sounding board october 2012

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The official newspaper of the Vancouver Board of Trade and its members


BC NDP leader Adrian Dix gave his first official address to The Vancouver Board of Trade on Sept. 18, outlining his vision for the province’s economic future and how the local business community could be affected.

The event, which was spon-sored by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, drew a sold-out crowd of some of the city’s top business and industry leaders to the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel. The speech also made headlines across B.C. and Canada, as many were eager to hear what the leader of the official opposition’s top priorities will be heading into next year’s election.

Dix opened his speech by pledging that his party, if elected, would strive to be “a govern-ment that focuses on the fun-damentals, focuses on the key things that government does to support society and support the economy.”

He identified three specific challenges the NDP would tackle if chosen to form the next provin-cial government, including B.C.’s declining productivity, increas-ing social inequality, and the

need for greater environmental sustainability.

On the first issue, Dix argued that Canada has been lagging behind in productivity on the world stage, and that B.C. has dropped to the bottom half of Canadian provinces in terms of productivity. This decline, he said, threatens our economy’s long-term viability.

In order to address this problem, Dix said the number one priority of an NDP gov-ernment would be education, skills and training. He said his government would work to build “ladders of opportunity” that would allow younger people – particularly those of lesser means – to access post-second-

ary education. To achieve this goal, Dix

said he would reinstate non-refundable, needs-based grants for post-secondary education. He also explained where the money for those grants would come from.

“I’ve said how I’m going to pay for it – and this is challenging in this room – which is to reinstate the minimum tax on the banks, which was taken away in 2008,” he said.

Dix said he believes there is also a growing disconnect between the taxes people pay and the services they get. In particular, he highlighted the carbon tax and said money col-lected through that tax should be

used to fund transportation and infrastructure initiatives – not corporate income tax cuts.

Dix pledged that, if elected, he would roll back tax cuts associat-ed with the carbon tax. Corporate income tax rates, he said, would be reinstated to 2008 levels.

“It’s not easy to say that we’re going to raise taxes,” said Dix. “This is a reality of the times.”

Dix added that it’s “essential” that voters know where all the parties stand on taxes before the election next May.

Despite his disagreements with the current administration, Dix acknowledged that the gov-ernment has made some good

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October2012_Top.indd 3 9/7/2012 12:30:44 PM

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Adrian Dix, Leader of the Official Opposition, speaks to Board of Trade members at a sold-out luncheon. Photo by Kim Stallknecht

NDP leader pledges to raise corporate income taxes, focus on education and training, in first speech to Board of Trade

Dix addresses business community

By greg hoekstra

OctOber 2012 • VOLUMe 52 • NUMber 7“We firmly believe today’s venture companies have the very real potential to become tomorrow’s leading businesses.” Board of Trade CEO Iain Black, pg. 3

Board of trade celebrates small Business Month · 3

new health committee · 4

return to the pst/gst · 5

strategies for the looming labour crunch · 6

Building a new ronald McDonald house · 7

Improving concentration levels in kids · 10

Creating a fresh start for new immigrants · 11

outsourcing for small businesses · 14

using social media for recruitment · 15

exploring the generational gap in the workplace · 15

the value of reverse mentoring · 17




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2 Sounding Board October 20122 events and speakers

Keys to successful entrepreneurshipLearn how to leverage new market opportunities, aim high, and invest in the future

Join The Vancouver Board of Trade on Tuesday, Oct. 16 for an address by Jean-René Halde, president and CEO of the Business Development Bank of Canada.

When entrepreneurs see the rise of emerging markets like China and Brazil, the aging of Canada’s population and the frenzied digita-lization of the world, they see fun-damental changes to which they, based as they are in the small, open market that is Canada, must adapt. If they have the right attitude, they also see enticing opportunities.

In his speech to The Board of Trade, Halde will discuss what these changes mean for Canadian business.

Learn from the stories of three

entrepreneurs who are successfully adapting to changing markets — and even profiting from them. Their recipe for success is one everyone can use: be ambitious for your business and invest in innova-tion and growth.

For more information, or to register for this event, visit or email

Jean-René Halde

Creating a modern public broadcasterCBC exec to address The Board of Trade on Oct. 18

CBC/Radio-Canada president and CEO Hubert Lacroix will speak to The Vancouver Board of Trade on Thursday, Oct. 18, about the challenging times facing Canada’s public broadcaster.

Despite a big reduction to its budget, CBC/Radio-Canada still occupies a unique and valued place at the heart of Canadian culture and democratic life.

It remains a cornerstone of an industry in flux, and is a leader in reaching Canadians on new platforms, delivering a compre-hensive range of radio, television, internet, and satellite-based

services.Far from flinching in the face

of these challenges, the public broadcaster is looking to extend its leadership in Canadian pro-grams, regional presence and digital platforms.

Promising to connect Ca-nadians in new and different ways, CBC now needs modern regulation, new revenues and the continued support of the public it serves to succeed.

Reserve your tickets online at or email reservations@boardoftrade.comfor more information.

events calendar updateevents calendar updateSee our full events calendar at

Tuesday, OcTOber 23, 2012

rBc small Business edge, in partnership with the vancouver Board of trade

7:15 – 9:15 a.m. The Westin Bayshore — Grand Ballroom

Robert Herjavec, CEO, Canada’s Leading Cyber Security Provider, Star of ABC’s Shark Tank

Wednesday, OcTOber 24, 2012

BeYOnd tHe BOrder: Making the action plan work for you

7:15 a.m. – 2 p.m. The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver — British Columbia Ballroom

Chris Sands, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute and Visiting Ross Professor of Canada-US Business and Economic Relations, Western Washington University

John Manley, CEO, Canadian Council of Chief Executives

Special Guest Speakers:

Gary Doer, Canadian Ambassador to the United States

Jim Nealon, United States Deputy Chief of Mission

Supporting Sponsors: CN, Port Metro Vancouver, Western Economic Diversification Canada, Ministry of Jobs, Toursim & Skills Training Luncheon Sponsor: TD Bank Group

Tuesday, OcTOber 16, 2012

BeHInd tHe BencH: an insider’s look at the vancouver Whitecaps Fc

3 – 5:30 p.m.

John Furlong, Senior Executive, Vancouver Whitecaps FC

Martin Rennie, Head Coach, Vancouver Whitecaps FC

Jay DeMerit, Player Captain, Vancouver Whitecaps FC

Pan Pacific Vancouver — Crystal Pavilion

Co-presenting Sponsors:

BMO Bank of Montreal, Bell

Wednesday, OcTOber 17, 2012

networking Breakfast series

7 – 9 a.m. Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside Hotel

Thursday, OcTOber 18, 2012

a MOdern puBlIc BrOadcaster: changing with the times

11:45 a.m. – 2 p.m.

The Sutton Place Hotel — Versailles Ballroom

Hubert T. Lacroix, President and CEO, CBC/Radio Canada

Presenting Sponsor: Business in Vancouver

Tuesday, OcTOber 9, 2012

Business after Business™ trade show and networking reception

4 – 8 p.m. The Hyatt Regency Vancouver

Presenting Sponsor: Hyatt Regency Supporting Sponsor: BC Hydro

Wednesday, OcTOber 10, 2012

leaders of tomorrow Orientation evening

5 – 7 p.m. SFU Segal Graduate School

Wednesday, OcTOber 10, 2012

Members’ reception: shen Yun show organizing committee

5 – 7 p.m. Queen Elizabeth Theatre — Salon A&B

Tuesday, OcTOber 16, 2012

successFul entrepreneursHIp: leveraging new market opportunities, aiming high, and investing in the future

7:15 – 9:15 a.m.

Pan Pacific Vancouver — Crystal Pavillion

Jean-René Halde, President and CEO, Business Development Bank of Canada

Presenting Sponsor: Business Development Bank of Canada

Talk To us!What speaker, topic or issue do you want explored? We’ll look into it. E-mail:

register now at

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3October 2012 Sounding Board 3president and CEO’s message

Celebrating B.C.’s small business community

By IaIn BLaCk

The beginning of October marks the sixth annual Small Business Month in British Co-lumbia – a time when the efforts of our province’s entrepreneurs are recognized, celebrated, and cast into the spotlight.

Here at The Vancouver Board of Trade, we fully understand the crucial role that small busi-nesses play in the provincial economy. Not only do small businesses make up 70 per cent of our membership base, they also make up a staggering 98 per cent of all businesses in B.C.

In fact, a closer look at sta-tistics released last year by the provincial government indicates that small business isn’t just a growing trend in British Colum-bia – it’s a way of life that has become woven into our social fabric.

According to the 2011 Small Business Profile, B.C. ranked s e c o n d i n Ca n a d a f o r t h e number of small businesses per capita, with 86.4 businesses per 1,000 people.

In 2010, there were nearly 400,000 small businesses oper-ating across our province, em-ploying more than one million British Columbians. Those jobs represented 57 per cent of all private sector jobs in the prov-ince, and were the source of one third of all wages paid to workers – the highest of any province.

The report also revealed that B.C. has among the highest number of self-employed people in Canada – perhaps no surprise to those of you reading this from your home office.

What this tells us is that B.C. is a hotbed for creativity, inge-

nuity, and tenacity. It’s some-thing we should be very proud of, and, more importantly, that we must continue to foster in the years to come.

During my time as a provin-cial MLA, I had the honour of serving as British Columbia’s Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic De-velopment. It was a role that I feel fortunate to have held, because it allowed me to meet some of this province’s hardest working individuals.

As President and CEO of The Vancouver Board of Trade, I’m pleased to say that I’m back at the table with many of those same individuals, working alongside them to nurture this city’s small business community and help them compete locally, nationally, and even interna-tionally. (B.C.’s small businesses shipped approximately $10.9 billion worth of merchandise overseas in 2009, representing nearly half of the total value of goods exported from this province).

However, given the economic uncertainty that persists around the globe, we can’t afford to rest on the laurels of our recent suc-cesses. For the betterment of all British Columbians, we need to ensure that our small businesses have every possible advantage.

Our organization prides itself on providing a unique level of access and education to our thousands of members. Each year we host more than 100 events, providing an intersec-tion where small and medium-sized businesses can interact with established executives from some of Canada’s top companies.

In addition, small businesses are given a voice through the work of our 11 different policy committees. Driven by more than 400 volunteers, these com-mittees tackle a wide range of issues and help shape govern-ment policies at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels.

And, of course, there’s also the financial value of membership. After months of research, our team at The Vancouver Board of Trade has assembled the most compelling suite of member benefits of any chamber of com-merce in North America. These discounts, which are available exclusively to our members, can save small businesses thousands of dollars a year on everything from fuel purchases to business services, payment processing fees, travel and dining. (For more information, visit

Why do we do these things? Because we firmly believe that small businesses are our future – that today’s venture companies have the very real potential to

become tomorrow’s leading businesses.

The Vancouver Board of Trade has been around for 125 years, and our organization has watched as many others have forged their path, build-ing great businesses from the ground up.

This organization was there in 1945, when pharmacist Sam Bass opened a small drug-store called London Drugs . Today, that company employs 7,000 staff at 76 locations across Canada – and it’s still growing.

One year later, our orga-nization watched as 14 Van-couverites signed a charter to establish an open-bond credit union called Vancouver City Savings Credit Union. In the six-and-a-half decades since, Vancity has grown to become Canada’s largest Credit Union, with 58 locations province-wide, serving close to half a million members.

These are only two of the many small business success stories that have come from this great city.

In the coming month, I would encourage you to join us at one of our many events geared toward small businesses. For example, on Oct. 9, our popular Business After Business Trade Show and Networking Reception returns. This semi-annual event gives our members an opportunity to promote their businesses and showcase their services while enjoying a panoramic view from the 34th floor of the Hyatt Regency Vancouver.

In October, we’ll also host two members’ receptions spe-cifically intended to foster networking in a casual environ-

ment. The first, on Oct. 4, will include an evening of chocolate tasting at Purdy’s Chocolates. The second, on Oct. 10, will explore traditional Chinese arts and culture at the Queen Eliza-beth Theatre. Best of all, these receptions are free of charge for members of The Vancouver Board of Trade –we only ask that you reserve your tickets online at

On Oct. 16, join us as Jean-René Halde, president and CEO of the Business Development Bank of Canada, shares success stories of other Canadian entre-preneurs. The following morning, join us for the latest installment of our monthly Networking Breakfast Series, where you’re guaranteed to make 30 new con-nections before 9 a.m.

Finally, those who do busi-ness in the United States – or those who are looking to expand into the U.S. – won’t want to miss our half-day forum Beyond the Border: Making the Action Planwork for you on Oct. 24.

Renowned business thinker Peter Drucker once wrote, “Whenever you see a success-ful business, someone made a courageous decision.” Those are words we take to heart at The Vancouver Board of Trade.

That’s why we’re such proud supporters of Small Business Month every October. And it’s why we’re in your corner, fight-ing on your behalf, the other 334 days of the year.

Iain Black is President and CEO of The Vancouver Board of Trade. For more information on The Board’s upcoming events, or information on how to become a member, visit

Board of Trade welcomes Small Business Month with events throughout October

Iain Black, president and CEO, the Vancouver board of trade

chair’s message

Overcoming Canada’s health care challenges Board to launch permanent health committee

Canadians define our health care system as one of the most important things about being a Ca-nadian. But there are many strains on that system, and many more are headed our way.

The Vancouver Board of Trade considers health care as critical to the future success of our society, which is why it will be at the top of our policy agenda for the foresee-able future. The Board is creating a permanent Health Care Commit-tee, to be “at the table” for these im-portant discussions, representing not only the interests of business, but also the interests of the com-munities that we serve.

A symbiotic relationship exists between business and the com-munity; business relies on the com-munity as a source of labour and to buy our goods and services, and the community relies on business to create jobs and supply the goods and services that the community needs. But all is not well, nor is it as it seems.

As it stands today, health care in B.C. consumes nearly half of the provincial budget — a significant increase over the past two decades, when health care represented roughly 35 per cent.

A few years ago, the Ministry of Finance predicted that, at the current rate of cost increases, health care was on track to consume more than 70 per cent of provincial ex-penditures by 2017. The only other major consumer of the provincial budget is education. As one con-sumer of the fixed pie increases its share, the others get less. In other words, if health care gets more, education gets less. And education is already having difficulty meeting its needs.

Also, many think our MSP premiums pay for the system. Truth is, the premiums represent less than 25 per cent of the Min-istry of Health’s budget. The rest comes from taxes. In many other provinces, all of the costs of gov-ernment health care are paid out of taxes and there are no premi-ums paid. But even that isn’t the end of it. Millions and millions of dollars are donated every year by individuals, businesses and other organizations that help to support the system. These funds are used in several ways, including:

Infrastructure: When you are in a health care facility and see an individual or family name on a building, room or even a bench, it’s because they made a significant donation to that facility. The new

mental health facility that is being built at Vancouver General Hospi-tal, for example, is funded largely by the Segal family. Also at VGH we have the Jim Pattison Pavilion and the Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre. This is repeat-ed at countless facilities around the province. Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia, The Board of Trade’s immediate past chair, is leading the effort to raise money to build the first autism centre in B.C., for example.

Research: Many funds donated to organizations such as the BC Cancer Agency or OvCaRe are used to support research initiatives.

What this means is that private donations are providing very nec-essary support to keep our current system viable.

The system we have today is excellent in many ways. If you have a life-threatening illness, care is first rate. B.C. is considered one of the very best places to live if you are stricken with cancer. To this latter point, I can attest. Having not needed much in the way of health care for my first 60 years, when I was diagnosed with cancer a couple years ago, I was amazed and impressed with the speed at which the system responded and the quality of care in the hospital and after discharge.

But the system is challenged to care for everybody. We hear there are more than five million Canadi-ans who don’t have a family physi-cian. I know some of these people and I am surprised to hear of their situation, given they have lived here for several years.

And we also hear about people who are in queues to get treatment, generally for non-life threatening conditions. Nonetheless, their condition does require treatment and several people who can afford to do so seek alternate treatment either through private facilities here in B.C. or by traveling abroad.

Last year The Vancouver Board of Trade’s Health Care Task Force focused on mental health. They produced a valuable report and held a mental health forum with sponsorship by Bell. We focused on mental health because of the impact it has on business and on our community. It is estimated that mental health costs B.C. businesses something of the order of $4 billion a year in terms of disability costs, drug and other medical expenses and lost productivity. At Pacific Blue Cross where I work, our largest category for drug spend is the mental health category and it is

ranked second (behind musculosk-eletal) for disability claims.

In Vancouver’s Downtown East-side we know that many of the homeless are suffering from mental illness, addiction, or both. We have admired the work of Streetohome and the Mental Health Commis-sion of Canada in recent years to raise funds, build facilities to house people dealing with mental illness, and to provide support services for the residents.

As we look to the future, it’s clear that maintaining our current system in its current form will con-tinue to be a challenge. The increas-ing percentage of the provincial budget that goes to support health care is only one part of the issue.

B.C.’s aging demographic is a “grey tsunami” that threatens our health care system. I mentioned earlier my personal experience: several decades of perfect health followed by a couple years (so far) of significant demand on the system. This is not out of the or-dinary. For each year the average person ages, they will spend four per cent more on drugs. In other words, a 60-year-old will spend more than double what he or she spent when they were 30, adjusted for inflation.

When one looks at the econom-ics of an aging population, we see that when they retire, they pay fewer taxes (as a result of less income) and spend less on consumer products than people between the ages of 20 and 50. This is primarily attributed to the fact that the younger gen-erations are setting up homes and starting families — all things that drive consumerism.

The problem is that consumer spending is an important part of the economy and an important source of tax revenue. As our society ages and we have more people over 65 than under 30, there will be less tax revenue available to support important social programs such as health care.

Health care is an important issue for our economy, our busi-nesses, and our communities. As a result, it’s an important issue for The Vancouver Board of Trade.

Watch for these issues to be tackled in more depth in coming issues of Sounding Board.

Ken Martin, chair, the Vancouver board of trade

PUBLISHER: Business in Vancouver Media Group

EDITOR: Greg Hoekstra, 604-640-5450

ADVERTISING SALES: Katherine Butler, 604-608-5158

DESIGN: Business in Vancouver Media Group

As the official publication of The Vancouver Board of Trade, the Sounding Board newspaper provides analysis and discussion of regional and national issues facing the business community, along with input from member companies, allowing them to raise their profile in the business community.

Sounding Board is published 12 times per year by Business in Vancouver Media Group in partnership with The Vancouver Board of Trade.

Sounding Board is read by leading business executives and their employees. The paper has a primary circulation of 12,500 and a conservatively estimated total readership of 37,500.

ABOUT THE VANCOUVER BOARD OF TRADEThe Vancouver Board of Trade is Vancouver’s chamber of commerce. Since 1887, The Board of Trade has been an active proponent of business in Vancouver. The World Trade Centre Vancouver is the international division of The Vancouver Board of Trade and is affiliated with more than 300 WTCs worldwide.

OUR MISSION STATEMENT The Vancouver Board of Trade works in the enlightened interest of its members to promote, enhance and facilitate the development of the region as a Pacific centre for trade, commerce and travel.

OUR BASIC PRINCIPLES The Board of Trade believes that the market system is the only system that works effectively in the allocation of scarce economic resources for efficient and stable economic growth and job creation. The Board of Trade recognizes the imperfections of the market system and supports the need for publicly provided services such as social services, health services and public education. The Board supports the philosophy of less government involvement in the business sector and believes that governments should not do what can be done in whole or in part by the private sector.

PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT No. 40011551The Vancouver Board of Trade, World Trade Centre Suite 400, 999 Canada Place Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3E1



President and Chief Executive Officer Pacific Blue Cross

Senior Vice-Chair Elio Luongo Canadian Managing Partner — Tax KPMG LLP

Vice-Chair Janet Austin Chief Executive Officer YWCA Metro Vancouver

Vice-Chair Ray Williams President Ray Williams Associates

Secretary-Treasurer George Cadman, QC Shareholder Boughton Law Corporation

Finance and Audit Committee Chair Jon Schubert Chief Executive Officer ICBC

Policy Council Chair Robin Silvester President and Chief Executive Officer Port Metro Vancouver

Immediate Past Chair Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia President and Chief Executive Officer Century Plaza Hotel & Spa, Absolute Spa Group

Member at large Tim Manning Regional VP, Commercial Financial Services RBC Royal Bank

Member at large John Nightingale President and Chief Executive Officer Vancouver Aquarium

Member at large Tamara Vrooman Chief Executive Officer Vancity


Kevin Bent Pacific Newspaper GroupDave Cunningham Telus Corporation

Lara Dauphinee Fiore Financial Corporation, Fiore GroupMary Anne Davidson Acciona Infrastructures Canada

Maninder Dhaliwal TrucasaAnne Giardini Weyerhaeuser Company Limited

Calvin Helin RCI Capital Group, Inc.Craig Hemer Odgers Berndtson

Robin Hemmingsen BCIT School of BusinessDavid Hoff Ledcor

Terry Hui Concord Pacific Developments Inc.Richard Jaffray Cactus Restaurants Ltd.

Moray Keith Dueck Auto GroupSacha McLean Blackcomb Aviation LPTracy McVicar CAI Capital Management

Evi Mustel Mustel GroupGordon Nelson Rogers Communications GroupDavid M. Poole Scotiabank

Jatinder Rai Response Advertising Inc.Elise Rees Ernst & Young LLP

Dr. Mark SchonfeldDennis Skulsky BC Lions Football Club

Lorne Segal Kingswood Properties Ltd.Ron W. Thiessen Hunter Dickinson Inc.

Denise Turner TitanStar Group of Companies

decisions, and said the NDP would not strive to undo all of the work of the BC Liberals if elected.

“I have no intention – and I think it would be a waste of time, time we waste too often in British Columbia – to return to a previ-ous era,” said Dix. “We have to build on where we are now.”

In an effort to move the prov-ince forward, Dix said his party would have to learn from the mistakes of not only the current government, but of past NDP governments as well.

One of the “fundamental mis-takes” that the NDP government of the 1990s made, he said, was that “they often did too many things.”

Within a year of being elected in 1991, the BC NDP party passed 92 bills, Dix noted. The follow-ing year they passed another 74 bills.

“The quality of the imple-mentation suffered as a result,” Dix said. “The capacity of gov-ernment and the capacity of business and the community to sustain that change made the changes less effective than they should have been.”

If elected, Dix said he would do things differently. He said his government would plan to

“focus on a few things, and do them well.”

Following Dix’s prepared remarks, Vancouver Board of Trade Chair Ken Martin led a question-and-answer period, which included questions sub-mitted by the audience, by The Board of Trade’s Regional Trans-portation Committee and by The Board’s Government Budget and Finance Committee.

That discussion covered a wide range of topics, including Dix’s views on an Open Skies policy for air transportation, his top priorities for health-care reform, his views on polic-ing in the Lower Mainland, his stance on the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project, and finally, whether his government would introduce a capital tax.

A recording of Dix’s entire speech, including his answers to the questions above, is avail-able on The Vancouver Board of Trade’s official YouTube channel at

Greg Hoekstra is The Van-couver Board of Trade’s com-munications officer and editor of The Board’s monthly publica-tion, Sounding Board. He can be reached by email at

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5October 2012 Sounding Board 5member news

Return to PST/GST set for April 2013Learn how to make a smooth transition at Board of Trade panel discussion

In a recent update to B.C.’s busi-ness community, the provincial government confirmed that its action plan to return to the PST is on track, with a target reimplementa-tion date of April 1, 2013.

Last spring, the government introduced legislation to return to a provincial sales tax (PST) and federal goods and service tax (GST) and outlined careful plan-ning measures to ensure an orderly transition.

The legislation has clarified language to reduce ambiguity and bring the old legislation up to date with current practices and technol-ogy. A number of changes reflect recommendations from the Expert Panel on Business Taxation — a group first announced at The Van-couver Board of Trade’s Economic Outlook Forum last January.

Over the coming months, the Ministry of Finance will work on drafting regulations to support the provisions in the legislation. Additional consequential and tran-sitional amendments will also be made before April 1, 2013. Govern-ment intends to publicly release a final proposed version of the legis-lation as early as this fall to support business outreach and awareness.

Provincial systems development The province is finalizing ar-

rangements with the Canada Revenue Agency on returning staff to administer the PST. Updated legislation, new software, e-service, and streamlined administration mean that fewer staff are expected to be required to administer the PST, saving B.C. taxpayers money.

The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, as a collector of PST, will also be making changes to its systems and administrative processes to support the return of the PST.

Registration and outreach Business outreach seminars,

beginning in October, will provide information and training on tax application, collection, compli-ance and reporting rules related to the PST.

Registration of approximately 100,000 businesses using a new online system will begin in January 2013. Businesses will benefit from new e-services such as online registration, remittance, and self-service options.

Business transitionAs businesses receive informa-

tion from the government on the

new PST, they will need to adapt their systems. Provincial programs to help business understand their responsibilities in administering the PST are under development.

The province has committed to providing quarterly progress updates on its transition back to the PST on the website

Business owners with further questions can email or can call 1-877-388-4440.

Board of Trade panel discussionOn Friday, Oct. 26, The Vancou-

ver Board of Trade will host a panel discussion Goodbye HST: Account-ing for the return of GST/PST.

The event will be geared toward small and medium-sized busi-nesses who have questions about the return to GST/PST. An expert panel will discuss different taxation models, explain how the transition will work, and explore the logisti-cal challenges of going back to the PST/GST.

For more information, including how to register, please visit or email

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6 Sounding Board October 20126 member news

Strategies for the imminent labour crunch

By peter g. haLL

Talk of Canada’s impending labour shortage is gaining mo-mentum.

Demographic models point to 2016 as a pivotal year, when the population 15-55 begins a five-year decline.

That might still be a few years and a convincing global recov-ery away yet, but firms across Canada are already feeling birth pangs. Skilled labour is getting hard to come by, and huge development in Canada’s re-source sector will put pressure on labour supply for years to come.

What strategies can enable Canada to cope?

Immigration is widely per-ceived as Canada’s default option, and it certainly seems to be the most-discussed. Poli-cymakers are actively pursu-ing means of enhancing and augmenting Canada’s inter-national immigration, with a particular focus on skilled workers. Current needs are

driving Canadian firms to do their own spadework. Aware of soft demand conditions over-seas, those in need of skilled workers are looking to Europe as a possible stop-gap for current needs.

Accreditation of interna-tional workers often frustrates the immigration process. New skilled immigrants can face years of training and testing before they are approved for work in Canada.

This is a key deterrent for potential immigrants, and a significant irritant for those who decide to weather the gauntlet. Others stay, but opt for work that leaves them underem-ployed, and cheats Canada out of badly-needed productivity growth. Progress on this front would be a big plus for the economy.

Employing older workersis a hot topic in many circles. Labour force participation typically drops sharply in the 55-plus crowd. Industr y is already looking at ways of re-

taining, attracting and accom-modating this rich source of labour potential.

At the same time, low yields on savings and recent uncer-tainty about the security of pen-sions have created something of a “freedom-75” mentality that has many expecting to work longer. And there are always those who don’t actually want to retire

Training and education are oft-cited remedies to our labour gap. Business, government and education facilities are increasingly working together to generate the graduates that the Canadian economy needs. Industry itself is taking on a key training role, developing on-the-job training and life-long learning programs – most notably in the resource sector.

Investment in leading-edge plant and equipment is another possible strategy, increasing productivity and enabling industry to economize on labour.

It’s unpopular when the economy is soft, but faced with a labour crunch, it’s another way of ensuring that we don’t have to turn business away.

Leveraging offshore labouris again a more contentious, but possible remedy. Typically la-belled out-sourcing or offshor-ing, this strategy is usually cast as an easy way to displace local labour with a cheaper overseas substitute.

With the looming labour crunch, accessing the vast pools of under-utilized labour in other countries – in effect, importing labour without moving it – may well be a strategy that again, becomes more necessary to preserving the business we cur-rently do.

The bottom line? Anecdotal evidence sug-

gests that, although the world economy has yet to recover, Canada is already experiencing shortages of skilled workers. Simply hiking pay packets is at best a band-aid solution. If higher growth is still on the way, there’s no time like the present to get ready.

Peter G. Hall is vice-president and chief economist for Export Development Canada, a Crown corporation that supports and develops export trade by helping Canadian companies respond to international business oppor-tunities. For more information, visit

Peter Hall

Canada already experiencing skilled worker shortage, say EDC chief economist

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Welcome to some of our newest members!

Leadership loves company

7October 2012 Sounding Board 7member news

Construction set to begin on Ronald McDonald House New facility will provide a much-needed ‘home away from home’ for British Columbia families with seriously ill children

Imagine this: A seriously ill child needs to come to Vancou-ver for long-term treatment. The family cannot afford a hotel. And even if they could, a hotel is almost as cold and impersonal as a hospital room.

What they really need is a home away from home; a place filled with love and understand-ing – somewhere the family can be together through incredibly difficult times. Ronald McDon-ald House BC is that place, where families can have a sense of normalcy and enjoy simple things like a hot shower, a home-cooked meal, an empathetic shoulder.

Gary Segal, vice-president of Kingwood Capital, RMHBC board member, and noted phi-lanthropist, is leading the It’s Time Campaign, a multi- year fundraising effort.

Launched with a matching grant from the Government of

British Columbia in 2011, the campaign is inviting donations from individuals, foundations, and businesses across the prov-ince.

“I know our business com-munity believes in the concept of giving back and will respond generously,” says Segal. “While my family, fortunately, has not needed to use this vital service, I know how much it truly means to those that do. Contributions to this crucial expansion will

have a lasting impact on the lives of B.C.’s sick children and their families for generations to come.”

The new Ronald McDonald House will be a highly visible centre, easily recognized by its unique design, and provincially acknowledged as the premier facility serving families from all over B.C. and Yukon with seri-ously ill children.

At 74,000 square feet and a total cost of $28.8 million, the new facility will be the second largest Ronald McDonald House in Canada. Ideally located on the campus of BC Children’s Hospital, the House will ensure that families are always close to their children and the life-saving treatment they need.

Construction of the new Ronald McDonald House BC will begin this fall, with completion slated for winter 2013.

“The expansion of Ronald

McDonald House BC from 13 to 73 rooms reflects just how many families struggle to stay together while their children receive life-saving treatment at BC Children’s Hospital,” says Richard Pass, CEO of Ronald McDonald House BC.

“Without this facility, many parents would face significant hardship while caring for their child. Ultimately, the whole family suffers.”

Established in 1983, Ronald McDonald House BC & Yukon is a vital resource to the resi-

dents of British Columbia, Yukon and Western Canada. Ronald McDonald House is a home-away-from-home for children requiring medical treatment at BC Children’s Hospital, and for their families. Ronald McDonald House eases the emotional and financial strain of being away from home and allows families to fully concentrate on giving love and support to their children.

For more information or to donate, contact CEO Richard Pass at 604-736-2957 or email

this model shows what ronald McDonald House bc’s new facility will look like. the 73-room facility will be constructed on the campus of BC Children’s Hospital.

“I know our business community believes in the concept of giving back and will respond generously.”RMHBC board member Gary Segal

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Leadership loves company

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8 Sounding Board October 20128 member news

Better workplace health leads to a better bottom line for your businesseach year infl uenza results in 1.5 million work days lost across canada, at an estimated cost of $1 billion to the economy


New influenza viruses arrive in Canada each fall. Up to one in four individuals may become ill with the flu.

The estimated impact to our paid economy is 1.5 million work days lost, at a cost of more than $1 billion to the Canadian economy. To reduce the chance of contributing to this loss, many employers offer their staff the opportunity to get the flu shot at their place of work.

Investing in your employees’ health is also good for your business’s financial health. A typical flu epidemic accounts for up to 10 to 12 per cent of absenteeism, as the flu virus can quickly spread throughout the workplace, even before symptoms are showing. An employee with the flu could miss seven to 10 days of work, and may feel weak and tired for up to a month, which can lead

to reduced productivity during working hours.

As our workforce ages, sup-porting employees to maintain their health is one way com-panies can have a competitive advantage.

Older workers may suffer more serious consequences when they get the flu due to aging immune systems. Now there are influenza vaccines de-veloped for people over 60 years old. Vaccines are among the safest tools of modern medicine and serious side effects are rare, with only severe allergic reac-tions occurring in about one in a million doses of vaccine.

In Canada, the flu season runs from November to April. It is rec-ommended you get your flu shot before the season starts.

Care BC, a social enterprise that supports Meals on Wheelsprograms, is currently booking flu clinics that begin in October. Care BC has registered nurses

throughout B.C. offering one-stop service for organizations with work sites around the province. Give by taking. Give to

our charitable services by taking your flu shot.

Wendy Williams is the nurse manager for Care BC. She can

be reached at 604-733-9177 ext. 111 or by email at For more information visit

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9October 2012 Sounding Board 9member news

New management team is a homerun for Vancouver Canadians baseball clubLocal franchise sets attendance records, caps off 2012 season with second straight championship

When shortstop Jorge Floresfired a ball across the diamond to first baseman Balbino Fuen-mayor in the blink of an eye, it capped of a 12-month effort by the Vancouver Canadians to defend the Northwest League Championship — something few teams have done in the league’s 57-year history.

The victory summed up what Canadians owners Jake Kerrand Jeff Mooney have become accustomed to since purchasing Vancouver’s professional baseball team back in the spring of 2007. Taking something almost unreal-istic and making it into a reality through vision, commitment and hard work.

Fresh off of a second straight Northwest League Champion-ship, Kerr and Mooney have already begun planning toward the 2013 season and beyond with team president Andy Dunn com-mitted to exceeding this year’s record marks.

It has been quite the year.Between the team’s first and

second championships, the Cana-dians were named winners of the Larry McPhail Award for the fourth straight season, an award given to the franchise that showcases the top marketing and media in the Northwest League. The C’s also became the first Canadian fran-chise in Minor League history to win the coveted Bob Freitas Award, given to the top franchise in Minor League Baseball as presented by Baseball America.

Not bad for a franchise that just five years earlier was sold by an Oregon businessman who could no longer absorb the financial losses the team was taking on.

Beyond all of the exciting moments on the field, the Ca-nadians organization might be best remembered for efforts off the field with the creation of the Vancouver Canadians Baseball Foundation. The development of a ‘mini-league’ would help more

than 250 local children in need by providing them with the opportu-nity to play summertime baseball out at historic Scotiabank Field at Nat Bailey Stadium.

With the cooperation of The Boys & Girls Clubs of South Coast BC and a number of corporate partners, including BC Hydro Power Smart, Scotiabank, and the

Toronto Blue Jays, children were given the red carpet treatment, receiving a new glove, certified batting helmet, a tote bag and were served dinner each and every night out at the ballpark.

The Vancouver Canadians maintained efforts within the community that included the annual Canadians Thanksgiving,

where staff members along with Safeway and The Salvation Armycame together to provide family-sized turkeys to many in need.

Mascot Bob Brown Bear con-tinued to be extremely active in the community making more than 250 local appearances at everything from Challenger Baseball’s Season Opener right through to efforts with BC Children’s Hospital.

With a record number of fans coming out to Scotiabank Field at Nat Bailey Stadium in 2012 (164,461) to go along with the tra-ditions that have now captivated our ballpark families for years (sushi races, dancing mascots and seventh inning stretches), the Canadians continue to be Vancouver’s premiere summer-time event.

To learn more about the Van-couver Canadians Baseball Club and how tickets can work for your business and its partners, visit or call 604-872-5232 today.

A Stellar Concert Season! THE BRAHMS EFFECT Romanticism in Music8 pm Friday, September 28 Ryerson United ChurchERIC WHITACRE IN VANCOUVER The Composer Conducts8 pm Saturday, October 27 Orpheum TheatreFINDING THE STILL POINT Music for Healing8 pm Friday, November 16 Ryerson United ChurchBRITTEN’S SAINT NICOLAS with Ben Heppner8 pm Friday, December 7 Orpheum TheatreA DYLAN THOMAS CHRISTMAS A Child’s Christmas in Wales8 pm Friday, December 14 3 pm Saturday, December 15 (a shorter Family Concert) 3 pm Sunday, December 16 Ryerson United Church

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10 Sounding Board October 201210 member news

Eight ways to improve concentration levels in kids

By haLIMa BenMILouD

Impulsiveness, inattention, aggression, learning difficulties, hyperactivity.

If these symptoms describe your child, then you are one of tens of thousands battling this common childhood problem. Focus and concentration dif-ficulties are the source of much aggravation for parents, teachers and other children alike. The con-sequences of lack of concentration can lead to children being easily distracted, easily irritable, difficul-ties with reading and writing, and forgetfulness.

Here are eight tips and healthy habit to improve your child’s con-centration levels.

Promote a healthy diet — Nowadays, children have an in-creased intake of processed foods, saturated fats and sugary foods. Studies have shown that a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and veggies will help your child’s brain func-tions. As well, studies have shown that parents should shy away from foods that have food colouring in

them, as they may increase hyper-activity in children.

Set routines — It’s a great thing to have a routine (time for sleep, chores, homework), a ritual of things for your child to do. Your child will get into a pattern and patterns help children know what is supposed to happen next, making them think less about how to possibly entertain themselves and therefore lose concentra-tion on the present. Figure out a regular routine that will suit you and your child.

Control the use of television and electronics — Experts agree that kids under two years old should not watch TV at all and children that are older than two should be only allowed one to two hours a day. The same rules should be applied to your older children because too much TV and electron-ics can prevent them from doing intellectual and physical activities like, reading, doing homework, playing outside, and interacting with friends and with family.

Exercise more often — Both mental and physical exercise are

very important to help your child concentrate better. For mental exercises, try playing board games that stimulate your child to think strategically and focus. Guessing games or even allowing them to help you cook by reading or following recipes. For physical exercise, it has been scientifically proven that children that do at least 30 minutes of exercise per day are more likely to do well in school, focus better and generally be more positive.

Help children with scholastic pressure — Don’t be an absentee homework parent. When your child comes home from school with homework, sit down and do their homework with them. Turn it into a game, where if they get a certain amount of answers right they get a prize. The quality time with you and the joy that you put into the act of doing homework will make them concentrate better.

Organize daily activities — While this is not always possible, try to plan different activities for your child as often as possible, so that each day they have some-

thing to look forward to. One night invest in a piñata, another have family game night. When they know they have something exciting to look forward to, they will be happier during the day and often participate more in class. Better yet, tell them that they will only get to participate in this new daily activity once they finish their homework, chores, etc.

Be honest and open with your child — Your children pick up on everything whether you believe they do or not. If something is going on within the family, talk to your child about his or her feel-ings. The stress of the tension that might or might not be going on within the household could cause your child to act out in school and could be the leading cause of the lack of concentration.

Supplement with proper es-sential fatty acids—Studies have shown that children who supple-ment their diet with essential fatty acids (EFA’s) have a better chance of avoiding neurological disorders and learning disabilities like ADHD, depression, anxiety, dyslexia and dyspraxia. Children that are already deficient in EFA’s are susceptible to have cardiovascular problems, ab-normalities of the liver and kidney, reduced growth, dry skin, reduced immune system functions and various psychological disorders.

Halima Benmiloud is a writer for Our Kids Media. Give your kids the best school experience this year. Meet with top schools across the country this fall at the Our Kids Private School Expos:


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11October 2012 Sounding Board

Creating a fresh startBy anDy gregory

Ray Wei might not get a lot of shut eye these days but his dreams are certainly coming true.

Upon arriving in Canada from China – where he worked as a sales executive with Nestlé — Wei applied to Vancouver Community College to learn English and a new skill: professional baking.

After graduation from the ESL baking and pastry arts program, he found work in local hotels and restaurants and in less than a year, started his own business: West Side Bakery.

“My dream of beginning a new life as an immigrant has turned into a very hard job,” says Wei. “But I love it. I wake up at 4 a.m. every day and work over 10 hours a day.”

VCC’s ESL baking and pastry arts program offers English as a second language courses as a part of the regular curriculum. Stu-dents learn to become professional bakers while upgrading their exist-ing English speaking, writing and listening skills.

The program is 52 weeks, full-time. Students also learn interview and job search skills that are rel-evant to the Canadian job market

and get Foodsafe certified. Gradu-ates find work in areas like profes-sional baking, cake decorating and pastry making.

“VCC helped me achieve my dreams of owning a business. I often think about my teachers and the support they gave me. It keeps me going,” says Wei.

Wei has two part-time em-ployees at the bakery, who are also Chinese immigrants and VCC

baking and pastry arts graduates. He hopes to hire a third employee in the near future.

Wei, 40, lives in Vancouver with his wife and dog and says he will continue to work on his English language skills to improve relations with his new clientele.

Andy Gregory handles commu-nications for Vancouver Commu-nity College. For more info on VCC’s ESL programs, visit

ray Wei stands outside his business, West Side bakery, on MacDonald Street. Wei immi-grated to canada from china, and with the help of Vancouver community college’s eSL programs, was able to launch a career as a professional baker. Submitted photo

11member news

Working to inspire investor confi denceBC Securities Commission CEO to address Board of Trade on regulating in trying economic times

On Oct. 30, The Vancouver Board of Trade hosts a luncheon with Brenda Leong, Chair and CEO of the British Columbia Se-curities Commission (BCSC).

Leong will give an inside look at how her organization is striving to inspire investor confidence and support fair, efficient and innovative capital markets in our province.

The goal of securities regula-tion is to inspire investor confi-dence. With today’s tight capital markets and investor concerns, there are numerous challenges and opportunities for policy makers and regulators.

The BCSC plays a leadership role, with particular expertise in mining and the venture capital market. Because small busi-ness is the backbone of the B.C.

economy, the commission’s focus on market integrity is essential to creating a stable investment climate.

Join The Board of Trade for this event, as Leong outlines how the BCSC aims to find the right balance while regulating in trying economic times.

Reserve your ticket online at or email reservations@boardoftrade.comfor more info.

Brenda Leong

Goldcorp’s Vancouver team laced up their work boots this summer, lending a helping hand at Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver’s townhome build site in Burnaby. Submitted photos.

12 Sounding Board October 2012

Goldcorp helps build a better world with Habitat for Humanity partnershipCorporate build days program gives organizations a unique team-building opportunity

There are few opportunities for most office workers to spend a day using tools, hammers, nails and “sweat equity” to build a better future for a family with their own bare hands.

But employees of Vancouver mining giant Goldcorp had just such an opportunity when they gathered at Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver’s (HFHGV) townhome build site in Burnaby this summer for a day of homebuilding.

Goldcorp is one of the world’s leading gold mining companies and has committed 1 per cent of its pre-tax earnings to help local communities in Canada and around the world. As a measure of the company’s commitment, a second group of Goldcorp employees will be back at the Burnaby site in September, par-ticipating in a second sponsored build day.

Habitat for Humanity CEO Tim Wake has expressed his great appreciation to the many companies and employees who are volunteering their time.

“Between now and the ex-pected completion of our town-home project in early 2013 we’re looking forward to welcom-

ing employee builders from a number of leading companies like Goldcorp who commit to sponsoring a build day to make a better life for a family in Metro Vancouver,” said Wake. “Our Burnaby townhome project will be home to six families and a total of 11 children.”

That’s the essence of Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancou-ver’s Corporate Build Days. For a one-day donation, employees, friends and customers of the participating company, group or organization gather at the Burnaby build site and spend the day building a home that will make a huge difference in the lives of a partner family.

Companies and organiza-

tions have found that leaving the office, cell phone and fax machine behind and getting out from behind a desk to spend a day with a hammer in their hands is a great team-building exercise. Hands-on homebuild-ing is the appeal of the Habitat for Humanity movement world-

wide, and what draws individuals and groups to housing projects in more than 100 countries. To date more than 500,000 homes have been built, housing more than 2.7 million people.

“I am encouraged by the in-volvement of our employees and their desire to make a difference

“I am encouraged

by the involvement

of our employees

and their desire to

make a difference

in their community”

Chuck Jeannes, president

and CEO of Goldcorp

in their community,” said Chuck Jeannes, president and CEO of Goldcorp.

“Our corporate culture at Goldcorp involves support-ing the communities in which we operate, leaving a legacy of long-term social, environmental and economic benefits. We’re

proud to work with Habitat for Humanity to help address the challenges many families face in finding safe, decent and afford-able homes.”

For more information on Habitat for Humanity’s cor-porate build days, visit

12 member news

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14 Sounding Board October 201214 member news

Outsourcing: the key to global competitiveness for small businesses


What an exciting time it is for small businesses. No longer are they the un-derdogs; with their capability for great productivity and innovation, today’s global marketplace allows them to compete inter-nationally with prominent competitors.

They’re playing with the industry giants now. What is their secret? Outsourcing via a bridge company.

While the idea of outsourcing is often contentious, it remains not only relevant, but is a trove of outstanding opportunities for businesses and the local economy. Of course, not all outsourcing interactions are favourable; however, a knowledgeable and experienced bridge company that under-stands the complexities of global business can lead a small company to increased productivity and innovation, benefitting the local economy in the process.

It is already well known that out-sourcing offers greater cost efficiency and productivity to small businesses, allowing local owners to invest more of their resources developing new strategies and enhancing existing projects. Other benefits exist. With an outsource bridge company coordinating all aspects of plan-ning, manufacturing, quality control, and delivery, local owners can operate their

business without added worries. And with a well-rounded and deep understanding of business practices abroad, an experienced liaison coordinates with supply factories overseas to ensure that the highest quality products and best prices are offered to local owners.

Importantly, small business owners are afforded more personalized contact with their supplier via their outsourcing liaison, allowing for a more tailored and satisfying holistic experience. In this way, involvement with an outsource company has invaluable benefits that reach far from formal business connections. These bridge companies are vital cultural links, allowing owners to understand foreign business practices. This fresh perspective allows business owners to inject creativity and custom-made products into their firm. Not only do businesses gain from product originality, but innovation stimulates the local economy.

Responsible and effective outsourcing gives rise to increased productivity, effi-ciency, and innovation: strong sources of competitive advantage for small business-es emerging on the global arena, which create exciting opportunities for owners while fueling the local economy.

William To is the president of Wave Visions Inc.

Leadership straight from the horse’s mouthDiscover the ‘spirit of leadership’ through equine-assisted training exercises

By CorIna hoLZapFeL

Imagine yourself in a round pen with a deep black, majestic and beautiful horse.

Your task is to explain that you are the leader. You want the horse to follow you. Would you be able to prove to be a trust-worthy leader?

This is one of the questions partici-pants are facing during equine-assisted leadership and team training. Horses being natural followers always ask for high quality leadership. They only follow a leader whom they absolutely trust and respect. Horses would never follow a dominant and aggressive leader. In fact the lead horse always acts with ease and grace. Dominance and aggression only cause fear which leads to “internal termination.”

The qualities that make human leaders successful are predominantly identical to the leading horse’s qualities. These traits include being a trustworthy person, dem-onstrating respect, setting appropriate boundaries, acting emotionally balanced, and being inspiring and motivating. There-fore, horses are absolutely phenomenal at

teaching leaders. Horses also respond to body language,

unconscious behaviours and emotional patterns. They act like a mirror. While being incorruptible, horses give honest feedback instantly and touch people on a very profound level. This experiential way of learning is a powerful tool to trigger transformational changes and to create lasting results.

Once leaders are aware of their actions and subconscious patterns they are able to create outstanding relationships with their teams. Relationships based on trust, healthy respect and reliability create extremely successful relationships with clients and suppliers. This consequently lays the foundation for building the dream company with the end result of maximum success and maximum profit.

Ask someone you trust for feedback on your body language or posture — you might be surprised!

For more information on equine-assisted leadership and team training opportunities, visit or call 250-791-1969.

September 2012 • VOLUme 52 • NUmber 6

Six months into its transfor-mation plan, The Vancouver Board of Trade is experiencing encouraging feedback.

New members have been signing up at rates almost double that of a year ago, May’s event with Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson was our largest luncheon in history, and our new Member Benefits Program and partners have positioned The Board of Trade to provide unprecedented business advantages. And we’re just getting started.

We are delighted to confirm the recent arrival of Kareem Allam, completing our new management team. As our Di-rector of Policy and Communi-cations, his responsibilities will include working with our new Policy Council to facilitate the extraordinary committee work that brings life to your advo-cacy, priorities and values. In addition, he has already started a comprehensive review aimed at overhauling our branding and overall communications strategy, which includes this very publication.

Speaking of which, many of you may being seeing Sounding Board for the first time, reflect-ing our recent partnership with

Business in Vancouver, which has BIV producing and distrib-uting Sounding Board for us as a monthly supplement.

While still in the early stages, we are excited about the oppor-tunities afforded our members by such a relationship. With some thoughtful changes, we see great potential to work with BIV to make our written communications more relevant to you, more focused on our members’ priorities, and more consistent with The Board of Trade’s evolving direction.

Another key relationship is our new member employ-ee benefits partnership with Pacific Blue Cross, providing

even our smallest member busi-nesses with compelling options for staff benefits – in a manner simply not available to non-members.

In combination with the feedback that Membership Services Director Chris Barry is receiving as a result of our Visa and MasterCard merchant fee partnership with First Data, we are compelled to look at a d d i n g o t h e r member pro-grams focused on core busi-ness needs. We are constantly looking to le-verage the size of our member-ship to achieve c re a t i ve p u r-chasing power advantages on your behalf.

In the spring, o u r b o a rd o f directors com-missioned an ad hoc task force to study our complex events model, and their resulting rec-ommendations are directly in-forming Events Director Sandra Allen’s strategic redesign of this cornerstone of The Vancouver Board of Trade.

In the coming months you will be presented with an annual

view of our events planning (to help you determine where best to spend your time with your fellow members), as well as new approaches to packaging similarly themed events into series or forums.

We have a few new ideas for your consideration, enlighten-ment, and entertainment, and we await your feedback with great interest.

While pleased with the progress we are making, there is much left to be done over the next 12 months.

T h a n k y o u for your ongoing interest in our p r o g re s s , a n d your support of our team, our events and our committees that enables The Van-couver Board of Trade to do the crucial work we

do for Lower Mainland business interests.

Iain Black is President and CEO of The Vancouver Board of Trade. For more information on the organization, visit, or email

Iain black, president and CeO, the Vancouver board of trade

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“We are fighting to make b.C.’s business community one of the strongest and most prosperous in the world.” board of trade chair Ken martin, pg. 4

membership surge, new benefits and new partners herald first phase of transition

Rediscovering a storied institution

Board of Trade weighs in on downtown viaducts · 3

Province projects balanced budget in 2013-2014 · 3

Message from the chair · 4

Board to host Beyond the Border forum · 5

The Vancouver Board of Trade’s 125th aGM· 6-7

choosing a benefits plan · 8

The future of commerce · 9

How Bill 14 amendments will affect businesses · 11

canada as a mining powerhouse · 13


Behind the bench of the Whitecaps Fc · 15

UBc president on the future of education · 15

“Your support of our team, our events and our committees enables The Vancouver Board of Trade to do the crucial work we do for Lower Mainland business interests.”



GET NOTICEDAdvertise in Sounding Board and reach thousands of Vancouver Board of Trade members and Business in Vancouver subscribers.

For more info, contact Katherine Butlerat 604-688-2398 or email

15October 2012 Sounding Board 15member news

By sIMMI purI

Aboriginal legal education goes mainstream this fall when, for the first time, all University of British Columbia law students will take Aboriginal Rights and Treaties in Canada as a first year course. UBC is one of the first Canadian law schools to make this a requirement for graduation.

“Aboriginal law has always been strongly recommended in the law school’s upper year cur-riculum, but historically it has had one of the lowest enrollments,” says Professor Darlene Johnstonwho will be one of four instructors teaching the course this spring. “It sends a strong message to our stu-dents and to the legal community, that we consider this area of law to be a core competency.”

This is one of many changes af-fecting law schools across Canada as new accreditation rules require graduates to demonstrate com-petency in the rights of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. Law schools can meet this requirement in dif-ferent ways and UBC has chosen to create a separate mandatory course dedicated to Aboriginal

law.“Although the substance of

what will be taught may be similar from school to school, this sym-bolic change allows us to highlight the leadership role that BC has had in the development of Aboriginal rights in Canada,” says Dean Mary Anne Bobinski.

The majority of the cases dealing with Aboriginal land claims and treaties that have reached the Supreme Court of Canada, have come from B.C. There are more than 200 First Nations commu-nities in B.C., with only a very few having signed treaties with the Crown, leaving a significant number of outstanding claims to Aboriginal title and rights.

“There’s a lot at stake for First Nations in B.C. as well as for British Columbians generally,” explains Johnston. “There’s so much that needs to be resolved and courts are playing a major role in reconciling the broader public interest with the rights and titles of Aboriginal people.”

It’s an area of law that Johnston agrees is complex and will con-tinue to grow. Whether it’s resource development, fisheries, forestry

or pipelines, there is a clear ob-ligation to consult First Nations communities.

“There aren’t enough Aborigi-nal lawyers to service all the needs of this community, so it’s impor-tant that non-Aboriginal lawyers be in a position to understand these rights and to serve as ad-vocates.”

The Faculty of Law was one of the first faculties in Canada to offer a program in First Nations Legal Studies, and recruits more Aboriginal students than any other law school in the country. Many students are drawn to UBC by the opportunity to work at the Faculty’s legal clinic, which serves Vancouver’s urban Aboriginal population in the Downtown Eastside.

“I’m really happy as an Ab-original scholar to be teaching in a school that has made it clear that the rights of Aboriginal people are a central part of the constitu-tional law in this country,” says Johnston.

Simmi Puri is communications manager for UBC’s Faculty of Law at Allard Hall. For more informa-tion, visit

No longer optionalUbc law curriculum now requires Aboriginal rights and treaties


As a recruiter, you want to be where the most qualified, talented, and largest pool of ap-plicants are. There are hundreds of millions of people on social media sites such as Linke-dIn, Facebook and Twitter. More and more companies are using social media to target candidates and find the right person for the jobs they have available.

The best way to start is by building connections to people you know. This could include current clients, former co-workers and even friends and family. Connect with them through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and blogs, because you never know who someone may be connected to.

Creating a Facebook page is one simple way to make connections. The page acts as a public profile, enabling you to share your business infor-mation with other Facebook users. If your company has a

Facebook page, you can use it as a recruiting tool by posting job openings for your fans to see. People who have “liked” your page already have an interest in your company and are therefore more likely to be interested in working for your company.

If your company has a Twitter account, you can simply tweet your job postings. If you don’t have a lot of followers, expand your network and build rela-tionships with clients and job candidates by doing a search on Twitter for anybody discussing a specific keyword or topic.

Another benefit to online recruiting is the low cost. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are free to use, and once you get the hang of it, they are also easy to use. The only cost to you is a bit of your time to post your job opportunities.

Recruiting high quality staff is no longer a matter of placing an ad in the newspaper. Today’s tech-savvy candidates expect to find jobs the same way they do much of their social inter-

acting — online. So stay up-to-date with your recruitment techniques and take advantage of social media to find the can-didates your company needs.

Lisa Williams is a human re-sources specialist and the direc-tor of operations for LifeWorks Health Solutions. LifeWorks provides outsourced fitness well-ness solutions to corporations of all sizes. Visit for more information.

Social media and recruitment

By ray WILLIaMs

The workplace is facing a gen-erational adjustment of values, learning and working styles that will have a huge impact on how leaders think and act.

It’s estimated that there are upwards of 80 million millennials (those born between 1981 and 1999) living in North America today. As those millennials begin their careers, they will transform the nature of the workplace.

According to a Pew Research Center report, there are a number of characteristics that tend to define generation Y. For example, millennials tend to celebrate diver-sity; are optimistic, inventive and individualistic; rewrite the rules; enjoy a pleasurable lifestyle; don’t see the relevance of most institu-tions; are masters of technology and social media; are critical of the ethics and morality of busi-ness; see friends as family; like a collaborative supportive work environment and interactive work relationships; have high demands and expectations; want to work for companies that are socially responsible; and they want a bal-anced life.

Generation Y does not like authoritarian leadership styles because they’ve grown up being able to question their parents. Mil-lennials, unlike baby boomers, are interested in making their jobs ac-commodate their family and per-sonal lives. They have an extremely high value on self-fulfillment, they don’t expect to stay in a job or career for long, and they see career change as normal.

Generation Y’s attitudes, values and behaviours are already begin-ning to show conflict with Baby Boom leaders and some genera-tion X leaders as well.

According to a survey by LeeHecht Harrison Company, 60 per cent of employers are experienc-ing tension between employees of different generations. The survey found that 70 per cent of older em-ployees are dismissive of younger workers’ abilities, and 50 per cent of gen-Y workers were dismissive of older workers’ abilities. Many gen-Yers choose jobs just to be with their friends because friendships are a high value, or they choose jobs that allow them to work as volunteers in the community.

So what do employers and leaders need to know and do to address these generational differ-ences, and in particular respond to generation Y workers?

Sylvia Hewlett , Laura Sherbin and Karen Sumberg argue in the Harvard Business Review that when economic times improve, the landscape of talent management will have been transformed.

Because of the impact of the recession, a combination of large numbers of gen-Yers entering the workforce combined with a refusal of baby boomers to take retire-ment will dramatically shift the composition of the workforce.

So what are smart employers and leaders doing? In essence, they are aligning jobs with the shared values of employees, which allows baby boomers to scale back hours but still provide their experience.

For example, American Expressis providing more job flexibility, al-lowing people to work where and how they want; Citigroup’s Alter-native Solutions Work program is providing opportunities for social contributions; Ernst and Young’s Corporate Responsibility Fellows Program is instituting progressive work policies that value multiple bottom lines, including CSR and sustainability; and Time Warnerand Cisco are instituting intergen-erational mentoring.

Another interesting feature of the current generational shifts is the current leadership challenge of gen-Xers. As baby boomers retire and generation-Yers are not yet old enough to assume power, genera-tion-Xers will step into leadership positions and face the challenge of managing significant generational differences, which will require the best attributes of a transforma-tional leadership style.

The next decade in the work-place promises to provide some in-teresting generational dynamics.

Ray Williams is president of Ray Williams Associates and vice-chair of The Vancouver Board of Trade. For more info visit

Why are you not like me?Exploring the generational gap in the workplace

Ray Williams

Lisa Williams

Looking for today’s top talent?Friday, March 8, 2013

Segal Graduate School of Business, Vancouver, BC

Sponsored jointly by the business schools from SFU, UBC and Uvic, this annual event affords BC businesses the opportunity to scout over 1,000

undergraduate and graduate business students and alumni.

Don’t let these rising stars go to your competition!

16 Sounding Board October 201216 member news

Students from Sea Island Elementary School roll pennies at YVr as part of Vancouver Airport Authority’s Final Boarding Call for Pennies fundraiser. In total, 518 kilograms of pennies were collected: enough to fund about 2,200 lunches for children in need this sum-mer. Funds raised through YVr’s penny drive were donated to Quest Food Exchange. Submitted photo

Province focuses on Hong KongPremier announces new overseas trade and investment offi ce

The Province of British Co-lumbia is opening a trade and investment office in Hong Kong, with a goal of increasing B.C.’s eco-nomic ties with the global financial centre.

“British Columbia is Canada’s Gateway to the Pacific, and we look forward to building on our already strong business and cultural con-nections with Hong Kong,” said B.C. Premier Christy Clark upon announcing the new office.

“China is British Columbia’s second-largest trading partner and is a vital and growing market for our products, services and re-sources, particularly natural gas.”

A trade and investment rep-resentative will be in place in the

new Hong Kong office by mid-November and will be focused on attracting investment from the financial centre.

The trade and investment rep-resentative will provide immediate local market knowledge, access to large networks of key influencers within government and industry; provide language and business cultural skills to attract investment; and connect B.C. businesses with new markets and opportunities.

B.C.’s Hong Kong representative will work in conjunction with B.C.’s trade and investment representa-tives in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.

The Hong Kong financial sector is a key investor in a range of eco-

nomic activities in B.C., such as real estate and natural gas. Last year, Hong Kong overtook the U.S. and the U.K. to top the World Econom-ic Forum’s Financial Development Report, becoming the first Asian financial centre to achieve this rank. Hong Kong’s rise has been tied to financial services such as initial-public-offering activity and insurance, making it the world’s 10th-largest trading economy. Its most significant trading partner is mainland China.

The office opening was an-nounced at a Friends of BC lun-cheon in Hong Kong last month, as part of Clark’s first official visit to the city. One in 13 households in Hong Kong includes a Canadian

Penny drive creates positive change

citizen, many of whom have close ties to British Columbia.

A key pillar of the government’s BC Jobs Plan is the opening and expanding of markets for the province’s goods and services across Asia and the attraction of investment to grow B.C.’s eight priority sectors and spur domes-tic job growth. To support this strategy, B.C. aims to double its

international presence by March 2013, accelerating direct invest-ment attraction by marketing the province’s competitive advantages and world-class business environ-ment.

For more information on the province’s international trade and investment representative offices around the world, visit

will be clearly understood in the context it should be.”

“Focus on one conversation at a time. Ensuring that people have your undivided attention is a sign of respect and will help avoid missing any important feedback they are providing.”

In s h o r t , c o - m e n t o r i n g between junior and senior workers can provide for a re-ciprocal partnership where the flow of information is two-way and either person can solicit insights and knowledge from the other. The benefits can

be multifold, including junior workers who feel more engaged in their workplace and senior workers who better understand the behaviour of their younger colleagues and what motivates them.

Like any mentoring relation-ship, co-mentoring requires commitment and effort.

The reward can be re-ener-gized and engaged workers of all ages and an enhanced sense of cross-generational understand-ing and outcomes that only leads to more positive results.

The Company of Young Profes-sionals is a leadership develop-ment program of The Vancouver Board of Trade which engages those in the early stages of their career through leadership, net-working, and volunteerism oppor-tunities. This article was written by CYP participant Oliver Zihlmann, with contributors Przemek Cerazy, Graham Lovely and Ryan Lermitte. To participate in the discussion, join us on LinkedIn (Company of Young Professionals). Learn more about the program at

The Vancouver Board of Trade’s Leaders of Tomorrow Mentorship Program would like to congratulate all recent graduates for their accomplishments and welcome all new students to the program. Special thanks to all mentors and sponsors for their outstanding contributions.

LOT is made possible through the support of the following program partners:

Connecting Leaders of Today with Leaders of Tomorrow

Platinum Sponsor:

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Event Sponsors:


17October 2012 Sounding Board 17member news

Reverse mentoring in the workplaceBy oLIVer ZIhLMann

Take a few seconds to think of an important business insight that someone’s shared with you.

Chances are it came from a more senior colleague, super-visor or confidant that took a genuine interest in fostering your personal and professional growth over a period of time.

Although this traditional form of mentoring has produced many successful results, a com-bination of rapidly changing technologies, new forms of com-munication and a convergence of generations in the workplace has created an opportunity to tap into a relatively unused form of mentoring, one with tremendous benefits for younger and older workers alike.

Co-mentoring, also known as reverse mentoring, is based on the premise that all workers, regardless of their age or senior-ity have valuable knowledge and insights to share with one another. While still acknowl-edging their experience and knowledge, younger workers in particular feel that they have important insights to share and exchange with their more senior colleagues, and not just in the realm of technology and social media.

Consider some of the follow-ing insights shared by members of The Vancouver Board of Trade’s Company of Young Profession-als (CYP) Program committee with their supervisors and col-leagues:

“There are huge benefits to a friendly and outgoing attitude in almost every situation. Rela-tionships don’t have to be met with a gruff and authoritative demeanor.”

“Our ideas and opinions should not be discounted because we are young. In certain situa-tions, we may have better solu-tions than those who have been ‘doing it right’ for a long time.”

“Embrace technology and collaborate with others on best practices. Discussing apps, soft-ware programs and devices has been great for my business mentors because I have shown them massive time savings from the use of technology.”

“If there is an issue, put it on the table and let’s talk about it. I would rather know if something is wrong than work under the pretense that everything is OK.”

“Saying no is easy. While yes is harder, it may open up a world of opportunity we did not think was possible.”

“Young people do have a fire in their bellies; to harness our talents, it is about finding ways to ignite that fire. We are willing to do anything, within reason, to succeed.”

Importantly, these same young professionals feel that they have also gained many valuable insights from their more senior colleagues, such as the following:

“There is no need for blame. Ownership of responsibility and issues are important but there is no need to knock down others if they make a mistake.”

“Integrity is the only thing that you have in business. If you tarnish your integrity, then you will ruin your credibility. It is very tough to build back up.”

“When the going gets tough, ask yourself, ‘is this going to kill me?’ Sometimes asking a literal question like this when we are frustrated, scared or tired is im-portant. It provides a degree of grounding that is often needed when we are faced with great challenges.”

“Don’t assume. Working quickly and efficiently doesn’t have to mean cutting corners and making assumptions.”

“Clear and concise commu-nication is critical to success. It is very important to read and re-read your messages in order to ensure that their tone is ap-propriate and that each message

the 28th annual ZLc Foundation Charity Golf Tournament recently raised $40,000 in support of Kids Up Front Vancouver. Pictured at left: Mark Zlotnik, cOO of ZLc Financial Group (left) and golf tournament manager cindy Woo (right) present Kids Up Front Vancouver executive director Cindy Graves with a cheque, which will support programs for youth. Submitted photo

Teeing off for a good cause

18 Sounding Board October 201218 member news

Clean Air Champions breathe easy thanks to $200,000 donation from HSBCNational athletes and Vancouver media personalities team up in celebrity tandem bike race fundraiser

To celebrate a new $200,000 donation from HSBC Bank Canada, Clean Air Champions(CAC) hosted a celebrity tandem bike race in front of HSBC’s newest office building in Vancou-ver in Sept. 9.

The donation will be made over two years, and will support the HSBC Clean Air Achievers program — a free, bilingual, na-tional school program aimed at educating youth about environ-mentally-friendly transportation options that can also improve their fitness.

The tandem bicycle race paired Olympians and national athletes with some of Vancouver’s most recognized media person-alities, including Coleen Chris-tie of CTV, Dawn Chubai and Riaz Meghji of CityTV, Elaine Yong and Aaron McArthur of Global TV, and Duncan McCueof CBC.

“This year’s CAC celebrity tandem bike race in support of the HSBC Clean Air Achievers program was both friendly and fierce — but that’s to be expected when you pair top Olympians and national team athletes with some of Vancouver’s finest media talent,” said Deirdre Laframboi-se, executive director of CAC.

“It’s a great example of our mission in action, which is to reduce air pollution and climate change by working with high per-formance athletes to educate and inspire Canadians to adopt more sustainable, healthier lifestyles. We are very grateful to HSBC Bank Canada for their continued support.”

CTV’s Coleen Christie and Adam Kreek (men’s rowing gold medallist, Beijing 2008) finished

first, after a neck-and-neck race. They were followed closely by City TV’s Dawn Chubai and Kevin Light (men’s rowing gold m e d a l l i s t , Beijing 2008) in second, and Elaine Yo n g a n d Jake Wetzel(men’s rowing gold medallist, Beijing 2008) in third.

“Coleen and Adam may have won the celebrity tandem bike

race, however the real winners are the thousands of youth across the country who will take part in

the HSBC Clean Air Achievers program this year,” said Lindsay Gordon, president and chief executive officer of HSBC Bank

Canada.“HSBC has a long-standing

commitment to the environ-ment and ed-ucation, and we’re delighted to continue to support Clean Air Champi-ons and Can-ada’s youth,”

Gordon added. HSBC Clean Air Achievers

teaches youth in Grades 5-9 about transportation and how

it impacts the air, climate and health. The program’s two main goals are to encourage youth to choose less polluting forms of travel and to increase their level of physical fitness by choosing active modes of travel (walking, rolling or cycling) to their des-tinations. Best of all, Olympic, Paralympic and national team athletes deliver inspirational presentations to each class.

HSBC has donated $775,000 to Clean Air Champions since 2006.

clean Air champions celebrity tandem bike race participants — including local Vancouver media celebrities, Olympians and national team athletes — gather to celebrate a $200,000 donation from HSBC Bank Canada in support of the HSBC Clean Air Achievers program. Submitted photo

“The real winners are the thousands of youth

across the country who will take part in the

HSBC Clean Achievers program this year.”

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