
Post on 16-Feb-2016






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Space. By Jay. Jupiter. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system .It is bigger than all the planets put together. A giant storm called the red spot on J upiter was 300 years ago. Jupiter and Saturn spin around so fast that they bulge out in the middle. . Saturn . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Jupiter Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar

system .It is bigger than all the planets put together.

A giant storm called the red spot on Jupiter was 300 years ago.

Jupiter and Saturn spin around so fast that they bulge out in the middle.

Saturn Saturn is the lightest planet in the solar

system, if their was a sea big enough Saturn will float like a cork.

The shining rings around Saturn are made of millions of chunks of ice.

Earths Neighbors Venus and mars are the closest planets to

earth. Venus is the hottest planet. Mars has the biggest volcano in the solar

system, it is called Olympus Mons. A year on Venus is 225 days and on Mars

687 days. Olympus Mons is three times the size of

Mt Everest.

The Smallest Pluto is the smallest planet and the next

smallest is Mercury, the closest planet to the sun.

No one knew Pluto had a moon until 1978.

The sunny side of mercury is boiling hot but the night side is freezing cold.

Mercury looks like our moon, because it’s nearly the same size and is cratered with rocks.

The Big Bang The Universe started with a massive explosion

called the Big Bang. Before anything was alive the Universe was just

a enormous ball of ice, rock, and gas put together to make it bright.

When the Big Bang happened all the outer parts of the ball with gas and ice flew out making it wider.

If you send a satellite out into space it will look like a ball about a size of a star in the middle and the outer galaxies in all different directions.

Atoms Atoms were formed when the Universe was

300,000 years old. Atoms were made of hydrogen and helium

nuclei joined with electrons and protons. We are made of atoms and every other living

thing on earth. The suns radiation is formed by atoms.

Atoms are squished together and this makes them uncomfortable and they fizzle out rays of sun very fast. This is harmful to plants so earth has it’s own force field.

A Star Is Born. There are three different types of stars, a red

star that is not so bright, a yellow star that is medium like our sun and bluish white stars that are the hottest.

Clumps of gas in nebula [ a type of gas] shrink into tight round balls. After that the gas spirals round as it is pulled inwards. Any left over gas will form planets. Deep in it’s centre the star is shining but is still hidden by dust and gas. Finally the dust blows away, may be it has a family of planets like the sun.

Death Of A Star When our sun dies it will become a 100 times

bigger, this is called a red giant then will become a 100 times smaller than it is now. A star can become a black hole or a white dwarf star. To become a black hole, after it turns into a red giant it will explode. This is called a supernova explosion. All the outer parts will blow out and it will be sucking up air and gas. To turn into a white dwarf after turning into a red giant it will become a 100 times smaller than it is now then it will slowly cool down and die after another million years.

Galaxies There is at least 125 billion galaxies witch

contain around 10000 billion stars. Dwarf galaxies are 1000 light years

across while our milky way is 300,000 billion light years across.

Our galaxie is disc-shaped and very bright in the middle.

Comets, Asteroids ,U.F.Os And Meteors

There are about millions of tiny comets around the edge of Pluto.

A comet is made of dust and ice mixed together.

Meteors are sometimes called shooting stars. There are just streaks of light that flash around.

Asteroids are chunks of rock that failed to stick together to make a planet. The asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter.

Comet tails al ways point away from the sun. U.F.O means unidentified flying objects.

The Moon There are five stages until the moon starts it’s month

cycle again. It starts with a new moon, crescent moon, first quarter

moon, gibbous moon and full moon. Craters on the moon are scars from space rocks like

meteors that have hit the moon. The moon itself was formed by an asteroid that hit young earth. The asteroid broke into 100’s of pieces. Then slowly it stuck together and after a million years it was just one ball of rock and in space the little pieces float around the bigger ones. This is how the moon came to be.

A lunar eclipse is when the earth is between the sun and the moon and a solar eclipse is when the moon is between the sun and the earth.

Kepler 22B Kepler 22B is a new planet discovered on the 6/12/2011. This planet may contain some life with it’s liquid News people calling this planet new earth. A world orbiting the sun above our solar system has

been found today. This planets year contains 268 days and it is 2.4 times

heavier than earth. Kepler 22B is above over solar system and it has a sun of

it’s own . This planet is 60 light years away. This planet is 22 degrees Celsius. This solar system with one planet’s sun looks like ours.

The space craft Kepler left in 2009 orbiting 100,000 stars.

Rockets A single rocket can’t blast a satellite into

space. There is 3 stages to launch a space craft into space and 2 jet boosters. To launch a satellite into space you need need the 3 stages of the rocket.

When the first stage uses all it’s fuel it falls off. This is the same with the other 2 stages. The huge Ariane5 rocket can launch 2 satellites at once. A space shuttle uses a parachute as well as brakes. It lands on a runway like any giant glider.

A space station is often in built in space and can be in space for nearly more than 7 months. The International Space Station is being built in space and it involves USA, Russia, Japan, Canada ,Brazil and seven European countries. The U.S space station, Skylab launched in 1979 fell back to earth in 1979. Most of it fell in the sea but some fell in Australia.

The crew live on board the ISS went till 7 months. A space station is a home for astronauts and cosmonauts [Russian astronauts].

Looking Into Space People have imagined they

can see outlines of people and animals in the sky.

Astronomers use huge telescopes to sees much more than we can see.

On the side there is a dome shaped telescope that has more than 50 lenses.

Radio telescopes send radio signals far away. The biggest telescope is being built in 2012 and it is being send beyond Uranus.

Living In Space Space is a dangerous place for astronauts. It

can be freezing cold in the earths shadow and boiling hot from the sun. There is also dangerous radiation from the sun and in the space ships dust and rocks you know the comets and meteors could crack a hole in the space shuttle and all the air will leak out.

There are 3 kinds of material needed in a space suit. First the outer layers protect the fierce heat of the sun. the soft lining goes underneath the fist layer. Last of all comes the last layer that seals the suit from the vacuum of space.

A space suit includes a camera, visor joy stick control, manned manoeuvring [ jet pack], gloves and a normal spacesuit.

Astronauts need to take everything they need into space with them. It is hard eating ,drinking and doing any thin in the the toilet. Astronauts often have to take dried foods with them. Astronaut’s have beds stuck to the walls which makes it easier to sleep.

Robot Explorers A robot spacecraft called

probes has explored every planet except Pluto. In 1976, two robot explorers landed on mars to look for life. Galileo has circled Jupiter more than six times. Mars Pathfinder carried a small rover called So journer to Mars in 1997. On the right is So journer.

Thank You Thank you for listening to my Space

presentation and a very thanks for letting me tell you all I know about space.

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