solid design

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Hello there!

Who am I?

Yoan-Alexander GrigorovPHP developer (with pride!)Software EngineerCriticDesign Patterns adventurer

SOLID design?

Imagine code as a painting

Well... maybe not this one in particular!

Now that's better!

Nothing against modern art, but...

Code should be easy to recognize!

How a project starts:

Several months later...

What is going wrong?

Frequently logic changes are made with hacks without refactoring

Lack of knowledge on stuff

Lack of discipline

SOLID? What's that?

Single responsibility


Liskov substitution

Interface segregation

Dependency inversion

What SOLID can't do?

Cure ebola

Explain why is there PHP 7 coming out, but no PHP 6?!?!?

Make Bulgarian politicians suck less

Let's break it down!

Single responsibility principle

Every variable, class, function, etc. should have a single responsibility, described in it's name (if any).

Single responsibility principle

Basically it's bad if we have a function (or class) that does more then what it's name says.

Single responsibility principle

Here is one real-life example how bad it is to break this rule:

Single responsibility principle

Hidden features can have unexpected effects

Single responsibility principle

Bad code example:

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