spanish lesson #3 -

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Spanish Lesson #305/06/2020

By: Maestras Linda, Christina, Rachel, and Mia

Lesson Plan1. Review gender rules

2. Review numbers 1-15

3. Review greetings

4. Learn subject pronouns

5. Conjugate the verbs ser and verb estar

6. Learn how to tell time in Español

7. La cultura de España

Revisar reglas de género 1. Nouns that end in -O are usually masculine

2. Nouns that end in -A are usually feminine

El Chico El libro

La Chica La ventana

Los ExcepcionesMasculine words can also end in:

● accented vowels (á/é/í/ó/ú)

● -ma or -pa

● Consonants other than -d or -z

● -e

El colibríEl amor

El problema El perfume

Los Excepciones ContinuóFeminine words can also end in:

● -dad or -tad

● -sión/ -sion or -ción/ -cion

● -z

La canción La felicidad

La actriz La libertad

Revisar los números 1-15 1 2 3 4 5

Uno Dos Tres Cuatro Cinco

6 7 8 9 10

Seis Siete Ocho Nueve Diez

11 12 13 14 15

Once Doce Trece Catorce Quince

Revisar los saludos

How old are you?

¿Cuántos años tienes?

I am __ years old.

Yo tengo ____ años.

¿De dónde eres?

Where are you from?

Yo soy de...

I am from ...

¿Cuál es tu nombre?/ ¿Cómo te llama?

What is your name?

Me llamo...

My name is ...

VocabularioHasta luego -- See you later

Mucho gusto -- Nice to meet you

Por Favor -- Please

Gracias -- Thank you

De nada -- You're welcome

Subject Pronouns Telling a story gets really boring if you have the same subject in every

sentence. That’s where subject pronouns come in handy; they replace

subject nouns and are separated by three things: Person (1st, 2nd, or 3rd),

gender, and formality (formal or informal).

Subject noun: Juan, Henry, the table, the book, etc.

Subject pronoun: he, she, we, it, etc.

Subject Pronouns Continuó Subject Pronoun Meaning Person Number Gender Formality

yo I 1st Singular N/A N/A

tú you 2nd Singular N/A informal

él/ella/usted he/she/you 3rd Singular M,F,N/A N/A,N/A,formal

nosotros/as we 1st Plural M/F N/A

ellos/ellas/ustedes they/you 3rd Plural M,F,N/A N/A,N/A,formal

Notice: there is no subject pronoun it in Spanish. Él and ella refer to people and sometimes to animals, but not

to things.

The Infinitive and ConjugationsThe infinitive is the unconjugated form of the verb. For example, to be is an infinitive in English. The conjugations are the forms of the verb that belong to a particular pronoun or noun subject.

I am and he is are examples of conjugations of the infinitive to be.

La Conjugación de EstarEstar - to be

Yo estoy I am

Tú estás You are (informal)

Él/ella/usted está He is/She is/You are (formal)

Nosotros/as estamos We are

Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes están They are/You are (plural)

Practice Questions!

Yo _________ en la clase.

a. estoy

b. estamos

c. estás

d. están

Ella ______ enferma.

a. estás

b. estoy

c. está

d. esta

Tú _________ contenta.

a. estamos

b. estás

c. está

d. estoy

Conversaciones con Estar

Alegre -- happy Aburrido/a -- boredBueno/Bien -- good Energético/a -- energetic, livelyTriste -- sad Amable -- FriendlyEnojado/a -- angry Enfermo/a -- sickHermoso/a -- beautiful Calmo/a -- calmCansado/a -- tired Relajado/a -- relaxed

¿Cómo estás? How are you?

Yo estoy _______ . I am…

La Conjugación de SerSer - to be

Yo soy I am

Tú eres You are (informal)

Él/ella/usted es He is/She is/You are (formal)

Nosotros/as somos We are

Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes son They are/You are (plural)

Practice with Ser :)

La casa _____ roja.

a. es

b. soy

c. somos

d. eres

Yo _____ de Nueva York.

a. somos

b. soy

c. es

d. eres

Nosotros __________ estudiantes.

a. somos

b. es

c. son

d. soy

¿De dónde _____ ella?

a. eres

b. soy

c. es

d. somos

El libro _____ azul.

a. son

b. eres

c. estoy

d. es

Ellas _____ pequeñas.

a. están

b. eres

c. soy

d. son

How to tell time in SpanishTo tell the time in Spanish, we use a conjugated form of ser along with a number from 1 to 12.

When we say it is 1:00, we use the form es.

One o’clock : Es la una.

If we want to say that it is any time from 2:00 to 12:00, we say:

Son las (dos/tres/cuatro/etc).

How to Tell Time in SpanishBut what if you want to say that it is 1:30? In Spanish, to say how many minutes have passed, we use one of three combinations:

es + la + una (+ number of minutes) Es la una treinta. It is 1:30.

es + la + una (+ y + number of minutes) Es la una y treinta. It is 1:30.

es + la + una (+ con + number of minutes) Es la una con treinta. It is 1:30.

We use the same rules if we want to say that it is 2:40 or 5:15 and so on.

Son + las (+ hour + number of minutes) Son las cinco veinte. It is 5:20.

Son + las (+ y + hour + number of minutes) Son las cinco y veinte. It is 5:20.

Son + las (+ con + hour + number of minutes) Son las cinco con veinte. It is 5:20.

Summary ● The subject pronouns in Spanish are yo, tú, él, ella, usted, nosotros, nosotras, ellos, ellas, and


○ Each subject pronoun corresponds to a certain conjugation of a verb

● In Spanish, unconjugated (unchanged) verbs are called infinitive verbs

● Ser and estar both mean “to be” in Spanish, but they are used differently (we’ll explain in the

next lesson)

● Ser is conjugated as soy, eres, es, somos, and son

● Estar is conjugated as estoy, estás, está, estamos, and están

● To say it is 1:00 in Spanish, we say es la una. The rest of the hours use son las ______.

La cultura de España



Friday’s extra lesson-- looking forward to it!

- Friday 4:00-4:45- Review and practice- Play review games- More conversations using Spanish

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For the next lesson

Distinguish Estar and Ser Although both estar and ser mean “to be”, we use them in different situations.

Estar: PLACE

1. Position2. Location3. Actions 4. Conditions5. Emotions


1. Descriptions2. Occupations 3. Characteristics 4. Time 5. Origin 6. Relationships

Estar PLACE Sentences!Position: Mi abuela está sentada. My grandmother is seated.

Location: Mi abuelo está en la luna. My grandfather is on the moon.

Action: Estamos leyendo los libros. We are reading the newspapers.

Condition: Mi padre está un poco cansado. My father is a little crazy.

Emotion: Estoy triste. I am sad.

Ser DOCTOR Sentences!Descriptions: Él es divertido. (He is fun.)

Occupations: Mi padre es médico. (My dad is a doctor.)

Characteristics: Yo soy pelirroja. (I am redheaded.)

Origin: Julián es de Colombia. (Julian is from Colombia.)

Relationships: Arturo es mi padre. (Arthur is my dad.)

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