song lyric project kate w.. big black car by gregory alan isakov this is one of my favorite songs...

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Song Lyric Project

Kate W.

Big Black Car

By Gregory Alan Isakov

This is one of my favorite songs for many reasons. Gregory’s slow and dreamy voice fits perfectly with the mellow tone and magical lyrics. The song Big Black Car is about the sudden and inevitable ending of a relationship, and a man’s helpless and hopeless tries to keep the spark alive. I chose to do all my photos in black and white to help describe the loss of interest and beauty in his world now that his love has failed. At the top of the page is the song lyric, followed by a photograph and finally the reasoning behind the photo.

You were a phonograph, I was a kidI sat with an ear close, just listenin’ in

He enjoyed her presence and voice; she created a melody in his mind. She carried a tune that grew into a song that played in his heart.

I was there when the rain tapped her way down your faceYou were a miracle; I was just holding your space

She was a flower, and he was the stem supporting her. She carried the beauty and he gave himself to let her show it.

Well, time has a way of throwing it all in your faceThe past, she is haunted, the future is laced

Like a butterfly, our pasts can carry bad phases and memories. We must be patient and give the caterpillar a chance to grow into something new and beautiful. He has faith that his future can hold positive relationships.

Heartbreak, ya know, drives a big black carI swear I was in the back seat, just minding my own

He was aware time was running out, but like sitting ‘in the back seat’ he had no control over the ending of their love. The twists and turns allowed him to view but allowed no opportunity to act upon the issues.

And through the glass, the corn crows come like rainThey wont stay, they wont stayFor too long now

Like the crow on the right, her heart has taken off and left his alone. Eventually he will leave too, he knows the pain will not last forever and he knows he must move on.

This could be all that we knowOf love and all

This quote from William Shakespeare’s classic Romeo and Juliet describes his obsession over his love, and the ending of it as well. ‘Then I defy you stars. 'Romeo yelled, he, like the character in this song, was so consumed with his lost love.

Well you were a dancer, and I was a ragThe song in my head, well it was all that I had

He couldn’t compare to her beauty. Each of her petals held a secret that he would never understand. He viewed her from behind as he felt inferior to her perfection.

Hope was a letter I never could sendWell, love was a country we couldn’t defend

Similar to having writers block, he had no solutions to the problems and didn’t know what to say to make things better. Their love was destroyed by outside forces and was taken over by fate.

And through the carnival we watched them go round and roundAll we knew of home was just a sunset and some clowns

Like a carnival, it was fun as it lasted and he shows no regrets. They were young and free and like a child at a carnival, he never expected the joys to come to an end.

Well you were a magazine, I was a plain JaneJust walking the sidewalks all covered in rain

The storm grew on him, yet even through the rain and tears, he could admire her presence and beauty. As long as her light still shone, he could find peace and comfort in her happiness.

Love to just get into some of your storiesMe and all of my plain Jane glory

Her heart is now locked, yet he longes desperately to once again own the key. Although they are now apart he doesn’t want their love to be forgotten and hopes she will always remember the feelings they once shared.

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