spain – germany after war

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Spain in XX century

Francoism and policies of memory

Samuel Perrino Martinez1


Civil War (1936-1939) Was Spain a Fascist regime during

Francoism? The Democratic Transition Policies of memory during Democracy.

Samuel Perrino Martinez2

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

It is considered the prelude of the II World War

Bipolaraized environment previous to the War

Victory of the “Conservative” side

Samuel Perrino Martinez3

Civil War: “National” side

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Civil War: Repubican side

Samuel Perrino Martinez5

Results of Civil War

Victory of “National” side after 3 years of war (1936-1939)

New political regime ruled by the general Franco

Samuel Perrino Martinez6

Was Spain a Fascist regime during Francoism?

Samuel Perrino Martinez7

According the Republicans…

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according the Nationals…

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…and according the UK press

Samuel Perrino Martinez10

Was Spain a Fascist regime?

Extreme high an terryfing repression after War.

Fascist simbology. Blue Division during II WW.

Samuel Perrino Martinez11


Anthony Beever (around 200.000 deaths in concentration camps after and during war)

Episodes of extreme violence and “policy of terror” (Badajoz)

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Fascist simbology

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Blue Division

Group of volunteers who fought against Russia in the II WW, with the Nazi side (theory of “Two wars” inside the War)

Neutralism regarding United Kingdom or France

Samuel Perrino Martinez14

…But, it is not as simple

Different groups inside the regime (Monarchist, Fascist, Catholics …)

Permanent balance between the forces. Authoritarian rather than Totalitarian

Fascism as a “symbol of modernity” rather than a real ideology

The regime wants the social paralysis of the population rather than its movilization

Samuel Perrino Martinez15

Authoritarian or Totalitarian?

Different groups inside the regime (restricted pluralism)

Share power with other groups (Church, Army, landowners)

“Soft censorship” during last years

Samuel Perrino Martinez16


Different periods during Francoism depending on international context (1936-1975)

Extremelly authoritarian and conservative regime with Fascist influences

Samuel Perrino Martinez17

Spanish Transition (1975-1982)

Period in which the country go forward to a democratic regime after Franco,s death

Based in consensus between the “old regime forces” and the “opposition forces”

Model of ideal Transition to democracy.

Samuel Perrino Martinez18

The “agreed break”

Samuel Perrino Martinez19

Policies of memory during the Transition

Forget the period of the war ( Fear to the “Two Spains” idea)

Law which forbid judge events in the past The message of “looking to the future”

Samuel Perrino Martinez20

The example of Germany during the Transition

“There is a set of similarities between how democracy was shaped in Western Germany and how is in Spain (…) the Christian-Democrats arose from a new coalition, even if inside them there are personalities from the old regime. Also, its name is Christian-Democrat, the same acronym as UCD. The Socialist are also, the olddest political force in the country, with most of its leaders in prison or in the exile (…) a Nation with big mortgages, a new constitution to make, the problem of the regions, the economy in trouble…”

ABC (25/06/76)

Samuel Perrino Martinez21

The polemic “Law of Historical Memory”

Attempt to foster the recoverance of the places where they were buried the prisioners during war as “places of memory”

Progressive removal of streets and places with the name of persons linked with Francoism

The Garzon case

Samuel Perrino Martinez22


Create division among Spanish (myth of 2 Spains)

Both sides were equally responsible for the war (Anti-Republic narrative)

“It,s just History”

Samuel Perrino Martinez23


It is an act of justice There are similar laws in countries such as

Germany or Italy Franco did a coup d´etat against a

democratic regime

Samuel Perrino Martinez24

Law of Historical Memory

Samuel Perrino Martinez25

So, what do you think???

Samuel Perrino Martinez26

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