trays because the liquid will migrate to the low level on the tray and start channeling. Dual flow trays have a tendency for harmonic tray vibrations; rippled decks have an excellent record in fouling service except for one recent documented case. Fixed Opening Trays If mass transfer efficiency and fouling resistance are both needed, then a fixed opening tray is the preferred choice. This fixed opening device is a raised opening on the try deck that is sufficiently large to allow vapor to keep the tray deck non-fouled, while providing higher stage efficiency.

3.4 Thermal stability, chemical stability and safety

There are several incident of thermal stability, chemical stability and safety incidents that need review Thermal Stability Thermal stability is an issue when dealing with many specialty chemicals. The need to reduce the tower bottoms temperature to reduce degradation or polymerization can shift the process design to-ward packing, falling film reboilers and special over head condensers to reduce the tower pressure drop. Chemical Stability In several applications, a small amount of the feed stream can accumulate in a distillation column and have chemical stability issues. In an ethylene plant propylene splitter tower, Methyl Acetylene and Pro-padiene can concentrate in a section of the distilla-tion tower below the feed.

At high concentrations, above 40%, this product can auto decompose resulting in large pressure increases with potential damage to the equipment. In butadiene plants a small amount of vinyl acety-lene is always present. Extractive distillation is typi-cally used to recover the valuable 1, 3 butadiene. If not operated correctly, the vinyl acetylene can accu-mulated to an auto ignition level resulting in pressure vessel failure and consequential damages. Column Safety One issue for column safety is packing fires. Pack-ing has been known to ignite and burn when the tower is opened for maintenance. FRI and others have produced guidelines for reducing the likelihood of tower packing fires. 3.5 Maintenance reliability, accessibility and

simplicity of repair Maintenance reliability, accessibility and simplicity of repair issues many times are developed in actual field experiences. The field experience is fed back to the tray designer to incorporate best practices. This is an area where an experienced team can bring huge value to a process. Demister Pads Demister pads are very easy to design and install, but tend to be high maintenance issue items. Typi-cal entrainment removal of 99% can be obtained with 150 mm (6 inches) of mesh pads. There have been numerous failures in demister pad systems due to pressure surges. The pad may foul with ma-terial and fail due to pressure drop increases. Typical Demister Pad Issues

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4. Optimize Distillation Energy (Reduce Energy

Cost) For distillation the most significant non-capital com-ponent to the life cycle cost would be energy, fol-lowed by maintenance losses. To minimize energy, a designer should focus on column sequence and optimizing individual tower performance, as well as considering the impact of tray and packing efficien-cies. The designer should also review the reliabil-ity of the equipment and scrutinize the complexity of the process to achieve minimal downtime for maintenance. Stage Efficiency Many things influence stage efficiency. The first and foremost is the type device employed for the service. Next is the system itself including the pressure, L/V ratio, relative volatility, and physical properties. The choice of device is important from the viewpoint of capacity, but many times a higher capacity device will inherently have a lower level of efficiency perfor-mance. Generally, higher capacity devices exhibit lower efficiency. The reason for this is that the con-tact time between the liquid and the vapor is greatly reduced at higher throughput. Design

Design of Trays to Improve Efficiencies and Capac-ities Trayed Columns utilize a pressure and temperature differential to separate the products. For most trayed columns, the weir holds a certain amount of liquid level on each tray. The vapor must overcome this liquid head to move up the column. On the tray the vapor and liquid are contacted and then above the tray they are separated. Any deviation that re-stricts the vapor and liquid from contacting and then separating will deteriorate the column’s ability to meet design specifications. Items that lead to improvements in tray efficiency include; 1. Path flow length 2. Deck opening size 3. Elimination of stagnant zones 4 Down comer outlet devices / froth promoters 5. Weir Heights

1. Path Flow Length The longer the path flow length, the higher the tray efficiency. At short path flow lengths, less than 300 mm a tray will achieve the point efficiency. Longer flow path lengths can actually allow a try to achieve efficiency in excess of 100%. 2. Opening Size There is an optimum bubble size, therefore an opti-mum opening size. Too small or too large can affect the size of the bubble, leading to loss of efficiency. Here is the normal trade off between capacity and efficiency. 3. Elimination of stagnant zones Parallel flow across a cordial surface can lead to stagnant areas. Liquid directional push valves can help eliminated the stagnant zones. 4. Down comer outlet devices / froth promoters The clear liquid exiting the down comer becomes froth on the tray. Items that assist this froth genera-tion improve efficiency. 5. Weir Heights The weir height has an effect on the tray efficiency. Recommendations are not to exceed 100 mm or 1/6 of tray spacing, and 50 to 75 is suggested for all ser-vices except vacuum services. Optimum Reflux Rates Optimum reflux rates particularly for the cold refriger-ated column can lead to very large energy savings. A cost of each reflux and reboiler energy needs to be calculated and incorporated in operations Key Performance Indicator.

9. Distillation Trouble Shooting Even in the best run plants operations degrade over time or some processes do not work as well as ex-pected. Plant operating and equipment changes introduce new problems and reveal, older, unappre-ciated problems. Troubleshooting, the systematic investigation or problems and their solution, is key to maximizing plant profits. A unit with malfunctioning equipment or an incorrect process configuration cannot be opti-mized by the best control system available. Process-es and equipment must work correctly for maximum profits. Key aspects of successful troubleshooting include: a thorough understanding of both the process and the equipment: application of chemical engineering ba-sics to problem solving: and good field technique and data interpretation skills. The process is not in-dependent of the equipment.

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The equipment works as part of a process. Both must be understood for effective troubleshooting. Chemical engineering basics are required for un-derstanding both the equipment and the process. Finally, field technique and data interpretation skills are needed to gather required information. Often, troubleshooting fails due to faulty, incomplete and misleading numbers.

10. Operations Training The success of every company depends of each employee's understanding of the business's key components. Employee training and development will unlock the companies' profitability and reliabil-ity. When people, processes and technology work together as a team developing practical solutions, companies can maximize profitability and assets in a sustainable manner. With separation being typi-cally over 40% of a plants cost and energy it is vital that your operation team understand distillation fun-damentals. The unit on stream time is an indication of opera-tions training. A first quartile-operating unit's on steam factor is greater than 97%. If the on stream factor is below 97% a review of operation training and development is warranted. If on stream factor or average years of operating experience is declin-ing a review of operations training and development should be considered. A review of each trainer's experience and knowledge is critical when choosing an operations development program. Suppose the trainer under-stands 90% of the subject. At best, he might be able to teach the students 75% of his knowledge base on a short course basis. Therefore the stu-dent's knowledge base is 67%. If this person goes and trains someone else, the second student’s knowledge base is 51%.

Make sure that you have qualified instructors with a high level of the subject understanding or your re-sults will not be satisfactory. Be careful in "Train the Trainer" philosophy to get a high level of the subject knowledge to your trainer. Operations training and development is an invest-ment in the future - maximize your return on invest-ment. Give your employees the keys to success.


Kolmetz K, Dr. Wai Kiong Ng, Siang Hua Lee, Tau Yee Lim, Daniel R. Summers Cy-ron Anthony Soyza, Optimize Distillation Column Design for Improved Reliability in Operation and Maintenance, 2nd Best Prac-tices in Process Plant Management, Nikko Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 14-15, 2005

Hasbrouck, JF, Kunesh, JG, Smith VC, “Successfully Troubleshoot Distillation Tow-ers”, Chemical Engineering Progress, March 1993

Kolmetz K, Dr. Wai Kiong Ng, Siang Hua Lee, Craig G. Cook, Energy Optimization of Cryogenic Distillation, DISTILLATION 2005, 2005 Spring AIChE Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, April 10-14, 2005

Kolmetz K, Sloley AW, Zygula TM, Ng WK, Faessler PW, Design Guidelines for Distilla-tion Columns in Fouling Service, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, The 16th Ethylene Producers Conference, Section T8005 - Ethylene Plant Technology, Ad-vances in Distillation Technology for Eth-ylene Plants, 29 April 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

P A G E 1 2

How Many Pressure Relief Devices (PSDs) Do you

Have Venting to Atmosphere? Are They Safe?

Process Engineering Associates

Determining if the atmospheric release from a pressure relief device (PSD) is safe is good engineering

practice and a requirement defined by OSHA and ASME. Relief devices that are not connected to a

closed relief system (flare header, knock out pot, etc.) should have tailpipes to direct the relieving stream to

a safe area. An engineer can use readily available tools to preliminarily screen most atmospheric releases

to determine if a more detailed quantitative evaluation is needed to generate a relief design guideline. The

combination of preliminary screening, semi-quantitative evaluation and more detailed qualitative evaluation

can be used to streamline the overall review process.


Initial screening of each valve should be performed

to categorize the level of risk. This involves a re-

view of the existing PSD sizing calculations and

existing hazards evaluation reports/

recommendations to classify each device into one

of the following categories based on the nature of

the fluid discharged:

• Relief devices that simply need to be piped so

that discharge does not have the potential to

impinge personnel in its path or inhibit an oper-

ator from performing a function in an emergen-

cy. Example for this are low pressure steam

releases or thermal cooling water reliefs.

• Relief devices that may have a slightly higher

level of safety concern and will require some

qualitative evaluation to define a specific relief

guideline. Examples of this are release of an

ashpyxiant or saturated vapor that may con-


• Relief devices that will require more detailed

quantitative analysis to generate a relief guide-

line. Examples of this are flammable vapors,

toxic vapors, vapors heavier than air, and va-

pors that may cause an offsite odor issue.

• Relief devices that are special cases. For exam-

ple, a release that has been sized for vapor re-

lease but may have situations that could release

a flammable liquid, a 2-phase mixture, or solids.

These will require special design considera-


P A G E 1 4

Releases of liquids or solids to the atmosphere are

not acceptable and will require special design (i.e.

containment or safety instrumentation to eliminate a

credible release scenario).

The screening step determines which valves should

be carried further into a quantitative evaluation so

that a relief guideline can be established. First and

foremost, a conservative approach should be taken

in the screening step to minimize the possibility that

unsafe atmospheric PSD discharge could escape

detection and not be flagged for further, more de-

tailed, quantitative evaluation by the engineering


Semi-Quantitative Analysis

Preliminary calculations are performed to compare

data to key process parameters that allow for a

more detailed definition of the potential risk associ-

ated with the release and determine if a more de-

tailed quantitative evaluation (such as dispersion

modeling) should be performed. The key variables

include the following:

• Adequate mixing – API STD 521 6th edition 5.8

provides guidelines to determine if a relief de-

vice discharge to atmosphere is acceptable

based on the mixing effects at the discharge.

To semi-quantitatively determine if a release is

acceptable, the following criteria must be met:

Exit velocity should be greater than 100 ft/sec.

Studies have shown that the hazard of flamma-

ble concentrations existing below the point of

discharge is negligible as long as the discharge

velocity is sufficiently high. The evaluation

should be done at various valve capacities (e.g.

25%, 50% and 100% of the rating) since there

is a potential that the valve discharge rate may

be lower than the actual rated capacity of the


2. Vapor MW should be less than 80

3. Relief temperature should be at or below the

atmospheric temperature.

If any of these criteria are not met, it should be as-

sumed that adequate mixing may not exist and a

potential for an unacceptable concentration at

ground-level may be present.

• Vapor density – if the vapor density is heavier

than air, the vapor cloud may migrate to ground

level and pose a hazard. Additional analysis is

needed to determine if the ground-level concen-

tration could be flammable or toxic.

• Vapor Reynolds Number (Nre) – if the vapor

Nre , per API STD 521 6thedition

ρj = density of gas at the vent outlet

ρ∞ = density of the air.

then the jet momentum forces of release are usually

dominant. Else, the jet entrainment of air is limited,

and flammable mixtures can possibly occur at grade

or downwind. Additional analysis is needed to deter-

mine if the ground-level concentration could be flam-

mable or toxic.

Note: The above equation may not be valid for jet

velocity < 40 ft/s (12m/s) or jet-wind velocity ratio <


• Potential for mist formation - the potential for

mist formation to occur exists if the relief stream

dew point is above the minimum ambient tem-

perature at the site. A design that includes a

knockout drum or scrubber should be installed in

relief lines to separate and remove liquid drop-

lets from the discharge.

• Maximum ground-level concentration

(flammability and toxicity) - a preliminary

screening calculation to determine the maximum

P A G E 1 5

estimated concentration at grade (Cmax) can be

done to determine if further dispersion modeling

should be performed. This information can be

compared to the lower explosive limit (LEL) for

flammable vapors (is Cmax greater than 25% of

the LEL?) and to applicable exposure limits for

toxic vapors (is Cmax close to the IDLH or TLV

for that compound?). For example, a highly flam-

mable material released that is above the LEL at

the release point should be evaluated for the po-

tential to reach >25% of the LEL at grade.

Note: One reference that provides a screening

equation for Cmax is “Consequence Analysis of At-

mospheric Discharge from Pressure Relief Devices,

Qualitative and Quantitative Safety Screen-

ing” (Burgess, John P.E., Smith, Dustin P.E., Smith

& Burgess Process Safety Consulting).

• Asphyxiant hazard – if an asphyxiant is dis-

charged and the vapor release is heavier than

air, additional evaluation may be needed, de-

pending on the location of the relief device, to

determine if there is a potential for buildup or re

-entrainment of the vapors in occupied spaces.

Again, a conservative approach should be taken in

the semi-quantitative analysis. Borderline accepta-

bility of the above parameters should be consid-

ered for further modeling to ensure that the poten-

tial risk is accurately defined.

An example summary of the screening and prelimi-

nary semi-quantitative analysis is presented in the

below summary table for a PSV releasing hexane.

As a result of this semi-quantitative analysis, each

valve can be classified into a specific risk catego-

ry. Depending on the risks, you can either (1) de-

fine an atmospheric relief guideline for the valve so

that the PSD design can be completed or (2) deter-

mine that a more detailed quantitative analysis (e.g.

dispersion modeling) should be performed to better

understand the potential risk.

Detailed Quantitative Analysis

Results of the screening and preliminary semi-

quantitative analysis may indicate that additional

analysis (such as detailed dispersion modeling) is

required to more specifically define the potential re-

lease pattern and level of risk associated with the

vapor release such that a specific guideline can be

established for the design of the tailpipe.

One method that is widely used to model these types

of releases is ALOHA®. ALOHA® is a hazards mod-

eling program that can define potential threat zones

for chemical releases and can be used for flammable

P A G E 1 7

vapors, toxic vapors, BLEVEs (boiling liquid expan-

sion vapor explosions), jet fires, pool fires, and va-

por cloud explosions. This software package is

from the CAMEO® Software Suite and can be

downloaded for free at https://www.epa.gov/cameo.

In the example above, ALOHA® was used to define

the potential threat zones for the release of hexane

from the PSD.

Using MARPLOT®, also a software program in the

CAMEO Software Suite, the ALOHA threat zone es-

timate can be displayed on the map of the facility to

graphically display the potential impact and better

prepare for the chemical release.

Conclusion An engineer can use readily available tools to screen

most atmospheric release PSDs to define a specific

relief guideline for that PSD. The evaluation should

include both a qualitative screening and, as needed,

more detailed quantitative methods to streamline the

review and develop documentation that proves the

discharge configuration is safe.

P A G E 1 8

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Phase equilibrium properties like bubble point, hydrocarbon dew point, water dew point, phase envelope,

two phase composition, binary VLE curves, hydrate equilibrium curves etc. for hydrocarbon mixtures are

required in all kinds of hydrocarbon handling. There is a need of accurately calculating these phase equilib-

rium properties using simple equations. In the present paper, accurate calculation of phase equilibrium

properties of hydrocarbon mixtures using most simple to implement Peng Robinson cubic equation of state

along with Van der Waals mixing rule is described. A phase equilibrium software, EQ-COMP, has been

developed for this purpose and its features are also described in the paper.


Present day hydrocarbon industry cannot function

without accurate knowledge of phase equilibrium

properties of pure hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon

mixtures. Phase equilibrium properties of hydrocar-

bons are required in designing and effective opera-

tion of each and every equipment involving hydro-

carbons ranging from hydrocarbon pumps to pres-

sure vessels and distillation columns.

Phase equilibrium properties are also required in

upstream hydrocarbon processes like planning and

simulation of oil and gas wells and drilling and pro-

duction of hydrocarbons. Atmospheres of various

heavenly bodies in the universe are composed of

hydrocarbons like methane, ethane, propane and

heavier hydrocarbons in combination with inorganic

gases like Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide and Hydrogen


Exploration of these heavenly bodies require simula-

tion of their atmospheres which require accurate pre-

diction of phase equilibrium properties of the mixture

of various hydrocarbons with inorganic gases consti-

tuting their atmospheres.

Bubble point, hydrocarbon dew point, water dew

point, phase envelope, two phase composition, com-

pressibility factors, binary VLE curves, hydrate equi-

librium curve etc. are few of the phase equilibrium

properties having wide applications in hydrocarbon

handling. For calculation of simple phase equilibrium

properties for ideal hydrocarbon mixtures at low tem-

peratures and pressures, Raoult’s law can be used.

As per Raoult’s law : Yi=Xi*Pio/P


Yi is mole fraction of i component in vapor phase

Xi is mole fraction of i component in liquid phase

Pio is vapor pressure of i component at system tem-

perature in pure form, and

P is system pressure

P A G E 2 0

Accurate Prediction of Phase Equilibrium Properties Using

Peng Robinson Cubic Equation of State Amit Katyal

Independent Researcher/Inventor

(Hydrocarbon and water treatment)


However, at high temperatures and pressures,

even mixtures of simple hydrocarbon molecules

deviate from ideality. For non-ideal hydrocarbon

mixtures, fugacity coefficient based models for pre-

diction of phase equilibrium properties are used.

The fugacity of a real gas is the effective partial

pressure of a component which replaces ideal par-

tial pressure of the component in calculation of dis-

tribution of the component in liquid and vapor

phase. The ideal gas pressure and fugacity are

related through a dimensionless fugacity coefficient


Where φ is fugacity coefficient

f is fugacity

P is ideal gas pressure

For a condensed phase (liquid or solid) in equilibri-

um with its vapor phase, fugacity of its components

is equal to their fugacity in vapor phase. Fugacity of

non-polar or mildly polar compounds can be calcu-

lated to reasonable accuracy using equations of

state. Hydrocarbons and inorganic gases present in

oil and natural gas mixtures are non-polar or mildly

polar in nature. As equations of state require very

few parameters like critical pressures, critical tem-

peratures and acentric factors and can be used to

calculate both liquid and vapor phase fugacity so

these are widely used in phase equilibrium calcula-

tions of hydrocarbon mixtures in petroleum indus-


Numerous equations of state are given in literature.

Out of these, Soave Redlich Kwong cubic equation

of state and Peng Robinson cubic equation of state

are most widely used. Generally Peng Robinson

cubic equation of state is preferred over Soave

Redlich Kwong cubic equation of state as it predicts

liquid density more accurately.

The Peng–Robinson equation was developed in

1976 at The University of Alberta by Ding-Yu Peng

and Donald Robinson. The Peng-Robinson cubic

equation of state is given below:

In polynomial form:

Where, w is the acentric factor of the species and R

is the universal gas constant.

For calculations involving hydrocarbon mixtures vari-

ous types of mixing rules can be used. Van der

Waals mixing rule is the simplest mixing rule used in

Peng Robinson equation requiring minimum number

of parameters. Van der Waals mixing rule is applied

for mixtures and mixture parameters are calculated

as given below


a and b = the interaction energy and molecular size

parameters for the mixture

ai, bi = a and b parameters for component i in the


xi = composition (mole fraction) for component i in

the mixture

kij = binary interaction parameter

n = number of components in the mixture

Binary interaction parameters for groups of compo-

nents can be calculated experimentally. However

various correlations are also available to calculate

binary interaction parameters. A common correlation

to estimate the binary interaction parameter is given


P A G E 2 1

In the above equation, νci and νcj represent the criti-

cal volumes of components i and j, respectively.

The default value of exponent n is normally set to

1.2 but it can be used as a tuning parameter to

match the experimentally measured dew point.

Temperature dependent binary interaction parame-

ters can also be used in Van der Waals mixing rule.

Temperature dependent binary interaction parame-

ters give more accurate values compared to con-

stant parameters or when no parameters are used.

E-Predictive Peng Robinson 78 (E-PPR 78) equa-

tion gives a correlation to calculate predictive val-

ues of temperature dependent binary interaction

parameters. E-PPR 78 equation can give tempera-

ture dependent binary interaction parameters for

mixtures containing water besides paraffins, cyclo-

paraffins, olefins, di-olefins, aromatics, thiols and

inorganic gases like nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hy-

drogen sulfide, hydrogen, argon and oxygen.

As E-PPR 78 equation can include water as a com-

ponent so it can be used to calculate water dew

point curves and hydrate equilibrium curves for hy-

drocarbon mixtures containing water accurately.

Temperature dependent binary interaction parame-

ters as per E-PPR 78 equation can be calculated

using group contribution method using the following


Where, αik is the fraction of molecule i occupied by

group k (occurrence of group k in molecule i divid-

ed by the total number of groups present in mole-

cule i). Akl = Alk and Bkl = Blk (where k and l are

two different groups) are constant parameters giv-

en in Appendix A (Akk = Bkk = 0).

Accurate prediction of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium

properties requires complex calculations which can

only be executed through complex computer pro-

grams run on latest computers.

EQ-COMP is a complex chemical engineering pro-

cess simulation software tool for automatically cal-

culating vapor-liquid equilibrium properties of pure

hydrocarbons and binary and multi-component mix-

tures of hydrocarbons by just clicking a button. EQ-

COMP can predict vapor-liquid equilibrium proper-

ties for hydrocarbon mixtures for almost any compo-

sition with up to a maximum of 112 components us-

ing Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state. Please

visit www.eq-comp.com for complete information.

The possible components can include non-polar

hydrocarbons, mildly polar hydrocarbons, non-polar

inorganic gases or mildly polar inorganic gases. Var-

ious modules of EQ-COMP can be used to find out

bubble point temperature, bubble point pressure,

hydrocarbon dew point temperature, hydrocarbon

dew point pressure, phase envelope, two phase

composition and compressibility factor. EQ-COMP

can accurately predict VLE properties in retrograde

region and for compositions involving high propor-

tions of non-condensates.

The phase envelope generated using EQ-COMP

consists of equilibrium temperature values at a

specified interval of 0.4 bars. This phase envelope

clearly marks the critical point of mixture and cricon-

denbar and cricondentherm for the mixture can also

be located on the phase envelope.

Carbon dioxide freezing and frost curve for hydro-

carbon mixtures containing CO2 can be calculated

using EQ-COMP. Carbon dioxide freezing and frost

curve is calculated by using temperature dependent

binary interaction parameters (BIPs) in Peng-

Robinson cubic equation of state. This curve pro-

vides safe operating temperature and pressure con-

ditions for handling hydrocarbon mixtures containing

CO2 under cryogenic conditions.

Separate modules are designed to find out water

dew point curve for mixtures containing water be-

tween 1 weight % and 50 weight % and gas hydrate

equilibrium curve for hydrocarbon mixtures using

temperature dependent binary interaction parame-

ters (BIPs) in Peng Robinson equation.

P A G E 2 2

Gas hydrate dissociation curve / gas hydrate equi-

librium curve for pure hydrate forming components

and hydrocarbon mixtures containing at least one

hydrate forming component can be calculated us-

ing EQ-COMP. Hydrate forming components in-

cluded in EQ-COMP are methane, ethane, pro-

pane, n-butane, i-butane, ethylene, propylene, cy-

clopropane, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon di-

oxide, argon and oxygen. Also hydrate equilibrium

curves for pure hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon

mixtures in presence of hydrate inhibitors like salts

(LiCl, NaCl, KCl, CsCl, CaCl2 and MgCl2), salt mix-

tures, organic liquids (methanol, ethylene glycol,

ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, t-butyl alcohol and

glycerol) , sugars (deoxyribose, ribose, fructose,

sucrose, glucose and maltose), urea and forma-

mide can be calculated using EQ-COMP.

Concentration diagrams (x-y plot), temperature

concentration diagrams (T-x-y plot) and enthalpy

concentration diagrams (H-x-y plot) can be gener-

ated for binary mixtures using binary VLE calcula-

tion module of EQ-COMP. These diagrams can be

used in Mc-Cabe Thiele method and Ponchon Sa-

varit method to design distillation columns for bina-

ry hydrocarbon mixtures.

More accurate basic stage by stage design calcula-

tions for binary distillation columns and multi-

component distillation columns to find out minimum

reflux ratio, number of equilibrium stages in rectifi-

cation section and stripping section, equilibrium

temperature of various stages and liquid and vapor

compositions at various stages can be performed

using multicomponent distillation calculation mod-

ule of EQ-COMP.

Also various thermodynamic properties for hydro-

carbon mixtures like enthalpy, entropy, gibbs free

energy, specific heats and sonic speed can be cal-

culated using thermodynamic properties calculation

module of EQ-COMP.

Up to a maximum of 40 Pseudo components can

be included in various VLE calculations using EQ-


EQ-COMP software uses modified version of Peng-

Robinson cubic equation of state given in 1978.

Apart from the constant values of binary interaction

parameters derived using critical volumes of inter-

acting components given above, EQ-COMP can

include any other binary interaction parameters in its

calculations in case the same are provided by the

user. EQ-COMP can also include temperature de-

pendent binary interaction parameters as per E-

Predictive Peng Robinson 78 (E-PPR 78) equation

in its calculations. These parameters are supposed

to increase the accuracy of prediction of VLE prop-

erties over constant parameters or no use of param-

eters. Temperature dependent binary interaction

parameters are used in EQ-COMP to calculate wa-

ter dew point temperature values where it provides

accurate results comparable to CPA (cubic plus as-

sociation) equation of state. Further EQ-COMP uses

statistical thermodynamic model for clathrates devel-

oped by Van der Waals and Platteeuw in 1959 to

predict hydrate dissociation curve for hydrocarbon


Some of the graphical results of EQ-COMP are giv-

en in Appendix B.


Phase equilibrium properties of hydrocarbon mix-

tures can be calculated very accurately using Peng

Robinson cubic equation of state and Van der Waals

mixing rule with constant and temperature depend-

ent binary interaction parameters. EQ-COMP VLE

software can be used for this purpose through

www.eq-comp.com website.

P A G E 2 3

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(Alk and Blk values are given in bars)

P A G E 2 5

P A G E 2 6


Phase envelope of a typical natural gas composition using EQ-COMP software

Components Z

Methane (CH4) 0.958

Ethane (C2H6) 0.022

Propane (C3H8) 0.005

Iso butane (C4H10) 0.002

n butane (C4H10) 0.001

n pentane (C5H12) 0.000

2-methyl butane (C5H12) 0.001

n hexane (C6H14) 0.001

Nitrogen (N2) 0.006

Carbondioxide (CO2) 0.005


P A G E 2 7

Phase envelop result for a hydrocarbon mixture with high proportion of non-

condensables using EQ-COMP software

Components Z

Ethane (C2H6) 0.040

Propane (C3H8) 0.130

Iso butane (C4H10) 0.090

n butane (C4H10) 0.010

n pentane (C5H12) 0.040

n hexane (C6H14) 0.010

n heptane (C7H16) 0.010

n octane (C8H18) 0.010

Nitrogen (N2) 0.660


P A G E 2 8

Hydrate equilibrium curve for Natural Gas composition

Components Z

Methane (CH4) 0.650

Ethane (C2H6) 0.100

Propane (C3H8) 0.050

Iso butane (C4H10) 0.020

n butane (C4H10) 0.010

n pentane (C5H12) 0.020

n hexane (C6H14) 0.020

n heptane (C7H16) 0.020

n octane (C8H18) 0.020

n nonane (C9H20) 0.020

n decane (C10H22) 0.010

Benzene (C6H6) 0.020

Toluene (C7H8) 0.010

Nitrogen (N2) 0.010

Carbondioxide (CO2) 0.010

Hydrogensulfide (H2S) 0.010


P A G E 3 0

Phase envelope with CO2 frost and freezing curve using EQ-COMP software

Components Z

Methane (CH4) 0.100

Carbondioxide (CO2) 0.900


P A G E 3 1

Biography Mr. Amit Katyal is an independent researcher/ inventor based in New Delhi, INDIA. Mr. Amit Katyal is a Bachelor in Chemical Engi-neering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, INDIA and has a total experience of more than 20 years in hydrocarbon and water treatment sector in diverse segments like research, operations and technical services. Mr. Amit Katyal has developed some very useful softwires for hydrocarbon sector like EQ-COMP, HYD-PREDIC, LIQ-PROP, BUBBLE-SIM and MIX-CP. Additionally, Mr. Amit Katyal has also invented three patented/ patent pending tech-nologies. One of the technologies gives usage of gas hydrate con-cept to desalinate high salinity brines whereas the other provides a horizontal solution to vertical tray columns used in refineries and other chemical plants. The third technology provides a more effi-

cient, economical and operationally flexible form of distillation operation which can be used to separate sus-pended or dissolved solids and miscible liquids from water or other liquids. A US patent for the “Gas Hy-drate Based Water Desalination” technology has recently been granted by the USPTO and an Indian patent is pending for this technology. A US, UK and Indian patent is pending for the “Horizontal Distillation Col-umn” technology. A PCT application has been filed for “Simultaneous Evaporation and Condensation in Connected Vessels” technology. Complete work of Mr. Amit Katyal has been showcased on www.eq-comp.com website.


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