south east europe energy market digest may...

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May 2015


South East Europe Energy Market

Digest May ReportMarket Monitoring Service MMS

1 Serbia Energy Market Monitoring ServiceMay 2015



1. Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro: New Interconnection Serbia-Bosnia– Montenegro to increase SEE cross border capacities and support the Italian export power cable

The Feasibility Study of the project for 400 kV interconnection Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro has shown that the project is technically and economically viable. The Study indicates that the project will bring economic benefits to Serbia, BiH and Montenegro. Moreover, project implementation will probably bring economic benefits, as well as the benefits on the electricity market within the Southeast Europe, particularly when the 400 kV interconnection Lastva – Pljevlja and the sub-marine cable to Italy are built.

2. Serbia, Bosnia: Major challenges and experiences in develop-ment of RES energy projects, mitigation and investor relations

All West Balkan-South East Europe countries have significant RES unexplored potentials. Despite the challenges new renew-able power gen projects are attractive for investors. Smart wise approach in project development in the Balkan countries is the key for effective efficient project development in RES power gen sector.

3. Serbia: Sandvik to deliver mining equipment new spreader for Kolubara mine company

The procurement of the new spreader for interburden with the capacity of 12.000 cubic meters per hour is one part of the pro-ject “Environmental protection and improvement in Kolubara coal basin” which is financed by the loan of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the German Development Bank (KfW) and PE EPS own resources.

Serbia Energy Market Report DigestMay 2015


4. Serbia: Power Machines OJSC Russia completes the com-missioning of HPP Djerdap A5 overhaul

An additional 15 MW of power capacity has been added to the aggregate A5, and now the total installed power capacity of the upgraded aggregate stands at 205 MW, instead of previous 190 MW.

5. Serbia: Green party pushes for extension of moratorium on nuclear power in Serbia

The Green party of Serbia will use the Chernobyl catastrophic nuclear accident anniversary to highlight the deleterious effects of the nuclear energy use. MP (Member of Parliament) and president of the Greens of Serbia, Ivan Karic, submitted a re-quest for extension of the twenty five years’ moratorium, or he will submit a proposal for the adoption of the new Law on the Prohibition of the nuclear power plant construction in the Repub-lic of Serbia. The moratorium expired at the end of last year. Such a prohibition would enable more decisive focus of the decision-makers on renewable energy.

6. Serbia: IMF monitors the restructuring of power utility EPS and electricity price increase

inance Minister Dusan Vujovic said that during the visit of the IMF Mission to Belgrade, from 29 April to 13 May, there will be discussions about the restructuring of the EPS, which should come into force by June 1, and the decision on the possible electricity price increase will be subsequently made, based on the decision of the regulatory body and the Government of Ser-bia.

7. Serbia: Improvement of current PPAs and support scheme in new energy law

The new Energy Law laid down grounds for the improvement of the support scheme and, even more important, improvement of currently applicable PPAs. Serbia implemented a support scheme for renewable energy in its legal system for the first time in 2009. The initial scheme underwent notable improve-


ments with the adoption of the 2011 Energy Law, the accompa-nying bylaws which were adopted in early 2013, and model power purchase agreements (PPAs) in the summer of 2013.

8. Serbia: Changes in power utility EPS, risks ahead

The State needs to say what it wants from its most valuable company. No one contests the right of the state to run social pol-icy, but it cannot do it over power utility EPS and low electricity price, but the way it has been done all over the world – through budget.

9. Serbia: Stable production in HPPs Drimsko Limske

In HPP “Bajina Basta” there wasn’t a drop of water spilled over for the past three months, although the inflows on the profile on several occasions significantly exceeded the installed flow. Within the eletricity balance for 2015, it is planned for the power plants within the  “Drinsko-Limske HPPs“ to produce a total of 2,518 billion kilowatt-hours. In the first three months of this year

1,256 billion kilowatt-hours were produced and the production plan was exceeded by 51.94 %.

10. Serbia: HPP Djerdap stable electricity production and over-haul cycle

In HPP “Djerdap” planned annual production is 6.59 billion kilowatt-hours, while energy produced until mid-April reached 2.82 billion kilowatt-hours, which is 37 percent more than planned for this period. If we can anticipate further results judg-ing by those behind us, this year will be another record year in HPP “Djerdap”, and we shall carry out all planned overhauls, Slobodan Stamenov, Director of production in HPP “Djerdap” says, providing an abundance of data that supports this claim.

11. Serbia: Modernization of TPP Kostolac B1, unit capacity 342MW

The block has achieved once unattainable 342 megawatts. Fur-ther adjustments and guarantee tests. On 9th March, for the


first time in the 23 years long history, the block B1 in TPP “Kos-tolac” reached the electricity production with the capacity of 342 megawatts. That was the goal of the great revitalization, which was conducted last year. After the first synchronization on 29th December last year, the trial of all the systems and devices, and also after the beginning of the guarantee tests, the block achieved once unattainable 342 megawatts.

12. Serbia: EBRD eyes partial ownership in energy company EPS

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is willing to assist the EPS restructuring, but as one of the requirements mentioned in the agreement is entering a strategic partner in the state company by the end of next year.

13. Serbia: Power utility EPS smart meters tender under investi-gation of Anti-Corruption Council

Serbian Anti-Corruption Council recommended to the Govern-ment of Serbia to reconsider the procurement concept of smart meters – IT equipment and measuring infrastructure, devices and integration of Electric Power Industry of Serbia, as well as the qualification requirements of the tender for the procurement of smart meters. The Council has reached this conclusion to came after the citizens’ application in which it was pointed out that this public company by tender invitation restrict competi-tion, prevent the participation of domestic manufacturers, and therefore the employment of the local economy.

14. Serbia: Reservoir Capital secures permits from TSO Co for grid connection and permits from Water regulators for its HPPs Brodarevo

Reservoir Capital Canada working on HPPs Brodarevo 1&2 de-spite severe challenges and issues in project development man-aged to overcome all issues and get recent permits from TSO company and relevant Water management regulators.


15. Serbia: Energotex Slovakia plans 12MEUR 2×1.5MW bio-gas plants

Slovakian company Energotex signed deals with Sombor mu-nicipality and farms suppliers for its biogas power plants in this Serbian city.

16. Serbia: GazpromNeft Oil company NIS marks 39MEUR net loss in 1Q 2015

GazpromNeft managed company Serbian oil and gas company NIS reported net loss in first quarter of 2015.

17. Serbia: TPP Kostolac 1Q2015 electricity production report

Thermal power plants in Kostolac have produced and delivered to the system over two billion kilowatt – hours of electricity in the past four months, which is at the level of the plan for this pe-

riod of the year. Production would have been greater if it had not been the suppression of the units on technical minimum due to favorable hydrology from the beginning of the year, but the failure on installations which have been removed success-fully.

18. Serbia: TPP Nikola TESLA TENT, A3 unit overhaul project report

The synchronization of the unit A3 was successfully completed on 4th February at 9:27 PM, and on 6th February the unit achieved the nominal power of 328.4 MW. More than 30 domes-tic and foreign companies participated in the 78 million euros worth project.

19. Serbia: Chinese company CEE takes over the stake in Gaz-promNeft NIS’ wind farm Plandiste


Gazpromneft owned Petroleum Industry of Serbia (NIS) has an-nounced that negotiations are underway about overtaking of the stake in the wind farm “Plandište” by Chinese CEE companiy.

20. Serbia: TPP & Coal mine Kostolac environment protection projects, flue gas and ESPs

Kostolac – Respecting ecology as one of its permanent and last-ing commitments, the Company “Thermal Power Plants and Mines Kostolac” TEKO (PD “TE – KO Kostolac” ) in accordance with the legislation in the field of environmental protection has made the Monitoring Program to monitor pollutant emissions in the area and its surroundings claim from TEKO.

21. Serbia: Power utility EPS re-analyzing deal with China CMEC on new TPP Kostolac unit?

Although the Serbian Parliament confirmed the Chinese credit for new unit at TPP “Kostolac” in January this year, power utility EPS continued to review whether it is cost-effective project of

Chinese company “CMEC” and TPP “Kostolac” worth 608 MEUR.

22. Serbia: AT Kearney manages EPS power utility restructur-ing project of Process of Separation – Transformation of the Dis-tribution System Operator (DSO) and Supplier

Most of the work is done on the preparation of the status change which will join the four distribution companies to “Power Distribution Belgrade” and form “EPS Distribution” company. Open market leaves no room for inefficient organization and poor communication within the EPS group. The mechanisms of corporate management and contracts on providing services (SLA) should contribute to the efficient organization and optimal use of resources with the best economic effects claim from EPS.

23. Serbia: IMF&EBRD monitored restructuring of Power utility EPS; SWOT, risks and issues on the path


It has been long known and widely discussed that public compa-nies are a major issue of Serbian economy, and the entire soci-ety. They are often instruments in the realization of purely politi-cal goals. Their political instrumentalization is primarily reflected through their use for achieving the objectives of social policy. Public enterprises are convenient leverages for buying social peace, which, among other things, provides political support as well comments local experts in response to the fact why the In-ternational Monetary Fund pointed out the restructuring of pub-lic enterprises, as one of the most important determinants for the realization of the entire arrangement.

24. Serbia: Power utility EPS seeks bidders for reconstruction of small HPPs

Power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije EPS with funding from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, is imple-menting a small hydropower program to rehabilitate the total of 15 small hydro projects and to construct two new small hydro projects at existing dams.

25. Serbia: Smart meters company EWG gets small tender from Power utility EPS

Factory for production of EWG electric meters, which opened its plant in Bor a year ago, got a job on the tender for the pro-duction of these devices.

26. Serbia: Power utility EPS HPPs marked increase in produc-tion in 1stQ2015

Serbian power utility Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) power genera-tion facilities, TPPs and HPPs, marked positive results in elec-tricity production in 1st Q2015. HPPs marked highest operation engagement, higher than usually dominant coal fired TPPs.

27. Serbia, Bulgaria: Competition between two key TSOs holds back the regional trading platforms


After recent decision to establish partnership with Nord Pool and decision not to join regional CAO SEE, Bulgaria decided to await start up of EU cross border capacity auction platform. Competition with Serbian TSOs intention to establish regional training platform is present as well. According to the Energy Community, both Serbia and Bulgaria are key countries for suc-cessful regional trading platform.

28. Serbia: GazpromNeft NIS Oil company plans electricity trad-ing expansion in SEE region

In accordance with its strategic aim to become the regional en-ergy leader, Gazpromneft Oil company of Serbia NIS plans to further develop its electricity trade in all countries in the region.

29. Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Romania: EBRD en-ergy financed projects under pressure from Green NGOs

According to the Agreement Establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the purpose of

this institution is to encourage the transition towards open market-oriented economies and to encourage private and entre-preneur initiative in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. According to the mentioned Agreement, EBRD is also directed towards promoting environmentally-friendly sustainable development in the full scope of its activities.

30. Serbia: Balance sheets of power utility EPS are empty for investments, electricity price increase is the key milestone for EPS restructuring

The idea was for the electricity price to go up two times – by 15 percent. Now is considered to make three price increases by 10 percent each year. In the next three years, electricity price will most likely have to go up by a total of 30 percent. The only question is how the percentage of price increase will be distrib-uted.


31. Serbia: GazpromNeft NIS oil company CEO Kirill Kravcheno satisfied with overall 2014 business year despite challenges

Kirill Kravchenko, Chief Executive Officer of GazpromNeft Oil company of Serbia NIS, says that, in spite of the difficult year, NIS achieved good results in 2014 in all business segments and successfully completed key projects.

32. Serbia: Srbijagas to unbundle activities under pressure from Energy Community

Director General of Srbijagas Dusan Bajatovic said that, in the process of restructuring, Srbijagas would establish two new enti-ties.

33. Serbia: GazpromNeft NIS business round table in Brussels

For enterprises in Serbia it is very important to follow the EU standards, in order to adapt their business operations to EU technical requirements, was a conclusion of the round table dis-cussion organized in Brussels at NIS’ initiative.

34. Serbia: Srbijgas and Gazprom to resolve liquidity for gas storage Banatski Dvor

Serbia will, by the end of the year, most likely, come to reduc-tion in the natural gas price for commercial customers, an-nounced director of “Srbijagas” Dusan Bajatovic.

35. Serbia: Introduction of excises on energy related products, obligations within procedure of compliance with the EU laws

By execution of the Single European Act, the EU member states have undertaken to establish the single market, without borders, which would ensure a free flow of the goods, services, capital and people. Compliance of the member states’ regula-tions governing taxation of the energy-related products was a


necessary step in maintaining the market competition, and the compliance of the regulations has to a great extent been achieved by rendering of several Directives, first of all the Direc-tive 92/12/EU on the general excises arrangement, which is deemed to be the basis of compliance of all the products sub-ject to the excise.

36. Serbia: GazpromNeft Oil industry Co NIS started 2015 with loss

The loss of the Serbia Oil company in the first three months of this year is almost five billion dinars, and it is not unexpected for the experts. However, this raises questions about the future company plans; it is also often mentioned sale or departure of the current owners. In the NIS deny it.

2 South East Europe• Hungary• Croatia• Bosnia• Bulgaria• Montenegro• Slovenia• Macedonia• Romania• Albania

SEE Energy Market


1. Bosnia: Electricity exports amounts 53,7MEUR 1Q/2015

In the first quarter of 2015 the electric power companies in BiH exported electricity worth 53, 7 MEUR, which is an increase of 4.2% compared to the same period last year when the export amounted 51 MEUR, the BiH Agency for Statistics.

2. Bosnia: Power utility EPBiH marks the growth in revenue and profit

Special emphasis is placed on the implementation of develop-ment and investment cycle and on the restructuring process of the company, and it was emphasized that during the mandate of the current Management Board, an increase in revenue and company profit was recorded.

3. Montenegro: A2A to sell its shares to Power utilities of Serbia or Croatia?

The Electric Power Industry of Croatia (HEP) has announced an investment breakthrough in the region, and first step could be takeover of the Electric Power Industry of Montenegro. Elec-tric Power Industry of Serbia also has similar intentions towards the Montenegrin electric power industry.

4. Republika Srpska: New Mine for TPP Gacko to extend elec-tricity Production

The Mine and Thermal Power Plant (R&TPP) Gacko does not have enough coal stocks, which could stop electricity genera-tion as of June. However, a new open pit mine will be opened soon, which will contribute to generation stability and provide the necessary quantities of coal for the operation of this energy giant.

South East Europe Energy Market May 2015


5. Bosnia: RES electricity production stable, hydro and wind po-tentials still unexplored

Bosnia and Hercegovina is one of the biggest South East Europe electricity producer from hydro power plants. Huge po-tentials still are unexplored, there are several new HPP project under development.

6. Hungary: Export Exim Bank approves 145MUSD for gas busi-ness in Azerbaijan

It is certain that the gas from Azerbaijan will reach Europe, but other solutions to the gas supply diversification in Europe are just a dream for now, said Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto after a two-day meeting of the Azerbaijani-Hungarian Mixed Commission.

7. Republika Srpska: Power utility ERS gets 5MEUR from bonds sale

The Government of Republika Srpska paid the first part (one quarter) of principal in the amount of 5 MEUR to “RS Electric Power Industry” (ERS), with interest, calculated on the basis of emissions of long-term bonds of Republika Srpska.

8. Republika Srpska: TPP Ugljevik to invest 20MEUR in mining equipment

In the mine and thermal power plant “Ugljevik” in the last five years, from 2009th to 2014th, was invested a total of 80 MEUR in new equipment and mining machinery, says Ziko Krunic, di-rector general of TPP “Ugljevik”.

9. Romania: Mining rents 350MEUR, Petrom and Romgaz as biggest concessionaries


During the last year 350 MEUR of revenues poured in the Ro-manian state budget, generated on the basis of fees paid from the mining, oil and gas, which is 34 MEUR more than in 2013th. Approximately 80 percent of these fees were provided from hy-drocarbons, reports portal, based on the data of the Romanian regulatory agency ANRE.

10. Republika Srpska: Dongfang Electric Corp China expects equipment testing in UK EFTs new 300MW TPP Stanari

The construction of the thermal power plant “Stanari” near Do-boj goes according to plan. At the end of the year begins testing of the entire complex and the first delivery of megawatt-hours and full operation of power plants in the next.

11. Republika Srpska: New TPP Banovici deal with contractor expected to be sealed in 2015, Chinese bidders Shangai-Gezhouba-Dongfang & Abengoa Spain

Preliminary bids in the second stage of the tender were filed by Shanghai Electric Group Company, China Gezhouba Group Company and Dongfang Electric Corporation from China as well as by Spain’s Abengoa SA&Electric International.

12. Montenegro: A2A prefers CZ Skoda instead of CMEC China?

If the EPCG Board accepts the proposal, Skoda will win Chi-nese CMEC on the tender for the construction of thermal power plant.

13. Albania: Energy companies KESH and OSHEE sell the elec-tricity surplus

Affordable production regime has enabled the production of electricity surplus, after covering the needs of tariff customers and losses in the distribution network.


14. Bosnia: Neftegaz Innovation Corporation OAO Moscow to inject cash into Oil Refinery Brod to avoid major business distur-bances

Oil Refinery Brod in the last year reported a net loss of 12.5MEUR, while the accumulated losses of the company at the end of last year amounted to 260MEUR.

15. Bosnia: The future of new coal fired TPPs Banovic and Tuzla and environment protection standards

Foreign investment in Bosnia is much lower than in other Bal-kans countries, whose economies are developing faster. Will, as announced, be built new thermal power plants in Tuzla and Banovici by 2018th, which would lead to the creation of new jobs in the energy sector?

16. Croatia: Power utility marks double profit in 2014

According to the audited financial reports, Power utility HEP Group achieved a consolidated net profit of 326MEUR in 2014, which is almost double compared to the previous year.

17. Montenegro: Skoda wins China CMEC on bidding for new TPP Pljevlja unit 2

Power utility company EPCG decided for Skoda Praha offer for new unit 2 at TPP Pljevlja. CMEC lost the race despite lower price and equal efficiency.

18. Romania: EBRD considers financial support to CEZ

EBRD considers the CEZ DSO company support for its plan for losses reduction and smart meters installation.


19. Macedonia: Construction of a new 300MW TPP Mariovo

Draft for Energy Development in Macedonia by 2035th plans to build new coal thermal power plants “Mariovo”, with power of 300 megawatts.

20. Montenegro: TSO Co CGES profit drops in 1Q2015

The state owns 55 percent of CGES shares, while Italy’s Terna owns about 22.09 percent of the shares. Montenegrin Transmis-sion System (CGES) ended the first quarter of 2015 with a net profit of 1.85 MEUR, 2.4 times less than in the comparative pe-riod last year.

21. Romania: Hidroelectrica contracted Romelectro&Litostroj Slovenia for a HPP Stejaru ugrade

Romanian HPP company Hidroelectrica contracted Romelectro and Slovenia Litostroj for an upgrade of outdated Stejaru HPP.

22. Republika Srpska: Power utility ERS marks 334MEUR 2014 turnover

Despite many problems the “Electric Power Industry of Repub-lika Srpska” achieved last year a positive result and profit in all subsidiaries except for two thermal power plants, but in the next three years it plans the lower production due to the revitaliza-tion and plant overhaul, said Branislav Milekic, director of the energy company ERS.

23. Montenegro: Power utility EPCG should remain in majority state ownership despite regional inspirations of Serbian EPS and Croatian HEP


In the Government, there is a political agreement and a clear strategic vision that the majority ownership in the Electric Power Industry EPCG be retained, the Deputy Prime Minister Vujica Lazović said and added that it was good that investors were in-terested in the national electric power company.

24. Romania: Hidroelectrica plans 2015/2020 capital moderniza-tion of its HPPs

Hidroelectrica has allocated an investment budget of 1.3 billion euro for the period 2015-2020, of which the largest part, 450 mil-lion euros for projects in progress in Rakovica, Bretea, Răsto-liţa, Siriu-Surduc , Dumitra-Bumbeşti, according to a company press release.

25. Albania: Environmental organization against new HPPs

Ecological activists from Albania seek a ban on further construc-tion of power plants on the rivers. Environmental organizations

from Germany and Austria have joined forces with the organiza-tions of the Western Balkans in the implementation of the cam-paign “Let’s save the blue heart of Europe”.

26. Bosnia: High costs of old TPPs, greenhouse gas emissions penalties

Bosnia will soon have to pay to the European Energy Commu-nity more than 250MEUR of “penalty” because of the high greenhouse gas emissions. Emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) has to be paid and this Community, consisting of member states of the EU and the Western Balkan countries, plans to in-clude all members in the Emissions Trading Scheme ETS. Po-tentially, BiH could become a member of the EU in ten years, but even if we do not become a member, Brussels won’t cer-tainly allow the “big chimney” in the heart of Europe. Experts who spoke to “Dnevni list” estimate the bill that BiH should pay out of existing and planned power plants could be around 282 million euros per year, since the price could rise from five to as many as 30 EUR per ton of CO2, what is expected already in 2025.


27. Croatia: SUEZ Environment wins 29MEUR waste water pro-ject

The Osijek water company has awarded a contract for the de-sign and construction of a wastewater treatment plant to SUEZ environnement and its Croatian partner Gradnja Osijek. The contract is worth €29 million, of which €8 million for SUEZ envi-ronnement.

28. Romania: E.ON Romania marks 1Q2015 increased profit due to higher gas distribution tariffs

EBITDA of E.ON Romania increased in the first quarter, sup-ported by higher tariffs for gas distribution in 2014, which was canceled partly offset reduced gas procurement costs.

29. Romania: ELCEN power company marks gross proft EBDTA

Electrocentrale Bucharest ELCEN is the largest producer of heat in the capital (90%) and the country (40%). The company also provides 4.8% of the electricity produced nationally.

30. Bosnia: Mineco lead and zinc mine Sase hosts the mining geology forum

A mining geology forum was opened today in the lead and zinc mine Sase in Srebrenica. This is the first of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina after the breakup of the former Yugoslavia, and will allow experts to examine perspectives of the develop-ment of mining as one of the most promising business sectors in the region.

31. Bosnia: HPP Svitava is operating without environmental per-mits


For more than half a year HPP Svitava, part of the system of Electric power industry of the Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosna, is operating without the required environmental permits, whose obtaining is conditioned by reaching of the agreement on the payment of reimbursement for the recovery of damages inflicted to the Nature Park Hutovo Blato near Čapljina, be-cause of the water deprivation from this natural habitat of rare species of birds, plants and fauna.

32. Croatia: Private investment in first Biogas Power Plant

The Croatian company EPI Consulting in cooperation with for-eign partners has started the implementation of the project for constructing small biogas power plants in Croatia. The contract on the construction of the first power plant was signed by the mayor of Sisak Kristina Ikić Baniček and the representative of EPI Consulting Pavle Pavković.

33. Bulgaria: Energy company NEK reports financial stabiliza-tion in 1Q 2015

Bulgaria’s state-owned National Electricity Company (NEK) re-ported it turned to а pre-tax profit of 12.8MEUR in the 1Q 2015. The positive results are due to a 67% increase to 1.535 billion kWh in the output of big hydropower plants, in the three-month period and that fact that the energy system is operating at higher capacity, the company said in a financial report.

34. Macedonia: Pressure mounts on EBRD to quit HPP Boskov most project

Macedonia’s Mavrovo national park is the largest and richest na-tional park in the country and home to the critically endangered Balkan Lynx. The Macedonian government, however, has plans to also make Mavrovo the home for two large and around 20 small hydro power plants, one with financial support from the EBRD.


35. Bosnia: Balanced electricity production in HPPs and TPPs

Bosnia power utility EPBiH manages all federal TPPs and HPPs connected to the federal grid of Bosnian-Croatian entity. Electricity production decreased by 5.8% in February

36. Croatia: Power utility HEP project of HPP Ombla “falls” due to environmental problems?

Croatian power utility HEP is trying again to revive the project of hydropower plant on the river Ombla near Dubrovnik, which has also this time caused bitter criticism of the public. The Euro-pean Bank for Reconstruction and Development gave up two years ago of financing this project due to environmental contro-versies. Hydropower plant should have a specific profile – accu-mulation would be carried out within the hill that is over the source, creating a concrete curtain that would hold the water.

37. Montenegro: Akuo France & Ivicom Austria starts its Krnovo wind power plant construction

After several delays and changes in SPV partnerships, Mitsubi-shi left and Akuo joined, wind park Krnovo is starting its con-struction. EBRD may finance the project.

38. Romania: Andritz, Voith and Alstom Lost Contracts with Hi-droelectrica

Last week, the company Hidroelectrica signed the contract on revitalization of one of the oldest and largest hydro power plants in Romania.

39. Bosnia/Republika Srpska: Power utility ERS tender for sale of 21.600MW baseload

Power utility Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske (ERS), entity of Bosnian federation and one of hree power utilities, issued a ten-der to sell 21,600 megawatt-hours (MWh) of baseload electric-ity surplus available for delivery in June.


40. Bulgaria: Power producers cut output due to low exports

Bulgaria’s power grid operator has ordered some electricity pro-ducers to cut output in an attempt to balance production and consumption, the state-owned company said today (15 May).

41. Romania: Mining tax environment affairs of Canadian Eldo-rado Gold Certej mining company

Canadian company Eldorado Gold is being accused on violat-ing financial and environment protection standards in its Roma-nia Certej mining operations. Investigation revealed tax avoid-ance and harsh violation of community rights in environment protection measures.

42. Bosnia: Gov to subsidize coal mines thru electricity price

Federal Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry Reuf Bajrovic met with representatives of the Independent Trade Union of min-ers of BiH Federation. The meeting, which was attended by President of Independent Trade Unions of Federation BiH Ismet Bajramovic, there was discussion about the position of mines in FBiH, and the relations within the Group “Electric Power Indus-try of BiH”, said in FBiH Government.

43. Hungary: Assessment of the environmental impact of the Paks II NPP

In a series of public forums, organized during the preparatory phase of the construction of nuclear power plant MVM Paks II, three thousand people participated, getting an overall picture about the assessment of the project’s environmental impact. The short version of the impact of power plant’s construction and operation on the environment is available on the com-pany’s website.


44. Montenegro: Power utility decreases network electricity losses

The total annual loss of electricity in the power system of the Montenegrin Electric Power Industry have been reduced in re-cent years from 22.5 percent, how much stood in 2009th at 16.7 percent last year.

45. SEE, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria: Region Striving towards strengthening national electricity exchanges, case studies re-gional EX

The leading European electricity exchange operator Nord Pool Spot signed a cooperation agreement with the Bulgarian ex-change IBEX, with the aim of preparing and facilitating the im-plementation of the first Bulgarian day-ahead electricity market, which will be expanded by a within-day market in a later phase, the officials of Nord Pool Spot have announced.

46. Republika Srpska: HPP Vrbas company looking for contrac-tors for the new HPP “Bočac 2″

Company Hidroelektrane na Vrbasu” A.D. has announced a ten-der for selection of contractor for construction works on the hy-dro power pant “Bočac 2″ on the river Vrbas.

47. Croatia, Hungary: The High Administrative Court ruled against MOL

The Croatian High Administrative Court rejected Hungary MOL’s complaint against the decision of HANFA financial con-trolling body which still in 2011th found that MOL manipulated the capital market.

48. Romania: IMF & WB pressures Gov to restructure coal fired TPPs Oltenia & Hunedoara


Oltenia Energy Complex will lay off 2,100 workers during the pe-riod from June 1 till the end of the year, in line with the Govern-ment’s decision, which was adopted last week. The company, which is owned by the state, has 18,424 employees, and in the next three years it will dismiss 1,000 people more. Downsizing is part of the restructuring process of the company.

49. Slovenia: Environment issues and economic feasibility of new TPP Sostanj unit 6

Although according to the EU and Slovene legislation a project of TEŠ Unit 6 range would have to be a subject of a comprehen-sive public consultation, such a consultation was not done. The EIA also does not elaborate on the impacts of CCS technology on efficiency, the environment, economic aspects, potential con-sequences of leakage or liability issues.

50. Bulgaria: EVN Bulgaria’s power distribution reported loss for the first time in its history

EVN Bulgaria insists that the actual level of technical losses are acknowledged and compensated through power prices. The negative result is due to the lack of acknowledged investments, paired with the shrinking share of grid fees in the final power prices.

51. Macedonia: EBRD & WB HPP financed project under Green NGOs opposition, planned hydropower exploitation in Mavrovo National Park

Currently Macedonia is intensively promoting the development of renewable energy sources and storage on its territory in or-der to decrease the carbon intensity of the Macedonian genera-tion sector and to enhance the security of supply.

52. Romania: TSO co Transelectrica marks decreased profit 1stQ2015


Electricity operator Transelectrica (TEL) recorded a net profit in the first quarter, 28.4MEUR, down by 7.4% compared to the re-sult registered in the same period in 2014.

53. Croatia, Hungary: Croatian Government prepares a new MOL shareholders’ agreement for INA

Economy Minister Ivan Vrdoljak announced that Croatia would offer a new contract for INA to Hungary MOL shareholders. “We have prepared a proposal for a new shareholders agreement”, Vrdoljak said, adding that the proposal will be sent to MOL “very soon”.

54. Montenegro: Power utility EPCG drops profit in 1stQ2015

Power utility EPCG, partially owned and managed by Italian A2A marked profit drop in first quarter of 2015. Net income of Electric Power Industry of Montenegro (EPCG) in the first quar-ter of this year amounted to 13.44 MEUR, 3.3 percent less than in the same period last year.

55. Romania: Electricity exports increase in 1st Q2015

Romania power generation facilities marked variable results in 1stQ2015. HPPs production increased while thermal power plants fell.

56. Romania: Nuclearelectrica marks increased profit in 1stQ2015

National Company Nuclearelectrica marked 1stQ2015 net profit of 7.9MEUR, representing an increase of 11% year on year.

57. Bosnia/Republika Srpska: EFTs TPP Stanari to connect to the grid end of 2015


President of the company EFT Vuk Hamović said in Stanari, at the celebration of 10 years of the Company EFT RiTE “Stanari”, that the first testing of the thermal power plant is scheduled for the end of the year when the first megawatts of electricity will be delivered to the electricity grid.

58. Bulgaria: TPP Maritza East 2 wants guaranteed sales of electricity to NEK

Thermal Power Plant Maritza East 2 requires guaranteed sales of its energy, and mid-year the plant could be on a regulated market. Namely, the state power plant Maritza East 2 has asked the energy regulator to allow her to enter into agree-ments with Bulgaria’s National Electric Company (NEK) for the compulsory purchase of part of the energy it produces.

59. Montenegro: Prosecution investigates power utility EPCG cash extraction thru consultancy contracts with Italian compa-nies

Prosecution examines cash extraction from power utility EPCG. EPCG paid more than 15 MEUR for tips without calling public tenders since 2010th The Supreme Public Prosecutor Ivica Stankovic informed the Committee on Anti-Corruption that the provided materials about multimillion contracts for EPCG con-sulting services were forwarded to the Special Prosecutor.

60. Romania: Permission for direct bilateral electricity trading contracts

The Romanian parliament has approved legislation to allow di-rect bilateral contracts between electricity producers from re-newable energy sources and suppliers.

61. Serbia & Balkans: Modernization and capacity increase of existing HPPs, case studies in Balkans

Due to the many obstacles and issues which needs to be re-solved before the construction of new hydro power plants, old


ideas on modernization and capacity increase of existing HPPs come up the surface. Existing hydro power plants in the area of former Yugoslavia are relatively old as they are being explored in average around 45 years already.

62. Bosnia: The Una River faces the challenges of hydropower plants

The Una River should take advantage of its hydro potential be-cause there is more profit in it than in tourism. This has been thesis of local government for several years, but it is not a negli-gible percentage of citizens who remain opposed to mere mathematical rationalization of the most beautiful and cleanest river in BiH.

63. Bulgaria: Electricity export fee may be increased

Bulgarian energy regulator EWRC is analyzing the possibility of changing electricity export tariff, increase of the fee is the goal.

64. Montenegro: New TPP Pljevlja unit, Gov dodges the public discussion and avoids boat rocking

Although, according to Government’s opinion, the project repre-sents a strategic one for Montenegro, the public hearing pro-gram determined for only one round table to be organized, which means one public presentation of the project in Pljevlja, on May 25, just after four non-working days due to national holi-day celebrations.

65. Republika Srpska: Annual overhaul of TPP Ugljevik 3.8MEUR

The thermal power plant “Ugljevik” expects for the 3.8MEUR worth annual overhaul of the generator to be completed a cou-ple days before the deadline on June 24, confirmed Slobodan Markovic, spokesman from RiTE “Ugljevik” .


66. Croatia, Hungary: Croatian gov plans to offer new share-holder contract to MOL

Croatian government plans to offer to MOL a new shareholding contract for Oil company INA stated Economy Minister Ivan Vrdoljak.

67. Romania: Hidroelectrica Filed Lawsuit against Nuclearelec-trica for electricity trading loss

Nuclearelectrica announced that Hidroelectrica had filed a law-suit against this company. Hidroelectrica demands that Nu-clearelectrica pay a compensation of up to 9.2 million euros, which represents the loss created by selling electricity at a price that was much lower than the price paid to the nuclear power producer. In addition, Hidroelectrica demands that the respon-dent company pay the lost profit related to the sale of 1.044.605 MWh of electricity, calculated in accordance with the rules of the regulatory agency ANRE, as well as the default interest as from the judgment date to the payment date.

68. Montenegro: Power utility EPCG & A2A projects HPPs Mo-raca & Komarnica, investors expected?

From the aspect of foreign investment, when it comes to natural resources exploitation o, BOT is the least favorable option for the host country. The situation is qualitatively different in the construction of infrastructure, which is just after the construction placed in the position of state interest. When it comes to hydro power plants, the state would have to wait 30 years and possi-bly longer, to be able to use them for their own purposes.

69. CEE Energy Trading – the land of big opportunities (and even bigger challenges)

Jozsef Balogh to present cross-border trading opportunities:“Whether Ukraine defaults or not, it is important to maintain the Ukraine to Hungary electricity flow.  Traders and regulators must work together to keep Ukraine exporting electricity to CEE.”


70. Slovenia: EIB demands new state guaranties for TPP So-stanj unit 6 loan repayment

The efficiency of the sixth block of the thermal power plant Šoštanj, threatened by the increased cost of the project, the in-creased price of coal from Velenje and the historically low elec-tricity price, has started to worry its international donors.

71. Albania: KESH has sold electricity at a higher price com-pared to the price on the Hungarian Stock Exchange

During the first week of May, the Albanian energy company OSHEE put electricity surplus for May 2015 (for tariff customers and covering of losses) on the auction on the free market, 440 MW divided into three lots.

72. Republika Srpska: Green NGOs remind on need for new EIA report before going operational 2015

Usually the most reliable source of information about expected and permitted emissions levels for a power plant would be the environmental permit. However the permit for Stanari does not contain any information about the expected emissions; it only mentions the permitted emissions. According to the current envi-ronmental permit, the emissions would be 2-10 times higher than allowed by the Industrial Emissions Directive, and 2-3 times as high as allowed by the Large Combustion Plants Direc-tive claim from local Bosnian green NGOs.

73. Croatia: Marathon Oil US expects production from Adriatic Sea at the earliest from 2025

The US company Marathon Oil, one of five that the Croatian Government has chosen to explore and exploit oil and gas in the Adriatic, has announced that from this year, up until 2018 it will conduct seismic imaging and interpretation of the data.


74. Montenegro: Joint plans of Turkey and Slovenia companies for construction of new HPP Moraca

Turkey and Slovenia plan to collaborate on the construction of hydropower plants on the Moraca.

75. Romania: NPP Cernavoda contractor CGN China to subcon-tract 2BEUR to local companies

The Romanian companies will be subcontractors for operation on reactors 3 and 4 of Cernavoda nuclear power plant, whose value is about 1.5 to 2 billion EUR, but this figure needs to be approved by the Romanian partners, said David Hu Zhuo, dep-uty director of China Nuclear Power General Corporation (CGN).

76. Albania: IFC & Enso hydro Austria 9MW HPP project Len-garica under pressure for environment and concession permits investigation

The European Parliament resolution on Albania’s progress to-wards the EU in 2014 has called on Tirana to reconsider plans for the construction of hydropower plants in the country’s pro-tected areas, including the current building of a plant on the Len-garica River in the south, citing environmental concerns.

77. Bosnia: Coal mine company Banovic to invest 26MEUR in new excavation equipment

RMU “Banovici” plans to invest 26, 6 MEUR in new equipment in 2015. Among the major planned investments are transport system in opencast mines worth 15 MEUR, and four tipper trucks worth 4, 5 MEUR.

78. Croatia: EBRD loan for new oil terminal Ploce port


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has approved a loan of 9.6 MEUR for the development of a new terminal for liquid cargo in “Luka Ploce”, it was an-nounced from EBRD.

79. Macedonia: EBRD and WB under pressure for two HPPs projects, Green NGOs argue the projects export plans

The Macedonian government has plans to also make Mavrovo national park the home for two large and around 20 small hydro power plants, one with financial support from the EBRD.

80. Montenegro: Bulgarians interested in energy exports over underwater power cable to Italy

Bulgarian investors informed the Prime Minister, Milo Djukano-vic, that they are interested in investing in Montenegro. Primar-ily in the construction of large and small hydropower plants, re-fineries, solar parks.

81. BiH/Republika Srpska: EFTs TPP Stanari argument for at-tracting new FDIs, important project for trade relations BiH-UK

Ambassador of United Kingdom H.E Mr. Edward Ferguson stressed the importance of TPP Stanari project during the 10th Jubilee Celebration Ceremony of “EFT – Rudnik i Termoelek-trana Stanari”. UK company EFT investment project TPP Stanari is important for overall trade relations between Repub-lika Srpska-BiH and UK.

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