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    A Solar Writer Reportfor Elizabeth II, Queen of England

    Written by Stephanie Johnson

    Compliments of:-

    Seeing With Stars Pty LtdStephanie Johnson Astrologer

    PO Box 159Seaford VIC 3198


    Email: seeingwithstars@gmail.comWeb:

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    34' 34'









































    Elizabeth II, Queen of EnglandNatal Chart20 Apr 20153:45:18 pm BST -1:00London, England51N30'000W10'TropicalEqual

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    22' 22'























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    39' 01'12'







    Elizabeth II, Queen of EnglandFemale21 Apr 19262:40 am -1:00London51N30'000W10'TropicalEqual

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    "Because time itself is like a spiral, something special happens on your birthday each year: The same energythat God invested in you at birth is present once again."

    -- Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

    Many people are familiar with their own astrological sign because Sun sign astrology is popular in today's culture.However astrology is a complicated tradition and many other techniques exist. These techniques can be used to gaingreater understanding of a persons nature, but also of their current opportunities. A Birth Chart is produced thatastrologers can interpret. This you probably know. What you may not know is that astrologers can also calculate achart for each of your birthdays, and these charts can predict the patterns that you might experience in theforthcoming year. This is because each year the Sun does a full revolution of the Zodiac. Therefore each year theSun returns to the exact position of your Birth Chart Sun. Wherever you are in the world astrologers can calculatethis birthday chart. This chart is called a Solar Return; hence the saying "many happy returns". This chart representsthe opportunities and challenges of the forthcoming year. It should also be read in conjunction with your Birth Chartto fully understand the lessons and opportunities available to you in any given year.

    When using these Solar Return interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain somecontradictory influences. As a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult toreconcile. However, this may still be an accurate reflection of your chart, as it is likely that you do experienceconflicting desires, events and circumstances in your life. Usually an astrologer will synthesise these apparentcontradictions in order to present a cohesive and meaningful interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart.

    Please also be aware of the fact that each person possesses both positive and negative influences in the chart, andtherefore in their lives. The challenge is to accept and overcome the negative influences, so that we can successfullyfocus on manifesting the positive traits or qualities. This report outlines both influences, and therefore helps us to riseto the challenges during any given year. Any advice given is meant to be an aid the individual in taking responsibilityfor his or her own life. Ultimately the decision rests with each individual.

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    And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.-- Abraham Lincoln, US 16th President

    The AscendantThe Ascendant indicates your primary focus of the year. It shows your main direction and how you are likelyto go about achieving your goals. The Ascendant indicates whether you are more likely to be self-motivated,or whether you are more likely to rely on other people during this year.

    The Ascendant is in VirgoYour birthday chart Ascendant is in a feminine Earth sign indicating that this year during which you are more securityconscious. Shelter is a focus either for you or for those who you choose to take under your wing. You are keen tohave your own house in order, before you consider any other options. You are steadier, more reliable andconsiderate this year. You are keen to make any necessary changes in a careful and considered manner.Well-thought out plans appeal to you. Traits such as safety, security and steadfastness are highlighted. You maybemore cautious than usual, taking steps to move ahead in your life only if you are in familiar territory or you arereaping the benefits from projects in which you have already been laying the groundwork. You are content to buildyour resources, consult the experts and concentrate on achieving results. Even if this is not your usual modusoperandi, this year you are required to go slow and pay attention to details.

    Logic rather than emotion plays a part in your own decisions. This is because the intellectual sign of Virgoemphasizes your need to have a more logical approach during this year. It may also indicate a change in yourphysical body. You may change your diet, exercise regime or find the resolve to give up a bad habit. It is time foryou to embrace a healthier lifestyle. You can now make up your mind to take better care of yourself, to integrateyour lifestyle so that you have a good balance of mental and physical health. Virgo is also a sign that depictspreparation and organization. Even if you are a highly disorganized individual, this year sees you get your acttogether. Cleanliness, hygiene, tidiness and orderliness are within your reach. You may also find that your powers ofconcentration are heightened enabling you to learn new skills, make important decisions and generally plan for abrighter future.

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    The SunThe Sun is very important when interpreting a Solar Return chart given that the chart is based on the Sun. Itindicates the major theme of the year depicting the area in which you would really like to shine. Parts ofyour life that have been seemingly unimportant in previous years can become very important once the Sunshines its light in a particular house of a Solar Return chart.

    The Sun is in the 8th HouseAs you have become clear about your hopes and wishes for your life, so are you now ready to instigate change.You may seek counselling or advice to help you implement the changes that you have been preparing for, becauseyou are well aware of the consequences of your actions this year. The major theme is change. If you have beensingle then you may marry, if married then you may seek changes in your marriage perhaps even a divorce. As anew parent, you may welcome the birth of a child, or assist an older child to leave your home. You may makeinvestments this year that change your lifestyle, or benefit from past investments giving you more freedom forself-development. Business interests may also fluctuate, with you joining or leaving a business. Your finances arelikely to fluctuate during this year, particularly those tied up with other people in or in investments.

    Relationships with those close to you are likely to be intense as you seek new experiences. Whereas last year youmay have been more social, more willing to consider other people's interests, this year you are unlikely to brook anyopposition when it comes to making the necessary changes in your own life. Therefore, you could feel as though aphase of your life has ended. Even if nothing changes in your world, you are likely to feel as though you are makingintense changes in your own private emotional life. Metaphysically speaking, you are transforming your outlook onthe world. Most likely the material world will shift too, but it is possible that you simply view your life and thosearound you differently. Either way the changes undergone this year pave the way for a new reinvigorated, creativeexperience.

    12th House Cusp is in LeoThe Sun also shines its rays on a different area of your annual chart when taking into account rulerships, a systemused by astrologers to link planets and signs. In your case your annual Sun is ruling the twelfth house of your chartindicating that this year is not a straightforward one. You are likely to spend some time reflecting on the differentaspects of your life, and may be more reclusive as a result. A major change in your life may prompt your need totake some time out and contemplate, rather than socialise. Spiritual groups and retreats, absorbing introspectiveprojects, and the need to work behind the scenes may be themes right now. If your schedule is demanding and busythen meditation, prayer and nature walks may be restorative.

    The Sun is Sesquisquare The AscendantSuccess is within your grasp this year, but you may have a few challenges along the road to accomplishment.Progress is one of the themes right now, as you reassess your ideas about yourself, your life and your aspirations.However, you are also aware of the factors that are needed to help you along the way. A little patience andpersistence and you are likely to enjoy your time in the sun. Your success is not necessarily a public achievement. Itcould be a very private goal that you have been pursuing. Other factors in your annual chart can shed light on themajor theme of this year.

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    "The greatest comfort of my old age, and that which gives me the highest satisfaction, is the pleasingremembrance of the many benefits and friendly offices I have done to others."

    -- Marcus Cato Roman Statesman

    The MoonThe Moon is also an important indicator in a Solar Return chart. Generally speaking the Moon shows whichareas of your life are likely to undergo change during the year. More specifically the Moon shows yourpersonal needs. Your individual needs and urges are likely to trigger changes in your life during the courseof the year.

    The Moon is in the 9th HouseThis is your year for living dangerously. This could be something as simple as learning to break out of familiareveryday patterns of behaviour and learning to speak up for yourself and what you believe in, particularly withinyour own family and home environment. On the other hand it could be your year for taking bigger steps. It is timefor you to take some risks. Perhaps you have always longed to study a particular course at university or in a spiritualcollege? Or maybe you have longed to live and work in a foreign country? Now the time is ripe for you to followyour feelings and take steps towards reaching for your dreams. You may now be drawn to people from other walksof life, interacting closely with people from foreign countries. These friends or colleagues can help you gain greaterunderstanding of your own personal beliefs, and needs. You need to make sure that you take into consideration thefeelings of those who live or work closely to you. Otherwise you could find yourself embroiled in legal battles.Nevertheless it is time for you to take stock of your personal beliefs, change those that have become outdated andstep out into the unknown.

    If you are unsure of what changes to instigate in your daily life, then you are free to explore options. You may beinspired by religious services, spiritual practices, or artistic events. Taking up such pastimes is likely to help you finda new direction, one that is more suited to the changes that you would like to instigate. This is even more likely if youhave been interested in such activities in your youth. Perhaps your work, or parental duties, required that you forgosome of your own personal aspirations. Retirement, or children leaving home, may have freed you to think more ofyour own interests. Now is the time to explore what excites you, and to open a new chapter in the story of yourown life.

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    The Moon is in TaurusThis year your Moon is in the elemental Earth sign of Taurus sparking a need for security. Even if you are usually theadventurous, carefree type, you are likely feel an urge to put down roots. Perhaps an event sparks this need for asafe haven, or perhaps you just feel that the timing is right to focus on material matters. It is also possible that asensual relationship is the trigger for your need for home and family. Whatever the cause, you feel the need to putyour house in order, making sure that all of your bills are paid, that your savings and investment accounts are in goodorder, purchasing items to make life more comfortable. You are able to budget and balance your finances this year,perhaps seeking further avenues of income. Step by step you are able to build a sound foundation that meets yourcurrent personal needs, as well as possible future requirements. You are more practical and down to earth. In factwith your annual Moon in the Earth sign of Taurus you may literally be earthier, keen to feel a sensual connection toyour environment. As a result you may benefit from therapies such as massage, aromatherapy, and reflexology.Alternatively you may enjoy working in the garden, planting seeds and enriching the soil. You are less likely to seekchange this year, preferring the familiar. Even if you are usually adventurous, this year you are more content to enjoya few home comforts with your loved ones.

    VenusThe planet Venus sheds light on the personal areas of love and finance in the forthcoming year. This planetof love tells you whether or not personal relationships are likely to be prominent during the year. If you aresingle then are you likely to attract a significant relationship? If you are married is this a year of romanceand fun, or perhaps one in which you tackle a few changes.

    Venus is in the 9th HouseThis is a year when your passions are highlighted. This is not sexual passion, or ardour for another person, but ratherthe zeal that drives you to achieve your own dreams. As a result this can be a year in which you reach a crossroads,or perhaps a fork in the road and you question which path to take on your life's journey. If you are happy with yourcurrent choices then you are likely to continue with some adjustments and enhancements here and there. However, ifyou are despondent about aspects of your life then now is your opportunity to veer off on a different course.Whatever your circumstances it is time to take note of the signposts. These can be subtle, internal signals such asyour own conduct unbecoming or external sources that trigger opportunities to learn and change. Signals from withincan indicate whether you are striving to achieve social success, or whether you are truly following your own heart'sdesires. For instance you may begin to observe your own actions, only to discover that you have a habit ofsometimes stating silly and offensive remarks at inopportune moments. This year you can assess your own actionswith love, not judgment. Take note of the moments. Is there a common thread? Do they all occur in the company ofa particular person? Does this person have a loving and supportive role, or a critical one in your life? Do you blurtout the wrong things at work, potentially jeopardizing the respect of your workmates and superiors? Are youractions therefore an indicator that you don't really want to be in this particular line of work? It is time for you todecipher the code that is the signal of your true self, rather than listen to social obligations. The more that you cantune into symbolic language, and focus on your dreams the more that you are likely to benefit as doors open on newopportunities. As part of this process you may also enjoy reassessing your values and beliefs, and adopting abroader more inclusive value system. You can benefit from socializing with people from other cultures, travelling forwork or pleasure, and starting or ending a study course.

    Venus is in GeminiThe planet of love is in an Air sign this year indicating that you seek stimulation in love and money matters. Generallyspeaking you are open to ideas and eager to communicate, rather than stagnate when it comes to love and money.You may be interested in speculation, although perhaps not ready to make a commitment to a particular person orcourse of action. If you are single and looking for a lover, then you are likely to be attracted to someone whostimulates your mind. You quickly dismiss anyone who bores you. If you are attached, then you are looking for openlines of communication. You want to create quality time during which both of you can talk. If your need forstimulation is not met this year, then you are likely to feel restless. Look at other aspects of your annual chart for

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    more details on your love life and money matters.

    Venus is Square NeptuneThis is a year in which you have the potential to pursue your dreams as long as you avoid the pitfalls along the way.The nebulous planet Neptune is influencing your planet of love and artistry. Other aspects of your annual chartdepict whether the emphasis is on the positive inspirational traits of this dreamy planet, or if there are cautionaryindicators. The important factor is that you embrace the creative possibilities in your personal life this year, but avoidsecrets and lies. Of course you cannot control other people's actions; all you can do is offer a kind heart and alistening ear. However, you need not martyr yourself for anyone else. If your lover or spouse is unhappy then youcan offer support and love, but you do not have to be a doormat. It is important that you compromise, but notbecome the butt of deception. If you are single, you also need to aim for the best possible outcomes for yourselfwhen it comes to passion. For instance you may fall in love, enjoying romance and passion in your beloved'scompany. As long as you and your lover are both single and free of other commitments then you can delight in thisinspirational union. However, if this is an illicit affair then your enjoyment is likely to be clouded by deceit andeventually with emotional upset. Someone is likely to be hurt. You need to trust your own intuition and integrityrather than place your trust in anyone else right now. Enjoy your connections but realise that your judgement may behazy. For this reason you may enjoy a more reclusive lifestyle, concentrating on an artistic, creative and romanticpursuit. Contemplation may be more enjoyable, as opposed to practical application. This is particularly true when itcomes to romance and money. You can enjoy dreaming of possibilities, immerse yourself in a passionate affair orhobby, and enjoy the journey, but you may prefer to wait until the path is clear before making major decisions thataffect your marital or financial status.

    Venus is Conjunct The MidheavenThis is a year of good fortune in your public life, which could also benefit your personal life. You may make achange in your profession that has benefits for other aspects of your life. For instance you may apply for and accepta new job in an area that brings greater enjoyment and financial reward, or you may receive an anticipatedpromotion with an offer of more money or other job perks. It is also possible that a financial boost makes it possiblefor you to retire in comfort, or to take up a course of study that you have always wanted to pursue or to indulge inan artistic interest. Your career may take a more creative or artistic path this year. It is also possible that the financialrewards that you receive also benefit your love life. For instance you may have been saving money so that youafford a special marriage ceremony. Your new job or position now enables you to go ahead with your plans.Perhaps you are already married and now want to support your partner to improve his or her career. You now havethe funds to do so. Career benefits may come through a prominent woman, or your marital status may change andhence trigger a pleasurable life direction. Whatever your personal circumstances this year the planet of love andpleasure is prominent in the career and marriage sector of your annual chart indicating lady luck is with you. So youare well advised to explore your possibilities and make the most of the opportunities that come your way.

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    "If we could be twice young and twice old we could correct all our mistakes."-- Euripides Ancient Greek Playwright

    MarsThe planet Mars tells you about your assertion and drive for the year. It depicts what motivates you in thecurrent year, and what desires drive you most powerfully. Are you ambitious for professional power, or doyou desire a meaningful relationship? Are you likely to be highly motivated, or perhaps ready to sit back andcruise for a while? These are the types of questions answered by the qualities of the planet Mars in yourbirthday chart.

    Mars is in the 8th HouseIt is time to dig deep and find the courage to make the changes that you know have been needed for a long time. Iflife had seasons like the earth, then you are in a winter season. You are clearing, pruning, hibernating, living off thestores of past seasons and spending many hours regenerating underneath. It may seem like your life is dormant, butit is not. You are looking for the resources, the courage and fortitude to face some of your own life challenges. Youare brave and resourceful, able to acknowledge that you have made your own choices, and that life is not alwayseasy. You may be grieving the loss of someone near and dear, or perhaps just the loss of dreams of how thingscould have been. Prayer, meditation, consulting spiritual teachers and readers, and support groups may all be ofgreat comfort right now. Remember that you do not have to face hardships on your own. You may also find comfortin the Serenity Prayer, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to changethe things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.Your passion is strong right now, and you recognizethe right of all people to be treated well, to share resources wisely and to live with integrity. You have the guts toalter your life, where necessary, to reflect these values. In other words your gut instinct is strong, and you are willingto use it to improve the quality of your own life, and those closest to your heart. Make sure that you stay focussedon all that is positive, all that you have built, and have hope that the losses that may be incurred right now are onlytemporary. Hope can be a strong motivating force in your life this year. Whether you realize it or not you arebuilding a better world for yourself and your loved ones.

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    Mars is Square JupiterThis is your year to re-evaluate your life's purpose and make sure that you are on the right road. You can face yourfears, and find the courage to take action to broaden your horizons. In other words you need to move out of yourcomfort zone and take strides towards achieving your goals. This may be easier said than done, but right now yourlife can be adventurous if you take considered steps towards your ultimate objectives. This means taking short termmeasures that ensure long term success. The types of ventures that you may like to consider include starting a newproject, travelling, studying, teaching, sowing the seeds for a political initiative or trying out a new sports program.The key to your success this year is remaining open to new ideas, and avoiding becoming stuck in your currentbeliefs. If you are impatient, demanding instant results then you are likely to become exhausted because you havetaken on board too many tasks. No matter how restless you feel remember to take one step at a time and to enjoyyour accomplishments along the way. Rash decisions are unlikely to produce the results that you want. You couldsabotage your success through inappropriate action, rushing through life and over-looking details. Grandiose plansare not likely to achieve results. If your life feels somewhat out of control then reassess your goals. Are youbecoming too ego-driven? Do you need to shed some spiritual light on your objectives? If you re-evaluate yourpriorities in this light, then you are more likely to succeed in achieving your short term objectives, as well as makingmajor inroads to long term triumph.

    Mars is Trine PlutoThere is a tendency to become frustrated and angry when life doesn't turn out exactly as we would like it to,particularly if someone or something has upset us. However, often we can see the gift in the change of directionmuch later. This is your year for changes, some that you have strived for and some that are thrust on you. How youreact is up to you. Circumstances may require that you carry on in adverse circumstances, however, you are likelyto be experiencing strong feelings, and perhaps even previously suppressed feelings are surfacing this year. Yourchallenge is to explore this psychological phenomenon in safe and appropriate environments. For this reason youcould benefit by directing your pent-up energy into an intense project or hobby, such as starring in a dramatictheatrical production, or competing in motor sports. You may seek advice from a trained professional, and youwould be well advised to avoid dangerous situations, dark alleys and violent men. Fortunately you are likely to befull of energy right now, ready to tackle the big issues, the changes that have occurred and any large projects. Youmay not realise just how driven you are, so try to moderate any obsessive tendencies, and face any life and deathissues as calmly as possible. You are likely to be great in an emergency right now, and a great comfort to otherswith serious problems. It is time to reflect on the changes that are occurring in your life right now, gain insights intoyour own reactions and to act in meaningful ways that transform your own life, and possibly others. Through facingthe more serious side of life, you are able to tackle solemn matters with integrity.

    Mars is Trine The AscendantPhysical changes occur this year. You are likely to take up a new sport, start a program at the gym, or assertyourself in ways that you have not previously done so. You may also meet an important man who changes the wayin which you see yourself, and hence changes your life. This is a challenging year. The nature of the challenges andwhether or not you welcome them are likely to be reflected in other aspects of your annual chart.

    UranusThe planet Uranus is one of disclosure. It reveals the areas that you need to change during the course ofyour birthday year. If you are the type of person who anticipates and embraces new experiences then youare likely to delight in the challenges, and instigate a few of your own in the area highlighted by thisunpredictable planet. If you tend to prevaricate, preferring the comfort on known situations, then you arelikely to be in for a few surprises. This erratic planet does not recognise safety and security. Its task is tohelp you to grow beyond your limitations. You can either accept or resist the challenge and see whathappens as a result.

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    Uranus is in the 8th HouseThe flow of money is subject to the winds of change this year. If your money is jointly invested, or if you areinvolved in a business enterprise then this is the first port of call. Your joint resources are likely to change. This couldbe as a result of a risky investment, which either pays off or takes a dive. It could also be because you want tochange the way that you invest your funds, or because your partner has a change of income. If your money is nottied up with anyone else, then it is your own investments that are affected. Perhaps you have decided to take abreak from work, invest in a new business, move from paid employment to self-employment, or other such changesin your life. Whatever your personal circumstances your money management needs re-evaluation. Any surplus fundsneed to be invested wisely, and not rashly. Any debts need to be consolidated. If you try to ignore mounting debtthen you are likely to have matters taken out of your hands. Debt collectors, tax collectors and the bankruptcycourts are just around the corner, if you don't face your financial fears. This year presents you with new ways ofhandling money. Fortunately, you have the opportunity to perceive finances, and other matters, in a new light thisyear. Your psychic skills are finely honed and you may discover just how gifted you are. Once again it is time to faceany residual fears about your unconventional talents, and put yourself to the test. You are well aware that there areseasons in your life, just as there are seasons on this planet Earth. What season are you currently experiencing andare you making the most of it? In other words it is not just your financial investments that require a re-evaluation, butalso how you invest your time. This is your opportunity to explore your god-given talents and experience a newlease on life.

    PlutoPeace can be deceptive. True peace comes when life is balanced, when you are living true to yourself andare sincerely happy with your life choices. You respect other people and assert your own needs and wishes,and live your life with integrity. Sometimes it appears that your life is peaceful, but you are really justsweeping things under the proverbial carpet, keeping the peace by swallowing your own needs or bidingyour time until events or people force you to make the necessary changes. You can be assured that thepowerful planet Pluto will shine a bright light in one or more areas of your birthday chart and you will seeyour own process very clearly. If you are living your life true to yourself then you are likely to reap benefitsfrom this planet of transformation. However, if you have been dodging the truth then events or people arelikely to change.

    Pluto is in the 4th HouseThe powerful planet Pluto is highlighted in the areas of home and family. This year you are undergoing changes thataffect your role in your family and possibly also in your home. This can be literally that you are moving house,renovating your house, welcoming the birth of a new family member, or saying goodbye to a departing familymember. The planet Pluto has an uncanny ability to strip self-deceit and force us to face the truth. You are beingchallenged to see the truth about where you belong, and to then make the appropriate changes. This could involvesome serious decisions, perhaps even a move to a faraway place. It is possible that the changes that are occurring inyour private life are not entirely welcome. You may be a little unsettled for a period of time. It is important that youseriously consider any proposed changes in your household this year, particularly if you have been in a rut, strugglingto let go and fearing moving forward. The more that you resist the more that you are likely to be challenged duringthis year. It is time to dig deep and face the facts that you have known for quite some time - you need to transformyour personal life. It is time to grant yourself and your loved ones freedom to transform, no matter what theconsequences to your own household. If you continue to resist then matters of power are likely to be prominent rightnow. What does this mean? One dictionary describes power as, the ability or official capacity to exercisecontrol; authority - a person, group, or nation having great influence or control over others - forcefulness;effectiveness. It is time for you to gain a greater understanding of these matters. Are you trying to dominatesomeone in your family, or immediate household? Do you believe that you know best? If so, it is time to reassessyour beliefs and respect that your loved ones need to learn their own life lessons. Your role is to support and upliftfamily members, to listen and advise, but to then step back and respect their freedom to go on their own journey.Trust is important. You need to trust in your own personal foundations, in the earth's abundant resources and in the

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    fact that family can take many different forms.

    Pluto is Trine The AscendantThis is a significant influence on the course of your life this year. The powerful planet Pluto is highlighted in the areasof your health and happiness indicating major life changes. This year you are undergoing changes in the way in whichyou view and express yourself. The planet Pluto has an uncanny ability to strip self-deceit and force us to face thetruth. You are being challenged to see the truth about yourself. Are you living true to yourself? If so, then you arelikely to move forward in leaps and bounds. If not, then changes will occur that challenge you to live with purposeand integrity. You may feel unsettled, to say the least, by the forces at play in your life this year. The challenge is toride the crest of the wave, remaining true to yourself while also having compassion for those around you.

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    "Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time."-- Jean Paul Richter German Writer

    MercuryThe planet Mercury helps you plan your year ahead. The Messenger of the Gods in a Solar Return chartindicates whether or not you are encouraged to forge ahead with your plans, or perhaps better advised towait another year before moving ahead. This is particularly true for any area of your life connected withcommunications, study, business and transport.

    Mercury is in the 8th HouseBanks, property, trust funds, or the stock market? This year you get serious about how to invest your money. Youmay also be conducting serious discussions about the sharing of resources with your partner - your house or minetype negotiations. You are eager to make plans, prioritise and make decisions so that you know what you aredealing with and can make the most of your resources. You may also sign contracts that close a business deal, orend a business contract. You may seek legal advice on personal or business resources. Another practicalconsideration this year may be what to do in connection with an inheritance. You may need to help a close friend orrelative with changes in their resources. This may affect you directly or indirectly. You could also choose to draw upor change your own personal Will and Testament. You may have received an inheritance from someone, and nowyou have to decide how to best invest. You are learning about how to make the most of your resources. You arealso developing a growing awareness of the sharing of resources on a global level. As a result you may studyeconomics, politics, sociology, environmental or global law. If you are already an expert in one or more of thesefields, then you are likely to teach or become an advocate. On a metaphysical level, you are increasingly consciousof people's subconscious motivations, and of how people around you cope with intimacy and personal interactions.You are also sensitive to the changes of weather, and psychic phenomenon. You are keenly aware of the forces thatwork beneath the surface. Your intellect is sharp, and you are able to put your personal feelings aside while youassess the underlying truth in mundane and psychic matters. This makes you a force to be reckoned with in any fieldthat you choose to pursue.

    Mercury is in TaurusThis is a year of commitment. You are likely to commit to a plan of action, or make a promise to another person.You have the mental discipline to carry through on your promises. Others are likely to notice your responsibleattitude and your reputation benefits. You deservedly gain their respect by doing your duty. Your responsibilitiesmay increase during the course of the year as you are entrusted with more tasks connected with speaking,

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    negotiating or writing. You know when to speak and when to remain silent. You choose your words more carefullythan usual. The sensible earth sign in which the planet of Mercury resides also indicates a degree of stubbornthinking. You need to make sure that you are not too set in your thoughts, and that you remain open to new ideas.You excel in any situation that requires common sense and logic, but reason does not always apply. Your strengththis year is in being able to apply mental discipline to activities such as accounting, computer encoding, intricatecraftwork, and other such areas. Your thoughts, and consequently choice of activities, are likely to be more practicalthan altruistic right now. Your lesson may be to see the value in the arts, and to note that human beings are not oftenlogical. You need to make sure that you are able to offer calm reassurance in tricky situations, rather than a superiorrational approach to communications. Nevertheless your application skills are excellent, and you have the ability tomethodically master any tasks that are set, and to communicate patiently and wisely to friends, family and associates.

    Mercury is Square JupiterOn the whole you are ready to learn new skills, try new ventures and make new social contacts. In fact someone orsomething exciting is likely to appear in your life this year. You have many ideas and goals, but perhaps you've somany that you're not sure which ones to follow. Your intentions are good, but you lack the discipline to accomplishyour goals. If you are not careful you will speak before you think, exaggerating the truth and making promises thatyou can't keep. As a result your credibility is generally low, and your personal and professional reputation maysuffer. You are over-confident, perhaps arrogant and this is unlikely to help you achieve your goals. Luckily this is ayear in which you learn from your mistakes, and are able to talk your way out of most sticky situations. You arepopular, and the good news is that you are growing older and wiser with each passing day. This year you canovercome your obstacles, and achieve your goals, and perhaps even teach, preach or write about your lessons.

    JupiterThe planet Jupiter tells you about the opportunities and benefits that arise during the course of the year.Good news, new prospects and a sense of well being are associated with this beneficial planet.

    Jupiter is in the 11th HouseThere's a popular song that has a line I'll get by with a little help from my friends, and this could be your themesong this year. You've the ability to attract many true and fortunate friends this year, some who hold prominentpositions in society. Your friends do their best to support you emotionally, and perhaps even financially, so that youcan achieve your life goals. This is fortunate because you've high hopes of achieving success in your life. You'repopular amongst your friends, a real social success, and the resulting benefits are considerable. You also like tobelong to groups of like-minded people, and these associations can also prove beneficial. Whether you realise it ornot, your optimism and cheerfulness are an inspiration to your friends, and they too can benefit from their associationwith you. It is possible that you enjoy an adventure or two with your friends this year, venturing in to new places,activities and situations. Social clubs, support groups, schools, and community organizations may appeal to you,expanding your horizons in ways you hadn't thought possible. This is your chance to explore your hopes, dreamsand wishes, and surround yourself with associates who support your dreams.

    Jupiter is Sextile The MidheavenThe planet of growth is placed prominently in your birthday chart indicating that progress is currently a major theme.This is your year for being in the right place at the right time when it comes to career and marriage. Follow yourintuition and you are likely to find lady luck keeps turning up opportunities for you to achieve your career goals, andadvance your marital status. If you are single then you could meet a person who turns your life upside down, in thenicest possible way. This is a heart beating, must marry this person type of feeling on a first meeting. If you aremarried then you are likely to experience a renewed sense of hope, faith and love in your marriage. Together youcan conquer the world. You may travel together, or share a life-changing experience. If you are living a solitary life,then you are also likely to travel this year through some connection with your work, or perhaps to witness a lovedone's wedding ceremony. Whether you are single or married, your career is likely to advance in leaps and bounds,as long as you have laid the groundwork.

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    SaturnTiming is an important aspect of life. People often comment on being in the right place at the right time. Theplanet Saturn can support us when it comes to timing. Is the time right to take up a new venture, or wouldwe be better advised to shoulder our current responsibilities for a little longer? These are the types ofquestions that the nature of the planet Saturn can reveal when reading a Solar Return chart.

    Saturn is in the 3rd HouseYou are more likely to be concentrating on work rather than pleasure this year. This could be because of a projectthat demands concentrated physical or mental effort, such as a research, writing, policy planning, building, sports orgym work, or it could be because you have significant decisions to make. It is also possible that past decisions arecatching up with you, as you realize the consequences of verbal or written interactions in recent times. Likewise, youare learning that sometime silence is golden and at others it is detrimental. Alternatively you may be overburdened bytoo many tasks. You may have to work for extended periods in your own company, and at times suffer from mentalfatigue. It is time to learn from past mistakes, learn new skills and honour current commitments. If you do this thenyou have the mental discipline to honour your obligations and gain the respect of those around you. However, youneed to be aware that this year it is likely that your social interactions with other people are much fun. You are morelikely to be restricted, perhaps even a little lonely, while you concentrate on learning your own lessons and the tasksat hand. Your commitments may demand that you travel away from home, and hence your social life is likely tosuffer. On the other hand you may be preoccupied with one or more life important decisions. You may have sometough choices to make in either your professional and private life. Perhaps you are considering making an importantpromise to someone, such as a betrothal or a decision to have a child, or perhaps you are deciding to end anassociation. Whatever the scenario in your life, you are reassessing options in one or more areas of your life, andmaking firm resolutions. You would be well advised to keep your own counsel, rather than confide in all and sundry.It may feel like you are stifling your own voice, but this could have benefits in the future. Perhaps you could consultan expert to help you through this stage of your life, however; you should not rush any major decisions. Take yourtime, consider the consequences, plan your strategy and then state your case.

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    "Sow a thought, and you reap an act;/ Sow an act, and you reap a habit;/ Sow a habit, and you reap acharacter;/ Sow a character, and you reap a destiny."

    -- Charles Reader Modern Author

    NeptuneThe planet Neptune represents all that is ethereal in our world, and challenges us to develop qualities suchas faith, hope and love even in the face of adversity. Under the influence of Neptune we can soar to greatinspirational heights, however; if we are not careful then we can also sink into despair and disillusionment.The test is to look beyond the superficial and find meaning in our lives. The planet Neptune in our annualchart can indicate where to look.

    Neptune is in the 6th HouseThe time has come to sanctify your body. What does that mean? The best way of being of service to friends andfamily, and society in general is to have a healthy body and mind. This is your year to reflect on your daily habitswith a view to cleaning up your act. You need to slow down and rest, whether you believe that you need it or not. Itis time to eat healthier food, perhaps choosing to plant your own herbs, fruit and vegetables and hence eat fresh,live, organic food. Now you can dream of your ideal exercise. You may dislike exercising in a gym, or anystructured exercising program, but this year you could explore bushwalking in natural surroundings, dancing to funand inspirational music, swimming in a local pool, or starting a martial arts class in the local park. Your body is amiracle of nature and deserves to be treated well. As you are incorporating more physically healthy activities intoyour daily life, you may also want to introduce some new spiritual practises. Daily meditation and prayer mayprovide solace, relief from stress and the worries of your workaday life. Any illness experienced this year is like abarometer telling you that you need to offload more toxins, whether these are physical ones, or hard feelings that areweighing you down. You can ask the higher powers, God if you believe, to heal your body and bless your work. Atthe same time you may like to reflect on how you are of service to the people around you, and society in general.Do you still enjoy your work or are you just going through the motions? If you think of the stories of Christ being agood shepherd, leading his sheep, then in what way are you serving God in this world? Sooner or later it may betime to change your working environment, but right now you are simply reflecting on how you can best servethrough your work. As you change your daily habits in line with healthy and holy living, then the rest is likely togradually become clear. You either start to feel refreshed and nobler in your job, or you realise that your workdetracts from your wellbeing rather than enhances.

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    The North NodeThe Nodes highlight the areas of your year that are destined to occur no matter what you do. When you lookback on your life you can see moments when the coincidences just seemed too uncanny - a chance meeting,a phone call out of the blue or an instant of being in the right place at the right time. The Nodes can givehints of which areas of your life are attracting the Fates attention right now.

    The North Node is in the 1st HouseIf you are attracted to the idea of personal growth then you are going to enjoy your journey this year. This is yourtime to express yourself, or reinvent yourself if you wish. You need to pursue your own self-interests, even if thisseems a little self-centred. There is a time for holding back and considering others, but this year your journeyrequires that you take a step forward. An event may trigger a change of circumstances that requires you to develop,or rely on, your self-confidence. So celebrate your birthday in style and remember that this year you are at the helm!

    The North Node is Sesquisquare The MoonIt is time to come to terms with emotions that are preventing you from fulfilling your destiny. Tears may flow as youcome to a place of acceptance of past hurts, sadness and grief. Memories of loved ones who have passed away arelikely to surface this year, and they need to be honoured. Let the emotions flow freely so that you can let go, forgivebut not forget. A woman who has played a prominent role in your life may be fated to move out of your life for awhile right now. You may have to leave your home, a significant woman and fond memories in order to moveforward on your journey. This could be either literally or metaphorically. Either way this is your time to accept thepast, let go and embrace your own rich emotional life.

    The North Node is Trine VenusYou have a date with destiny and a date with someone special. Your path to true love is very smooth this year. Ifyou are single then you are likely to meet a very significant person. This is one of those eyes meet across the roomand destiny is sealed momentous occasions. If you are already with a special someone then you are likely to furtheryour commitment by getting married, renewing your vows or taking a dream holiday together. It is as if magic isplaying its hand sweeping away the obstacles to true love. Very occasionally with other influences in your annualchart this can indicate closure on a significant love affair. Once again this is the fate playing its role in your life.Ultimately you can be assured that you deserve love and this year paves the road, one way or another, to true love.

    The North Node is Quincunx NeptuneLife is a bit of a magical, mystery tour for you this year, taking you out of your usual routine and into unknownrealms. This can be exciting if you have been bored, stuck in a rut. Alternatively, you may be a little disoriented. It ispossible that you have fallen in love with a person or a project, but you are unsure of where it is heading. If this is thecase, then you need to make sure that you don't lose your own sense of direction. You need to focus as much aspossible on your intuition, your faith in the highest good and your knowledge of the spiritual laws. In short listen toyour heart. In fact you may be presented with an opportunity to join a spiritual or artistic group that subtly changesthe course of your life. This can be a healing, and soothing time, if you go with the flow rather than try to control thesituation. Destiny will deal its hands no matter how much you try to interfere, so sit back and enjoy the ride.

    The North Node is Trine The MidheavenThe direction in which your life is heading takes an about turn this year. Your career, marriage, and perhaps evenyour home life change direction. If you are single then you may meet someone who changes the course of your life.If you are married, then you or your spouse may make some life changing decisions. You are likely to change jobs,or professions, as a result of lessons learned this year. You are on a quest for more dignity and meaning in yourpublic life. As a result you may make momentous decisions, meet significant mentors, or receive unexpected help tofurther your stance in the community. You may have to let go of as aspects of your home, or family, in order topursue your life's calling. For instance you may need to relocate in order to accept a sought-after job. It is time totake steps to further your life's dreams.

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    About the Author: Stephanie Johnson is a founder of Esoteric Technologies, the company that creates the SolarFire suite of astrology products. She has helped create, design, develop and author Solar Fire and the otherproducts. In particular she is the author of many of the Solar Writer range of astrology report writers. She is also theMarketing Director for Esoteric Technologies. Stephanie runs her own Seeing With Stars astrology consultationbusiness as well as editing the Australian Data Collection. She holds a Federation of Australian Astrologers'Practitioner's Certificate and Diploma and is a member of the Federation of Australian Astrologers. She is a studentof Medieval Astrology and the Ancient Wisdom teachings. She has lectured at national conferences, and herastrology articles have appeared in Australian publications including the FAA Journal and the Astrological MonthlyReview. Before commencing her professional astrology career Stephanie was a journalist for 15 years in Australia,England and the USA.

    About the Artist: The illustrations have been created by artist, illustrator and teacher, Janet Bridgland. Theillustrations have been created by artist, illustrator and teacher, Janet Bridgland. Janet divides her time between herhome and garden in Bridgewater, overlooking the Heysen Trail, and working in the second hand bookshop BackPages Books, in cosmopolitan Unley in Adelaide where she sells books, paints and teaches water colour paintingand drawing. Her beautiful illustrative work can be discovered at:

    Please note that the author and publisher accept no liability for any adverse effects of this report.

    Copyright 2008, Seeing With Stars Pty Ltd. PO Box 159 Stepney SA 5069

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