southern monterey county republican women federated · regular member teresa holman has a new...

Post on 16-Aug-2020






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Southern Monterey County Republican Women Federated

P.O. Box 221, King City, CA 93930 President-Karen Leonhard ( Newsletter Editor ~ Jeane Errea Mills (

Membership Chair-Dorothy Errea ( California Federation of Republican Women 30th Assembly District 12th State Senatorial District 20th Congressional District August 2019 Volume 19 Issue 8

AUGUST NEWSLETTER August 6th General Membership Meeting

August 6th General Membership Meeting Tuesday, August 6th, 2019, 11:30am

Lawrence's Restaurant, 611 Canal St., King City Cheeseburger, fries or onion rings

or Salad Bar

$15 includes beverage, tax and tip RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST!!

Respond to Karen at or (831) 385-1333 by August 4th. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP

Our guest speaker for the August 6th General Membership Meeting will be Dylan Temple, President Elect of the College Republicans at UC Santa Cruz. Mr. Temple will speak about being a College Republican on one of the most liberal school campuses in the United States. Kayla Ettinger and Jessica Steele, our two scholarship recipients, will be our guests at the meeting and will tell us about their educational plans. Everyone is welcome for lunch or to stop by to hear the speaker.

DYLAN TEMPLE Dylan is currently Treasurer and President Elect of College Republicans at UC Santa Cruz, outreach chair for the Young Americans for Liberty, President of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship at the Profit Elias Greek Orthodox Church and a member of the credentials committee in the California Federation of College Republicans. As a local of Monterey Bay and graduate of Carmel High School, Dylan enjoys working closely with the local organizations that are keeping conservatism alive on the Central Coast.


Kayla plans to attend University of California at Irvine, majoring in English with a concentration in literature. She will minor in music and continue her interest in dance as well as in violin performance.


Jessica plans to attend UC Davis and achieve a degree in forensic entomology. She hopes to enter the field of Crime Scene Investigation to specialize in entomology, solving crimes and convicting perpetrators.


Return address: THE WHITE HOUSE. Imagine my anticipation when opening that piece of mail! It is a thank you card from President Trump to SMCRWF for the Birthday card we sent to him. I will bring the card framed for all to see at our meeting on August 6th. It will be the perfect kickoff for our TRUMP 2020 campaign. Time to get organized and start planning what each one of us can do to support our President's reelection effort. Our domestic economy is booming and President Trump is also behind the World's growing economy. We will have some Trump 2020 caps , campaign buttons and bumper stickers available at our meeting. Look forward to meeting our 2019 Scholarship recipients and seeing everyone again after a month off for some summer relaxation. See you on August 6th.

Karen Leonhard, President


CFRW Treasurer, Lorie Noble, was our guest speaker at the June General Membership meeting. Lorie talked about the restructure of CFRW in 2020 and how our clubs from Santa Cruz to Ventura will now be in the Central Coast Region. Our members brought items for the troops and Kathy Imamura from Operation Care and Comfort was there to help organize and pack. We collected $238 in donations for postage and filled 12 large cartons of goods for the troops. Several of our Associate members from Monterey took a road trip to attend our meeting. Paso Robles President, Sue Rodeck, was there and joined our club. Sue Kleber held the lucky Opportunity Drawing ticket.



Our dear member, Bernice Mason, passed away in June after a lengthy illness. Bernice was a very dedicated teacher for many years. She loved the children in her classes and created many interesting activities for them to both learn from and enjoy. She was active in many organizations, CRTA, Rebeccas and Republican Women, often taking on leadership roles such as president, treasurer and secretary. She worked hard to keep in touch with her friends, which became more challenging as she lived in Greenfield and travel became more difficult. She was a generous friend with a dry sense of humor. I shall miss her. Sue Miller

A $25 check from Southern Monterey County Republican Women Federated was sent to King City Bible Church in Bernice's memory.


Our long time Associate Member, Tom Grim, passed away on July 1st. He will be missed by all as he and Janice rarely missed one of our monthly meetings. Tom was an active member of our club especially in the days when we had fashion shows. He and Janice were first on the scene to prepare for fundraising events, setting up tables and chairs and sweeping up afterwards. Tom was awarded our club's Associate of the Year in 2013. Tom was an active member of the community and a member of Rotary, KC Chamber of Commerce, KC Elementary School Board and Mee Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees. In 1974 he was awarded the King City Citizen of the Year. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Janice and her family at this difficult time.

U.S. Murder Concentrations by Local, IMAGE Crime Prevention Research Center From


the-real-numbers/#ixzz5u4GtZn33 Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

View From The Edge Of The Crowd by Lee Schell

If Donald Trump isn't reelected, next year, we are in a whole lot of trouble! Just the thought of someone like Kamala Harris being sworn-in at the White House and both houses of Congress being populated with the likes of "The Squad": Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Lihan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, makes me want to seal myself up in one of those old, 1950's underground bomb shelters. Think of what kind of damage to this Republic those people could do?

It is no surprise to anyone reading my commentary on these pages over the years, that I am a passionate supporter of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. As an old- school news reporter I have always wondered why support for the 2nd Amendment doesn't reach the level of the support of the First Amendment? How can anyone with a modicum of education misread the words:.."...shall not be infringed". Yet, over the years, people who would like to see law-abiding gun owners disarmed, have time and time again infringed on our rights to defend ourselves and our families with firearms. They don't want to make owning guns safer. They want private

gun ownership abolished. All of these so-called gun safety measures happening in California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Washington State are just attempts to whittle away at our gun rights to set the stage for gun abolishment and confiscation.

You see all kinds of scary statistics gun grabbers use to justify their anti-gun positions. Well, thanks to Don McDougall, the chairman of the Los Padres Friends Of The NRA committee in Ventura, I've got some real firearm statistics that you will never see on television, read in the newspapers or hear on the radio: There are an estimated 120 million law abiding gun owners in the country. We are the majority of the voting public. 83% of all shootings in the country are either drug or gang related or both. 53% of all shootings are by black men under 30 years old in urban areas. The U. S. ranks 11th in mass shootings among industrialized nations. 2% of U.S. counties have 53% of all shootings. So, if you take gangs and drugs

out of the equation we end up with seventeen hundred shooting deaths a year in a country with 330-million people. That makes us the safest country in the world! And all the gun laws passed by local, state and federal legislatures will be ignored by gang members and drug dealers and only punish law abiding, gun-owning citizens. Where did Don McDougall get these numbers, you ask? He got them from the FBI:


"Education is not the means of showing people how to get what they want. Education is an exercise by means of which enough men, it is hoped, will learn to want what is worth having" Ronald Reagan MEMBERSHIP REPORT

Total regular members to date 49 Total associate members 39

42 renewals 31 renewals 7 new 8 new

We welcome THREE NEW Associate Members! All of their information is listed below. PLEASE add them to your rosters. Regular member Teresa Holman has a new e-mail address: Please change this in your roster also.

Lorie Noble, (Estero Bay RWF) 2920 Greenwood Ave. Morro Bay, CA, 93442 805-772-5060 October 4th

Vicki Nohrden, MPRWF P.O. Box 6181 Carmel, CA, 93921 831-915-4889 September 2nd

Sue Rodeck, Presedent, PRRWF 2820 Green Rock Road Templeton, CA, 93465 805-818-3575 August 21st

Dorothy Errea, Membership Chairman


Jeff Gorman, chair of MCRP is announcing a Campaign Management Workshop to be held at the Monterey Marriott Hotel on August 17 and 18 from 9am-5pm. The workshop teaches how to manage or contribute to a winning campaign. It will include campaign finance and communications plan. The cost for the 2 day workshop is $100. Contact Jeff Gorman (831) 324-0617 to enroll or for more information.


MONTEREY PENINSULA RWF Aug. 8 Palo Corona Park, Carmel Valley, 11:30am. Speaker is Howard Hyde, author “Escape From Berkeley” RSVP (831) 277-6208

Monterey Peninsula's annual Liberty Luncheon is Thursday, September 12th at Palo Corona Park in CV. If you would like to sit at our South County reserved table, please bring a check payable to MPRWF with “Liberty Luncheon" noted in the memo to our August 6th meeting. The tickets are $75 each. If you cannot come to our August 6th meeting, please mail your check to me by that date. If you have any questions, call me at (831) 385-1333.

Karen Leonhard 45215 Appaloosa Way King City, CA 93930 PASO ROBLES RWF

No meeting in August but "SAVE THE DATE"! Sept. 21st “CELEBRATE AMERICA"


Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader by Dinesh D'Souza

Dinesh D'Souza shows how this "ordinary" man was able to transform the political landscape

in a way that made a permanent impact on America and the world. “Ronald Reagan” is a

thoughtful and honest assessment of how this underestimated president became a truly

extraordinary leader.


August 4 - Coast Guard Birthday

AMERICANISM obtained from on line searches

A provision of the 2009 Defense Authorization Act changed federal law to allow U.S. veterans and military personnel not in uniform to render the military hand-salute when the national anthem is played. The change adds to a provision which was passed in the 2008 Defense Bill, which authorized veterans and military personnel in civilian clothes to render the military salute during the raising, lowering or passing of the flag.


Wishing Karen Leonhard a speedy recovery from a bout with pneumonia. If you hear of anyone under the weather, give Cheryl Harrison a call at (831) 385-5977. She will send a card and some good cheer.


The monthly meeting of KC Chamber of Commerce will be held on Thursday, August 1st, 12 noon, in the Cafeteria Building at SVF. The speaker will be from Ft. Hunter Liggett and the subject will be access to Ft. Hunter Liggett and community relations. Our club is a member of the Chamber and we are welcome at their events. Be sure to wear your SMCRWF name badge. This is a great place to meet people and invite them to our meetings. Price of the lunch is $15, call (831) 385-3814 to RSVP.


Aug. 2 Dinner Tribute to the Eagles & Creedence Clearwater Revivel, 5:30-10pm Aug. 7 World of da Vinci Lunch & Tour, 12:30pm Aug. 23 Dinner Rock N' Roll Tribute to Fleetwood Mac & Journey, 5:30-10pm


Aug. 7 Leonard Anable Aug. 15 Erin King Aug. 19 Barbara Wellong Aug. 21 Sue Rodeck

Aug. 25 Butch Lindley Aug. 26 Eva Cabrera Aug. 27 Joe Vierra

CALENDAR July 30 Board Meeting, 12 noon, Rabo Bank, King City. Everyone is welcome. Aug. 6 General Membership Meeting, 11:30am, Lawrence's, 611 Canal St. K.C. Aug. 24 Santa Cruz Republican BBQ, 12noon,Corralitos Grange Aug. 27 Board Meeting, 12 noon, Rabo Bank, King City. Everyone is welcome.


Monterey Peninsula RWF Palo Corona Park, Carmel Valley

$75 Keynote Speaker - Michael Reagan

Corralitos Grange at 165 Little Corral Way in Corralitos.

Tickets are $35 each or $8o for a family.

Charley from KSCO will MC and offer his words of wisdom

Mark Meuser will talk about Voter Fraud, Ballot Harvesting and

what the Republicans need to do to Win!

Wonderful Tri-Tip & Chicken, Salads, Beans and Desserts will be available.

No Host Beer and Wine. Hot Dogs and Chips for the kids.

Purchase tickets through our website:

or Mail a check to:

Santa Cruz County Republican Committee, P.O. Box 3086 Santa Cruz, CA 95063



TUESDAY, JUNE 4TH, 2019 Location: Lawrence’s Restaurant, King City, CA

CALL TO ORDER: A quorum present, President Karen Leonhard called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. Officers Present: President, Karen

Leonhard, 1st Vice President, Sue Kleber, Treasurer, Dorothy Errea and. Officers absent: 2nd Vice President, Jeane Errea-Mills and Secretary,

Kathy Forgnone (31 present.)


INTRODUCTIONS: President, Karen Leonhard recognized former King City Councilwoman, Sue Kleber. Also introduced was the guest

speaker, Lorie Noble, CFRW Treasurer, Sue Rodeck, President of the PRRWF, along with Marilyn Galli, Secretary MPRWF, and Juli Mitchell,

Former Chair of the MCRP, was introduced as was, Kathy Imamura of Operation Care & Comfort, Monterey Peninsula Republican Women

Federated: Ruth Pedrosa-Moore, MPRWF, Bonnie Jean Grab's caregiver, Francisca Hernandez, Bonnie Lawson, new member and Joanne Banuelos,

columnist for the Kind City Rustler.

GUEST SPEAKER: 1st Vice President, Sue Kleber introduced, Lorie Noble, Treasurer for CFRW.

OPERATION CARE & COMFORT: Guest speaker, Kathy Imamura, Operation Care & Comfort thanked SMCRWF's

Members for their items brought in for shipment. She updated the wish list for the troops and that checks are tax deductible.

SCHOLARSHIP LUNCHEON: Treasurer Dorothy Errea reported that a net total of $3,121.12 was raised, with a total of $831.00 in



Correspondence. Acting Secretary, Donna Rappaport read thank you notes from the two 2019, $1,000 Scholarship recipients: Jessica

Steele, who has been accepted to U.C. Davis, majoring in Forensic Entomology, with a military component. The second recipient

chosen is Kayla Ettinger, who has been accepted by U.C. Irvine with an advanced degree in literature, as well as taking music, dance

and theatre classes. Both students will be attending the August 6th, General Membership meeting to receive their SMCRWF

Scholarship Awards.

Approval of Minutes. With no corrections, the Minutes of the May 7th, 2019, General Membership Meeting will stand as approved.

Treasurer's Report. Treasurer, Dorothy Errea, gave the report dated June 4th, Balance Forwarded, April 2, 2019, of $4,855.19,

Expenses of $1,964.57, Income of $4,552.00, Total Balance June 4th: $7,442.62.

Membership. Dorothy Errea reported current membership totals: 49 Regular Members, (42 renewals, 7 new), and 36 Associate

Members, (31 renewals and 5 new). New members were Teresa Holman, Erin King, Bonnie Lawson, New Associate Members include

Sandy Casion, Kathy Imamura and Daymond Slaten (Exhibit A.)

1st Vice President's Report. Sue Kleber reported that the speaker for the August 6th, General Membership meeting will be Dylan

Temple. The two 2019 Scholarship winners Kayla Ettinger and Jessica Steele will be present to receive their $1,000 checks.

Sunshine. With deep sadness, the passing of long time member, Bernice Mason was reported. Member Lee Schell is recovering well

from back surgery.

Legislation: Claudia Wollesen gave information on AB 362 - Safe Injection Site Bill, AB 1505 - Which attacks Charter Schools, and

SB 347, Legislation of Sugar.

Newsletter: Dorothy Errea reported that Editor Jeane Errea, would appreciate items to be included in the August Newsletter be

submitted by July 17th.


June 13 MPRWF meeting, 11:30am, Palo Corona Park, Speaker

Edward Krigbaum, author "Relentless" RSVP (831) 277-6208

June 13 Election Integrity, 5-9pm, Marina Library RSVP (831) 809-7285

June 17 PRRWF meeting, 11:30, Paso Robles Inn, Speaker, Greg Grewal

Discusses Water Issues. RSVP (408) 981-2546

July 30 Board Meeting, 12 noon, Rabo Bank, King City, everyone Welcome!

Aug. 6 General Membership Meeting, 11:30am, Lawrence's Restaurant

Sept. 12 MPRWF Liberty Luncheon, Palo Corona Park, Michael Reagan!

Opportunity Drawing: Sue Kleber's number was read for the Opportunity Drawing.

Adjournment: With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:05 p.m.

Submitted by: Donna Rappaport (for Kathy Forgnone , Secretary) Approved: __________

ELECTED REPUBLICAN OFFICIALS Ever wonder if there are any Republicans elected to office in the county outside of King City? Now you know! MONTEREY COUNTY SHERIFF Steve Bernal MONTEREY COUNTY TREASURER Mary Zeeb MONTEREY COUNTY SUPERVISOR Judge John Phillips, 2nd District MONTEREY COUNTY JUDGES Marla O. Anderson Stephanie Hulsey Robert Burlson

Efrin N. Iglesia Pamela Butler Sam Lavorato, Jr.

Julie Culver Elisabeth Mineta Tim Roberts


Lisa Sawney Carl Miller

Gary Cursio


Peggy Shirrel Russ Jeffries

Tony Leonardini


TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 3M Allergen Filters $ 9.99 Globe 6 ft. Surge Protector $ 14.99 O Cedar Pro Mist Max Mop $ 19.99

Rayovac 16 pk AA or AAA Batteries $5.99 16" Standing Fan $ 16.99

WILDHORSE CAFE Wildhorse exit Highway 101 Katie Dodson and crew want to thank all who came out to our Car Show on the 4th of July and all who helped make it a successful and fun event. The proceeds were donated to the Minnie Sanchez family.

LAWRENCE'S RESTAURANT 611 Canal St. King City "CALAMARI FRIDAYS" is new and delicious at Lawrence's. Breaded calamari steak with vegetables and choice of soup or salad. Soup du jour: Clam Chowder $14.

CLARK'S STOREROOM 100 Airport Dr. King City "You Store it. You lock it” Self storage, convenient, 7 Days/week. Video surveillance Private controlled access, RV storage, 5x5 to 20x20 (831) 385-5939


MONTEREY COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CONGRESS U.S. HOUSE GOVERNOR Chris Lopez D District 3 South County 168 W. Alisal, 3rd Floor. Salinas, CA 93901 Jimmy Panetta D District 20 Gavin Newsom D (831) 385-8333 212 Cannon House Office Building. State Capitol Bldg. #1114 Washington, DC 20515 Sacramento, CA. 95814 KING CITY CITY COUNCIL (202) 225-2861 (916) 445-8994 100 W. Alisal, , Salinas, CA 93901 Mayor Mike LeBarre R (831) 424-2229 Darlene Acosta R Carlos DeLeon D U.S. SENATE Carlos Victoria D Rob Cullen D Sen. Kamala D. Harris D 40B Dirksen Senate Office Building 2121 S. Vanderhurst St., King City, CA 93930 Washington, DC 20510 (831) 385-3281 (202) 224-3553 STATE SENATE Sen. Bill Monning D District 17 Sen. Dianne Feinstein D State Capitol Room 4040, Sacramento, CA. 95814 (916) 651-4017 331 Hart Senate Office Bldg. 99 Pacific Street, Suite 575 F, Monterey, CA 93940; (831) 657-6315 Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3841 Sen. Anna M. Caballero D District 12 State Capitol, Room 5052, Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4012 369 Main Street, Suite 208, Salinas, CA 93901; (831) 769-8040 PRESIDENT STATE ASSEMBLY Donald J. Trump R Robert Rivas D District 30 The White House Capitol Office, Room 5158 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249; (916) 319-2030 Washington, DC 20500 60 W. Market St, Ste 110, Salinas, CA 93901; (831) 759-8676 (202) 456-1111 CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS Speaker Nancy Pelosi D House of Rep. Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell R 1011 Longworth H.O.B. 317 Russell Sen. Bld. Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20510 (202) 225-6205 (202) 224-2541


MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Name________________________________________________ Birthday (Mo/Day)______________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________________ E-Mail___________________________________________________ Active Member $25/Year__________________ Associate Member $10/Year_______________ Active member is a registered Republican Woman. She will have voting privileges and may hold office. Associate member is a woman who is an active member of another Republican Women Federated club or a man that is a registered Republican. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date

Please make check payable to SoMoCo RWF

Mail to: SoMoCo RWF P. O. Box 221 King City, CA 93930

John Alcantar and family


Lawrence’s Restaurant

611 Canal St

King City CA 93930

(831) 386-0920

Private dining rooms and Great Food!

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