somebody to love rights of persons with disabilities. the · recently released documentary...

Post on 13-Mar-2020






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Somebody to love

Date: Friday, April 25th

Time: 10.00 am – 1.00 pm

Venue: Trinity Long Room Hub

The M.Sc. in Disability Studies (School of Social Work and Social Policy) presents

Sexuality and Disability in Ireland


10.00 Welcome

10.15 Documentary “Somebody to Love”

10.50 Short break

11.00 Discussion: Anna Rodgers, Director, Mandy Finlay (TCD graduate), Frieda Finlay (Mandy’s mother and disability Activist), Sarah Fitzgerald (TCD graduate), and PJ Fitzgerald (Sarah’s husband)

11.45 Break

12.00 The Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Bill 2013 and the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 1993: Dr. Rosarie McCarthy, Senior Policy and Public Affairs Adviser (NDA)

12.20 Questions and Answers

12.30 Sexuality and older people with intellectual disability: Darren McCausland, IDS-TILDA

12.50 Questions and Answers

1.00 End

RSVP to Sheila Mc Groarty01 896 3885 /

M.Sc. in Disability Studies

This seminar explores issues of sexuality, decision making capacity, and current legislation in the context of Ireland’s ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The recently released documentary “Somebody to Love” will open the seminar with the stories of Irish people with disabilities around sexuality and relationships. The documentary director, Anna Rodgers, and four of the documentary participants, Mandy Finlay (TCD graduate) and her mother Frieda Finlay, Sarah Fitzgerald (TCD graduate) and her partner JP Fitzgerald will discuss their experiences on these issues. The discussion will be followed with a presentation by Dr. Rosarie McCarthy, Senior Policy and Public Affairs Adviser at the National Disability Authority (NDA), on the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Bill 2013 and the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences Act) 1993. Darren McCausland will close the seminar with the findings on relationships in older people with intellectual disabilities from the Intellectual Disability Supplement (IDS) to the TILDA study. All are welcome.

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