solar energy (how it works and fact)

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Solar Energy

radiant light and heat from the sun

harnessed using a range of ever-evolving

technologies such as solar heating, solar

photovoltaic, solar thermal electricity, solar

architecture and artificial photosynthesis.

Originates with the

thermonuclear fusion

reactions occurring

in the sun.

Represents the



radiation (visible

light, infrared,

ultraviolet, x-rays,

and radio waves).

AdvantagesAll chemical and radioactive polluting byproducts of the thermonuclear reactions remain behind on the sun, while only pure radiant energy reaches the Earth.Energy reaching the earth is incredible. By one calculation, 30 days of sunshine striking the Earth have the energy equivalent of the total of all the planet’s fossil fuels, both used and unused!

DisadvantagesSun does not shine consistently.Solar energy is a diffuse source. To harness it, we must concentrate it into an amount and form that we can use, such as heat and electricity. Addressed by approaching the problem through:

1) collection, 2) conversion, 3) storage.

is a set of solar photovoltaic modules electrically

connected and mounted on a supporting structure. A

photovoltaic module is a packaged, connected

assembly of solar cells.

can be used as a component of a larger photovoltaic

system to generate and supply electricity in commercial

and residential applications.

The surface receives about 47% of the total

solar energy that reaches the Earth. Only this

amount is usable.

Solar energy is generated during the day by the sun's powerful rays.

Photovoltaic solar panels, built from silicon, absorb the sun’s rays and convert them into energy

A control device converts the energy from direct current electricity to alternating current electricity, capable of powering electrical items

This electricity is added to the electricity grid which powers local homes and businesses




Fun Solar Facts:Solar energy can be used to heat water and power cars,

aircrafts, calculators, and other small appliances. It can even be

used to cook food!

Solar energy is the Earth’s most available energy resource

because it can be found anywhere the sun shines.

It takes about 8 minutes for sunlight to travel from the sun to the

earth, moving at 186,282 miles per second.

The largest solar power plant in the world is located in

California's Mojave Desert and is made up of over 930,000 mirrors

that convert the sun's heat into electricity.

All life on earth depends on solar energy. Even

without it there would be no life at all. Even the lowest

life forms such as plankton and microbes have solar

power in the form of sunlight to survive.

Solar power is completely

environmentally friendly produce

carbon emissions do not exist or

any other harmful byproducts. It

can be used properly and

effectively cost almost anywhere

on the planet.

You do not need to live in

tropical or desert climates to

benefit from this strength. It has

been used successfully in many

cold climates and even in the

Polar Regions.

Every part of the United States

receives enough sunlight to

harness and use solar technology.

Currently, the cheapest and most effective way of using

this type of energy in your home is through the use of solar

water heating systems. Even solar water heating systems

have been available commercially in the United States for

more than a year.

Solar energy can be used for heating

homes effectively in cold climates and in

warmer climates. Even the sun warming has

been widely used in cold-climate northern

European countries for several decades now.

Solar technology has advanced to the

point where it now can be a substitute for

appropriate and cost-effective electricity for

the regular-grid.

Today more and more people are

interested in using tools with solar energy, so

much so that demand for solar-powered

gadget is currently greater than supply.

Solar energy can be used to

provide electricity and hot water heaters for

homes and for heating swimming pools. Many

pools in Scandinavia and Europe turned out to

use solar heating.

Solar energy can also be used to run solar-powered

vehicles such as cars and even solar-powered aircraft.

NASA has successfully designed and built to test aircraft

operated entirely by solar power.



Solar bricks charge during the day;

after 8 hours of light, they will

automatically glow at night.

Solar Backpacks

Solar backpacks have flexible, light solar

panels on the outside which generate and

store surplus energy. These packs come

equipped with standard adapters for cell

phones and MP3 devices.

Solar Furniture

Patio furniture have flexible, light solar panels on the

outside which generate and store surplus energy.

These packs come equipped with standard adapters

for cell phones and MP3 devices. The various pieces

soak up the sun so that when night falls, mood

lighting won't be a problem.



Solar flashlights are just

as bright as the

flashlights you have used

before, but the built-in,

rechargeable battery

stores three hours of

power from solar energy.

Stuck in a pinch? Some

come with built-in

emergency cell phone

chargers as well, so you'll

never be out of reach.

Solar Road Studs

Solar road studs are super luminous LED

lights that range in colors. Strong enough for 20

tons of automobile, these guys are used on

particularly dangerous roads. They store up

energy during the day and can shine in the dark

for over 100 hours.

Solar Airplanes

Solar airplanes, like the

Solar Impulse that is being

created and tested right now,

use solar panels on top of

the long, wide aircraft wings

to store up enough energy to

continue flying through the

night. As of July 10th, the

Solar Impulse completed the

first 26-hour solar flight in


Solar Soccer

BallsA normal-looking soccer

ball, only with audio signals

and motion detectors

powered by solar energy.

Solar soccer balls are

designed to give vision-

impaired footballers a

heads up when the ball is


Solar Lighters

From bonfires to your 10-minute smoke

break, solar lighters are the cheapest and

most eco-friendly ways to light up. This is

the same type of device (only smaller) as

what lights the Olympic torch. A mini-

parabolic disc, the spark lighter focuses

the sun onto your tinder placed in the

center prongs until flames appear.

Solar Watches

No tricks here – it's just a watch. These guys will keep

themselves charged for as long as the sun keeps shining.

Solar Bug


Typically, garden pest control items are powered by electricity

or by batteries. Solar powered zappers charge their batteries

throughout the day and automatically turn on at night. You're

evening picnics will be bug-free

Solar Clothes


Solar-charged batteries

keep the contraption

rotating so your damp

delicates dry evenly in the


Solar Powered Self-

Cooling Summer Hats

Hats with solar-powered fans that help keep you cool when the

weather gets hot. They claim to prevent sunstroke and

overheating, but these guys have fashion faux pas written all

over them. Tiny solar panels on the top or brim of the hat power

fans that fluff a gentle, cooling breeze on your face.

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